Beautiful photographs of famous photographers. The most famous Russian photographers. Ron Galella is the most famous paparazzi

Today we will deal with the analysis of photographs that were taken by recognized masters of photography. 10 great photographers. 10 famous photographs.

Philip Halsman and his "Dali Atomicus", 1948

A brilliant artist must have a brilliant portrait. Perhaps Halsman was guided by this. Perhaps he was inspired by the time unfinished work of Dali Leda Atomica, which can be seen in the photo, maybe he wanted to transfer surrealism into photography ... In any case, he needed a studio, additional sources of artificial light, several assistants who threw water out of buckets, calmed cats between takes and kept chairs in the air, 6 hours of work, 28 takes and, of course, Salvador Dali himself.

Dali Atomicus, Philip Halsman, 1948

Advice: Do not be afraid to do a large number of takes - one of them will definitely be successful.

Irving Penn and his Girl in Bed, 1949

Despite the seeming simplicity of this picture, it is mesmerizing. Is not it? Yes, perhaps, all the work of this brilliant photographer can be described by his own words: “If I look at an object for some time, then the sight enchants me. This is the curse of the photographer. " And he knew how to convey this fascination with the subject of shooting like no other. Natural light from the window, the model, the contemplative position of the author - and, in this case, the masterpiece is ready.

Girl in Bed by Irving Penn, 1949

Advice:: To take a beautiful picture of someone or something, you have to fall in love with the subject.

Richard Avedon and his "Judy", 1948

Almost all of Richard Avedon's photographs show bright, but fleeting moments that we usually do not pay much attention to. But sometimes just such moments can open a person's soul.

Judy by Richard Avedon, 1963

Advice: If you want to become a good photographer, try yourself in different genres - this will help you find your niche in photography.

Ansel Adams and his Titones and the Serpent River, 1942

Talking about great photographers and their works, we cannot ignore the creator of the zone exposure system and the famous author of books on photography, Ansel Adams. Let's take a look at one of his works: Titones and the Serpent River.

In addition to the interesting composition, you can see how skillfully Adams uses his system for selecting the ideal exposure for a shot. If you look closely, you can see each of the 10 zones from absolutely black to white.

Titones and the Serpent River, Ansel Easton Adams, 1942

Advice: even with a digital camera, do not ignore traditional guidelines. You cannot always rely on automatic exposure.

Henry Cartier-Bresson

Naturally, this post simply could not be complete without Henry Cartier-Bresson. Legendary photo reporter, creator of Magnum Photos, said: “I don't like organizing and managing events. This is terrible. We cannot simulate real life... I adore the truth and only shoot the truth. " We can think endlessly about Bresson's photography, but it is even more rewarding to read his books "The Decisive Moment" and "Imaginary Reality" in English editions.

Advice: After waiting for the right moment, don't miss it!

Alfred Eisenstadt and his "Victory Day in Times Square"

Alfred Eisenstadt became famous for a photo of a sailor kissing his girlfriend. One photo taken at a turning point made him a real star. And it doesn't matter that the photo is out of focus. The photographer managed to convey the atmosphere wonderfully.

"V-J Day in Times Square", Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945

Advice: Always carry your camera with you.

Ernst Haas

Ernst Haas is a pioneer digital photography... His famous quotes:

  • Photography is an expression of your ideas and feelings. If the high has no place in your soul, you will never notice them in the outside world.
  • Beauty speaks for itself. When the process reaches its peak, I take a picture.
  • I don't take pictures of new interesting objects. I try to find something new in familiar things.
  • When photography appeared, a new language was born. Now we can talk about reality in the language of reality.
  • Your camera type doesn't mean anything. Any camera can capture what you see. But you must see.
  • There is only you and your camera. All rules and restrictions are in your head.
  • Tell me what you see and I will tell you who you are.

Ernst Haas. Kyushu Island, Japan, 1981

Advice: beauty is everywhere. Find and feel it.

Yusuf Karsh and his portrait of Winston Churchill

Yusuf Karsh is a renowned Canadian photographer known for portraits of prominent political figures. The story of this photo is unusual. After a speech in the lower house of parliament, the British Prime Minister entered the meeting room and saw the photographic equipment. He only allowed one photo to be taken and lit a cigar. It is not known exactly why the photographer approached Churchill and took the cigar out of his mouth, but that is exactly what Karsh did. He went back to his camera and took a picture.

The photo shows all the skills of Yusuf Karsh. He managed to create an impression of depth and space with the help of light, perfect posture and gesture. The result is a dramatic, captivating portrait that vividly shows the inner strength of the British prime minister.

Portrait of Winston Churchill, Yusuf Karsh, 1941

Advice: don't be afraid to provoke your models to show themselves. You can see what is hidden from everyone.

Guyon Miles

Guyon became a popular photographer due to the unique blend of "algebra and harmony" in his photographs and the effect of the stopped moment. Perhaps it was Mili that made light drawings popular. Guyon practiced in various fields, constantly experimenting. However, one thing remained the same. His ability to capture the grace and drama of the moment.

"Pablo Picasso Mastering Light Painting". Guyon Miles, 1949

Advice: remember that photography is not only about attractive drawing. Experiment with focus, exposure and shutter speed.

William smith

We decided to mention this press photographer at the end of the article for a specific reason. His words should become the slogan of anyone who wants to become a good photographer: “Photography has no end. As soon as I reach the highest point of mastery, an even higher peak is shown in the distance. And I'm on my way again. "

Dr. Tseriani with the Wounded Child by William Smith, 1948

Advice: never stop achieving goals. Shoot not with your camera, but with your soul.

Always analyze the work of famous world photographers in as much detail as possible. Soak up their experiences and notice what expressions they use. One day you will notice how this knowledge is absorbed into your own photographs and becomes the quality of your work.

In general, ratings are not grateful and very subjective. While listing the best of the best in the rating lists, we still use some kind of internal tuning fork. We also decided to make our own rating list of the 10 greatest Soviet photographers, according to the site.

We note right away that the list will include several photographers who worked long before the formation of the Union of Soviets, however, their influence on the development of photography, both Soviet and world, is so great that it was simply impossible to say about them. And yet, given the subjectivity of this list, we tried to reflect in it the brightest representatives in each individual photographic genre.

The first place in our rating, undoubtedly, belongs to. This is the greatest figure in culture and art. Its influence on the development of Soviet art cannot be overestimated. He concentrated everything on himself art the young country of the Soviets - was both a sculptor and an artist, and graphic designer, and a photographer. Considered one of the founders of constructivism. Rodchenko is a universal and multifaceted figure. He became an effective impetus for the development of photography and design. His methods of constructive construction of photography are used as canons.

The second position is occupied by a Russian photographer of the early 20th century - Georgy Goiningen-Güne. Despite the fact that Georgy spent his entire professional life and work in France, England and the USA, nevertheless, he is Russian by origin. And in this case, he serves as an example of how people from Russia achieved recognition and success abroad. George is one of the greatest fashion photographers of the 1920s and 1930s. By 1925 he became the main photographer of French Vogue. In 1935 - American Harper's Bazaar. In 1943, two of his books were published, after which all his photographic attention was concentrated on Hollywood celebrities.

Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky's contribution to the development of photographic art is great. Prokudin-Gorsky was a chemist and photographer, and one lesson helped to improve - the second. He went down in history as the first experimenter who proposed the possibility of creating color photography in Russia. The method used by Prokudin-Gorsky to acquire photographs of color was not new. It was proposed back in 1855 by James Maxwell, it included the superposition of three negatives, where each is passed through a filter of a certain color - red, green and blue. These three negatives superimposed on each other, in projection give a color image. Today, thanks to Prokudin-Gorsky, we have the opportunity to see Russia at the beginning of the 20th century in color.

Continuing our top ten greats - Soviet war photographer, author of two of the greatest, iconic photographs of the Great patriotic war - "The first day of the war" and "Banner over the Reichstag" - Yevgeny Khaldei. As a war photographer, Khaldei went through the whole of the Great Patriotic War, and his most significant works were made in the period from 1941 to 1946. Chaldea's photographs are filled with a sense of historical importance. It is no secret that many of the photographer's works, including the work "Banner over the Reichstag", were staged. Khaldei believed that photography should convey the spirit of the times and events as fully as possible, so there was no need to rush. The author approached the creation of each work responsibly and thoroughly.

Our list is continued by the classics of photographic journalism - Boris Ignatovich. Ignatovich was a close friend and comrade-in-arms of Alexander Rodchenko, with whom in the late 1920s he organized the photographic association "October" Group. It was a time of striving and searching for new forms. Creative people, as a rule, were fruitfully engaged in several directions at the same time. So Ignatovich was a photographer, a photojournalist, a documentary filmmaker, a journalist, and an illustrator.

This is followed by the greatest Soviet photographic portraitist -. Nappelbaum entered the history of photography as an unrivaled studio portrait photographer. Nappelbaum is a master of compositional solutions, surprisingly and uniquely approached the light composition, in which all the viewer's attention is accumulated on the subject. As in the case with, through the studio of which all foreign celebrities of the 20th century passed, so the greatest representatives of the country of the Soviets, up to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, passed through the lens of Nappelbaum. Nappelbaum enjoyed immense success and popularity good photographer... It is noteworthy that it was he who was invited to photograph the place of death of the great Russian poet - Sergei Yesenin.

The first Russian landscape photographer Vasily Sokornov continues our top ten great Soviet photographers. One of the first landscape painters who captured the beauty of Russian nature, and primarily the Crimea, with a camera, was an artist by education, and a photographer by vocation - Vasily Sokornov. Sokornov's works were very popular during the photographer's lifetime. Just like the works, who have photographed the nature of Virginia all his life, Sokornov's works, in their bulk, are devoted to the Crimea. They were printed in magazines and were scattered all over Russia with postcards. Today it is considered the main chronicler of the Crimean nature of the first decades of the 20th century.

The founder of Russian, Soviet publicistic, social photography - Maxim Dmitriev, occupies the eighth position in our rating. The life and work of Dmitriev is the story of an incredible rise and an equally incredible fall. A native of the Tambov province, a student of a parish school, by the early 1900s, Dmitriev was becoming a leading photographer in Moscow. The founder of the photo studio, through which the leading people of the time pass - Ivan Bunin, Fedr Chaliapin, Maxim Gorky. But we love and remember Dmitriev for his chronicle photographs of the Volga region. They concentrate the original and life and way of Russia, skillfully noticed by the brilliant photographer. The fall of Dmitriev was the coming to power of the Bolsheviks and the widespread dispossession of kulaks. By the early 30s, the artist's photo studio was selected, along with more than seven thousand magnificent local history photographs.

Photography is an extraordinarily diverse art. Magnificent landscapes, portraits, and advertising photographs attract the attention of the public. Therefore, choosing the best craftsmen is not easy.

Our Top 10 includes the best photographers of our time in a wide variety of genres. They are known all over the world and are practically recognized as classics of photography.

10. Anne Geddes - Best Child Photographer

Anna Geddes has been taking pictures of children for 30 years. Books, postcards and calendars with photographs of babies in a variety of ways are known all over the world. Geddes' photographs draw inspiration from many photographers starting to work with children. The secret of Anna's success is simple, she is sure that children are the only real joy in life.

9. Paul Hansen is the best photojournalist

Hansen is one of the most renowned photojournalists in the world. Seven times he became the best photographer in Sweden, twice - a laureate of the prestigious POYi (International Photography of the Year) photography competition. And in 2013, Paul won the World Press Photo competition with a photograph taken at the funeral of two young children killed in Palestine.

8. Terry Richardson - Best Advertising Photographer

Richardson's photographs are sometimes very unusual, but they always attract the eye and are remembered for a long time. Terry's clients include such famous brands as Gucci, Sisley, Levi’s, Eres, Miu Miu, Chloe, APC, Nike, Carolina Herrera, Kenneth Cole and many others. Richardson's photographs are regularly published by Vogue, I-D, GQ, Harper's Bazaar, Dazed and Confused, W and Purple.

7. Denis Reggie is the best wedding photographer

Reggae became a revolutionary in the industry wedding photo... After all, it was he who invented to take pictures in the manner of reportage. Denis's works adorn not only family photo albums, but also pages of such publications as W, Elle, Vogue, Town and Country, Glamor and Harper's Bazaar

6. Patrick Demarchelier - Best Fashion Photographer

During his long career, Demarchelier has worked with such publications as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire and Harper's Bazaar. He ordered his advertising campaigns Dior, TAG Heuer, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Celine, Yves Saint Laurent, Calvin Klein, Lacoste and Ralph Lauren.

5. Yuri Artyukhin - the best wildlife photographer

A researcher at the Laboratory of Ornithology of the Pacific Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a passionate fan of birds. It is the photographs of birds that have repeatedly received prestigious prizes and awards at various competitions in Russia and abroad.

4. Helmut Newton is the best nude photographer

Newton's photographs in the "nude" genre are known all over the world. For his contribution to the art of photography, Newton was awarded the Order of Merit for the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Order of Arts and Literature, and the Monegasque Order of Arts, Literature and Science.

3. David Dubile - best underwater photographer

Dubile has been operating under the surface of the water for five decades. His work is often published by National Geographic. David is the recipient of many prestigious photographic awards. He takes off undersea world and in equatorial waters, and under the ice at the north and south poles.

2. Steve McCurry is National Geographic's most famous photographer

Steve became famous for the photo of the "Afghan girl", which National Geographic put on the cover in 1985. The snapshot was soon recognized as the most famous photograph in the history of the magazine. In addition to the famous photo, McCurry has many excellent works in the genre of photo essay.

1. Ron Galella is the most famous paparazzi

Garella is a pioneer in the paparazzi industry. Among the stars who became Ron's "victims" are Julia Roberts, Madonna, Al Pacino, Woody Allen, Sophia Loren. Marlon Brando broke Garelle's jaw and knocked out five teeth, and Jacqueline Kennedy filed a lawsuit against the photographer, which forbade Ron to approach Jackie closer than 20 meters.

A photographer is a profession that appeared less than two centuries ago. During this time, its representatives managed to gain popularity and respect throughout the world. The best photographers in Russia are valued today and earn good money. And this despite the fact that today digital camera almost everyone has. The more important it is to know and understand who you need to look up to.

Profession - photographer

The best photographers in Russia are creative people who know how to cope with the difficult and constantly changing environment, which is photography. It is worth recognizing that in our time it has become much easier to make a career in this business. First, there was mass technology high Qualitythat allow you to do quality work many.

Secondly, especially on the Internet, it has developed so much that it is possible to declare and advertise yourself much faster and easier than it had to be done in previous years. Nowadays, any novice photographer who shows talent can quickly declare himself publicly to the whole world.

Digital technologies brought to modern life another plus. It has become easier and more accessible to create and distribute content. Novice photographers now have free access to the works of the best masters, and have the opportunity to follow new ones. fashion trends and trends. The main thing is not to forget that a true master must also have his own look and vision in order to conquer the public. The best Russian photographers are famous for these skills. The rating of these specialists is headed by Andrey Baida. This list also includes Abdulla Artuev, Viktor Danilov, Alexander Sakulin, Denis Shumov, Larisa Sakhapova, Alexey Sizganov, Maria Melnik.

Andrey Baida

The best wedding photographers in Russia are welcome guests at any celebration. Andrei Baida certainly belongs to them. He manages to capture the most unforgettable and amazing moments of the reality around us. He is one of the most famous wedding photographers in the capital. His portfolio includes thousands of images taken all over the world.

He himself admits that photography for him is not just a job, but a hobby to which he devotes his whole life. He became interested in photography as a child. Then, of course, I didn’t think about genres yet, but filmed everything I saw.

Now a division into genres has appeared, but Andrei is trying not to concentrate on only one one, but to work in different ones in order to constantly improve.

Abdulla Artuev

Abdulla Artuev is also included in the list of the best photographers in Russia, according to many specialists and experts. This is one of the most promising young masters of the capital, who made a name for himself working for glossy publications. It is noticeable that he puts into his works not only skill and professionalism, but also his soul.

Victor Danilov

Many of Russia's best photographers today deliberately leave for social networkswhere tens of thousands of likes and followers are collected. One of those who made a name for themselves on Instagram was Viktor Danilov. He is a fashionable contemporary photographer who works with models and girls who dream of hitting the catwalk.

Today, his Instagram has about 50 thousand subscribers, which brings him popularity in professional circles and in the public. Danilov has long earned fame in fashion houses, his pictures are willingly taken on the front pages.

However, he is a very young photographer. He is a little over 20 years old.

Alexander Sakulin

The best photographer in Russia, according to some experts, is Alexander Sakulin. This master specializes in advertising photography. He often shoots for large business magazines, he is ready to present almost any product in a favorable and original light.

Sakulin tells about himself that he grew up on Far Eastaway from the lights of big cities. He moved to Moscow after serving in the army. At first I started taking pictures for fun, but soon my hobby turned into a profession. Sakulin constantly improved, went to exhibitions, studied albums of recognized masters. This desire to reach the bar set by the professionals allowed him to enter the top of the best photographers in Russia.

In 2009 Sakulin started producing advertising projects. Filmed various popular brands. For example, the products of the famous watch manufacturer Ulysse Nardin.

He started his career as an independent photographer in 2012. He has worked with modeling agencies, online stores, fashion designers and electronic online publications.

In 2014 he became the founder of his own agency, which specialized in commercial photography. Was engaged in the release of printing products, subject photography. Since then he has been regularly shooting major popular projects of well-known advertising brands.

Denis Shumov

If you are looking for a unique and unusual representative of the school of contemporary photography, then you should pay attention to the work of Denis Shumov. This is a versatile photographer who, despite his young age, has already achieved success in shooting models and advertising. His travel portfolio has captivated hundreds of fans.

In fact, Shumov succeeds in the almost impossible - to combine in his work all known directions modern photography... But the master is famous not only for this. Among his photographs, you can find hundreds of works with domestic and Hollywood celebrities who willingly worked with a young and talented photographer.

Larisa Sakhapova

The master Larisa Sakhapova appeared on the Russian photo-sky not long ago. Her portfolio is full of pictures of the most charming and attractive Russian girls. You need to be able to shoot true beauty. Larisa proves every day that she can do it.

In all her photographs, you can notice an amazing feature, she knows how to subtly notice the most unexpected features of female beauty and bring them to the fore. The tenderness and grace of her models are simply mesmerizing. Nobody remains indifferent.

Maria Simonova

You have already noticed that the best photographers in Russia are not only men, but also women. Recently, many talented girls have appeared in this profession, who take a new look at things familiar to everyone.

Maria Simonova surpasses all the wildest expectations. Her fame spread not only to Moscow, but also to America. Overseas, she works as a fashion photographer. She is regularly invited to fashion shows, models are called Maria to make a bright and high-quality portfolio. For example, Jared Leto and Nick Wooster are worshiping her camera.

Maria Simonova is also a wonderful family master. The best children's photographers in Russia celebrate her work, which captures happy families with their babies.

She notes to herself that her passion is individual shooting. It is when you work with a person one-on-one that he can fully reveal himself, reveal the most secretive aspects of his personality. And that's great.

Elena Melnik

Speaking about the most promising and talented photographers, one cannot fail to mention Elena Melnik. She has a special place in this list. Her works are distinguished by the fact that they show an individual, independent direction of photography. A direction that almost no one developed before Elena.

This is food photography. Elena Melnik is the brightest representative of this field of photography. At one time, food shots flooded social networks, especially "Instragram". Elena Melnik proves by her own example that even a plate of food can be an object of art. For this, today they dream of getting the best Moscow restaurants. After all, Elena's photographs often cause a conditioned reflex, like in Pavlov's dogs, many visitors to her exhibitions admit. After viewing these pictures, the salivation flows so that you want to immediately taste all the captured dishes.

In her works, she pays special attention to the palatability of food, colors and colors that accompany the serving. Making a person go to the restaurant where she just finished the photo shoot is her final goal, Elena Melnik herself admits.

Elena has been professionally engaged in photography for 10 years. She has a diploma in her specialty. Personal exhibitions were held many times.

Of course, the photographers listed in this article are not all talented and distinctive masters in Russia. However, the most famous, those who managed to gain fame in last yearsare mentioned here.

This section contains a large number of portfolios of famous, creative and best photographers of our time.

12-03-2018, 22:59

We bring to your attention a selection of amazing works, after watching which you will definitely have an idea about the shooting process and realism. A photographer named Mikhail Zagornatski first took up his own camera in 2011. I was engaged in the process of teaching photography independently. The main directions are conceptual and fine art photography. In recent projects, there are absolutely no elements of Photoshop.
The master loves to create his creations in real time, without piece additives. Before a new project, it takes a long time to prepare the necessary props and draw up a creative plan. The camera lens reveals exceptional beauty.

7-03-2018, 20:14

If you are ever in Gloucestershire, be sure to visit the picturesque village of Bybury. A renowned artist and singer named William Morris, has named this place the most amazing English village. Many tourists agree with this opinion to this day. The scenery of the village can be seen on the inside cover of the British passport.
Total the population of the village is about six hundred people. For many centuries, an authentic atmosphere has been maintained, despite the frequent visits of tourists. Bybury is a typical English village. Now the population is about 600 people. The Koln river flows through the territory of the village.

5-01-2018, 18:25

Today we want to present the work of a talented female photographer named Anne Guyer. Recently, she presented her original series of photographs. The main sources of inspiration were pets and the charming fall of leaves.
Anne began to take an interest in the art of photography as a child. The girl watched her father, a photographer, who created interesting works. But the final craze began about seven years ago. Cindy's first dog was the primary source of inspiration. You can see more amazing photos thanks to our today's article.

15-12-2017, 22:16

Today we will introduce you to the work of a young but very talented photographer named Craig Burrows. He photographs various flowers and plants using the modern UVIVF technique. All the subtleties of the process of creating new works are not exactly known. The artist uses UV light to highlight the fluorescent glow in his work. In the process of shooting, ultraviolet radiation is blocked in the lens.
At the moment, Burrows has in his arsenal only individual flowers and plants, but in the near future he plans to do similar work with entire gardens. For large works, 100-watt floodlights will be used. Look for detailed photos in today's materials!

15-12-2017, 22:16

Today's selection of photos will tell all the secrets of Patty Waymire's journey to the island called Barter. This area is located off the coast of distant Alaska. The main goal was to photograph the wonderful polar bears in the snowy area. But after arriving at the site, Patty did not find the expected snow, the sea ice had not even started to form yet. The conceived ideas of photographs had to be postponed, and the local owners of the sea ice lay serenely on the sandy shore. Such a sad picture should serve for each of us good example the impact of humanity on the surrounding atmosphere. Look for more photos in the materials of our today's article.

23-06-2017, 12:45

Our today's material will tell about the work of a self-taught photographer named Daniel Zhezhikha. In his works, he uses the technique of minimalism and classic black and white photography. It is in such a shade that all the subtleties of photography are conveyed. Daniel was born in the small town of Krupke, which is located near Teplice. Throughout his childhood, he was very fond of travel and the surrounding nature. The first passion for photography began precisely in various travels, in which the boy took pictures with a soap dish.
The first thought about the professional occupation of photography came in 2006, after which a Pentax camera was bought. Since then, Zhezhikha has been completely immersed in the world of filming!

22-06-2017, 12:18

A professional photographer named Elena Chernyshova works in the documentary genre. Originally from Moscow, but currently lives and works in France. Initially, Elena graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, but after working in her specialty for a couple of years she decided to do something else. The idea to become a photographer appeared after traveling by bicycle from Tula to Vladivostok, she covered such a huge distance in 1004 days.
Many works of Cheshnyshova can be seen in famous world publishing houses. His new series titled "Winter", she dedicated to the gorgeous beauty of the Russian winter. In each of the works, the whole atmosphere of this wonderful time of the year is very subtly conveyed.

21-06-2017, 10:14

A clear starry sky is becoming a rare phenomenon for the inhabitants of modern megapoles, and the night starry sky has always been a great mystery for man, and man has always wanted to know what is there above the sky, in a universe strewn with myriads of stars. Finnish photographer Oskar Keserchi is fond of photographing the starry sky. It is cold in Finland most of the year. At night, the temperature drops to 30 degrees below zero.
The blue shades of the photographs just aptly convey the feeling of frosty Finnish nights, says Oskar. It is on a starry night that you can experience special sensations that will immerse you in a fantasy world. A series of photos of the master is presented in our review!

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