Congratulations on the day of the cadre worker. Double professional holiday: the day of the personnel officer in Russia Day of the personnel officer when and where did he appear

Qualified staff will enable any organization to succeed. Employees dedicated to recruiting, motivating, and keeping track of new employees have a professional celebration. There are personnel departments in almost any company, there are a lot of personnel officers in the country, so they have two whole holidays - October 12 and May 24. Both are not considered official, but they are still marked by employees who have anything to do with working with personnel: from recruiting and training specialists to heads of human resources services.

history of the holiday

Both dates have their own history. On October 12, the first personnel departments of the internal affairs bodies were created in Russia. Gradually, not only police officers, but also representatives of other enterprises began to celebrate the celebration. Already in this century, they decided to arrange another holiday that has nothing to do with Soviet roots. It is traditionally celebrated on May 24, and this date was chosen in connection with the decision of the authorities Russian Empire, which was published back in 1835. However, the October date should not be overlooked either.

The purpose of the above document is to streamline the relationship between employees and their management. It is he who is one of the first legal acts on the obligations of the parties and labor. Then the relationship between the employer and his subordinate began to gradually form, which since that moment have gone a long way of development.

Due to the fact that this holiday has no official status, personnel workers celebrate one or the other, and sometimes both of these dates. This speaks of a kind of flexibility of the solemn day. Indeed, everyone has the right to choose when it is more convenient for him to meet with colleagues at a festive table or as part of a corporate party.

The professional day of Russian cadres resembles a gopher from a famous movie. The holiday has not been officially approved, but it exists. Moreover, already twice a year! How did it happen? When, who and how celebrates it? Let's figure it out together in this confusing but very interesting story.

Personnel Officer Day in Russia - historical background

HR specialists are available at every enterprise. Even if the company is very small, it has a person who performs the functions of the HR department, even if part-time. Agree, it's a shame that the necessary and important specialists do not have their own official holiday.

The participants of the All-Russian Personnel Congress, which took place at the end of May 2005, proposed to rectify the situation. They considered that the best contender for the "Personnel Officer Day" is the date of publication of the decree of the Government of the Russian Empire, which regulated the relations of the owners industrial enterprises and their wage earners. It was May 24, 1835 ... As you can see, the personnel business in Russia originated almost two centuries ago. We can say that supporters of the personnel classics and admirers of professional history prefer to celebrate the day of the personnel officer on May 24.

Another important event happened October 12, 1918 - The People's Commissariat of Justice approved the instruction on the organization of the Soviet militia. And what does the personnel department have to do with it, you ask? The thing is that it was under the militia that the first personnel departments in the young Soviet state appeared. So on October 12, the day of the personnel officer is celebrated mainly by personnel workers of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Whom to congratulate

It would seem an excellent solution: one profession has two holiday dates at once. But the story of the “multi-part” holiday does not end there.

The widespread belief that HR day and day personnel worker - This is the same. However, in practice it is even more interesting!

Technological progress does not stop, it changes the economy, industry and other aspects of our life. Including - technologies for working with personnel. New requests and new specialties appear in this area. Such as HR - recruiting specialists or "bounty hunters". They also have a professional day - the third Saturday in September. As you can see, the workers are personnel, and the holiday is separate.

And in some enterprises, personnel officers are honored at all on the day the company was founded or the establishment of a local personnel service... In a word, there are many reasons to congratulate valuable workers. Here are just indicative list specialists worth remembering when HR day is celebrated:

  • Specialists in the selection, training and adaptation of personnel.
  • HR managers and inspectors.
  • Specialists in benefits and compensation.

How to mark

With the question of when the day of the personnel officer is celebrated, we figured out a little. You can move on to the most interesting - how to celebrate. There are many options here too.

Corporate traditions

Among the tasks of the personnel department: formation staffing table, registration of employment, monitoring of compliance labor legislation and much more. The formation of the PTP and the management strategy cannot do without personnel officers. And you also need to constantly be aware of legislative changes in order to protect the enterprise from the dissatisfaction of the GIT and fines. In short, a good cadre worker is worth its weight in gold, and wise leaders understand this.

At the enterprises, by the date when the day of the personnel officer is celebrated, they traditionally timed incentives for valuable workers.

Top list:

  1. records in a personal file,
  2. thanks or certificates of honor,
  3. valuable gifts,
  4. awards,
  5. enhancements.

Helpful solutions

Since there is no unambiguous answer to the question of what date is the day of a personnel officer in Russia, large-scale events dedicated to personnel issues are held in May and October. This is a great opportunity to meet with colleagues working at other enterprises, exchange experiences, get useful information and practical recommendations.

For example, you can go to one of the seminars in 2020. The pre-order is already open.

Congratulate colleagues

Personnel officers are congratulated by both employees of other services and colleagues. Often serious and sometimes joking. If you are preparing a congratulation for someone, below are some funny poems.

On our common HR day
In October, September, or May,
Colleague, I sincerely wish
So that all things go along the shopping mall!

HR master!
I wish you boldly:
For achievements in work
The team will be held in high esteem.
So that everything is always clear
In documents and reports.
And so that the bosses of the award
Gave on time.

So do not ask yourself when it is better to celebrate the day of the personnel officer - May 24 or October 12. Use both reasons to congratulate your colleagues and yourself. In the end, you deserve it because you often work for two - for yourself and a little for that guy: an accountant, HR manager, archivist, lawyer, and even a psychologist.

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On October 12, 1918, in Soviet Russia, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved a document with the title: "Instruction on the Organization of the Soviet Workers 'and Peasants' Militia." It was under the workers 'and peasants' militia of the RSFSR that the Bolsheviks created the first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This document became the starting point regulatory legal act in the creation and adjustment of the activities of the personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies of Russia. The instruction formulated the basic principles of recruiting, training and serving in the police, contributed to the formation of an integral system of personnel support for the police.

As an independent structural unit central office GU K has existed since the creation (May 11, 1930) of the Personnel Directorate of the NKVD of the RSFSR. In different periods, its structure, departmental affiliation and name changed; the current name is the Human Resources Department since 2004.

In order to preserve the continuity in the activities of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, to promote historical traditions, the available advanced experience, October 12, 1918 was declared the day of the creation of the personnel service.

The personnel service of the Internal Affairs Directorate for ZAO GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow consists of a number of personnel support units - this is a personnel department, a vocational training department, a personnel inspection, a department of moral and psychological support. The personnel service is entrusted with various tasks: selection of candidates for work, recruiting of units, training, education of personnel, and their social protection. The work of the personnel service in the selection and placement of worthy, professionally trained employees and managers at key positions in the ATC and its subdivisions, since the success of all reforms is directly related to their staffing.

Today the personnel department of the Internal Affairs Directorate is a close-knit, efficient team, capable of successfully solving the tasks facing it.

On the Day of the formation of the personnel service, we say special words of gratitude to the veterans and pensioners who have worked for many years in the personnel units of the Internal Affairs Directorate. For many years they organized a system of service training and professional development of personnel, improved the management of personnel processes, interacted with all structural units management, while having the necessary professional and human qualities, such as: mastery of the basics of psychology and sociology, integrity, endurance, responsiveness, the ability to maintain a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

In our work, we try to keep in touch with our veterans, they are always welcome guests at our solemn events. It is difficult to overestimate their help in educational work with young employees of the department.

The recent rejuvenation of the personnel of our Department of Internal Affairs also imposes special requirements on personnel workers, who should be able to determine among candidates for the service of future investigators or criminal investigators who are capable of their personal and business qualities, physical fitness and state of health to fulfill the duties assigned to police officers.

All measures taken by the personnel apparatus of the ATC are aimed at forming a system where decent, honest and professionally trained people should work.

At present, the personnel units of the ATC successfully solve the tasks of preserving and strengthening human resources ATC, the introduction of new forms of work, the creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in service teams, the professional and moral development of employees, their social protection.

The success of the ATC activity largely depends on your well-coordinated work, knowledge and experience.

We express our confidence that the tasks assigned to the personnel service of the ATC and the units for work with personnel will be successfully completed with the competence and professionalism inherent in you.

On behalf of the ATC management, we congratulate all employees and veterans of the ATC personnel units on their professional holiday!

With all our heart we wish you good health, prosperity and success in the noble cause of serving Russia!

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the original site!

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October 12 - Day of the formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1918)


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October 12 - Day of the formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1918) - Moscow

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On October 12, 1918, in Soviet Russia, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved a document with the title:
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At the very beginning of spring, on March 8, 2020, the inhabitants of planet Earth celebrate a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

In Russia, March 8 is a non-working holiday. In 2020, it falls on Sunday, which Russians already have a "traditional" day off. Well, what about Monday? We tell you what kind of day off or working day it is.

According to the law, if a non-working day in the Russian Federation falls on an official day off, then the day off is postponed to the next working day.

Accordingly, Sunday 8 March 2020 becomes a public holiday, and the day off is postponed to Monday 9 March 2020.

That is, March 9, 2020 in Russia is a day off or a working day:
* March 9, 2020 is a day off.

Also on this day, another full moon occurs, which coincides with one of the Supermoons of 2020. If we are lucky with the weather (there will be a clear sky), after sunset we will be able to observe a huge, beautiful moon.

In the future, a revision of pensions for work experience awaits working pensioners ( from August 1, 2020), and military pensioners from October 1, 2020.