"Systemic" organized crime group? Arnold Arnoldovich Arnoldovich Arnoldovich Arnoldovich Arnoldovich Arnoldovich Arnoldovich Spivakovsky Arrested in Spain

Singer Lolita Milyavskaya made a statement about the death of her ex-husband, 51-year-old businessman Arnold Spivakovsky.

It is known that the man was 51 years old, there is no information about the details and the cause of his death. Lolita was in a relationship with Spivakovsky after a difficult break with producer Tsekalo. The businessman helped her survive a difficult life stage.

In 2002, an entrepreneur who worked in the hotel business became a defendant in a criminal case on the possession of narcotic substances on an especially large scale - cocaine was found in his apartment. Spivakovsky's lawyers then stated that the search procedure was carried out in violation of the law, and witnesses did not confirm the discovery of a narcotic substance. He was later acquitted.

Two years ago, the Russian press wrote that Spivakovsky was detained in Spain, where he was suspected of having links with the criminal world and money laundering.

Arnold Spivakovsky - biography

Director of the hotel business Spivakovsky, who managed the legendary Moscow Peking Hotel, was Lolita's common-law spouse in the late 90s and played a significant role in her career. The media mentioned the numerous connections of the businessman with the criminal business. At the beginning of the 2000s, Spivakovsky was accused of drug possession, and two years ago a man was detained in Spain on suspicion of financial fraud. The cause of Spivakovsky's death is not yet known. The businessman was 51 years old.

Arnold Arnoldovich Spivakovsky (Tamm), Arnold Arnoldovich Spivakovsky (Tamm), arrested in Spain 4 months ago on suspicion of money laundering, is a well-known hotel manager in Russia, the former general director of the Cosmos Group of Companies and the chairman of the board of directors of Intourist.

Currently, he is a top manager of Segezha Group, a member of AFK Sistema.

The court of the province of Malaga decided to release on bail of 750 thousand euros a Russian citizen Arnold Spivakovsky (Tamm), known to Interpol as one of the leaders of the Solntsevskaya organized criminal group, reports El Espanol.

At the end of September, Spivakovsky was detained by Spanish law enforcement officers on the Costa del Sol along with 11 Russians on suspicion of money laundering and ties with the Solntsevskaya and Izmailovskaya organized crime groups. Spivakovsky, permanently residing in Russia, was at that moment in Spain on a week-long vacation.

In early October, together with the owner of the Marbella football club Alexander Grinberg, the shareholder of the Aguas Sierra de Mijas drinking water plant Oleg Kuznetsov and the manager of the same company Sergey Dozhdev, the Marbella court sent him under arrest. Moreover, Arnold Spivakovsky, who is considered by Spanish law enforcement officers to be one of the leaders of the Solntsevskaya organized criminal group, who is directly connected with Semyon Mogilevich, who is wanted by the FBI, was denied the right to be released on bail.

However, 4 months later, Arnold Spivakovsky's defense, headed by lawyer Carlos Dominguez, protested the court's decision, calling the accusations against Spivakovsky unsubstantiated and describing his client as "a top manager respected and repeatedly awarded by the Russian government."

It is reported that a bail for Spivakovsky in the amount of 750 thousand euros has already been paid, but during the judicial investigation he is forbidden to leave Spain. In addition, the suspect must testify in court twice a month.

Thus, the confidence of another alleged leader of the Solntsevskaya gang, businessman Sergei Mikhailov (Mikhas), that Spivakovsky would soon be released due to lack of evidence, was confirmed. Mikhas expressed it shortly after the arrest of Arnold Spivakovsky in Malaga.

The fate of the other three arrested as part of the September operation of the Civil Guard, codenamed "Oligarch", is still unknown. However, in December, as The CrimeRussia reported, the defense of the owner of FC Marbella, Alexander Grinberg, also filed an appeal against the arrest.

Arnold Arnoldovich Spivakovsky (former surname Tamm) - according to Interpol and operational information of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of the 1990s, a "criminal authority" who was a member of the leading "eight" of the "Solntsevskaya" organized crime group, occupying a place in its hierarchy immediately after the Averin brothers, Sergei Mikhailov and Semyon Mogilevich.

Since the mid-1990s, Spivakovsky has become a "legal" businessman and executive officer of a number of companies. He has held the positions of Deputy General Director of the Irbis Customs Terminal, PR Advisor to the Secretary of the Union State of Russia and Belarus Pavel Borodin, Deputy General Director of the Beijing Hotel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO GK Kosmos, and Head of the Board of Directors of VAO Intourist. Currently, Arnold Arnoldovich Spivakovsky is a top manager of Segezha Group, a member of AFK Sistema. Spivakovsky was never tried, although he was repeatedly detained along with other Solntsevo "authorities", as well as in a high-profile case of cocaine trafficking in the Moscow club "Dolls". In the capital's operational circles, there was a version about Spivakovsky's involvement in the murder of the director of the Beijing Hotel, Konstantin Georgiev (Kostya Osetin).

Spivakovsky Arnold Arnoldovich (Tamm, at birth, was born on July 7, 1967) is an entrepreneur, director of hotels, manager of AFK Sistema. In September 2017, he was detained in Spain on suspicion of money laundering and links with criminal groups. The media call him "one of the leaders of the Solntsevo organized criminal group."

Father - Arnold Osvaldovich Tamm, Estonian translator and former editor-in-chief of the Soviet Writer publishing house; mother Dina Stepanovna is a teacher. I took my wife's last name.

In 2003 he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in Jurisprudence, qualification - a lawyer. PhD in Law (2005). In 2005, he graduated from the Moscow State University of Service with a degree in Organization Management.

In 1997-2000 - Deputy Director of EXA LLC. In 2001-2002 - Deputy General Director for Legal Issues of Irbis OJSC (customs terminal). In 2002-2006 - First Deputy General Director of Beijing GOK OJSC. Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Intourist Hotel Group.

In 2005, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO GK Kosmos. In 2006 - 2013, he was the General Director of OAO GK Cosmos. In 2013, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of VAO Intourist.

On March 13, 2002, Spivakovsky, at that time the deputy general director of the Beijing hotel complex, was charged with illegal possession of narcotic substances on an especially large scale. The investigation of the "cocaine case" then made a lot of noise. Within its framework, searches were carried out several times in the famous Dolls nightclub, where, according to the secret services, wealthy people could not only relax with girls, but also easily buy cocaine. After interrogation, a search was conducted at the place of residence of Arnold Spivakovsky, during which cocaine was found. At the same time, Spivakovsky’s lawyers stated that the drugs were planted on their client, and the search itself was carried out with violations: the lawyer was not allowed into the house, and cocaine was found in a vase, which had already been examined twice before, and even witnesses brought by the police refused to confirm the discovery of the drug. On March 16, at night in the center of Moscow, an unknown criminal threw a grenade into the interior of the car in which they brought home Evgenia Nenakhova, who was the investigator in the criminal case of Arnold Spivakovsky. Spivakovsky's lawyers believe that this explosion is a provocation designed to put pressure on their client.

On June 25, 2003, the Moscow Regional Court upheld the acquittal of Arnold Spivakovsky, who was accused of drug possession.

On September 29, 2017, Arnold Spivakovsky was detained in Spain as part of the Oligarch special operation, along with ten other Russian citizens. According to Russian media, he is the current manager of AFK Sistema. The Spanish Civil Guard also calls him "one of the leaders of the Solntsevo organized criminal group."

Russian citizen Arnold Spivakovsky, who was detained in Spain in the “Russian mafia” case on September 26 on suspicion of money laundering and connections with criminal groups, turned out to be the current manager of AFK Sistema

Arnold Spivakovsky, who was detained in Spain along with ten other Russian citizens on September 26 as part of the Oligarch special operation, turned out to be the current manager of AFK Sistema, Dozhd reports. Information about the place of work of Spivakovsky was confirmed to RBC in the press service of the company.

Spivakovsky, also known as Arnold Tamm, is the former general director of the Cosmos Hotel and ex-chairman of the board of directors of the Intourist hotel association. The Spanish Civil Guard also calls him "one of the leaders of the Solntsevo organized criminal group."

Arnold Spivakovsky. 2002 (Photo: Alexey Kudenko / Kommersant)

Dozhd drew attention to a letter signed by Arnold Spivakovsky, published on the website of the charitable organization Russian Children's Fund. In the letter, he congratulates Albert Likhanov, chairman of the fund, on his birthday and calls himself "project manager of AFK Sistema." The document is dated September 17, 2017.

In the reference service of AFK Sistema, the Dozhd correspondent was given the number of the reception of Arnold Spivakovsky, explaining that his workplace is located at the address: st. Spiridonovka, d. 20. They did not answer clarifying questions at the information desk. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, at the address: Spiridonovka, 20, there is AFK-Service LLC and AFK-Security private security company. At the address: Spiridonovka, 20, where, according to the reference AFK Sistema, Spivakovsky's workplace is located, the Foundation for Legal and Economic Research is registered (where Spivakovsky holds the post of president).

According to SPARK-Interfax, Spivakovsky was previously a member of the executive body of the Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill. In addition, Spivakovsky is the president of the Saltai Foundation for the Support and Development of the Wildlife and Agriculture of Altai and adjacent regions. At the place of registration of the fund (Moscow, Milyutinsky pereulok, 13, building 1), JSC Business Nedvizhimost, which is part of AFK Sistema, LLC Business Park Development (controlled by Sistema through the Cypriot Vainom Investments Ltd), " RZ Agro (a joint venture between Sistema and the agricultural trader Louis Dreyfus), controlled by Sistema SBK Agro-Invest and LLC Fund Real Estate Management Company.

The press service of AFK Sistema told RBC that Spivakovsky is indeed an employee of the group - he works in a division of the Segezha Group holding, the woodworking enterprise Sokolsky DOK (part of AFK Sistema). “We learned about his detention by Spanish law enforcement agencies from the media and do not have other information,” the press service added.

Operation Oligarch, successfully carried out on September 26 in Spanish Mijas and three other cities of the Costa del Sol region (Estepona, Marbella and Puerto Banus), was directed against members of the Solntsevskaya and Izmailovo criminal gangs, which “are competitors in Russia, but partners in Spain,” the Spanish Civil Guard said in a statement.

RBC's source in the Investigative Committee reported that the department had previously received a number of requests from the Spanish police in this case.

According to Spanish law enforcement, organized crime groups have developed a complex scheme to launder about €30 million through the Marbella football club, the bottled water manufacturer Aguas Sierra de Mijas and the Dama de Noche golf club (all based in Marbella). The owner of the Marbella football club, Alexander Grinberg, and the owner of the Agua de Mijas drinking water producer, Oleg Kuznetsov, were also detained.

According to the statement of the Civil Guard, it took about four years to prepare a special operation to detain the “Russian mafia”.

Natalia Demchenko, Ekaterina Kostina

Do crime bosses work in AFK Sistema corporation?

According to a correspondent, Arnold Spivakovsky, a top manager of AFK Sistema, was arrested in Spain by the local national guard. He was detained as part of Operation Oligarch carried out by the Spanish authorities.

Spivakovsky, also known as Arnold Tamm, is the former general director of the Cosmos Hotel and former chairman of the board of directors of the Intourist hotel association. The Spanish Civil Guard is his "one of the leaders of the Solntsevo organized criminal group."

According to the Spanish law enforcement officers, the organized crime group, in connection with which Spivakovsky is suspected, was engaged in money laundering. Members of the organized crime group have developed a complex scheme for laundering about €30 million.

This money, in particular, was legalized through one of the football clubs in Spain, through a drinking water plant, through a golf club. What was the role of Spivakovsky in the group, which the Spanish press calls only a criminal syndicate, will become known during the investigation.

But experts tend to assume that this role was by no means secondary. Moreover, some Spanish media have already called Spivakovsky the head of the organized criminal group.

Money could also flow abroad through the Foundation for Legal and Economic Research (where Spivakovsky holds the presidency). And the manager is also the head of such an organization as the Altai Wildlife and Agriculture Support Fund. There appears to be one. And funds, as you know, are an ideal tool for all sorts of financial scams.

At the place of registration of the fund (Moscow, Milyutinsky pereulok, 13, building 1), JSC Business Real Estate, LLC Business Park Development (controlled by Sistema through the Cypriot Vainom Investments Ltd), which is part of AFK Sistema, is also registered. RZ Agro (a joint venture between Sistema and the agricultural trader Louis Dreyfus), controlled by Sistema SBK Agro-Invest and LLC Fund Real Estate Management.

Also Klondike for all sorts of monetary transactions.

Spivakovsky also has close relations with the former co-owner of Inkombank, Semyon Mogilevich, who is also a figure, to put it mildly, not without sin. At the moment, he is wanted by the US FBI on suspicion of fraud with the shares of the American company YBM Magenex International.

In addition, at the beginning of the century, Spivakovsky was involved in a criminal case on suspicion of illegal drug possession. And in especially large sizes. The investigation of the case was accompanied by stories reminiscent of real gang warfare.

Arnold Spivakovsky

So, a grenade was thrown into the car of the investigator who was investigating the drug case. Then, miraculously, no one was hurt.

The case was nevertheless brought to court, but the court of the Moscow Region ... acquitted Arnold Spivakovsky.


This is not the first time that Sistema's managers have been embroiled in scandals over their possible involvement in gangs. Recently, Alexei Navalny reported that Sergei Mikhailov, whom many call a crime boss named Mikhas, has a mediocre relationship with AFK Sistema.

The FBK claims that he is the leader of the Solntsevo criminal group. In righteous anger, Sergei Mikhailov filed a lawsuit against FBK. But Themis sided with the defendant and did not satisfy the claim. Involuntarily (or voluntarily) recognizing in this way that businessman Mikhailov is really Mikhas.

Sergei Mikhailov has been familiar with the law enforcement system for a long time. And by no means as a victim or a witness. Back in the days of perestroika, in 1989, he ended up behind bars in the Butyrka prison on suspicion of extortion. True, he was released due to lack of evidence.

Sergei Mikhailov

Mikhailov also fell under the millstones of Swiss justice, which tried to prove the businessman's connection with the Russian mafia.

However, the same thing happened. After sitting in the Swiss dungeons, Mikhailov was eventually released. Rumor has it that Sergei Mikhailov is almost a shadow owner of AFK Sistema. If this is so, then it is not surprising that the company itself is considered far from being the cleanest.

Sistema conducted many transactions, listed its divisions on the stock exchange, and then held an IPO of the holding structure itself. Many experts then expressed bewilderment at this cascade of public offerings.

Many expressed the opinion that behind almost all the gestures of that time, either the withdrawal, or the legalization of funds in the West, or the concealment of the beneficiaries, allowing them to remain anonymous in the bowels of the holdings, could be hidden.

Behind all this, perhaps, was Mikhas. Or Sergei Mikhailov, whichever is closer.

This is the team that works in the close ranks of the head of AFK Sistema, Mr. Yevtushenkov. Which, by the way, he himself checked the prison bunks for rigidity on suspicion of financial fraud.

Mr. Spivakovsky is unlikely to get away with it this time. Spain is not Russia, where everything can be solved with the help of connections and a wallet. So it will be extremely difficult to eliminate the reputational costs of AFK Sistema.