Copper Nitrate Composition and Molar Mass. Mobilni pregled Copper Nitrate Composition and Molar Mass of Cuprum no 3

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Chemical formula

Molar mass of Cu (NO 3) 2, copper nitrate 187.5558 g / mol

63.546+ (14.0067 + 15.9994 * 3) * 2

Mass fraction of elements in the compound

Using the molar mass calculator

  • Chemical formulas must be entered case sensitive
  • Indices are entered as regular numbers
  • The point on the midline (multiplication sign), used, for example, in the formulas of crystalline hydrates, is replaced by an ordinary point.
  • Example: instead of CuSO₄ · 5H₂O, the converter uses the spelling CuSO4.5H2O for ease of input.

Molar mass calculator


All substances are made up of atoms and molecules. In chemistry, it is important to accurately measure the mass of substances that react and result from it. By definition, a mole is the SI unit of the amount of a substance. One mole contains exactly 6.02214076 × 10²³ of elementary particles. This value is numerically equal to the Avogadro constant N A, if expressed in units of mol and is called the Avogadro number. The amount of substance (symbol n) of the system is a measure of the number of structural elements. A building block can be an atom, molecule, ion, electron, or any particle or group of particles.

Avogadro's constant N A \u003d 6.02214076 × 10²³ mol⁻¹. Avogadro's number is 6.02214076 × 10²³.

In other words, a mole is an amount of a substance equal in mass to the sum of the atomic masses of atoms and molecules of a substance, multiplied by the Avogadro number. The unit of amount of a substance, mol, is one of the seven basic units of the SI system and is denoted by mol. Since the name of the unit and its symbol coincide, it should be noted that the symbol is not declined, unlike the name of the unit, which can be declined according to the usual rules of the Russian language. One mole of pure carbon-12 is exactly 12 g.

Molar mass

Molar mass - physical property substance, defined as the ratio of the mass of this substance to the amount of substance in moles. In other words, it is the mass of one mole of a substance. The SI unit of molar mass is kilogram / mol (kg / mol). However, chemists are accustomed to using a more convenient unit of g / mol.

molar mass \u003d g / mol

Molar mass of elements and compounds

Compounds are substances made up of different atoms that are chemically bonded to each other. For example, the following substances that can be found in the kitchen of any housewife are chemical compounds:

  • salt (sodium chloride) NaCl
  • sugar (sucrose) C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁
  • vinegar (acetic acid solution) CH₃COOH

The molar mass of chemical elements in grams per mole numerically coincides with the mass of the element's atoms, expressed in atomic mass units (or daltons). The molar mass of compounds is equal to the sum of the molar masses of the elements that make up the compound, taking into account the number of atoms in the compound. For example, the molar mass of water (H₂O) is approximately 1 × 2 + 16 \u003d 18 g / mol.

Molecular mass

Molecular weight (formerly called molecular weight) is the mass of a molecule, calculated as the sum of the masses of each atom in a molecule multiplied by the number of atoms in that molecule. Molecular weight is dimensionless physical quantity, numerically equal to the molar mass. That is, the molecular weight differs from the molar weight in dimension. Despite the fact that molecular weight is a dimensionless quantity, it still has a quantity called an atomic mass unit (amu) or dalton (Da), and approximately equal to the mass of one proton or neutron. The atomic mass unit is also numerically equal to 1 g / mol.

Calculation of molar mass

The molar mass is calculated as follows:

  • determine the atomic masses of elements according to the periodic table;
  • determine the number of atoms of each element in the compound formula;
  • determine the molar mass by adding the atomic masses of the elements included in the compound, multiplied by their number.

For example, let's calculate the molar mass of acetic acid

It consists of:

  • two carbon atoms
  • four hydrogen atoms
  • two oxygen atoms
  • carbon C \u003d 2 × 12.0107 g / mol \u003d 24.0214 g / mol
  • hydrogen H \u003d 4 × 1.00794 g / mol \u003d 4.03176 g / mol
  • oxygen O \u003d 2 × 15.9994 g / mol \u003d 31.9988 g / mol
  • molar mass \u003d 24.0214 + 4.03176 + 31.9988 \u003d 60.05196 g / mol

Our calculator does just that. You can enter the acetic acid formula into it and check what happens.

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Copper. Chemical element, symbolCu (lat.Cuprum, from lat. the name of the island of Cyprus, from where the Greeks and Romans exported copper), has a serial number29, atomic weight 63, 54, basic valenceII, density 8, 9 g / cm 3, melting point1083 ° C, boiling point2600 ° C.

It was known in ancient times before iron and was used, especially in alloy with other metals, for weapons and household items.

Copper is the only metal with a reddish color. This distinguishes it from all other metals.

Chemically, copper is a low-activity metal.Pure fresh water and dry air practically do not corrode copper, butin air, in the presence of carbon dioxide, it becomes covered with a green film (patina), copper hydroxide carbonateCuCO 3. Cu (OH) 2. When heated, a black coating of copper oxide forms on the metal surfaceCuO.

Dry gases, a number of organic acids, alcohols and phenolic resins have an insignificant effect on the chemical resistance of copper; copper is passive to carbon. Copper also has good corrosion resistance in seawater. In the absence of other oxidizing agents, dilute sulfuric and hydrochloric acids do not act on copper. However, in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, copper dissolves in these acids to form the corresponding salts (insulfuric acid forming sulfateCuSO 4; in hydrochloric acid , forming copper chlorideCuCl 2), in nitric acid copper dissolves to form nitrateCu (NO 3) 2:

2Cu + 2HCl + O 2 \u003d 2CuCl 2 + 2H 2 O

Cu + 2H 2 SO 4 \u003d CuSO 4 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O

Cu + HNO 3 \u003d Cu (NO 3) 2 + NO 2 + H 2 O.

When interacting with heracetic acid the main copper acetate is formed - the poisonous yar-copperhead.

By reaction in nitric acid you can check alloys for the presence of copper - if the acid has acquired a blue-green color, it means that there is copper in the alloy.

Copper is poorly resistant to the action of ammonia, ammonium salts and alkaline cyanide compounds. Copper corrosion is also caused by ammonium chloride and oxidizing mineral acids.

The photographs show the onset of reactions at room temperature.

Copper has a good gloss and high polishability, but its gloss disappears rather quickly.

It has been widely used in technology and industry due to a number of valuable propertiesthat it possesses. The most important properties of copper are high electrical and thermal conductivity, high plasticity and the ability to undergo plastic deformation in cold and hot states, good corrosion resistance and the ability to form many alloys with a wide range of different properties. In terms of electrical and thermal conductivity, copper is second only tosilver , has a very high specific heat. Copper is diamagnetic.

More than 50% mined copper is used inelectrical industry (pure copper); about30-40 % copper is used in the form of alloys that are of great importance (brass, bronze, cupronickel, etc.). For example, in the production of semiconductor devices, copper is used to manufacture parts of the device itself, primarily leads and crystal holders (a crystal holder is a part on which a semiconductor plate is directly attached) of powerful devices and parts of technological equipment.

Good thermal conductivity of copper, its high corrosion resistance make it possible to use this metal for the manufacture of various heat exchangers, pipelines, etc., for example,copper basins provide uniform heating when cooking jam.

The most important copper salts:

Copper sulfate CuSO 4 in the anhydrous state, it is a white powder, which turns blue when absorbed by water, and, therefore, an aqueous solution of sulfate becomes blue-blue. From aqueous solutions, copper sulfate crystallizes with five water molecules, forming transparent blue crystals. In this form, it is calledcopper sulfate ;

- copper chloride CuCl 2. 2H 2 O forms dark green crystals, readily soluble in water;

Copper nitrate Cu (NO 3) 2. 3H 2 O obtained by dissolving copper in nitric acid... When heated, copper crystals first lose water, and then decompose with the release of oxygen and brown nitrogen dioxide, passing into copper oxide;

Copper acetate Cu (CH 3 COOO) 2. H 2 O obtained by treating copper or its oxide with acetic acid. Under the name Yar-Copperhead is used to prepare oil paint;

- mixed copper acetate-arseniteCu (CH 3 COO) 2. Cu 3 (AsO 3) 2 it is used under the name Parisian greens to kill plant pests.

A large number of mineral paints of different colors are produced from copper salts: green, blue, brown, purple, black.

All copper salts are poisonous, so copper dishes are tinned (covered with a layertin ) to prevent the formation of copper salts.

Copper is one of the vital trace elements. This name was givenFe, Cu, Mn, Mo, B, Zn, Co in connection with the fact, small amounts of them are necessary for the normal life of plants. Microelements increase the activity of enzymes, promote the synthesis of sugar, starch, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins and enzymes. Most often, copper is introduced into the soil in the formcopper sulfate ... In significant quantities, it is poisonous, like many other copper compounds, and in small doses, copper is necessary for all living things.

Technical copper contains as impurities: bismuth, antimony, arsenic, iron,nickel, lead, tin, sulfur, oxygen, zinc other. All the impurities in copper reduce its electrical conductivity. The melting point, density, ductility and other properties of copper also vary significantly from the presence of impurities in it.

Bismuth and lead in alloys with copper, they form low-melting eutectics (from the Greekeutektos - an alloy whose melting point is lower than the melting points of its constituent components, if the latter do not form a chemical compound with each other), which solidify in the last turn during crystallization and are located along the boundaries of previously precipitated copper grains (crystals). When heated to temperatures exceeding the melting points of eutectics (270 and 327 ° C, respectively), copper grains are separated by a liquid eutectic. Such an alloy is red-brittle and is destroyed when rolling in a hot state. The red brittleness of copper can be caused by the presence in it of thousandths of a percent of bismuth and hundredths of a percentlead ... With an increased content of bismuth and lead, copper becomes brittle even in the cold state.

Sulfur and oxygen form refractory eutectics with copper with melting points above the temperatures of hot processing of copper (1065 and 1067 ° FROM). Therefore, the presence of small amounts of sulfur and oxygen in copper is not accompanied by the appearance of red brittleness. However, a significant increase in the oxygen content leads to a noticeable decrease in the mechanical, technological and corrosive properties of copper; copper becomes red-breaking and cold-breaking.

Copper containing oxygen, when it is annealed in hydrogen or in an atmosphere containing hydrogen, becomes brittle and cracks. This phenomenon is known as« hydrogen disease». Cracking of copper in this case occurs as a result of the formation of a significant amount of water vapor during the interaction of hydrogen with copper oxygen. Water vapor at elevated temperatures has high pressures and breaks down copper. The presence of cracks in copper is established by testing for bending and torsion, as well as by a microscopic method. In copper affected by hydrogen sickness, after polishing, characteristic dark inclusions of pores and cracks are clearly visible.

Sulfur reduces the ductility of copper during cold and hot working and improves machinability.

Iron dissolves in solid copper very slightly. Under the influence of iron impurities, the electrical and thermal conductivity of copper, as well as its corrosion resistance, sharply decrease. The structure of copper under the influence of iron impurities is crushed, which increases its strength and reduces plasticity. Under the influence of iron, copper becomes magnetic.


Copper (Latin Cuprum) is a chemical element of group I of Mendeleev's periodic system (atomic number 29, atomic mass 63.546). In compounds, copper usually exhibits oxidation states of +1 and +2, and a few trivalent copper compounds are also known. The most important copper compounds: oxides Cu 2 O, CuO, Cu 2 O 3; hydroxide Cu (OH) 2, nitrate Cu (NO 3) 2. 3H 2 O, sulfide CuS, sulfate (copper sulfate) CuSO 4. 5H 2 O, carbonate CuCO 3 Cu (OH) 2, chloride CuCl 2. 2H 2 O.

Copper - one of the seven metals known since ancient times. The transitional period from the Stone to the Bronze Age (4th - 3rd millennium BC) was called copper age or chalcolithic (from the Greek chalkos - copper and lithos - stone) or eneolithic (from Latin aeneus - copper and Greek lithos - stone). During this period, copper tools appear. It is known that in the construction of the Cheops pyramid, copper tools were used.

Pure copper is a malleable and soft reddish metal, pink in a fracture, in places with brown and variegated tempering, heavy (density 8.93 g / cm 3), an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, second only in this respect to silver (melting point 1083 ° C). Copper is easily drawn into wire and rolled into thin sheets, but relatively little active. Copper does not oxidize in dry air and oxygen under normal conditions. But it reacts quite easily: already at room temperature with halogens, for example, with moist chlorine, it forms chloride CuCl 2, when heated with sulfur, it forms sulfide Cu 2 S, with selenium. But copper does not interact with hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen even at high temperatures. Acids that do not have oxidizing properties do not affect copper, for example, hydrochloric and dilute sulfuric acids. But in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, copper dissolves in these acids with the formation of the corresponding salts: 2Cu + 4HCl + O 2 \u003d 2CuCl 2 + 2H 2 O.

In an atmosphere containing CO 2, H 2 O vapors, etc., it becomes covered with a patina - a greenish film of basic carbonate (Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3)), a poisonous substance.

Copper is included in more than 170 minerals, of which only 17 are important for industry, including: bornite (variegated copper ore - Cu 5 FeS 4), chalcopyrite (copper pyrite - CuFeS 2), chalcocite (copper luster - Cu 2 S) , covellite (CuS), malachite (Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3). Native copper is also found.

Copper density, specific gravity of copper and other characteristics of copper

Density -8.93 * 10 3 kg / m 3;
Specific gravity -8.93 g / cm 3;
Specific heat at 20 ° C -0.094 cal / deg;
Melting temperature -1083 ° C;
Specific heat of fusion -42 cal / g;
Boiling temperature -2600 ° C;
Linear expansion coefficient (at a temperature of about 20 ° C) - 16.7 * 10 6 (1 / deg);
Coefficient of thermal conductivity -335kcal / m * hour * degree;
Resistivity at 20 ° C -0.0167 Ohm * mm 2 / m;

Copper elastic moduli and Poisson's ratio


Copper oxide (I) Cu 2 O 3 and copper oxide (I) Cu 2 O, like other copper (I) compounds, are less stable than copper (II) compounds. Copper (I) oxide, or copper oxide Cu 2 O, occurs naturally in the form of the mineral cuprite. In addition, it can be obtained as a precipitate of red copper (I) oxide by heating a solution of copper (II) salt and alkali in the presence of a strong reducing agent.

Copper (II) oxide, or copper oxide, CuO - a black substance found in nature (for example, in the form of the mineral tenerite). It is obtained by calcining copper (II) hydroxycarbonate (CuOH) 2 CO 3 or copper (II) nitrate Cu (NO 2) 2.
Copper (II) oxide is a good oxidizing agent. Copper (II) hydroxide Cu (OH) 2 precipitates from solutions of copper (II) salts under the action of alkalis in the form of a blue gelatinous mass. Even with low heating, even under water, it decomposes, turning into black copper (II) oxide.
Copper (II) hydroxide is a very weak base. Therefore, solutions of copper (II) salts in most cases have an acidic reaction, and with weak acids, copper forms basic salts.

Copper (II) sulfate CuSO 4 in anhydrous state it is a white powder, which turns blue when absorbed by water. Therefore, it is used to detect traces of moisture in organic liquids. An aqueous solution of copper sulfate has a characteristic blue-blue color. This color is characteristic of hydrated 2+ ions; therefore, all dilute solutions of copper (II) salts have the same color, unless they contain any colored anions. Copper sulfate crystallizes from aqueous solutions with five water molecules, forming transparent blue crystals of copper sulfate. Copper sulfate is used for the electrolytic coating of metals with copper, for the preparation of mineral paints, and also as a starting material for the production of other copper compounds. IN agriculture a diluted solution of copper sulfate is used for spraying plants and dressing grain before sowing in order to destroy spores of harmful fungi.

Copper (II) chloride CuCl 2. 2H 2 O... Forms dark green crystals, readily soluble in water. Very concentrated solutions of copper (II) chloride are green, dilute solutions are blue-blue.

Copper (II) nitrate Cu (NO 3) 2. 3H 2 O... It is obtained by dissolving copper in nitric acid. When heated, blue crystals of copper nitrate first lose water, and then easily decompose with the release of oxygen and brown nitrogen dioxide, passing into copper (II) oxide.

Copper (II) hydroxocarbonate (CuOH) 2 CO 3... It occurs naturally in the form of the mineral malachite, which has a beautiful emerald green color. Artificially prepared by the action of Na 2 CO 3 on solutions of copper (II) salts.
2CuSO 4 + 2Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O \u003d (CuOH) 2 CO 3 ↓ + 2Na 2 SO 4 + CO 2
It is used to obtain copper (II) chloride, for the preparation of blue and green mineral paints, as well as in pyrotechnics.

Copper (II) acetate Cu (CH 3 COO) 2. H 2 O... It is obtained by treating metallic copper or copper (II) oxide with acetic acid. Usually it is a mixture of basic salts of various compositions and colors (green and blue-green). Under the name Yar-Copperhead, it is used to prepare oil paint.

Complex copper compounds are formed as a result of the combination of doubly charged copper ions with ammonia molecules.
Various mineral paints are obtained from copper salts.
All copper salts are poisonous. Therefore, in order to avoid the formation of copper salts, copper dishes are covered from the inside with a layer of tin (tinned).


Copper is mined from oxide and sulfide ores. Sulfide ores account for 80% of all mined copper. Typically, copper ores contain a lot of waste rock. Therefore, to obtain copper, a beneficiation process is used. Copper is obtained by smelting it from sulfide ores. The process consists of a number of operations: roasting, smelting, converting, firing and electrolytic refining. During the roasting process, most of the impurity sulfides are converted to oxides. Thus, the main admixture of most copper ores, pyrite FeS 2, is converted to Fe 2 O 3. The firing gases contain CO 2, which is used to produce sulfuric acid. The oxides of iron, zinc and other impurities obtained in the firing process are separated in the form of slag during smelting. Liquid copper matte (Cu 2 S with an admixture of FeS) enters the converter, where air is blown through it. Conversion produces sulfur dioxide and produces blister or crude copper. To extract valuable (Au, Ag, Te, etc.) and to remove harmful impurities, blister copper is first subjected to fire and then electrolytic refining. In the course of fire refining, liquid copper is saturated with oxygen. In this case, impurities of iron, zinc and cobalt are oxidized, transferred to slag and removed. And copper is poured into molds. The resulting castings serve as anodes in electrolytic refining.
The main component of the solution in electrolytic refining is copper sulfate - the most common and cheapest copper salt. To increase the low electrical conductivity of copper sulfate, sulfuric acid is added to the electrolyte. And to obtain a compact copper precipitate, a small amount of additives is introduced into the solution. Metallic impurities contained in crude ("blister") copper can be divided into two groups.

1) Fe, Zn, Ni, Co. These metals have significantly more negative electrode potentials than copper. Therefore, they dissolve anodically together with copper, but do not deposit on the cathode, but accumulate in the electrolyte in the form of sulfates. Therefore, the electrolyte must be replaced periodically.

2) Au, Ag, Pb, Sn. Noble metals (Au, Ag) do not undergo anodic dissolution, but during the process they settle at the anode, forming together with other impurities anode sludge, which is periodically removed. Tin and lead dissolve together with copper, but in the electrolyte they form poorly soluble compounds that precipitate and are also removed.


Alloys, which increase the strength and other properties of copper, are obtained by introducing additives into it, such as zinc, tin, silicon, lead, aluminum, manganese, nickel. More than 30% of copper is used for alloys.

Brass - alloys of copper with zinc (copper from 60 to 90% and zinc from 40 to 10%) - stronger than copper and less susceptible to oxidation. With the addition of silicon and lead to brass, its antifriction qualities increase, with the addition of tin, aluminum, manganese and nickel, the corrosion resistance increases. Sheets, cast products used in mechanical engineering, especially in the chemical industry, in optics and instrumentation, in the production of meshes for the pulp and paper industry.

Bronze... Earlier, alloys of copper (80-94%) and tin (20-6%) were called bronzes. At present, tinless bronzes are produced, named after the main component after copper.

Aluminum bronzes contain 5-11% aluminum, have high mechanical properties combined with anti-corrosion resistance.

Lead bronzescontaining 25-33% lead are used mainly for the manufacture of bearings operating at high pressures and high sliding speeds.

Silicon bronzescontaining 4-5% silicon are used as cheap substitutes for tin bronzes.

Beryllium bronzescontaining 1.8-2.3% beryllium are characterized by hardness after hardening and high elasticity. They are used for the manufacture of springs and spring products.

Cadmium bronzes - copper alloys with a small amount of cadmium (up to 1%) - used for the manufacture of fittings for water and gas lines and in mechanical engineering.

Solders - alloys of non-ferrous metals used in brazing to obtain a monolithic brazed seam. Among the hard solders, a copper-silver alloy is known (44.5-45.5% Ag; 29-31% Cu; the rest is zinc).


Copper, its compounds and alloys are widely used in various industries.

In electrical engineering, copper is used in its purest form: in the production of cable products, busbars of bare and contact wires, electric generators, telephone and telegraph equipment, and radio equipment. Heat exchangers, vacuum apparatus, pipelines are made of copper. More than 30% of copper is used for alloys.

Alloys of copper with other metals are used in mechanical engineering, in the automotive and tractor industries (radiators, bearings), for the manufacture of chemical equipment.

The high toughness and ductility of the metal make it possible to use copper for the manufacture of various products with a very complex pattern. The red copper wire in the annealed state becomes so soft and ductile that you can easily twist all kinds of cords from it and bend the most complex elements of the ornament. In addition, copper wire is easily soldered with a scanned silver solder, silver and gold is good. These properties of copper make it an irreplaceable material in the production of filigree products.

The coefficient of linear and volumetric expansion of copper when heated is approximately the same as that of hot enamels, and therefore, when cooled, the enamel adheres well to the copper product, does not crack, does not rebound. Thanks to this, the craftsmen prefer copper to all other metals for the production of enamel products.

Like some other metals, copper is among the vital trace elements... She participates in the process photosynthesis and assimilation of nitrogen by plants, promotes the synthesis of sugar, proteins, starch, vitamins. Most often, copper is introduced into the soil in the form of pentahydrate sulfate - copper sulfate CuSO 4. 5H 2 O. In large quantities, it is poisonous, like many other copper compounds, especially for lower organisms. In small doses, copper is necessary for all living things.