The value of the lens lights. Light lens: What is it? Selection of light optics

Article text updated: 02/13/2019

In the lesson, photographs for beginner photographers for the choice of camera settings, we saw a table showing the dependence of excerpts, ISO and the diaphragm from each other. In the comments to it, I explained that the light optics (that is, the one that allows you to open aperture as widely as possible) makes it possible to reduce light sensitivity when shooting or significantly reduce the exposure time. However, again and again in discussions of various nuances, photographs on the site arises the question of the feasibility of applying expensive light zoom lenses with newcomers. Let's try to shink this topic more deeply today and finally understand it.

To those guests blog, who did not read the lesson on the camera settings, I advise you to get acquainted with him first. Briefly recall the essence: the correctness of the exposure of the image depends on the light sensitivity settings (ISO), the exposure time (excerpt) and the diameter of the hole in the lens (diaphragm). The same exposure value can be obtained by changing one of these three parameters alone. The range of exposures and ISO values \u200b\u200bare the technical characteristics of a particular camera, the values \u200b\u200bof the relative hole - the parameter defined by the design of the lens.

The diaphragm affects not only the magnitude of the exposure, but also to the degree of blurred background in the photo - the wider it is open, the closer the object of shooting and further from it the background (as well as the greater the focal length), the stronger the background is blurred. Therefore, the first advantage of the test lens is the possibility of badly blurring those objects that are behind our SBCC (plot-important composite center).

Light needed for bokeh

Light optics (especially zuma) is expensive. Among some photographers are common because there is no sense to pay for it, but you can blur the background, simply using a longer focal length. To a certain extent is so. If you open the bokeh simulator (the term means "blur", "fuzziness"), the reference to which is placed in the lesson with the story of the shooting of kittens (see above) and play with the settings, you will find that the same flu (the depth of the sharply depicted space) You can get on the insanely expensive portrait fixes of Canon EF 85mm F / 1.2L II USM and on a cheap tele suspension of Canon EF 70-300mm F / 4.0-5.6 IS USM. For example, with a distance to the subject of 5 m and a diaphragm F / 1.2 fix, Kenon 85mm f / 1.2 can be obtained a ramp equal to 15 cm. If you turn on the chamber the above-mentioned Channel Channel 70-300, to move 15 m to remotely, then The maximum open hole F / 5.6, we get the same hypertension at 15 cm. True, the portrait will turn out to be a largest, not the belt ...

Shot on an open diaphragm can cause difficulty, due to the too low depth of a sharply depicted space when photographing at a small distance. I encountered this, for example, removing the kittens (see the lesson on blurring the background on the link above): They are small, it is necessary to closely approach, light in the room is not enough, the opening of the relative opening leads to a decrease in the flu - sharp only head. Therefore, I am ready to partly agree or, at least, do not argue with those photographers who claim that there is no reason in expensive light-free optics.

Light needed to shoot on low ISO with short exposure

On the sprinkled Nikon D5100 mirror, the main poverty lens was the Nikon 17-55mm F / 2.8G lighting zoom. When switching to the full frame Nikon D610, I bought a full-frame reporting lens Nikon 24-70mm F / 2.8G ED AF-S Nikkor to it. In the comments, some photographers noted that it would be better to take a cheaper, but the dark zoom Nikon 24-120mm F / 4G ED VR AF-S Nikkor, because the difference in the luminosity they have only one stop. In response, I said that even this often gives me a noticeable advantage. Let's see why it is.

The task of the photographer is to shoot with the smallest value of ISO so that no digital noise appears, spoiling the image.

Two frames above I photographed by installing the camera on. The object of shooting is fixed, so there was no need for a short exposure. Everything changes if we do not have the opportunity to put a camera on the tripod: we have to use the formula: B \u003d 1 / FR for cameras, in which the matrix with a small number of pixels of type Nikon D7000 or B \u003d 1 / (2 * Fr) for multi-sized type sensors Nikon D7200.

An even more situation is aggravated if we photograph moving objects with poor lighting: we still need to shorter the exposure time, which means to raise the ISO even higher.

For example, in the spring of 2016, my wife and I went to travel to Turkey. where I photographed a marble column with a nick jellyfish gorgon.

Taking pictures of the plot on your samyang 14mm f / 2.8, I tipped up the aperture to F / 5.6, as I was afraid that I would not get into the flu. Now I see that it was a mistake: on short focal lengths, the depth of a sharply depicted space is large enough, and the face of the jellyfish would have turned sharp - it was possible to open a diaphragm to f / 2.8. It would give me the opportunity to reduce ISO or shorten an exposure to 1/250 second, that is, tourists would have come out clear, not lubricated (Note: Although, I believe that blurry uncle does not spoil here, but on the contrary, improve the picture).

As we can see, for the full frame of Nikon D610, the photosensitivity of ISO 25'600 is absolutely not working. You can try to translate the image into a black and white option.

Another way is to use noise suppression (noise), but then we lose the items: the picture becomes plasticine.

To better understand how the open aperture helps reduce photosensitivity and speed up the shutter speed, I propose to once again draw up a table that displays the relationship between these parameters. I take a camera, I put on a tripod and changing the settings, recording values.

Note. In the ISO settings, the numbers of the natural range are usually displayed, extended - hide behind the abbreviations: L1.0 - 50, L0.7 - 64, L0.3 - 80 for parameters below the ISO100, and for numbers above 6400 units - H0.3 - 8 ' 063, H0.7 - 10'159, H1.0 - 12'800, H2.0 - 25'600 units.

The numbers in this table are not necessary: \u200b\u200bthey change at every moment of time, depending on the lighting of the scene, which we remove. But you can analyze them. I propose to do this on the example of a snapshot that I got

If instead of a light Nikon 35mm f / 1.4g, I would use my reporting zoom Nikon 24-70mm F / 2.8, then on an open F / 2.8 aperture would differ on 6 steps (F / 1.4, F / 1.6, F / 1.8, F /2.0, f / 2.2, f / 2.5 and finally F / 2.8). From the table, it follows that to obtain the same time in the exposition at 1/100 second, ISO would have to raise from 320 units to 1250. On the sprinkled cameras, the threshold for high-quality images. The full frame is copes with high ISO better: up to 2900 units for Nikon and 2300 cameras - for Canon EOS cameras. Therefore, the Nikon 24-70mm F / 2.8 zoom would not spoil the picture.

Now, suppose I decided to save, and instead of my dear signing lens, took a darker version of Nikon 24-120 F / 4.0. On an open F / 4.0, the difference with a diaphragm F / 1.4 is 9 steps - ISO needs to be raised from 320 to 2500 units - on the verge! Third option: Take the cheapest whale lens for the full frame Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-85 mm F 3.5-4.5G ED VR SWM IF Aspherical. It makes it up already non-working ISO 3200.

And the last option is to say, very dark super-long focus telephoto lens Sigma 150-600mm F / 5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports Lens. The difference with the Nikon 35mm F / 1.4G fix is \u200b\u200b13 steps, that is, to shoot this particular plot at F / 6.3 you will need ISO 6400 units!

Such is the metamorphosis. Agree, the difference is stunning? But, probably, someone from the photographers will say: "So on the open - the junk is too small. In practice, you will not be able to open the diaphragm to the maximum. " And then I want to show a photo report, which I removed during a business trip to Germany on December 10, 2016. In the evening, we went to the New Year's Fair in Frankfurt - the light was not at all, then visited the Düsseldorf "Classic Remise Düsseldorf" car museum and in the famous cathedral in Cologne, where the lighting was also not ahti. I had a full-frame carcass Nikon D610 and only the Nikon 24-70mm F / 2,8G highlight zoom. That's what came out of all this.

Shot of the report on the light zoom

So, we came to the fair when the street was already standing on the street. Remove the carousel - so that it turns out sharply, you need a short excerpt.

Here, of course, the aunt in the foreground did not hit the flu and spoiled the frame. But when we remove the plot where the BVC is in the foreground (and such a majority), this problem does not occur.

Photo 10. Light optics - no problem photographer in frames, where the main object is located in front. 1/1000, +0.67, 2.8, 3200, 56.

To shoot moving objects, we need to install a very short exposure. Light lenses allow with a relatively low ISO to get a very short exposure time. No wonder in English such glass is called "Fast Lens".

Of course, removing the diverse plots, you always need to remember the fun and analyze whether all the important objects will include in the sharpness zone. Whether it is flat scenes.

Photo 13. Shooting on an open diaphragm of a light lens - always balancing on the verge of a ramp. 1/500, +0.33, 2.8, 3200, 45.

The following photo is removed on f / 2.8 with ISO 6400. According to Table No. 6, when shooting on the Dark Trevell Zoom Nikon 28-300mm F / 3.5-5.6G ED VR AF-S Nikkor, on the short end at F / 3.5 will be H0 , 7 (ISO 10'159). On a long, with F / 5.6 - we would put H2.0 (ISO 25'600), and this would not be enough, the picture would turn out to be dark, that is, inadequate.

A more couple of reportage shots showing the fact that the aperture F / 2.8 is not a problem if only our BCC is in the foreground.

Nevertheless, the advantage of the Nikon 24-70mm F / 2.8 light zoom is crucial if the photographer has the opportunity to remove from afar. As the shooting object approached, the ramp decreases sharply and, despite the darkness, it has to clamp aperture.

So that the camera entered the cutting area, I had to reduce the focal length of my lens. But the plot turned out to be completely different.

Well, the examples above, mostly been written for extremely difficult lighting conditions. Let's see the stories taken during indoors in the afternoon.

Last time I actively use the "Automatic ISO control" function at your Nikon D610 camera. In most cases, it works fine, but here it has been failed: I think that for shooting with the hands there was enough excerpts of 1/40 seconds, which means ISO would decrease to 400 units.

When there is a conversation about the choice of lenses on a crop or a full frame, two approaches are often faced: 1) one universal zoom (high-quality, but dear) or 2) a set of cheaper fixes. I can be attributed to the fans of the zooms - the next confirmation of such a position was obtained on this tour: the next photo with a wide plan, showing the viewer, the place of action I would not remove if I had no zoom Nikon 24-70mm F / 2.8. Fixes Take with you on the trip the opportunity was not.

The following several frames probably cannot be considered a good illustration to this article, because due to the failures of the auto-ISO functions, it turned out too short exposure with unreasonably high photosensitivity. Although I was convinced that for some scenes ISO 6400 is not critical.

Photo 25. Hike to a car museum with high-tech optics. If I did not trust automation - I could safely lower Iso. 1/400, 5.6, 6400, 29.

Photo 27. Large sizes of the shooting object do not allow to take advantage of the highlight optics - the diaphragm is pressed due to a small flu. 1/640, -1.0, 5.6, 6400, 24.

I want to show two identical pictures taken on different ISO. Oddly enough, I do not see a special difference. Well, maybe in the shadows of the snapshot with ISO 100 a little better.

We continue the journey. We looked at the Christmas Fair in Frankfurt am Main and the Classic Remise Düsseldorf Automotive Museum. Now we will be transferred to the glorious city of Cologne.

Photo 31. Remove through the car window - it can be seen that it was focused not by car, but on the building away, which spoiled the frame. 1/100, -0.67, 5.6, 640, 70.

Of course, Cologne is famous for his cathedral. I said that you need to put the goal to visit all the buildings presented there, revealed. In addition to the statue of freedom in New York, Cologne Cathedral is the second tick.

We go inside the cathedral. I do not know if it is possible to use a tripod there, but I would like, since it is very dark in the room. You have to photograph from the hands by setting the highest possible exposure to shoot without lubrication. After processing the photo looks quite decent.

According to Table No. 6 "The ratio of exposure, aperture and ISO", if I, at one time, chose a darker zoom Nikon 24-120 F / 4.0, would have to "rear" ISO to H1.

On an open diaphragm, my hanging glass even allowed to photograph the stained glass windows of the Cologne Cathedral from hand without losing as an image.

When shooting on the Dark Travel-zoom Nikon 28-300mm, you would have to install ISO by 2500 units (at f / 5.6)

I can not think about how to comment on the rest of the pictures from an excursion to Cologne Cathedral, just look at the difference when shooting in a dark place and on the street.

Around the road from the cathedral is the beer restaurant. Sin was not to go here, so as not to taste a glass-other Cologne Cologne. Another test for my highly reporter Nikon 24-70mm F / 2.8.

Photo 39. Yes, a small junk - trouble ... 1/250, 2.8, 6400, 70.

Such a long way I found it to boast of my trip to the rented car in Germany. Joke! If seriously, examples of snapshots in today's report, in my opinion, show that the Nikon D610 full-frame camera is up to 5,600 units, we already obtain "plasticine" at 6400. Well, and the test lens is a good help for shooting photos in conditions of insufficient light.

Since then I have pictures with a New Year's mood, I will use the case to congratulate you, friends. I wish that in your families next year everything was wonderful, your hobby did not break the family budget (which is difficult to ensure, since the light optics costs money), and also pleased you and your loved ones. Happy New Year, my friends!

P.S. I hope that this article will help beginners to understand how to get cool New Year's pictures. The exit is there two: either run to the store for high-speed optics, or behind the outer flash, which will allow you to get a short excerpt even with a dark lens.

If you at least a little engaged in photography, if you bought a new camera or lens, you most likely heard about the lights of optics. The fact is that the shovel is a very important criterion of any lens. When buying a lens, it is usually paid special attention to the indicator of Lights. Almost any seller in the store will be "nailed" by the naive newcomer, the test lens. And only because there are enough light lenses more expensive than those whose not very good. In addition, many naively believe that hens can solve all the problems arising from the photographer in the process of its work.

Here we decided to talk to you in our today's article.

For starters, let's figure it out that it is like that - threw it. If you explain popularly, what is called, "on the fingers", then lights up - this is the ability of the lens to skip light. Light shows what the maximum possible amount of the light of one or another lens skips on the matrix of a digital camera or on a photographic film. What lights the lens more, the greater the amount of light passes through the lens. Therefore, the more the lens threw, the more opportunities to make high-quality photos under conditions of insufficient lighting, without using additional light sources, such as the flash, as well as a tripod for shooting at long-lasting excerpts.

What depends on the lens loss? And it depends, first of all from these parameters:

  • Diaphragm
  • Focal length
  • Quality optics

Today we do not see sense to delve into the theory of physics (if it is still interesting to you, open the textbook). We simply say that the lens light is the ratio of the diameter of the maximum wide open hole of the diaphragm to the focal length. It is this ratio and indicate their manufacturers on the frames of the lenses. Most likely, you paid attention to such numbers on your lens: 1: 1.2, 1: 1.4, 1: 1.8 1: 2.8, 1: 5.6 and the like. Than this ratio is more, the greater the lens. The literals can be attributed to the lenses that this figure is 1: 2.8, 1: 1.8, 1: 1.4 and more.

For a common interest, we can say that the lens that is considered the most light in the world was manufactured in 1966 for NASA and it was used to photograph the dark side of the moon. It was called this lens Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm F / 0.7. His luminosity was equal to 1: 0.7. This lens was made only ten copies.

Even a novice photographer, not to mention professionals, probably knows that portrait lenses that have a fixed focal length (for brevity lenses with a constant focal distance in the language of professionals, are made by fixes). A similar lens must have each photographer who considers himself a master of photography. Such highlighting fixes have one undeniable advantage. And it is quite essential. This is the advantage of the fact that the light fixes are sufficiently available at its cost. And, moreover, if they compare them with light zums - the fixes sometimes even better than them and are able to create a very wonderful picture.

Lens with good luminosity are perfectly suitable for shooting portraits, as they give a sufficiently small depth of a sharply depicted space. And this is, as you know, it is very important for portrait shooting.

What portrait lens is best to choose to work? With Lights 1: 1.2, 1: 1,4 or 1: 1.8?

As we have already told today, newcomers in Photoel are usually trying to acquire a more high-sound lens. And the sellers willingly offer them such lenses, because they stand very expensive, and this is, of course, a very profitable store. But this is just here and the question arises: is it necessary to largely overpay for the lens having a diaphragm F / 1.4, if in real practice you are unlikely to use it?

The depth of the sharply depicted space in the picture depends directly from the lens torque that you are removed. That is why when shooting with a diaphragm F / 1.2, F / 1.4, and F / 1.8, the focus plane is very small. In this case, the risk is very great that not the entire object of shooting will fall into this plane. Here, for example, as in this picture.

His author believes that he spoiled this frame. He removed it with a fully open diaphragm F / 1.2. And that is why it did not get into the focus, and the picture was empty. But this picture was made by him, but already with a diaphragm F / 2.8. As you can see, the photo turned out to be quite good: the background is blurred, and the face of the model is depicted sharply.

In general, the F / 1,2 diaphragm should be used only in the most exceptional cases. For example, in the case of a real lack of light for shooting. Yes, and that it helps not always. More often it is easier to simply increase photosensitivity (raise the ISO value). This is especially true if you work a full-format camera. Even removing the lens with a fixed focal length of 50 mm. With a diaphragm f / 2.8, you can easily not get into the sharpness zone. And then some details of the photographed object in the picture will be bliss. Therefore, we always recommend this in this case to be somewhat reinforced and removed with good lighting on a diaphragm at least f / 3.2.

Well, in conclusion of our article, let's briefly summarize the results of the story-tested in it.

So, the light lenses with a fixed focal length are ideal for shooting portraits. For this reason, we strongly recommend that such a lens to have every photographer.

When you buy a light lens, do not give in to the sellers of sellers and on the declared Lights 1: 1.2 or 1: 1.4. You can hardly shoot on such a diaphragm. And if you have to, it is very, very very in rare cases. That is why, if you still have a choice between lens with luminosity 1: 1.2, 1: 1.4 and 1: 1.8 - do not waste your money for the purchase of what you absolutely do not need. In practical work, there is enough lens with Lights 1: 1.8.

We all know that the light lenses are good. First, you can shoot with a lack of lighting, without having to do ISO or lengthen the exposure. Secondly, you can get an artistic effect in the photo and video - due to the shallow depth of field and beautiful blur background. Many of us have lenses with light lines f / 1.8, in some - f / 1,4 or even f / 1.2. We know that the "unit" is not the limit, we heard about the lenses with the f / 0.95 lens (and other lucky and have them at their disposal). There are rare models with f / 0.8 on the market. And what kind of maximum light can be theoretically at the lens?

Dedicated to this topic video Matt Grandger (Matt Granger).

Matt suggests that how now the race for High ISO is happening (and a little earlier - the race of megapixels), so in the 60s and 70s of the last century there was a race for a high light lip. Here is the Zeiss 50mm F / 0.7 lens, which was made for NASA:

The legendary director Stanley Kubrick (Stanley Kubook) used this lens in 1975 - to shoot the scene in the film Barry Lyndon (Barry Lyndon), illuminated exclusively with flames of candles.

But the lens with the light f / 0.33. He was made in the 60s, again Zeiss, received the name "Super-Q-Gigantar 40mm F / 0.33", where Q is a reduction from Quatsch, which in German means "nonsense, nonsense, stupidity." Unofficially, he was teased by Frankenstein.

In fact, this lens never worked, essentially it is a high-base layout created for promotion and determining the reaction of the public.

But what could be the maximum luminosity - theoretically?

Since the formula determines the light as a focal length divided by the maximum aperture, theoretically, it is possible to make a lens with a focal length of 35 mm and aperture of 350 mm - please, it turns out the incredible light f / 0.1.

The trouble is that the "theoretically possible" and "practically realizable" - in this case two are very distant things from each other. After all, we are talking about a lens with aperture of 35 centimeters (that is, the diameter of the external lens and the rim will be even more), which will also be very heavy. The depth of the sharpness will be calculated even with not millimeters, but by insignificant shares of millimeters, the rest of the areas will be blurred the strongest way. You can hardly come up with what a lens in practice is needed.

Matt Genger talked to Zeiss developers, and they were confirmed - in principle, if you do not take into account the issues and practical benefits, this lens can be done. But it will turn out to be expensive.

Deciding to choose a new lens to your mirror camera, it is worth determining what parameters it should have. Among the important points that significantly affect the quality of the result - the lens light. What is a photo leaving, what tasks it helps to decide which optics belong to the suspension and other questions further in the article.

What is the lens light

From how much the test lens uses the photographer, the amount of light falls on the camera matrix depends. Lights (denoted by the letter F) shows how powerful the flow of light will reach the target. After all, glass or plastic from which the lenses make are not fully transparent and part of the light stream is dissipated along the path to the matrix. The light is refracted in different directions, part of it is absorbed by lenses.

The wider, the more light she can miss. Lights indicate at the calculation of the diameter of the maximum open diaphragm and to the shooting object. What is the ratio less, the higher the lights.

From the amount of light that has fallen on the matrix, depend:

  • depth of sharpness of the image;
  • the ability to create a high-quality snapshot even with an insufficient number of light.

Depth of field

Light lenses allow you to stronger only the main objects only. For example, when shooting portraits. The number of objects in sharpness is determined. The surrounding background is beautifully blurred, creating the so-called shooting object around the object. This allows you to get rid of unnecessary parts, hide an unattractive background. Such frames in many cases look much more effectively.

Quality even with a lack of light

With a lack of illumination, the photographer can change the main settings in the camera 3 in the camera: and optics light sensitivity (). At the same time, the excerpt can be changed only to certain values \u200b\u200bso as not to receive. High raised photosensitivity values \u200b\u200bare able to worsen the frame quality, as digital noise will appear. The use of lights remains, that is, the maximum opening of the diaphragm. This indicator will not worsen the picture quality and will help it in this situation.

What optics are considered a light

Light lenses are also called fast and light. This type of optics includes models in which the maximum open diaphragm (F) begins from 2.8. For example, Sigma 17-50mm F2.8. The diaphragm can be opened even wider as in portrait Nikon 50mm F1.4G fixes.

There are supervection lenses. For example, Nikon 50mm F1.2 MF.

At the same time, the beginners should take into account that it is better not to open the diaphragm to the maximum indicated on the optics. For example, when specified F1.4, the working light begins approximately from F1.8 and even F 2.0. And with F1.4 indicators, even the main object in the frame may not be quite clear.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cameras equipped with high light optics give a lot of advantages and some disadvantages.



  • High quality and brightness of photos;
  • The ability to get bright and spectacular frames even with a lack of light;
  • Shooting on short excerpts "from hand" with any lighting;
  • The speed of the work of some types, which is particularly cutting off when using light filters;
  • Beautiful bokeh, allowing to make art portraits even in the absence of a suitable background;
  • Ability to create original pictures. For example, when shooting a portrait, focus in front of the eyes, and the rest of the face is to be blurred;
  • Shooting at low light sensitivity (ISO) without fear that the frame will be spoiled by digital noise;
  • Bright and bright picture in the viewfinder, which makes it easier to find a convenient angle and focus. Especially if you focus manually. It does not have to pursuer very much, straining vision.


  • The main minus of the light glasses are their high costs. Especially if we are talking about zoom lenses - that is, optics with variables. Light fixes, such as Nikon 50mm F1.4G, are cheaper. But then you have to get an additional lens, because the fixed distance is not suitable for all types of shooting. It is great for shooting portraits, but will not cope with the reportage. Especially if removable objects are at a large distance from the camera. In this case, without zoom can not do;
  • Also, the disadvantage can be considered a strong blur of the surrounding objects when shooting at the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the diaphragm. Especially when, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe photographer, several objects should be sharp, and there are several objects, and the conditions of shooting, for example, lighting, do not allow much to close the diaphragm to increase the flu.

When the test lens is required

Lovers who remove only household plots and do not seek to develop in photo art, can well do with cheaper optics and the indicator of the lights are not so important. Professionals cameras with high-alignment lenses are impressed in the following situations:

  • When shooting sports competitions or wild animals. In this case, it is important to establish the highest exposure as possible so that the objects moving at high speed turned out to be lubricated.
  • For shooting professional frames in the evening or at night. In such conditions, without a good lens, the lens can not do. Light lenses help catch and use even weak lighting objects.
  • To compensate for low photosensitivity of the matrix of the camera. Lights can smooth out such a lack of the camera.
  • To create high-quality photo reports in indoor rooms with insufficient lighting. For example, in nightclubs, restaurants, on fashion shows or dance competitions.

Enlightenment and lights - different concepts

What a light lens to choose

In general, optics with high light luminosity is divided into 2 types: fixes and lenses with variable focal length.

Fixes are perfectly suitable for studio shooting, where you can easily change the distance to the object, moving around the hall. And the model is static. Fixed lenses are good picture quality. There are fewer optical elements in their designs, which reduces the number of distortion.

Newbirds most often choose optics with a fixed focal length from 50 to 55 mm, having a light signal from 2.8 to 1.4. Such lenses are also called "Filnails". They can be found in the rules of all the most famous manufacturers of photographic equipment. These parameters are quite enough if the photographer has no desire to engage in the subject or night shooting.

In second place in popularity of fixes with a focal length of 30 and 35 mm. They relate to wide-angle and are suitable for a large number of tasks. But at the same time, they slightly deform the prospect that it is adversely affected by portrait shooting.

Those who specialize in large planned portraits prefer focus distances of 85 and 135 mm. And the greater the focal length of the optics, the greater the bokeh effect.

Among the glasses with a variable focal length of the most popular model with a focal length of 17-55 mm. By adding optics to them with a distance of 70-200, you can confidently remove high-quality reports. If there are certainly the skills of reportage shooting.

Lights - an important parameter in the lens. It helps to make high-quality pictures even in difficult conditions, for example, with a lack of light. However, the light optics is expensive, and in the case of fixes, it is most likely necessary and not one - with different focal lengths. Therefore, the newcomer may first try out its strength on cheaper models. In the future, it becomes clear whether you need a signing lens or with the tasks set and the usual whale (complete) optics are also coping.

Lens lens - F number

If you are regularly familiar with our lessons, you already know how the characteristics indicates the maximum disclosure of the diaphragm. So the lens light is the number and if it is accurate, then F, divided into one or another number. After all, under F is meant the focal length. And the disclosure value of the diaphragm is the number on which the exhibited focal length is divided.

Lights are sure to indicate the characteristics of any lens. This presents not necessarily separately selling optics. These words concern even compact cameras with a built-in lens. Moreover, now the "diaphragm" or "light" parameter can be found even in the characteristics of flagship smartphones. Indeed, there are increasingly advanced lenses in the production of cameras built into them. As a result, the device receives light optics, and the pictures become very bright.

But enough words about creating optics. Let's go to the lens light from the other side. Now we need to understand why buyers are generally paying attention to this parameter. And everything turns out to be very simple. If the diaphragm is capable of opening very wide, then a lot of lights fall on the matrix. Some lenses provide a diaphragm F / 1.4. With this parameter, you can use an excerpt of 1/4000 second, the matrix is \u200b\u200benough.
Increased lights favorably affect the quality of portrait photos. The stronger the diaphragm is revealed - the less the zone of sharpness becomes. As a result, a beautifully blurred background can be achieved. This effect is also called the word "bokeh". That is why experienced photographers use high-spirits for filming portraits. All sorts of zoom optics they leave for shooting landscapes.

Also, glasses with a good number f are needed for evening photography. With a lack of lighting, it is required or long exposure, or a widely opened diaphragm. No one will increase the shutter speed, but it will not allow moving objects in the frame. Therefore, it is better to reveal a diaphragm to the value f / 1.8 or f / 1.4. But this method does not always work. After all, with this value zone, the sharpness is narrowed, and sometimes it does not match the idea of \u200b\u200bthe photographer.
Heavy Lens for Canon and Nikon

In stores in large quantities for sale cameras with whale optics. And the rare buyer understands that the manufacturer puts the lens with the middle, and sometimes even terrible luminosity. This is especially true for optics with a wide range of focal lengths. Therefore, in various forums and specialized resources, it is recommended to acquire the "carcass". In such a word, the set in which only the camera is present. Well, and then the test lens is bought separately. As a result, it is still spent a little longer than the set with whale optics, but the result will delight much stronger.

Unfortunately, not every lens sold in the store is light. Be sure to look in the characteristics to the value of the lights. With a 50-millimeter focal length, optics with a diaphragm F / 1.8 will be considered a high-tech. The higher the focal length - the less the maximum disclosure of the diaphragm. Recall the lenses that are using photographers working on football matches. They would have given all the F / 2 lights. But it is still technically impossible to achieve it.
Let's look at good high-minded lenses that can be found in stores. At the same time, we are now interested in inexpensive optics for cameras from the two most famous manufacturers - Canon and Nikon.

Let's start with the Hello Lens for Canon and here is very popular now enjoys the Canon EF 50mm F1.8 II glass. This is the second generation of this optics. As can be seen from the name, the lens has a fixed 50mm focal length. It can embarrass beginner photographers. But the diaphragm is capable of opening up to the value of F / 1.8. Alas, the lens is not the best. Many buyers come rapidly to his corps. But this should not be surprised, since it is impossible to expect anything else from the budget glass (you can buy it for 4000 rubles).

Four more than more times more expensive is Canon EF 50mm F1.4 USM. Sometimes such a lens acquire even experienced professionals. They mark very high lights and beautiful bokeh, obtained in the pictures.

If we talk about the light lens for Nikon - they are also created a lot and mostly the high value of the diaphragm is available at instances with a fixed focal length. For 5 thousand rubles it is proposed to buy Nikon 50mm F1.8D AF NIKKOR.

This optics provides a popular 50-millimeter focal length. It is excellent for cameras with Crop Factor 1.5. But with the case, there are also problems, the lens is extremely chlipky.

The Nikon 24-85mm F2.8-4D If AF ZOOM-Nikkor looks like a very curious solution. This is an already lens with a variable focal length. At the minimum zone, the diaphragm can be disclosed to an acceptable value f / 2.8. But with an increase in the focal length, the luminosity is worsening. This is a trouble of any inexpensive zoom lens. Although the budget is a solution to be called, for the glass asked more than 24 thousand rubles in Russian stores.

Owners of full-frame mirrors must be interested in the Nikon 24-70mm F2.8G ED AF-S Nikkor lens. This optics is similar to the previous one, only the range of focus distances is a little already. But the zoom does not change here when using zoom! There are other improvements. But it is worth a lot of lens - 65 thousand rubles.
Results: Light lens - what is it?

It is time to summarize our lesson: a lens linked - what is it and how to understand it correctly? If you are interested in the correct answer, then this is the degree of weakening of the light flux passing through the lens. But most often under the word "Lights" imply the amount of disclosure of the diaphragm.

High luminosity is needed to obtain bright photos at high speed exposure. Also widely opened aperture is needed for maximum blurring background, thanks to which beautiful portraits are born. The lenses with a fixed focal length possess a good luminosity. If you are interested in hanging optics with the possibility of zoom, then get ready to spend a lot of money. And the greater zoom interests, the larger amount will be required. This is due to the difficulties of manufacturing such lenses.

On this, our lessons dedicated to the diaphragm end. We regularly attend our site, then you do not miss the following lessons. In them, we will look at the camera in all the details and learn what characteristics are the most important.