Labor migrants from Uzbekistan should look up to Iskander Makhmudov. Makhmudov Iskander Kakhramonovich - Russian Criminal The truth will make you free Iskander mahmudov state

Makhmudov Iskandar (Iskander) Kakhramonovich was born on December 5, 1963 in Bukhara, Uzbek SSR. Father - Kakhramon - worked as a civil engineer, mother taught Russian. As a preschooler, he moved with his family to Tashkent, where he spent his childhood and youth.


He received his higher education at the Tashkent State University. According to some reports, the parents of the future billionaire insisted that he enter the Faculty of Oriental Studies at TSU. By 1984, he mastered Arabic, which he soon came in handy in the service.

Labor activity

After graduating from the university, he got a job at the Main Engineering Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the USSR and went to work in Libya as an engineer-translator. A year and a half later, he moved to Iraq, where he worked as a translator for about two and a half years.

Leaving engineering and translation activities at the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Foreign Economic Relations, in 1988 he became an employee of the State Joint-Stock Company Uzbekintorg in Tashkent, where he worked until 1990. Then the future billionaire met his partners - the brothers Lev and Mikhail Cherny. Following them, he moved to Moscow and became responsible for the coal direction in their business (Trans Commodities), as he had experience in working with raw materials. Later he became a junior partner in the firm of the Cherny and Ruben brothers Trans World Group (TWG), registered in London.

From 1991 to June 1994, he was Deputy Marketing Director of Alice JSC.

In 1993, he left TWG and in 1994 began buying shares in copper companies.

From July 1994 to February 1996 he was the director of CJSC Industrial and Financial Company Meta Service. In 1994, he took part in the privatization of the only Pavlodar aluminum plant in Kazakhstan.

In 1996, he headed the leading enterprise in the Urals for the extraction of copper ore, the Gaisky Mining and Processing Plant, as a general director.

In 1998-1999, not without the support of his partner Mikhail Cherny, he created the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (7 large and many small plants in the Urals, Uralelectromed, Sredneuralsky copper smelter, Kachkanarsky GOK, etc., according to the Profile magazine at the beginning 2002 controlled approximately 40% of copper production in the Russian Federation, the remaining 60% - "Norilsk Nickel"). Since then and to the present, he has been the head of the UMMC in the position of president.

In 2002, on the basis of enterprises controlled by Iskander and Dmitry Komissarov, Transmashholding CJSC was created, Russia's largest manufacturer of rolling stock for rail transport.

He and partner Andrei Bokarev hold a 13% stake in Transoil LLC (an 80% stake in Transoil is owned by another billionaire, Gennady Timchenko) and are the owners of Moscow Passenger Company LLC.

The UMMC controlled by him, in turn, owns 100% of the shares of the Food Service Capital restaurant holding, which includes the United Food Network serving passengers of the Sapsan trains, 17 steakhouses, 3 fish establishments, 6 pubs and 8 burgers. Since 2013, UMMC also owns a controlling stake in the Czech company Kunovice Aircraft Industries, which produces small passenger aircraft.

He is a shareholder of Aeroexpress LLC (17%), and since May 2015 - the holder of a 12.25% stake in the Kalashnikov arms concern.


He is known as a generous philanthropist in all areas of public life: he supports medicine, orphanages, war veterans and others.

Included in the top twenty richest businessmen in Russia according to the annual rating of Forbes magazine. So, in 2011, the businessman was on the 12th line of the list with a fortune of $ 9.9 billion, in 2013 - in 15th place with a mark of $ 8.7 billion, in 2015 he dropped to 29th. th line with a fortune of $ 3.5 billion, and as of March 2016, he occupied the 21st position ($ 4 billion).

In 2017, he was in 19th place with a fortune of $ 6.5 billion, in 2018 he rose to 16th line, increasing his fortune by $ 800 million.

On April 18, 2019, another Forbes list was released, in which he took 18th place among the richest businessmen in Russia with a mark of $ 6.6 billion.

Interesting Facts

The well-known businessman speaks six languages, including Uzbek, Tajik, Russian, Arabic, Farsi and English.

Family status

Married with a second marriage. With his first wife, an Uzbek by nationality, he broke up even before moving to the Russian capital. The current wife is Margarita Ildusovna Makhmutova (Tatar by nationality).

From his first marriage he has a son, Jahangir, born in 1987.

The oligarch and the President of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company own Transmashholding, Kuzbassrazrezugol, Transgroup, and the Kalashnikov Concern. Behind the 19th place in the list of the richest people in Russia are the special talent of a businessman and his titanic work.

  • FULL NAME: Makhmudov Iskander Kakhramonovich.
  • Date of Birth: December 5, 1963, Bukhara.
  • Education: Faculty of Oriental Studies, Tashkent State University.
  • Business start date/age: 1990s, aged 27-28.
  • Type of activity at the start: manufacturing and marketing of consumer goods.
  • Current activity: President of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, co-owner and owner of numerous holdings and enterprises. Current status: $6.5 billion.

One of the richest people in Russia, Iskander Kakhramonovich Makhmudov, is full of paradoxes. Demanding: aware of what is happening not only in his business, but also with competitors. I am sure that the leadership should not interfere with the production process by force, but at the same time, he himself seems to be present at each of his plants and factories located in different parts of the country. This story is about how a simple Uzbek guy could become a Russian oligarch.

How big is the wealth

Oligarch Makhmudov is one of the twenty richest Russian businessmen, ranking 19th. This location has changed in the prestigious rankings from year to year:

How did Mahmudov manage to rise to such heights? The success story of the hero will tell in more detail.

A well-known Russian oligarch is another native of Uzbekistan - Alisher Usmanov.

Facts from personal life

The biography of the future Russian oligarch begins with his birth in 1963 in Bukhara, and three years later his family moved to the capital of the Uzbek SSR - the city of Tashkent.

In a family where Iskander (in Uzbek - Iskandar) grew up as an only child, omissions very often arose precisely because of the financial side of the issue (mother worked as a teacher at a university, and father worked at a construction site, but still there was not enough money). From childhood, the boy dreamed of living differently than his parents.

Ambitions coincided with the parental desire to "raise a man out of a son." Makhmudov listened to the urgent recommendation to choose education. So Iskander ended up at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Tashkent State University, where he was prepared for further work in the countries of the East.

Fluent in Arabic, Iskander was sent first to Libya, then to Iraq. The "other" world opened Iskander's eyes: even simple military men and builders lived better in a weak and poor country than citizens of the powerful Soviet empire. New standards sunk deep into the soul of the hero.

But the feeling of pride in one's country also became the key to Iskander's further activities. He became a good heir, did not allow the plunder of his possessions, but made them profitable.

Starting an Entrepreneurship

Changes were taking place in the country. Iskander returned home, resigning from his position as a military translator. In his native land in 1988, he immediately got a job in the state foreign trade organization Uzbekintorg. The businessman acquired his first commercial knowledge there, preparing and supporting transactions, compiling "competitive lists".

However, it was not that "big money". He began to look for other opportunities for development, one of which was a cooperative that manufactures and sells consumer goods - from bed linen to bathrobes.

Fateful acquaintance

In the early nineties, Iskander met the Chernov brothers, his countrymen. They have already managed to prove themselves in the Russian market by a certain manner of doing business. Makhmudov understood that the Chernovs saw promising opportunities in the new economic situation. One of them, Mikhail, influenced the formation of our hero as a businessman by personal example.

He became a junior partner in the brothers' business, Trans World Group. And from 1991 to 1994, a new round of career - work as a marketing director at Alice JSC.

Iskander helped the Chernovs in 1994 in the privatization of the Pavlodar aluminum plant. From July 1994 to February 1996, he himself worked as the director of CJSC Industrial and Financial Company Meta Service.

With the collapse of the USSR, the well-established sales mechanisms in this area stopped working for years. Foreign trade became a "draw" - the one who managed to quickly take a place "under the sun" won here. Experience in this area and huge ambitions have become a help to Makhmudov.

The birth of the kingdom of metallurgy

In 1994, another important meeting took place - Iskander met Andrei Kozitsyn. With him, he begins to buy up the shares of the organization, which later became the basis of the UMMC.

How did a person "from the outside" manage to join the copper business? Makhmudov applied the system: he made an advance payment in settlements with enterprises for many months in advance. "Manna from heaven" quickly descended by managers who did not have time to produce an order and accumulated debt to the trader. Iskander came to the debtor and took away his property, becoming the owner.

So, in 1996, Makhmudov became the general director of the Thai mining and processing plant. And in 1999, the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company holding was already beginning to be born.

For the first few years of his activity, Makhmudov sold Russian metal to foreign countries, trying not to attract attention to himself. Iskander did not seek to make many new friends, but some partners nevertheless became them. We are talking about Oleg Deripaska, whose friendship grew into a strong business alliance: Makhmudov was called the uncrowned "copper king", and Deripaska gained fame as an aluminum magnate.

Scandals, intrigues, investigations

The capture of large enterprises in many cities resembled entire mini-wars on a local scale. Makhmudov managed to avoid this, but the press still called him a "cruel businessman", assuring that he puts the unwanted in their place by force.

Here are the two biggest business scandals:

  1. The first in 1999 was connected with a former childhood friend, who at first was a promising manager, and then tried to seize power at the Kachkanar mining and processing enterprise. The businessman ordered to disperse the protesters and the bailiffs who were not letting inside ... with the help of water cannons.
  2. A similar situation in 2000 in the Chelyabinsk region. This time, tear gas was used.

In addition to such tough actions, Mahmudov relied on strong judicial support. It became his "calling card". Glory ran ahead of the hero and helped him win more and more organizations.

Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers...

The nineties were marked by the decline of the domestic railway industry. It was only in 2003 that the state-owned Russian Railways OJSC was formed, one of whose tasks was to upgrade the entire rolling stock. Intuition did not let Makhmudov down this time either, prompting him: it is worth starting to buy up machine-building enterprises.

By the way, today Russian Railways is one of the seven largest domestic enterprises.

Today CJSC Transmashholding owns factories in the Moscow, Tver and Rostov regions, in the cities of Bryansk, Penza and St. Petersburg. Makhmudov's ownership here is partial, which does not prevent him from receiving his share of the profits.

In the wake of the railway epic, in 2012, a 75% stake in a subsidiary of Russian Railways, Zheldorremmash, was acquired. This made it possible to become one of the leaders in the field of locomotive repair.

In the same year, Makhmudov, together with his business partner, entrepreneur Andrey Bokarev, acquired a 13% share of the cost of Transoil LLC, one of the largest Russian rail carriers of oil and oil products.

Makhmudov owns a 17.5% stake in Aeroexpress LLC. In addition, both Makhmudov and Bokarev are the owners of Moscow Passenger Company LLC, which in 2011 purchased 50% of OJSC Central Suburban Passenger Company. Now it is 56% of all commuter traffic in the country, 4.7 billion profits and 500 million passengers a year.

Higher and higher…

The statement concerns not only the ambitious plans of the oligarch Makhmudov. UMMC is the owner of a controlling stake in the Kunovice Aircraft Industries organization.

There are already successful projects - the updated L-410 aircraft. The model is used for pilot training. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is very interested in acquiring it.

In 2015, a new promising acquisition is a 12.25% stake in the Kalashnikov concern from his friend Bokarev. To date, Iskander and his two partners own equal shares of the organization - 49% each. Over the past 2 years, 3 billion rubles were invested in the enterprise - this led to the first profit in seven years ($31 million) and a record revenue - $122 million. By the way, last year's figures rose to $241 million.

Promising catering

Mr. Makhmudov knows how to surprise - he successfully promotes business in the field of food. All the same "UMMC" owns a full stake in Food Service Capital - a holding of restaurants.

One of its directions included the Unified Power Supply Network, which serves passengers of the Sapsan trains. Other catering establishments include steakhouses, pubs and fish restaurants.

Plans and projects

The most diverse industries are in the zone of interests of the oligarch. He has far-reaching projects associated with many of them:

  1. Regarding the resources, Makhmudov is interested in the Kuzbass coal mines. Even now UMMC controls Kuzbassrazrezugol. There are suspicions that the 16% stake in Kuzbassugol sold to the intermediary company also went to our hero.
  2. UMMC claims to buy Russia's largest Udokan copper deposit and OAO Sibkabel, a manufacturer of cable and rolled products.
  3. In the future - control over the shares of OJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" and "Severstal".
  4. Claims to the chemical plant "Azot" located in Kemerovo and the Altai "Koks".
  5. Redemption of a controlling stake in OAO Rosterminalugol, located in the Leningrad Region. This is a specialized port, which in the future is capable of unloading up to 6-10 million tons of coal annually. The "Sharp Eye" is also directed towards the Far Eastern port facilities.

Secret of success

Iskander Makhmudov knows how to correctly prioritize - he always acts in the interests of the state. Therefore, many call him the ideal oligarch. At the same time, a businessman will always make a profit, even if everyone around is sure that he is making another political step.

Mahmudov suffers from only one problem - lack of time. And he is fond of his next dream and tries to make it a reality.

Many believe that Makhmudov's true capital is not in his enterprises, but in magnetism. Well, they say the truth, cities can be taken by charm!

However, Makhmudov is happy to talk about himself:

Interests of the oligarch

One of the main passions of Iskander Makhmudov is reading. Since childhood, fantasy has become a favorite genre - according to the statements of our hero, it helps to reboot the mind.

Uzbek by nationality, Makhmudov was born and raised in a land without a sea. And today he is a passionate fan of diving. From personal achievements - I dived to a depth of 60 meters, swam, holding on to a shark's fin. Now he dreams of exploring the depths of the sea.

The interests of the businessman also touched on space. This is due to the announcement by Roscosmos in 2011 of plans to promote domestic launch services to foreign customers. So, the Ural Mining Company also sells Zenith launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

good deeds

Mr. Mahmudov does not spare money for charity, providing support for medical institutions, orphanages, war veterans and so on. About one billion dollars have been spent for such purposes in the last ten years alone.

Facts about personal life

Now Iskander Makhmudov is married for the second time. From the first wife, an Uzbek, there is a son, Jahongir (born in 1987), lives in Moscow - the famous father devotes a lot of time to him.

At the moment he is married to Margarita Ildusovna (she is a Tatar by nationality).

, Russian , Arabic, Farsi and English [ ] .


Born on December 5, 1963 in Bukhara. He spent his childhood and youth in Tashkent. Parents are teachers of Tashkent universities.

At the insistence of his parents, in 1984 he graduated from the Arabic department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Tashkent State University. He did not serve in the army thanks to the military department of the university.

In 1984-86 - worked in Libya as an interpreter for a group of Soviet military advisers and specialists from the Main Engineering Directorate of the State Committee for Electric Power Supply of the USSR, which was engaged in the supply of weapons. He worked under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR.

In 1986-88. - Interpreter for a group of Soviet military advisers in Iraq (In the Office for the Construction of Military Facilities of the Iraqi General Staff). In 1988-90. worked in middle management positions in the State Joint Stock Company "Uzbekintorg" in Tashkent - then, before the creation of the sovereign ministry of foreign economic relations - a monopoly company operating in the foreign market mainly in cotton.

By this time, he met two well-known Tashkent "guild members" brothers Lev and Mikhail Cherny. The latter even then, relying on the support of criminal clans, worked with fairly large capitals, gradually moving from the production of consumer goods to a more serious "raw material business".

Later he moved to Moscow, where he began to cooperate in the "aluminum business" of his fellow countrymen from Tashkent, brothers Mikhail and Lev Chernykh, as a junior partner in the management of the Trans World Group (TWG) brothers company registered in London [ ] .

From 1991 to June 1994 - Deputy Marketing Director of Alice JSC. Soon Makhmudov left there and started selling copper on his own. From July 1994 to February 1996 - Director of CJSC "Industrial and Financial Company "Meta Service"". In 1994, Makhmudov helps the Cherny brothers to take root in Kazakhstan, participates in the privatization of the only Pavlodar aluminum plant in the country.

In 1996, he occupied the chair of the general director of a reputable enterprise - the Gaisky Mining and Processing Plant - the leading enterprise in the Urals for the extraction of copper ore. In 1998-99, with the support of Mikhail Cherny, who by that time had parted ways with his brother Lev, he created the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (7 large and many small plants in the Urals, Uralelektromed, Sredneuralsky copper smelter, Kachkanarsky GOK, etc. , according to the magazine "Profile" at the beginning of 2002 controlled approximately 40% of copper production in the Russian Federation, the remaining 60% - "Norilsk Nickel").

The Spanish prosecutor's office suspects that in 2001-04, through the Spanish company Vera Metallurgica (registered in Alicante in September 2001, authorized capital of 278,500 euros, owner: Israeli citizen Mikhail Chernoy, director: Eugen Aschenbrenner, disappeared), associated with the UMMC, criminals were laundered money (Izmaylovskaya OPG) in the amount of about 4 million euros. The connection between UMMC, Rusal and Vera Metallurgica may be the fact that the company was engaged in metal trading. Representatives of the Spanish prosecutor's office and Judge Fernando Andreu came to Russia to hand over the case materials to their Russian colleagues and interrogate suspects, including Oleg Deripaska.

He holds the position of President of the UMMC, in which he remains to this day. UMMC (Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company) won the competition for nickel mining in the Novokhopyorsky district of the Voronezh region. Despite the mass protests of the population, collected 30 thousand signatures, the UMMC is carrying out geological work to prepare for the extraction of nickel in the Novokhopyorsk region.

Condition assessment



Mr. Makhmudov and his business partner Andrei Bokarev acquired 13% ownership in Transoil LLC. They purchased shares from Gennady Timchenko, co-owner of the Gunvor company.

OOO Transoil is a railway operator in Russia. The company is one of the largest railway carriers of oil and oil products in Russia.

The total sales volume for Transoil LLC for the first three quarters of 2012 amounted to 51.1 billion rubles.


In November 2012, it was announced that TMH increased its net profit by 9 percent to 2.69 billion rubles. The company also cut its long-term liabilities by 39 percent.


Kunovice Aircraft Industries

Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company is the owner of a controlling stake in Kunovice Aircraft Industries.

First Deputy Minister of Defense Alexander Sukhorukov visited the Kunovice factories, expressing interest in the updated L-410 aircraft. The Russian army plans to use the L-410 aircraft to train pilots, who will then train on the new large Il-476 aircraft. Kunovice is currently in talks to supply 8 aircraft to the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2013.


Makhmudov owns a 17.5% stake in Aeroexpress LLC. Aeroexpress provides rail transportation services between Moscow and the surrounding airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo).

Russian Railways owns 50% of Aeroexpress. In November 2012, it was reported that Russian Railways intended to sell half of its shares (25%) to TransGroup AS OOO.

"Moscow Passenger Company" and "TsPPK"

Mr. Makhmudov and his partner Mr. Bokarev are the owners of Moscow Passenger Company LLC.

In 2011, the Moscow Passenger Company bought a 25% stake in OAO Central Suburban Passenger Company. "TsPPK" provides 56% of all suburban transportation in Russia.

In December 2012, the Moscow Passenger Company won the tender for the purchase of another 25% stake in OAO TsPPK. This purchase will increase the capitalization of the Moscow Passenger Company to 50%.

In 2011, more than 500 million passengers traveled on the trains operated by CPPK. In 2011, CPPK received 24 billion rubles in revenue and 4.7 billion rubles in profit.


Some media reported that Mr. Makhmudov bought a controlling stake in the football club CSKA.

International space services


The Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company is the owner of 100% of the shares of the Food Service Capital restaurant holding, which includes the Unified Food Network serving passengers of the Sapsan trains, 17 steakhouses, 3 fish establishments, 6 beer and 8 burger bars.


Mr. Makhmudov has donated more than one billion dollars to charitable causes over the past decade, including medical clinics, housing programs, orphanages and free care assistance programs, not only for the children of UMMC employees, but also for children with disabilities, orphans and children from disadvantaged families.

Medical services

It was reported that Mr. Makhmudov's company plans to send five L-410 UVP E20 aircraft to the Orenburg region to help the region with regional cargo transportation by the end of next year. "Three aircraft from the Czech aircraft factory are passenger, and the remaining two are convertible, which can provide the region with medical services in remote areas" RusBusinessNews.

Personal life

Married with a second marriage. Lives in Moscow with his son Jahongir Mahmudov, born in 1987.

The first wife is an Uzbek. Makhmudov broke up with his former wife even before moving to Moscow. According to some reports, he devotes a lot of time to his son from his first marriage [ ] .

The second wife is Margarita Ildusovna Makhmutova, a Tatar. She has no children.

see also


  1. Makhmudov Iskandar Kahramonovich (indefinite) . Persons and companies. Business FM Archived March 1, 2012.
  2. Iskandar Mahmudov (indefinite) . Retrieved February 13, 2011. Archived from the original on March 1, 2012.
  3. Iskandar Mahmudov (indefinite) . Directory of persons. Vedomosti. Retrieved February 13, 2011. Archived from the original on March 1, 2012.
  4. "Iskander Makhmudov" (indefinite) . Retrieved March 19, 2017.

The parents of Iskander Makhmudov were not at all mistaken in choosing such a sonorous name for their son. Like the "conqueror of the universe", in an effort to always be the first, the current oligarch used all the methods inherent in the natives of the East. In the biography of the "copper king" one can see softness and suppleness, interspersed with incredible rigidity.

Asiatic cunning and greed are easily combined with generosity and virtue. Iskandar Mahmudov plays a prominent role in the Russian and global economy and at the same time does not forget about the townsfolk.

The homeland of the billionaire is Bukhara. It was there, in the “pearl of the East”, that Iskandar was born. For the family of the future billionaire, December 5, 1963 was a significant event. From an early age, the first and only son was surrounded by care and affection, but at the same time he was not spoiled and raised in strictness. Three years later, the Mahmudovs move to a permanent place of residence in the capital of Uzbekistan.

In Tashkent rebuilt after the earthquake, the father of little Iskandar gets a job in a construction company. The boy's mother makes a living teaching Russian at a local university. As the oligarch recalls, the parents' salaries were hardly enough to drag out an unremarkable, monotonous life. One of Mahmudov's main hobbies was reading books from which he preferred science fiction.

School for Iskander Makhmudov was not a problem. A well-read young man easily comprehended science and his academic performance did not cause reproaches from his parents. He graduated from his first educational institution with exclusively positive grades, which made it possible to go on to study further.

Iskandar (Iskander) Kakhramonovich Makhmudov


With the choice of a higher educational institution for Iskander, his parents did not stand on ceremony. The profession of the mother of the future billionaire determined his specialty. In 1980, Makhmudov entered Tashkent State University, where he studied Oriental studies for five years. An excellent memory and a craving for foreign languages ​​provided Iskander with a successful completion of his studies.

Career and business of Iskander Makhmudov

One of the significant factors that ensured the prestige of TSU was the opportunity to get abroad. Makhmudov's unremarkable appearance, his modesty and taciturnity, his perfect knowledge of Arabic languages ​​interested the special services of the Soviet Union. In 1986, he went to Libya, where he received a position as a translation engineer in an organization that provides arms supplies.

A year and a half later, the career of a young polyglot continues in Iraq, where he works in the administration for the construction of military facilities until 1988. The number of his responsibilities is increasing. Iskander Makhmudov is no longer just a translator. His charm and ability to find an approach to people, which is especially valuable in the East, allow him to become a kind of mediator and participate in serious negotiations.

The next stage of the biography of Iskander Makhmudov begins already in the vastness of the USSR. Returning to his native Tashkent, the former translation engineer gets a job at the state joint-stock company Uzbekintorg. A position in a trade organization brings him acquaintance with the Cherny brothers, who by that time owned an aluminum business and a coal business.

The departure from Uzbekintorg and the creation of the Trans World Group company by the Blacks makes it possible for Makhmudov to enter into a partnership with the "aluminum kings". In 1991-1994, the entrepreneur was involved in the Alis joint-stock company, where he held the position of deputy marketing director.

Friction with TWG partners that arose in 1993 forced Makhmudov to leave this organization and start an independent business. Being pushed aside from the fuel sector, the future oligarch opts for copper. His first solid acquisition is the shares of large copper mining enterprises. In the mid-90s, Iskander Kakhramonovich became the general director of the industrial and financial company Meta-Service.

At the same time, he helps Cherny to privatize the Pavlograd aluminum plant, located on the territory of Kazakhstan. Rotation in the circles of large entrepreneurs brings Makhmudov acquaintance with Deripaska, with whom they later had many common affairs.

In the second half of the 90s, the entrepreneur meets in the director's chair of the Gaisky mining and processing plant, which by that time was the leading Ural enterprise specializing in the extraction of copper ore.

After leaving TWG, Iskander Makhmudov did not stop his partnership with Mikhail Chernykh and, with his might, laid the foundation of his "copper empire". Since 1998, for a decade, the entrepreneur has been painstakingly working to create the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. In addition to Uralelectromed, the Kachkanar mining and processing plant and the Middle Urals copper smelter, this includes a number of metallurgical enterprises located in the Urals.

By 2002, in terms of control over copper resources in the Russian Federation, UMGC is second only to Norilsk Nickel, which owns 60% of this industry.

Copper is not Makhmudov's only business. In 2002, the entrepreneur turned his attention to car building. The partnership with the Komissarov brothers allows the businessman to establish the joint-stock company Transmashholding, which later became the largest manufacturer of rolling stock for railways in Russia.

Further activities allow Makhmudov to acquire a solid stake in Transoil and take control of the Moscow Passenger Company. In 2012, Makhmudov's holding buys out three-quarters of the assets of the Zheldorremmash railway repair enterprise.

In 2013, the assets of UMGC are replenished with shares of the Czech aircraft manufacturing company Kunovice Aircraft Industries. Makhmudov concludes a contract with the RF Ministry of Defense for the supply of L-410 aircraft.

One of the secrets of the entrepreneur's enrichment is his ability to identify weaknesses in the business of partners and third-party enterprises. By driving opponents into debt, he eventually becomes the owner of their property.

Iskander Makhmudov's fortune

Entrepreneurial streak, the ability to conduct a subtle policy, toughness and assertiveness allowed Iskander Makhmudov to firmly gain a foothold in the elite of Russian business. For many years he has been a member of the club of the two hundred richest Russians. His photo often appears on the pages of Forbes and other publications no less significant in business.

In 2017, the billionaire got rid of his 25% stake in the Kalashnikov concern. Now, in addition to the lion's share in UMGC, the businessman's assets include controlling stakes in Transmashholding and Kuzbassrazrezugol. The entrepreneur controls the Russian football team CSKA and catering companies that are part of the Food Service Capital holding network.

The growth of wealth, victories and defeats of a businessman can be judged by the dynamics provided by the financial magazine Forbes (year - $, billion / place in Russia):

  • 2011 – 9,9/12.
  • 2012 – 8,2/16;
  • 2013 – 8,7/15;
  • 2014 – 6,1/23;
  • 2015 – 3,5/29;
  • 2016 – 4/21;
  • 2017 – 6,5/19;
  • 2018 – 7,3/16.

As a billionaire and one of the richest people in Russia, Iskander Makhmudov can afford luxury. He owns the original Predator, built in a Dutch shipyard. "Predator" impresses with its forms and power. According to rough estimates, the ship cost the oligarch 100 million euros.

Of Makhmudov's real estate, it should be noted the estate near the Les Pins castle, located in the Charente and which is a cultural heritage of France. In addition, the oligarch owns a house on the Cote d'Azur in the Saint Tropez area.

The April 2018 sanctions imposed by the United States on Russian politicians and businessmen also affected Makhmudov. However, the losses of the billionaire were more than returned by subsequent successful transactions.

Private life of Iskander Makhmudov

Iskander Makhmudov does not advertise his personal life. He is married for the second time. Now his companion is Margarita Ildusovna, just like her husband, who found herself in entrepreneurship. According to some reports, she owns the Bagheera agency, which specializes in public relations and is related to the modeling business.

The first marriage in the biography brought the billionaire a son, who was born in 1987. Today, the young man is involved in one of the billionaire's enterprises and is one of the richest heirs of Russia.

One of Iskander Kakhramonovich's favorite hobbies is diving, and its use for hunting purposes. The oligarch breeds sharks and often participates in South African safari with his son.

Iskander Makhmudov is no stranger to charity. His contribution in this direction amounted to about $ 1 billion. Under the patronage of the billionaire are clinics and orphanages. He takes an active part in housing programs, helps orphans and disabled children.

Iskander Mahmudov today

Now, in his sixty-something years, Iskander Kakhramonovich is not going to move away from business. On the contrary, he continues to build up the power of his empire. Last year, UMGC expanded through the takeover of the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant. This acquisition ensures the production of 50% of copper exported from Russia.

Makhmudov's achievements in business were marked by a high government award. In 2018, he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, which was personally presented to the businessman by the President of the Russian Federation.

Margarita Mahmudova: “A woman is a bird created to fly. Anything is possible if she spreads the wings of her dreams wide open...!”

... The well-known oligarch in Russia, the owner of an empire called the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Iskander Makhmudov, is not yet well known in the circles of the general Ukrainian public. A few years ago, this name began to “spin up” in connection with his plans to acquire Luganskteplovoz, but then the idea failed, which, however, does not mean that Mr. Makhmudov’s interest in this enterprise has disappeared.

In Russia, Mr. Makhmudov is quite famous and enjoys a peculiar reputation. That's how wrote about him magazine "Profile" : “If you believe the rumors, then only Berezovsky was more terrible and more influential than the head of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Iskander Makhmudov in our country. Makhmudov does not give interviews, rarely appears in the world, and in the Makhmudov-Deripaska tandem (in this context it is most often customary to mention the name of our hero), he is assigned the role of a punishing hand, ruthless to competitors ... Makhmudov is demonized, representing the evil genius of the newest Russian economy, who applied his a hard-wearing hand to almost every scandal in the copper industry.”

It is clear that such a characteristic must be “corresponded”. And Iskander Kakhramonovich is "trying". In the biography (it is described in sufficient detail in the specified article of the Profile), everything is “as it should be”: involvement in the arms trade back in Soviet times, close ties with the “siloviki” and no less fruitful cooperation with the Cherny brothers. With "hobbies" - everything is also in order: Mr. Makhmudov collects sharks. Personal life was also successful: the second marriage with a student Margarita. Master, what is it.

Ms. Makhmudova, as expected, is a frequenter of endless Moscow amusements. Her release "into the light" is noted by the press. Here is what, for example, Russian Izvestia wrote in October 2004:

“To warm up, models walked around the runway. They were examined by guests, among whom were philanthropist Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Alik Tayvanchik - "Obkom"), public figure Anzori Aksentiev, businessman Andrei Kobzon, chairman of the board of directors of the Capital insurance group Yuri Tskhovrebov, head of DON-Stroy Dmitry Zelenov, general director "Russian Media Group" Sergei Kozhevnikov, President of the film company "Central Partnership" producer Ruben Dishdishyan, athlete Pavel Bure. “And here is Nekrich's wife, and here is Makhmudov's wife,” friendly comments were loudly heard. (The gentlemen meant the richest businessman Mikhail Nekrich and the head of the Ural MMC Iskander Makhmudov) ... "

But these social events are not enough for Ms. Mahmudova. The bird woman wants more. Including in Ukraine.

One way or another, in 2004, Bagira Public Relations Agency LLC began operating in Ukraine, formed on the intellectual base of ZAO Scientific Research Institute PR (Russia) by Margarita Ildusovna Makhmudova, who is the founder of both companies.

For some time, the Bagira agency has been engaged in the modeling business and organizing various events, using its still Russian developments. For example, from holding the Miss Creation-2003 beauty contest among representatives of the construction industry companies under the patronage of the Moscow government, to the Miss Business-2004 contest organized on the same principle already in Ukraine, under the patronage of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Industrial Policy and entrepreneurship, which is headed by Yuri Yekhanurov. Well, the respected politician could not refuse a start-up business woman from a neighboring country, he shared his “patronage”.

Inspired by a successful debut (we are talking about “patronage”, it is too early to judge the success of the competition itself - it continues ...) the Bagheera agency begins to try its hand at PR. And the first attempt turns into a stunning success! Last week it became known that Bagira won the tender for holding a PR company for compulsory insurance of civil liability of Ukrainian car owners, which was carried out by the Motor and Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTIBU), with a modest budget of UAH 2,500,000. And - oh, a miracle! - "Bagira" won this tender from one of the most serious network advertising agencies operating in Ukraine - Scholz&Friends! And, we repeat, this is despite the fact that at the time of winning the tender, the agency had no experience in conducting such companies!

Here it is worth noting, perhaps, two points. With the approach of April 1, the topic of car insurance is becoming more and more “public” and PR support for this innovation will obviously not hurt.

And the second. Among the contenders for the title of "Miss Business 2004", which is still held by "Bagheera", there are too many beautiful ladies representing just the same insurance companies in Ukraine - members of this very ... Motor and Transport Insurance Bureau. Take a look, for example, at the site of this competition - and see for yourself. There is a business lady from Garant-Avto insurance company, and Inpro insurance company, and five ladies from Inkomstrakh insurance company at once - among the participants numbered from 1 to 10 ...

Of course, we do not undertake to judge which (of the members of the MTIBU) will win this competition, and how successful the PR campaign will be to promote the “autocitizen” to the masses. But “Bagheera” and Ms. Makhmudova can already be congratulated on their victory.

For such a "business woman" you need an eye and an eye. Suddenly, her heart will be attracted not so much by "flying on the wings of a dream" (see the epigraph), but by a successful landing - on the soil of Ukrainian "real estate"? After all, it was not for nothing that Margarita Ildusovna “promoted” the Moscow DSK-1, and then the corresponding department in the Moscow government ...