Where to align fields in Word. Text alignment. Incorrect text alignment in Word

When you type text in Microsoft Word, it prints to the left. But quite often it is required to shift it to the other side.

For example, it is customary to shift the heading to the center of the page, and in order to print the header of a document, it is often necessary to shift the text to the right. This procedure is called alignment.

is how the text is positioned on the page. It can be centered, left and right, justified. To do this, Word has special buttons at the top:

We will talk about them a little later. In the meantime, a few words about how not to align text.

Wrong text alignment

Many people unknowingly align text incorrectly - using the spacebar on the keyboard or the Tab button.

Such an offset is considered an error, since the distance from the left field is made by the "peephole". Because of this, it is often more than necessary. And if you align the text to the right in this way, then there will be a lot of problems when editing it. And the method itself is very inconvenient - you have to press the spacebar or Tab button on the keyboard many times.

What does it threaten? For example, lose business reputation. After all, you can very quickly check the design of the text. To do this, just click on this button at the top of the Microsoft Word program:

Dots and incomprehensible icons will appear in the text. Here dots represent spaces. And if you align the text incorrectly, with such a check, it will immediately be visible by the many points in front of it.

To return everything back - remove dots and incomprehensible icons - press the button again

By the way, a misaligned document may not be accepted by some organizations.

How to align text

Now let's learn how to properly align the text. By the way, you can do this after the text is printed. I recommend doing just that - it's both easier and faster.

There are four buttons for shifting text in Word. They are at the top.

- this button aligns the text to the left

- this one aligns in the center

- on the right edge

- in width (makes the text even on both sides)

And now let's try to correctly shift the text. To get started, type in a few words in Word. Then select them. To do this, move the cursor (arrow or wand) to the very beginning or to the very end of the text. Then press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag to the other end. When the text is painted in a different color (usually black or blue), it will mean that it is selected.

After selection, click on the button that aligns the text to the center. The words you typed should move to the middle of the page.

You may think that this is the wrong center. In fact, everything is correct. After all, the field (indent) on the left side is larger than on the right.

In the same way, try to align the text to the right.

As for the "Fit to Width" button. If you have a little text (a couple of words), then you will not see any difference from the "Align to the left" button - the words will also shift to the left. But if you have several paragraphs, then the text will align on both sides of the sheet - both on the left and on the right. That is, it will be flat on both sides.

Example of left-aligned text:

The same text, just justified:

By the way, according to the rules of paperwork, the main text should be exactly aligned in width.

Let's talk today about text alignment in Word. This question has been in front of users for as long as the Word text editor itself exists. Of course, for those who have long mastered all the basics of this program, such a problem may seem ridiculous, but do not rush to draw such conclusions. I know people who have been working confidently with this editor for a long time, but in such trifles, everything is not as smooth as they think.

First, let's see what alignment tools the editor itself offers us. In any version of Microsoft Office Word, there are special buttons for text alignment that are located on the toolbar. Formatting .

Text alignment buttons inWord 2003

Text alignment buttons in Word 2010

Button assignment:

- text alignment to the left;

- alignment of the text in the center;

— alignment of the text on the right edge;

- text alignment in width, i.e. text, become even and right and left;

To align text, you must first select it.

To do this, place the cursor at the beginning of the text you want to select, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move to the end of the text. The selected text should be black or blue. Now click the Left Align Text button.

Here's what you should have done.

Now select the same text and press the button Center text alignment .

Some of the content in this section may not apply to some languages.

Text alignment is a paragraph formatting attribute that determines the appearance of text in an entire paragraph. For example, in a paragraph that is left-aligned (the most common alignment), the text is aligned to the left margin. In a justified paragraph, the text is aligned to both margins.

Align Text Center

Justify text

Text spread

    On the tab home in a group paragraph do one of the following:

A task


Align text to the left

Center text alignment

Align text to center

Justify text

Align text left, center, or right

    Click anywhere in the paragraph you want to align.

    On the tab home in Paragraph do one of the following:

A task


Align text to the left

Align text to the left

Align text to center

Align text to center

Align text right

Right Align Text

Justify text

Justifying text adds space between words so that both edges of each line are aligned with both margins. The last line of a paragraph is left-aligned.

How to align an image to the right

Long paragraph with multiple sentences. It contains text describing the flagged property and an image to be pressed to the edge of the right side.

It takes the element out of the flow and pushes it to the edge of the left or right side of the parent. Elements and text located in the code after the float element wrap around it from the opposite side.

Not inherited, applied to all elements. removes an element from the flow and positions it on top of the rest of the content. It can be moved relative to the boundaries of the parent, whose position is not static , using the properties top , right , bottom , left . With direction: ltr; the left property takes precedence over the right property, unless the left property is set to auto .

Long paragraph with multiple sentences. It contains text describing the flagged property and an image to be pressed to the edge of the right side.
Property text-align inherited, applied to block elements.
Aligns all contained inline elements and text horizontally. It does not move the element itself, nor does it move blocks, and does not work if given to an inline element. It has several meanings, including right, which allow you to shift content to the right.
Property margin-left not inherited, applied to all elements. He has a meaning auto A that aligns the block element horizontally. Namely margin-left: auto; pushes the element to the right edge of the parent. This position can be changed by the property margin-right..html">When margin-left: auto; and margin-right: auto; the element is centered in the width of the ancestor.
Property float not inherited, applied to all elements. It takes the element out of the flow and pushes it to the edge of the left or right side of the parent. Elements and text located in the code after the float element wrap around it from the opposite side.
Property position not inherited, applied to all elements. position: absolute; removes an element from the flow and positions it on top of the rest of the content. It can be moved relative to the boundaries of the parent, which has a value position different from static, using properties top, right, bottom, left. At direction:ltr; property left takes precedence over property right, except when the property left has the meaning auto.
Property display not inherited, applied to all elements..html">tag table, a table celltd.
Advice: in this example, it's interesting to see how the image behaves when the size of the browser window is reduced.

How to right align text

Short text on the right

Short text on the right
Related content:
  1. html horizontal alignment updated
  2. html justify want to update

How to align a block to the right

HTML code

The element does not affect the height or width of the parent, nor does it overflow.

HTML code

The element does not affect the height of the parent unless the float is cleared.

HTML code

HTML code

How to align multiple blocks to the right

margin: 0 100% 0 -100%; /* you can not add another wrapper, but in the previous style specify transform: translate(-100%, 0); */ background: green; )
HTML code

Do not know how to use Word or forgot how to find any important function for editing text? If so, this article will definitely interest you.

In time, people often face the problem of large gaps. Below we will tell you how to properly align to the width in Word, and how to use the various functions in this program. So after reading the short course, you will be able to successfully perform all the work you need.

To begin with, let's define what generally means such an expression as "justified alignment". This is how your finished text will appear on the page. After all, in addition to justifying in width, there are three more types of its distribution:

  • along the left edge;
  • in the center;
  • along the right edge.

And each of them has its own algorithm of actions.

How to justify text

So, in order for you to successfully complete the justification process, you need to do the following:

  1. Click anywhere in the paragraph of your text that you want to align.
  2. Now find the "Home" tab at the top of the "Word" page. It has five subgroups ("Clipboard", "Font", "Paragraph", "Styles", "Editing"), among which you need to pay attention to the group "Paragraph".
  3. After switching to this group, find the "By Width" button in it and immediately press it.
  4. Your text is now aligned.

How not to align text

You don't need to use the Spacebar or Tab keyboard buttons to align. Since this will take you a long time, yes, the main text width will be either larger or smaller.

How to remove spaces after alignment

It should be noted that as soon as you finish the job of aligning the text in width, your concern will not end there, since you may well have large spaces between words. But this problem is also extremely easy to fix. Below we offer you several ways to help answer the question - how to remove spaces when justified.

Reasons for the appearance of large gaps in the text

Before proceeding to eliminate large gaps, it would be wise to determine the reason for their occurrence, since each of them has its own individual way of solving.

There are several reasons for this problem:

  1. Large spaces can occur due to the use of various commands when performing justification of lines in width.
  2. They appear due to the use of special characters instead of spaces.
  3. Formatting text or parts of it after justifying it can also cause this problem.
  4. If the “End of Line” character was typed, and then the ENTER + SHIFT keys were pressed, then you will automatically jump to the next line of your text, after which large spaces will form.

Techniques for filling large gaps

If you cannot determine what exactly is the essence of the origin of these largest gaps, then simply follow all the elimination methods suggested below. And remember the above reasons for the future, so as not to accidentally put a big gap in the text.

Removing large spaces

The first way to solve this problem is that you just need to remove a large space and put a regular one in its place, for this you need to simultaneously press three buttons on your computer keyboard: SHIFT + CTRL + SPACEBAR.


In order to get rid of large spaces at once in the entire text, you need to:

  • select it completely;
  • then go to the "Page Layout" tab;
  • there, find the "Hyphenation" tab and click "Auto".

After that, the problem will be solved.


Find out if tabs have been used instead of spaces. To do this, you need to enable the display of "non-printing characters" in the text. To perform this action, you must do the following:

  • go to the "Home" tab;
  • in the "Paragraph" group, click on the button "Non-printing characters" (¶).

After performing the steps presented, all non-printable characters will be displayed in the text, and you can find out if tabs are the cause of the problem.

If so, then you just need to copy one of them and press CTRL + F, after which you will have a replacement window. In the first field of this window, paste the text with a large space, and in the second - the text created by pressing the three buttons on your keyboard SHIFT + CTRL + SPACE. After that, you need to click on the "Find and Replace" button.

After completing all the above steps, the replacement will be made, and large gaps in the document will disappear.

Intercharacter intervals

If large spaces are caused by character spacing, then you must do the following:

  • in the top menu, find the "File" tab;
  • then go through it;
  • in the menu that opens, select the "Settings" tab;
  • after that, you will have a table with parameters, and you will need to select the “Advanced” item, and check the box “Do not expand character intervals in a line with a break” in it.


After reading this article, you learned how to properly align to the width in Word. Now, when you need to perform the named action when editing your text, you can solve all the problems yourself. Also, now you can identify all the causes of the so-called large gaps and eliminate them yourself.