Three sons. Scene about moms. Scenario of a comic scene on Mother's Day Children's sayings "Like a fire truck!"

A summary of the scene: One king had three sons. Once he sent them on a journey so that each of them would bring him something of value. The elder brought gold in a chest, the middle one - a beautiful outfit, and the younger a book.

King: So
I want to see it now,
Which one of you is a master.
Depart now
You are in the wrong direction.
Bring me one
The thing that is most important to you.
Go quickly.

Tsar: Well, come on, hurry
Show what and how,
Which one of you is a master.

Eldest son: My path lies far.
I brought you, father,
A chest full of gold.
Now I can buy everything,
Pay anywhere!
Everyone will love me
I will live happily! "

Tsar: You, of course, are well done,
Just know that very soon
Your casket will empty
All friends will suddenly scatter
Happiness will end.

Middle son: For you, father, got
I am the most beautiful outfit!
Everyone will be glad to him.
How you dress - immediately honor.
It is impossible to avert your eyes
He is so handsome and rich.
So, father, are you glad?

Tsar: That's right. But know that suddenly
Maybe a mole outfit to eat.
And then what honor?
Everyone around will laugh.
Well, my youngest son,
What could you bring your father?

Avor: The younger son said to him:

Youngest son: Where I've never been,
I've seen a lot of outfits
A lot of gold, but you need
There was something more important
Bring home soon.
One evening in anguish
I sat down not far away
From a small house,
Such ugly.

The king and older brothers are fading into the background. The scenery changes on the stage - the youngest son is sitting near a small house.

Younger son: Here, the owner came up,
He politely led into the house,
Fed me out of the way
He gave me a little rest.
And suddenly I saw in him,
I have never seen
In him, love burns with fire.
Joy, peace and kindness
They filled that whole house.
It was so calm in him
I didn't want to leave.
You just need to hurry.
I asked: "Open the secret,
How long have you become like this? "

Master: at home My friend, there is no secret -

Younger son: The owner answered me.

Host: Somehow in life among tears
I met Christ.
He gave me His hand,
I bandaged all my wounds.
I followed him then,
He made me different.
He gave me His love,
And her I again and again
I will give to others
To be with Him too.

Younger son I said: “And I want
A little bit of that love.
Do you want, here, I will pay,
Tell me more. "

Master of the house: I don't need your money,
After all, Christ is not for rewards
I went to the cross for you.
God the Father is very fond of
All people, and you and me.
With your loving hand
He gives salvation to everyone
For nothing. But it will take
Only the one in whom there is faith,
And to whom earthly honor
No dearer than that love
And the holy Christ of the Blood,
What He shed to wash
You and me and redeem
So that we can live with Him
In the eternal kingdom.

Youngest son: How to be here?
What should I do now?

Host: My friend, believe me now
And pray with me -
Your whole life will change instantly.

Youngest son: I fell on my knees
And he whispered a prayer.
It immediately became clear to me
That inside I have become different.
The guy gave me that
The book that life gives.
Wipes a tear through her
A loving Father to all of us.
This is where the story ends.
This book is before you -
My gift for you.

The owner of the house leaves, the decoration of the house is taken away.

Tsar: Well, son,

Tsar: I have noticed for a long time
That you are not like everyone else.
Yes, thanks, in silence
I read the book.
Maybe I will understand you ...

Author: Our Tsar deepened in reading,
And the people around were amazed:
"Something our king is not like that,
Not mocking and not angry
He suddenly became. " What's the matter?
Knew only the son whose heart sang
That his father was saved
And what a crown of joy
Waiting for him in heaven
In the promised worlds.
Well, what about brothers? They
Everyone laughed at him.
The elder began to live cool
Have fun and revelry.
Soon the gold was gone
And there are few friends left.
He soon became forgotten.
And then, completely broken,
He went into foreign lands,
And they didn’t see him.
Middle brother dressed up
And he looked in the mirror.
He did not take it off,
Even at night he slept in it.
They say one day somehow
Under the moon he walked
And maybe he was thinking
How to make your outfit durable
So as not to hesitate, not to fade.
Suddenly, they attacked him
And they took away what
There is no mile on earth.
Yes, not only kind people
You can meet in the world.
Well, what can I say?
My brother has lost his mind
In the castle, he retired.
Refused to eat at all,
And already there are countless days
How they remembered him,
And they forgot about him ...
What will you, my friend, choose?
A world where values \u200b\u200bare just lies
Or the life that gives us
For free God? Who will choose
This path will not regret it.
Happy is he who has
Faith in the Lord Christ.
In Him is only life fullness.

Armant, Ilinar

The tale "The father has three sons ... was"

The father has three sons ...

Hey hey? Where are you?

I think - what is fate?

Here, tell me (because you know everything)

Are there any paths to it?

Love of course

By fate I meant.

Not always so successful

Well ... how are we, our star

Someone met ... In short -

Maybe there is a secret?

Or an object to make it easier

Find a trail of loved ones?

A! Clear. Bow and arrows?

And then look for an arrow?

I know how it was.

Fairy tales lie. Let me know

How terrible the denouement was

These shooting ranges. The truth is -

Life is, my friend, not a fairy tale,

In it - wherever you spit, bummer ...

Oh my God! So it's not true ?!

And the rumor is deceiving?

And the frog, as a reward,

Can only shout: "Kva-kva" ?!

I listen eagerly! Tell me everything!


The tale of three brothers: Semyon, Fedot and Ivan and their father Fadey, who decided to marry his sons in a very strange and stupid way ...

We will throw a thread into the past

There lived a man and, behold, one day,

I decided to marry three sons

On those girls who indicate

They have arrows. He took a tight bow,

Took three arrows, and with his sons

He came to a huge meadow.

(Well, isn't he a fool? Between us ...)

First, the elder takes the bow,

Call a seed, shoot an arrow,

She flies over the grass -

Semyon runs after her.

And at this time, in the mansion,

The middle of the daughters was sitting ...

Do you remember one fairy tale

The one about the scarlet flower?

Of course! Or maybe not ...

You and I finished so much ...

The one who asked for the toilet

When all three said goodbye to their father.

What?! Restroom?!

Yes, not like that!

And with a magic mirror to

See yourself in him young,

Blush and black-browed!

On that day she, as always,

Sat by the window

And I looked in my mirror,

And the mirror sang to her flatteringly:

"Oh, you, of course, are the most beautiful,

Lips of all and all busty ... "

Lies! But ... only in the first line,

The second is not flattery at all -

There were plump daughters

So much so that sometimes you can't get in the door.

The merchants! Suddenly, the maiden sees

As an arrow flies to her through the window -

And, right, in the chest! And the one on the left

Almost gone to the bone!

But the arrow didn't hurt the bone

(Well I said that it’s not a lie)

The servants came running!

Oh yeah! Semyon's people knit:

“Killer! Look what you've done!

For what, Herod, answer!

You barely killed the maiden ?! "

In vain he muttered about onions,

And about marriage ... No! To jail

They lead him - only torment

They must become his wife ...

Fadey Semyon did not wait

But he waited for the messenger,

I learned the news, but ... I didn't give up!

Fedot let's pray to the father:

"Father! Allow me without a bow, see?

What did the arrow lead to? "

“Shoot! Otherwise you will offend your father! "

I had to shoot ...

Gee ...

And what happened?

It turned out badly ...

Behind her: he drove, then ran ...

Of course, I did not act wisely,

I didn't find what I dreamed of ...

Saw the fight! To survive in it - chances

Very small.

But what kind of fight?

It was the Trojans who fought the Greeks!

Among them, Achilles was daring!

He is destined to

To be killed ... Moreover, in the heel,

But ... not with Fedotova's arrow!

Arrow Fedot, unfortunately,

It was stabbed right into his heel!

He's on the ground - THAT is an arrow easily

She rushed over him. Not in the top ten

She got into ... "milk" ...

And what about Achilles? Not dead at all!

He gets up, an arrow from the heel - grab!

And Fedot!

That's the number ...

Was he able to escape from there?

A. (waves his hand):

Where there ... Opposite Achilles

Fedot is like a mouse in front of a cat ...

His grave is in a strange land ...

Fedot was mourned by his father,

When the funeral came to them:

"Your son died in the prime of life" ...

Well, and the last child

Did he spare?

Of course not!

How poor Vanya prayed!

I already asked: “Father, wife

Even on the goat Buyan! "

Father was firm that your granite!

And what happened to him? I'm trembling…

Well, well, I'll tell you now.

Vanya's Adventures.

He chased a horse after an arrow,

The light almost faded in my eyes

And the arrow flies, beckoning ...

Suddenly, Vanya saw the sea!

But the arrow still rushes into the distance!

What to do? Come back?

At the pier there is a ship,

He's going to get on board to ask.

Have taken! There were merchants

The whole ship is packed with bales.

Oddly enough ... the arrow!

Maybe he will be married?

But ... the evil wind howled here,

And then the ninth shaft

Has flown! By the ship

The masts are broken. Really

Is it the end? But no! "Earth!"

And a little bit completely to the goal,

But ... the wave covered them ...

Vanya fuck that was urine!

Swam out! Then the wind died down ...

It was in the middle of the night.

Until the morning, on the shore,

He slept, and early in the morning,

He looked into the sea - no gu-gu! ..

Only bales around. He is wise

Entered. Collected them all.

They have everything you need, there is even

And silk in all its glory

And the grain ... Besides, in the landscape

Vanya saw a lot -

There are just bunches of different fruits!

Vanya is not afraid of affairs -

He found nails in bales ...

I will shorten my story -

A year has passed - not life, but a miracle!

Vanya is his own decree,

Only boring, very bad

Without people. Only parrot

Speaks to him, wounded soul:

“Poor Vanya! Poor Vanya! "* -

At least lie down and die ...

I. (joyfully):

Got it! He will find now

Friday! We read it - we know!

I. (crying):

Really live

Is he hugging a parrot? ..

Calm down. This island

Was not the same, but ... it's too early to cry,

He lived alone here, of people ...

Do you remember the tale about Saltan?

He is a queen and a son

I rolled a big one into a barrel

To these very shores

They were nailed on a dashing night ...

Mother went out into the moonlight ...

He hears: "Oooh" ... At the very edge,

Right by the water ...

I. (horrified):

No no!

A. (sighs):

Yes ... the queen was eaten by the wolves ...

But the child was spared

Their leader. And in a wolf pack

The boy grew up - handsome and sweet ...

That's how it happens in life ...

Eighteen whole years

Lived among the wolves, in the wild,

Suddenly Vanin smelled a trace.

They met. Satisfied?


Uh-uh ... my friend ...

You see, hold on

We need the law ... Suddenly? ..

Let it be eighteen!

A quiet evening fell

I lay on my shoulders with a soft blanket,

Vanya is ours, exactly in nirvana,

And the soul strives upward ...

"Poor Vanya!"

"Yes, calm down!" -

"Poor" Vanya whispers languidly ...

So it turned out that Fadey

Lost three sons:

Senior - rotted behind bars,

Middle - killed by Achilles,

Well, junior, forever

Missing ...

I. (smiling):

What about morality?

Well, then, listen.

Dashing, so as not to know a pound -

Don't trust destiny

All sorts of different attributes.

To shoot silly arrows?

After all, an arrow is like a bullet - a fool!

If you really trust

That one arrow - Cupid!


* "Poor Robin, poor Robin ..." (Robinson Crusoe)


We will have a conversation.

This topic, it just so happened,

It is still relevant.


(A. Koroleva., A. Shemtyuk)

In Russia in all ages

People lived anywhere.

State, nobility kept

And they didn't hurt themselves.

Who ran the entire kitchen?

Who melted the steam room?

Who supplied the cultural program for the fun?

Everything, believe me, completely

Golden youth.


The old lady has three sons.

Older: The elder was almost a man.

Average: The middle brother was a teenager.

Jr: The youngest was an accelerator.

They helped my father in the field.

In a word, it's not a sin to say life

No harder than everyone else.

In a long time al soon

Grief came to them.

Suddenly our old man hastened -

I decided to educate them.

Sons have never seen such sadness.

If I lie: then I am not me!

Everyone has their own life.

Older: Senior, shakes biceps,

Average: The average man while away the night, riding a motorcycle!

Jr: Younger from an early age

I wrapped my chest in chains

And he sang for a long time

With all the stupid urine

Heavy is metal in the middle of the night.

The elder began to gather

The athletic club.

Suddenly the father:

Father: Wait, buddy!

Why do you need, Danilo,

Is this muscle strength?

Weights are everywhere, weights are everywhere -

I can't walk around the apartment.

Stop your business

Brothers are looking at you.

The middle one made his way to the door.

Yes, he stumbled on sin in the dark:

Bang from the porch - and stretched out.

And then his father:

Father: Stop, Gavrilo, where are you going?

Why the hell please me

And I gave birth to a rocker?

You will end your life badly:

You are 15 years old

There is no living place!

Well - kA put your helmet on the shelf

Otherwise I'll lather the withers.

At this time, cheerful and cheerful

All in rivets and chains

The youngest son appeared at the door….

Father: What do I see, light - Vanyusha !?

You have worn out my soul.

I didn’t sleep the whole night

Under the rumbling metal.

Older: We have heard one piece of advice:

Stop it, stop it

What can you suggest:

What else could we do

And don't fight with you.

For a long time he scraped the back of his head.

And decided at the critical moment

Take them to the cadet corps personally.


Reader: Holy cadet brotherhood

Fellowship of young hearts

Russia and honor and wealth,

Her support and crown.

Warm heart of a cadet

Forever with my native land!

We are a valiant tribe

We are proud! And we honor with all our soul! (M. Brednev "Holy Cadet Brotherhood")

Senior Danilo : Yes, hit .... mile sorry.

Middle Gavrilo : Well, a specific quirk.

Younger Ivan: I, specifically, do not understand

I do not enter, what's what.

Older : There is such discipline….

Average: I'll soon forget, all my motorcycles

And an iron horse.

Jr: Well, now for sure

Heavy metal in the middle of the night

If you don't listen, you have to sleep

And then get up early here.

Reader: The life of a cadet is interesting:

He rises with a ray of dawn

He is busy until sunset

He's athletic and smart.

In black uniform - elegant

And in manners he is gallant.

Always faithful to the Motherland!

Will never forget

He is Suvorov's covenants!

And he will find answers to everything. (M. Bredneva "The life of a cadet is interesting")


(S. Sashin K. Breitburg)

Danilo : I'm running to PE class again

Let there be strong muscles.

I will climb the ropes again

The guys will not be ashamed of me.

Gavrilo: I often film processors at midnight,

Disk drives, modems, problems with drivers,

I still need a computer

You have to learn computer science.

Ivan: Someone sews, and I rig

I am hammering in nails.

All these lessons were not in vain,

I remember all this, heavy metal forgot

Worries and worries.

However, his sons do not forget him

They often come to visit.

(everyone sits at the table and tells the news to their father)

Danilo: They teach us to walk culturally

And don't pick your nose.

Speak literary

Don't call anyone names.

Gavrilo: Can't you see it yourself? We are cadets!

We gnaw the granite of science.

To live intelligently

Need to graduate from a university friend!

Ivan : And we live according to the charter,

If you don't want to, they'll force you there

Of all, my dear friend

The nonsense will be knocked to dust and fluff there.


Father: Now I am proud of you,

Now I'm happy myself!

Which of you loafers

The guys have grown up - CLASS!

Danilo: It is very necessary to learn

In this world we live together

Be tolerant of loved ones

Love and respect them.

Gavrilo : Kindness and understanding

Attention to others.

And then we can with you

Coexist peacefully.

Father: What good sons!

The country will be proud of them!

It must be easier for them to live in the world

It is easier for them to break through, it is easier for them to achieve.

Suppose they say it's harder -

All kinds of exams, these competitions.

Perhaps it is true. They, the children, know better

But the children grew up very good!


(E. Krylatov Yu.Entin)

“It would be good for you,
Get yourself a wife!
Alone so as not to grieve,
Live life happily with her! "

Gave a quiver, an arrow and a bow
And sent them to the meadow.
The eldest son became stately
Right in front of the brothers,

He threw an arrow into the house in a moment,
And a scream arose in the hut.
Suddenly a girl runs out,
Sees joyful faces

Two brothers, what a bow
They repeat: "This is it!" (point to first brother)
... So the wedding took place,
The maiden smiled for a long time

And then the time came -
She became evil:
That is not so and everything is not that way;
Scared away all the neighbors.

Livestock, vegetable garden
The husband alone is now leading.

Second son after brother first
Somehow timidly and not boldly
Ohal, grunted, what and how? -
In this he is a great master.

Took a quiver, took out an arrow,
He cast his gaze across the village.
And with great excitement
I decided to run after the arrow,

So that she does not please
Which girl is grumpy.
The middle son closed his eyes
And he shot his arrow.

And the arrow flies, flies,
He runs after her.
She flew through the window,
I almost hurt the girl.

"This is who to me with the war,
Comes into the house with an arrow ?! " -
And she looked at the window.
The virgin immediately blushed ...

Handsome, muscular -
The middle son was broad-shouldered.
She laughed: "Ha ha ha !!!" -
I fell in love with the groom.

They played a loud wedding
We began to build life together.
But not many days have passed
It seems that everything went wrong:

He brings tea to his wife in bed,
Does what she asks:
Buy a warm fur coat,
Wash and dry

Drive to the village club
Give flowers every day.
And the middle brother sighs:
"I'm not happy with my wife!"

The youngest son stood alone,
I thought for a long time,
“Where can I find a wife,
How is it to my heart? "

And then he went ahead,
He wandered deep into the village,
He sees a hut in front of him,
An old woman is sitting on the bench.

A good fellow comes up
He starts a conversation with her:
“Hello, kind soul!
Life is wonderfully good!

Give me a drink, grandma,
So that I do not lose my way! "
“Come home to me,
Tea, tired, so rest.

My granddaughter is sitting there
And give him water to drink ”.
The younger son comes inside
And he finds the girl there,

That he sews a wonderful carpet,
Sings a glorious song.
"Hello, dear sister,
Buy me some water! "

“You are probably tired?
I'll put the samovar for you,
I will give apple jam
Yes, a treat with pancakes! "

... Sat down, ate, ate, got up
And to that girl he said:
“Thank you, sister,
You gave me something to eat.

I see you are kind in heart
Generous with country love! "
Suddenly I realized then the youngest,
Can't find him another.

He did not think long,
Boldly stood on one knee:
“How beautiful you are, girl,
I want to marry you!

You captivated my heart
You have become my dear! "

Characters: Old man | First son | Second son | Third son | The first virgin | Second virgin | The third virgin | Old lady