Harrier aircraft armament suspension options. British carrier-based vertical takeoff and landing fighter-bomber Sea Harrier FA Mk.2. Engine and related units

Rajat Pandit "Indian Navy bids farewell to spectacular Sea Harrier jump jets after 33 years", The Indian Navy has retired the BAE Systems Sea Harrier short / vertical take-off and landing carrier-based fighters from its naval aviation after 33 years of operation. 11 aircraft remaining in service with the 300th White Tigers Squadron of the Indian Navy The Sea Harrier is currently mothballed at the Hansa Naval Air Base in Goa and is now intended primarily for museum distribution.

Fighter BAE Systems Sea Harrier FRS.51 (tail number IN623, upgraded under the LUSH program) from the 300th Naval Aviation Squadron of the Indian Navy during active service. Hansa (Goa), 2013 (c)www.zone5aviation.com

Decommissioning of S aircraft ea Harrier caused by the forthcoming withdrawal from the Indian Navy of the aircraft carrier R 22 Viraat(former British Hermes, acquired from the Royal Navy in 1986) from which these fighters were used. March 6, 2016 from boardViraat, who returned to Mumbai from his last trip to participate in the naval parade in Vishakhapatnam, were unloadedsix aircraft on the aircraft carrierS ea Harrier, after which preparations began for the final decommissioning of the ship, scheduled for June.

The 300th squadron is to begin re-equipping in the near future with the MiG-29K / KUB naval fighters received from Russia with a springboard takeoff and horizontal landing. The squadron is expected to reach operational readiness status at MiG-29K / KUB in 2018-2019, when the new aircraft carrier Vikrant is to be commissioned into the Indian Navy.

Now the 303rd Black Panthers Squadron of the Indian Navy, also stationed on the Hansa, is armed with MiG-29K / KUB fighters (of which India has ordered 45 aircraft under two contracts, the transfer of the last six of which is expected in 2016). This squadron uses an aircraft carrier for basing R 33 Vikramaditya (rebuilt former Russian heavy aircraft carrier "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov").

In total, the aviation of the Indian Navy from 1983 to 1990 received 27 Sea Harrier fighters of the new construction of the British association British Aerospace (now BAE Systems) - 23 single Sea Harrier FRS.51 (Indian rooms IN601 to IN623) and four Sea Harrier T.60 doubles (IN651 to IN654). In 2002, from the presence of the British Air Force, three "land" "twin" Harrier T.4 were also obtained, of which two were put into service (as IN655 and IN656), and one was used for spare parts. In 2006-2010, several single-seat aircraftSea Harrier FRS.51 were upgraded under the LUSH program and equipped with the Israeli airborne radar Elta EL / M-2032.

In the aviation of the Indian Navy, Sea Harrier aircraft, in addition to the 300th squadron, were also used by the training and combat 551st squadron on the Hansa. During operation, the Indians lost 17 Sea Harrier aircraft, with seven pilots killed. The fighter numbered IN621 was used for spare parts and in 2005 was transferred to the Indian Naval Aviation Museum in Goa.

In the British Navy, Sea Harrier aircraft were decommissioned in 2006.

The Harrier are several generations of British vertical takeoff and landing combat aircraft. First flown in 1960, it has been in service with the Royal Air Force, US Marine Corps, Thai and Spanish Air Forces for many years. All this time, the combat vehicle has been constantly evolving, keeping the already tested solutions and absorbing technical innovations.

Harrier GR.1 multipurpose attack and vertical takeoff / landing reconnaissance aircraft

Harrier GR. The Mk.1 is the world's first production combat aircraft capable of short or vertical takeoff / landing. The creation of the Harrier was preceded by long-term tests of the P-1127 Kestrel VTOL aircraft, created by Hawker Siddeley Aviation Limited (today British Aerospace). The prototype made its maiden flight on November 24, 1960. In 1967, serial production of the Harrier began. Two years later, the first combat squadron of 12 vehicles was formed and became part of the British Air Force.

Harrier GR.1 was intended to support ground forces. In this regard, he had to have high maneuverability and operate in any climatic conditions at low altitudes (up to 3050 m). The maximum operating altitude is 13,700 m. The design dive speed is M \u003d 1.2. The glider of the Harrier aircraft is designed for an overload of up to 11.7d. The design uses alloys of aluminum, magnesium and titanium, as well as high-strength composite materials and steel.

The fuselage of the attack aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft "Harier" is made as a riveted continuous structure with two technological connectors. The cockpit is located in the bow. Its rear border runs along an inclined partition that serves for the installation of an ejection seat. The engine and units are located in the central section of the fuselage. In its front part, on the sides, two fuel tanks are symmetrically placed (capacity of 232 liters). Another 473-liter tank is mounted above the main landing gear compartment. There are two 177-liter center tanks between the engine nozzles. The caisson part of the wing - two fuel tanks, 785 liters each. Under the wing, if necessary, drop tanks with a capacity of 455 liters can be suspended, and 1500 liters for long-distance ferry flights.

The Rolls-Royce Bristol Pegasus 101 turbojet engine is attached at four points to the power frames of the central fuselage section. The nozzles are rotated by means of a pneumatic motor from the horizontal position by 98.5 degrees, changing the position of the thrust vector to takeoff (90 degrees) and then to braking. The position in space is changed by the engine as follows. Four air ducts leave the compressor - to the tail and nose, as well as to the wing console, where the roll control nozzles are located. There are three nozzles in the tail boom: one (together with the bow) serves for pitch control, two nozzles for channel control. The activation of the jet control system occurs when, during vertical takeoff and landing or in low speed flight mode, the engine nozzles are moved 20 or more degrees from the horizontal position.

The rear and nose landing gear are located in the central fuselage section. The front landing gear is steered by two hydraulic cylinders that rotate 45 degrees. The equipment compartment is located at the rear of the fuselage.

The keel and horizontal all-moving tail have a conventional design made of aluminum alloys. The steering wheel is made with honeycomb filler. There is an air brake at the bottom of the tail that can be extended up to 66 degrees in flight.

The wing on the Harrier aircraft is continuous; it is attached to the fuselage at six points. The structure is coffered with two lower and three upper milled panels. The wing has four points for attachment of pylons for combat load. Fuel tanks can be suspended on the inner pylons. Under the wing can be suspended containers of 30 mm Aden cannons with ammunition for 130 rounds (weight 205 kg). The total combat load can reach 3.1 tons.

Later, a modification of the Harrier GR was released. Mk.1A equipped with a Rolls-Royce Bristol Pegasus Mk 102 engine of higher power. Further development of the "Harier" went along the path of developing a multipurpose attack fighter with vertical takeoff / landing. The first modification was the Harrier GR. Mk.3.

Introduced into service - 1969;
Wingspan - 7.7 m;
Wing area - 18.68 m2;
Height - 3.43 m;
Length - 13.87 m;
Empty aircraft weight - 5530 kg;
Maximum takeoff weight - 11340 kg;
Fuel in internal tanks - 2865 kg;
Fuel in PTB - 2x1500 kg;
Engine type - 1 turbojet engine Pegasus Mk. 101;
Engine thrust - 1x8610 kgf;
Maximum speed - 1360 km / h (at altitude);
Maximum cruising speed - 1185 km / h;
Practical range - 3700 km;
Combat radius of action - 1200 km;
Service ceiling - 15,000 m;
Crew - 1 person;
Combat load - 2270 kg;
5 hardpoints: 2 containers with 30 mm Aden cannons, 2 AIM-9D Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, 2 AS.37 Martel air-to-ground missiles, or 8 225 kg or 5 450 kilogram bombs, or 2 incendiary bombs, or 8 12.7-kilogram practical bombs, or 4 cluster bombs, or 4 Type 155 SNEB NUR launchers or 6 19x68-mm NUR launchers or 1 container with reconnaissance equipment.

Harrier GR.3 multipurpose vertical takeoff / landing fighter

The multipurpose fighter VVP GR.Mk-3 differs from the basic modification of the Harrier GR.Mk-1 by the upgraded Rolls Royce Pegasus 103 engine. The takeoff thrust was 9753 kg. The fuselage has not undergone significant changes. During operation, it became clear that with full combat load during vertical takeoff, the aircraft consumes too much fuel - which, however, is a common feature of all Harriers that have vertical or short takeoff / landing. The standard equipment of the GR.Mk-3 includes an air refueling system, a laser rangefinder and an indicator on the windshield.

Vehicle features: two 30mm Aden cannons mounted under the fuselage; aerodynamic braking device; the possibility of suspension under the wing of Matra rockets.

The electronic equipment of the Harrier GR.1 and GR.3 aircraft is based on the FE541 sighting and navigation inertial system from Ferranti. This system provides autonomous target access, aiming, missile launch, bombing and cannon firing. Also, the aircraft are equipped with VHF and KB radio stations, radar identification and short-range navigation equipment "TAKAN".

The rifle-gun armament of the multipurpose fighter consisted of two detachable 30 mm Aden cannons. Under the fuselage and inside it housed 1,821 kg of weapons. The combat load of the external suspension points is 2x454 kg. Guided missiles - 2 x AIM-9 air-to-air missiles. In LAU blocks 10 - 16 (4x4) unguided rockets of 127 mm caliber, in LAU 68 - 28 (4x7) blocks of Hydra rockets of 70 mm caliber, in LAU 69 - 76 (4x19) blocks of Hydra rockets. The aircraft could carry high-explosive free-fall bombs Mk.81 (5x119 kg) or Mk.82 (5x227 kg) or Mk.83 (2x460 kg), incendiary bombs - Mk.77 (5x340 kg) and 4 cluster bombs Mk.20 or 2 - CBU-24.

Since 1970, three squadrons in Germany and one in Great Britain have been equipped with Harrier GR.3 aircraft. The last combat unit to operate the GR.Mk-3 was the re-equipment operational unit stationed in Belize. Having served for almost 20 years, these machines were replaced by new modifications GR.Mk-5 and Mk-7.

Tactical and technical characteristics:
Introduced into service - 1970;
Wingspan - 7.7 m;
Wing area - 18.68 m2;
Aircraft height - 3.45 m;
Aircraft length - 13.87 m;
Maximum takeoff weight - 11,430 kg;
Empty aircraft weight - 6140 kg;
Combat load during takeoff with a short takeoff - 3600 kg;
Combat load during vertical takeoff - 2300 kg;
Internal fuel mass - 2295 kg;
Fuel mass in PTB - 2400 kg;
Engine type - turbojet engine Pegasus Mk. 103 (thrust 8750 kgf);
Maximum speed - 1350 km / h (at altitude);
Maximum speed - 1180 km / h (near the ground);
Practical range - 3425 km;
Service ceiling - 15200 m;
Combat radius - 520 km;
Crew - 1 person.

Harrier GR.5 multipurpose vertical takeoff / landing fighter

Since July 1987, the Harrier GR.5 tactical short or vertical takeoff / landing fighters began to enter service with the British Air Force. It differs from its predecessor, Harrier GR.3, in its ability to carry a large combat load and an increased radius of action.

The GR.5 fighter is designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance and provide direct air support to ground forces.

Harrier GR.5 structurally is a cantilever monoplane with a swept high wing, a bicycle chassis and a single-fin tail unit. A feature of this aircraft is the widespread use of composite materials in the structure. Their share is 26.3%. The fixed wing has a thicker supercritical profile compared to the Harrier GR.3 wing. Wingspan increased by 20%, area - by 14.5%. On the leading edge, the sweep of the wing was reduced by 10%. Composite materials are mainly used for the manufacture of the wing. Aluminum alloy is used for the leading and trailing edges of the wing and wingtips. According to British experts, an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe flaps and wing, the use of hovering ailerons, which deviate depending on the position of the engine nozzles at a certain angle, improved the characteristics of the Harrier GR.5 when using an aircraft with a short takeoff.

At the same time, the innovations introduced into the wing design led to an increase in drag, which was the main reason for the decrease in maximum speed by 80 km / h. It is believed that this reduction in speed can be eliminated due to minor changes in the fuselage-wing interface, as well as in the design of the air intakes. The fuselage is somewhat longer in comparison with the "Harrier-GR.Z" The nose part of the fuselage is made mainly of composite material (graphite-epoxy), the tail and center of the aluminum alloy. Titanium is used in the manufacture of two ventral heat shields and a small panel in front of the windshield. Between the main and nose landing gear at the bottom of the central part of the fuselage, a "box" can be installed, which consists of a retractable transverse flap and two longitudinal rigidly fixed ridges. The transverse flap is located behind the nose landing gear, the ridges are attached to the cannon gondolas. During vertical take-off and landing, the "box" captures part of the exhaust gases reflected from the ground. As a result, an air cushion is formed, increasing the lifting force by approximately 500 kg.

The newly designed, air-conditioned single cab is made entirely of composite materials. The pilot's seat is 30.5 higher compared to the Harrier-GR.3. Thanks to this and due to the use of the new flashlight, the pilot gets a good all-round view.

Power plant "Harrier-GR.5" - one Rolls-Royce Pegasus Mk.105 by-pass turbojet engine with variable thrust vector direction (maximum static thrust is 9870 kgf). A 4-second (short-term) transfer to an increased temperature mode of engine operation is provided for in a vertical landing. Compressed air from the compressor is used to power the onboard oxygen system and flight control system, as well as to seal the cabin.

The fuel system is essentially the same as the Harrier GR.3 fuel system, but thanks to the increased volume of the wing fuel tanks, the internal fuel tanks have a capacity of 4,200 liters, an increase of 45%. more than its predecessor. In addition, the GR.5 can accommodate 4 external fuel tanks (each with a capacity of 1135 liters). There is an air refueling system.

The radio-electronic equipment includes anti-jamming VHF and KB radio stations, radar identification equipment "Kossor" IFF 4760, inertial navigation system "Ferranti" FIN 1075, short-range navigation equipment TAKAN, landing system receiver, digital computer of aerodynamic parameters, electro-optical indicator (data is displayed on windshield), the control system of the company "Hughes Aircraft". The weapon control system provides the use of various guided weapons, including weapons with a television or laser guidance system. Also, the fighter is equipped with an electronic integrated radio countermeasures and radio intelligence system, including an active jamming station, an AN / ALR-67 (V) 2 detection receiver, an AN / ALE-40 IR trap and anti-radar reflector ejection device. A forward-looking infrared reconnaissance station can be installed under the nose of the fuselage.

Fighter Harrier GR.5 is equipped with 2 ventral cannon mounts with 25 mm Aden cannons (200 rounds of ammunition for each cannon). To accommodate other weapons are 9 suspension nodes: 1 between the cannon mounts under the fuselage and 4 under each wing console. Two underwing units, which are located in front of the underwing landing gear struts, serve to install launchers for short-range AIM-9L Sidewinder air-to-air missiles. The rest of the units can be used for hanging fuel tanks, bombs for various purposes and launchers of unguided aircraft missiles.

Tactical and technical characteristics:
Introduced into service - 1987;
Wingspan - 9.25 m;
Wing area - 21.37 m2;
Height - 3.55 m;
Length - 14.12 m;
Maximum takeoff weight - 13,500 kg;
Empty aircraft weight - 6250 kg;
Combat load during vertical takeoff - 3000 kg;
Combat load during takeoff with a short takeoff - 4170 kg;
Internal fuel mass - 3500 kg;
Fuel mass in PTB - 3700 kg;
Engine type - turbojet engine Pegasus Mk. 103 (thrust 9870 kgf);
Maximum speed:
- near the ground - 1100 km / h;
- at altitude - 1150 km / h;
Combat radius of action - 520 km;
Practical range - 3825 km;
Crew - 1 person.

Harrier GR.7 tactical attack fighter with vertical takeoff / landing

The Harrier GR.Mk7 is the most common Harrier model in service with the RAF. This aircraft is jointly manufactured by British Aerospace and McDonnell Douglas. The UK first withdrew from the Harrier joint program, but then returned. The British Air Force needed 94 vehicles, and the United States needed more than three hundred. British Aerospace is a junior partner and is responsible for 40% of the work on aircraft destined for Spain and the US and 50% for British aircraft. VAe was engaged in the manufacture of the stabilizer, the tail and center sections of the fuselage, as well as the rudders and keels of aircraft. The company also performed the final assembly of British vehicles.

The specialists of "McDonnell Douglas" have developed a fully composite wing for the aircraft, which has reduced its weight by 150 kg. The supercritical wing profile, which has a large relative thickness, allowed to increase the fuel reserve. The AV-88 wing is the largest single composite structural element ever used on a combat aircraft. The upper part of the wing was made removable for access to the inner compartments. Single-slotted flaps are larger; there are sagging at the root of the wing.

The Harrier GR.Mk7 of the British Air Force received Rolls-Royce Pegasus Mk 105 bypass turbojet engines (95.6 kN thrust). To eliminate the gyroscopic effect, the motor shafts rotate in opposite directions. The stabilization of the aircraft is provided by the nozzle valves of the gas-dynamic control system located in the tail and nose parts as well as at the wing tips. Fitted to the Harrier GR.7, the front pair of redesigned swivel nozzles, modified air intakes and a lift-boosting system provide an increase in thrust.

The Harrier GR.Mk 7 also received upgraded avionics and a forward-looking IR system. The GR.Mk 7 is equipped with the GEC Avionics ADZ500 anti-jamming radio communication system and the Cossor IFF 4760 gas recognition system. The Ferranti moving map indicator was left. An AN / ALE-40 automatic firing machine for IR traps and dipole reflectors is mounted at the bottom of the aft fuselage, and an additional BOL machine gun is placed in the pylon. In the bow, under the fairing, there is an IR Forward Vision System.

The tactical strike fighter was fitted with a new 25mm ADEN cannon, developed by the Royal Ordnance state arms arsenal. The lower rate of fire was compensated by the placement of two guns. Cannon - revolving type has a rotating drum with chambers. Rate of fire - 1650-1850 rounds per minute. Hunting 8L755 cluster munitions became one of the main means of destruction of Harrier aircraft. The 227-kilogram cassette container contained 147 submunitions (small-caliber cumulative fragmentation bombs) located in seven compartments. The cassette was opened using pyrotechnic charges, and the submunitions were pushed out of its cylindrical compartments by a pneumatic mechanism at certain intervals.

Tactical and technical characteristics:
Length - 14.53 m;
Span - 9.25 m;
Wing area - 21.37 m2;
Height - 3.55 m;
Power plant - 1 turbojet engine Rolls-Royce Pegasus Mk 105;
Thrust - 95.6 kN;
Empty weight - 6336 kr;
Maximum takeoff weight - 10,410 kr;
Total fuel capacity - 8858 l
Maximum speed at high altitude - 1041 km / h;
Maximum speed at low altitude - 1065 km / h
Service ceiling - 15240 m;
Takeoff run at short takeoff - 435 m;

Combat range:
- with vertical takeoff - 277 km;
- during takeoff with a short takeoff run - 2722 km;
Crew - 1 person;
Armament: two Aden guns of 25 mm caliber (total ammunition 400 rounds);
Nine hardpoints: 1 under the fuselage, 4 under each wing;
Maximum combat load:
- with vertical takeoff - 3 tons;
- during takeoff with a short takeoff - 4170 kg;
On two nodes in front of the underwing landing gear are launchers for AIM-9L Sidewinder air-to-air guided missiles.
Other nodes can be hung:
4 AGM-65 Maveric air-to-surface guided missiles;
4 AIM-120 AMRAAM or AIM-9 air-to-air class;

various PU NUR and bombs, as well as containers with electronic warfare and reconnaissance equipment.

Harrier GR.9 tactical attack fighter with vertical takeoff / landing

The RAF's Harrier GR.9 / 9a program has two main elements. The first element is an integrated weapons program designed for the unified use of a wide range of developed / modernized precision weapons. The second is the installation of a more powerful Rolls-Royce Pegasus Mk.107 engine.

The IWP forms the backbone of GR.9 / 9a. The program builds on the capabilities of the GR.7 through the integration of the Brimstone and Storm Shadow air-to-surface weapons systems. The previously planned possibility of using a guided air-to-air missile ASRAAM was rejected. While these precision weapon systems are at the heart of the IWP, the Harrier GR.7 requires numerous other improvements to make the most of this weapon. This is mainly due to the need to apply the modern MIL-STD-1760 control system associated with the new on-board computer and software. Precision weapons also require the use of a new GPS inertial navigation system that can provide navigation information to them. The aircraft is equipped with a more informative dashboard and a warning system about the danger of approaching the ground.

Harrier GR.9 made its maiden flight in 2001. It was put into service in 2003. The existing Harrier GR.7 is planned to be equipped with an IWP and upgraded to the GR.9.

The Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy each have 2 squadrons equipped exclusively with Harrier GR.9. There is also a training squadron equipped with a two-seater version of the machine, having an IWP but equipped with a less powerful engine.

Tactical and technical characteristics:
Length - 14.30 m;
Height - 3.55 m;
Wingspan - 9.25 m;
Wing area - 21.37 m2;
Empty aircraft weight - 6336 kg;
Maximum takeoff weight - 14060 kg;
Engine - Rolls Royce Pegasus Mk.107;
Thrust - 10795 kgf;
Maximum speed at the ground - 1086 km / h;
Maximum speed at high altitude - 1198 km / h;
Ferry range - 3640 km
Combat range with outboard fuel tanks - 2700 km;
Combat range during takeoff with a short takeoff run - 1800 km;
Combat range during vertical takeoff - 280 km;
Crew - 1 person.
two 30 mm Aden cannons (one cannon has 200 rounds of ammunition).
Maximum combat load - 4900 kg;
Nine suspension nodes:
6 air-to-air AIM-120 AMRAAM or AIM-9;
4 Brimstone or AGM-65 Maveric air-to-surface guided missiles;
4 anti-ship missiles SeaEagle or AGM-84 Harpoon;
2 AGM-62 Walleye bombs with optical guidance;
2 containers with 30 mm cannons;
various bombs, containers with electronic warfare and reconnaissance equipment, PU NUR;
cruise missiles Storm Shadow.

Prepared based on materials:

The origins of the British fighter-bomber " Harrier"(Harrier) (English hound) lie in the mid-1950s, when in a number of countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, aviation engineers carried out experimental work to study the possibility of vertical take-off of an aircraft with fixed wing geometry.

This task faced aircraft designers due to the fact that it was during these years that it became quite obvious that large air bases are very vulnerable to a potential attack by tactical nuclear weapons, therefore technological progress has transferred the task of reducing the area of \u200b\u200bmilitary air bases to a practical solution. In the UK, Hawker Siddeley worked closely with Bristol Aero Engines to develop the first prototype aircraft with a single Rolls-Royce Pegasus turbojet engine. The new cars received the designation "Р.1127", and later - "Kestrel FGA. 1 "(Kestrel FGA Mk. 1). It was they who became the "progenitors" of the multipurpose fighter " Harrier».

In 1970, the world's first Harrier planewith vertical takeoff and landing entered service with the 4th Squadron of the German Air Force, becoming one of the key factors in the confrontation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries in Central Europe. The new fighter possessed a unique ability to maneuver at any stage of flight, which gave it a significant advantage over other aircraft. If, hypothetically, a war broke out between NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries, then the "harriers" could easily be dispersed in the most unexpected places, hiding in barns, large buildings of railway stations, supermarkets, warehouse complexes and other massive buildings that can be quickly re-
equip for hangars.

Everything necessary for the technical equipment of such places was included in the program of the Joint Rapid Deployment Force. At the initial stage of the development of a new combat aircraft, it was assumed that this fighter would be able to carry a small amount of weapons over a fairly short distance, but over time, the Harrier turned into a very formidable weapon. Harrier plane II GR. 7 (Harrier II GR.7), which was in service with the British Royal Air Force, could fly at any time of the day and in all weather conditions.

This fighter was armed with two 25-mm cannons and could additionally carry up to 5,000 kg of external cargo on the suspensions, including various types of bombs, short-range missiles, air-to-air missiles that allowed the aircraft to be used as an interceptor, and photographic equipment. for aerial reconnaissance or nuclear weapons.

The transformation of the Harrier into a powerful warplane could not take place without the involvement of the US Marine Corps. After American military pilots made test flights on these fighters in 1968, the United States ordered a modification of this aircraft to Great Britain, which was named "AV-8A". Combined with operational mobility, retaliation capability, versatility, and the ability to operate both at sea and on land, the Harriers were well suited for forward-based combat operations. A new version of the AV-8A Harrier fighter was produced in the UK, but was later redesigned by McDonnell-Douglas and licensed for production in the United States. Further modification of the fighter for the needs of the American Marine Corps provided the aircraft of the Harrier family with a long future.

The new, much larger and more complex wing of the improved version of the AV-8B Harrier II allowed the use of six weapons suspension nodes instead of four, which, with one central under the fuselage assembly, almost doubled the aircraft's combat load compared to its predecessor; and the cockpit, equipped with the latest electronic equipment, has become almost a "work of art". The controls of the main systems of the combat aircraft are located on the upper panel located under the head-up display on the windshield. The new avionics made the vehicle easy to operate, and the Hughes angular velocity bombing system, combined with a laser guidance system and target display on a television screen, ensured high accuracy in hitting targets. Further modernization of the "A7-8B" consisted in the installation of an airborne radar and night vision systems, which made it possible to carry out night bombing.

In 1982, the aircraft carriers Invincible and Hermes, along with the Sea Harrier carrier-based fighters, took part in the war between Great Britain and Argentina for control of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). islands. At first glance, it might seem that the Sea Harriers with their subsonic speeds were inferior in performance to the Dagger fighter-bombers and the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk light carrier-based attack aircraft ...

Argentine aircraft could fly at speeds corresponding to Mach 2. However, the harriers easily adapted their speed to the speed of the aircraft carrier and could take off in all weather conditions, which was somewhat problematic for conventional jet aircraft. In battle, the pilot of the "Harrier" could change the direction of movement of the aircraft: either sharply raise the nose of the car to avoid being hit by a rocket, or, by sharply braking, turning or accelerating his movement, make the enemy miss the attack.

In 1991, during Operation Desert Storm, the Harriers provided direct air support for the Marine Corps units. Three squadrons and one wing of 6 fighters operated from ground-based air bases, while squadrons of 20 aircraft took off from aircraft carriers at sea. During the ground part of Operation AV-8B, Harriers II flew 3,380 sorties, thereby ensuring over 90% of the success of the operation.

The transformation of the Harrier into an effective war machine lasted several decades, although it was often a very difficult process. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the vertical takeoff and landing fighter-bomber has been proven in practice, and the Harrier's experience formed the basis for the creation of future combat aircraft, in particular the F-35 Lightning II.

Plane Harrieris the first serial combat aircraft in the world practice of aircraft construction, capable of vertical or short take-off and landing. The creation of the Harrier was preceded by lengthy tests of the P-1127 Kestrel vertical take-off and landing aircraft created by Hawker Siddeley, the prototype of which made its first flight on November 24, 1960. Serial production of Harrier fighters was launched in 1967, and in 1969 the first combat squadron (12 vehicles), which became part of the British Air Force.

The peculiarity of the aircraft is its power plant, which consists of one turbojet bypass engine with variable thrust vector direction. The thrust vector direction is changed by two pairs of rotary nozzles located on the sides of the fuselage. They rotate synchronously at 98.5╟, allowing the use of engine thrust for vertical takeoff and landing. The side air intakes have flaps that open inside the channel in vertical take-off and low-speed flight modes and provide an increase in air consumption. There is a system for bleeding air to jet control nozzles. For vertical take-off, the engine is accelerated to the take-off speed, the aircraft is held back by the brakes, the engine nozzles are directed backward. They then swing all the way down and the plane is lifted off the ground. Takeoff with a small takeoff is carried out when the nozzles are set to some intermediate position. Landing can be done vertically, with low or normal mileage.

The aircraft has a fuselage made mainly of aluminum alloys, in front of which there is a pressurized cockpit, equipped with an ejection seat. The engine and fuel tanks are located in the middle part of the fuselage, and the longitudinal and directional control jet nozzles are located in the tail (in the fairing). The chassis of the bicycle circuit in flight retracts into the fuselage, and the support struts at the ends of the wings rotate back.

The electronic equipment of the British Harrier aircraft is based on the Ferranti FE541 inertial sighting and navigation system, which provides autonomous aircraft access to the target, aiming, bombing, missile launch and cannon firing. In addition, the aircraft are equipped with KB and VHF radio stations, short-range navigation equipment "TAKAN" and radar identification.

The aircraft's armament includes two suspended cannon installations with 30-mm Aden cannons placed under the fuselage. In addition, there are five nodes for the suspension of various weapons and fuel tanks with a total weight of 2300 kg.

Aircraft modifications:

Harrier GR.Mk I, 1A and 3 - single-seat attack aircraft and scout.

Harrier T.Mk 2, 2A, 4, 4A and 4RN - two-seat all-weather and training aircraft with a longer fuselage.

Harrier Mk 50 - modification for the US Marine Corps, structurally similar to the GR.Mk 1.

Harrier Mk 54 - two-seater modification with a different engine.

Sea harrier FRS.1 - naval version for use as a fighter, attack aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft.

Sea harrier PRS.2 - a modernized version of the Sea Harrier FRS.1 aircraft based on the experience of battles in the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands.

Harrier GR.Mk 5 - a tactical fighter for the British Air Force, created jointly by British Aerospace and McDonnell Douglas.

Harrier GR.Mk 7 - further development of the Harrier GR.Mk 5, the aircraft is capable of conducting combat operations at night, for which it is equipped with a high-resolution forward-looking IR station and other equipment.

The performance characteristics of the aircraftHarrierGR.3:

Year of adoption - 1970

Wingspan, m - 7.7

Aircraft length, m - 13.87

Aircraft height, m \u200b\u200b- 3.45

Wing area, sq.m - 18.68

Empty aircraft - 6140

Maximum takeoff - 11430.

Payload weight:

When taking off with a short takeoff run - 3600

with vertical takeoff - 2300

Fuel, kg

Domestic fuel - 2295

PTB - 2400

Engine type and thrust - 1 turbojet engine Pegasus Mk. 103 (1 х 8750 kgf)

Maximum speed at altitude, km / h - 1350

Maximum speed at the ground, km / h - 1180

Practical range, km - 3425

Combat radius of action, km - 520

Practical ceiling, m - 15200

Maximum operational overload - 7.8

Crew, people - 1


2 30 mm Aden cannons with 200 rounds per cannon. The combat load is 2300 kg on nine hardpoints: four under each wing console and one under the fuselage between the cannon mountings. On two underwing units located in front of the underwing landing gear, launchers are installed for the AIM-9L Sidewinder UR of the short-range air-to-air class. On the rest of the nodes, bombs for various purposes, launchers of unguided aircraft missiles and fuel tanks can be suspended.

British aerospace

At the conceptual stage, the Navy command did not yet have a final decision as to which type of aircraft would replace the AV-8A, winged or rotary-winged, so the helicopter company Sikorsky (as a subsidiary of United Aircraft Corporation) took part in the competition with a reconnaissance and strike tiltrotor project ... Management of the progress of work, computer modeling of the tactical situation of air combat and testing of various subsystems, components and assemblies for a promising aircraft were entrusted to government research institutions in the structure of the US Navy and NASA:

  • Landing gear, takeoff and landing and hangar infrastructure of carrier ships - Shipbuilding Research Center, Carderok, Maryland;
  • Small arms, missile weapons, air-to-air weapons control subsystem - Naval Weapons Research Center, China Lake, California;
  • Air-to-Surface Weapons Control Subsystem - Central Naval Laboratory, Washington, DC; Naval Aviation Research Center, Warminster, PA;

Development work

High-strength sandwich-type structures based on light titanium alloy, resistant to corrosion and temperature extremes, turbofan propulsion system of large diameter and short length with variable geometry of elements (turbines and nozzles) and low noise level, new means of emergency escape from the cockpit - an ejection seat of minimum size and weight with a hermetically packed parachute system. An innovation in avionics, which was also developed by order of the Navy specifically for installation on a promising aircraft being developed, was a system for displaying information on the windshield that was not analogous at that time (before that, only target designation signs of sighting and navigation systems were displayed on the windshield, on the glass " Super-Harrier "was supposed to display, in addition to target designation, the entire range of necessary flight control information for the pilot to make a decision to implement a maneuver and its boundary parameters), as well as digital holographic displays and LED indicators on the dashboard. Weapon control systems were developed by Hughes Aircraft in Culver City, California, and the Westinghouse Electric Systems Division in Baltimore, Maryland, simultaneously for the Super Harrier and the promising Tomcat fighter.

AV-16 project

The McDonnell Douglas AV-16 had an old partnership and contractual relationship with Hawker Siddeley, and the two companies worked together on a number of US-British aerospace projects. In fact, McDonnell Douglas acted as the local representative of Hawker Siddeley interests in the United States on the development of the Super Harrier, and vice versa, Hawker Siddeley acted as the McDonnell Douglas representative in the UK and the British Commonwealth countries on the issue of routine maintenance, extension work and modifications of "Phantoms" to the requirements of the national armed forces. A license agreement for the modification of the Harrier of the original model to meet the requirements of national customers - the services of the armed forces and the production of modified aircraft at American aircraft factories, was concluded between McDonnell Douglas and Hawker Siddeley for the future on December 22, 1969, even before the start of the competition for submission of applications for Harrier ".

Among a dozen other promising original projects, the McDonnell Douglas project received an index AV-16, did not differ in particular originality, since he implemented the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a licensed modification of the Harrier - an improved l. a. using the existing fuselage and tail section, but with a larger wing and a more powerful engine (after 1977 Hawker Siddeley was nationalized by the government of James Callaghan and British Aerospace became McDonnell Douglas' partner on the British side). This program, which was accepted for further study, was eventually canceled after the costs for it exceeded $ 1 billion.

AV-8B project

Despite this, McDonnell Douglas does not give up and makes a new attempt to improve the aircraft without changing the engine. To increase bomb load and range, the new aircraft was given a larger wing with roomy tanks and a large number of suspension points. However, the refusal to replace the engine (and its power) led to the requirement that the total weight of the new aircraft remained equal to the weight of the base model AV-8A. To achieve this, McDonnell Douglas engineers decide to make the fuselage and wings from lightweight materials and improve the aircraft's flight characteristics. As a result, the larger wing was made of graphite composite materials (lighter than aluminum and stronger than steel in some characteristics). The air intakes were also enlarged and improved, large flaps were installed on the wings, and a ridge was added to the cannon container at the bottom of the fuselage to improve flight performance during takeoff and landing.

Mockups of the new aircraft were shown in August 1975. Initially, two AV-8A aircraft received the necessary improvements for testing. The first flight of these prototypes took place at the end of 1978. The tests were so successful that a program was launched to improve the entire American AV-8A fleet. The improved aircraft were designated AV-8C.

In the early 1980s, four aircraft built from scratch were tested. In 1981, British Aerospace entered into an agreement with McDonnell Douglas. Under this agreement, British Aerospace participated in the program as a subcontractor, which meant the return of the British government to the Harrier program. Production began in 1983, with McDonnell Douglas building 60 percent of the aircraft and British Aerospace building the remaining 40. The AV-8B entered service with the US Marine Corps in late 1983, the British version (GR.5) entered service with the British Air Force later. ...

Several modifications were carried out on the basis of the aircraft of the Marine Corps. In the late 1980s, a variant for night operations (AV-8B Night Attack) was created - a forward-looking IR system was placed in the nose, used in conjunction with night vision goggles. In total, in the period 1989-1993. 72 aircraft were built in the AV-8B Night Attack modification. In June 1987, British Aerospace and McDonnell Douglas decided to create a modification of the Harrier II with radar. For this, an AN / APG-65 pulse-Doppler radar was installed in the nose of the AV-8B Night Attack aircraft (similar to that used in the McDonnell Douglas F / A-18 Hornet). This modification allowed the aircraft to conduct aerial combat and improved its ground attack characteristics. The Marine Corps ordered 31 new aircraft (Plus), deliveries began in July 1993. Another 72 aircraft were modified in 1997. By 1997, only the Plus and Night Attack modifications were in service with the Marine Corps.

Related Videos


  • YAV-8B - prototype, 2 copies.
  • AV-8B Harrier II - basic modification.
  • AV-8B Harrier II Night Attack - Upgraded version with IR Forward Vision System and new Pegasus 11 engine.
  • AV-8B Harrier II Plus - An upgraded version of Night Attack with a new radar.
  • TAV-8B Harrier II - double educational option.
  • EAV-8B Matador II - designation in the Spanish Navy.
  • EAV-8B Matador II Plus - designation in the Spanish Navy.

Combat use

Used by the American side during the war in Afghanistan. On the night of September 14, 2012, about 15 Taliban dressed in American uniforms attacked the American aircraft park at Camp Bastion. The attack destroyed eight Harriers and one C-130, in addition to many buildings and hangars.

Tactical and technical characteristics

The given characteristics correspond to the modification AV-8B. Data source: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY - NAVAL HISTORICAL CENTER


  • Crew: 1 (pilot)
  • Length: 14.12 m
  • Wingspan: 9.245 m
  • Height: 3.551 m
  • Wing area: 21.37 m²
  • 1/4 chord sweep: 30.62 °
  • Wing elongation ratio: 4,0
  • Base chassis: 3.481 m (between main uprights)
  • Track chassis: 5.182 m (between side posts)
  • Empty weight: 5,822 kg
  • Curb weight: 6,097 kg (no combat load)
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 14,060 kg
    • during vertical takeoff: 8618 kg
  • Fuel weight in internal tanks: 3,590 kg
  • Volume of fuel tanks: 4319 L (+ 4 × 1 136 L PTB)
  • Powerplant: 1 × turbojet engine Rolls-Royce F402-RR-406
  • Thrust: 1 × 95.86 kN
Flight characteristics
  • Maximum speed: 1,063 km / h