Lucky for them. Working in a taxi Lucky: connection, what kind of cars do they take? Work for a car company

If you decide to start working in a taxi, it is not necessary to have your own car. Many taxi companies recruit drivers to operate their vehicles.

At the same time, all the costs of servicing the machine are borne by the company itself, which is an advantage of this choice. Also, many companies provide an opportunity to buy a car.

Considering that most taxi companies only operate new cars, this is a good way to get a car. If the transport is assigned to you, then only you will use it, thus, you can avoid situations when the car is damaged.

To buy a car, you have to pay a fixed amount per month. Usually 2-3 years is the standard period for the transfer of the car into the ownership of the driver, however, the time may increase or decrease depending on the contract with the company.

The main disadvantage in working with a taxi company car is that the interest that you have to pay to the company is higher than if you have your own car. And the work schedule cannot be determined independently - daily shifts will be mandatory.

If, nevertheless, the decision to start a taxi driver's career has been made, there are two options for starting the service - get a job in a taxi company or work privately. Both of these options have their own merits and demerits.

When applying to a taxi company, the company undertakes to organize the mandatory medical examination, repair and daily maintenance of cars. In addition, this is a guarantee of full provision of clients, which means - with work. However, you have to pay a percentage of your daily earnings, which ranges from 10% to 25%. Perhaps this will be a fixed amount, reaching in some firms up to 3 thousand per shift.

The number of taxi companies in the capital is constantly growing. Despite the fact that there are so many of them, as a rule, they are always provided with orders, because people use taxi services every day. At the same time, it is a pretty decent place to work, especially if you have your own car.

So, if you decide to get a taxi in your car, Moscow will offer a huge number of vacancies. At the same time, the main requirement for candidates is excellent knowledge of the city and the availability of a phone or tablet with Internet access. Of course, you need a license and a medical certificate, but the company itself helps to acquire these documents.

The car must not be more than 10 years old, however, some companies extend the period by another 5 years. If your car is of a foreign brand, then the chances of getting a positive answer to your request increase significantly.

This requirement is not specifically specified by many taxi companies, however, the presence of a foreign car in good condition no older than 10 years is encouraged. In any case, regardless of the company you choose, connect to Yandex.

Taxi "or taxi" Lucky "as soon as you get used to a new place of work. This will significantly add to your list of clients, and accordingly, will significantly increase your earnings.

If you live in the Northern capital or come to work there, then a taxi can be a way for you to earn a decent income. If you do not know where to get a taxi in your car, St. Petersburg will offer a wide range of vacancies.

The number of taxi companies here is over 170, which gives a good choice. All taxi companies, with rare exceptions, offer the opportunity to work with their own car.

And this implies a freer schedule and lower payout percentages from daily profit. Yandex.

Taxi "and taxi" Vezet "also operate in St. Petersburg.

Residents of Omsk who own their own vehicles can also get a taxi and receive many orders. In addition to the traditional way of working, online ordering of a car is available here, which contributes to mobility and a higher quality of service.

Yandex. Taxi "and taxi" Lucky "operate in this city as well.

If you are wondering where to get a taxi in your car in Omsk, the choice of a taxi fleet is not critical. For more efficient and mobile work, choose those that have entered into a contract with one of these services.

Most of the taxi companies in this city also cooperate with Yandex. Taxi "and taxi" Lucky ".

At the same time, the cost of a trip when ordering online will be noticeably lower, and the speed of car delivery will be higher. If you decide to get a taxi in your car in Chelyabinsk, be prepared to be efficient in your work in order to have time to take as many orders as possible.

In this case, you should take into account the resources of your body, especially if this is the second half of the shift. It is not worth risking both your health and the health of the passenger for the sake of extra money.

Damage to the car and getting fines from the taxi fleet can be the result of too much haste and the desire to take more orders. However, with the right approach, working in a taxi in Chelyabinsk will bring a good income.

This city is also among the partners of Yandex. Taxi "and taxi" Lucky ".

If you decide to get a taxi in your car in Novosibirsk, you should choose taxi companies that offer connection to these services. These are, as a rule, the largest firms that have been working in the field of transport services for several years.

The working conditions in all taxi companies are approximately the same, and the availability of the ability to connect to online services expands the list of clients.

Connection to Lucky

Who is hired

Yandex. Taxi "is the most popular way of using passenger transportation services today.

This service makes it possible to order a car without calling the taxi company, and then monitor the order fulfillment online. This can be done on the Yandex website and using your phone by downloading the mobile application.

The average waiting time for a car with this method of ordering is 4-5 minutes. To the undoubted advantages of Yandex.

Taxi "refers to:

  • convenience of ordering without the need to communicate with the dispatcher;
  • favorable prices;
  • fixed cost of travel to all airports in Moscow;
  • the ability to pay for the trip both in cash and by credit card;
  • quick selection of a car, taking into account the wishes of the client (availability of a child car seat, issuance of a receipt, etc.);
  • the ability to view detailed information about the car and the driver;
  • the ability to track taxis on the map.

This number of advantages makes the service convenient for most users. In order to get a job at Yandex.

Taxi "on your own car, you need a license. As a rule, the company helps in obtaining it.

In addition, you need a phone, or better a tablet with unlimited internet. To connect to the service, you must submit an application, which can be done directly on the Yandex website.

After its approval, you just need to come to the office and sign the necessary documents. You can start work directly in your area, gradually increasing the volume of orders.

Taxi "Lucky" works with more than 200 taxi companies in the largest cities of Russia. This service is similar to the previous one.

Here you can also order a car without contacting the dispatcher, and it will arrive in a matter of minutes. This is achieved due to the fact that after receiving the order, the nearest driver is selected, who carries it out.

Nevertheless, with a similar operation, taxi "Lucky" has undoubted advantages:

  • lower rates due to the fact that the service cooperates with taxi companies on certain conditions;
  • the ability to assess the quality of the service through a mobile application;
  • constant quality control of drivers' work;
  • a large number of tariffs and services that allow you to choose the best one for each client.

That is why, if you want to get a job in a taxi "Lucky" in your car, you must be ready for constant monitoring. Nevertheless, with such requirements for a driver, the service offers a large number of orders with a choice of the most suitable ones.

Yandex taxi is a promising partnership option for private motorists. You sign an agreement with Yandex, install a GPS-navigator on your car, and then regularly receive orders from customers.

Yandex itself takes a small commission, but most of the revenue goes to you. With regular customers, you will pocket over 80% of the fare, with regular customers a little less, but it is still much more profitable than working in a taxi company.

Safety comes first!

Taxi driver is not the safest profession, and you must understand this. Clients are different, and in the dark, their roof can go completely. How many cases were there when a taxi driver was beaten and his car was taken away, if not worse. I am not saying that you should not go to work in this direction, you just need to take precautions.

Innovative taxi business!

Recently I found out a way to make good money on a taxi, and now I will share it with you. Imagine the situation.

Morning, another weekday, people rush to work. But all the minibuses are completely jammed and don't even stop.

And people need to get to their destination as soon as possible, otherwise they will be reprimanded and fined. In principle, the situation is familiar and understandable to many.

The bottom line is that if you go a couple of stops higher, then the number of minibuses that suit you will increase significantly. Of course, it takes too long to go there on foot.

It seems that the situation is hopeless, but it is the taxi drivers who can resolve it, and with their own benefit. It is enough just to offer people at the bus stop to take them to another stop, where they can safely board the bus.

Given the short distance, you won't be asking for a lot of money, so people are likely to agree. And if you recruit 4 people and charge them the price of a ticket in a minibus, you can earn an order of magnitude more money than on regular orders, and there will always be customers, at least during rush hour.

If you organize several taxi drivers and let them work according to this principle, then you can seriously raise your income, because the business is, in fact, new and promising.

Consumer's view!

As a regular taxi customer, I want to tell you what I like about taxi drivers. To begin with, I take a taxi for two reasons.

Firstly, because it is convenient, and secondly, for the image. That is why it is important for me that the car that is driving me is up to date.

If a particular company sends me the domestic auto industry, I will stop contacting it, but if the cars are prestigious, painted in original colors, as many taxi drivers do, then such a company will suit me.

Also, the speed with which the car is sent to me is important to me, because I have no opportunity to wait for it for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, I choose those offices that can quickly send a decent-looking car to me.

Afterword ...

So, we figured out the secrets of making money in a taxi. At the end, I would like to add that taxi is not just a job, but a promising business. And any "bomb" who was driving today can become a successful entrepreneur with a couple of hundred subordinates. The main thing is to want to reach such heights and develop entrepreneurial talents.

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Thus, if you are a resident or visitor of one of the listed cities and do not know where to get a taxi in your car, look through the information about all taxi companies. Their number makes it possible to choose the most suitable for each vacancy personally.

Of course, the cost of taxi rides in Moscow and St. Petersburg is much higher than in other cities of Russia. Accordingly, there are more opportunities to make good money.

But, nevertheless, despite the difference in prices for trips in different cities, the taxi remains a place that is suitable both for temporary earnings in difficult times and for permanent work. If you do not know which taxi company to get into with your car, choose those that provide the ability to connect to Yandex.

Taxi "or taxi" Lucky ".

If you have your own car, you can earn money on it in two ways: take up a private taxi, that is, in other words, become a "bombila", or already get a job in a dispatch service, for example, in "Taxi Lucky".

A dispatcher's office is a company that advertises taxi services in newspapers, the Internet, etc. Usually, dispatching offices do not have their own fleet of vehicles. A specially trained person, a dispatcher, accepts customer orders by phone and hands them over to each taxi driver. The point of the dispatching offices is that they receive from 15% to 25% from each order. For this percentage, you get permanent orders, which means a stable income.

The advantages of working in control rooms are a high degree of freedom, lack of constant control and the ability to choose the most "tasty" orders.

For the latter, you can "make friends" with the dispatcher. However, you are responsible for the costs of gasoline, maintenance and servicing of the car.

How to get a job at Taxi Lucky

To get a job at Taxi Lucky, you need a little - a car with a license, the rights of the corresponding category and a gadget on which you will need to install the program (tablet or smartphone).

The device must have 2 GB of RAM or more. Operating system - Android or iOS. But Taxi Lucky recommends using Android. You will be advised to use the navigator on another device, so as not to cause the tablet or smartphone to freeze, on which the application from "Taxi is Lucky" is installed. The program will be activated right at the office of the company and all questions regarding its work will be answered.

Only foreign cars are accepted for work, provided that they are not older than 10 years.

Cars of the domestic auto industry are not accepted. It is noteworthy that the degree of knowledge of the Russian language or a locality does not interest anyone.

To connect to the dispatch service, you will need to write an application for connection and fill out a short form. To start taking orders, please activate your account.

That's basically it. Connect to Taxi Lucky and start earning.

What is special about this dispatch service, why is it so popular among beginners and not only taxi drivers? What are the features of the connection, the working conditions in a taxi Lucky, is it possible to work on your own transport, about these and not only issues, you will find out further. After all, the work of transporting passengers can bring not only good additional income, but, under certain conditions, become a full-fledged source of income.

Working in a taxi Lucky is essentially no different from any other aggregator operating in Russia. Of course, there are certain nuances of work, but global conditions and requirements have long been spelled out by the conjuncture of the taxi services market. Regarding connection to a taxi, there are two types of commission:

  • From 18%.
  • Up to 8%.

In the first case, this is a classic option, when the driver rented or taxis in his own car, while he does not want to paste over the transport with a special advertising film. That is, this is the so-called branding. Cars with branded pasting traditionally have incentives from the company, in the form of a reduced commission of up to 8%. In principle, this is the practice of all aggregators in the domestic market. Study the reviews of drivers, a similar picture is developing in Uber and Yandex.

But, perhaps, the main thing that any job seeker needs to know is the requirements for the driver:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation or the CIS.
  • Knowledge of the Russian language.
  • Availability of VU, documents for the vehicle.
  • A formalized license for the right to transport.
  • Driving experience of at least three years.
  • Knowledge of the city in which you plan to work is desirable.
  • Pleasant appearance.
  • Knowledge of the basics of professional ethics.

In addition, the candidate must own a modern smartphone based on Android or, in extreme cases, an iPhone. Because for cooperation, you need to install an application that works similarly to other large online aggregators.

Is online registration possible?

It is allowed to register online on the Internet, moreover, you can even contact the manager by phone and find out all the necessary information.

How to register?

Through the feedback form on the official website, you can specify in advance whether your candidacy is suitable for the company or not by sending a certain list of documents and indicating some information. Then, if you are accepted, bring the necessary documents to the office. After completing the registration procedure, you will be given a short training course on how to use the program. It is likely that at the end you will even have to pass a certain exam.

As you can see, in principle, there is nothing complicated and the basic requirements, fundamentals, coincide with other aggregators. However, I would like to note such a nuance, in a Lucky taxi you will be required to have a license. How many cases have managers refused until the driver grants permission? Therefore, clarify this moment immediately, so that later there will be no surprises.

What kind of cars do you take to work in a taxi Lucky?

What kind of cars do you take in a taxi? In fact, there is no global difference between Russian taxi aggregators, as mentioned above. Also, the requirements for cars are almost identical, with the exception of some nuances. For example, Yandex is categorical and does not accept the domestic auto industry into its "ranks", I think there is no need to explain why this is so. However, the working conditions in a Vezet taxi are somewhat different, namely, they are not against the Russian car industry, but only models not older than 6 years. Well, the rest of the conditions are already familiar, these are:

  • Perfect technical condition.
  • Conformity to the class. Yes, Lucky has its own segments, which, in principle, differ in nothing from competitors: Economy and Comfort.
  • Special requirements for the salon, it must be clean and well-groomed.

Working in a taxi

Yes, it is allowed, if, of course, your "horse" meets the conditions of the company. It is even profitable to drive your car, because there is no need to pay rent for someone else's vehicle. It is more familiar and calmer on your car, all taxi drivers will agree with this. In addition, there is a good opportunity to drop the base commission percentage. As already mentioned, branding allows you to lower the remuneration rate to 8%, versus 18%.

Work for a car company

The option with branding is not always possible to "crank" on a rented vehicle, so there are some subtleties here. But, in general, you can work in a Lucky taxi on rented transport, the main thing is that the latter meets the requirements. Working in a taxi on a car company is meant only in the sense of pre-renting a car somewhere, since the dispatch office does not have its own fleet.

Is it possible to work in a taxi Lucky without a license

This question has already been partially answered above, but we repeat once again, working as a driver and, accordingly, connecting to a taxi, in principle, is not possible if you do not have permission. The fact is that the legislation clearly spelled out the requirements for drivers, in the need for a license. Why even working as a partner with the country's largest aggregator is not possible without permits. Consider this point, since without a license, no one will enter into an agreement with you.

As strange as it may seem, this service is very popular in Russia, and in megalopolises as well. It would seem that Moscow and St. Petersburg have long been accustomed to comfort, but loot triumphs over evil. Passengers are ready to ride in old cars, with drivers who do not know the city at all, or barely speak Russian. We will talk about this and many other things in the specially designated for, and now we will talk about what kind of service it is, how to get a job in a taxi. Lucky, what kind of car you can work on.

Let's get started.

What kind of cars do they take in a taxi?

Of course, a lot depends on the region in which you are going to work, but the requirements are more loyal than in other services. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, you will definitely not be able to get a job in a Russian car. Any foreign car will be accepted, but not older than 7 years (exceptions are often made if the car is in good condition). At the same time, two-doors (coupes), whether you have a Mercedes or a BMW, will not be accepted. If you are from a region, for example, Krasnodar and you have Granta, Kalina or Priora, you can try your luck. And with foreign cars, it will probably be easier there than in megacities.

Will you be hired

If you get a job in a metropolis, then you are unlikely to be disturbed. If you can connect a few words in Russian, hold a ballpoint pen, you will definitely start working with DS. Conditions may be more severe in some regions.

If it is different in your region, then tell us in the comments, we will definitely make changes.

Taxi fares

For its services, the company takes a fixed 15% of any order, but it is possible to lower the percentage to 8, for this you need to paste your car into the company logos.

There is no unlimited limit in Moscow, in other cities ask the DS.

Taxi job Lucky

The service has gained particular popularity due to fixed tariffs. They are the cheapest for Moscow, for sure.

There is also a meter tariff.

Cancellation of order

You can refuse any order. The system will be persistent and offer you to take the order several times. Just don't pay any attention to it. There will be no sanctions for this. Unless they will be removed from the line for 2 minutes. True, you should not use this more often 10 times in a row, they can block it for a day.

There is no such thing in the system, and as the company promises, it will not. All drivers are equal and no one car has priority over another.

Available transport services are always relevant and in demand, especially economy class taxis. What does it mean? Economy is an alternative to public transport. One of these services is "Lucky" - a taxi, reviews of which confirm its popularity. What are the opinions of drivers and passengers about this service?

About services

Taxis "Lucky" are distinguished by the minimum prices for landing and kilometer. Some trips come out practically for nothing. The car park consists of good foreign cars: minivans and station wagons. Additional services are provided: taximeter, reception at the station, at the airport and others. The taxi service "Lucky", reviews of which are very ambiguous, does not particularly stand out among competitors, but provides customers with the opportunity to significantly save money.

Price policy

The cost of the trip is calculated in a format convenient for the passenger: by a taximeter or at a fixed rate. The calculation by the taximeter depends on the time spent on the way and is made at the end of the trip. When ordering online (on the website or through the application), there is a permanent discount.

By choosing a fixed calculation method, at the time of ordering, you can find out in advance the final cost of the trip. The fixed price should not change due to wasted time in traffic jams. The cost of the trip, taking into account the discount, can be calculated on the website or using a special mobile application.

Positive feedback from passengers about the taxi "Lucky"

Many passengers regularly use the services of the "Vezet" taxi (Moscow has good reviews of its work), and talk about their positive impressions. Affordable prices also bribe them. What are the main advantages of clients?

  • The simplest and most understandable taxi order, you do not need to call operators.
  • Very cheap, discounts, flexible system for calculating the cost of the trip. The dispatchers call the price right away, the drivers usually do not dispute it.
  • Neat and polite drivers in a good mood, if necessary, help with luggage.
  • Clean cars - foreign cars without unpleasant odors.
  • Fast serve, arrive a few minutes ahead of schedule. The driver calls, reports that he is there. You can also contact him through the "Lucky" taxi program.

Feedback from taxi drivers confirms that the company has the most affordable prices among competitors. In addition, customers and drivers appreciate the quick registration of an application via the Internet and by phone, the availability of a convenient notification service via SMS. In taxi "Lucky" there is a quality service where you can resolve controversial issues or contact if the service is poorly provided.

"Lucky" and corporate clients

"Lucky" - a taxi, reviews of which people leave mostly positive. One of the areas of work that does not cause any complaints is the conclusion to corporate clients. Organizations cooperating with "Lucky", as a rule, are satisfied with the service, drivers, and the absence of problems with calling. Many have been using the services of this taxi for more than one year.

Disadvantages of the company "Lucky" (taxi). Customer Reviews

"Lucky" has been causing complaints from some clients lately. Of course, you cannot expect high quality service from the cheapest taxi. Passengers, as a rule, expect drivers and dispatchers to perform their duties in an elementary way. "Lucky" sometimes disappoints even regular customers, as many passengers believe that they are not working to improve the quality of the services provided.

Clients using the services of this taxi most often note the following disadvantages of the company:

  • Cheating with the cost of rides in a taxi "Lucky" (Moscow).
  • Feedback from drivers confirms that the company does not check the technical condition of the car, is not interested in its capacity.
  • There are drunk drivers who get into an accident with passengers.
  • Taxi drivers are late for half an hour, for an hour, for an hour and a half, or do not come at all.
  • Dispatchers and quality service are not working.
  • inside and outside. The driver smokes a lot right in the cabin.

Sometimes clients have to call the driver on their own to find out where he is, arrived or not. In addition, it happens that a few minutes before the car is delivered, they may report that the car you need is not there.

Foreigner driving

Today many clients of taxi "Lucky", including regular ones, leave a lot of complaints about non-Russian drivers. In general, people are not against guest taxi drivers who want to earn money, if only they know their business. But many unqualified guests (from Central Asia, etc.) do not know the city, speak Russian poorly and do not know how to use navigators and taximeters. For some of them, it is problematic to simply enter the street name into the navigator. In addition, according to many passengers, such employees often cheat, try to take extra money in any way, for example, referring to the lack of change.

"Lucky" (taxi) reviews sometimes get negative, reflecting the following disadvantages of driving with guest workers:

  • They deceive customers and the company, calling inflated prices that exceed the cost of the route by the taximeter and do not coincide with the amount in the SMS.
  • Extreme driving, even with children in the cabin, in violation of traffic rules.
  • Frequent tardiness of employees who are not familiar with the city.
  • Drivers spend a lot of time looking for a road.

Work in a taxi "Lucky". Driver reviews

Service in a taxi "Lucky", like any work, has its pluses and minuses. Working in a taxi cannot be easy at all, as it is full of stress, unpredictable and requires the ability to find a common language with passengers, dispatchers, to resolve. Communication with people is a difficult thing, and some clients are generally able to “curdle blood”.

What are the advantages of working in a taxi "Lucky":

  • Feedback from drivers makes us pay attention to a significant plus of this service: employment without experience.
  • All comers are accepted.
  • The opportunity to make good money due to the large flow of customers, as this is one of the cheapest taxis.

What are the drivers working for the "Lucky" company unhappy with?

Employees most often note the following disadvantages of working in this taxi:

  • Disdainful attitude of clients, dispatchers and office managers to drivers.
  • There is a lot of competition among drivers.
  • They can be fired for incorrect communication with dispatchers, so it is better not to argue, but to clearly follow the instructions.
  • The program for drivers does not work well, freezes and makes you distracted while driving. Many other working moments are also not thought out.
  • Discounts are made at the expense of the taxi driver. It is problematic to withdraw money earned by bank transfer.

In the taxi "Lucky", reviews of which are mostly positive from the drivers, you can work and earn in peace. If you have a driving experience, it is recommended to try yourself in different taxi services.

Employee feedback on the software for taxi drivers

The company "Lucky" provides software for taxi drivers, which in many ways does not suit drivers. Negative feedback from taxi workers "Lucky" is often associated with malfunctions of the program. Taxi drivers believe that it is not well thought out and has a number of disadvantages:

  • The program makes you often distract from the road while driving, which can lead to an accident. Pop-up confirmations that cannot be deleted on their own are also distracting.
  • The program often freezes, gives errors and quickly consumes the battery.
  • Inconvenient location of the buttons, they are very small, and pressing while driving is problematic.

Drivers about work by bank transfer

Bad reviews about working in a taxi "Lucky" in general reflect the level of the company and make you pay attention to another problem: non-cash payments with drivers are not well thought out. The money earned for the delivery by bank transfer is in the personal account of the taxi driver. The fixed cost of the order is credited to the account, the discount is deducted from it (the taxi driver pays the discount to the clients from his pocket). The cost of the order does not change from the number of passengers, changes to the route, etc. For example, for 350 rubles. four passengers can get into the car, who will have to be transported to their homes in different areas. In addition to the discount, the taxi driver pays the company for each order from 10% to 13%, which means that 310 rubles will be credited to the account. excluding gasoline. In the presence of traffic jams, sluggish customers who have to wait for half an hour, making good money in the end is very problematic.

The taxi driver has no right to refuse orders, including by bank transfer, since in this case he will be disconnected from the line, suspended from work. It is very difficult to get money from your account. You can withdraw no more than two thousand rubles per day. To do this, you need to drive up to the office at two o'clock, stand in line, but it is not a fact that after that you will be able to get your earnings, since the money in the company often ends at half past three. Thus, a bank transfer driver seems to earn money, but walks around with empty pockets.

How does the quality service and taxi dispatchers "Lucky" work?

Very few customers realize that excellent service should not be expected from economy class taxis. Recently, the clients of the "Lucky" service have left a lot of reviews about the work of this taxi service. Some point out that there is no adequate response from the company to resolve customer problems and controversial issues. The consumers got the impression that after accepting the order, the service does not care whether the driver has reached the place: when they call, they say that the car has arrived, but in fact it is not. Others believe that "Lucky" has the most ideal service for such meager prices, and they have been using the services of this taxi for more than one year.

"Lucky" (taxi, reviews of which are very controversial) has significant drawbacks associated with quality and service. What problems do their clients point to?

  • Incompetence of the quality control department. Indifference and complete unwillingness to help solve the problem on the part of dispatchers and
  • Dispatchers do not introduce themselves, they are rude to customers and drivers, they often confuse streets, addresses, send the driver to the wrong area.
  • The dispatch service cannot convey to the driver full information about the order.
  • Operators do not report when the car is delayed.
  • After contacting the quality service, they do not call back.

Thus, there are a lot of positive and negative reviews about the "Lucky" taxi, but the negative ones still outweigh. It is also undesirable to judge in the spirit of "the passenger is always right" in all situations. For example, a client, outraged by the fact that the taxi arrived in a minute, leaves a negative review, as he was waiting for the car in 10-15 minutes and did not have time to pack up!

Nevertheless, many passengers and drivers are sure that the company does not seek to establish a high-quality taxi "Lucky". Feedback from employees makes us pay attention to the numerous shortcomings of this taxi, including the disrespectful attitude towards its own employees and customers. The incompetence of the company's management and service employees is also noted.