How to help the child determine himself. Determines the process of human self-determination, its choice of this or that kind of activity and means of achieving. Parent meeting "How to help the child is good to learn" - Presentation How to help your child become

Slide 2.

Is your child often distracted while performing tasks?

  • Yes. - 17 people.
  • It is difficult to say - 3 people.
  • No - 5 people.
  • Slide 3.

    Is it possible to call your child concentrated, perfected?

    • Yes - 5 people.
    • It is difficult to say - 9 people.
    • No - 11 people.
  • Slide 4.

    Would you like your child to be attentive?

    • Yes - 24 people.
    • It is difficult to say - 0 people.
    • No - 0 people
    • Other - 1 person.
  • Slide 5.

    What do you do to ensure that your child has developed attention?

    • We are engaged in - 17 people.
    • I find it difficult to answer - 3 people.
    • We do not know - 1 people.
    • Unanswered - 4 people
  • Slide 6.

    Do you think that such meetings need to be attended by the whole family?

    • Yes - 21 people.
    • Yes, but it does not always work - 2 people.
    • Optionally - 1 person.
    • Unanswered - 1 person.
  • Slide 7.


    • Attention is the ability of a person to focus on a specific object and phenomena.
    • Basic properties: concentration, volume, stability, distribution, and switching.
  • Slide 8.

    Caution may be

    • Involuntary (having no goals and volitional efforts).
    • Arbitrary (the presence of a goal and and actively maintaining it through the force of the will).
    • Afterplayer (the presence of a goal, but without a volitional effort).
  • Slide 10.

    Volume of attention

    It is characterized by the number of simultaneously perceived and held in the minds of objects.

    Slide 14.

    ATTENTION - this is more than once and forever this quality!

    • Attention can and need to develop!
    • It's hard to do it myself. He needs to help learn how to manage his attention. And the chief assistant to the child can be Mom and Dad.
  • Slide 15.

    Individual features of attention:

    Sustainable, but weakly switchable attention: children can long and diligently solve one task, but with difficulty switch to the next.

    Slide 16.

    Individual features of attention

    • Easily switchable attention in the process of work, but also easily distracted for extraneous moments.
  • Slide 17.

    • Well-organized attention is combined with a small volume.
    • Easily distracted attention.
  • Slide 18.

  • Slide 19.

    If children have no random attention, then

    • They will replace letters - vowels or consonants, close on acoustic signs: Children - Tedy, Children - Beti, Sounds - Zhvuki.
  • Slide 20.

    If children have insufficiently developed stability of attention, then they will

    • Skip letters in words - Tava -Truva, TRP - Grass;
    • In the examples, digits and signs are passed: 12-6 \u003d 5 1 -6 \u003d 5 12-6 5;
  • Slide 23.

    • Help your children become attentive.
    • Purchase, read and use books in which you can find exercises and games that promote attention.
    • Attention is based on interest. Play with children in various gamesdeveloping all the properties of attention.
    • Learn to play chess and checkers, because these games are called a "school of attention."
    • Do not forget about sports and moving games, thanks to which you can develop not only power and dexterity, but also attention, imagination, speed of thinking.
    • Teach children to be observant - able to notice the changes occurring in the surrounding world, to see unusual in the usual, unfamiliar - in a familiar.
    • Constantly train your child's attention. Use for this walk in the fresh air, hiking, any opportunity.
    • Stimulate interest in the development of attention with your own examples and examples from other people's life.
    • In the family circle, demonstrate the achievements of the child to develop our own attention.
    • Take patience and do not expect immediate, successful results.

  • Signatures for slides:

    How to help your child become attentive
    Tufluikina G.Auchitel Nach.Klassovmbo Savvinskaya Sosh.
    Attention - there is exactly the door, in front of which everything comes into the soul of a person from the outside world. K.D. Shushinsky
    Attention is a mental process that is necessarily present as a child of the world and manifests itself in the focus and concentration of the psyche at certain facilities.
    The successes of our children in school and other activities largely depend on the formation of their ability to be attentive.
    Properties of attention
    Traditionally allocate the following properties of attention - concentration, stability, distribution, switching and volume. Concentrate determines how intensively, the child can focus on the facility, and how much it is able to resist distracting circumstances, random interference. Delaness of attention shows how long the child can support sufficient The level of focusing the psyche at the object or performance. Poorly concentrated, unstable attention is manifested in diffraction.
    The amount of attention is the property depends on the number of objects that the child can be perceived at the same time, "grab" with the same clarity. The amount of attention is limited. Distribution involves dispersal attention at the same time into several objects. It is this property that makes it possible to perform several actions at once. The removal is characterized by the ability of a person consciously and intentionally move focus of attention from one object to another. If attention is stable, well concentrates, distributed, switches and has a large volume, we say that the properties of attention are well developed.
    In the younger school age, well-developed properties of attention are one of the factors that directly define the success of learning. In fact, at the attentive children, the success of mathematics is most closely related to the amount of attention, the success of mastering the Russian language depends on how accurate is the distribution, and good reading - from stability of attention.
    The properties of attention can and need to be developed. It is important to understand the growing child, why it should be attentive, and for this it must be taught to be attentive.
    Ways of development of attention
    Systematic Training Properties Tospending Motivation Torganization Attention of the student of a schoolboy in the teaching of volitional habits
    For the development of care as a sustainable characterological characteristics of the student, the habit of the regular and accurate execution of their duties and self-control is most important, the desire for self-cultivation, to the maximum expansion of its capabilities act as a factor determining and forming attention.
    To develop attention with children, you can conduct the following classes on observation issues:
    Close your eyes and describe, what are you dressed for the guys with whom you play? Not turning, call all items. Who are behind your back, describe their forms. When closed with eyes closed for 3-5min, they listed all the sounds that you would hear and other Didactic observation games: "What has changed?", "What is the error?"
    Gaming exercises contributing to the development of attention 1. Numeric chains
    2. Find the difference
    The simplest, but very effective exercise. Cutting two images, children are often looking for differences, moving a look around the picture chaotically, unsystematic. Move the child to the idea of \u200b\u200btargeted search.
    3. Celebrated lines, "labyrinths"
    This exercise is aimed at developing the concentration of attention.
    4. Corrector
    The development of sustainability is worthy of the most effective. To contact this exercise is recommended regularly. Task deck - shut up letters or badges in accordance with the sample. The error is considered missed or incorrectly crossed icons and letters.
    For example, to cross out in each line the letter that stands in it first: the next stage is one letter in the line to cross out, and another emphasize. For example, "E" - strike, and the letter "M" Stress ".
    To get acquainted with game exercises for the development of children school age It is proposed to use the materials of the book Tikhomirova L.F. "Development of schoolboy's intellectual abilities: a popular benefit for parents and teachers"
    Thank you for attention!

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

    1 Slide

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    2 Slide

    Slide description:

    If you are experiencing a fear of "campaign" to the parent meeting, try mentally to present your child sitting at this meeting next to you. Imagine that he sees and hears the same thing as you. The presence of his image will support you as his defender and will allow you to make it a bigger to his parent. If you help your child do lessons, then the main criterion for you should be feedback From him like "I understood, I did not understand," and not what a mark for a joint understanding achieved with you will receive tomorrow in the classroom. Your task is to provide a child to the atmosphere of safe knowledge, regardless of his relationships with his teacher and school performance. And, of course, emphasize that your feelings for it and your attitude towards yourself do not depend on the assessments that he will bring from school.

    3 Slide

    Slide description:

    Some parents very nervously perceive the estimates of their children, as if these estimates were delivered to them. This is because parents unconsciously belong to the assessment of the child received at school, as evaluating their parental success ..

    4 Slide

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    Why can children, but do not want to learn? Oddly enough, it will sound for people older than thirty, but today's children often do not want to learn on a very simple reason: they do not know at all what it is necessary. There is such a very good children's joke. The boy comes to his mother and says: - Mom, say: "Fun". - Why is it? - Feeling some kind of catch, suspiciously asks the mother. - Well, you just say: "Fun". - What does this mean? - Yes, you do not ask anything, you just say: "Fun!" - I will not speak all sorts of nonsense! - You will not? So do not forcing me then english language learn!

    5 Slide

    Slide description:

    For today's children, an announcement that they must learn is an empty sound. Pretty dubious and statements that, only learning, you can get a good job in life. Our children are not at all stupid and see people every day, which if they studied anything well, then clearly did it not at school. Nevertheless, these people are fine (often much better than the parents taking care) "arranged" in life.

    6 Slide

    Slide description:

    So what to do? The only exit is every day, with each convenient case to show children that knowledge, education makes the life of a person more interesting, filled, expand the boundaries of the world affordable to him.

    8 Slide

    Slide description:

    Sometimes child performance suffers due to conflicts at school. In medium-sized classes (5-8) it is especially common. The child claims the role of the leader, but does not have strength or abilities to lead others. In class, where the relationship has already been formed, a new, not too sociable student came. He has no friends, during his change, he stands at the wall, without deciding to take part in the noisy games of classmates, does not respond to the clumsy "pensions", attempts to involve him in communication. Gradually, such a child becomes a scapegoat and, as a result, cannot learn well, does not want to go to school.

    9 Slide

    Slide description:

    Sometimes the cause of study below the possibilities or even failure is the incompleteness of the cognitive interests of the child. Such children tend to grow in incomplete or socially disadvantaged families, from the earliest years have been provided by themselves.

    10 Slide

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    The reading and unquidental children are no secret that today more and more children grows and without taking a book. Their literary experience in this case is limited by comics, more or less random journals, and later - lethargic attempts to master the works of the school program in abbreviated presentation. What to do? Read along with him!

    11 Slide

    Slide description:

    Overloading "Working Day" of the ordinary student sometimes reaches 8 -10 hours. Some children, in addition to the secondary school, are also visited by numerous additional classes! Constant time limit conditions - and in the usual lesson, and when performing verification works. Total amount study hours a week for students in last years Not changed. But at the same time, the number of hours allocated to the study of mathematics and Russian has decreased. This means that the current student has to master the same amount of material in a much more compressed duration. What to do? Avoid overloads.

    12 Slide

    Slide description:

    Telik, Jewel and computer. Benefit or harm? Council first. Limit the time that the child spends in front of the TV screen and computer. For a child over 10 years old. TV or vidic - no more than three hours a day with mandatory breaks after each hour. The computer is no more than two hours daily, with mandatory breaks every half hour. Council second. Do not neglect well-known safety rules. Watch a modern color TV from a distance of at least one and a half meters. For old TVs, this distance should not be less than two meters. If your computer is not too modern monitor, be sure to purchase an additional protective screen.

    13 Slide

    Slide description:

    Council third. If the child suffers from neuropathy, neurosis, MMD, night fear or other neurological disorders, it is necessary to significantly limit the viewing of "horror stories", bloody militants and an overly exciting child's gear.

    14 Slide

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    Council fourth. Do not forget that the "miracles of the twentieth century" is not only entertainment, but also powerful For learning and education of a child.

    15 Slide

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    How much time must be given to communicating with the child? "How much time do you pay for a child?" - This question you probably met in the questionnaires for parents. "It is necessary to be more with the children," they write in numerous pedagogical articles however, if you ask the child, how much time on Sunday he spent with mom or dad, it is unlikely to be accurate. The child is important not the amount of time spent with it, but how it is carried out. Sometimes ten minutes spent in the heart conversation for a child mean much more than a whole day spent with you together, but when you, holding back the yawn, simply attended his games.

    16 Slide

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    Signatures for slides:

    "What children are born, it doesn't depend on anyone, but so that they are good by the right upbringing - it is in our power" Plutarch Parent-teacher meeting

    "How to help the child go well to learn"

    Why is a child hard to learn? Are there any explanations to this, except for laziness, inorganization? How to help your child learn? What to do?

    "Parent role" parents are the main "designers, designers and builders" of the child's personality. That is why it is important to know how successful we cope with such a difficult role.

    Organization of the Day of the Day Control over the performance of homework Teaching children to independence

    Rational food Morning Charging Home Responsibility Daily Reading Books Organization Leisure Do not interfere with children to perform homework to go to bed at 21 o'clock

    Systemativity unobtrusion and tactics control not the final product of labor, and the process itself is interested in educational activities at school. Teaching the planning of the upcoming work. Developing a habit of strictly fulfilling a d / s.

    Do not rush to indicate mistakes Do not replace the schoolchildren in our work. Teach the learning task, T. E. The child must clearly represent what skills and knowledge should be seized to fulfill this or that task

    Bring up a sense of responsibility for what it makes Forming the child's ability to bring the started business to the end carefully listen to the thoughts and the child's feelings do not intimidate the child do not scold the child for bad marks in am He deserved directions in the education of children by parents

    Memo for parents: Only in the Union with the school, you can achieve the desired results in the upbringing and training of children; Visit the parent meeting regularly; Systematically interest the school children; Rendise to the child a reasonable help; Patiently and interestly listen to the stories of the child; Present assistance in organizing children leisure;

    Parent support is a process: during which the parent focuses on the advantages of the child. Which helps the child believe in itself and in their abilities. Which supports the child with failures.

    Perform homework with the child, and not instead of it. Perform with the child only what is specified in school. Work calmly, without nervous, reproaches, censures. Never start with difficult tasks, complicate the tasks gradually. Complete tasks only when successfully completed previous. If you need to make adjustments in the course of work, do it immediately. To work with the child was more efficient, it must be systematic. Rules of organization of personal assistance at home

    The child needs permanent support for parents. Your sincere interest in his school matters, a serious attitude towards achievements and difficulties will help the student. Do not forget to remind of school rules and the need to observe them. Make together the routine of the day, and then follow the execution. When a person learns, he can not get anything, it is natural. The child has the right to an error. Do not miss difficulties. If necessary, contact your specialists: a psychologist, a speech therapist, an eyepiece. Support the child in his desire to succeed. In each work, be sure to find, for which it would be possible to praise it. Praise is capable of improving intellectual achievements. Useful advice

    The need for love, in belonging to another, is one of the most important human needs. This means that it is important for a person to feel that he needs someone. How does this manifest in life? You need a child to look at him to look at him, he wants to hear: "How great that you have!", "I love when you are at home," "I'm glad to see you," and at the same time they touched and embraced. Change your child's attitude. Belery to the shortcomings of adolescents. Try to restore the confidence and respect the child to yourself. Find and develop in the son or daughters those advantages that are characteristic of their nature. Do not humiliate, but support. Do not join endless disputes, do not allow the silent, cold war. And the main thing is to confound the child in the fact that you will always love him, which is proud of the same thing and what lacks you. Understand that it is difficult for him! Love your children!

    Child support tips in learning activities Do not compare, praise, be sincere. Learn together, unite against difficulties, become an ally. Having teaching left-handed, try to make the learning process with bright and colorful, do not reap the left-handle - it's not in hand, but in the brain device. Do so that the child wants to learn, did not lose interest in study, the child should not panic themselves to be mistaken. Try to teach to find the truth. Instruct an independent search for a child. Do not order. Use encouragement.

    Proverbs and sayings about the family Apple from the apple tree drops nearby. Whoever honors parents, it does not die. My husband and wife thought alone. Live soul in the soul. Marry - not a drink to get drunk. The whole family together and the soul in place. If the Field of the Floor is not needed and treasure. House - the full bowl of every house by the owner holds. The world in the family love holds.

    Thank you all for your attention.

    On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

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    How to help your child perform homework

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    25. 09.2015

    "Where friendship

    - there is a success! "


    How to increase grade in class?

    • Results of grade 5.
    • Intermediate estimates

    learning activities

    • Speeches of teachers - subjects
    • Miscellaneous.

    Results of the first quarter

    • Knowledge Quality - 53%
    • Excellent (2): Koietkin love,

    Slava Tatiana

    • GOODS (8): Antonova Irina;

    Belozerova Karina; Kalbin

    Kirill; Olesya bald; Polina Finino;

    Folkman Paul; Frolov Ilya.


    • The attitude of the student to educational activities in the lesson.
    • The ratio of the student to perform homework.
    • initiative;
    • conscientiousness;
    • responsibility;
    • performance;
    • desire to work additionally, etc.

    Good knowledge of the child "Two parties personality"

    Positive psychological properties

    Negative psychological properties

    concentrated for purposes, aims to win, confident, hardworking ambitious, energetic.

    Help children in school

    must go in three directions:

    • organization of the day;
    • control over homework;
    • teaching children to independence.

    Questioning of parents

    1. Studying what subject is for your child the most difficult?

    2. What is the associated learning difficulties of the child for this subject?

    3. What types of homework are most difficult to fulfill?

    4. Did your child apply for help to the teacher?

    5. Do you control your child's learning activities?

    6. How do you monitor its training activities?

    Tips to parents:

    Never call the child with stupid, etc.

    Praise the child for any success, even the most insignificant.

    Summary every day without the complaints of the notebook, the diary, quietly ask the explanations on this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.

    Love your child and inspire confidence daily.

    • "I want you to remove the bathroom immediately. Get up. "
    • "Lunch is ready. When are you going to put on the table? "
    • "You will not go to the street until you kill the room."
    • "I do not allow you to play snowballs. You are catching up. "

    Decision parental Assembly:

    • Control the homework.
    • Check diaries.
    • Tasks in the outdated days to find out.
    • A visit to the lessons by parents whose children violate the discipline.
    • Invite violators of behavior to the parent committee to school.

    Decision of the Parent Meeting:

    • Mobile phones during the lessons are located ...
    • Calls to children during the lessons on personal issues are prohibited.