Subordination at work: rules and consequences of non-compliance. The boss is a subordinate. Subordination between colleagues. How to improve performance discipline in the company Standards of conduct exist not only for subordinates

The main misconceptions and rules of the leader
The activity of a leader is a responsible work. Anyone who wants to succeed in this business needs to know and take into account the rules of management. A novice leader, who has not yet grasped all the secrets of management, makes typical managerial mistakes. We invite the reader to reflect on the question: "Who is the right leader?" The article analyzes the essence of management and the work of a leader, gives advice to a leader who seeks to organize effective management in his organization.

A common problem that a manager faces is trying to sit on two chairs. A novice manager wants to simultaneously fulfill his functional tasks and please his subordinates. The authority of the leader is, of course, an important component on which the rules of management are based. But it should arise precisely due to the qualitative fulfillment of the planned goals of the organization by the team. Excellent relationship between the manager and subordinates does not guarantee effective management.

The right leader knows how to quickly navigate the flow of incoming information. The essence of governance is to correctly determine which data is trustworthy and which is not. A one-sided view of the problem and excessive reliance on unreliable sources are quite common mistakes of a manager. Some experienced employees may try to give advice to the manager or publicly voice their ideas, thereby undermining the authority of the manager.

An inexperienced manager sometimes forgets to introduce employees to the requirements on which effective management is based. Colleagues would like to strictly follow the rules of the leader, but do not know what specific management rules have developed in the head of the boss. A novice leader must clearly understand the essence of management and bring to the attention of the team the main guidelines that determine the activities of the leader. Otherwise, the work of a manager may become for employees only an appearance of a stormy activity.

Absolute power as the essence of governance
An entity implementing effective management should always have the final say. The manager needs absolute power over his subordinates. It is very useful to listen to a variety of points of view, but the final decision is made by the leader, from the point of view of the interests of the case. Employees can get carried away by starting to offer advice to a manager. If the discussion goes aside, then the authority of the leader directs the activity of employees in the right direction.

DELUSION 1. Democracy. Quite often, a novice leader adheres to democratic views, practices collegial decision-making, and obeys the dictates of the majority. As you know, democracy is the rule of the people. Raging people can nullify the activities of the leader. An overly active team turns any exchange of opinions into a bazaar. Someone has to take responsibility and end this anarchy.
The right leader puts the mission of the organization first. In some situations, in order to solve the assigned tasks, it is necessary to collect and evaluate the maximum number of ideas. And sometimes it is important to end the debate in time and begin to carry out practical actions. To correctly determine this moment is the work of the leader. It is useful for subordinates to understand who is in charge. He who does not lead risks being led.

DELUSION 2. Authoritarianism. Another aspiring leader may go to the opposite extreme. As a leader, it's easy to go overboard and turn into a tyrant who insists on his own because he said so. The employee must obey unquestioningly and take the boss's instructions as the only correct one. An extremely authoritarian manager suppresses employee initiative, intimidates and threatens with violence. Insulting and humiliating subordinates are unforgivable mistakes of the leader.
Effective control is a steel rod wrapped in soft velvet. The right leader keeps in mind the key management rules - subtly support the right initiative and gently neutralize harmful undertakings. Leadership should be deliberate and focused, but comfortable for both the manager and subordinates. In order to form an individual management style, psychologists recommend alternating between democracy and authoritarianism.
Effective management through team building

The activity of a leader is unthinkable outside the team. If there are no employees, then no one needs management rules. One in the field, everyone knows, is not a warrior. But the total efficiency of the team is always higher than the sum of the best individual efforts. A close-knit team is a team of like-minded people, where one for all and all for one. Many experts note that advice is needed for a leader precisely in the field of forming effective working relationships in a team.

DELUSION 3. Divide and conquer. The unspoken rules of the leader prescribe the development of competition and rivalry among subordinates. This is believed to contribute to their personal productivity and success. A novice leader, literally taking this advice, begins to actively sow seeds of discord among his subordinates, play off employees, set some against others. Having mastered such management rules, subordinates spend their working time on intrigue, denunciations and tugging at the blanket.
The right leader invests their abilities in building a friendly team in the workplace that continues to be productive even in the absence of control. In a real team, everyone trusts their colleagues, is confident in the effectiveness of cooperation and is ready to provide the necessary assistance himself. Team members share a common goal. People understand the challenges they face and achieve them through joint efforts.

The leader's activities are aimed at taking into account the compatibility of people working in a team. In a good team, indifference is impossible. Open relationships are the essence of team management. Anyone who does not know something can seek advice. He will certainly be given an answer and this answer can be trusted. The words here do not have a double meaning, no one feels the need to substitute or catch a neighbor.
A top manager needs to be able to purposefully form a sense of "we" in employees. A team of like-minded people will not emerge on their own. It is not enough to introduce people and send them to work. Leader authority alone will not build a team. People are united by a common interest and common victories. In some situations, it is worthwhile to specifically create "training" difficulties for the team to unite.

Emotional control rules
Emotions are an indicator showing the essence of management and managerial mistakes. Based on the general favorable atmosphere in the team, it can be concluded that the production processes in the organization are going as they should and the most important management rules are taken into account. If effective management fails, it will immediately manifest itself in the form of a surge of negative emotions. Attentive attitude to emotional phenomena in the team and a positive attitude are two more indispensable rules of a leader.

DELUSION 4. Criticism and accusations. Irritation and discontent usually does not give the best advice to the leader. Having failed to cope with their emotions, a novice manager often criticizes employees and accuses them of negligence. A boiling stream falls on the heads of subordinates. Biting expressions and derogatory metaphors are used. In most cases, a public "flogging" of the offending employee is carried out.
The worker is a living person, and people tend to make mistakes. The leader's activity is not limited to catching and punishing the guilty person. Criticism and accusations are rarely helpful. Effective management is, first of all, learning the right way of doing things. I saw a mistake - help me fix it without screaming and hysterics. The right leader knows how to find a rational grain in any situation.

DELUSION 5. Reaction to problems. The essence of management often boils down to the fact that subordinates run to the boss with problems and complaints. The novice leader becomes a lifesaver. He calms down nervous subordinates, resolves problems, resolves conflicts. Talented employees can turn the simplest assignment into insoluble collapse. In such conditions, the work of a leader becomes truly titanic.
The right leader enforces the strictest prohibition on complaints in the organization. A good employee must independently transform the problem that has arisen into a task, work out options for solving it, weigh the pros and cons, and only then go to the manager. Management rules require the manager to be able to delegate authority. The boss is not a lifeguard. And the workers are not blind kittens. Adults independently find the best way out of a difficult situation.

The novice leader and disgruntled employees
Employee motivation is an indicative criterion by which the performance of a manager can be assessed. Effective management ensures the will to work. Subordinates show interest in the results of their work, positively perceive the process of professional activity. At the same time, dissatisfied employees with their appearance and mood point out to everyone on the mistakes of the leader.

DELUSION 6. Ignoring discontent. Many managers underestimate the role of positive professional motivation. They see the essence of management in intimidating employees as much as possible with the threat of endless checks, fines and dismissals. The desire to work is at the mercy of the employee himself. With desire or not, he must come to work and work. And everything else is voluntary.
A successful manager by his example demonstrates a commitment to the corporate culture and love for the business he does. The correct leader is always positive, he communicates with employees cheerfully and cheerfully, monitors their mood, and, if necessary, adjusts to the desired mood. There is no place for dissatisfied intonations in the working atmosphere.

Disloyal employees who deliberately disrespect their superiors, undermine the authority of the leader, violate management rules and reduce the efficiency of the organization. The right leader, having studied in detail the presented advice to the leader, must find a way to turn a negligent employee into his ally and like-minded person.

We wish you great managerial success!

Subordination is behavior that demonstrates the respect of subordinates for colleagues, senior in position, status or rank. This term can also be called a rule, which is that the younger are obliged to respect the elders, the subordinates - the bosses. Thus, it can be noted that the observance of subordination is a mandatory part of the format of the relationship "subordinate - boss" or "senior - junior".

There are times when a student, out of stupidity or provocatively, allows himself too much and turns to the teacher (head teacher) for "you", for example, "Oksanchik!" The described behavior indicates a violation of subordination. This moment sometimes happens by accident as a result of an inappropriate joke. But joking when a boss or a leader expects one hundred percent seriousness is simply inappropriate.

For elders, if someone is behaving incorrectly (inappropriately), it is advisable to read out the instructions, including the correction of behavior. This should be done clearly and calmly, without using indignation and shouts. Thanks to this, the desired result will be - understanding and fulfillment of the requirements that the system of relationships "subordinate - boss" provides.

Subordination, which is important not only in army life, but also in ordinary business relationships, is a system of rules governing the behavior of members of the work collective, depending on what place each of them occupies on the hierarchical ladder. Having an understanding of the chain of command and following it is just as important as knowing the rules of business etiquette.

Subordination is a system that regulates the relationship not only between the boss and the subordinate, but also between the senior and the junior, meaning the position held.

The attitude of the subordinate boss was formulated by Peter I, who issued on December 9, 1708 a personal decree on the attitude to the authorities, where he formulated the requirements for a person who is subordinate: ".

More than 300 years have passed, but still some leaders understand subordination in this way.

But if a leader wants to achieve really high-quality work and high results, subordination will be the mechanism that will allow him to achieve this goal. Indeed, in fact, subordination is a clearly regulated system of business relations that allows you to achieve well-coordinated work of the entire team, united by the implementation of a common task.

Many people can work on this task. Each of them at his workplace must clearly know which of the other employees he interacts with, with whom he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him. Only in this case the team will work like a well-oiled clockwork.

Subordination is a system of subordination in the service, determined by the measure of responsibility. The measure of responsibility is usually determined by the position held or temporarily assigned powers.

What is a violation of chain of command

Subordination is based on the established rules of labor discipline, it implies that all relations between employees are subject to this discipline and are strictly within the framework of the work. The actions of each employee and, accordingly, his responsibility for them, are limited by the scope of the job description, no one has the right to demand more from you. Each employee has his own direct supervisor, whose instructions he must carry out. In case of disagreement with the actions or orders of your management, you must appeal them in the order established by the working regulations, without violating the chain of command and not acting over his head. The same applies when you have suggestions for improving the quality of work and increasing productivity. Compliance with subordination greatly simplifies and facilitates relationships in the team, excluding the possibility of failure to comply with management decisions.

Subordination at work

Knowledge of the intricacies of business communication is an important detail of interaction with partners, subordinates and bosses. In order to avoid mistakes in communication and increase the effectiveness of the dialogue, it is necessary to adhere to subordination in business relations.

The rules of business etiquette apply to three communication planes: boss - subordinate, subordinate - boss, partner - partner (employee - employee). In today's article we will consider all the planes, dwell in detail on the subordination at work and in business.

Chief - subordinate

The attitude towards the manager depends on a number of factors, including the established norms of the work process and the maintenance of the authority of the boss. For a properly set chain of command, it is necessary to correctly define the service discipline of the company, the ethics of communication with the manager, and establish a framework for orders for its employees. When the staff is not notified of the procedures and norms of business communication, discomfort appears in the team, people feel inconvenience when communicating with the boss, do not know how to perceive his words (as a request or order), and do not show initiative. That is why every employee from the moment of arrival should be familiar with the norms of business and working relations.

Pay attention to a selection of tips for business relationships between a manager and an employee:

If the employee does not fulfill your order, you need to remind him that you are waiting for the result, otherwise he will decide that the task is forgotten and will not carry it out. Such remarks make it clear to the employee the seriousness of the order given to him and the possible consequences of failure to fulfill his duties.
Criticism of an employee should relate to his actions and deeds at work. Personal insults and humiliation should not be present in a conversation with a subordinate.
It is unacceptable to give personal advice to your subordinate. Do not forget that you will be responsible for the result.
Whatever happens, subordinates should not notice fear and panic in the actions and words of the leader. Otherwise, the authority will be seriously undermined.
Appreciate the work of your employees. The reward for the completed task should correspond to the amount of effort and time spent.
Do not skimp on employee praise. If he has done a good job, he should receive not only financial, but also moral reward. The employee must understand that his work has been appreciated by the management.
Give orders based on two factors: the specific situation that has developed and the nature of the subordinate. Some employees immediately begin to carry out assignments, take a responsible approach to work, others need to be monitored and tracked.

When communicating with subordinates, you initially need to choose the form of instructions, be it an order, request, recommendation or a question for thought. Orders are given either in the event of a critical situation requiring immediate execution, or when communicating with an unscrupulous employee who does not understand other forms of instructions. The request is used in a standard situation, expressed in the benevolence and trust of the leader. In the case of a request, the employee can offer his own options for solving the problem, express an opinion on the current situation. Such behavior of an employee is unacceptable when receiving an order that cannot be discussed and is executed without delay. A request differs from an order in an emotional presentation, severity in the voice.

If the leader raises a question for thought, then he is waiting for feedback, wants to create a discussion of the problem. Thus, managers identify proactive employees who will subsequently solve the voiced task or problem. Recommendations are given by the manager in order to help the subordinate find a solution to the problem faster, but they may not be fulfilled by employees.

The boss should not allow familiar relations with the team. Its employees perform functions in the same way as people outside the company, whom we pay for the work done. If the relationship is built on the principle "I pay money - you do your job," then the business usually moves forward.

The manager should not stand in the shoes of subordinates, delve into their problems and get away with violations, otherwise the staff will simply sit on his head.

Subordinate - leader

You also need to be able to build a relationship with a boss, like a relationship between a boss and a subordinate. After all, his future career will depend on how correctly the employee adheres to the norms of business relations. Inept actions and currying favor with the manager can alienate him from the subordinate, make him draw negative conclusions about the employee.

Therefore, we will give several examples showing the correct and erroneous behavior in the communication of an employee with a boss:

Try to contribute to the creation of a positive atmosphere among the team, because the leader seeks to unite the staff, set up the team work of the company.
It is necessary to express your position and job offers tactfully and politely, the manager will not tolerate impudent remarks in his direction. Use the phrases: "Let me point out ...", "How do you feel about the next sentence ...", "Could we try this option ...".
You can not give monosyllabic answers and talk with the boss in a categorical tone. The manager may think that the employee treats him negatively, and such people do not stay in the team. It is the taciturn and eternally dissatisfied subordinates who fall under the reduction first.
It is necessary to avoid jumping "over the head" of the immediate supervisor, except in urgent and emergency cases. Such behavior will be regarded by the immediate superior as disrespect and doubt in his professionalism. Thus, the employee undermines the authority of the boss in front of the entire team, which can serve as a pretext for a reprimand and a fine.
You cannot enter the boss's office without knocking, and also not visit it if the boss is communicating with someone. This conversation can be important, and you can interfere.

Between leaders

Business relationships can also be built horizontally, for example, between two leaders.

At a business meeting, you must adhere to the following rules:

Be clear and to the point, you do not need to start the conversation with jokes and unnecessary displays of interest in your partner's health and affairs. In Russia, meetings can last several hours due to the incorrectness of the goal of the conversation. Many business people have a negative attitude towards empty dialogues because they value their time.
Use facts and figures in a conversation, this will attract the attention of a partner, focus his attention on the dialogue.
If the interlocutor begins to behave aggressively, stay calm, this will reduce the degree of discontent.
Offer prepared solutions to the problem, your initiative can be appreciated by a partner. So you can show the level of knowledge and competence in the issue.
Try not to answer phone calls, this may seem disrespectful from the interlocutor.
Exchange business cards, it emphasizes your status and allows you to keep the contact of the person you need.
In a telephone conversation, be sure to ask the interlocutor if he can talk at the moment.
Do not use swear words in a business conversation, this characterizes the leader as an uncultured and poorly educated person. They try to have nothing in common with such a contingent of people in business.

Between colleagues

Finding contact and building the right communication with colleagues is also an important task. There are employees who, thanks to good relationships, shift their responsibilities to their comrades, or try to show others in an unfavorable light in front of their superiors.

To avoid problems, you need to competently communicate with your colleagues:

When completing a common task in equal parts, divide the responsibilities, if the leader has not done so. This will help to avoid the appearance of "drones" that will not be useful in the work.
Try to avoid crossing work contacts and intercepting your colleagues' clients. This will definitely lead to conflict and ruin the relationship with colleagues. In the future, it will be difficult to work in a tense environment.
Don't promise what you can't do. If a colleague asks you for something (replace me tomorrow, help me solve a problem), then first make sure that you can help him, and only then give an answer.
Try to avoid personal topics, work is not a place for sincere conversations.
You should not self-actualize at the expense of your colleagues. The boss may not appreciate this, and relations with colleagues will be ruined forever.

Consequences of non-compliance

Subordination is a way of defining the responsibility of each employee, from employee to director. It's just that everyone's responsibility is different, ordinary employees risk only their workplace, and the director of the company with his name, reputation and funds. The higher the responsibility of a person, the more he will demand from his subordinates. No successful company can exist without subordination and its observance, a horizontal and vertical power structure is built on it.

The consequences for non-compliance with the chain of command depend on how much the employee neglected the relationship with his management. First, this is a comment from the supervisor. If an employee once violated the norms of business etiquette and subordination, then he most often receives a comment from his boss indicating his wrong actions. After a comment, the manager usually closely monitors the work of his subordinate, so you need to be more careful so as not to give a reason for a reprimand.

An employee is reprimanded for a disciplinary offense or a systematic violation of the company's labor discipline. The reprimand can be simple or severe, with entry into a personal file. The reprimand is not reflected in the work book in any way, but it can cause dismissal under the article.

Dismissal is the most extreme measure for non-compliance with the chain of command. Usually, it is proposed to write the dismissal of their own free will, but if the authorities are very upset, then dismissal is possible under the article, for systematic violation of labor discipline and non-fulfillment of direct duties. Such a mark in the work book can radically affect the future career, or put an end to it.

Building business relationships within and outside the organization is essential for the effective operation of a business. The purpose of ethical standards is to establish a work environment in which everyone understands each other, is treated with respect and trust. If an entrepreneur values ​​the reputation of his company, then he must strive to establish ethical standards both in working with employees of the organization and with business partners.

Subordination of relations

Subordination is a system of service relationships, which is based on the subordination of the younger group of positions to the older ones.

The term "subordination" includes not only the rules of interaction between the boss and subordinates, but also taking on a certain role, following orders from superiors and following the rules of behavior.

A striking example of subordination is the relationship in the army between the soldiers and the commanding staff. However, in this case, in addition to the rules of conduct, there are also traditions that are observed by both parties (for example, those related to the end of military service - 100 days before the order).

Very often, subordination is associated with the career ladder or the vertical of power. This interpretation is incorrect, since the term "subordination" is broader than these two concepts and includes not only a clear distribution of power and definition of positions, but also a model of behavior for each employee.

10 mistakes of subordination:

1. Defining a job for an employee bypassing his immediate supervisor. Despite the fact that in this case there is a huge plus in the form of the speed of solving the problem (the concerned boss, without waiting for the manager's decision, gives the employee an order and he fulfills it), over time, the controllability of the system decreases (the immediate manager falls in the eyes of the employees).
2. Control over the implementation of the task not by those who set it.
3. Punishment of an employee without the knowledge of his immediate supervisor.
4. Appointment of 2 employees to perform one task.
5. Appeal to the higher management without the consent of the immediate superior.
6. Lack of prioritization in the implementation of assigned tasks.
7. Wrong reaction of the employee in case of non-fulfillment of the task by another department or employee.
8. Criticism of the human qualities of the employee, not the results of his work.
9. Discussion of the leader behind his back.
10. Lack of ethics of communication in the organization.

What is the regulation of subordination

If we consider subordination in the context of official relations in the civil service, it can be clearly distinguished that the subordination of employees to higher authorities is regulated by special provisions and charters. The second document in terms of regulation is a service contract and job description.

It is also important that, in addition to documents, for example, in the army, subordination is manifested in the wearing of special rank insignia. In some cases, such a distinction may be the form of an employee or the presence of an identity card.

If we pay attention to the organization of the system of power and subordination in any other legal entity, then not a specific document will be of decisive importance, but the ethics of behavior of employees.

Of course, you can refer to the internal labor regulations and clarify in them the system of interaction between various services and departments, securing all this with a provision on who obeys to whom. However, in private organizations, the personal authority of the head is of great importance, since the legislation does not contain special rules on regulation in such institutions.

Violation of subordination

I want to start with a simple human upbringing. There are people who have their own rules. They do not look at who is standing in front of them, a subordinate or a boss. They do not care. They treat everyone with the same disdain and disrespect. And here it is not even a matter of observance of subordination. Man himself is like that in all spheres of life.

It is very difficult to interact with such people. They do not understand or accept general norms and principles. They are initially critical of everything. They believe only in their own words and do not put someone else's opinion into anything. For them, the boss is just an idiot who does not know how to run a company. And the subordinates are fools who do not want to work, but only want to receive money.

When you try to put such a person in his place, you only exacerbate the situation. After all, for him there is nothing more beautiful than fanning a scandal, swearing, moving on to personal insults. It is almost impossible to communicate constructively with such people.

This behavior most often comes from childhood. A rarely educated and intelligent person becomes a brawler at forty. There are families in which it is simply customary to treat everyone too familiar. It doesn't matter that the elder is in front of you. Everyone can "poke", not listen, argue, be indignant on any occasion.

It is, of course, better not to hire such people to work at all. At the interview, you will immediately notice that this is a representative of this type. He is arrogant, lax, does not hesitate to ask any questions, behaves too loosely, speaks more often loudly.

It will be extremely difficult to instill in such people labor discipline. Therefore, think carefully about whether you need such a shot in your company.

It is difficult to be the head of even a small company, not that of a large holding. The chief simultaneously builds relationships with subordinates, with department heads, with business partners, with clients, with investors, with banks, with the tax authorities, and so on.

It is extremely difficult to do this, but it is important. Many CEOs are pushing business etiquette into the background as they promote their company, reflect on profit margins, and increase sales. This is fundamentally the wrong decision.

The director is the first person of the company. It is he who determines how the communication in the company will proceed. This is the first thing to think about when hiring new employees. After all, each subordinate must understand how he should communicate with the leader, how colleagues can interact with each other. When this understanding is not there, difficulties arise, the employee is embarrassed, does not show initiative, and may make a mistake in addressing the director.

In my practice, I have come across examples of completely different leaders. The boss is a friend. Quite a common form of communication. When the director wants to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. This might work for a very small company that is doing creative work. But for a large woodworking plant, such a boss would be a disaster.

Being a tyrant is also far from easy. The principle “they are afraid, it means they respect” does not always work.

Sometimes subordinates are afraid, but at the same time behind their backs they only do what they insult and mock him:

The director needs to be attentive to his employees.
Praise when required and punish when the situation arises.
The boss should not be afraid or show fear and insecurity.
The director does not have to solve all the personal problems of his employees. But at the same time, it is sometimes very useful to stand on the side of your employees.

How to deal with non-compliance with the chain of command

The first is not to respond with nasty things to nasty things. This is the law of life. Do not want a conflict, do not get involved in it.

Let's look at the situation from different perspectives. If you are a boss and a subordinate openly violates the chain of command, then punishment should follow. The violation may be minor and the consequence will be a simple reprimand.

But what to do if the employee is openly rude, questions your authority and doesn't put you in anything? You can try financial punishment - a fine. If this does not help, then the dismissal remains.

As a leader, don't forget about two-way respect. Subordinates should not be just a slave force. They are people and deserve attention and respect. Some bosses revel in their power so much that they themselves begin to break the chain of command.

The opposite situation. You are a subordinate and the boss yells at you unfairly, humiliates you, goes over to personal insults. First, do not respond with rudeness to such behavior. Second, learn to stand up for your rights.

The boss has no right to yell at you. When a situation like this occurs, just walk away. If you endure, then you will not be treated differently.

Many believe that subordination means "the younger respects and obeys the elder." Yes, but only on condition of bilateral respect. The manager should not humiliate his employees. If that's the case with you, run. Run as far as possible from such a firm.

What to do in case of a conflict with a colleague? Who should yield to whom? Who should listen to whom? Everything here is built on your human qualities. When people understand that they go to the office to work, and not to sort things out, then the work is glued much better.

Communication at work should be working. There are comrades who do not go to work to carry out their direct duties, but to gossip, discuss Marinka from the next department, and braid a ball of intrigue. Beware of such people at work.

Non-observance of subordination

Business etiquette presupposes not only the vertical subordination of the junior to the senior. Subordination at work includes a whole system of rules of conduct in which employees perform role functions.

If you follow the rules of subordination, interaction in all areas of activity is more effective.

These are three main planes, namely:

The leader is the performer.
The contractor is the head.
Relationship between partners.

In many organizations, the authority of the leader is very high. It follows from this that in a team it depends on the boss how much each employee understands the norms of behavior, taking into account the subordination. This means that labor discipline is maintained within the proper framework, and employees do not confuse orders with requests or recommendations.

Maintaining an order like the army is easier than gaining authority from subordinates.

But there are a few rules that make a leader successful:

If the boss appreciates the work of the employees, he does not skimp on praise and adequate monetary remuneration.
Ability to take full responsibility for running a business at a critical moment.
Striving to fairly distribute work between subordinates.
Orders are given without raising their voices, but also without engaging in familiar relations.
The key principle is money only for the work done.
It is allowed to order only in exceptional cases or if the employee does not fulfill the obligations assumed.

The ability to take full responsibility for running a business at a critical moment is one of the most important qualities of a leader.

The main documents, from the point of view of jurisdiction, are the organization's charter and job descriptions. Upon admission to work, a written contract is signed, although ethical standards of conduct are critical. Refusal from them is considered as a violation of labor discipline.

Subordinates must behave correctly and tactfully with their superiors in order to maintain a positive attitude in the team. Their further career growth directly depends on the behavior of employees. Therefore, a categorical tone, attempts to "bypass" the leader and turn to the higher authorities are not allowed. This can be considered an administrative violation.

No organization can exist without a clearly built horizontal and vertical of subordination. Violation entails disciplinary liability, both individual and general. In this case, the punishment in the form of a penalty is applied to the entire work collective.

Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation considers the types of disciplinary sanctions. Failure to comply with the subordination at work entails consequences in the form of the following penalties:

Dismissal on the basis of immoral misconduct.

A single violation of subordination causes a remark, after which the manager more carefully checks the quality of the employee's performance of his duties. Reprimands are made both orally and with entry into a personal file. Disciplinary misconduct, both single and constant, cause reprimands.

An extreme measure, dismissal, is allowed when a gross one-time violation of subordination is committed, potentially falling under an article of administrative or criminal violation (for example, beating a manager), or because of regular violations that negatively affect the situation in the team.

A friendly atmosphere in the team contributes to the advancement in business, therefore, the observance of subordination is nothing more than a reasonable measure to achieve a common goal.

Observance of subordination / h3> In order for subordination not to turn into an authoritarian style of government on the part of the leader and not look like honor from the subordinate, it is necessary to understand the key principles that underlie it.

Respect, tact: the best way to maintain a distance in the workplace is to be respectful towards an employee, colleague, or boss; the ability to be tactful creates psychological comfort in communication and at the same time does not allow familiarity. Hierarchy - in large organizations, several levels of hierarchy are built: the order is given strictly down one level, the requests to the bosses rise according to the same scheme, in other words, it is undesirable to skip the levels of hierarchy, the principle of emotional neutrality concerns an equal and equal attitude towards all subordinates and bosses without looking at gender, age, level of subordination or leadership, importance or role in the team.

The principle of limited accessibility: it is important for a manager to be available to subordinates, but this access should be limited (for example, by strict time frames - hours of reception, the presence of a secretary, or otherwise).

The role of subordination is to create a working, calm atmosphere in which the authority of the leader is based on two equal principles: respect and distance.

Leader rules of conduct to maintain chain of command

All rules are based on four principles and, of course, can be supplemented depending on the individual style of work of the boss, the field of activity and the psychological climate in the team.

Formulation of rules, their strict observance and control over their implementation by all colleagues and subordinates.

Rationalistic position in relation to the employee: performance of work - efficiency - remuneration. The manager always hires an employee and evaluates his activities only from the point of view of its practical value and benefits for the common cause.

Responsibility for the team and defending its interests before higher structures. Demanding, but fair attitude to the performance of duties by subordinates: maximum efficiency is possible only if everyone in the team knows that his mistakes will be noticed and punished, and his findings will be highly appreciated.

Compliance with the hierarchy in the distribution of duties and orders: only strictly one step below.

Demonstration of confidence in their own righteousness and constant control over the situation: excessive doubt or uncertainty in their own position is perceived by employees as weakness.

Equal and even treatment of all employees, which is always associated with the independence of each member of the team and the distribution of responsibility between them.

Ability to encourage employees not only financially, but also psychologically. At the same time, the achievement of a department, a structural unit is a victory for each member of the team without the need to clarify specific names (and even more so - the role of the leader). Criticism is possible only against the work performed. Personal advice is also unacceptable.

Address to employees in the form of "you".

The leader has the opportunity to choose the degree of severity while observing the subordination: it can be an authoritarian style, in which there is no difference at what moment communication takes place, or a freer, democratic form, when in a coffee shop or buffet, at a corporate party or in a joint business game, the distance between him and his subordinates may decrease.

Rules of conduct for a subordinate

The task of the subordinate is to understand the rules adopted in the team, and to fulfill them conscientiously. If any rule is unacceptable, then it is better to voice your disagreement to the manager initially (for clarification, motivation or its correction) or refuse to work in this team. If the rules are based on four fundamental principles, then their implementation will not be so impossible. The main thing to remember ...

A professional approach to the performance of duties is the key to successful work in any team and under any bosses.

Independence and their own balanced position when discussing issues are rarely combined with a categorical tone and a desire to impose their position.

The search for constructive solutions for the entire team - the purpose of employee meetings, demonstration of permanent agreement or permanent disagreement speaks of the unprofessionalism of the employee.

Respect is, first of all, the ability to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team, as well as loyalty and reliability not only to the leader, but to the entire team as a whole.

Additional responsibility also increases the rights of the employee: if the manager gives the subordinate new responsibilities, then he will calmly react to his delicate questions about new opportunities and rights.

There are also stereotypes of the behavior of an insecure employee: the fear of violating the chain of command often turns into inadequate honor and fear of the boss.

Compliance with specific rules of business etiquette will make it easier for a subordinate to maintain a chain of command and will not cause psychological discomfort.

Who is the first to shake hands when greeting?

The subordinate always pronounces the words of greeting first, and the boss gives his hand if he considers it necessary or appropriate.

To knock or not?

Definitely not. Knocking on a manager's office is bad form. Moreover, if the appointment hours are appointed or there is a secretary in the chief's reception. Knocking on any office door is now perceived as a demonstration of uncertainty or, even worse, suspicion that colleagues in the workplace are doing something illegal.

Can I sit in the manager's office?

Can. At an audience - after an invitation from a superior person. At a meeting - without a special invitation.

There are three cases when it is appropriate for a subordinate to get up from the desk when meeting with a manager:

1. When meeting and greeting a leader as a new boss.
2. On a working morning - for the first time a day, if the boss has a habit of specially greeting workers and entering their offices.
3. When meeting a delegation, important guests in the office.

The rules of subordination not only regulate behavior in the office or any business setting, but simplify the interaction between the employee and the manager. Combined with dignity, tact and respect for the human person, they will make any business communication comfortable and constructive.

The principle of subordination

Principle of coupled inhibition or reciprocity

The principle of conjugate inhibition or reciprocity is based on the type of inhibition described above and means the occurrence of simultaneous inhibition of another center when one center is excited to provide chain reflexes and a complex function. An example of reciprocity can be the regulation by the spinal cord of the muscles of the extremities that are opposite in functional purpose. So, when the motor neurons innervating the flexor muscles of the right leg are excited, the motor neurons of the extensor muscles of this leg are reciprocally inhibited and the motor neurons of the extensor muscles of the left leg are excited. The emerging chain character of reflexes after this causes excitation of motor neurons of the extensors of the right leg and reciprocally - inhibition of motoneurons of the flexors of the right leg and excitation of motoneurons of flexors of the left leg. Thus, the reciprocal relationship between these reflexes provides a chain stepping reflex. Reciprocal relationships also take place between the reflexes of inhalation and exhalation, when the excitation of the center of inhalation inhibits the center of exhalation and vice versa, which ensures a rhythmic change of phases in the process of external respiration.

Dominant principle

The dominant principle was discovered by A.A. Ukhtomsky. The dominant is the general principle of the activity of the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of a dominant system of reflexes for a certain time, implemented by the dominant centers, which subordinate or suppress the activity of other nerve centers and reflexes. The neurons of the dominant centers acquire a lower level of critical membrane depolarization, i.e. become more excitable, and are able to more effectively carry out spatial and temporal summation of nerve impulses. Synaptic conduction to these neurons is facilitated and therefore they can also be excited due to "extraneous" impulses from not having direct connections with the dominant centers of information channels. Due to the summation of numerous EPSPs, the excitation of neurons, as well as the number of excited cells in the dominant center, increases and the reflex reactions carried out by it are easily realized. The predominance of the reflexes of the dominant center over other reflex acts becomes especially pronounced, since through the system of intercalary neurons, the dominant center conjugately inhibits other centers and current reflexes. The dominant principle allows you to focus attention and build behavior in order to achieve a certain intended goal.

The principle of a common final path

The principle of the common final path, described by Charles Sherrington, was considered when describing the process of convergence of excitement.

The principle of subordination of nerve centers

The principle of subordination of the nerve centers (the principle of subordination) is manifested in the form of a regulatory influence of the higher located nerve centers on the lower ones. Thus, the motor centers of the brain control spinal motor neurons. An example of such an influence is the phenomenon of central inhibition of spinal reflexes discovered by I.M. Sechenov and called Sechenov inhibition. In the experiment of I.M. Sechenov, stimulation of the frog's optic hillocks with the help of a crystal of sodium chloride (i.e., stimulation of the reticular formation of the midbrain) led to inhibition of spinal motor reflexes caused by immersion of the frog's leg in a weak acid solution. Consequently, the inhibition of the centers of the spinal cord was a consequence of the excitation of the centers of the midbrain. The termination of this inhibitory control when the cerebrospinal pathways are interrupted causes a sharp increase in the excitability of the spinal centers and hyperreflexia.

Reverse afferentation principle

The principle of reverse afferentation consists in the receptor perception of the results of a reflex act and the transfer of information back to the structures of the nerve center, where it is processed and compared with the persisting parameters of excitation. Reverse afferentation is realized in the form of positive or negative feedback. Thus, with the help of reverse afferentation, the nerve centers continuously monitor the effectiveness, expediency and optimality of reflex activity.

Subordination method

The subject of legal regulation is understood as a set of homogeneous relations in a certain branch of public life, which are governed by specific rules of law. The subject of legal regulation answers the question of what is regulated by the rules of law. In this sense, statutory (or status) law should be recognized.

Accordingly, the subject of constitutional and legal regulation is a set of methods and means of influence of constitutional law on power relations.

Constitutional regulation is implemented by the following methods.

The method of legal regulation is the methods of influence of the norms of the branch of law on a certain type of social relations, which is the subject of its regulation. The method is directly determined by the subject of legal regulation.

The method of coordination in constitutional law presupposes the following:

1. the subjects of the federation exercise their rights with the exception of the jurisdiction of federal bodies;
2. the subjects resolve territorial problems;
3. Subjects participate in the formation of federal bodies.

Thus, the method of coordination, as it were, confirms the existence in the literature of the concept of "cooperative federalism" (that is, the union of federal and republican bodies as partners in the implementation of the general function of the state) and "double federalism" (that is, the creation of federal and republican independent systems of sovereignty, using the supreme power in their territory). The method of coordination is inherent in the norms of state law, which determine the order of relations between the subjects of the federation, members of the CIS, and participants in international law.

Directive (imperative) method - a method of submission to power, which does not allow subjects of law to deviate from the prescriptions of a legal norm. For example, the rule of Art. 116 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation reads: "Before the newly elected President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation resigns its powers."

In turn, the imperative method is subdivided into the following methods of influence:

Permission (a method reflecting the equality of the parties): “Everyone can freely travel outside the Russian Federation” (part 2 of article 27 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation); "Forced alienation of property for state needs can be carried out only on condition of prior and equivalent compensation" (part 3 of article 35 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
Prohibition (prohibition of unlawful actions): "No one can appropriate power in the Russian Federation" (part 4 of article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
Obligation (method of power binding): "State authorities, local authorities, officials, citizens and their associations are obliged to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws" (part 2 of article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation); “Everyone is obliged to pay legally established taxes and fees” (Article 57 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Branches of law use methods of legal influence in various combinations depending on the nature of social relations.

So, in relation to constitutional law, the methods of binding and prohibition together form the method of subordination. By imposing a certain range of responsibilities on the authority, the legislator in all cases establishes the limits for the implementation of these actions. This limitation is established, as a rule, in the interests of protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and other individuals.

Dispositive method - providing subjects with a choice within the framework of the law. For example, in Part 1 of Art. 117 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation it is established that "the Government of the Russian Federation may submit its resignation, which is accepted or rejected by the President of the Russian Federation."

The constituent method uses specific methods and means of legal influence - general establishment and constitutional consolidation. The general establishment is manifested in the presence in the system of constitutional law of a multitude of so-called initial starting points that have a general regulatory nature and are expressed in the primary norms of law. Such norms are contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutional federal laws or federal laws. These are norms-principles, norms-definitions, etc. Constitutional provisions have a general, universal character, are addressed to all or many types of subjects, as a rule, do not generate specific legal relations, being realized in general constitutional relations. For example, Art. 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. Bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power are independent ”. The general establishment appears in the form of constitutional reinforcement.

The constitutional law, applying the above-mentioned methods of regulation, ensures the normal functioning of the institutions of state power, guarantees the rule of the people. Through various methods of regulation, fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms are guaranteed.

The combination of the above methods in constitutional law is explained by the following circumstances:

First, constitutional relations are always public-political relations, their regulation is carried out on behalf of the state and through acts of a state-power nature.
Secondly, the constitutional regulation combines the methods of general regulation for all branches of law and private political regulation of public relations.
Thirdly, constitutional regulation determines the status of subjects of legal relations.
Fourth, constitutional regulation is based on the constitution and federal laws.
Fifth, constitutional regulation determines the procedure (procedure) for the subject of the constitutional relationship to exercise its powers on the basis of the material powers of the subjects, for example, the State Duma's consideration of the draft state budget is preceded by its preparation by the Ministry of Finance and the Government of the Russian Federation.
Sixth, in constitutional regulation, permissions, prescriptions and prohibitions are used, which are formulated in uniform rules.
Seventh, constitutional regulation establishes constitutional and legal responsibility for subjects of public relations. For example, if the order of pre-election campaigning is violated, the registration of deputies is canceled.

Thus, the above allows us to recognize the position of those authors who determine the specifics of constitutional and legal regulation based on a combination of methods of "general regulation (general provisions) for some and detailed regulation for other political public relations." In their opinion, the peculiarity of constitutional and legal regulation also consists in determining the unity of the material and procedural principles.

Medical subordination

Subordination in medicine also provides for an inverse relationship in the team, when a junior in position, a nurse or a nurse, needs to turn to a senior. It will be correct if the nurse resolves all service issues with the nurse, and the latter - with the senior nurse.

It is completely unacceptable for middle and junior medical workers to appeal directly to the head of the department or the management of the institution. This can only lead to their overload with issues that can be resolved at the level of a nurse or senior nurse.

Strict observance of the subordination between employees will be the key to organization and good performance of the entire team, high discipline and the establishment of deontologically conditioned relationships between medical workers.

The ethical side of subordination in medicine does not provide for formal official subordination based on purely disciplinary requirements, but relationships conditioned by such morally ethical approaches of senior officials to younger ones and vice versa, such as benevolence, mutual respect, tact and a sense of comradely mutual assistance. Compliance with these moral and ethical requirements, simple for everyone, raises the entire complex of relationships in the medical team to a higher professional level, turns the humanism of doctors into the daily need of each of its members.

The chief nurse is the direct assistant to the chief physician and his deputies in the medical field. This position has been introduced in regional, city and central district hospitals. The chief nurse organizes and coordinates the work of all middle and junior medical personnel, and, with the participation of hospital doctors, organizes and carries out advanced training, including on issues of medical ethics and deontology.

In the work on deontological education of middle and junior medical personnel, the role of the council of nurses is great. All the main issues related to work, relationships in the team, the organization of patient care, the discussion of mistakes and measures to prevent them are brought up for discussion. The issues of creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team are not overlooked.

Mentoring is an effective form of educating young health professionals.

Subordination system

Respect for elders and rules of behavior in society are instilled in every person from childhood. Briefly, it can be formulated as follows: "The younger must respect the elders, and the subordinate must respect the bosses." It sounds somewhat militarized, but at work, as in war: without order, rules and subordination, any tactic will be a failure! Any process of joint work requires the arrangement of workers, timely control, as well as the debugging of relations between its participants. These relationships are always built on power and submission. Respect by the boss of a subordinate and vice versa, mutual distance, adherence to established rules and constitute such a concept as subordination. And the majority of workers perceive it as a necessary condition of work, and not as an infringement of their rights.

Subordination comes from the Latin word subordinatio, meaning subordination, and is a system of service relations associated with hierarchy, the subordination of some leaders, together with their subdivisions, to leaders of higher levels. Such regulated relations are the subject of subordination. The content of subordination is the adherence to the established rules of interaction between persons of different hierarchical levels (managers of various levels and ordinary employees) within the work collective, organization, institution.

Subordination provides for a respectful relationship between the boss and the subordinate, a special procedure for giving orders, orders by the boss, as well as reporting the results of their implementation to subordinates. In addition, the rules of subordination regulate the appeal of the actions of a superior to a superior superior. The lower-level manager (together with his department) is subordinate to the upper-level managers.

Subordination system

A clearly regulated system of business relations allows us to achieve well-coordinated work of the entire team, united by a common goal. Many people can work on one task. Each employee in his workplace must clearly know with which of the other colleagues he interacts, with whom he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him.

Subordination presupposes strict and unquestioning subordination (depending on the person's official position in the company, position) of the junior to the senior and is based on the principles of official discipline. A striking example of the system of subordination is the mechanism for regulating relations adopted among the military. However, in almost any collective from the state sphere, the principle of subordination is observed at all levels.

In commercial organizations with more than one manager, the introduction of a system of subordination of junior to senior is also mandatory. This becomes especially relevant when increasing the number of employees and expanding the functions of the company. Then there is a direct need for bosses, each of whom manages his own department. The head of a small company may be separated by one or two steps from those at the lowest organizational level, and in large organizations there may be more than a dozen managerial positions between the steps.

Meanwhile, experts come to the conclusion that a short hierarchical chain is optimal, otherwise there is a high risk of problems associated with the remoteness of ordinary employees from top managers. In foreign companies, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the length of the hierarchical ladder and an increase in the role of horizontal service relations. At the same time, opportunities for making organizational decisions by ordinary employees are expanding. But, regardless of the length of the management chain, any department head has the authority to make decisions solely within the limits of his own official responsibility.

For your information. Strict adherence to subordination assumes that each manager must automatically transfer to higher levels the solution of those tasks that go beyond the boundaries of his competence. After all, "jumping" over the steps of the management structure can reduce the authority of the higher leadership.

Subordination as the basis of corporate etiquette is based on the provisions on the rules of labor discipline or "unwritten laws", which are transmitted orally to newcomers. The working rules imply that there is discipline in relationships within the team and they are strictly within the framework of the work. Each employee has a direct supervisor, whose instructions must be fulfilled. In case of disagreement with the actions or orders of the management, you can appeal them in accordance with the procedure established by the working regulations, without violating the chain of command and not "over the head" of the immediate supervisor. Compliance with the rules of business communication is one of the most important components of success these days. The ability to maintain subordination is a significant element of professionalism.

Code of Conduct is Not Only for Subordinates

Violation of subordination is not uncommon. Most often this is expressed in a violation of labor discipline. Penalties are reprimand, reprimand and dismissal with the obligatory execution of reports or explanatory notes.

Nevertheless, each of the employees may have their own idea of ​​the boundaries of what is permitted. In order to avoid conflicts in the internal labor rules or in the job description, it is not superfluous to state in detail what exactly is considered subordination and its violation. As for ordinary employees, there are fixed rules for observance of subordination and measures of responsibility for its violation, so for management there are rules and techniques that allow you to increase the level of business communication and your own authority, and avoid mistakes. It is the leader who lays the foundation for the psychological climate in the team, defining patterns of behavior.

Experts identify some rules of business communication for managers:

1) in case of non-fulfillment of tasks by employees, make comments. But criticism should take place in a form that is not offensive to the subordinate and should not concern any of his personal qualities, but professional shortcomings;
2) not discuss with subordinates their personal problems and not give advice. Distance must be maintained on both sides;
3) under no circumstances show your subordinates that you have ceased to control the situation, even if it happened;
4) be fair. Any, even insignificant success should be encouraged;
5) reward your team with a kind word even when success has been achieved mainly due to your efforts. Without the help of employees, the assigned tasks would not have been fully realized;
6) do not create favorites: their appearance causes envy and enmity in the team. Treat everyone equally to maintain a healthy work environment;
7) do not publicly reprimand the guilty. Such demeaning treatment is unacceptable. Such tactics of behavior can not only seriously offend a person, but also cause a serious nervous breakdown;
8) when communicating with subordinates, be correct, and give orders according to the levels of the hierarchy;
9) observe the principle of emotional neutrality in relation to subordinates. Treat everyone with equanimity and restraint. Personal likes and dislikes are irrelevant;
10) regulate the procedure for employees to gain access to you.

The foundations of subordination are a universal concept. But each organization establishes its own measure of the strictness of their observance. Lack of business ethics and norms of behavior negatively affects the working atmosphere, the mood of the entire team, which can lead to violations of discipline and failure to fulfill tasks.

Respect for elders and rules of behavior in society are instilled in every person from childhood. Briefly, it can be formulated as follows: "The younger must respect the elders, and the subordinate must respect the bosses." It sounds somewhat militarized, but at work, as in war: without order, rules and subordination, any tactic will be a failure! Any process of joint work requires the arrangement of workers, timely control, as well as the debugging of relations between its participants. These relationships are always built on power and submission. Respect by the boss of a subordinate and vice versa, mutual distance, adherence to established rules and constitute such a concept as subordination. And the majority of workers perceive it as a necessary condition of work, and not as an infringement of their rights.

Definition of the concept and content of subordination

Subordination comes from the Latin word subordinatio, meaning subordination, and is a system of service relations associated with hierarchy, the subordination of some leaders, together with their subdivisions, to leaders of higher levels. Such regulated relations are the subject of subordination. The content of subordination is the adherence to the established rules of interaction between persons of different hierarchical levels (managers of various levels and ordinary employees) within the work collective, organization, institution.
Subordination provides for a respectful relationship between the boss and the subordinate, a special procedure for giving orders, orders by the boss, as well as reporting the results of their implementation to subordinates. In addition, the rules of subordination regulate the appeal of the actions of a superior to a superior superior. The lower-level manager (together with his department) is subordinate to the upper-level managers.

Subordination system

A clearly regulated system of business relations allows us to achieve well-coordinated work of the entire team, united by a common goal. Many people can work on one task. Each employee in his workplace must clearly know with which of the other colleagues he interacts, with whom he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him.
Subordination presupposes strict and unquestioning subordination (depending on the person's official position in the company, position) of the junior to the senior and is based on the principles of official discipline. A striking example of the system of subordination is the mechanism for regulating relations adopted among the military. However, in almost any collective from the state sphere, the principle of subordination is observed at all levels.
In commercial organizations with more than one manager, the introduction of a system of subordination of junior to senior is also mandatory. This becomes especially relevant when increasing the number of employees and expanding the functions of the company. Then there is a direct need for bosses, each of whom manages his own department.

Important and urgent - rules for managing tasks

The head of a small company may be separated by one or two steps from those at the lowest organizational level, and in large organizations there may be more than a dozen managerial positions between the steps.
Meanwhile, experts come to the conclusion that a short hierarchical chain is optimal, otherwise there is a high risk of problems associated with the remoteness of ordinary employees from top managers. In foreign companies, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the length of the hierarchical ladder and an increase in the role of horizontal service relations. At the same time, opportunities for making organizational decisions by ordinary employees are expanding. But, regardless of the length of the management chain, any department head has the authority to make decisions solely within the limits of his own official responsibility.

For your information. Strict adherence to subordination assumes that each manager must automatically transfer to higher levels the solution of those tasks that go beyond the boundaries of his competence. After all, "jumping" over the steps of the management structure can reduce the authority of the higher leadership.

Subordination as the basis of corporate etiquette is based on the provisions on the rules of labor discipline or "unwritten laws", which are transmitted orally to newcomers. The working rules imply that there is discipline in relationships within the team and they are strictly within the framework of the work. Each employee has a direct supervisor, whose instructions must be fulfilled. In case of disagreement with the actions or orders of the management, you can appeal them in accordance with the procedure established by the working regulations, without violating the chain of command and not "over the head" of the immediate supervisor. Compliance with the rules of business communication is one of the most important components of success these days. The ability to maintain subordination is a significant element of professionalism.

Code of Conduct is Not Only for Subordinates

Violation of subordination is not uncommon. Most often this is expressed in a violation of labor discipline. Penalties are reprimand, reprimand and dismissal with the obligatory execution of reports or explanatory notes.
Nevertheless, each of the employees may have their own idea of ​​the boundaries of what is permitted. In order to avoid conflicts in the internal labor rules or in the job description, it is not superfluous to state in detail what exactly is considered subordination and its violation. As for ordinary employees, there are fixed rules for observance of subordination and measures of responsibility for its violation, so for management there are rules and techniques that allow you to increase the level of business communication and your own authority, and avoid mistakes. It is the leader who lays the foundation for the psychological climate in the team, defining patterns of behavior.
Experts identify some rules of business communication for managers:
1) in case of non-fulfillment of tasks by employees, make comments. But criticism should take place in a form that is not offensive to the subordinate and should not concern any of his personal qualities, but professional shortcomings;
2) not discuss with subordinates their personal problems and not give advice. Distance must be maintained on both sides;
3) under no circumstances show your subordinates that you have ceased to control the situation, even if it happened;
4) be fair. Any, even insignificant success should be encouraged;
5) reward your team with a kind word even when success has been achieved mainly due to your efforts. Without the help of employees, the assigned tasks would not have been fully realized;
6) do not create favorites: their appearance causes envy and enmity in the team. Treat everyone equally to maintain a healthy work environment;
7) do not publicly reprimand the guilty. Such demeaning treatment is unacceptable. Such tactics of behavior can not only seriously offend a person, but also cause a serious nervous breakdown;
8) when communicating with subordinates, be correct, and give orders according to the levels of the hierarchy;
9) observe the principle of emotional neutrality in relation to subordinates. Treat everyone with equanimity and restraint. Personal likes and dislikes are irrelevant;
10) regulate the procedure for employees to gain access to you.
The foundations of subordination are a universal concept. But each organization establishes its own measure of the strictness of their observance. Lack of business ethics and norms of behavior negatively affects the working atmosphere, the mood of the entire team, which can lead to violations of discipline and failure to fulfill tasks.


Sometimes the subordination system becomes a special tool with which the leader achieves high-quality work and high performance.
The need for subordination, for a certain subordination is caused by the need for many people to achieve common goals, the relationship between common interests and special, private ones. That is, the higher-level management subjects set goals for the lower-level ones, who are called upon to implement them, taking into account their individual interests.
To ensure subordination, the use of direct power methods of managerial influence is characteristic. And the abuse of this tool leads to strict regulation of the activities of performers to the detriment of their independence, to the underutilization of their creative potential. Subordination accompanies the natural course of professional events and labor relationships in any organization and helps to ensure the elementary order and efficiency of activities in it. However, sometimes it can turn out to be "inconvenient", unprofitable. If the leader needs his subordinate to show initiative, boldly put forward original ideas, and possibly criticize his considerations, it is possible to propose to "put aside" the chain of command for the duration of such a discussion. Joining the team, a new employee gets used not only to the established rules and procedures of behavior, but also to a certain "nepotism" of working relations and, unfortunately, sometimes forgets that he works not among close people, but primarily among colleagues and under the guidance of his superiors ... For example, he may flare up or switch to "you" in communication, is often late or allows himself to make inappropriate statements. And if in small companies or firms with a democratic "form of government" they can turn a blind eye to such familiarity or, at the most, make a remark, then in large corporations or government agencies they can not only be fired for such an offense, but, for example, spoil the reputation among "their own "and deprive not only of career growth, but also of decent work in the future. When and how appropriate subordination is - only the leader decides.

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At production in Russian enterprises, an extremely low level of labor discipline is observed. What does this mean? The fact that our people are not used to working in an organized manner, and are not going to do so. But this problem must be fought.

What is disorganization and lack of discipline?

The following problems can be identified that Russian managers and business owners face:
Ignoring and non-observance of orders and orders of the management;
Poor performance;
The need for constant monitoring of the actions of employees to achieve the result;
Violation in technological processes that lead to the appearance of a marriage;
Low level of manageability by workers.

Many managers believe that it is enough for the organization of work to choose a competent incentive system. But this does not work in Russian realities. Most managers have become convinced from their own sad experience that the use of various labor systems, European innovations in management, intangible motivations do not lead to a positive result. Why?

In Europe and Japan, it is simply "customary" to work well. In Russia, on the other hand, it is not customary to observe discipline and strictly follow orders from above.

This is due to certain features of the Russian mentality.

The first thing to do is to shape the organizational culture of the enterprise. In particular, for working personnel.

What is needed to create an organizational culture of the enterprise

In order to organize workers, it is worth understanding that these are people, as a rule, simple, "from the people." Therefore, the rules should be as clear and reasonable as possible.

First step- development of clear labor rules. Many workers are simply confident in their impunity, since there are no clear rules of production regarding absenteeism and non-performance of their duties. They simply do not understand what their attitude to work threatens. And the management often does not explain this to them. Accordingly, the workers simply argue: "Well, the boss will shout, well, he will deprive a part of the bonus, and that's it, I will continue to work."

At the same time, it is equally important to convey these requirements to employees, to argue for them, to convey to the audience. It is best to work with a small group of people so that the arguments are accepted more quickly.

Each requirement must be justified, why it is necessary to act in this way, and not otherwise, what consequences can be for the organization as a whole and for the employee in particular.

There should be no “good” intentions to unite the team in “special” ways. They only discourage employees, cause their misunderstanding. These include such innovations as incomprehensible work rules, such as a polyphonic anthem in the morning, unnecessary dress code requirements in the absence of such a need.

Most executives believe that it is worth taking drastic measures only in three cases:
The employee negatively influences the behavior of other colleagues, and no amount of conversation helps;
The employee lies a lot, especially when it comes to serious issues. Here it is better to lose an employee who cannot and does not want to admit his mistakes and correct them, harming the common cause;
When theft occurs. This must be done right away.

Also... The sequence of actions must be followed. If new rules are introduced in production, their implementation should be carefully checked, monitored constantly. Moreover, it is not worth doing any concessions to anyone. This separate attitude, the separation of a part of the workers from the collective will cause additional opposition from the rest and will not lead to anything good.

Pedagogy as a field of humanitarian knowledge page 3

Moreover, prepared rules should be binding on everyone... And the leaders of different links must observe them themselves, setting an example for the rest of the employees.

Workers should not observe a situation that can be interpreted as "double standards". Discipline requirements are mandatory for everyone. Indulgences for a certain circle of people are unacceptable. This will lead to the fact that such a policy will be perceived as unfair by workers, if they are more demanding, and management personnel will have a more tolerant attitude to similar actions.

Thus, it is necessary to establish uniform rules of the "game" that will be clear to all actors, including workers. They will understand how to act and how not to, and what will follow violations or discipline. Staff loyalty reduces the use of "double standards".

They need solid guidelines that are mandatory for all participants in the enterprise. Then it becomes clear to people what needs to be done in order to get the approval of the management.

One of the main principles of working with working personnel - Justice... A person must understand that they are being treated fairly. Then the return will be different. Even if the manager sets strict requirements, they will be accepted and the staff will follow them.

When communicating with working personnel, it is imperative that consider and them interests... The easiest way is to fire a person, but if you sort out the problem with him, you can get an excellent employee who will set as his goal the performance of tasks better.

The main thing is to communicate with employees and try to understand their problems.

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b) democracy, dialogue, dispensary, mining, contract, agreement, document, nap, leisure, dollar, long-standing, conspiracy, frosting, clogging, rusting, malice, jagged, sealed, significance, long ago, invention, occasionally, import, industry, tool, inform, spark, pamper, otherwise, incident, confession, gradually catalog, disaster, quarter, kilometer, combiner, prettier, kitchen, self-interest;

c) developed, dispersal, angry, belt, lead, symmetry, case, condolence, convocation, concentration, means, means, status, statue, carpenter, modern, customs, immediately, glimmer, speed up, notice, notified, Ukrainian, mention, aggravate, porcelain, phenomenon, form, forum, hypocrisy, solicit, owners, guild, gypsy, scoop, chauffeur, sorrel, expert, expert, export, escort.

Literature 1. Atvater I. I am listening to you ... - M., 1988.

2. Bruner J. Ontogeny of speech acts. Psycholinguistics. - M., 1984.

3. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. manual - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2001.

4. Vinokur T.G. Speaker and Listener. Variants of speech behavior. - M., 1993.

5. Goikhman O.Ya., Nadeina T.M. Basics of speech communication. - M., 1997.

6. Kazartseva OM The culture of speech communication theory and practice of teaching: Textbook. allowance. - M., 2001.

7. Klyuev E.B. Speech communication: Textbook. allowance. - M., 1998.

8. Leontiev A.A. Language. Speech. Speech activity. - M., 1971.

9. Lvov M.R. Fundamentals of the theory of speech: Textbook. allowance. - M., 2000.

10. Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity / Ed. A.A. Leontyev. - M., 1974.

12. Dictionary of Russian stresses / Ed. M.A. Studiner. - M., 2000.

13. Suprun A.E. Lectures on the theory of speech activity. - M., 1996.

14. Ushakova T.N., Pavlova N.D., Zachesova I.Ya. Human speech in communication. - M., 1989.

Topic 8. Oral public speaking 1. Features of public speaking.

2. Public speaking as a social phenomenon.

3. Characteristics of the speaker's personality. Knowledge, skills and abilities of the speaker.

4. Choose the correct options, pay attention to the agreement of the subject and predicate.

(1) Most of the students in our group have a successful course project. (2) Another set of suggestions from the chief engineer.

(3) A minority of employees are still against. (4) one hundred and twenty hectares. (5) Several employees from overtime work. (6) Three job applications on the desk. (7) Thirty-two people on the new site. (8) One hundred and forty one deputies in the session. (9) One million dollars for the construction of a new facility. (10) A thousand people for retraining. (11) years. (12) an hour and a half.

(13) Many students of our university are at work in the summer. (14) Many employees of this enterprise retrained in connection with the requirements for a modern specialist. (15) a city ecologist with a statement.

Literature 1. Alexandrov D.N. Rhetoric: Textbook. manual for universities. - M., 2000.

2. Baeva O.A. Public speaking and business communication. - Minsk, 2000.

3. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. allowance. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2001.

4. Golovin B.N. Foundations of the culture of speech. - M., I988.

5. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech. - M., 2002.

6. Daletsky Ch.B. Rhetoric: speak up, and I will tell you who you are: Textbook.

manual.- M .: Omega-L; Higher. shk., 2003.

7. Ivin A.A. Foundations of the theory of argumentation. - M., 1997.

8. Ivin A.A. Rhetoric: the art of persuasion. - M .: FAIRPRESS, 2002.

9. Carnegie D. How to develop self-confidence and influence people, speaking in public: Per. from English - M .: Progress, 1989.

10. The culture of Russian speech: Textbook. for universities / Ed. prof.

OK. Graudina and prof. E.N. Shiryaeva. - M .: Publishing house. group NORMA-INFRA, 2001.

11. Lvov M.R. Fundamentals of the theory of speech. - M., 2000.

12. Murashov A.A. The culture of the teacher's speech. - M. - Voronezh, 2002.

13. EA Nozhin The skill of oral presentation. - M., 1989.

14. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. / Ed. IN AND. Maximova. - M .: Gardariki, 2002.

15. Filippov A.V. One hundred and fifteen methods of public speaking. - M., 1998.

16. Khazagerov G.G., Kornilova E.E. Rhetoric for a business person. - M., 2001.

Topic 9. Culture of business communication 1. International properties of official business writing.

2. Types of documents.

3. Speech etiquette in the document.

4. Mark the sentences where the adverbial phrase is used correctly. Correct the mistakes in the participle sentences.

(1) Leaving my hometown, I felt sad. (2) Going into the engine room, I was showered with heat. (3) Translating a poem into another language, it loses its beauty. (4) I was immediately interested in the story by opening a collection of works. (5) Having received a high mark on the exam, he was happy. (6) Once on the coast, we enjoyed collecting seashells.

(7) When reading an article, I always make extracts. (8) After resting, thoughts come to mind better. (9) Having found out that the volume of production has decreased, the question arises as to the reason for this. (10) I had to work in difficult conditions, not having a single day off for many weeks. (11) An explanation of these phenomena can be found by taking recent events as an illustration. (12) There is a lot you can do with free time. (13) While completing the assignment, the students fell to the dictionaries.

(14) Arriving in Moscow, I liked the second day of our excursion.

3. Venediktova V.I. About business ethics and etiquette. - M., 1994.

4. Veselov P.V. Axioms of business writing: the culture of business communication and official correspondence. - M., 1993.

5. Veselov P.V. You are a secretary. - M., 1993.

6. Vodina N.S., Ivanova A.Yu., Klyuev V.S. and other Culture of oral and written speech of a business person. - M., 2001.

7. Kirsanova M.V., Aksenov Yu.S. Office work course:

Textbook. allowance. - M .; Novosibirsk, 2002.

8. The culture of oral and written speech of a business person:

Ref. - M .: Flint; Science, 1997.

9. Muchnik B.S. The culture of writing. - M., 1996.

10. Plushenko T.P., Fedotova N.V., Chechet R.G. Foundations of stylistics and speech culture / Ed. prof. P.P. Fur coats. - Minsk, 1999.

11. Rogozhin M.Yu. Business communication documents. - M., 1999.

12. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. / Ed. IN AND. Maximova. - M .: Gardariki, 2002.

Optional lesson in grade 8, theme: "Fight for the culture of speech!"

Soloviev E.Ya. Modern etiquette and business protocols. - M .: Os-89, 1999.

14. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. - M., 1989.

15. Strecker N.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. manual for universities. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2003.

Topic 10. Official business written speech 1. Advertising in business speech.

2. Unification of the language of official documents.

3. New trends in the practice of Russian business writing.

4. Correct the errors that have arisen as a result of non-distinction of paronyms (use explanatory dictionaries).

(1) The supervisor urged subordinates to observe executive discipline. (2) Some of our films have received international acclaim. (3) He won respect and good reputation for himself as an innovator, as a man of creative thought. (4) Bathing areas should be equipped with life-saving appliances. (5) He put on overalls and went to the shop. (6) The essence of this book is in its nationality. (7) The metro turns out to be more convenient than overground transport in terms of the speed of movement in it and the absence of "traffic jams". (8) Application of fertilizers to the fields increases the yield. (9) A report on the work of V. Nabokov is presented to your attention. (10) Glory to the actor Karachentsov brought the title role in the play "Juno" and "Avos" ", where he played the image of Count Rezanov.

Literature 1. Basakov M.I. Office work and correspondence. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2000.

2. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. allowance. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2001.

3. Veselov P.V. Axioms of business writing: the culture of business communication and official correspondence. - M., 1993.

4. Veselov P.V. You are a secretary. - M., 1993.

5. Vodina N.S., Ivanova A.Yu., Klyuev V.S. and other Culture of oral and written speech of a business person. - M., 2001.

6. Kirsanova MV, Aksenov Yu.S. Office work course:

Tutorial. - M .; Novosibirsk, 2002.

INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: Siberian Agreement, 2000.

8. Muchnik B.S. The culture of writing. - M., 1996.

9. Plushenko T.P., Fedotova N.V., Chechet R.G. Basics of stylistics and culture of speech. / Ed. prof. P.P. Fur coats. - Minsk, 1999.

10. Rogozhin M.Yu. Business communication documents. - M., 1999.

11. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. / Ed. IN AND. Maximova. - M .: Gardariki, 2002.

12. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. - M., 1989.

13. Strecker N.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. manual for universities. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2003.

Educational-practical edition Methodical instructions for the implementation of tests on the course "Russian language and culture of speech" Compiled by: Barsukova Svetlana Viktorovna Editor N.А. Yushko Signed for printing on 2.07.2005. Format 60x84 1 / Operational printing. Offset paper.

Pecs l. 1.16. Uch. ed. l. 1.0. Edition 50.

South-Russian State Technical University 346428, Novocherkassk, st. Education, Shakhty Institute (branch) 346500, Shakhty, pl. Lenin,

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How to establish discipline?

Today, public sector institutions, like commercial structures, can develop successfully only in conditions of a strict organizational culture, based on the personal interest of employees in the end result of work. However, many employees are demotivated, not collected and, as a result, not organized. How to deal with this problem? Practice shows that even the application of labor legislation does not always lead to the desired result. In reality, only the leader himself can influence the internal discipline in the organization.

What demotivates the team?

To answer the question of how to establish discipline in a team, one must first of all look at the specifics of organizing the social sphere without rose-colored glasses. One of the obvious advantages is that the functioning of such institutions is a well-established system controlled by the state. The "rules of the game" here are clear to both the director and HR specialist and the employees themselves. A significant disadvantage - the rigidity of the requirements for the organization of the work process and discipline is "compensated" by a formal approach to their implementation.

Let's give an example from practice. At the beginning of his career, the author of the article worked in one of the correctional orphanages in the Sverdlovsk region. Personnel officers know that state control in the field of education, and even more so in correctional orphanages, is one of the most stringent. Unscheduled inspections of the RONO commission, analysis of documentation, visits to lessons - all this employees of the institution feared like fire, but continued to violate the established disciplinary norms. And it was not only about violations by the staff of the working day: more serious offenses were added to morning delays and prolonged dinners. However, violations were never identified: the team found out about inspections, including unscheduled ones, in advance. In the director's office the call of the "informant" rang out, after which a hasty and total restoration of the activities of the institution began.

Another example: in a music school in one of the remote villages of the Sverdlovsk Region, a teacher suffering from alcohol addiction teaches children to play the button accordion. He does not come to school on time, skips classes for weeks, but the head of the institution does not fire him. Why? After all, there are rules, a rigid system, there is a team in front of which there is a gross violation of discipline. Because the director understands that there is no other accordion teacher in the village, and young specialists will not go to the outback.

This is a manifestation of a formal approach to organizational requirements, and a formal approach on the part of the manager, and not ordinary employees. The director of the orphanage could not tell his subordinates that an inspection would soon follow, and the perpetrators would be punished. The director of a music school could fire a teacher with an addiction, and children would choose between piano and violin, taught by sober and disciplined teachers. Many leaders do just that. However, the meaning of the examples is that even within a rigid framework, the behavior of managers remains variable.

Another disadvantage that interferes with the establishment of discipline in public sector organizations is lack of competition for a job. A rigid organizational structure often demotivates the team, dampens creative abilities in employees, the desire to work for results, and increase their earnings. The employee knows: no matter what happens, he will be paid his salary, he will leave work at 5 pm, and he can only be fired under an incredible combination of circumstances. In other words, if a young specialist with great potential works part-time in an institution, his desire to be realized will not in any way affect his workload: the specialist will still have a part-time job.

But much worse is that competition for a job is often not observed even at the stage of negotiations between the applicant and the employer. In ninety out of a hundred cases, the first interview with a personnel officer is of an exclusively formal nature, the applicant is de facto already employed.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that the majority of employees come to such organizations by acquaintance: commercial structures also use personal connections when searching for candidates for vacant vacancies. However, as soon as a "good friend" crosses the threshold of a commercial firm, he is subjected to a total competence test. This is not always the case in the public sector. In order to register a new employee without unnecessary questions, the personnel officer sometimes only needs one phrase from the director: "Tomorrow a good girl will come and we will register her as a staff member." Nobody thinks about what is meant by the phrase "good person". Is he disciplined, what was his schedule at the previous place of work, how much time will a new employee spend to get from home to the institution? Human Resources start asking these questions later, when the newcomer falls out of the general work schedule, and begin to solve problems that could have been avoided at the very beginning.

Organized game rules

All leaders want to answer the main question: what needs to be done to establish discipline? Fine? But in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is no such measure of influence as a fine, it is prohibited to fine employees. Pay additional salary bonuses to disciplined workers? But what kind of bonuses are we talking about if a person "sits" on a salary? To deprive part of the vacation at the expense of walking hours? Then, in addition to the demotivated employee, the organization will also receive an employee who has not been exhausted.

For your information. Being late for work without a good reason is a disciplinary offense, since the employee violates the working hours established by the organization's internal labor regulations or an employment contract.

Responsibility of the manager for the subordinate

For committing a disciplinary offense, an employee may be brought to disciplinary liability, which is provided for in Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This remark, reprimand and dismissal on appropriate grounds. Thus, labor legislation does not provide for disciplinary action in the form of a fine, which means that its application is illegal.

However, there is an algorithm of actions that will help to establish a workflow without applying radical measures to employees. First of all, the director of the institution should think: how is his own working day organized? The behavior of the "boss" is reflected in the actions of employees, as in a mirror, so the first step is the following: the leader begins the difficult struggle for discipline with himself. The adage, which many institutions of the social sphere still cannot get rid of - "the bosses are not late, they are late" - must be forgotten. A punctual and responsible manager is an example for his employees.

The second step is to explain the "rules of the game" to absolutely all employees in writing. Many managers, in response to such a recommendation, begin to actively object: "Why is this necessary if we have a standardized working day?" The schedule is really standard, but the functionality of employees of the same institution is different: for example, the work of a methodologist and a violin teacher at a music school differs greatly. That is why the director must issue a fundamental document governing the work process - internal labor regulations... In it, the disciplinary requirements for the organization as a whole and for each structural unit separately should be spelled out in as much detail as possible. It is advisable to additionally secure the provisions of this local normative act in a collective agreement (its conclusion is not obligatory for the employer and employees, however, the existence of a collective agreement will help to dot the i's in many issues).

The second most important document that should appear in the organization and be in the public domain for employees is bonus provision... The salary of employees, as a rule, includes a variable part, and no one bothers the head of the institution to prescribe on what conditions its value will depend. Among the conditions under which the employee is paid the maximum amount of the variable part of the salary, there must be proper performance of labor duties (including observance of labor discipline).

The employee is late anyway

But what if, after familiarizing himself with local regulations, the employee continues to violate discipline? Do not rush to chop off the shoulder. Very often, both managers and personnel officers perceive personnel as parts of one large and smoothly working mechanism. However, employees have different biorhythms, temperaments, they stand in traffic jams, public and private vehicles break down, and they also have children, parents, relatives, and pets. Therefore, before punishing a latecomer, you should personally ask him about the reason why he violated the work schedule.

The manager should remember that most employees have a sense of responsibility and do not seek to break the established rules, but sometimes they become victims of circumstance. A simple example is a single woman with a child. The kindergarten opens at 7.30, at 8.00 she already needs to be at her workplace, and the journey takes 40-50 minutes. As a result, a woman is constantly 15 to 20 minutes late for the beginning of the working day. The employee herself is not happy with this state of affairs and offers her superiors options for solving the problem: staying late after work or shortening her lunch time. The director does not agree, citing the "iron" argument: "I will allow one, everyone will be asked. And they will work when they want." Here is an illustration of how the flexible approach to the organization of the work process, widely used in commercial firms, is very difficult to take root in the public sector.

At the same time, labor legislation does not prohibit the head of the institution set a limited time for late arrivals... If an employee is ten minutes late, it will not be a crime. Of course, being late should not be practiced every day, but three to four times a month for objective reasons can be considered acceptable. In addition, by taking a step towards the employee and his circumstances, the director derives additional benefit from the situation: in case of force majeure, he will be able to briefly detain a subordinate after the end of the working day.

There are also desperate situations when a person who does an excellent job with their duties is absolutely incapable of observing strict discipline. Such cases are not uncommon among people of creative professions who completely devote themselves to their beloved work. As a result, they listen to criticism, lose a variable part of their salary, their vacation is cut, but they still cannot improve, but they also do not quit their favorite job. Losing such employees is shortsighted, and many leaders understand this. The author of the article witnessed the case when the head of the museum "knocked out" a different rate for a creative, but extremely disorganized employee, only to change his functionality and, accordingly, slightly change and "weaken" the schedule. The skill and enthusiasm of the subordinate proved to be more expensive than adhering to rigid norms. It was the right thing to do: the number of delays decreased, the employee began to submit reports on time and, finally, fit into the work schedule of the organization.

The takeaway is: never rush to fire a professional because he doesn't fit within the established framework. You can compete for good employees. Let them work better for you than for someone else.

Notice the changes

Of course, the methods of struggle for the organization of the team are based on the peculiarities of the psychology of each of its members. For example, there are institutions where employees are completely apathetic about the separation of duties. Day after day they go to work, year after year they grieve about the modest pay, but they cannot be forced to eat less than two hours of lunch and shorten the time they spend in the smoking room. "He looks into his eyes and shows with all his looks:" You won't do anything to me! Of course, I can strain, but what will I get for it? "- one of the leaders told the author of the article. Such a psychological game between a boss and a subordinate occurs quite often, and it is useless to put such workers in their place.

The foundation of the organization of the team is based on mutual agreement of the parties, and it does not matter what kind of agreement it is. If employees want the manager to stimulate their discipline, do so, because they do not specify the size and equivalent of the "bonus". Here the director must be smart. There was a case when the head of the organization of the social sphere equipped modern workplaces, first for disciplined employees. Funds for the renovation were allocated in parts, so the director could not replace the old furniture and computers all at once. Then he decided to turn the minuses of the situation into pluses: he announced that the first in line for the updated workplace will be those who will work the quarter without delays and "tails". For eight months, during which tranches were allocated from the local budget, an unprecedented order reigned in the organization.

When fighting for discipline, one should not forget one more important rule - notice changes... If the leader gave the team the task of "pulling up", after a certain period of time his assessment of the results should follow. Do not be afraid to praise and reward employees, even though they must be organized and follow a work schedule without any motivation or reward. If you see that the result of work on the discipline is positive, make it clear to the team. Have a small party: organize a tea party or a walk in a nearby park.

Yu.V. Filippova

Business trainer,


training for leaders


Labor discipline is mandatory for an employee. Often the final result of work, quality and economic indicators depend on it. But this does not mean that the employer sets the rules himself. There are requirements that are binding on the parties to the employment contract, which constitute the rules of labor discipline.

Labor discipline is the employee's observance of the generally binding rules of conduct determined by the Labor Code, supplementary agreements, collective agreements and other regulations, and the creation of appropriate conditions by the employer.

Obligations of employees and labor discipline

The general duties of employees are determined by the Labor Code and include:

  • fulfillment of assigned duties
  • compliance with internal labor regulations
  • compliance with labor protection requirements
  • careful attitude of the employee to the property of employees and the company

In addition, each employee must perform the professional duties defined by the contract, regulations and job descriptions with high quality and conscientiousness.

Labor obligations are enshrined in the employment contract, additional agreements to it. As well as the rules of the internal labor schedule, the collective labor agreement, the provision on bonuses to employees. It is possible to require an employee to observe labor discipline and fulfill the assigned duties only if the employee is familiar with the relevant document against signature.

The employee did not follow the order of the immediate supervisor.

Obligations of employers aimed at ensuring labor discipline

The employer also has a certain range of responsibilities to ensure labor discipline:

  • creating conditions for an employee to perform job duties
  • ensuring labor protection
  • supply with the necessary equipment and tools
  • provision of equal opportunities for workers' remuneration
  • full and timely payment of wages
  • encouragement for the conscientious performance of labor duties and punishment for their violation
  • compulsory social insurance for all employees
  • compensation for harm caused in the performance of an employee's duties

One of the mandatory local acts are the Internal Labor Regulations. They are approved by the employer, but the provisions of the Rules should not contradict the mandatory requirements and rules.

Encouragement as a method of ensuring labor discipline

Labor legislation defines two main methods of ensuring discipline: encouragement and enforcement.

Encouragement - public recognition of the professional merits of an employee, rendering of public honor, rewarding. This method can be applied both to the employee alone and to the work team as a whole.

For the conscientious performance of duties, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of incentives:

  • bonuses
  • announcement of gratitude
  • awarding a certificate of honor
  • rewarding with a valuable gift
  • submission to the title of the best in the profession

Other types of incentives may be provided for by internal regulations, collective agreements, enterprise charters and other regulations.

For special labor services to the state, an employee can be nominated for a state award. An entry is made about the employee's incentives in the work book.

Violation of labor discipline

An employee often faces a violation of his labor rights, mainly in non-state-owned organizations. The most common of them are: the use of unlawful penalties, illegal dismissals of employees, non-payment or partial payment of wages, payment of amounts to employees that do not correspond to accounting documents, not providing regular vacations or providing without payment, non-payment of temporary disability benefits, and so on.

An example of such a violation is the arbitrary imposition of penalties by the employer on an employee at a time when the company's regulations do not provide for such an impact.

Responsibility for violation of labor discipline

Offenders are disciplined through disciplinary action. The basis for such involvement is the employee's misconduct.

Disciplinary misconduct - unlawful deliberate or unintentional failure or improper performance of duties by an employee.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, these include:

  • comment
  • rebuke
  • dismissal

Such a list is exhaustive and cannot be supplemented by internal regulations or an employment contract, with the exception of a certain category of employees who are subject to discipline provisions and charters. For example, a law enforcement officer who is subject to disciplinary action may receive a warning of incomplete official compliance, demotion, or loss of a badge.

The application of measures of responsibility to an employee for violation of labor discipline must be justified and carried out in accordance with the established rules.

An order of the employer is issued on the imposition of a disciplinary sanction. After conducting an official investigation and drawing up the relevant Act. Employees can appeal any disciplinary action by filing a disciplinary action claim. In case of violation of labor discipline, compliance with the rules of bringing to responsibility is very important, and the employee can use methods to protect labor rights at the slightest violation.

Performing discipline

In this Article: Who Needs a Performance Discipline Score and Why. What to evaluate with it. How to Implement Performance Assessment: Two Alternative Approaches.

Practically in each of our projects on the implementation of a remuneration system based on performance indicators, one of the most key indicators is the "performance discipline" indicator.

Indeed, there are many positions, the purpose of which is only to strictly fulfill the regulated operations on time. But upon closer examination, it turns out that the control of executive discipline is no less important for the heads of structural divisions, and for such creative positions as, for example, sales managers and marketers. Almost any specialist, in addition to the immediate goals of his position, is obliged to perform various routine operations. For the sales staff, this is, for example, the timely provision of primary documents to the accounting department, the accurate filling of data on counterparties in the accounting program, and so on. For managers - providing plans and reports. For marketing - the execution of project tasks on time. Etc.

Management needs to control the timing and quality of operations. It is obvious. But sane, results-oriented employees who value clear, uniform rules of the game also support the implementation of such a metric. First, they understand that their performance depends to a certain extent on the performance of other links in the business process chain. So the accountant will not be able to prepare reports if he does not receive the primary documents on time. And the sales manager will not be able to issue the implementation if the supply does not promptly enter data on new product items, or if the warehouse does not post the receipt. Secondly, such employees understand that they are the same link in the company's business processes and that the work of other departments and the result of the company as a whole depend on them. Thirdly, they prefer that all requirements for them were clearly recorded, and not suddenly appear during periods of rush work, causing disputes and claims from the management.

Performing discipline: What to evaluate?

The indicator of performing discipline includes an assessment of the quality and timing of tasks and assignments. In this case, we can talk about an assessment at three levels:

  1. Execution of project tasks and instructions from the management. These are rather large tasks for which a deadline and requirements for results are established.

Practical examples:

  • One of the managers of the sales department was instructed to "clean up" the directory of counterparties in 1C within a month, transferring it to the archive of inactive buyers.
  • The system administrator was instructed to develop a project for the implementation of intercom based on IP telephony.
  1. Execution of routine operations, the terms of which are defined in the form of a specific date.

Practical examples:

  • The heads of structural divisions must provide a plan for the next month's expenses by the 25th day of each month.
  • The procurement department monitors supplier prices twice a year until a certain date.
  1. Execution of "process" tasks, the deadline for which is defined in the form of a period from the moment of a certain triggering event. These are tasks that are part of a business process and are "started" after the execution of some previous operation.

Practical example:

  • The accounting department executes the payment no later than the next day from the date of receipt of the invoice for payment.
  • The warehouse draws up the receipt in the accounting program no later than 3 hours from the moment the machine was put up for unloading.

With each level, the requirements for the administration of the performing discipline assessment system increase. If you limit yourself to the first level, you can keep records manually, the assessment can be made directly by the decision of the management. At the third level, the volume of recorded transactions will make manual full accounting impossible. You will have to choose between subjective assessment and implementation of an automation system.

Subjective assessment or total control

If you concentrate solely on control "on a large scale", it is enough to keep records, say, in Excel by forces, for example, of an office manager. This is exactly what the organization of one of our clients did. In the course of the annual planning, project tasks and assignments were formed to heads of departments and individual specialists. They were recorded in an Excel spreadsheet with the heading "Annual plan" with an indication of the planned execution dates. A dedicated employee monitored these deadlines. Based on the results of certain reporting periods, the management assessed the work of those in charge.

However, firstly, the tasks actually had different weight and significance, which made it difficult to introduce a simple reward system. Secondly, the management felt an increasing need to take into account smaller, but no less significant tasks.

Total control involves fixing the planned and actual deadlines for the execution of tasks at all three levels mentioned above. This is the only way to get a complete picture of the employee's performance discipline. Keeping such records manually is not realistic. Implementation of an automation system is required. Such a system should automatically create routine and "process" tasks for an employee, fix the actual deadlines, include a mechanism for assessing the quality of performance and, of course, generate appropriate reports.

The cost of implementing such a software solution for small and medium-sized businesses is very high. Using the example of the 1C-Document Management program, with which we had to deal, we are talking about several hundred thousand (taking into account the adaptation and refinement of the program to the needs of the customer). Additionally, the management that has made the decision to implement such a program will have to come to terms with the need to introduce a new staff unit - the system administrator.

An alternative to the implementation of a program for recording tasks and assignments is to abandon complete control in favor of fixing only failures. In this case, the assessment will be based on the number of violations of deadlines and cases of poor-quality execution of tasks. Information about small process operations will have to be sacrificed. In some cases, the assessment will be subjective. The scope of work on system administration will be quite large: you will have to manually record tasks and facts of violation of deadlines, consolidate data into single reports for an employee, and so on.

We will talk about our experience in developing a performance discipline assessment system, how to measure this KPI, how to tie the indicator to a cash bonus in the following articles.

Under such a concept as subordination at work is understood a set of rules of business etiquette, the function of which is to establish relationships among employees of the team. This concept denotes the rules of communication both with higher leaders and among subordinates. Subordination is associated with respect for authority, the execution of orders, culture and manifestations of personal initiative, as well as the occupation of each employee in a certain niche.

Who is obliged to comply with it

It is characteristic not only of subordinates. The responsibilities of any manager involve the same adherence to the principles of business ethics, the issuance of orders that are in the correct form, the absence of attempts to humiliate junior in position and criticize their personal qualities.

There is always a certain order in the matter of giving orders to subordinates. At the same time, each employee must have an idea of ​​the acceptable forms adopted in this organization, in which the management is reported how the work has been done. In certain situations, a lower-level employee has the right to appeal the actions of the one who is his immediate superior.

Why subordination at work is so important

There is a lot of talk these days about business partnerships that allow any employee to become a single member of the team. This ultimately strengthens the corporate culture and helps to solve common problems. The function of partnership is to work out important goals and ways to achieve them. Thanks to subordination, the situation in the team remains healthy, manifestations of familiarity, conflicts, insults and neglectful treatment are excluded.

What are the rules of subordination regulated by? If there are no such officially established norms in the enterprise, the work process can be disorganized. Any of the employees has the right to information about who is able (moreover, obliged) to give him the necessary advice, from whom to expect orders, and whose duty is to obey. If the structure is large enough, you cannot do without clear regulation. In such cases, as a rule, the principles of subordination of some units to others are spelled out. Documents regulating the principles of subordination - specific orders and instructions, as well as the organization's charter.

Where is it written about

The service hierarchy is also built according to the principles set out in specific documents - job descriptions, internal regulations, clauses of the collective agreement. They are also contained in the text of the labor agreement concluded between the employer and the employee.

Certain structures (for example, the army) require the wearing of special insignia in the form of uniforms, etc., but in small companies, the main core around which the subordination in the team is built is the commanding authority.

A new employee should be introduced to the basic principles of corporate ethics immediately upon hiring. This happens in the process of negotiations about its functionality, official powers and responsibilities.

What is it like

Service relationships can be vertical and horizontal. What is meant? The names speak for themselves. The first (vertical) - relationships from top to bottom (boss - subordinate) and bottom up (employee - manager). Speaking of them, by default they imply obeying the orders of top management.

A true boss who adheres to the rules of corporate culture will never tolerate familiarity with those who occupy lower positions. In order to avoid working troubles, the distance must always be respected, and in a reciprocal way. After all, there are situations of incorrect behavior on the part of employees in relation to the manager. This can be expressed in banter or inappropriate categorical tone.

Such familiarity goes sideways for workers. Those who regularly violate the principles of chain of command are usually the first candidates for layoffs. For his part, a leader who delves into the personal problems of subordinates, is able to share with them experiences of a private nature, forgiving optionality and indiscipline, behaves shortsightedly and ultimately loses the authority assigned by the position.

Is the boss always right?

But, of course, measure is good in everything. Many modern leaders suffer from just the opposite qualities - they do not hesitate to behave arrogantly or treat subordinates with undisguised contempt. Of course, all these extremes do nothing to improve the working environment.

An overly authoritarian leadership style is accompanied by a reduced level of employee initiative. When only a constant stream of commands, orders and orders comes from the bosses, subordinates automatically cease to be interested in the essence of the production process and are focused only on blind (sometimes formal) implementation of the instructions. In the event of emergency situations, responsibility should not be expected from them, as well as the correct decision, not backed up by an order from the management.

A flexible style of interaction with subordinates is much more productive. The leader may well allow himself some deviations from the rules in those situations where it is required to listen to an independent point of view. It is in this case that meetings and brainstorming sessions are held, when a decision is made through joint efforts, and a plan for further operations is optimally worked out.

How to communicate with equals

Horizontal relationships are understood as those that are characteristic of the communication of colleagues of the same level in their own environment. This also includes those that are formed between leaders of equal positions. This is the subordination between colleagues of the same "weight category". Horizontal relationships are based on the principles of partnership and equality. The postulates of corporate ethics are based on friendly interactions in the work environment, fair distribution of workload.

Attempts to belittle and constant pointless criticism of colleagues are unacceptable. Any employee who adheres to this line of behavior runs the risk of irrevocably spoiling relations in the team. And not every leader will tolerate a squabbler in the working environment.

It is no secret that in any team sometimes there are cases of attempts by employees to shift their own responsibilities onto the shoulders of colleagues, using, for example, friendly relations. But the slacker in the workplace, sooner or later, is still calculated and punished in both disciplinary and monetary terms.

When the deputy director is out of work

What are the most common mistakes that can be cited as typical examples of violation of the principles of subordination? One of them - the most common - is the submission of orders to a subordinate by higher management, bypassing the one who is the immediate superior of the latter. For example, a shop manager tries to give instructions to workers, bypassing the foreman or foreman. Thus, the authority of the head of the department can be significantly reduced, and employees cease to take him seriously.

Such a mistake leads to an imbalance in the manageability of the entire corporate system. The director should not include in the range of his many responsibilities the additional burden of managing staff. The task of monitoring the implementation of his orders is the business of another employee.

Another danger is that the very controlling link (immediate boss or deputy director) sometimes sins with arbitrariness and requires organizing the work process according to its own taste. In order to avoid misunderstandings, his powers should be immediately clearly stated. The danger is that the chief executive may not know all the intricacies of the situation. In the example mentioned above, the head of the shop assigns to the foreman of the section only the functionality that is clearly specified and fixed by the service instruction.

Other errors

The third point is that two different people are appointed as executors of the same assignment. In this case, the work process can be disorientated, as there is a serious risk of shifting the responsibility of the performers onto each other.

Very often there are cases of referral to senior management, bypassing the immediate superior. First of all, it is customary to notify the head of the department directly about the problem that has arisen.

Failure to prioritize is also a manifestation of impaired chain of command at work. The task of the performer is to clearly understand what of the planned needs to be done immediately, and what can be postponed for the coming days.

About rudeness and tactlessness

If you criticize your boss behind his back, this behavior not only violates the chain of command, but is also downright unethical. Such criticism will sooner or later reach the ears of the leadership. And those who are "smart enough" are at risk most of all to emphasize the incompetence of their boss in the event of a public conflict. Management, as a rule, does not forgive anyone undermining its own authority.

Among the most tactless and gross violations of chain of command are attempts to criticize not service, but personal qualities of employees. Here - and a rude tone in the expressed negative assessments of the work done, which in all cases, without exception, makes a painful impression.

When criticizing an employee or subordinate, it is important to adhere to the desire to improve the work of both him personally and the entire organization. Efforts to discuss behavior should not include attempts to humiliate or demonstrate authority.

Sometimes in large and small teams, subordination at work, as well as the ethics of business communication, are completely absent. This is especially true for small structures, where everyone knows each other well enough. Addressing "you" is not always appropriate in a business environment, it blurs the lines between superiors and subordinates, and it is difficult for a junior in such an atmosphere to perceive leadership in its true light. He is less motivated to follow instructions unconditionally.

What to watch out for

What are the consequences of non-observance of the chain of command at work? All manifestations of familiar relations with the bosses, lack of fulfillment of his instructions, incorrect criticism, one way or another, affect the business foundations of the enterprise and significantly reduce the authority of the management. As the consequences in such corporations one can observe the rampant disciplinary measures in the form of reprimands, remarks, deprivation of bonuses, etc. Well, the last measure of retribution for errors against subordination is dismissal.

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- There are a number of tools to ensure a high level of performance by employees of their own duties.

Recruit new ones or work with those who are?

This is the first dilemma. Each approach has its own pros and cons. New employees are like fresh blood in the body. The introduction of new ideas, non-standard, sometimes creative, solutions, the undeniable authority of the leader, the ability to start from scratch are just a few of the advantages of this option. At the same time, it takes a lot of time to select, design, adapt and reach the planned indicators, and this makes you think. And where are the guarantees that the new employees will be better than the old ones?

How to select effective employees, reduce the risk of random people entering the company, speed up the process of newcomers entering - this is a topic for a separate big conversation. Let's focus on those who already work for the company.

Who is there?

Yes, indeed, do you know them for sure? The potential of many subordinates is sometimes limitless. After all, everyone has education, certain experience, abilities and skills. To what extent are they disclosed and implemented?

One of my employees was responsible for planning joint events with subcontractors and further monitoring with reporting. He did it, to put it mildly, not very well. The quality and deadlines did not satisfy either me or the partners. And he himself suffered no less. The constant scolding and the latest Chinese warnings have had no effect. The question arose about the further stay in the company. One fine day, lingering in the office, I noticed how he was delving into the computer with great enthusiasm, developing a presentation for an upcoming meeting. Everything fell into place. Since then, I have had no problems with presentation materials (flyers, commercials, presentations, etc.).

Long-term joint work does not guarantee that you know everything about each member of the team, his skills and new high-quality acquisitions. People change, don't forget about it.