The protocol on nominee nomination at the federal stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "Best By Profession" in the nomination "The best beekeeper. Submission of the competition "Best By Profession" The characteristic of the competition is the best in profession

Russian Orthodox Church

work with children and young people

Yuryeva Svetlana Anatolyevna

Job title

Competitive Direction:


Yurieva Svetlana Anatolyevna is a teacher of biology, geography, higher qualifying category, work experience 25 years.

Svetlana Anatolyevna is a highly qualified, creative, creatively thinking teacher.The winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation (2006), conducted within the framework of the national project "Education". It is the finalist of the regional contest "Teacher of the Year - 2004" (the winner in the nomination "Pedagogical discovery (teacher-researcher)").The work of the teacher on innovative technology of educational training D. B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov was marked by a diploma of the International Association "Developing Training" (2004).

Lessons Svetlana Anatolyevna are distinguished by a business, creative atmosphere of cooperation, a student teacher who contributes to the formation of an independent style of thinking, the development of the culture of the personality of students. The teacher seeks to complete the learning, the implementation of the creative abilities of students, increase learning motivation.

Abstracts of lessons for grade 10 under the section "Basics of Genetics and Bloods" were presented by Svetlana Anatolyevna at the All-Russian Teacher Teacher Competition and posted on the founder's website of the competition.

The educational site "The Music System of the Organism", created under the leadership of Svetlana Anatolyevna, in 2004 received an incentive prize in the nomination "Educational Region. Natural-mathematical cycle, "included in the federal catalog of the Ministry of Education and Science" Educational resources of the Internet network for the main general and secondary (full) general education "as an electronic study manual.

The teacher leads a systematic work with gifted children. Her students are the winners and prize-winners of the regional, federal biology olympiads: 2005 - 2 people - the Laureates of the I degree of the All-Russian remote heuristic Olympiad of the Schiglikov; 2008 - 3rd place in the IV Federal District Tour of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren.

Svetlana Anatolyevna leads a variety of effective extracurricular activities on the subject. For six years, he has been managing the work of a school research society. Members of the Society are mastering research technology, applications for the organization of self-education, reflection of their activities. Studying students were presented on municipal, regional, federal competitions: 2003-2004 Uch.G. - All-Russian competition "Application for success - 2003. Encyclopedist" on creating educational websites (finalists in the nomination "Natural Sciences"), regional fair of youth initiatives of the Murmansk region (participant's diploma); 2005-2006 Uch.G. - All-Russian Open Competition of Research, Design and Creative Works of Pupils "First Steps" (Laureate Laureate Diploma), All-Russian Essay Competition "School - a house in which ..." (laureate), X International Competition of Children's Handwritten Book "We are different, But we are friends "(certificate of the participant).

Svetlana Anatolyevna masters the latest achievements in pedagogical science and practice, in the professional field of knowledge. Member of the All-Russian Open Competition "Pedagogical Innovations - 2006". He was awarded the diploma II degree of the winner of the competition. Through self-education, the teacher studies the problems of modern pedagogy, psychology, didactics and the use of information and communicative technologies in the lesson. As part of self-education is engaged in research work. Prepared and published research works on the topics "24 reasons to get rid of the sense of guilt" (Magazine "Folk Education" No. 8, 2002); "Knowledge - children of surprise and curiosity" (Magazine "Methodist", №3, 2005); "The motives of training and pedagogical labor in Swedish and in Russian: Compare?" (Magazine "Folk Education", №7, 2006)

The creative approach of Yuryeva S.A. manifests itself in her work as a class manager. Its classes are distinguished by social activity, benevolent relationships, initiative, since the educational work of the teacher is based on the use of various forms of student self-government. The experience of Svetlana Anatolyevna as a class leader is represented at the regional scientific and practical conference "Innovation as a condition for the competitiveness of the educational institution", 2006.

Svetlana Anatolyevna enjoys well-deserved authority and respect among colleagues, students, parents.

Yuryeva Svetlana Anatolyevna was awarded the "Excellent Enlightenment" icon (1993), the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2005).

Russian Orthodox Church

Murmansk and Monchegorsk Diocese

Committee on the Education of the Murmansk region

Regional stage of the All-Russian Competition of Pedagogy Works,

work with children and young people

"For the moral feat of the teacher"

Rimitan Irina Igorevna

Job title

Values \u200b\u200bas the basis of spiritual and moral education (or dialogue on contacts).

Competitive Direction:

  1. Best Innovative Year Development
  2. Best Pedagogical Study of the Year
  3. Best publishing draft year
  4. The best program of spiritual and moral education of children and young people
  5. The best program of civilian-patriotic education of children and young people
  6. Teachers of Higher School - High School
  7. For the development and implementation of events in the framework of the Year of the Family


Rimitan Irina Igorevna is a teacher-psychologist, 1 qualification category, work experience of 10 years.

Irina Igorevna is a creative working, which has a high level of professional knowledge of the teacher-psychologist. Modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process effectively applies in the educational process: developing training on the system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Dodavdov, information and communication, technology of differentiated learning, multi-time cooperation.

The work experience was presented at the scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of practical psychology" (Murmansk, 2005) on the topic "Psychological support of the support of the teacher", at district scientific and practical conferences and seminars on topics: "Dialogue on contacts or positions participants of the educational process "(2008)," The interaction of a psychologist with educational institutions "(2007), at the district seminar" Interactive activities as a method for managing the educational process on the system D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Dodavydova " 2005

Students respect Irina Igorevna for the validity of the requirements, for the ability to see in every student personality. Irina Igorevna enjoys well-deserved authority among colleagues, parents learning.

Director of MOU Sosh No. 8 G. Kovdora O.V. Kuznetsov


order Committee on Education

Murmansk region

from __________________ № ____________

Russian Orthodox Church

Murmansk and Monchegorsk Diocese

Committee on the Education of the Murmansk region

Regional stage of the All-Russian Contest of Work

in the field of pedagogy, working with children and young people

"For the moral feat of the teacher"

Yuryev Svetlana Anatolyevna

Rimitan Irina Igorevna

Job title:

Values \u200b\u200bas the basis of spiritual and moral education (or dialogue on contacts)

Competitive Direction:

  1. Best Innovative Year Development
  2. Best Pedagogical Study of the Year
  3. Best publishing draft year
  4. The best program of spiritual and moral education of children and young people
  5. The best program of civilian-patriotic education of children and young people
  6. Teachers of Higher School - High School
  7. For the development and implementation of events in the framework of the Year of the Family

Brief abstract

purpose : Search for ways to build a dialogue between a teacher, a student and parents who contribute to the spiritual and moral development of the personality of a citizen of Russia.

Working as a class manager for more than 20 years, and in the past few years, together with a school psychologist, come to understand the fact that the cornerstone in the work of education is the problem of "fathers and children". Rather, the problem of the values \u200b\u200bof "fathers and children". The clash of generations was always, and we know about it. However, today's peculiarity is the erosion or destruction of the historically established values \u200b\u200bof Russians. This is how Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachov told about it:

"I think my mind of the 21st century as a century of the development of humanitarian culture, culture of good and raising ... The revival of a person's reputation as something higher, which should be held by everyone, the revival of the conscientiousness and the concept of honor - in general, what we need in the 21st century. Not only Russian, of course, but especially Russian, because it is precisely this that we have been largely lost in our ill-fated 20 century. "

Yuryeva Svetlana Anatolyevna

Place of work or occupation: MOU SOSH №8, Biology teacher

Honorary titles: Excellence of Folk Enlightenment (Decision No. 199 dated 27.10.93)

  1. Finalist of the All-Russian Competition of Projects for the Use of Computer Technology in Education "Application for Success-2003: Encyclopedist". Internet resource "The Musculoskeletal system of the body" (Teacher - Project Manager). (2003)
  2. "Teacher of the Year of the Murmansk region" - the winner in the nomination "Teacher-researcher" (2004)
  3. Winner of the competitive selection of the best teachers of the Murmansk region in the framework of the priority national project "Education" (2006)
  4. Winner of the Regional Competition "Best Online Lesson" (2008)

Rimitan Irina Igorevna

Place of work or occupation: MOU SOSH №8, Pedagogical psychologist

Availability of premiums, prizes and other awards:

  1. Diploma for a great contribution to the formation and development of the educational system of educational training D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydova (2004);
  2. Honorary diploma of the head of the Kovdorsky district (2003);
  3. Gratitude to the administration of the Kovdorsky district (2002);
  4. Mode of education of the Kovdorsky district (2000).


Characteristic - View

for a student of MBOU in Voznesenskaya Sosh

Shishishko Anastasia.

Shishishko Anastasia, student of grade 10, is studying at this school from the first class. During the training, there shows excellent knowledge for all general educational subjects. Curious, purposeful, manifests interest in the study of humanitarian disciplines.

Since childhood, Nastya manifested itself to dancing. From elementary school, she visits the choreographic circle "Grace", where it seeks visible results.

Shishzhenko Anastasia is the captain of the "Rhythms of the Century" team, which took 1 place at the level of the district and the Rostov region increative competition of school dance groups "Startineger".

Shishishko Anastasiamember of the V-th regional forum of high school students "Step to Future-2015"; Member of the Forum Patriots "We are the Future of Russia"as part of the social project "The future begins with us!"

Anastasia takes part in team competitions, Olympics.

Thus, in the VI district Olympiad of young researchers, Anastasia acted as part of a 10th grade team in the "Medicine" competition, which took place II and has a grateful letter for victory.

Participant of district athletics competitions in Cross.

Participant of the Competition in the Russian language "Russian Bear-Linguistic Linguistics for All" Certificate of the Participant.

He has a certificate of a participant in the creative contest - "Engineers - the future of the country", which was conducted by the Polytechnic Institute (Branch of DGTU G. Tanganrog).

Member of the All-Russian Distance Olympiad in the Russian language, Certificate of the participant -24 point of 30.

Anastasia has a diploma of the Winner of the All-Russian School Stage Olympics in social studies and a diploma of the winner of the All-Russian School Stage Olympiad in literature.

Anastasia is a participant in the volunteer movement. She took an active part in organizing DK activities: "Epiphany Sunday", "Maslennaya walk, the holiday" Last Call ", the action" We are Russians ", participant in the festival" Youth - Our Planet "

Her interests are diverse, she has time to cope with any instruction.

Anastasia takes an active part in class and school life. Participates in drawing up scenarios of events and is leading in many cool clocks: "New Year's Masquerade Ball" (for high school students), "About valor, feat and glory"the event on the work of the greatest poet of Russia Alexander Alexandrovich Blok;"Social networks:" for or mind "(for students of grades 6)," Meeting with interesting people ", Leading rally and participant in the "Candle of Memory.

Leadership qualities, project competences, wide range, deep objective knowledge, purposefulness and responsibility are the basis for its success in the educational process. Anastasia has a commendable sheet "For excellent successes in the teaching" and an honorary certificate "For excellent studies and active participation in our local and district events"

Anastasia is an old-fashioned class. She is a responsive person, a good friend, enjoying respect for classmates. This is a person who does not stop on the achieved, confidently goes forward and leads others.

Class leader: Demyanenko E.N.

Help-view on the applicant MBOU "Ivanovo Sosh"

for the award of the title "The Best By Profession in 2016"

in the nomination "The best chemistry teacher"

position held

MBOU "Ivanovo Sosh"

Chemistry teacher

7. Date of birth (number, month, year)

8. Place of birth

Tambov region, Bondar district, p. Arable corner.

9. Education (full name

educational organization

year of ending)

Higher, Tambov State Pedagogical Institute, 1983

11. What state and departmental (sectoral) awards, award-winning Moscow region, the Stupinsky municipal district - municipal and departmental - awarded (a), the date of awarding (for all pedagogical activities)

1. The permanent certificate of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region (Order No. 275-K according to the MO of 09/07/2005)

2. Digital Century Teacher from the School of the Digital Age. Moscow, 2015

3.Pumenical grades of management of the Education Stupinsky district, 2006

4.Well grades Administration of Stupinsky district, 2007

5.Weight grades Administration of the Stupinsky Municipal District, 2009

6. Mission of the Council of Deputies of the Rural Settlement "Semenovskoye", 2011.

7. Thank youth of the head of the Stupinsky Municipal District, 2015

8. Limit of the participant in the annual prize of the Governor of the Moscow Region "Our Moscow region", 2015

12. Work experience: common / industry

32 g 6 months / 32 g 6 months

13. Work experience in this organization

31 g. 6 months

14. Characteristic on the applicant (Specific merits must be reflected in the characterization, the achievements of the candidate for 2014-2016)

1. Productivity of educational activities of the teacher: Dynamics of educational results of students (pupils) (specify in% by year)

2.Productivity of the educational training teacher (pupils):

2.1. Number of participants / winners / winners of the Municipal Stage Vosh (on years)

2.2. Number of participants / winners / winners of the regional stage (on years)-not.

2.3. Results of students (pupils) in other Olympiads, Competitions in accordance with the lists approved by the Ministry of Defense and Mo (by year, indicating the name of the competition and the result of participation)

School level

Intelligent game "Chemistry and Life"

Winners - 5 certificate MKOU "Ivanovo Sosh" from 06/22/2015

Extracurricular event in the Chemistry "Intellectual Ring"

Winners-1, medalists-2 Help MKOU "Ivanovo SOSH" Se22.06.2015

Chemical game "Intellectual Express"

Winners -2 Help MKOU "Ivanovo Sosh" from 06/22/2015

Extracurricular event in chemistry "And well-ka, catch!"

Winners -1 Help MKOU "Ivanovo Sosh" from 06/22/2015


Intelligent game "Piggy Bank Knowledge"

Help MBOU DPO IMC from 24.06. 2014

Intelligent game "Chemistry in rebusters and riddles"

Winner -1, participants -2

2.4. Results of students (pupils) in otherolympics, Competitions, Conferences out of lists approved by the Ministry of Defense and Mo (by years, indicating the level of the competition, starting with the municipal and higher, the name of the competition and the result of participation)


All-Russian Competition "Question" (Blitz Olympiad "Future Oilmen and Gazovikov"

2 Winners

International Internet Chemistry Olympiad for Grade 8

Diploma 1 degree


All-Russian Creative Competition "Creativity Without Borders" (Metals and Nemetalla)

2 winners

december 2016.

All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad (Rosmedal International Media)

1 winner

III International Contest "Miriada discoveries" in the chemistry "Riddles and Secrets of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements" (Grade 11)

3 place in the region

3. Productivity of the personal contribution of the pedagogical worker in improving the quality of education:

3.1. The spread of your own pedagogical experience (by year, indicating the form: speech, master class, open lesson and TP, Level: oO level, municipal, zonal, regional and TP., Topics, dates, places)

Theme of speech

Conference level(seminar, etc.), Name, location, date

School level

Development of motivation to teaching through associative thinking.

SMO natural-mathematical cycle Protocol No. 4 of 27.03.2014.

The volume of homework on subjects

SMO natural-mathematical cycle. Protocol Shmu number 5 dated 04.04.2014

Methods of problem learning in chemistry lessons.

SMO natural-mathematical cycle. Protocol No. 1 of 28.08.2014

Analysis of the methodical work of teachers of natural-mathematical cycles for 2013-2014 academic year.


Protocol No. 1 dated 29.08. 2014

Certification as a form of advanced training and method of teacher self-realization.

SMO Natural-mathematical cycle Protocol SHO No. 2 of 13.11. 2014

Teacher through the eyes of students.

Pedsovet. Protocol of pedsovet number 3 of 12.01. 2015

Application of test technologies when studying chemistry

SMO natural-mathematical cycle protocol Shmu number 3 dated January 16, 2015

Modern pedagogical technologies in chemistry training.

SMO natural-mathematical cycle. Protocol number 4 of 03/20/2015

Forms and methods of working with gifted children on the subject of chemistry

SMO natural-mathematical cycle. Protocol number 1 of 30.08.2016

Evaluation of students in the light of the requirements of GEF

SMO natural-mathematical cycle. Protocol number 2 dated December 1, 2016


RMO Chemistry teachers. Protocol RMO No. 1 of 26.08.2014

Working with students who are on domestic training

RMO Chemistry teachers. Protocol No. 2 of 06.11.2014

Improving teachers' qualifications by distance learning.

RMO Chemistry teachers. Protocol number 3 dated December 30, 2014

Improving the quality of students' knowledge through the remote learning method: pros and cons.

RMO Chemistry teachers. Protocol number 3 of 11.02.2016

The theme of the open lesson, classes, events, master class, etc.

Level, place and date of the event

School level

Simple nonmetal substances (open lesson 9 class).

MKOU "Ivanovo Sosh" 12.02.2014

Alcohols (open lesson in grade 10).

MKOU "Ivanovo Sosh" 08.10.2014

Halogens (open lesson in grade 9).

MKOU "Ivanovo Sosh" 01/13/2017

Educational event "Teach me, God, Love" at the district seminar in the framework of Christmas readings for teachers Orxe

MBOU "Ivanovo Sosh"


Decision of settlement tasks (open lesson 11 class).

MBOU "Ivanovo Sosh". 03/15/2016

3.2. Print works teacher (by year, indicating the theme and all output data of the publication)

Name of publication

Address Publishing

Methodical development "Analysis of the methodical work of teachers of EMC for 2015"

Educational portal

https: // portalpedagoga .ru


Methodical development of "Tasks for Chemistry Olympiad for Grade 8"

Site site


The program "Marathon of school subjects"

Site site


Methodical development

"Intermediate certification of students of grade 10 in chemistry"

Site site


Scenario "Chemistry in riddles and answers"

Educational portal

https: // ProsVeshhenie .ru


Chemistry Working Program for 10 Class

Educational portal

https: // ProsVeshhenie .ru

Methodical material on the topic: Literary and musical composition "Teach me, God, Love"

Network edition of Roskonkurs https: // roskonkursy .ru

3.3. Page address (professional site) teacher (in the presence of)

but ) (page)

b) teacher's.Site / Popova-Valentina-Mikhailovna (personal site)

3.4. Participation in Competitions of Professional Skill, Result



Online Olympiad in Chemistry "Substances and Connections"


Diploma winner

I degrees

All-Russian Online Testing "Pedjury"

Topic: "The use of information and communication technologies in pedagogical activity"


Diploma winner

I degrees

June 2016

All-Russian Online Testing


Topic: "Theory and Practice of Pedagogical Management"


Diploma winner III

July 2016

All-Russian Online Testing "Total Test"

Topic: "Organization of Methodical Work"


Diploma of the winner of the I degree

September 2016

All-Russian Professional Testing "Center for Development of Pedagogy"

Topic: "Psychology of personality and communication in an educational process"


Certificate Pale

September 2016

Topic: "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the educational sphere"


Diploma of the winner of the II degree

All-Russian Professional Testing "Pedagogical Journal"

Topic: "Basics of pedagogical skill"


Diploma of the winner of the II degree

"Our suburbs"



3.5. Achievements in innovation:

The use of multimedia equipment in the educational process;

Active application of digital technologies;

Introduction of new types of lesson and search for information (computer game lesson, lesson presentation of its projects, project activities, brainstorm lesson), as well as new creative tasks and assessment methods;

Formation of a student's portfolio, teachers;

Wide use of health-saving technologies and environmental protection

3.6. Participation in professional associations, clubs (Name, entry date)

All-Russian Association of Methodist Teachers of Russia - July 2016

3.7. Own professional development (retraining, advanced training courses indicating the topic, year, places - for the entire interpretation period)

Name of courses

Place passing

Passage date

"A modern look at the didactics of the secondary school in the conditions of introducing new GEF"


University "First September", 36 h


The formation of naturally - the scientific picture of the world in high school students when studying natural science in accordance with the requirements of GEF.


01.10-30.04 2015

"Actual problems of techniques of chemistry learning."

University "First September", 72 h


"Development of professional competence of teachers implementing the requirements of the GEF"

moscow. University "First September", 36 h


Modular courses "Program for the development of professional teacher's professional competencies"


University "First September", 216 h


"Psychological and pedagogical competence of a teacher"


LLC Training Center "Professional", 72 h


"Application of information technologies, innovative equipment and software in the educational process"


Institute of Information Technology "ITI"

"Fundamentals of the theory and practice of developing tests for assessing knowledge in chemistry"


University "First September", 72 h

"Evaluation in the conditions of the requirements of the new Federal Educational Standard"


University "First September", 36 h

"Environmental Chemistry"


LLC Training Center "Professional", 108h

3.8. Other (Participation in the jury of contests, expert groups, PMPC, Methodological Association and TP.)

Member of the jury of the School Stage of the All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren-2014

Member of the Jury All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Chemistry 2014 (Municipal Level)

Member of the jury of the School Stage of the All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren - 2015

Member of the Jury All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Chemistry 2015 (Municipal Level)

Member of the Jury All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren in Chemistry 2016

Member of the Jury of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Chemistry 2016 (Municipal Level)

Member of the Jury Municipal Competition for Chemistry "Chemistry in Riddles and Crosswords" 2016 (Municipal Level)

Name of methodological association, level

The head of the school methodological association of teachers of the natural-mathematical cycle in the period from 09/02/2014 to the present (orders number 204/2 dated 09/02/2014; No. 78/3-O d d dated 09/01/2015, No. 102-it 09/02/2016)

15. Consent to the processing of personal data from the applicant received

Expert Commission MBOU "Ivanovskaya SOSH" from 14.02. 2016, Protocol number 1

The accuracy of the information specified in the Help representation confirm.

Deputy Director for UVA _____________ I.V.

Head of SMU natural-mathematical cycle ____________ VM Popova

Head of the Humanitarian Cycle,

chairman of the trade union committee _____________ N.A. Kirillova

Head of SMO primary classes. ______________ E.V.Ivanova

Director of MBOU "Ivanovskaya SOSH" ___________________ E.V. Pascar

"_______" __________________ 2017

At the Kalashnikovsk electrolympore plant, a competition of professional skill "The Best By Profession" was held. The competition, which was held for the first time, was carried out in two stages: theoretical and practical.

In the competition, employees of assembly lines of the enterprise shops in categories took part:

- Packer stacker;

- controller of parts and devices;

- Colevian (soldering);

- Colevian;

- Installer of electrovacuum devices.

The value of this competition is difficult to overestimate, because it is an important element of corporate culture. In addition, he is designed to raise the authority of working specialties.

Competitions for the title "The Best By Profession" also help in solving other major tasks facing the enterprise: improving the efficiency of production, labor productivity, strengthening the professional skills and the development of the creative initiative of employees. And for the participants themselves, the competition is a great way to enhance the personal level of skill.

In the first competition "The Best By Profession" was attended by 5 employees in each category.

Mastery for each area was assessed by highly qualified specialists who are part of the jury. These are employees of the SW and specialists of assembly shops. The Competition Commission was headed by Lepshova N.M., Deputy Director for Production.

Competition participants showed professional knowledge, burdens and optimism. The company is rightly proud of its experienced and cohesive labor collective, consisting of highly qualified, highly professional employees who can perform the most complex and responsible tasks, including in extreme situations.

Following all tests, the winners were:

1. Baranova Natalia Anatolyevna - Packer Stacker.

2. Listopadads Elena Vyacheslavovna - installer of electrical accumulative appliances.

3. Gromova Nadezhda Nikolaevna - Controller of details and appliances.

4. Copytcin Irina Valeryevna - Codoolevik (soldering).

5. Grigorieva Irina Viktorovna - Cocolever.

At the solemn meeting, following the results of the competition, all participants were marked by diplomas, and the winners were awarded a cash prize.

The competition "The Best By Profession" is not only confirmation of professionalism and skill, but also a good material incentive for employees.

Lepshova Nina Mikhailovna, Deputy Director for Production, Chairman of the Competition Commission:

The atmosphere of the competition was friendly. In the competition took part with the desire to win. All participants tried very much.

As noted by other members of the Commission, the initiative competition is necessary and useful, the presence of viewers and fans will make the competition more interesting. Many contestants were pleasantly surprised, revealed from the new side. Attracted the attention of the coordinated job Loginovoy A.G. , stacker - packer. At the height were employees of the technical control department.

Gromotnaya Nare Nikolaevna, Controller of details and appliances:

He behaved calmly, and it helped to win. It was nice to participate in the competition. We all work for a long time, for me it was an ordinary working situation. I jerked a little on theory, but everything went fine. I believe that such contests are needed in our enterprise, but only for relaxing people, and not for the impressionable. Also, I think, such contests need to be honest and fair. And future participants will wish calmness, only calm. Perhaps in the future I will also participate in such contests if invited.

Listopadova Elena Vyacheslavovna, installer of electrovacuum devices:

- Impressions are positive, it seemed very interesting, we were all this, but in general, everything went fine. Winning helped, probably, knowledge of technology, production, experience and what I have been working for a long time. The most difficult during the competition was an excitement! It was difficult to cope with him. I believe that such contests in our company are needed, especially young girls. Despite the fact that I won and received a cash prize, I think that in the future I will not participate in such contests. It is very difficult to cope with excitement. It's time to give the road to the young, so I wish to delve into the production to future participants, everything is known to be interested.

Grigorieva Irina Viktorovna, Colevik:

Everything was fine, questions on theories were also normal. Knowledge and what have been working for a long time - helped take first place. It was difficult when it was met first on a shallow lamp, then on a large one. It was hard to rebuilt immediately. I think that such competitions in our company are needed that young people study. In the future, it may take once again participating in the competition, but everything will depend on the situation and mood. Future participants wish success and to learn more and deliberate into production.

Kopytzin Irina Valerievna, Colevier (soldering):

When only announced a contest, we experienced everything because the first time was held. Nobody did not want to first. Worried that we have a large lamp in the workshop, and the practical stage was carried out on a shallow lamp. It was difficult, but we tried. I think that the victory was tested, slowness. I did everything as I do usually on the line. At first there was an excitement, but when they sat on the jobs - everything became fine. The fact that the contest was not at the usual workplace created certain difficulties. I had to pick up a line, fire, soldering, to configure everything. No wonder they say that houses and walls help. I believe that the contests at the enterprise are needed both and more often, for example, a contest for women in needlework. I don't plan to participate once again in such a competition, we have many other professions, they also need to compete. I wish the future participants to not worry, there is nothing terrible. Just need to work, as usual and try a little. I would like to say to the organizers so that the competition is held in his workshop, because we have a completely different lamp. Although it was not very important to me, since I have experience with a shallow lamp, but other participants did not work with a small lamp, it was difficult for them. It is important that before the competition, it is given to try, try on, and not immediately start to solder.

Baranova Natalya Anatolyevna, Stacker - Packaging:

Everything was fine, in the victory the main thing is the experience. There was a little bit that many spectators were around, and everyone looked at me during the competition. But, in principle, nothing complicated. I think that such a competition can be done for the adjusters. I wish you success to future participants, and to try to work. The only wishes to the organizers are to hold a contest on the usual workplace, for example, we have less speed on our large lamp, so it is difficult to immediately adapt to immediately.

Svetlana Korovashkin, Calz Human Resources Manager

Protocol number ___

on nominee nomination at the Federal Stage of the All-Russian Competition

professional skills "Best By Profession"

"___" ___________ 20___


(F. I.O., position)


members of the Regional Competition Commission:

(F. I.O., position)

(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)

secretary of the Regional Competition Commission:


(F. I.O., position)

1. Consideration of the results of completion of competitive tasks
and the nomination of candidates to participate in the federal stage "The Best By Profession" in the nomination "The Best Beekeeper" was held in _____________________________________


(specify the place of the regional stage of the competition)

(The results of a competitive selection on candidates who took 1-3 places)

2. The Regional Competition Commission reviewed the results of the Competitive Tasks and adopted the following decision:

According to the results of the completion of competitive tasks

(F. I.O. Employee, Name of the Organization)

it is recognized as the winner in the nomination "Best Beekeeper" at the regional stage and is put forward to participate in the federal stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skills "Best By Profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper" from ____________________________________________________________.

(Name of the subject of the Russian Federation)













All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"



to participate in the federal stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "Best By Profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"




(name of the legal entity)

declares participation ____________________________________________________

(F. I.O. Member of the Competition)

at the federal stage of the All-Russian competition "The Best By Profession", conducted in 2017, in the nomination "Best Beekeeper".

With the conditions and procedure for holding the competition and agree.

The following documents are attached to the application:

Copy of the participant's passport;

Protocol on nomineer nomination at the federal stage of the Competition in the form appendices number this Regulation with the accompanying letter of the authorized body of the Government of the Region;

Personal sheet in accounting of frames of the participant of the federal stage of the competition with its passport data and contact phone;

A copy of the certificate of the total work experience of the beekeeper (extract from the employment record or certificate of local governments of the rural settlement at the place of residence);

Color or black and white photo 4x6 cm Participant of the federal stage of the competition;

A copy of the certificate of initial, secondary vocational education or a copy of the certificate about the general education of the participant in the federal stage of the competition, if there is a copy of a higher education diploma;

Copies of diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates
on raising the qualifications, retraining (if any) of the participant in the federal stage of the competition;

Summary of the main results of the organization in which the contestant works, over the past two years by the Profession "Beekeeper";

Information on the implementation of the participant in the federal stage of the competition or with its direct participation of advanced technologies (if available, indicate what), copies of rationalization proposals (if available);

Photos and video materials characterizing the work of the contestant, including on electronic media (in the presence of these materials);

Characteristic to the participant in the federal stage of the competition, reflecting the main results of professional activity, training with the specific merit of the contestant and professional achievements, the availability of awards, diplomas (name, date of delivery), work experience in the competitive profession, qualification, participation in contests;

A notarized copy of the discharge from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the certificate of the Administration of the Rural settlement at the place of residence of the contestant;

Information about the accompanying participant of the Competition of Persons (Contact Phones, Passport Data).

The completeness and accuracy of the information specified in this statement and the documents attached to it are guaranteed.

Applicant details (organization (branch):



(actual address)

registered (created - for branches) "" _________________ 20__



(body registered by the applicant's legal entity)

«____" _______________2017

* The applicant (the head of the Organization) may be the local government authority of the rural settlement at the place of residence of the competition participant, if the participant in the federal stage of the competition is a beekeeper of a personal subsidiary farm.


All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Protocol number ___
opening envelopes with materials
to participate in the federal stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"___" _________ 2017

1. At the meeting of the expert working group on the consideration of the materials of the participants of the All-Russian competition of professional skill "The best
by profession, "in the nomination" Best Beekeeper "at the federal stage (hereinafter - the expert group, competition) was attended by:

Chairman of the expert group:


(F. I.O., position)

Members of the Expert Group:


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)

2. The procedure for opening the envelopes and consideration of materials for participation in the competition was held "____" __________ 2017 in _____________________


(specify the place of procedure)

The beginning of the procedure __ hours __ minutes (local time).

3. As of "___" ____________2017 for the procedure
opening was presented ____ (________________) Sealed envelopes

(number in words)

with materials to participate in the competition at the federal stage.

4. Before the start of opening of envelopes with materials on participation in the competition, no application was revoked / was withdrawn ___ (_______________) applications.

(number in words)

5. Opening envelopes with materials on participation in the competition was carried out by the secretary of the expert group in accordance with the log of registration of envelopes with materials for participation in the competition with the announcement with respect to each envelope with the following information materials:

Surname, first name, patronymic of the participant of the competition;

The name of the organization (for a legal entity), an educational institution that submitted materials to the participants of the competition;

Competition's nomination;

Availability of information and documents provided for by the documentation
about holding a competition.

6. The expert group in accordance with the requirements and conditions established in the documentation for the Competition decided:

6.1. Allow the following participants in the contest at the federal stage of the following participants in the competition:

6.2. Reject applications for participation in the competition at the federal stage of the following participants in the contest:


to the Regulation on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


the results of the theoretical task

in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Chairman expert

(signature) (F. I.O.)

Members of expert

working Group

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)


to the Regulation on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


the results of the implementation of the practical task number 1

participants in the Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "The Best By Profession"

in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Chairman expert

working Group _______________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

Members of expert

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)


to the Regulation on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


the results of the implementation of the practical task number 2

participants in the Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "The Best By Profession"

in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Chairman expert

working Group _______________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

Members of expert

working Group ________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)


to the Regulation on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


the results of the implementation of the practical task number 3

participants in the Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "The Best By Profession"

in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Chairman expert

working Group _______________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

Members of expert

working Group ________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)


to the Regulation on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


the results of the implementation of the practical task number 4

participants in the Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "The Best By Profession"

in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Chairman expert

working Group _______________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

Members of expert

working Group ________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)


to the Regulation on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


participants in the Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Mastery "Best By Profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Chairman expert

working Group _______________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

Members of expert

working Group ________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)

________________ ________________

(signature) (F. I.O.)


to the Regulation on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


(estimated) statement of the results of the completion of competitive tasks (theoretical and practical)

participants in the Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


to the Regulation on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Protocol number ____

considering the results of completion of competitive tasks by participants

The Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Mastery "Best By Profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

"___" _______ 2017

1. At the meeting of the Expert Working Group, to consider the results of the implementation of the Competitive Tasks by the participants of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Mastery "The Best By Profession" in the nomination "The Best Beekeeper" at the federal stage were attended by:

Chairman of the Expert Working Group


(F. I.O., position)

Members of the Expert Working Group:


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)

2. The procedure for considering the results of the execution of competitive tasks was carried out "___" _________________________________________________________________.

(specify venue)

3. The procedure for consideration of the results of the Competition Officers was presented with a list of contest participants from _________________________________

(number in words)

nominees who fulfilled competitive tasks and included in the consolidated assessment statement.

4. The Expert Working Group considered the results of the fulfillment of competitive tasks in accordance with the approved criteria and adopted the following decision on the winners and winners of the Competition on the "Best Beekeeper" nomination:

5. On the basis of this Protocol, the Expert Working Group will prepare a draft decision on applicants for prizes on the specified nomination for consideration.


Regulations on the holding of the Moscow Regional Stage

All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill

"The best in profession" in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

Protocol number ___

on the results of the Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "The Best By Profession"

in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"

"___" _______ 2017

1. At the meeting of the Moscow Regional Competition Commission, to consider the results of the federal stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "The Best By Profession" were attended by:


Moscow Regional Competition Commission


(F. I.O., position)

Members of Moscow Regional

competition Commission:


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)

2. The procedure for considering the results of the Moscow Regional Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skill "The Best By Profession" was held "___" ___________________________________.

(specify venue)

3. To consider the results of the Moscow Regulatory stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Skills "The Best By Profession" in the Moscow Regional Competition Commission, the Protocol and the decision of the Expert Working Group in the nomination "Best Beekeeper" on the consideration of the results of the Competition Options for this nomination, a consolidated estimation of The results of the execution of competitive tasks with the list of applicants for prizes.

4. The Moscow Regional Competition Commission considered the results of the Moscow Regulatory Stage of the All-Russian Competition of Professional Mastery "Best By Profession" and adopted the following decision on the winner and winners of the competition in the nomination "Best Beekeeper"


Moscow Regional Competition Commission


(F. I.O., position)

Members of Moscow Regional

competition Commission:


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)


(F. I.O., position)