See the Difference: How Much Does Good Copywriting Cost? There is no optimal article length! Your opinion is not more than 1000 characters extra

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand. "

Every order for Advego or another is a small war. You want a good, high-quality and optimized article on the site, and the copywriter, who has promised mountains of gold for a small price, gives a curved rewrite of the first text that comes across. You want clear, interesting and catchy text on your home page, but you get the classic "selling" bullshit that doesn't actually sell. You are desperate. You want to go home so this will end soon. But you still don’t want to pay more, because this is just a text and you don’t understand at all why certain performers ask for such money. Let's figure out how much copywriting actually costs and why the quality of content directly depends on the price for work.

What is the cost of copywriting per 1000 characters?

From a bunch of factors. And the point here is not at all that one person writes badly, while the other writes well. Everything rests on the scheme of work, professionalism, assessment of one's own abilities and the approach of a particular performer. Than fewer people asks for work, the less responsibly he treats it and the faster he tries to get rid of it. Therefore, if you want to get a great blog article or text on the home page, but do not want to pay money for it, then with a 90% probability you will get something completely opposite. It's like with "Aliexpress". You can order a gray smartphone, which costs twice as much in the store, but no one, no one in general, will give guarantees that it will work as it should.

Copywriting prices depend on the artist himself. Usually taken into account:

  • The time it takes to order.
  • Work experience.
  • Positive reviews.
  • Assessment of your own genius.

The dependence is direct. The more work a person puts into his own development and into a specific order, the more he asks for money for his work.

Let's analyze two conditional examples (prices are also conditional). Let's say we have two copywriters with different prices: "cheap" Danil charges 80 rubles per 1000 characters, and Semyon's price is 300-400 rubles per thousand. The same order arrives for both - write an article in a blog about independent study of English language... The result will be something like this.

Danil: copyright with a price of 80 rubles per 1000 characters

“I wrote everything, look, X thousand characters, as agreed. Well, yes, I delayed it for a couple of days and did not respond to messages, but this is all because my computer broke down. Uniqueness 100%, water content according to "Advego" 75%, nausea within 8%. "

Most likely, the client has just read the rewrite of the first article that came across in the search results, and even not very high quality.

Surely the article begins with the passage "in modern world English is the main means of international communication ", the uniqueness is achieved by inserting some wild constructions and sentences about nothing, and nausea is confused by replacing" English "with clichés from provincial newspapers of the 90s. Danil needs to take the order. So he tries his best.

And formally there is no reason to find fault - everything is OK with the numbers. For Danil, technical indicators are enemies with which to fight. He doesn't think that the million introductory constructs make the article awkward to read. Doesn't think that useful information there is enough for each paragraph for a maximum of two sentences. Instead, he fires up the customer, "Advego" and the whole world for the fact that they limit his flight of thought and do not allow to insert some hackneyed expression for the catchphrase and "liveliness" of the text.

Plus, Danil will never care about the paperwork, because this is time, and time is money. He has five more of the same texts hanging, which must be finished before Friday morning. Write the footcloth in 14th font Times New Roman, as it is written in the course manual, highlight the title in bold and forward, submit.

And when it comes to edits, Danil will go into a hard negative, he knows better. Reluctantly, he will correct what they demand and go to complain about inadequate clients who devalue his work and do not recognize the author's genius.

Semyon: copywriting worth 300-400 rubles per 1000 characters

“I wrote the article. The information from the brief that you filled out was not enough, so I went through several additional sources. In the controversial moments, we had to understand even deeper: to crawl through user comments and study the opinions of the teachers themselves. The article was divided into three large thematic blocks, each with 2-3 subheadings, paragraphs no more than 7-10 lines. I gave a list at the end useful materials and made preparations for linking with other blog articles. "

Semyon has a completely different approach, he does not need to collect ten orders for each day, only 2-3 is enough. And this means that he has time and he devotes it to you:

  • Creates a brief to fill out and delves into your business;
  • Understands the topic of the article;
  • Edits text: cleans it from debris and water, intelligently optimizes it for search engines;
  • Designs the article and takes care of future readers.

For Semyon, the high water content of the text means that there is something superfluous in the article and it can be done better. He will not silently make edits, and vice versa, he will not furiously prove his case either. If you don't like something, he will ask you what and why. And then he will try to explain his decision and come to a compromise.

Semyon will not merge either - his reputation is more expensive. If it is not possible to submit the text on time, he will write about it in advance.

Let's summarize

How much to pay for copywriting is one question, but whether it is worth trusting its performers with a minimum price of 1000 characters is another. And you need to answer both yourself, because only you set goals for your business and a specific page on the site. If you want your blog to convert visitors into customers, then the content there must be appropriate: high-quality, useful and adapted for target audience... If you want the blog to be simple, then there is no point in spending money on content, just as there is no point in the blog itself. In the case of regular "selling" pages, the gap in text quality is felt even more.

In general, thousands of signs are not all

Some authors generally abandon the model of payment for a thousand characters of the text and work "page by page", because writing the text in isolation from the rest of the site is not always correct. Such performers think over everything to the smallest detail: they develop a structure, think over options for presenting information, do competent SEO-optimization, make up and even think about the design of this whole case. The prices for such copywriting are much higher, because it takes a lot of time and labor to complete the work. But the result is a finished product that hardly needs to be finished.

Okay, how much does it cost to write a good article for a website?

Depends on your capabilities and the skill of the performer. The balance can always be found. If you don't want to pay a few thousand rubles for an article, work hard and look for a good copywriter in the segment “more expensive than average, but not much”. They are there, but there are few of them and they quickly realize that they can ask for more work.

What about the cost of SEO copywriting?

If you need good homepage copy, get ready. You will either have to give a lot of money or deal with a headache. Some authors believe that simple texts and optimized texts are different things. Therefore, they automatically add almost 100% to the cost of the work, although in fact it takes the same amount of time and effort. The only difference is that the copywriter is limited in the flight of thought and he has to write these damn keys.

How much does it cost to fill the entire site?

Quality - a lot, whatever - not very good. Here everything again depends on the specific copywriter. If you work with performers who charge less than 100 rubles per thousand characters, then filling the entire site will not be very expensive. And if you get down to business seriously and hire an intelligent specialist with a price tag of 300 rubles per thousand, then for the same money you will get a maximum of a couple of pages. There is a difference, and it is in the quality of the content.

As in any other case, the cost of copywriting services depends on the level of the specialist - a beginner will ask for 1000 characters two to three times less money than an experienced and well-trained specialist. At the same time, the difference in the quality of work is simply huge and the principle “why pay more” does not work here at all. Do not think that no one needs the texts on the site, now get this idea out of your head. Firstly, they are read, so the texts should be clear and interesting. Secondly, the “cheap” copywriter will simply write the text (even if it’s not bad), while the “expensive” copywriter will think everything over for you and give you a fighting product, ready for placement. Thirdly, inexpensive specialists often lack knowledge and skills, so you can forget about normal SEO optimization - you will receive either text for robots, or something readable, but with crookedly inscribed keys.

If you decide to write articles for sale, or vice versa, you need to order several articles for your site, then you will surely come across the concept of "1000 characters" and you need to know how much it is.

A thousand characters is the standard unit of measurement for any text on the Internet. Just like flour is measured in kilograms, and milk - in liters.

But here's the bad luck, when a beginner is faced with the concept of 1000 signs, he is confused:

But everything is much easier!

There are a huge numbercopywriter programs that will count 1000 printable characters and tell you how many are in your article. One of these programs is Word (videooverview of MS Word features you can look at my website). It is this text editor that is the most widespread and popular among allweb writers.

Although it is worth noting the growing trend in the popularity of similar online services such as Google Docs.

But let's return to our question "How much is 1000 characters" and figure out where to look at the number of characters in an article in Word (see the screenshot):

You can also measure the number of characters in your article using the Advego Plagiatus program. You just need to run the program and paste your text into it:

How many pages is 1000 characters?

If you measure 1000 characters in pages, no, that would even be wrong. It will be correct to measure the PAGE in thousands of characters, because on average 2-3 thousand characters fit on one page (Times New Roman font - 12 points).

But again, it all depends on the line spacing, the same size and type of font used, as well as the specifics of text formatting. Therefore, "how many pages are 1000 characters" is the wrong question. We do not measure how many meters of water are in a bucket, we measure how many liters are in this very bucket.

How much is 1000 printed characters?

1000 characters by default are treated as number of characters WITHOUT spaces. That is why it would be more correct to use the phrase "1000 PRINTED CHARACTERS", because non-printable characters (spaces) are just an empty space between words and nothing more. Moreover, no one likes to pay for gaps.

That's basically all you need to know about measuring article volume.

I hope you have found the answer to the question "1000 characters is how much" and now continue on your way and the art of making money selling your articles.

To further consolidate the knowledge gained, try to measure the volume of this article in any of the described ways, and write your answer below in the comments (I will delete repeated "lazy answers").


Anyone who continues to ask me questions like "a thousand characters is how many", I will give a link to this note (is it really so difficult to search Yandex for an answer on your own?).

Many, especially novice bloggers and webmasters, often ask questions: how long to write articles, what is better for long texts of articles or short articles, what should be the optimal number of characters or symbols in an article. AT different sources this topic is covered in different ways and today we will try to find out who is right after all, how long articles differ from short ones and what length of texts should be adhered to when writing articles so that search engines would treat them most favorably.

Optimal article length: is there or not?

In general, the length of article texts is a relative concept, and especially their optimal length, since it will and should be different depending on the type and subject of the resource. Ask why?

In order for you to understand my answer, you should decide which article is good from our point of view. Naturally, you say: one in which you can find a clear and complete answer to the question posed. But there are different questions, you can just ask where to buy seasonal shoes with discounts or high-quality and inexpensive moccasins, and a sufficient complete answer will be considered as just a few lines with the store address, a simple link to a shoe site, and a full detailed review of this store shoes.

I.e the main thing is not the length of the text and not the number of characters, but its quality and essence... It is from this main principle that one should proceed to determine how long it is to write articles.

Each topic, type of site will also correspond to a completely different length of articles, for example, for news sites it is in most cases not great, and a site containing, for example, instructions for installing or setting up any units is unthinkable without long descriptions and a lot of pictures with images of specific action.

The optimal number of characters in the article - opinions are divided

And yet, what is the average amount of text (characters in the text) should contain an average article on an average site? There are different opinions on this:

  • Some say that on average 250 words are considered optimal. Or according to another criterion 1000 characters (my personal opinion that this should be minimum size articles, because articles are 500 characters long, even articles should not be considered)
  • Others believe that articles on websites should not be too long and consist of no more than 2000 - 2500 characters
  • Still others confidently assert about the optimal article length with the number of characters of about 3000
  • And one person wrote that the optimal text length would be in the range of 1000 to 2000 words. Not symbols - words, mind you!

And to some extent I agree with all of them, because the main thing is that the text of the article not only corresponds to its title, but also fully discloses it.
You can write a short article on a broad topic, providing it with links to additional sources, or you can include all the information in its entirety and both options will be correct and give a complete answer on the topic.

Which is better than long or short articles?

Rumors that long articles are poorly indexed by search engines are pure lies, search engines perfectly index pages of several tens of thousands of characters, so you should not be afraid of long articles, but with the fact that too long articles consisting of 4000 - 5000 characters tend to be difficult to read, I partially disagree.

I think that too long articles containing too much water inconvenient and tedious to read, but interesting, well-written and well-written, read in one breath.

There is also an opinion with which I completely agree that too short articles are still somewhat inferior to longer texts, therefore it is not worth publishing articles less than 1000 characters long on the site. You don't have to go far for real examples confirming this fact: since I began to write articles with a length of 5-9 thousand characters, the number of visitors to my blog has increased several times, and after all, I recently reached.

Another real example: Dmitry's blog (, by the way it was he who wrote about the optimal article length of 2000 words. He himself adheres to this very tactic, and look at the number of visits to his blog (17,500), the recommendation works!

Why longer articles are better than short ones

Many SEOs prefer short articles and use the argument that it is hard to calculate what is needed in a long article and this is true, but only if you are promoting only one query. If your goal is a blog, then each article should include several low-frequency queries, and accordingly, the longer it is, the more different positions in the search it will take.

Of course, you shouldn't overdo it, it is always worth remembering that you are writing for people and not for search bots, although without their help people will not know about your creations.

If you are going to write an article only for a specific request, find out the required keyword density and the optimal number of characters by comparing these data from competitors' articles that are currently in the top of Yandex and Google, you can use the free online service at the link above.

Since most users still do not read more than three or four paragraphs, I decided, as an experiment, to try to write posts of 1000-1100 characters (with spaces).
The matter is quite complicated, since it is not easy to put a complete thought into such a volume. But I hope that I will gradually fill my hand.
But if you offer a post in the size of only 1000 characters, then they may somehow not understand so well, therefore, for testing, I decided to offer three different posts of the above size at once, but on the topic suitable for this community.

1034 signs about the collapse of the Russian economy

A rather rare and paradoxical situation has developed. Quite a large number of people in our country persist in repeating the complete collapse of the Russian economy. At the same time, they categorically do not recognize any statistics offered by the official authorities, and refer either to some opposition sources or to information from abroad as the most objective.
As for opposition sources, they cannot inspire confidence for one simple reason - most often information is given out by people who, in principle, are not capable of possessing it.
It is easy to understand the unwillingness to trust official sources after so many years of Soviet Power.
Therefore, the opinion of foreigners, according to the principle "from the outside," can be considered.
But the study of foreign sources shows that it is precisely, in their opinion, that the Russian economy is not falling apart, but is growing much faster than others. And the very fact that they started borrowing money from us speaks volumes. Something I don’t remember from our history that Europe used to borrow money from us.

The collapse of the car industry is a favorite topic of many.
Although, in my opinion, there is one deadly argument against such a statement - these are huge traffic jams on the roads of our cities. A simple example. I live on the outskirts of the city, and our street is actually a dead end - there seems to be nowhere for strong traffic along it, since it is inconvenient as a transit route. Well, since the place where I live is already the very edge, for us five years ago it was in the order of things not to even try to catch a car in order to drive up somewhere. Exaggerating, we can say that it was possible to lie down to sleep in the middle of the roadway without risking being crushed.
Yesterday my daughter-in-law complained that she had been driving forty minutes before work and was more than half an hour late due to standing in traffic jams. As you already understood, she probably works nearby, and you can walk to her work in ten minutes.
I don’t understand in any way, if we have a collapse of the car industry, then where do we get so many cars from. Maybe this is because in our country there are too many factories for the production of these very cars?

1078 signs of professionalism

We like to talk about their professionalism now. The little guy who makes repairs in my apartment likes to say: "Well, you hired a professional!" I do not argue with him, mentally calculating that he will not spoil much, and then I will quickly correct the little things after him.
It seems to me that in last years we began to confuse Professionalism and professionalism. Today, many people confuse the concept of professionalism with the level of payment. They say I'm such a tough professional that they pay me ten thousand dollars.
Although it is completely unclear how this is connected.
A professional is someone who knows how to do something better than others. Many people play football. But those who know how to do it better than others should be sent to the World Cup. And as recent experience has shown, bringing together the highest paid players, led by an equally highly paid coach, will only waste money.
Many people have some basics of treating illness and injury, but doctors must deal with serious health problems. But a doctor is determined by the ability to treat people, and not by how much he earns per year or month.

The article contains answers to several of the most common questions that arise both before ordering a text writing service for the site, and in the process of working on it.

1. How much text is needed for the site?

The optimal amount of text for the main page of the seller site is 1500-2000 characters. Long texts on selling sites, even if they are very good in content, are not read. Everything should be short and to the point.

For the description of services, delivery terms, information about the company and other internal pages of the site, we recommend texts of 1000-1500 characters.

A small description of 500 characters is suitable for a product card.

Informative articles - 3000-10000 characters.

We gave general recommendations (averaged data), which can be guided by. Take into account the specifics of your business, analyze the target audience, competitors' sites that hit the top results, or only then determine the optimal volume.

4. Will the written text be unique? How can I check this?

All texts prepared by us will be 100% unique. You can check this, for example, using the services,

We had an article on how to check the uniqueness of a text.

5. What is text nausea?

Nausea includes indicators such as page spam, the frequency of occurrence of keywords and the level of their density in the text.

The following values \u200b\u200bare considered to be the norm: no more than 8% for the page as a whole, in text not yet posted on the site - no more than 11%. If the text is spammed and its nausea exceeds the acceptable level, you risk falling under the sanctions of search engines.

6. How many keywords should there be in the text?

7. You used 3-4 keywords in the text for the main page, can I add a few more? After all, the more the better!

Depending on the frequency, one key request requires a text of 500 characters or more. Having written a text of 1500-2000 characters, we can advance the page by 3-4 keys.

Adding more queries is not recommended, search engines will consider such text over-spammed. And as a result, you will get a completely opposite result from promotion.

It is better to make several pages available for indexing, and promote 3-4 keys on each page.

8. What is Title and Description? Will they be visible to site visitors?

The Title tag is the title of the page, the Description meta tag is its short description... Title will be visible to users in the browser title, as well as in search results as a link to your site.

Description can appear in a snippet in search results. We wrote more about these tags in this article.

On the page itself, for which we will develop the text, users will not see the Title and Description tags.

9. Why make lists and tables in the text? Can you place your written text in one continuous block?

The text should not only be optimized, but also convenient and attractive for the user. Small paragraphs, bulleted lists, tables, headings help to correctly place semantic accents. Such texts are both easier and more pleasant to read.

10. Can I place hidden text on the site?

In no case should you place hidden text on the site, this is a direct way to get under the Yandex filter.

His position on this matter is unambiguous:

11. How can you check the quality of your written text?

You can check the quality of the text by such parameters as uniqueness, spam (nausea), spelling, the presence of a clear and understandable structure, the correspondence of the information presented in the text to reality.

12. How to track the effect of placing new text on the site?

There are several ways to measure the effectiveness of a text:

  • ask the opinion of the target audience,
  • track user behavior using Yandex.Metrica data,
  • make a slice of positions for queries used in the text, and observe the dynamics,
  • calculate the conversion and compare the results, for example, one month before posting the text and one month later.

We recently wrote in detail about how to make such an assessment.

Do you have any other questions about the lyrics? Ask your copywriter, he will be happy to advise you.