Long term investment. "Pig in a poke" from Makhlai? - What about active recreation?

The missing billions of Togliattiazot. A story about runaway oligarchs, spies and swindlers

For many years now I have been studying an amazing phenomenon in the world criminal practice - there is completely unsinkable people who manage, with the help of all sorts of, mostly illegal, actions, to always remain at large. And most importantly, with their fabulous money received at the expense, of course, of the Russian state. And where without it. True, some of them are forced to spread to different countries and cities in order to be away from domestic justice. But this does not change anything - they are free and with millions. Dollars, of course. Which are safely launched into the cause of their own salvation, both from the Russian Criminal Code and from international law.

Meet the family Makhlaev and faces close to them. I have already written about these mysterious characters more than once, clearly demonstrating, with all the relevant evidence, their deeds that are beyond outright criminality. But from them, like water from geese.

Let me remind you. In 2012 against the leaders of JSC " Togliattiazot"according to Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud" a criminal case was initiated (number 41702007706000072), which has now been fully investigated and will be transferred to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the very near future, and then to the court. The defendants in the case are Vladimir Makhlai(recognized as a political refugee and lives in the UK), Evgeny Korolev(also recognized as a political refugee and lives in the UK), Sergei Makhlai(aka US citizen George Mack, lives in the US), Andreas Zivy and Beat Ruprecht(Swiss citizens living in Switzerland). All of them are put on the international wanted list and, of course, are safely hiding from the investigation. Or rather, they do not hide, but live a full life, spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars taken away.

And now the nice details: The total amount of damage caused by the defendants to the Togliattiazot enterprise and its shareholders amounted to over ... 80 billion rubles. And more than 2 billion rubles of taxes were revealed and collected by the Federal Tax Service only from 2009-2011. But, as is usually done, the bulk of the stolen money was withdrawn to Switzerland and the United States, and now this money unavailable Russian justice.

At present, as I said above, the investigation of the criminal case against the father and son of Makhlaev and their accomplices has been completed, and it is being prepared for transfer to the prosecutor's office and to the court. And just in absentia, but very actively, the defendants oppose this with the help of a law office. Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners"(EPAM). In general, opposition to the investigation and prosecution is a normal legal practice, both for the accused themselves and for the lawyers representing them. But in the case of Makhlaev and accomplices, the situation is somewhat different.

According to the media, all instances, including the investigation, the prosecutor's office and the court, are being subjected to open pressure that has nothing to do with jurisprudence. The defendants (Vladimir and Sergey Makhlai, Evgeny Korolev and Andreas Zivy) post “threatening” information in certain media, as well as on the Internet, for a lot of money, that “their interests have been served by the law office “Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and partners” (EPAM)”, and the founder of the bureau “Nikolai Yegorov studied on the same course with President Vladimir Putin and is considered his close friend”. So, don't jump too much in Russian prosecutor's offices and courts.

But this story with "Putin's friend" in "protection of the Makhlaev family" is used, so to speak, for internal use. In Russian courts and prosecutors. In the West, completely different songs are sung.

Thus, one of the latest court cases supervised by the Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners law office was a dispute in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London (an analogue of the world court in the Russian Federation) to consider the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for the extradition of the former General Director of Togliattiazot Evgeniya Koroleva. The one who is one of the defendants in the Russian criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale.

Vladimir Makhlai

During the meeting of the English court, his defenders cited arguments that were deliberately false and offensive to the Russian Federation and Russian officials. Thus, a professor hired by lawyers “described Togliattiazot as “an important company in a strategic industry that Mr. Putin, first as president and then prime minister, seeks to keep under state control by appointing representatives of large state-controlled companies to their boards of directors.” . “The regime was concerned that (the accused) were a threat to the dominance of a group close to the government. The tax evasion charge was just a front for an attempted takeover of the company.” "The judiciary has become subject to interference and subject to political authorities." Further, the lawyers reported that “The current head of the Prosecutor General’s Office, Mr. Gull was appointed to this position in 2006. He and his family were repeatedly accused of corruption.” As a result of such a strange activity of the Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev and Partners law firm and the British colleagues hired by them, the English court refused to extradite the accused Yevgeny Korolev to Russia.

It turns out interesting - in Russia these guys are supposedly “friends of Putin”, and abroad, when they need it, they carry out an anti-Russian policy for the sake of profit and talk about the “bloody Putin regime”. That's what big money does to people.

By the way, according to some reports, according to the documentation of JSC Togliattiazot, seized by the investigation, only legal services for the Makhlaevs and their accomplices were allocated annually $15 million since 2012. Can you imagine the amount of money obtained in five years - 75 million dollars! Also, according to colleagues and the investigation, part of the funds was received directly by the partners of the bureau from companies controlled by the defendants in the criminal case, under the guise of loans that “for some reason” were not returned. I will just name some creditor structures - “ Tech-Lord AG", battery " Togliattikhimbank" and not only.

But further is even more interesting. According to sources in JSC Togliattiazot, the task of lawyers is not only to organize the removal of the arrest from the multi-billion dollar assets of the Makhlaev family. The main thing now is the transfer of the arrested assets and the property of the accused to their own controlled structure in order to save the property from foreclosure by the court. This is the only way to save assets. And now for the Makhlaevs and their proxies, including lawyers, the first necessity is to delay the transfer of the already investigated criminal case to the prosecutor's office, and then to the court. According to unofficial data, Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners' fee for this "operation" may amount to $50 million. And this is understandable, since billions of dollars are at stake, and the bill went to days.

And further. Lawyers and their client US citizen Sergei Makhlai they are trying to use the argument about the alleged international significance of the criminal case and in every possible way allude to the so-called Magnitsky Case. Like, if the crooks Malaev, Korolev, Zivy and other defendants are not charged with fraud for more than a billion dollars, then this will allegedly “come around” all over the world. But here we are already confronted with a frank distortion.

The "Magnitsky Case" and the "Magnitsky List" that followed it had nothing to do with the large-scale fraud carried out by Vladimir and Sergei Makhlai and their accomplices. Magnitsky had a major tax evasion and later an international swindler William Browder just used death Sergei Magnitsky in jail for a gigantic provocation against Russia. In the Togliattiazot case, we have fraud and, accordingly, theft from the state and shareholders. There are completely incompatible amounts and methods. Only one thing connects Makhlaev with the "Magnitsky case" - in fraud the same companies, which at one time were involved by William Browder for his adventure.

So, at the direction of the American curator of the Makhlaev family Allan Spiritus(Allan Spiritus) a fund was involved in the rescue of property Renaissance Capital, registered in the Bahamas, which, through the mediation of EPAM, should organize the sale of the assets of JSC Togliattiazot to the investment company Mubadala Investment Company PJSC, the state holding company of the emirate of Abu Dhabi (UAE), and the funds received transfer to USA. By the way, this fund, it seems, is not aware of all those fraudulent schemes, litigations and corruption scandals that surround Togliattiazot, and unscrupulous lawyers of EPAM still manage to “feed” this troubled asset to the Arabs. The other side of the upcoming deal for the sale of Togliattiazot is that this Russian strategic asset could be sold to a US-friendly state, which means direct damage to Russia.

As for Browder, he found support from the law firm Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners. EPAM undertook to zealously protect this international adventurer through a certain Security Research Foundation, the founder of which is the Russian Trade and Financial Union, headed by the same Stanislav Puginsky. The Security Research Foundation wrote a detailed letter dated November 7, 2017 to the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev. This four-page document tells about a certain Kalmyk LLC " far steppe", at one time headed by William Browder, and served in the Russian branch of HSBC bank. For non-fulfillment of tax obligations by this Far Step LLC, the court accused HSBC and William Browder of deliberate bankruptcy of the enterprise and demanded the recovery of 1.2 billion rubles in favor of the state. The case dragged on for several years, but was reopened in 2017.

At the suggestion of the EAPM, the Security Research Foundation in a letter warns, and in fact threatens, that if the Security Council of the Russian Federation does not take measures to protect the accused, then the response of the international community may be “conducting investment arbitration against the Russian Federation, which may result in a recovery from the state billions in losses.

This appeal to Patrushev is the result of Browder's ongoing lobbying activities in Russia through the Foundation already mentioned here, a thread from which stretches to S. B. Puginsky.

Let's continue about the American curators of the Makhlai family. Let's dwell on some of the characters in this high-profile story. So, as I have already said in previous investigations, Sergey Makhlai has already has been a US citizen for over 20 years. He is Makligh, he is also Mack, and, as it turned out, he is not just an American businessman of Russian origin. "Mahlai-Makligh-Mack", according to reliable information, is associated with American intelligence, and, possibly, is her staff member. And his work is supervised by an officer named Alan Spiritus, the one mentioned above. And then even more interesting coincidences begin: the son of Spiritus Michael is the financial director of a Swiss trader Ameropa AG, who owns the very offshore through which Makhlai sells his products in the United States.

According to sources, Sergei could have been recruited by the CIA back in the mid-2000s, when the US intelligence agencies caught him on a large scale tax evasion. Sergei “Makhlai-Makligh-Mack”, being an American citizen, lived in Switzerland for a long time and received here through offshore undeclared income from the use of shadow schemes with Togliattiazot. In the United States, this can cost you twenty years, or even more. And it was here that Makhlai Jr. was hooked by the American special services.

Yes, and another amazing fact, which I already wrote about, showing how closely Sergei Makhlai is connected with the American intelligence services. So in 2012, searches conducted by investigators of the Samara Investigative Committee were carried out at JSC Togliattiazot. In addition to documents confirming fraudulent schemes for withdrawing money abroad, investigators found on the territory of the plant American citizen Donald Knapp(Donald Knapp). The American said that he works at the enterprise and lives there. The investigators checked this fact and were quite surprised, because US citizen Donald Knapp really worked for Togliattiazot. And not only worked, but was ... Vice President for Economics and Finance(!!!) of the strategic enterprise OAO Togliattiazot.

And the final touch, confirming the connection of Vladimir and Sergei Makhlaev with the US intelligence services. During his visit to Kyiv in April 2014, the then director of the US CIA John Brennon held a number of confidential meetings. Including the head of American intelligence met with a certain ... Donald Knapp. Yes, yes, it was with the same Donald Knapp, who worked as Vice President for Economics and Finance of Togliattiazot OJSC and sent the main financial flows from there abroad, where they were already distributed by the owners of Ameropa AG and Nitrochem Distribution AG Andreas Zivy and Beata Ruprecht. The circle is closed.

And about the other participants in the scam at Togliattiazot JSC, a lot of fascinating things also turn out. It turns out that the defendants Makhlai Sr. and ex-general director Yevgeny Korolev were already prosecuted in the 90s. But then, in some strange way, they suddenly avoided landing and were free. Let's not forget about the massive corruption of the courts and the investigation at that dashing time, which helped this couple not to end up on the bunk.

The same Andreas Zivy- Swiss accomplice Makhlaev, who is now on the wanted list, by the way, is also a significant figure. As foreign media wrote, his holding Ameropa AG was repeatedly suspected of participating in extremely dubious projects in Eastern Europe and North Africa, and was criticized by the UN, environmentalists and the local population. Andreas Zivy is an extremely non-public person who, for obvious reasons, avoids communicating with journalists. A few years ago, he was suspected of taking a $1.5 million bribe to a Libyan official. right before the start of the American military operation. After some time, the body of a Libyan official was fished out in the Danube.

Here is such a cheerful company of the accused, who are wanted, their lawyers and financiers. A complete set - American spies, international financial swindlers, large-scale crooks who fled Russia with billions of other people's money and a large law firm that positions itself as "Putin's friends", but at the same time protects precisely those who are essentially enemies of the president who is at war with corruption.

And the task of all of the above at the moment is the only one - in no case to allow the transfer of the criminal case on fraud at Togliattiazot JSC to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the coming weeks, and then to the court. They need to do a lot during this time, and most importantly, save assets. But still, I would like to hope that both the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the Russian court will fulfill their duties strictly within the time limits specified in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, and will not allow the Makhlaev family to complete the fraudulent scheme.

Alexander Torshin and Tolttiazot (part 1)

Alexander Torshin and Togliattiazot (part 2)

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According to the results of the first half of 2017, the net profit of the largest ammonia producer in Russia, Togliattiazot, exceeded 3.1 billion rubles, which is 14 percent higher than the same period last year. And this despite the fact that the production of the main product - ammonia decreased by 13 percent.

A large-scale modernization will allow the company to maintain its leadership in the market, reducing the cost of production and the burden on the environment. Photo: Togliattiazot Press Service

It was possible to compensate for the inevitable losses due to the increase in the production of carbamide. Its production in the first half of the year increased by 14 percent, exceeding 401,000 tons. A positive impact on the holding's financial condition was also made by a reduction of more than a third of its own expenses, which resulted in 1.3 billion rubles of savings. The effect was obtained through the implementation of large-scale modernization of production and the implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of all services.

The opening of the port of Taman will reduce the dependence of Russian cargo owners on the geopolitical situation

Back in early 2017, it was announced that Togliattiazot plans to invest 80 billion rubles in the modernization of production and increase the capacity of the enterprise. At the same time, the increase in production should occur simultaneously with the solution of the problem of utilization of exhaust purge gases from operating units, which still contain a sufficient amount of fractions for further processing. To do this, the company plans to build an ammonia synthesis unit with a capacity of 1.86 thousand tons per day (about 680 thousand tons per year). Its launch is scheduled for 2019, which will increase the company's total capacity by more than 20 percent (currently about 3 million tons).

Given the lack of a traditional reforming and purification stage in the new project, the process of obtaining ammonia from purge gases will proceed practically without the formation of liquid and gaseous wastes. The total emission of the new installation will be only 0.27 percent of the emissions of the entire enterprise, which does not exceed the MPC at the border of the calculated sanitary protection zone. In addition, the reduction of technological stages will reduce energy consumption. It will amount to only 8.5 Gcal per tonne of ammonia produced. Thus, the company will not only increase its own efficiency, but also significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment. The project has already gone through public hearings, the materials of which were recommended by specialists as a teaching aid for specialized universities.

This is just one example of how an integrated approach "technology - production - ecology" affects the efficiency of the company. In recent years, production at ToAZ has grown by a quarter, and emissions into the atmosphere - by only three percent, remaining almost a third below the established limits. And this figure continues to decline. Sounds optimistic, given that chemical plants are traditionally considered "dirty".

Since 2012, Togliattiazot has spent more than 26 billion rubles on the technical re-equipment and overhaul of the industrial complex. In 2017, it is planned to invest over 6.7 billion. Today, the company is in full swing repair work on existing plants for the production of ammonia and carbamide, as well as the modernization of isothermal tanks for storing finished products, by the way, the largest in Russia. The overhaul of one of them was completed just the other day. A two-layer foam glass coating will increase the reliability and safety of the storage facility, completely eliminating any possibility of ammonia evaporation at the highest ambient temperatures in the summer. These works are important both for improving the efficiency of current operations and for creating a platform for the implementation of new investment projects. In particular, the increase in the production of carbamide - it is planned to build another plant with a capacity of 2200 tons per day.

The increase in production goes hand in hand with environmental protection. Over the past five years, investments in this area have amounted to more than 1.7 billion rubles. In 2016 alone, the company invested over 226 million in environmental projects. Biological treatment facilities of ToAZ already now return wastewater from the plant to the Kuibyshev reservoir cleaner than when taken. The corporation will invest another 5 billion rubles in updating the sewerage system, which serves not only ToAZ, but also other enterprises of the northern industrial hub of Togliatti and public utilities.

Modernizing and expanding production, ToAZ constantly invests in the creation of a reliable transport and logistics system that can serve not only the enterprise itself, but also other industries in the country. In particular, the company is building a modern transshipment complex in the port of Taman in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory. Its capacity will be 2 million tons of ammonia and 3 million tons of urea per year. True, the commissioning of the facility, previously scheduled for 2017, is being delayed for a number of reasons. But the September decision of the Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District, which supported the cassation appeal of Togliattiazot against the decisions of lower instances on the suit of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory against ToAZ, gives hope that a fair point will be put in the case. This will accelerate the construction of the complex being built within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of the Transport System of Russia (2010-2020)" and included by the Russian government in the country's territorial planning scheme in the field of federal transport and in the "road map" for the development until 2020 of seaports in Azov- Black Sea basin.

The increased attention of the federal center to the facility is due to the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, many marine terminals remained outside of Russia and became difficult to access for domestic enterprises. The load has shifted to Tuapse and Novorossiysk, which cannot cope with the increased cargo flow both in terms of available space and functionality, and therefore about 40 percent of Russian exports pass through the ports of the Baltic and Ukraine. Thus, the launch of a new transshipment complex within the borders of the Russian Federation will allow domestic enterprises to save on the services of foreign intermediaries, increase the total cargo turnover, and make logistics more convenient. In addition, the launch of the port of Taman will reduce the dependence of Russian producers on the foreign policy situation.

The Togliattiazot enterprise has always understood that it is necessary to raise professional personnel on their own, who will be able to operate not only imported technologies, but also develop them and develop their own. Therefore, the training of professionals here is engaged from the school bench.

This year alone, 120 students from different regions of Russia have chosen ToAZ as their place of internship. There were even more applicants, but only those who had only good and excellent grades in the test were able to pass the factory checkpoint. Participants of this program will be able to replenish the staff of the enterprise in the future.

For the second year now, ToAZ has been implementing the Career Guidance program, which allows schoolchildren to get into the company's personnel reserve. The program includes excursions to the enterprise, open lessons, intellectual marathons with the involvement of practitioners, meetings of Togliattiazot representatives with parents. And in the past academic year, on the basis of Togliatti State University, high school students began to be involved in project activities. The topics that students of 10-11th grades took into development turned out to be so relevant that university bachelors also joined them. As a result, all seven university diplomas were defended as "excellent".

Togliattiazot has long realized that by producing its own know-how, one can not only save on foreign technologies, but also earn money by selling their own developments. Today, the company owns hundreds of patents, half of which have been put into production. The economic effect of their use exceeds one billion rubles. But many of them can be used not only at ToAZ, but also at enterprises of a similar profile, for example, in oil production and refining, such as, for example, the technology developed by a regional group of researchers with the participation of Togliattiazot specialists, which allows dissolving carbon dioxide in viscous oils (and there are more and more of them), thereby increasing their fluidity. It will certainly be of interest to many Russian enterprises, because our country participates in all agreements to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and in the coming years, enterprises will have two options - to reduce emissions using new technologies, or to stop their activities. ToAZ will not have such a dilemma.

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Togliattiazot is one of the largest chemical enterprises in Russia and one of the ten largest ammonia producers in the world. The company's capacities allow to produce more than 3 million tons of ammonia and 960 thousand tons of urea per year. "Togliattiazot" is one of the largest taxpayers in the Samara region, is actively involved in improving the quality of life in Togliatti.

Labor legislation is actually a great thing, if you know how to use it, it actually protects employees from the arbitrariness of the company's management. True, the latter often find very original schemes for circumventing this very legislation.

It's all very beautifully called - cost optimization in production. In fact, many ordinary people often find themselves outside the enterprise, who simply have nothing to live on.
Approximately such a story happened at OJSC Togliattiazot, where there were massive layoffs of workers, who are now proving the imaginary nature of such an optimization in court.

You know, I would argue too! How else, if after the reduction of 400 people (the entire security workshop) they immediately took others, but already from the private security company "Bronya", as they say, affiliated with the management of the enterprise? It is precisely this fact that alerted public organizations - the IPO "RabKrin" and the SROZPP "Human Rights Defender", who are now trying to prove the rights of the dismissed workers of ToAZ in court.

“The defendant's representatives argue that ToAZ simply complied with the requirements of the law - licensed organizations should protect such facilities. However, we argue that in fact the plant simply fired people, allegedly for redundancy, opened its own pocket firm and recruited people there. That is, the reduction was imaginary, illegal, significantly violating the rights of workers. And we will prove it, there is plenty of evidence, there are documents (an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities), and testimonies, and factual circumstances indicating this, ”says Ulanov.

Attempts by ToAZ to pass off their own “daughter” as an outside organization are indeed sometimes comical, the lawyer says. “So, during the last court session, to a direct question: “What is the difference between a watchman-controller and a security guard at the plant?” - the representative of ToAZ answered with a soldier’s directness that “only in form and name.” "Armor" performs the same functions as the former guards. And if there is no difference, then why pay more? Ulanov said.

“ToAZ has always had one distinctive feature - a very strong social component,” Tatyana Efremova, director of personnel management at the Togliattiazot corporation, told reporters. And in fact - "always was." “But now the watchmen-controllers, who were under the protection of the collective labor agreement, used the factory polyclinic, departmental kindergarten and many others, were replaced by supposedly“ private ”guards - yesterday’s watchmen, who are not covered by the vaunted ToAZ“ very strong social component ” - says the lawyer.

Ulanov draws attention to Efremova’s “extremely candid” interview with the Togliatti newspaper Free City (No. 46 dated 11/25/16) published this week, in which she also dwelled on the scandal with the dismissed workers of the security shop. "Why candid? Because it can be attached in its entirety to the case file as evidence of the imaginary reduction in staff, ”the lawyer says.

“We certainly understood that a lot of people work in the security shop, and it would be wrong to leave them without work,” says the head, who left 400 people without work. “Absolutely all employees were offered the opportunity to undergo professional retraining and obtain a license necessary to work in a private security company, and at the expense of ToAZ,” Efremova said frankly. “Apparently, not having the slightest idea that the training of employees, especially for a fee, by one enterprise in the interests of an outside legal entity, any court will consider only as evidence of an affiliated connection,” commented Stepan Ulanov.

“After retraining, they could get security guard licenses and go to work in the Bronya private security company,” Efremova continues. “That is, people would continue to engage in their usual activities in their usual place.”

“The laid-off workers themselves read these lines with great surprise, since the fact that someone offered them to undergo training and move to another job was news to them. To whom did Efremova offer this? Under what circumstances? Who refused it? History is silent about this, ”says the lawyer.

According to him, what the director of personnel management said is enough to recognize the reduction as imaginary and oblige ToAZ to accept all those laid off back to the plant.

“Forty people signed up for training, although the contract with a specialized training center assumed the number was 10 times higher. The rest, apparently, did not plan to continue their work in a private security company, but had other options, ”said Efremova. “She, apparently, is not given to imagine a different version of people's refusal to undergo this training. For example, because they know their rights, they are ready to defend them, and they perfectly understood that the transition to Bronya means that they will do the same, but without the factory social package. Fortunately, the courts are still working,” Ulanov states.

“I think that in these times of increased terrorist threat, both the employees of the enterprise and all residents of the city should be interested in the professional, trained and licensed protection of our enterprise,” Efremova unexpectedly pompously finishes her version of events. “Forgetting completely that her professional and trained licensed security guards are her former watchmen-controllers,” Ulanov ironically.

“Such an attitude of the management of OJSC Togliattiazot towards its employees, of course, cannot but cause purely human indignation. Which in relation to Tolyatti threatens with additional social tension. Mass layoffs at AvtoVAZ and the bankruptcy of the AvtoVAZagregat plant have already led to the creation of an army of thousands of unemployed in Togliatti. Now the leadership of ToAZ is also replenishing it, ”says Stepan Ulanov.

This is not the first scandal associated with this enterprise, which is included in the "TOP 100 main polluters of Russia."


OJSC "Togliattiazot", the world's largest producer of ammonia and the main source of environmental danger in the Samara region, once again reminded of itself. And, as usual, not in the best way.

It turned out that the plant was uncontrollably dumping toxic waste into local water sources. A recent audit by the Samara Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office confirmed the facts of the discharge of untreated wastewater into the Volga and the Saratov reservoir. In the waste, multiple excesses of the normative permissible concentration of pollutants for nitrate ion, sulfates, copper and other deadly substances for humans and nature were detected.

In 2014, the prosecutor's office made a submission to the director of JSC Togliattiazot, Evgeny Korolev, as a result of which the violations were not eliminated. The prosecutor's office sent a statement of claim to the court to oblige the enterprise to stop contaminating local water sources, and on February 16, the Komsomolsky district court satisfied the prosecutor's demand. But whether ToAZ, which has long earned the notoriety of a malicious violator of environmental legislation, will fulfill the decision of the court is a big question.

The environmental problems of ToAZ have kept the local population in fear for more than a year. The owners of the plant - the Makhlaev family and their Swiss partner Andreas Zivy - permanently reside in Europe and the United States and prefer not to invest in the modernization of the enterprise, pumping money out of it in the form of dividends and gigantic salaries paid to themselves and their relatives.

So, in 2010, ToAZ's environmental costs amounted to a very modest 19 million rubles for a huge industrial complex. In 2011, they were already reduced to a ridiculous 12 million rubles. There is no more recent data on the financing of ToAZ's environmental policy, because the plant does not like to publish reports on its activities, but it can be assumed that the costs for these purposes have decreased even more.

At the same time, it cannot be said that the company simply does not have money - in 2014, five members of the board of directors of ToAZ paid themselves more than 700 million rubles, and for the first half of 2014 dividends were accrued in the amount of 777 million rubles.

The results of the course taken by the management to squeeze all the juice out of ToAZ are deplorable: today the plant is the most technologically backward in the domestic agrochemical industry, but at the same time it is confidently leading in terms of the number of violations in the field of ecology, industrial safety and labor protection.

In 2009, Roshydromet accused Togliattiazot of environmental pollution, in 2010 the enterprise violated the Forest Code, and in the same year Togliatti activists of the Social and Ecological Union held a picket "Togliattiazot - do not poison our city!", And the employees of the enterprise opposed the creation unacceptable working conditions at the construction of a terminal for transshipment of liquefied ammonia. In 2012, Togliatti residents held an environmental rally. Among the slogans of the rally were, in particular, "Mahlaya and Korolev to account!", "Do not poison our children!", "Prosecutor, take care of ToAZ!".

An audit conducted by Rostekhnadzor in 2011 revealed more than 500 serious violations of industrial safety rules. Rosprirodnadzor, also interested in the state of the enterprise, came to disappointing conclusions based on the results of the audit: the plant's emissions are many times higher than the permissible limits.

The facts of dumping poisonous substances into the Volga were recorded: the concentration of nitrates exceeded the safe level by 1.6 times, iron - by almost 2 times, copper - by 6 times, sulfates - by one and a half times. Also, Togliattiazot has repeatedly been caught storing hazardous wastes in an improper way: instead of placing them in sludge collectors, harmful substances were simply dumped in heaps on the territory of the enterprise.

Environmental violations are fixed in the Samara region constantly. So, in the spring of 2012, the organization "Green Patrol" called Togliatti "a zone of ecological disaster." By decision of the Public Council under the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, from February 5 to March 23, 2012, the "Green Patrol" conducted an ecological expedition "Great Rivers of Russia. Samara Region".

According to its results, the environmental rating of the Samara region among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation fell from 39th to 60th place. Ecologists stated a significant deterioration of the ecological situation in the region, caused by the increasing facts of technogenic pollution of the environment by large industrial enterprises. At the same time, Togliattiazot has long and firmly established itself in the list of "One Hundred Major Polluters of Russia".

Subsequent inspections by the control and supervisory authorities showed that the leadership of ToAZ does not intend to take even any emergency measures. In 2013, Rostekhnadzor tried to obtain the disqualification of the General Director of ToAZ Evgeny Korolev through the court. The court found him guilty of a gross violation of industrial safety and labor protection, but limited himself to a fine of 35 thousand rubles - frankly, an insignificant amount for the director of a giant chemical plant.

Nevertheless, the owners of ToAZ could not avoid serious problems with the law: at the end of 2012, the investigators found out where the money goes, which could go to the development of the enterprise and improve its environmental performance. Investigators managed to uncover a fraudulent scheme for withdrawing hundreds of millions of dollars of profit from the enterprise to Swiss offshores. ToAZ sold its products at a reduced price to a Swiss offshore company, which, in turn, sold it around the world at a market price. This part of the profits never returned to Russia and ended up in the pockets of the Makhlais and their Swiss partners Andreas Zivy and Beat Ruprecht.

Already in January 2013, the general director of ToAZ, Evgeny Korolev, hastily left for London, as they said at the plant, "on a business trip."

The director was charged with fraud that caused $ 550 million in damage to the plant. A year later, a criminal case was opened against the general director of ToAZ under the article "abuse of authority" on the fact of the withdrawal from Togliattiazot of the most liquid assets - methanol production, along with the land on which it is located . The total damage from the illegal actions of the leadership of Togliattiazot is estimated by experts at an astronomical $ 1.5 billion, and Evgeny Korolev was arrested in absentia and is on the international wanted list.

And only at the end of last year, the investigation managed to obtain an arrest warrant for other participants in the scheme - the chairman of the board of directors of ToAZ Sergey Makhlai, co-owner Vladimir Makhlai, the Swiss Andreas Zivy and Beat Ruprecht, who, according to the investigation, ensured the uninterrupted operation of the fraudulent scheme for pumping out profits on the other side borders. Thus, a total of five people were arrested, guilty of bringing the once advanced enterprise "to the handle" and turning it into an environmental and man-made threat on a federal scale. So far, only in absentia, since all of them are currently hiding from law enforcement agencies in Western countries. Let's hope that this will force the plant to take the path of correction and take a responsible approach to solving urgent environmental problems - after all, the lives and health of thousands of people depend on it.

Another financial crime scandal.


The Izvestiya newspaper published an interview with Sergei Makhlai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Togliattiazot (ToAZ), the world's largest ammonia producer. He cautiously shared his successes - most of the ammonia units have finally started working, financial indicators for the year promise to be record-breaking, large investment projects are next in line. The only trouble is that several criminal cases have been initiated against the company's management, as Makhlai believes, due to the malicious intent of a minority shareholder of the plant.

It would seem that one can only be glad for Sergei Vladimirovich. After all, the growth of production and profits is always nice, but you don’t have to worry about criminal cases - Sergey Makhlai has been living in the USA for 20 years, his father, who managed ToAZ until 2011, settled in England, where the plant’s general director also went at the beginning of last year Evgeny Korolev. But the questions of the journalist and the restrained answers of his interlocutor leave a certain feeling of understatement. The interview seems to be missing something. What could the head of ToAZ keep silent about?

Take, for example, the record financial performance expected in 2014. Of course, the fall of the ruble and the growth in production also played a role here. The rise in the price of ammonia in 2014 was also mentioned in the interview, although in reality, in the first nine months, prices fell by more than 5% compared to 2013. But the current growth cannot be compared with the first quarter of 2013, when, compared to the same period in 2012, net profit increased ... six times! It can be calculated that ToAZ came to real financial success exactly after the initiation of a criminal case in December 2012 on the fact of fraud, in which the amount of $ 550 million appeared, which was repeatedly reported by the business media. According to the Investigative Committee, the plant operated a scheme to withdraw profits offshore. The security forces believed that the products were sold to a Swiss intermediary at a reduced price, and he sold it already at a market price. The offshore owners, affiliated with the majority shareholders, pocketed the difference, this part of the profit never returned to Russia and was not taken into account anywhere. General Director Yevgeny Korolev immediately moved to London, and, according to experts, the plant gradually began to abandon its former policy. So it would be good to ask Makhlai: is the growth only because they began to sell more, or is it still taking less offshore?

The development priorities of Togliattiazot declared by Sergey Makhlai are the modernization of production facilities and social programs. Transparency still does not appear among them, because, judging by the media materials and the company's website, ToAZ published its statements for the last time in early 2013. But it is precisely these documents that contain specific data on both modernization programs and social programs. After all, in an interview you can say anything, but reporting is still an official document. For example, the CEO boasted to journalists that the plant's environmental costs in 2011 amounted to 233 million rubles. The sum is decent, you will not say anything. But as soon as the local media TLTgorod (09.04.14) opened the report, slightly different figures surfaced: in 2011, compared to the previous year, funding for environmental activities decreased to 12 million rubles. from 19 million rubles.

So far, the obvious and documented priority for the development of Togliattiazot is an expanded “social program” for the board of directors. According to Polit.ru (09/26/14), despite financial records, in the first half of 2014 the average salary of a worker at ToAZ fell to 29.6 thousand rubles. (last year it was 33.5 thousand rubles). The media reports that at the same time, five members of the board of directors, including Yevgeny Korolev, who has so far avoided meeting with law enforcement agencies, have already managed to pay themselves 705.4 million rubles in 2014, that is, approximately 141 million rubles. for everyone. So, perhaps, safely protected by offshore companies, the leaders of Togliattiazot do not deny themselves anything ...

At the same time, Makhlai continues to insist that Togliattiazot allegedly was and remains a Russian company. But what makes a company Russian? Geographical location of production facilities? Citizenship of ordinary employees? But foreign companies often open production facilities in Russia, hiring Russians, while remaining foreign. Let's take a closer look at OJSC Togliattiazot. Makhlai have been living abroad for a long time, some in Europe, some in the USA, they are not shown in Russia. According to the Tribuna newspaper (07/11/14), during searches in 2013, it turned out that not only did work at Togliattiazot, but also lived (!) American Donald Knapp, who held the “position of vice president of ToAZ for economics and finance ". The general director of Korolev is abroad. The majority shareholders of the company, according to business media, are the offshore companies ATI AI Limited, Trafalgar developments LTD, Instantania Holdings LTD, Kamara LTD, Bairiki Ink. Some completely non-Russian names! Calling ToAZ a Russian company, Sergey Makhlai does not talk about the stories when the company was accused of underpaying hundreds of millions of rubles to the Russian budget for years, and about the assumptions of the security forces that the owners hide a significant part of the profit, removing it from taxation . How is it possible to damage the Russian budget, in fact, acting contrary to the interests of Russia? Makhlai apparently avoids talking about this in an interview.

And you can also recall the scandal over the sale of liquid assets of ToAZ with a total value of tens of billions of rubles to a certain Tomet LLC, owned by Triumph Development Limited and A.S. Industries (Cyprus) Ltd, which has nothing to do with Russia, which was written about by Argumenty Nedeli (15.01.14) and local publications. Calling ToAZ a Russian company, Sergey Makhlai did not mention how, based on the results of one of the tax audits, the Federal Tax Service for the Samara Region considered that ToAZ hid part of the proceeds from taxation and decided to charge additional tax payments from it, as reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta. newspaper” (15.01.13).

Another interesting issue is ammonia plants, more than half of which are finally working. Sergei Makhlai names only the number - six out of seven, and the journalist is not interested in anything else. But the ammonia unit is not a coffee maker, but a huge and technically complex industrial plant. His work has many performance indicators - daily output, energy and resource efficiency, reliability, for example. How do units work? Stable and productive or break once a week? Sergei Makhlai did not say this. If ToAZ managers decided to overclock their equipment to full capacity, they need to remember when ToAZ was overhauled. And was it for 35 years of existence of the enterprise? As the Vek publication reported (04/20/14), citing data from the Institute of Nitrogen Industry and Organic Synthesis Products (GIAP), in terms of production efficiency, ToAZ ranks last among enterprises in the industry.

If we compare the state of ammonia production at Togliattiazot and at enterprises of other manufacturers, then, alas, ToAZ has nothing to boast of. In 2013, ToAZ produced 2.63 million tons of ammonia at seven units, while, for example, according to GIAP, Uralchem ​​produced 2.8 million tons of the product at its five units, and Eurochem, also at five units – almost 2.8 million tons.

All this is exacerbated by the difficult technical condition of Togliattiazot's production equipment. As the publication also notes, in 2011, an audit by Rostekhnadzor “revealed over 500 violations in the field of ecology, industrial safety and labor protection at ToAZ”! According to APN (09/30/14), “up to 80% of the means of control, management, signaling and emergency protection have worn out. The main production equipment is worn out: many units have reached the end of their 20-year service life.” Meanwhile, the production of ammonia is an extremely dangerous business, since this substance is a deadly poison. Did Sergey Makhlai make sure that the productivity increase was safe? Unfortunately, the journalist was not interested.

But a lot has been said about the corporate conflict. Sergei Makhlai believes that the minority shareholder of ToAZ "organized" criminal cases against his company. He had not been in Russia, apparently, for a very long time, but he could not help but know that private companies cannot “organize” criminal cases here. The Russian Federation is still not the Wild West, so cases are initiated by law enforcement agencies. One way or another, it is the danger of criminal prosecution that Makhlai calls the main reason for the impossibility of returning to Russia. It will not be superfluous to recall that Sergei Vladimirovich went abroad in 1994, when there were no criminal cases at all. As Tribuna writes, in the mid-90s he took American citizenship. And now he claims that his homeland was literally taken away from him! But if the conscience is crystal clear, why not return to Russia with Yevgeny Korolev, explain everything to law enforcement agencies and restore a good name? Where does this panicky fear come from? Or does Sergey Makhlai want to hint that it is completely unrealistic to achieve justice in Russia and that everyone here is corrupt - policemen, tax officials, judges, officials, journalists? Is he really afraid of going to jail for something? But why then work in such a country and stubbornly call ToAZ “Russian”? Wouldn't it be better to sell your asset and focus on growing your business in the US? Unfortunately, this time no one asked him about it.

The Russian government has long been concerned about funding the so-called "non-systemic opposition" from abroad. However, over the past six months, we have seen how protest moods not only do not disappear, but acquire a new impetus. Most often, the omnipotent American State Department is usually blamed for this, but until recently, few believed that the destabilization of the political situation in Russia was paid mainly at the expense of funds stolen from it.

A lot has been said in the press lately about such an enterprise as OJSC Togliattiazot. This world's largest ammonia producer, by an interesting coincidence, was once built in close cooperation with the Americans in exchange for the supply of products to the United States. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the enterprise came under the control of its general director, Vladimir Makhlai. What happened next is a kind of unique experience, even for contemporary Russia. ToAZ has become something like a “state within a state”. In our opinion, Makhlai did not manage, but ruled, without looking back at such trifles as Russian laws, control and supervisory authorities, and the interests of minority shareholders. With the help of foreign friends, the sale of products to an affiliated Swiss trader was established, as a result of which the real profit of ToAZ settled on offshore accounts, which annually caused hundreds of millions of rubles of damage to the enterprise itself and the regional budget. So, ToAZ worked for quite a long time, but in the mid-2000s, a criminal case was nevertheless opened against Makhlai on the fact of fraud and tax evasion on an especially large scale. And yet, he not only managed to hide abroad, but also retained control over the enterprise, the scheme for withdrawing money abroad continued to work. The case is truly unique - even when the case against Makhlai was closed, he did not dare to return to Russia, but tried to manage a gigantic dangerous production from abroad with thousands of workers.

Settling in London, Makhlai met an old friend from Togliatti, another disgraced oligarch, Boris Berezovsky. He had been living in exile for several years, never ceasing to be interested in the state of affairs in his homeland. The goal was clear - to achieve political changes that would allow a triumphant return to Russia, that is, a change of power. This idea caught fire and Makhlai. At first, it was planned to create an official opposition party, which would be headed by a deputy controlled by him, but Berezovsky managed to convince Makhlai: behind-the-scenes struggle with the authorities is much more effective than open rivalry with them in the elections. After that, the money withdrawn from Russia flowed there in a wide river - to finance deputies of local and federal parliaments, promote prominent oppositionists, and support loyal media.

Europeans are skeptical about Makhlai's business

The partners acted with varying success, but last year there was a quiet coup in the leadership of Togliattiazot. Makhlai's father was pushed aside by his younger son Sergei, who lived in the United States for a long time, but recently moved to Switzerland to be closer to the family business. There is no doubt that the change of power at ToAZ was agreed with Berezovsky, who, with his characteristic foresight, reasoned that in the matter of imposing "democratic changes" in Russia, the young, energetic and European-educated Sergei Makhlai would be much more useful than the former Makhlai Sr. . At first, everything looked as if big politics were not of much interest to the new chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Togliattiazot, and he, apparently, would limit himself to continuing to finance Berezovsky's Civil Liberties Fund, which, in the event of a successful return to Russia, would provide political guarantees to the Makhlai business, that is, full immunity to any claims of tax and law enforcement agencies.

However, some recent events allow us to look at the situation from a completely different angle. In our opinion, Sergei Makhlai has reason to be dissatisfied with his position. Europeans are happy to accept disgraced Russian oligarchs who are able to invest heavily in the local economy. But their money laundering legislation is extremely tough, and if you fail to legalize capital, you can remain a “Russian mafia with a bag of money.” Recently, there have been several attempts at such legalization, but so far none of them have been successful. Recently, the media have been actively discussing the possibility of Makhlai acquiring the Liechtenstein football club Vaduz, but the deal has not yet been finalized. Perhaps Makhlai simply failed to provide financial guarantees to the current owners of the club.

Another "stalled" deal is the acquisition of the legendary Three Kings Hotel (Les Trois Rois) in the heart of Basel. As foreign media reported, problems arose at the stage of the preliminary check.

Togliattiazot has repeatedly resorted to social blackmail tactics

By all appearances, it turns out that in Europe they are not yet ready to accept Makhlai as “one of their own”. But you can’t return to Russia either - it will be a real gift for the police. It is a completely different matter if, by the time of his return, Makhlai becomes, for example, a deputy. At a minimum, the regional legislature, and there the State Duma is within easy reach. The main thing is that there is nothing incredible in this. Makhlai has already shown himself to be an outstanding strategist and organizer, and his father's rich experience of working with Berezovsky is at his service. Operating from abroad, he risks little, and certainly will not repeat the mistakes of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. It only seems that Makhlai Jr. suffers from persecution mania, behind his desire to see enemies wherever possible, there is a subtle political calculation.

Makhlai has already shown that he can achieve a lot. On July 26, another high-profile opposition rally took place in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square. The protesters chanted anti-government slogans and demanded to "stop the repression" of political opponents. But having carefully looked at what Makhlai had prepared for Togliatti, the events in the capital already suggest that the last action in the capital could not have done without his participation.

Vladimir Makhlai laid the foundations for turning a city of 700,000 into a testing ground for psycho-informational weapons. True, he had a specific goal - to become the sole owner of the plant. He managed to build a fairly strict discipline, and the slightest disagreement with the policy of the leadership was punishable by at least dismissal. As soon as Makhlai had problems, say, the claims of the tax authorities for 300 million rubles, the labor collective, with the support of the “pocket” trade union bosses, was driven out to picket federal highways and buildings of administrative bodies. The workers were told that they were protecting their native plant from some evil "raiders".

By the way, ToAZ management traditionally calls “raiders” not only its own shareholders, but also law enforcement and tax authorities. According to the opinion, for many years the workforce of many thousands was told that state bodies are inherently criminal, and the monopoly on the "truth" belongs to the management of the plant represented by the Makhlaev clan. The tactics of social blackmail turned out to be effective - ToAZ is still working according to the methods developed in the 90s, and to this day no one at the enterprise has been able to shake the dominant position of the Makhlai hiding abroad.

Makhlai Jr. was supported by representatives of the gay movement

Well, Sergey Makhlai, of course, could not help thinking that such a scheme could be successfully applied not only in “defense”, but also in “attack”. And why limit yourself to the scale of the plant, when you can do the same on the scale of the whole city? The recent events in Togliatti clearly illustrate this. According to the daily newspaper VEK, it became known that Sergei Makhlai attracted representatives of city public organizations to his side, including the chairman of the Togliatti city public organization, the Union of Reserve Officers I Have Honor, the chairman of the Togliatti public city organization of citizens affected by radiation, the Soyuz Chernobyl-Tolyatti”, head of the Union of Auto Entrepreneurs (Berezovsky probably helped here) and the headman of the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Surely not all these people are fully aware of what they are being pushed to, but that ToAZ is perfectly able to convince, promise and, if necessary , apply other methods of persuasion, he has long proved on his own work team.

According to the information portal "TLTgorod.ru", even representatives of the opposition-minded Togliatti gay movement "Penetration" declared their support for Sergei Makhlai. Despite all the apparent extravagance, this fact can have very far-reaching consequences, because minorities are always very active and, as a rule, they have something to fight for. It is no coincidence that the idea of ​​destabilizing the political situation in Russia with the help of love parades was worked out by Berezovsky 5 years ago. But sexual minorities are only the beginning.

It would seem that Makhlai's plans could be thwarted by the new law "On Foreign Agents." However, Boris Berezovsky has already said that he created a scheme a long time ago, thanks to which NGOs sponsored by him in Russia will be able to do without the status of a foreign agent. “I have been ready for such a turn of events for a long time, I assumed that this bill would be implemented. I don’t know if many can circumvent the law according to their own scheme, but I transfer money to Russia and, I emphasize, I do it absolutely legally, ”said the disgraced oligarch.

The experiment on the use of manipulative technologies of the 21st century in Togliatti can be considered successful, and its results should not be underestimated. The entire “Arab spring” began with the same thing - with immigrants with a European education, demonstrations and discrediting state authorities. In Russia, and this has been worrying politics and the public for a long time, a wave of protest actions from Moscow and Togliatti could spread to other large cities. A likely mechanism for this is the trade union movement controlled by Makhlaev's henchman, Anatoly Ivanov. It is possible that in the near future we will see Sergei Makhlai in a new capacity - as a "people's candidate" from Russian workers.

Deputy General Director for Operations Viktor Kazachkov- one of the most experienced and respected leaders of the corporation "Togliattiazot". He has been at the factory since April 15, 1981. He started as an operator of an ammonia unit, then worked as a senior shift foreman, shop manager, production manager, and chief engineer.

- Viktor Alexandrovich, judging by the pace of technical re-equipment of the enterprise, can we talk about the second birth of Togliattiazot?

- Completely. The company has really changed over the past five years. Tens of billions of rubles have been invested in technical re-equipment. I will give a few examples. So, on five of the seven units, we replaced the reaction tubes (by the way, our production), coils, refractories and much more. We will replace the sixth unit in 2019, and the seventh one in 2020.

We carried out a major overhaul of two ammonia storage facilities with a capacity of 30,000 tons each. In the course of the repair, isothermal tanks 50 meters high are covered with layers of foam glass plates, which is one of the most effective materials in terms of thermal insulation characteristics. It is characterized by increased strength, durability, does not absorb moisture and meets all fire safety requirements. This will reduce energy costs by a third!

Also, for five years, we have been actively changing the thermal insulation of apparatus and pipelines, which ultimately allows us to further save gas. In terms of gas consumption coefficient, Togliattiazot is one of the best in the industry, consistently ranked among the top three. This is an important indicator, it demonstrates the efficiency of the ammonia units and the enterprise as a whole.

– And what about in the near future?

– Replacement of control systems: we are moving from analog to digital. This will allow you to control each unit in automatic mode. The system will track any deviation in work, it can be compared with an autopilot. There were deviations from the regulations - the system will transfer the unit to a safe mode. The human factor will be reduced to a minimum, and in the long term - practically to zero.

On the third Chemico unit, we are implementing a new control system and also installing a completely new air compressor steam turbine, it is manufactured by Siemens Corporation. Thanks to this, there will be a reserve for increasing the power of the unit, and even with less gas consumption. In addition, the reliability of equipment will increase, which will make it possible to carry out current repairs not annually, but once every two years.

– TOAZ is currently implementing many social projects. Are you personally involved in any?

– More often as a spectator or a fan, because the work is specific, it takes almost all the free time. On the territory of the enterprise - from the checkpoint to the plant management - a linden alley is growing. There are trees there that I personally planted.

- What about active recreation?

- In winter - alpine skiing, I have been doing it for more than 10 years. On the slopes of Krasnaya Glinka, he put his eldest granddaughter on skis. In summer, bike. My wife shares my hobbies, so we go on bike rides together.

- Do you have one bike - a tandem?

- No, two, it's more convenient.

Do you have chemists in your family?

- My daughter works at Togliattiazot, but as a lawyer, my son-in-law works at KuibyshevAzot. In general, I have two granddaughters and two grandchildren - they never let me get bored.

- Viktor Alexandrovich, what do you think Togliattiazot will be like in 50 years?

– Our enterprise has no age: technically re-equipping, it will always be young. And in demand! Because ammonia will always be in demand as a basic raw material for many types of products. So write in the newspaper: I believe that TOAZ will last forever! Taking this opportunity, I invite young people to our enterprise: there is a good, interesting job and a decent salary.

- Factory workers live mainly in the Komsomolsk region. What do you think needs to be done to make it better?

“It is necessary to continue to improve the adjacent territories. Now many families have two cars, and there are few parking lots near the houses, there is not enough for everyone. It is necessary, without prejudice to the interests of others, to expand parking areas. It is necessary to revise the city trees: cut out the old ones, especially the “fluffy” poplars, and plant new ones. It will be great if linden alleys appear in the Komsomolsky district.

We must constantly monitor the situation with landfills and prevent merchants from setting up a gigantic landfill in the city or suburban villages. If he suddenly appears, the residents of the Komsomolsky district, the city as a whole will feel all the "charms" of such a neighborhood. In general, I have the following proposal: let's meet after the holidays and talk in more detail about the problems of the region and ways to solve them ...