A festive event "For you, Mom!", Timed to coincide with Mother's Day. Mother's Day at the State Kremlin Palace with the participation of the Russian Church Mother's Day concert at the Kremlin

According to the mayor of Moscow, over the past seven years, the number of large families has almost doubled. And the task of the metropolitan government is to provide them with all-round support

Vladimir Novikov, "Evening Moscow"

Dad Denis Terentyev shrugs his shoulders, straightening his sky-colored jacket. Nearby is a beautiful daughter in a pale blue dress and two younger sons in turquoise shirts.

This is our mother's favorite color, - explains Denis.

Alexandra Terentyeva will also be awarded on the stage of the Kremlin today. She participated and won in one of the nominations of the "Lady-Mom" competition.

My family sent me to participate in it, - my mother smiles. - Thanks to my spouse, I can take care of my family and children. While I wait for them from school, I have time, energy and energy for creativity.

Alexandra sews, knits, embroiders, dashingly handles a soldering iron, and not so long ago she mastered freezelight - a photography technique in which "frozen" light plays one of the main roles. All my mother's undertakings are supported by her husband and children. Therefore, the Terentyevs often take part in family competitions, bike rides and other sports events.

Like many large families, they do not like to sit in one place. This is evidenced by the vivid photographs that adorn the main lobby of the Kremlin Palace: the first trip to the sea, another walk in the autumn forest, joint fishing and even a kindergarten for yellow chickens.

We want to wish our mother that she always remains the best, that she succeeds, that she is the most beautiful, that she lives as long as possible, - 13-year-old Sofia Terentyeva asks to write in the newspaper. - We love her very much.

In the meantime, only one of the three "theater" bells remained before the festive concert. There is not a single free seat in the auditorium: the concert dedicated to Mother's Day gathered more than five thousand Moscow families. No, no, no one confused anything. Mother's Day is officially celebrated on November 24th. But if there is an opportunity to extend the holiday for the most dear and beloved women, then why not take advantage of it? The gala concert on the main stage of the capital is a symbolic start of a month of events that will be held under the general motto "For you, mom!"

There is not a single free seat in the auditorium: the concert dedicated to Mother's Day gathered more than five thousand Moscow families

Today we are really opening a series of events dedicated to Mother's Day, ”said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. - Mum -
the first word of a person, mom is kindness, care and affection. This is the most important and precious thing for each of us.

When I grow up and become a star, I will give my mother a red car, - 8-year-old Sonia Streltsova shares her plans.

In the meantime, she has prepared a creative act for her mother. Today, together with famous artists, little stars will appear on the stage - the winners of the Talent Marathon, a creative competition among large families. The young artist admits that she is a little worried, especially when she looks out from behind the curtains. The auditorium from Sonya's side resembles a magical forest of fireflies: blue and red lantern hearts are clasped in her mother's hands.

This is a symbol of an unquenchable love for children, - explains one of the organizers of the holiday, mother of four daughters Gulnara Zakusilo. - We have such a good tradition: every year large families set some kind of record. This year we will try to ignite the largest number of loving hearts.

Large family Shavardak (from left to right) - Maria, Sofia, Sergey, mother Anna, Mikhail and father Alexander at the celebration of Mother's Day in the State Kremlin Palace, organized by the Association of Large Families in Moscow and the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population

PHOTO: Vladimir Novikov, "Evening Moscow"

Among the audience, not to say that by complete coincidence, there is a representative of the Guinness Book of Records.

But, perhaps, the most important achievements of mothers are their beloved children. For the daily feat of parents and the upbringing of wonderful children, the head of the city presented honorary badges to 21 large families. Among them are Oktyabrina and Viktor Litvinov. They are raising ten children: six girls and four boys.

The age difference between our oldest daughter Ekaterina and Svetik, our youngest son, is 21 years old, says Oktyabrina. - Almost the same time as I gave birth to Katya.

Then, the mother admits, she did not even think that she would have more than two children.

I realized that something went wrong when I gave birth to the first two girls, - Oktyabrina laughs, hastily adding: - I always wanted a son and a daughter.

For her, children are the meaning of life.

Moscow mothers successfully work in all spheres of city life. They are excellent teachers and doctors, engineers and architects, lawyers and financiers, scientists and artists, salesmen and tram drivers, entrepreneurs and executives. But at the same time, they always remain loving mothers, keepers of the hearth, - emphasized Sobyanin, congratulating the parents on the awards.

This concert opens series of events... More than 35 different events dedicated to Mother's Day will take place in Moscow during November.

I sent greetings to the guests Russian President V.V. Putin.

"The state gives priority attention to the issues of supporting the family, motherhood and childhood, improving the demographic situation, raising the younger generation,"

- it is noted, in particular, in the message of the head of state, which was announced by the mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin.

“Mom is the first word in a person’s life. Mom is kindness, care and affection, this is the most important and most precious thing for each of us ",

the mayor of the capital also said.

“Our duty is every day remember and take care of your mothers, and Mother's Day is a great opportunity to say thank you to all mothers, grandmothers and wives in the world ”,

- noted S.S. Sobyanin.

Special thanks the mayor of Moscow addressed to mothers with many children. According to him, over the past 7 years in Moscow, the number of large families has almost doubled. S.S. Sobyanin said that on October 25, at a meeting in the City Duma, plans will be announced.

a flax increase in child allowances.

Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service Bishop Orekhovo-Zuevsky Panteleimon noted with regret that, although in Moscow every year there are more large families, in general there are many childless families or families with one child in Russia.

“In these families there are no children, not only because God did not give - people themselves refuse to have children or are limited to one or two children, - said the archpastor ... - Of course, it hurts a lot for these people, because they do not know the joy that you and I know, because the joy of having a baby is one of the most important joys in life... What is success, money, career, even your own health compared to that? How does all this compare to the emergence of a new man, whose soul is greater than this entire visible universe? The soul, which is created out of nothing by God, comes into this world through us, parents, - this is the miracle of the emergence of a new life Is one of the most important joys in the world, and you know this joy. "

The head of the Synodal Charity Department called on parents with many children to share the joy of motherhood and fatherhood, so that all other people would join it.

The archpastor recalled the commandment "be fruitful and multiply", which was given by God to Adam and Eve.

"Be fruitful and multiply -- it the commandment to increase joy- said the vicar of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. - And of course you know true love, you know a wonderful truth that people who live for themselves do not know. You know that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). It is much more joyful to give than to receive gifts, it is much more joyful to live for others than to force others to live for themselves - this joy is life. "

At the festive concert, which brought together 5700 mothers of large families of the capital, S.S. Sobyanin awarded honorary badge"Parental Glory of the City of Moscow - 2017" 21 large Moscow families from 11 districts of the city of Moscow. 144 children are being brought up in these families. The badge of honor is awarded to parents living in Moscow for at least 10 years and raising five or more children.

Among the awardees- large priests of the Russian Orthodox Church. The family of Archpriest Konstantin Polskov has six children, and the family of Priest Serafim Sagidullin has nine children.

Guests of the evening welcomed Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the rights of the child A.Yu. Kuznetsova.

“It is together that we make each other stronger, therefore, we will definitely solve all the issues that exist today,”

- said Anna Kuznetsova.

“We are grateful to God - it is his mercy that he gave us children, - shared the mother of five children Elena Boyarkina. “Our task is to bring up children in a real way, so that they will not be ashamed before God.”

Festive event "For you, mom!", Timed to coincide with Mother's Day

  • Who: RPO "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow"
  • Where: Moscow, State Kremlin Palace
  • When: 10.24.17 (18: 00-21: 00)

Concert, Show, Ceremony 1259 views

List of participants:

Ekaterina Guseva, Anastasia Makeeva, Vladimir Devyatov, Diana Gurdskaya, Dmitry Malikov, Elena Maksimova, Zara, Marie Carne, Rodion Gazmanov, Soso Pavliashvili, Sharip Ukhmanov, Yulia Nachalova, the "Prime Minister" group and Alla Dukhovoy theater Todes

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The RPO "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow" on October 24, 2017 organizes a grand festive event "For you, Mom!", Timed to coincide with Mother's Day. Traditionally, the State Kremlin Palace will gather 5,700 large mothers from the capital for several hours.
Mother's Day at the State Kremlin Palace is held annually.
The concert program involves pop stars: Ekaterina Guseva, Anastasia Makeeva, Vladimir Devyatov, Diana Gurdskaya, Dmitry Malikov, Elena Maksimova, Zara, Marie Carne, Rodion Gazmanov, Soso Pavliashvili, Sharip Ukhmanov, Yulia Nachalova, the group "Prime Minister" and the theater Alla Dukhova Todes.
Young talents from large families - winners of the city marathon of family creativity "Moscow family: the path to success" will also rise on the stage with the stars. Together they will congratulate dear mothers. For young artists, this day will be the first when their talents will own the largest stage in the country, but it is even more important for them to congratulate their mothers and thank them from the bottom of their hearts for the boundless power of love that works wonders.
This year they have prepared an amazing gift - more than 400 adults and children will sing the song "Hallelujah of Love" from the rock opera "Juno and Avos" in one chorus. With this line-up, the song will be performed for the first time.
The festival will be hosted by the theater and film actor Vyacheslav Manucharov and the host of Channel One Svetlana Zeynalova.
A specially invited representative of the Russian Book of Records will record how the gathered mothers will light 5,700 small hearts in the hall, symbolizing the enduring love for children.
Also, the guests of the holiday will honor the winners of the "Lady-Mom 2017" marathon - women who not only successfully raise children, but also perfectly self-actualize in work or hobbies.
As part of the event, 21 Moscow families will be awarded the honorary badge "Parental Glory of the City of Moscow". The badge of honor is awarded to parents living in Moscow for at least 10 years and raising five or more children in an officially registered marriage.
An exhibition of photographs will be unfolded in the Armorial Foyer of the Kremlin Palace. The authors of the works are participants in the photo contest "From Three to Infinity", dedicated to large Russian families.

Natalia Ivanova

I kept thinking about what to write my hundredth post on MAAM. Time is short, there is a lot of work. I decided to write about the personal.

The only entertainment that I allow myself once a year is attending a festive concert dedicated to Mother's Day, which takes place in the State Kremlin Palace.

This year, the grandiose festive concert, which took place on October 24 and brought together more than five thousand mothers of large families in the capital, became the first of 35 major city events in Moscow dedicated to Mother's Day. The organizers are the regional public organization "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow" and the Moscow Government.

The entrance to events in the State Kremlin Palace is always through the Kremlin's Kutafya Tower. As I approach her, I begin to experience delight.

On the territory of the Kremlin, you cannot go anywhere before concerts, and you can only take pictures of the buildings surrounding the State Kremlin Palace.

Entering the lobby and seeing a huge number of mothers with many children, I immediately felt immensely happy! Just think - a full hall of elegant blooming women.

Each of us was given a small flashlight and a concert program.

My place was convenient, but far from the stage, which is not very good for non-professional photography. While waiting for the concert, I listened with pleasure to the stories of some famous compatriots about their mothers (very interesting).

Before the concert of the mayors of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin read the welcoming words of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin: “This wonderful holiday is filled with warmth, sincerity and deep gratitude to mothers, grandmothers, wives - all women raising children. In the home family circle, civil, patriotic feelings are instilled, an atmosphere is created in which the personality and worldview of the child is formed. And therefore, the state pays priority attention to the issues of supporting the family, motherhood and childhood, improving the demographic situation, raising the younger generation. And it is very important that the success of this great work is facilitated by such socially significant initiatives as your forum, organized with the most active participation of the Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow. "

Then the mayor solemnly presented the awards: "Today we are awarding the honorary badge" Parental Glory of the City of Moscow "to 21 Moscow families. A total of 144 children are being raised in these families. They grow up in love and care, respect their elders, work, and study , to creativity, sports. This is a big, difficult, but very honorable work. We are glad that over the past 7 years in Moscow the number of large families has almost doubled. And this is really a feat of our mothers. "

The rewarding of parents with many children is the most enjoyable part of the concert. I am always encouraged when I hear that there are families where 8, 10, 12 children were born and safely raised.

The badge of honor "Parental Glory of the City of Moscow" is awarded to parents living in Moscow for at least 10 years and raising five or more children in an officially registered marriage. The badge is given to families for the formation of an active life position and moral foundations in children, the creation of conditions that ensure their achievement of high results in labor, educational, creative, sports and other activities.

Another symbolic event took place during the concert. At the command of the presenters, the lights went out in the hall, and the mothers lit gift hearts, about 5700. A mesmerizing sight! A specially invited representative of the Russian Book of Records recorded a new record.

Young laureates and winners of the annual city marathon of family creativity "Moscow family: the path to success" took part in the concert together with professional artists.

I was deeply impressed by Vladimir Vysotsky's "Song of the Earth" performed by the Honored Artist of Russia Ekaterina Guseva. "Motherhood can not be taken from the Earth, not taken away, how not to drain the sea."

The Moscow Choir of Large Families (conductor Yevgeny Khristov) gladdened the heart.

Honored Artist of Russia Diana Gurtskaya sang the song "The World Will Come", in which an important question was raised:

How much is just one tear?

War has no childish eyes.

May there be plenty of reasons for a new battle

But any soldier is someone's son.

The concert was attended by People's Artists of Russia: Vladimir Devyatov and Dmitry Malikov (who encouraged large parents to introduce their children to classical music), Honored Artist of Russia Zara and other famous performers: Soso Pavliashvili, Yulia Nachalova with her daughter Vera, Anastasia Makeeva, Mark Tishman, Elena Maximov, groups "Prime Minister", "Five", show-ballet "Todes" and others. General Director - Artistic Director - People's Artist of Russia Petr Shaboltai.

The awarding ceremony for the winners of the "Lady-Mom" contest took place between the concert numbers. The representatives of the regional public organization "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow" awarded a special award to a Muscovite - mother of nineteen children.

The culmination of the concert was the performance of the song "Hallelujah of Love" from the rock opera "Juno and Avos" by all the participants in the concert. In the numerical composition of more than four hundred people, the song was performed for the first time. But I had to leave a little earlier - the phone rang, my husband and children were worried. I had to go home, where the smallest son was waiting for me (and my lullaby). He got the "heart" flashlight.

After the concert, a small gift awaited everyone.

And the lights of evening Moscow goodbye.

Thank you for attention!

The publication uses photographs from the personal archive and information from the website of the Association of Large Families in Moscow (http://oms.msk.ru)

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The regional public organization "Association of Large Families of the City of Moscow" and the Moscow Government on October 24, 2017, open a month of events dedicated to the celebration of Mother's Day, which will include more than 35 major city events. A grandiose festive concert in the State Kremlin Palace will gather for several hours 5,700 large families in the capital.

On the stage of the Kremlin Palace, 21 Moscow families will be awarded the honorary badge "Parental Glory of the City of Moscow". The badge of honor is awarded to parents living in Moscow for at least 10 years and raising five or more children in an officially registered marriage.

Mother's Day at the State Kremlin Palace is held annually. This year, he will begin the month of honoring Moscow mothers.

Young talents from large families - winners of the city marathon of family creativity "Moscow family: the path to success" will also rise on the stage with the stars. Together they will congratulate dear mothers. For young artists, this day will be the first when their talents will own the largest stage in the country, but it is even more important for them to congratulate their mothers and thank them from the bottom of their hearts for the boundless power of love that works wonders.

This year they have prepared an amazing gift - a performance by the choir of large families of the city of Moscow of the song "Hallelujah of Love" from the rock opera "Juno and Avos". With this line-up, the song will be performed for the first time. Pop stars will take part in the concert program together with the children: Ekaterina Guseva, Anastasia Makeeva, Vladimir Devyatov, Diana Gurskaya, Dmitry Malikov, Elena Maksimova, Zara, Marie Carne, Rodion Gazmanov, Sharip Ukhmanov, Yulia Nachalova, the group "Prime Minister" and Alla Dukhova Theater Todes.

The holiday will be: theater and film actor Vyacheslav Manucharov and presenter of Channel One Svetlana Zeynalova.

A specially invited representative of the Russian Book of Records will record how the gathered mothers will light 5,700 small hearts in the hall, symbolizing the enduring love for children.

Also, guests of the holiday will honor the winners of the marathon. "Lady Mama 2017"- women who not only successfully raise children, but also perfectly self-actualize in work or hobbies.

An exhibition of photographs will be unfolded in the Armorial Foyer of the Kremlin Palace. The authors of the works are participants in the photo contest "From Three to Infinity", dedicated to large Russian families.

Also, all guests will have a free photo session in the zone of the CHILDREN TO CHILDREN fund with the installation CHILDREN - FLOWERS OF LIFE!