New tariff from Akado Telecom "Super Stars". Akado tariffs DOCSIS client connection scheme in Rostelecom network

3-4 years ago, the cable operator knew firmly that the best solution to provide a package of services triple play (television, Internet access and telephony) is a television cable network with a return channel for data transmission using DOCSIS technology. This concept of cable networks was supported by all manufacturers of CATV equipment without exception, providing the opportunity to equip all active distribution equipment with passive or active return channel modules. Exactly following this concept, a huge number of large and small cable networks were built in Russia. The reverse channel was not actually used in all constructed networks, but the potential possibility of activating the return channel is available for almost any cable operator using equipment from vendors such as Teleste, Wisi, Hirschmann, Arcadan, Fuba, C-Cor, Gl, Vector and many others. ...

In Russia, there are examples of quite successful commercial triple play projects carried out using this technology, for example, in Kostroma, many thousands of subscribers of the cable network of the Upper Volga branch of CenterTelecom receive not only multiprogram cable TV and the Internet, but also a telephone service using cable modems with telephone adapters. It would seem that by introducing a triple play service package (or, more often, double play, i.e. without telephony) based on the advanced DOCSIS 2.0 technology, a cable operator could feel quite confident in the market for several years. However, in the last 3-4 years the market situation has been changing rapidly, and under the new conditions the cable operator, which has a classic HFC network with a reverse channel, is clearly inferior to operators with a higher technological level.

Recently, not only in Moscow and others large cities Russia, but also in small regional and district centers competition in the service market broadband extremely aggravated. If just a few years ago it was enough for operators to “seize” the most attractive territories and geographically divide the zones of influence in a timely manner, now it is quite common practice for several multiservice operators to work on the same territory. Moreover, large companies either start expansion or buy up regional players hoping to reach the market faster.

Let us list briefly the most important trends in russian market broadband services that already exist or are expected in the very near future:

  • tougher competition even in small towns;
  • entry into regional markets of large all-Russian players;
  • massive consolidation (merger, takeover) of operators;
  • a significant increase in access speeds and quality of service delivery;
  • the emergence of new services (HDTV, VOD, content on demand, etc.);
  • the emergence of new business models, the penetration of non-mass (target) demand products and services into the television advertising market, etc.

Naturally, in the face of such intense competition, the best prospects are for operators that provide subscribers and corporate customers with the most advanced level of broadband access. In connection with the increased modern requirements of the market, the widespread construction of MetroEthernet networks begins, providing the subscriber with an unprecedented access speed of 100 Mbit / s, and large corporate customers can connect directly to the IP backbone, in which speeds range from 1 to 10 Gbit / s. Such high access speeds make it possible to provide a variety of previously unavailable services, for example, IPTV in high-definition format for several TVs in an apartment at once, network ultradynamic games and much more.

It is clear that a multiservice operator building its network “from scratch” today has good reasons to build a network based on the “Optics to Home” technology with a parallel GigabitEthernet network physically united in a common construction infrastructure with a television network, in other words, for each logical the network is allocated its own fiber in the backbone optical cable. But what is the situation in today's cable operator, which has long built its broadband on the basis of far from obsolete technologies with a developed infrastructure and a return channel and invested considerable funds in its construction? Can it provide subscribers with an access speed commensurate with the offers of MetroEthernet operators? Can it provide the latest ultra-advanced services based on extremely high speed access?

Having honestly answered these questions, we must state that today, in the face of such intense competition and the emergence of the latest advanced access services, the cable operator has a technological base for data transmission based on the latest version of DOCSIS, i.e. DOCSIS 2.0 can no longer fully meet the modern market requirements. Using the DOCSIS technology version no higher than 2.0, deployed by most operators, it is impossible to achieve a data transfer rate of more than 55 Mbit / s for a sufficiently large group of subscribers, but in reality for one user - no more than 25 Mbit / s.

The cable operator is beginning to feel keenly today that DOCSIS 2.0 technology puts restrictions on the development of additional services, namely high-speed and ultra-high-speed Internet access, IP telephony, etc. In conditions of fierce competition with MetroEthernet operators, the cable operator is experiencing increasing difficulties, having as the main argument for the struggle for a subscriber no longer access speed, but more affordable tariffs, i.e. in any case reduces their income. In addition, the HFC network requires significant staff efforts to bring it up to normal and maintain it in good working order in most cases. Thus, on the one hand, the cable operator continues to incur significant operating costs, and on the other hand, cannot make an adequate competitive offer.

In this situation, he actually has 2 ways:

1) either look for all the existing opportunities for a significant increase in the access speed without changing the architecture and infrastructure of the network, that is, to make the most of the considerable, as we will see later, reserves of the DOCSIS technology;

2) either become an Ethernet operator, i.e. build a parallel Ethernet network and operate 2 networks at once, producing significant capital investment and increasing operating costs, which sharply reduces today's profits and pushes the payback period into the future.

Generally speaking, it is quite logical for the CATV operator to use exactly the technology that the community of large cable operators and telecommunications equipment manufacturers came up with, namely dOCSIS standard... The authors, frankly, have never heard that, for example, COMCAST would seriously consider the issue of switching to MetroEthernet, just as, however, no one has heard that any large Ethernet provider seriously squeezed even the average cable or telephone operator in North America. Those. in the USA or, say, in Germany, it is considered unnatural for a cable operator to use a technology other than DOCSIS, namely MetroEthernet, PON, etc. The natural approach is to lay the cable down and use it as long as it can carry a broadband signal quite successfully.

Also, recently, operators are increasingly switching to digital television broadcasting, while using complexes for the provision of services that in no way interact with each other, except that they are located within the same rack and use the same network. The generalized solution scheme used by operators in this case is shown in Fig. one.

Fig. 1

So how far can a cable operator push the technological limitations of the DOCSIS 2.0 standard? The answer lies on the surface - not so long ago, thanks to the efforts of the CableLabs consortium, the newest standard appeared - DOCSIS 3.0 with its European version of EuroDOCSIS 3.0, which, apparently, solves all pressing issues and, as usual, does not require construction new network... Moreover, all subscriber devices already installed at subscribers can continue to be used with the new DOCSIS 3.0 stations, although they will work with them according to their previous version.

The main benefit of DOCSIS 3.0 is the ability to combine multiple frequency channels, providing much higher access speeds. Explaining the principle of the new standard, they usually give a graphic illustration showing that when several frequency channels are combined, a kind of "pipe" of much larger diameter is formed than the "pipe" of a separate channel. So, combining 4 frequency channels in a downstream pipe allows you to reach speeds of over 200 Mbit / s.

So, the most important differences between DOCSIS version 3 and version 2 are downstream channel bonding and upstream channel bonding. Downstream Aggregation is the most important feature of DOCSIS 3.0 and is already supported by a number of vendors today. cable modems... Today it is already possible to purchase custom modems that support the consolidation of, for example, 3 downstream channels, i.e. today it is possible to give a subscriber a speed of up to 150 Mbit / s, see fig. 2. And this is already something. This is exactly what knocks the trump cards out of the hands of the cable operator's competitors! In addition, DOCSIS 3.0 provides:

Figure: 2.

  • advanced multicast functions;
  • iPv6 support;
  • support for improved AES encryption method;
  • additional management functions.

For the capabilities of each version of DOCSIS in terms of access speed, see table. one.

CableLabs also made innovative changes to the CMTS architecture. The new QAM standard now physically decouples modulation from the DOCSIS MAC. The CMTS is still between the IP backbone and telematic services on the one hand, and the user modems on the other; the difference is that the downstream modulation unit is physically separate. This concept is called M-CMTS (modular cable modem termination system), see Fig. 3, and this has many benefits.

Table # 1


Speeddownstream, Mbps

Speedupstream, Mbps

DOCSIS 1.0 (EuroDOCSIS 1.0)

38(55) 2,5(2,5)
DOCSIS 1.1 (EuroDOCSIS 1.1) 38(55) 10(10)
DOCSIS 2.0 (EuroDOCSIS 2.0) 38(55) 30(30)
DOCSIS 3.0 (EuroDOCSIS 3.0)

160 and more
(220 and more)

120 or more (120 or more)

First, it effectively reduces the cost of downstream modulation. Secondly, finally, it is possible to combine digital broadcasting with IP through one QAM. Moreover, manufacturers have a free hand in implementing DVB processing options on one platform.

Currently, many manufacturers have announced that they support new standard, but so far none of them have implemented all the features of DOCSIS 3.0, so all implementations are called “preDOCSIS 3.0”. However, the most important task - to provide, in comparison with DOCSIS 2.0, a much higher rate of incoming subscriber traffic (from 100 Mbit / s) - CMTS stations in the preDOCSIS 3.0 version successfully solve. Further upgrade to full version 3.0 will be done in software. In the opinion of the authors, the most impressive results in terms of the practical implementation of DOCSIS 3.0 systems have two vendors from the United States: BigBand Networks and CASA Systems.

The first vendor - Bigband Networks, unlike all other vendors, provides support for the new standard based on its developed for DOCSIS 2.0 Cuda 12000. Thanks to the innovative MeshFlow architecture, which provides processing of all traffic not in the core, but distributed across station modules, which provides non-blocking and increased reliability and availability of the entire system, the new capabilities of DOCSIS 3.0 are conceptually easily combined with the Cuda 12000 and thus make it possible to simply upgrade the software to DOCSIS 3.0, all available interface modules can be used in the M-CMTS and beyond. Especially fortunate for those who have already purchased and installed Cuda 12000. For these operators, migration to DOCSIS 3.0 will be the easiest and most cost effective. This is very difficult on the equipment of other vendors.

Figure: 3.

The second vendor is CASA Systems, which provides extremely high density downstream and upstream in a single unit device. In particular, a configuration such as 32 ds × 16 us is supported. This high density is achieved thanks to the applied innovative solutions and high engineering skills of the developers. In fact, at the moment, it is the only pizza box manufacturer for DOCSIS 3.0. This platform is favorably distinguished by the fact that it is used for DOCSIS, DVB, and IPTV. This is such a universal solution that it is difficult to find an analogue for it. Most likely, it will be a whole rack with various telecommunications equipment, as well as many software solutions. This solution is really unique also in that operators choosing the path of building MetroEthernet networks can use such a device and subsequently, after a complete transition to Ethernet, as a scrambler and QAM modulator for broadcasting in DVB. It should be noted that, unlike many others, the two manufacturers mentioned are not limited to declarations of readiness for the release of DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS in some happy future, but are already actually placing orders for the production of such CMTS.

For example, BigBand Networks is currently supplying and installing a modular headend M-CMTS to the Dutch cable operator Multikabel, the first company in the world to practically deploy a DOCSIS 3.0 based data network. At the same time, CASA Systems offers a ready-to-ship flexible and effective solutionproviding DOCSIS operation, as well as QAM modulation together with PSI / SI processing, CAS Symulcrypt support, etc. on one compact 1U platform !!! Thanks to such a solution, the operator can purchase one platform for both tasks, and also flexibly adjust the bandwidth for services as needed.

Now the implementation of IPTV through this platform, incl. and via DOCSIS, absolutely real. This applies, for example, to a service such as video on demand, for which bandwidth can be allocated in QAM. The deployment of the M-CMTS platform enables more efficient use of UEQ (universal edge QAM). To get the new benefits of DOCSIS 3.0, you must purchase a new modem. Not every user will want to pay for it. The easiest way to do this is for a small business, for which the price of the issue is low compared to new opportunities, while the majority of subscribers will weigh and reflect for a long time. However, this technology allows cable operators to keep pace with the times and more effectively fight off competitive pressures. For example, M-CMTS from BigBand Networks and CMTS С2200 production of CASA Systems allows cable operators to offer access speeds of over 100 Mbps on one chassis to subscribers with DOCSIS 3.0 modems and speeds of about 25 Mbps for those with current generation modems.

Deployment of the M-CMTS architecture, as the initial stage of the strategy to move to DOCSIS 3.0, allows cable operators to grow as market demands - add capacity and functionality on demand.

Thus, the new standard gives cable operators the opportunity to develop the DOCSIS standard, offer on its basis high-speed access over 100 Mbit / s already now, successfully competing in the access services market, and offer a range of services that require wide bandwidth, incl. DVB and IPTV on the same platform using flexible M-CMTS architecture. By purchasing now solutions based on the preliminary version of preDOCSIS 3.0, in the future, without replacing the hardware, the operator can switch to the finished DOCSIS 3.0 standard only by changing software... This allows you to effectively protect the investment made in the construction of the HFC network.

In our opinion, only with the advent of the third version of DOCSIS, this technology made a really strong leap forward, providing the introduction of new high-speed services, the previous versions only tried to adapt the KTV networks for Internet access, using its resources by 5 percent, as well as a person uses a tiny fraction of the capabilities of his brain. DOCSIS 3.0 allows you to use the cable TV network at full capacity.

Connect the services of AKADO Komkor in Moscow and the Moscow region at a new tariff - "ZVEZDY PLUS!" for 610 rubles / month The set includes Internet 200 Mb / s + 173 TV channels, equipment of your choice for rent for 0 rubles. Free connection on the day of application - +74995530001!

We offer to connect broadband access to the Internet and digital television by ethernet technologies and EuroDOCSIS. The new tariff combines ultra-high-speed wired and wireless Internet, digital and HD television at a reasonable price. The package includes a premium class Wi-Fi router, as well as a Ci-CAM module or an HD set-top box at the subscriber's choice for rent for zero rubles.

The tariff is valid indefinitely, the price will remain unchanged FOREVER. Connect 200 Mb / s, tune 173 TV channels on your home TV - and pay FOR EVERYTHING 610 rubles / month.

What services can be activated at the "STARS PLUS!" Tariff?


Internet at 200 Mb / s. The speed is more than enough to solve any network problems with a stable connection. An existing TV box is enough to connect. And most importantly - all connection work is FREE!


173 digital TV channels included in the tariffs "Zvezdy" and "Antenna AKADO". Many of them can be watched in HD format using a set-top box provided by the provider. You are offered the most popular TV projects, different in themes and genres. ANY TV equipment model is provided FREE OF CHARGE! Take advantage of the unique opportunity to use an SD / HD tuner or Ci-CAM module from a provider for 0 rubles per month. All models support modern formats broadcast, provide the highest quality picture and sound. The time of using devices at the tariff is not limited.


The Wi-Fi connection is carried out through the provider's router. The client chooses the router model, taking into account the type of connection:
- HUMAX or TECHNICOLOR for DOCSIS network. Its market value is 4299 rubles, AKADO offers it for unlimited use free of charge;
- TL-WR841N or TL-WR840N for Ethernet. The price of the models is 1800 rubles, they are reliable and support high (up to 300 Mb / s) connection speed.

The currently most popular tariff from Akado "Super Stars" refers to the combined. The service package includes three items: Internet at a speed of up to 100 Mbps, digital television, represented by a set of TV Zvezdy TV channels in the amount of 173 items, of which 9 are in HD quality, and a separate service "AKADO antenna".

You can also add interactive TV to the complex, offered in three versions: 114 channels are connected at the promo level (mix), the basic level contains 127, and the superbase level contains 143 interactive TV channels.

The cost of the Super Stars tariff without the interactive TV package is 525 rubles. The cost of the annual service for this tariff will be 6300 rubles. Subscription fee during the promotional period of the tariff with the connection of interactive TV, which lasts up to 1.5 months, it is also 525 rubles, that is, the TV package is provided free of charge. The cost in the following months is 575 rubles for the Super Stars package plus Interactive TV (promo mix), 650 rubles for the basic package, and 700 for the super basic package.

The Internet is connected either via DOCSIS or Ethernet technology. The equipment is provided after the conclusion of a long-term lease agreement. Wi-Fi Docsis 3.0 will cost 100 rubles. per month, and Wi-Fi Ethernet - 50 rubles. per month.

The television service is also provided on rented equipment, the rental price is 100 rubles. per month.

There is a possibility of purchasing the equipment after lump sum its full cost or by means of a kind of payment by installments.

For DTV equipment, only redemption at the appropriate price is possible. The HD set-top box will cost 3,300 rubles, the CI + module costs 2,290 rubles.

The range of Internet and Ethernet equipment includes Wi-Fi routers: TP-Link 842N Ethernet - available only for rent, ASUS RT -AC 51U Ethernet can be redeemed for 3100 rubles. or to rent with the option of purchase according to the scheme - the cost of connection is 2,000 rubles, a monthly installment of 35 rubles / 36 months. or a single payment 1,260 rubles. The same scheme is used to purchaseELTEX RG -34- WAC and SAGEMCOM Fast 3686 AC v 2.2 Docsis 3.0.

Wi-Fi Technicolor Models 7200 Docsis 3.0 with 2 telephone ports and Wi-Fi Sagem Docsis 3.0 with 1 port in installments are not available. Their cost is 4399 rubles.

There are no traffic restrictions, the tariff is unlimited. The rent for the equipment is included in it. However, under these conditions, the equipment does not pass into the ownership of the person who entered into the contract. And if the service is terminated, it will have to be handed over.

The established standard contract duration is 1 year. If you wish to refuse the services of Akado Telecom earlier, you will have to pay the company additional compensation for the installation work performed. The amount of the fine is 1,000 rubles for disconnecting the Internet and 500 for disconnecting a television package. To disconnect the antenna, the tariffication of which will continue despite the disconnection of the main package, it will be necessary to go to the AKADO office, where you will need to fill out a questionnaire for disconnecting the service.

The DOCSIS standard, often used by Rostelecom, is a technology that allows data transmission of Internet connections over a television cable. This method of communication with the provider has many advantages, the main of which is the speed and quality of the connection.

What is DOCSIS from Rostelecom?

A solution for transmitting data via television cable was found back in the late 90s, after the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) approved the new J. 112 standard. It was DOCSIS technology, the abbreviation of which stands for Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification.

DOCSIS technology from Rostelecom in most cases has a maximum incoming packet speed of 42 Mbit / s. Outgoing data is sent a little slower. This figure is about 10 Mbps. Such speed characteristics are intended to replace old standards and open up fast Internet access for numerous customers who use television services.

It should be noted that DOCSIS communication technologies differ depending on the unique features of regional TV signal transmission standards. The global television service markets use:

  • NTSC (National Television Standards Committee - US standard);
  • PAL (UK and Western European standard);
  • SECAM (joint development of France and the USSR).

The most common now is the PAL standard, which occupies about 65% of the market in comparison with competitors.

DOCSIS is also divided by update versions (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0). The newest and most productive line is now EuroDOCSIS. These data transfer formats allow you to work more efficiently with both single-channel and broadband lines, thereby increasing the speed of receiving and sending data. Nevertheless, most modern modems on our market support only the classic version of the standard. Since it is practically not inferior to the older one in speed characteristics, there are still no good reasons for the costly transition.

Having gone through several stages of evolution, this standard, even in the classic version of DOCSIS, allows receiving a reception speed of more than 340 Mbps.

Technology pros

The DOCSIS standard from Rostelecom, in addition to significantly increasing the speed of the provider's server recall, is ready to offer support for the IPv6 protocol. It aims to address the shortage of IPv4 addresses in the near future.

Interesting: An important feature is multicasting support. Thanks to the technology of multicast data transmission, routers have the ability to configure IP TV for multiple devices.

DOCSIS internet signal transmission from Rostelecom has significantly increased data security. This is due to the use of the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption algorithm, which supports 128 bit keys.

Connection diagram of DOCSIS clients in the Rostelecom network

DOCSIS technology from Rostelecom uses the Downstream connection scheme, which can be translated into Russian as “top down”.

This simplified format assumes the distribution of the Internet by the main device (Cable Modem Termination System) to all network users simultaneously. The reverse transfer, i.e. Upstream (sending client data to the server), is performed by the supported modem directly to the server, without using intermediate devices.

The telecommunications market in large cities is able to offer a wide range of services and types of their connection. Depending on the user's requirements, you can choose the connection standard, the desired speed and, accordingly, the cost of the service. Nevertheless, in many localities, the most common so far is DSL Internet, connected via a telephone line.