Beautiful and philosophical statuses about a happy woman. Statuses about happy love statuses of happiness love luck

Almost all misfortunes in life come from a false idea that it happens to us. Consequently, deep knowledge of people and sound judgment about events brought us to happiness.


Happiness is not in possession of the desired, but in the desire you have.

And once for complete happiness we have enough single ice cream.

How good to be someone forever.
And know that these are not words empty.
How to share bread and soul and year.
Look into the eyes of immensely expensive.
How good to be someone forever.
And know that he will not leave, does not deceive.
And pull out from any ice.
And never love to love ...

Happiness is like a butterfly, which is impossible to grab during the persecution. But which can sit on you if you sit quietly.

"Nathaniel Howorne"

Even if we can't be happy, we should always be fun.

Happiness is not in the money, but in how to increase them.

The greatest happiness in life is confidence that you love.

The greatest in life is happiness - this is confidence that we love us, love for what we are, what we are, or despite the fact that we are what we are.

"Victor Hugo"

When you are with your loved one, the clock is flying as seconds.

Brains do not make a person happy, and happiness is the best thing on earth.

"Alexander Volkov"

I love you my native, and you don't need to drink more, because it is better to swim with you better than with a glass of vodka in silence!

Higher happiness in life is the confidence that you love. They love for you for themselves, it's right to say - love contrary to you.

Roarled candle at night, I sat locked up. It seemed to me everything passes that there is no life on the way. But my girlfriend came, and said: "You understand! That not immediately comes. There will be happiness ahead! "

People take care of their happiness!

Sometimes for happiness, it is enough to see a person in which you madly miss.

Happiness is when you look at the bed and there is a little miracle and smiles. Children are the greatest happiness that can be with us.

Happy hours do not observe.

Happiness comes from nowhere, especially when you are not waiting for it.

Happiness does not depend on the amount of money! But it is better to be sad in Bentley than in a minibus!

Happiness is when you meet the sunrise lying on his shoulder and you understand that you have nothing more.

Happy one who is completely sure that someone is most expensive in the world!

Happiness is the ideal not mind, but imagination.

Happiness is a station on the way between too little and too much.

"Channing Pollock"

People can be happy only on condition that they do not consider happiness to life.

You can't buy happiness for money - you just look at the current prices.

Large happiness does not happen immediately. Everything needs to deserve everything in this world. Then only the grain of happiness germinate when you know how to go small.

Happiness is a ball behind which we chase while he rolls, and which we pushing the leg when it stops.

You are happiness. A bit strange and not clear, brings to nervous breakdowns and terrible fear, but happiness!

My life when you're near. Happiness is no longer necessary for me!

If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ungratefulness and indulge in the inner joy, which the self-dedication brings.

"Dale Carnegie"

Let's be happy? - How? - Together!

I do not need money, I do not need power. I want to remember how happiness laughs.

If instead of "thanks for the purchase" on bags and checks wrote "Thank you for being", happy people There would be more in the world.

Lean my happiness. At least for a couple of days.

In this world there is a person, from one presence of which happiness overwhelms me.

Happiness - like a sunny bunny - does not tolerate bad weather.

And a lot of person need for happiness? - Lot. Whole person.

The more expensive the clock on hand, the happier time we live in.

So I was happy, you only need one condition - your presence in my life.

Not in money happiness, but it's nice to know that today you will give a new fur coat, take a boutique and a restaurant on a luxurious car, and on the weekend will be invited to ride on the yacht.

Can you please happiness on credit?

A happy girl, not that who has a lot of fans, and the one that has one, except, nobody needs her!

She went through the snow and fell, happiness in the head hit, this happiness was you, nice realized come!

Fate is in my hands, and happiness is always with me.

Statuses about happiness

The happiest is the one who does not need happiness.

Happiness is when time stops.

To be happy, we should not be too concerned with others.

Happiness is when he, whom even alarm clocks will wake up, wakes up from what I stopped hugging it.

The very evil person blooms the face when he is told that he loved. Therefore, in this happiness.

Happiness is not in money? Then give them to me!

Happiness! Kohl came, come in, get out of a week.

We learned to imitate not only orgasms, but also happiness. Handsomely. Sincerely. Inimitates.

Happiness does not happen much, so I'm so small!

To be happy, a person needs confidence in tomorrow, and to be in love, you need an uncertainty. Happiness is based on peace of mind, while love is needed doubts and anxiety. In general, marriage was conceived for happiness, but not for love.

Without imperfection, imperceptible and happiness!


In his youth, it seems that happiness will be in old age - that happiness was.

Want to be happy? Looking at first to suffer.

Thirst for happiness never dries in a man's heart.

Happiness is a tenderness assembled from all over the earth and presented to a small miracle whose eyes are glittering from the sun-livery in!

I eat a candy in the morning - there will be happiness dofiga!

Little, happy and weak can be possible only when there is a big and strong next to you.

Happiness suddenly, in silence knocked in the door.

Happiness should elude, but at the same time be teasing and close to the hands do not fall down and the desire to abandon him. In all the same cases, the passion is becoming a habit, and then goes into its full opposite. The rule is that it is better to no longer, than to move, acts here.

When will the inventors come up with a ragged hanit designer to find the point of the accumulation of happiness and a story there all unfortunate?

If you are experiencing an amazing feeling of happiness and love, share it with your friends, placing on the page of your favorite social network beautiful statuses. Such status you will give hope to everyone who is experiencing bitter disappointment in life: he will understand - everything in life will soon work out! The statuses published with us about happiness and love will help you.

The happiness of the real girl is to become an excellent bride, a beloved wife and a happy mother.

Happiness can be compared with a sense of love, it can last a couple of minutes, or some of the life.

I'll be happy. I will be strong. We just need to wait a little.

Being loved is more than being rich. So how to be loved - it means to be happy. For the money of happiness, you will not buy ...

Being loved is more than being rich, because to be loved means to be happy.

Happiness is, just goes to everyone at different speeds! Go myself towards him to meet!

Each second spent with you, great happiness for me!

Happiness - wake up in the morning, see him sleeping beside, hug and close your eyes again

You should not try to make sure the whole world, you just need to help those who are near.

What do I dream? - Yes, just live ... breathe, love and know that I am loved! And every moment to appreciate ... Since our life is unique!

To hell with pink glasses - they do not go to me, to hell - it prevents me from being happy in the present. To hell with everything that was - I am happy!

People are looking for their half, so that, finding, not to give anyone. This is happiness - to be someone's loved ones. And double - love yourself.

All women of the world are waiting for some actions from men and only units notice and appreciate pleasant little things. It is these women who are happy.

A woman needs to love so that she could not even imagine that someone else can love her even more.

I realized that in the universe there is not only one person who can make me happy.

Love is a competition between a man and a woman for delivering to each other as much happiness as possible.

Strong coffee, favorite music, in the shower joy and tenderness ... as before ... happy ...

To find out what happiness is - you do not need to first do badly, and then it's all right as it was.

Let everyone who reads this status, will still be a little happy. Love and be loved, this is the biggest happiness.

Sometimes I wake up among the night, turning to him, quietly and suddenly I feel like a strong hand gently, presses me to myself, at this moment I understand what happiness is.

Happiness is when he sees it in the morning ... Sleepy, not painted, in pajamas and still believes that she is the most beautiful.

Becoming happy is not only to gain happiness, but also to feel it.

The greatest happiness affordable to a person - love - should serve as a source of all sublime and noble.

Where are you, happiness? You will pass by passing, look at me, at least drink a coffee maker.

Life is worth it to see in a happy man mirror.

We all have the opportunity to choose. Choose happiness.

You can't even imagine what happiness you are.

Sometimes you need to know something or skip something to stay happy.

Well, well, why ... all moved! Now my turn be happy.

Never blow out forgive people, just become happy. They will not survive it.

All people have beautiful eyes when they are happy.

Happiness does not have fun or sad. It is just happiness.

Happiness - when you do not need to lie, what's good for you.

Happiness is always small. And only when you lose it, you know how many it was.

Love is only one law: you need to make a loved one.

Happiness is not when it does not hurt, and when you protect someone from pain.

You can't buy happiness for money - you just look at the current prices.

Happiness like a butterfly. The more diligent is looking for happiness, the next. We lose hope, happiness quietly arrive and sits on the shoulder.

Happiness inside us.

I'll buy happiness. Wholesale. With instructions for use.

It is harder to wake up when you were happy in a dream.

Happiness lives in simple things - that there is a person who hugs your back every night so as not to frills.

Happiness usually bring and carry the same people.

Nowadays social networks VKontakte, Facebook and classmates are hard to imagine without statuses. This is a great way to raise your mood and others, sharing some cool phrase. To joyful moments it applies especially. After all, to enjoy them, they must be divided with someone. How to do this in social networks, if not with the help of short statuses about happiness.

To make a person well received in photographs, he is enough to be happy.

The most terrible pain of a person can cause only the one who presented him most of all happiness.

Nothing wounds like a fragment of one's own happiness.

Happiness is inconvenient.

Follow your happiness, and the universe will open your doors to you where there were only walls.

I miss only happiness for happiness.

Fool and happiness is stupid.

You do not know how to live - live happily.

Happiness is not looking for gold or winnings. It is created by themselves, those who have enough strength, knowledge and love.

Happiness is not planned. It comes suddenly.

The most beautiful outfit of a woman is happiness! I wish you to wear it without removing!

Happiness generously. It does not exterminate others to live.

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his mobile number. And his eye color. It is very kind. Always laugh at me. I love happiness. Thank you for being with me.

I am too smart to be happy.

Happiness - in a step to the dream, a nightmare - in step after ...

The courage is half of happiness.

We ourselves invent problems themselves. So we ourselves can come up with happiness!

If your happiness depends on how others come, then, perhaps, you really have problems.

Happiness is a comparison. Sometimes it is useful to remember yesterday to appreciate the present.

Secret of happiness: Never compare with other health, wife and salary.

It happens that you need to inform the world, what grace do you experience, but the necessary words do not come to mind? I want something beautiful and with meaning. In this case, all hope for statuses about happiness. Copy, insert and ready - all friends are aware that you are good.

I often see happiness. But for some reason, only his back.

Happiness is a character of character. In the character of it all the time to wait, others continuously look for, from Third - to find everywhere.

Place for happiness - here, time is now.

Happiness is when you close your eyes, but you still see the heart ...

Between happiness and misfortune lies the abyss. We live in it.

Who can't find happiness on the way, will not find him and at the end of the road.

Do not regret and do not scold yourself for the past - after all, you tried to be happy.

It is difficult to find happiness in yourself, and somewhere else is impossible.

When there is money, somehow it is easier to agree that you are not happiness.

Happiness is when you think that you were killed, and you just touched the leg.

We do not know what will happen tomorrow; Our business is happy today.

Everyone puts the concept of happiness what he is missing most.

Happiness itself finds the road to a strong spirit.

MiG is a unit of measuring happiness.

Happiness just does not come. He needs to please.

Sometimes one call is separated from happiness ... one conversation ... one recognition ...

Happiness is not to own what you want, but want what you own.

Many are looking for happiness in areas above their level, others below. But the happiness of one height with a man.

Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable.

If money does not bring happiness - give them to someone.

The soul, never suffering, cannot comprehend happiness!

It's funny to think that someone else can make you happy or unhappy.

Who is looking for meaning in life, he did not find happiness in it.

What is the difference who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? It matters only that you are happy or not.

Who is happy, he is silent.

We are looking for happiness in the future and past and stubbornly do not want to see it in the present.

Love what you do is happiness.

Many people are happy, but few know about it.

People are often happier than they wanted.

For happiness, you need to fight with yourself ...

You can not be satisfied, be tired, exhausted, have serious problems, but at the same time be absolutely happy. Absolutely.

Sometimes happiness fell so unexpectedly that you do not have time to bounce aside.

Before happiness, five minutes walk, and we sometimes wait for half aim.

If someone every day wishes you good night, you are already happier than many people.

If happiness still did not come, it means that it is huge and goes with small chains.

Each itself finds his happiness.

Live in youth so to be happy in old age.

For a minute, happiness pay two minutes loneliness.

Healthy people imagine happiness in different ways, but patients represent him only in the form of health.

Do not necessarily draw a rainbow to become happy! It is enough to become her.

With the help of status, you can not only give up your friends, but also offend them. So think carefully before writing anything. And even better, use our selection. Here are only best statuses about happiness. These are precisely those phrases that will be pleasant to everyone who knows what bliss.

Some people think that they will be happy if they move to another place, and then it turns out: wherever you go, you take yourself.

You can not find happiness in love if you do not bring it with you.

It makes no sense in finding a place where you will be fine. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere.

Happiness is the road itself, and not where it will lead ...

The difference between happy and not happy families consists of two-three phrases, not spoken daily.

Freedom, of course a cool thing, but sometimes I still want to exchange it for happiness.

Happiness quickly becomes memories.

It is so little man for happiness, but, alas, so much to understand this.

Happiness can be found even in dark times, if you do not forget to turn to the light.

Happiness is when you understand you, great happiness is when you love you, real happiness is when you love.

The first person you think in the morning and the last person you think about at night is or the cause of your happiness or the cause of your pain.

I am happy what I live.

Life is given for happiness. Neither larger and less.

Yesterday - passed. Tomorrow - did not come. We must be happy today.

The key to happiness - be able to rejoice at what you have.

I went to towards happily ... buried.

Happiness is infection: the happier you are, the happier those who around you.

You can be happy even in the most unfavorable conditions.

There is no happiness without action.

A person does not feel happiness, as does not feel the air, which breathes.

Use these short statuses about happiness with meaning, share and enjoy them. And if you have little, then we advise you to read more beautiful parables about happiness. After all, statuses are briefly and understandable, and parables - deeper and wiser.

If your beloved goes from you. Do not hold. Not enough convulsive fingers. Divine Law: To find a new best, you need to die old. Colos will grow when grain, giving life, die.

In pursuit of happiness do not miss the best. Maybe someone is very necessary for you already near?

There is no greater joy than the awareness of its need. When you really love you.

It is better to imitate orgasm than love. When everything opens, sex can be established, but love is blessing from heaven. Cheating will not bless.

Best status:
You can die from loneliness among wealth. And flourish in poverty when you love. Feelings excludes the concept of "poverty."

I need so little for happiness. Enough you.

No money will replace happiness. This is the territory of spiritual measurements.

Do not destroy my love indifference. Do not hide her curiosity. Do not envy that I need someone. Do not show selfish pig.

Talent gives fame and recognition. Money - subordination and operability of others. But only love gives wings, and you fly.

I am happy - you are near and I have a new handbag.

"I will love you forever!" - shouts passionate youth. "I want to stay faithful to you, whatever happened." - firmly speaks maturity.

And today I love you stronger than yesterday, and tomorrow I will love stronger than today ...

Yes, I'm ready for you! Only me my mother will not be allowed)))

Do not part with dreams of happiness, without them your life will turn into a dreary existence.

Each person has his own devil - the one you deserve ... My devil - you ... Paradox is that I am your angel ...

And tomorrow there will be happiness between us ...

We must be able to close the boring book, leave bad cinema and part with people who do not value you ...

How nice, every day, to see in a mirror, a happy man.

If one door is closed with happiness, it opens another, but we often do not notice her, staring at the closed door ...

Dreams of happiness only remove us from the goals set.

Chertov pride prevents my happiness.

Happy one who considers himself happy!

Probably God knows what he does. I found him me.

If you cry not from happiness, stop.

I just believed in the dream ... And my dream came true.

With an almost empty bottle of whiskey, with a smeared ink, with an extinct cigarette in his hands; She told her friend about how beautiful this world was.

i am happiness, and I decide who to make sure ..)

... all this wrote happy ...

Happiness is when you see that he looks at you and smiles

I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

She does not stand anything, but much creates a lot. Who will receive it - will become richer, who will give, will not menounce. She is instantaneous, and in memory sometimes remains forever ...

IN New Year, with old happiness !!! Not worth the best and desire!

Happiness is it means to be with those who you love. When you are together, it is often difficult and hurt, but when you are not together, it is much heavier

All girls are the same, they differ only in design and system requirements \u003d)

Everything comes on time for the one who knows how to wait!

Every blacksmith himself of his happiness. Successes!

Before that moment, you will not meet real love, you will not understand what: "Love at first sight"

I understood that I was to blame, .. I knew that I made stupidity ... I still love you at least you don't like me .. !!!

If I am not a couple of you, and the character is not like that, turn on Lev, and Undar to another!

If you are happy, you can make the whole world happy.

Let's pretend that coffee is champagne. What for? Celebrate life!

The meaning in life is looking for the one who did not find happiness in it ...

One in my heart, the other in thoughts, the third on the screen saver ... I am happy!

Spread the curtains so that the street was lighter. I shook it with happiness.

I understood: when happy, you can not tell anyone about it ...

Happiness does not depend on the amount of money ... But it is better to be sad in "Bentley" than in a minibus ...

And tomorrow there will be happiness between us ..

Happiness can not be "experience" ...

I'm very happy! Yes Yes Yes! And who will spoil my mood - I'll throw the sneakers!

I just had one sky before the seventh ...

Recently, people have distracted the words "I love you" to obsequiousness. Now they lost their former value and sound to disgust falcily.

I always and everyone says that I have everything perfectly and I am happy, no matter what. After all, our thoughts are material!

No road to happiness ... Happiness and there is a road.

Love is: when you do not care about everything and you fight for it so as not to lose P.S. On the contrary, you do not fuck you not to save love this is true :)))

The biggest happiness in the world is the confidence that you love!

I am looking for happiness, you have not seen? ...

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you take your attention to other things, it will come and quietly sit on your shoulder.

One girl had happiness. Happiness is also not left

A happy end is just a step forward!

Actions do not always bring happiness; But there is no happiness without action.

Being loved is more than being rich. So how to be loved - it means to be happy. For the money of happiness, you will not buy ...

If you smiled happiness, do not forget to smile to him in response.

Someday and in my street will turn the truck with gingerbread.

The best way to revenge for yourself is to become happy!

Happiness exists only when there is someone to divide it.

I feel the smell of your spirits for hundreds of meters ... not because persistent .. but because I breathe you!

Draw in my heart "Happiness".

Want to be happy? Leave the past in the past!

I will be happy ... I will be strong ... you just need to wait a little ...

If you want to be happy - be it! Goat rods.

Happiness ... It lasts a second ... But you remember it forever ...

Happiness is so extensive and multifaceted that not happy man In one, I will definitely find your happiness in the other ...

Even when the weather is bad on the street, when you do not know what you can expect you when you do not know which course to send yourself at this moment. You can always be happy because there is no second person in this world as you do \u003d)

Happiness is when you do not have time to go online, because they always walk somewhere with their friends.

When we say: "Happiness took!", It hears it and falls off.

You need to be able to be content with small, because it is the ability - and there is happiness

Happiness is when you meet your ex with a girl, and she is terrible. And you go with an oligarch from the boutique "Everything for the wedding"

It often happens that a person considers happiness to be far from himself, and it has already come to him with silent steps.

If love is in the world, then it is probably her ...

Dust the happiness is only the person who is ready at any time to risk his body, with his well-being, his life for a great deal.

Happiness is when: everything suits you at this moment and you don't want to absolutely nothing when life is so beautiful that you are dissolving in a moment forgetting about everything ...

In my purse, you can find only perfume with the smell of joy, shine of the color of the rainbow and orbits with taste of happiness.

Happiness is not in money, happiness in things that can be bought on them

"The ability to think is already happiness"

There is no happy life, there are only happy days.

The phone was silent ... Happiness simply did not know my number

we leave the fate of the world to the will of the case

Happiness, it's when you do not have time to enter the Internet, because with you near close people.

Happiness is not when it does not hurt, and when you can protect others from pain

Again at night a cushion busal! Death to pillowcases, drut ducts!

The greatest in life is happiness - this is confidence that we love us, love for what we are, what we are, or despite the fact that we are what we are.

Each second spent with you, great happiness for me!

Who said that the land does not have the edge? We will definitely find it - this very edge. We will be on him and, bold legs, we will laugh at those who did not believe us

How cool to straighten the hair, knowing that every of your movement and squeaky eyelashes are sincerely admire.

Due to the lack of happiness, we climb into someone else's life.

People can be happy only on condition that they do not consider happiness to life.

Our happiness depends only on whether we use all the chances to achieve it.

Yes, and my life is striped, but she is not Zebra, but a rainbow.

To be cruel, relate indifferent to other people, not to have conscience: it is the key to happiness ...

Happiness is when you have no free time to think about the meaning of life.

The world is created in order for me to purr!

Trying about the happiness of others, we find our own.

Learn to let go ... Happiness will always find the road back.

What do I need for happiness? Good avatar "In contact", constant confessions in love and tile of milk chocolate.

Never tell people about our problems, 80% are not interested, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bis glad that you have.

Do not disturb ... Found happiness ...

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one hurts it ...

Happiness is when the desired coincides with the inevitable.

Happiness is not life without worries and seals, happiness is the state of the soul.

Happiness is when you start the blanket at night and kiss the cheek, thinking that you sleep!

The happiest day in the life of the girl is, when she knows what to wear!

A person in life, above all, you need - happiness! And happiness is not money or glory. Happiness - give two simple components, it is health and love! Therefore, I wish you all my friends, happiness and love!

Happiness consists of 4 parts: living parents, healthy children, loved one and loyal friends!

What happiness is an inexhaustible ability to love and believe! Everything that is autonated with love is defiantly death. Romain Rolland

I, please, a ticket ... - Where? - Draw, where they are not deceived, appreciate, respect, where mutual love, luck, happiness ...

All the bowl of happiness in life do not drink ... But two chips are needed to us all! One sip - to love someone! Another sip - to be loved by someone!

Love is a competition between a man and a woman for delivering to each other as much happiness as possible!

Human makes a happy three things: love, interesting work and the ability to travel. I. Bunin

Happiness is when you understand you, great happiness is when you love you, real happiness is when you love. Confucius

There are men who say, they say, they say ... And there are men who take the situation without unnecessary words and make you happy ...

He loves the wrong man who swars in love, but the one that silently makes you happy.

What is happiness for you? - I am happiness - it is to wait and wait. ... to know that there is someone who loves - that's what happiness. Everything is just a banal! Elchin Safarley "I'll be back"

Love and be his beloved! This is happiness!)))

Happy not the one who has a lot of fans. And the one who has one person, except for which no one needs.

As Carlson said: "How to make people happy? We must give them joy, love and a little jam! ")))

When someone loves you, and when you do someone happy, you suddenly begin to feel the most beautiful man in the world. Angelina Jolie

The greatest in life is happiness - this is confidence that we love us, love for what we are, what we are, or despite the fact that we are what we are.

He loved ... Revel ... I was waiting for something ... I sent ... I forgot ... And I'm happy !!!)))

Happiness can be compared with a sense of love - it can last a couple of minutes, and maybe some of the life.

In friendship, as in love, people are happy, because they do not know the whole truth about the close person!

Happiness exists only when there is someone to divide it.

Happiness is confidence that you love ...

Your smile is a reason to be the happiest on earth, with every minute I fall in love with you even stronger ...

Happiness is when you lie, beside her, and watching how the stars fall, and at the same time you do not make any desire for you have it.

Well, how in the light of happiness saving? And you listen to the heart and you hear: "You breathe - you just breathe, but for now you love - you live."

You do not be afraid to love and be in feelings generous ... Happy one who love distributes without end ... After all, from the misfortune of the feelings, our souls are scooping ... And from the scarcity of the shower - the hearts are so stuck ...

There are such eyes in the world that looks, you don't feel sorry to die. Even if the sun is not shining, you look at them and it will be hot. And from the birthday, they are looking for people, in them warm and when bad weather, those eyes of the one who loves us! This is reflected in them - happiness!

Happiness - fall in love with a person who loves you already ...

Think, isn't you happiness when you have one favorite girl who is waiting and loves, believes, dreams ... a little miracle in your life. And you're just a fool if I traded her on a flock of battered maidens far from the first freshness ...

Statuses about love and happiness

Happiness is a dish for two ... in a different way, it simply does not happen.

You are my happiness called "Love".

I am a happy man. I miss just to see your native face to understand what I live.

Someone for happiness needs expensive cars, apartments, fashionable things. And so that I was happy, I need your love.

When relatives, close and friends love you, this is real happiness.

If you like the person with whom you live and do not consider yourself happy, then you should not despair, because the happiness is one, and it cannot break, after a while it will definitely visit your home.

The biggest happiness in life is confidence that you love ...

I want to be the cause of your happiness!

A man who really makes a woman happy is the one for whom love is not a passion, but art!