Business for a million rubles. What business can be opened for a million rubles Ideas for 1 5 million rubles

The starting capital of 1 million rubles is the starting point for starting your own project in Moscow. What business can you open for 1,000,000 rubles? There are a lot of options. These are pharmacies, travel agencies, online shoe and equipment stores, hairdressers and manicure studios. There are drawbacks to self-discovery, however. These include:

  • high level of competition at the start;
  • long payback period;
  • the need to generate demand for products / services.

For this reason, experts argue that it is more profitable to buy a ready-made small business, having in hand an amount of up to a million. After the deal is concluded, you get a company with a well-known name, loyal audience, building and equipment in the ownership / lease. At the same time, from the moment of purchase, the project will start bringing in a profit of 70-130 thousand rubles per month.

What project can you buy for 1 million rubles?

With an investment of 1,000,000, you can become the owner of the following businesses.

  • Internet projects: online stores of art supplies, branded clothing, plumbing.
  • Scope of trade: shops of finishing materials, food, cosmetics.
  • Manufacturing: small businesses up to 1,000,000 are bakeries, ateliers for sewing shoes, curtains, blinds.
  • Beauty and health: beauty salons, tattoo studios, pharmacies.
  • Construction business: firms specializing in residential, commercial, road construction.
  • Entertainment: hookah bars, bars, coffee shops.
  • Hospitality: hostels, mini-hotels, hostels.
  • Education: children's development centers, dance schools.

Why is a ready-made business being sold?

Are you planning to invest in a finished project, but are you afraid that a profitable business is not being sold? You shouldn't have doubted. Very often objects are put up for sale, since the owner:

  • decided to change the field of activity;
  • needs living capital for large purchases;
  • changes place of residence.

The cost of such a project corresponds to the market value, since the proposals are checked before being included in the catalog. The appraisers of "First Broker" indicate the price of the enterprise, its profitability and monthly income.

Thus, making investments in a ready-made business for 1 million rubles is profitable and safe. Cases of fraud by sellers in cooperation with a consulting agency are excluded.

Select the project that interests you from the catalog. If there is no adequate offer, subscribe to our mailing list and be the first to be aware of current business options up to 1,000,000.

For more than a decade, entrepreneurship has been an integral part of all spheres of the socio-economic life of modern society. Starting your own business gives you the opportunity not only to improve your well-being, to support the state economy, but also to realize yourself as a person. A mini-factory is one of the most convenient and effective formats for starting a production in a small business niche.

How to open a mini-plant up to 1 million rubles?

Small business has become an important part of any market economic system. Big capital undoubtedly determines the level of the country's scientific, technical and production potential. But the basis for the development of countries with market economies is small business, because it is it that is the most massive, dynamic, flexible form of business life.

Advice: Experienced entrepreneurs advise beginners not to rush to organize a full-fledged production line, but first try the basic module in business. After analyzing the errors, production features, you can begin to expand it and increase the volume of products (for example, first buy several forms for and achieve high quality production, and only then purchase additional equipment, expand volumes).

The specialization of a mini-plant can be different: building, finishing materials, processing agricultural products, recyclable materials, making food, church or decorative candles, toilet paper. If you choose it wrong, it will be very difficult to achieve success. For example, the successful ones achieve the desired profitability thanks to a profitable region, an effective investment of start-up investments and the choice of the right development strategies. Establishing a profitable one will not work everywhere either.

The algorithm for opening your own business in the format of a mini-plant with investments of up to 1 million rubles does not differ from the organization of other enterprises, but has its own specifics:

  1. Submission of documents and organization of LLC, registration of an individual entrepreneur (it is important to choose the most favorable form of taxation), the choice of OKVED.
  2. Obtaining the necessary permissions from the appropriate authorities.
  3. If necessary - product certification.

Small production ideas

Mini-factories fit perfectly into the format of a small business and open up good development prospects for their owner. But in order to achieve success, it is important to choose the right idea, have sufficient resources to implement it in your region, and obtain the necessary permits. Recently, mini-factories made in China have become very popular. They are often much cheaper than their European counterparts and maintain a decent level of technological process quality. We propose to consider the following ideas for opening mini-factories in the field of production.


For the successful launch of a mini-plant, it is important not only to work out the financial plan well, take into account investment risks, form a sales market, but also find suppliers of high-quality raw materials, and ensure the sterility of production. Milk must be suitable for the technological process in terms of fat content, acidity, bacterial indicators. It is necessary to create optimal conditions in the hard cheese ripening chamber, to monitor the temperature and humidity indicators. Mini-cheese dairies have different configurations (the basic one includes a working container, a mixer), which largely affects the cost. The price starts from 50-70 thousand rubles, but in order to create a profitable scale of production, it is advisable to buy an improved model and equip a work shop.

Production of building materials, furniture

Quality building materials and furniture at an affordable price will always be popular. Having opened a mini-factory for their manufacture, it will be possible to create a profitable business. There are many high-quality models of specialized machine tools with good technical characteristics on the market. If you correctly organize the work of a mini-plant, form a reliable sales market, investments of up to 1 million will quickly pay off and will bring good earnings. Having opened a modular mini-plant, you can make:

  • Lego brick;
  • silicate, hyper-pressed brick;
  • gas silicate blocks, cinder blocks, expanded clay blocks;
  • dry mixes;
  • paving slabs;
  • concrete blocks;
  • colored rubble;
  • furniture facades, etc.

Alternatively, you can consider such ideas for creating a small business up to 1 million rubles, such as waste processing, recyclable materials (for example,

What the article is about:

Business for a million rubles: 6 cool ideas on how to cash out 1 million rubles

Business for a million rubles - 5 tips on how to manage money + 6 ideas in various areas.

With the current exchange rate, a million rubles is no longer a large amount for which one could buy an apartment in the regional center or on the outskirts of Moscow.

But still, even such savings can give prospects for personal development in the form of opening a small, but still your own business.

Business for a million rubles- it's really real.

In fact, with that kind of money, you can bring many ideas to life, which we will consider in today's article.

How to manage one million rubles rationally?

If you are serious about starting a small business for a million rubles, then you should not grab onto the first business idea that comes across, especially if you are not familiar with the rules of organizing entrepreneurial activity.

With the wrong setting of goals and an irresponsible attitude, you can easily lose the accumulated money.

Therefore, heed these tips:

Come up with some business ideas

First of all, you should pay attention to what you are good at.

Perhaps it is something related to the education, work or hobby received.

But you can also look at other ideas that are not related to lifestyle and hobbies.

  • Many people mistakenly believe that this is just a piece of paper that no one needs. But in fact, this is an instruction for action plus economic calculations. It is necessary to draw up a business plan at least to check whether there is a chance when opening a business to invest in a million, or whether the amount of money will be needed. more significant.

    Even if you don't know how to do it, there are many detailed articles on the Internet with instructions for writing a business plan and detailed examples.

  • Evaluate the market and think about whether there will be a demand for your business for a million rubles It is not enough just to come up with a brilliant idea. It needs to be directly "probed" in order to understand how it will work and whether it will be in demand.

    Naturally, with such a sum of money, you will not enter the state market, at most - within the limits of your locality.

    And this fact greatly facilitates the process of market analysis.

  • Evaluate the cost soberly Most often, when opening a business for a million rubles, an individual entrepreneur is registered, and often it is necessary to conduct activities alone or with a minimum of staff.

    So, in the cost of goods and services (depending on what you will be doing), you should also include your labor.

  • Read a few books on business Firstly, this way you can gain new knowledge, secondly, get acquainted with someone else's experience, thirdly, get a dose of inspiration. It is also worth taking a closer look at the specialized literature corresponding to the chosen idea.
  • Do not involve friends in your business The phrase: "It's just a business, nothing personal" is really relevant in such a matter. Believe me, sooner or later someone will start pulling the blanket over themselves, and this will definitely ruin the friendship.

    Even if there is not enough additional funds, and a friend can become a business partner, it is still better to save up money and start doing business on your own.

3 topical areas for business for a million rubles

There are a lot of directions in business - from the opening of a small kiosk with bread or a repair shop to industry on a colossal scale.

But not all ideas fit into the category of what you can start for one million rubles.

So, if you yourself cannot come up with an idea, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our selection, which covers the following areas:

1. Business for a million rubles in trade

This is probably the most popular direction that they prefer to start their own business.

Trade can relate to many areas of life - food, clothing, cosmetics, household chemicals, household goods, household appliances and much more.

But in fact, I don't want to talk about the banal opening of a familiar grocery or cosmetic store.

Therefore, let's look at a few unusual business ideas for a million rubles:

A showroom is a shop familiar to us with clothes, footwear and accessories, but with a certain concept.

High-quality stylish outfits, girlish interior design, individual approach - that's what it should be.

The main expenses for opening such a business will fall on renting premises in a shopping and entertainment center, repairing, purchasing furniture and decorative elements, creating a website or online store and purchasing the first batch of goods.

The understanding of Ukrainian and Russian entrepreneurs about showrooms differs significantly from its original meaning, namely:

  • a place where samples of clothing models are presented at manufacturers or fashion houses;
  • an atelier salon, where designers work and sew models invented by them, which are immediately put up for sale;
  • a closed store selling outfits from famous or unknown emerging designers.

In our country, many people imagine the showroom as a simple clothing store, which is most often ordered in China.

This is the wrong approach, we definitely do not recommend it, but we recommend the third described option for starting a business.

  • Selling tea and / or coffee A specific, but really interesting business for a million rubles. For this amount of money, you can open a small pavilion with a tasting room in a shopping and entertainment center.

    To implement this business idea, namely the opening of a tea shop, it is necessary to rent an "island" in the mall, install showcases and shelves with shelves for cans of tea or coffee, a couple of tables and a sofa so that visitors can taste a drink without leaving the checkout.

    Also, work on styling and decorating your store, because such a business can be safely called aesthetic, and people will pass by if they are not attracted by the design.

    When organizing such a business for a million rubles, there is an opportunity to purchase high-quality tea and coffee, and you should also not forget about the elite varieties, which will be appreciated by true lovers.

2. Business for a million rubles in the service sector

Opening a business in the service sector will definitely suit those who love and are ready to communicate with people.

If you have certain skills or knowledge, then it is better to have your own business connected with them.

For example, if a person has never looked under the hood of a car, then it is unlikely that he will be able to organize a car service.

These investments are significantly less than one million rubles, so we suggest that you use the entire budget and purchase special printing equipment on which you can print signs, business cards, leaflets and brochures.

Of course, not everyone can do such a business.

If you have a marketing education and creative thinking, then this is definitely for you.

But in order not to lose the invested million rubles and start to "beat it off", hire a small team of professionals, and immediately start looking for clients who may need your services.

  • If you work for a long time in a beauty salon or provide your services at home? With a million, you can open a full-fledged office, thanks to which you can reach a new level and become an independent person. Beauty cabinets can be opened by nail service masters, hairdressers, make-up artists, eyebrows, massage therapists.

    The main source of income will be the funds received from the provision of their beauty services.

    If the area of ​​the office allows, you can organize one or two workplaces and rent them out to other craftsmen, which will allow you to receive additional money.

How to start a service business and how to develop it, you will learn from the video:

3. Business for a million rubles in the manufacturing sector

“The longer you go to success, the closer it gets. Too many people give up a step before they win. Remember, others will take this step. "

For a million rubles, you can open a small production workshop.

As orders increase or the sales market expands, the money invested will begin to multiply, which will allow us to reach a new level.

In addition, by opening a business in the field of production, there is a chance to receive money from the state for the development of your enterprise.

If we consider the lines of business, then something related to heavy industry will not be possible to open.

But you can take a closer look at the production of building materials, processing industry, food and other small production.

Confectionery production

For a million rubles, you can organize the production of a small assortment of confectionery products that can be sold to local shops or coffee shops.

To organize the production of confectionery products, it is necessary to rent a room that meets sanitary requirements, purchase kitchen equipment, dishes, hire qualified personnel and engage in advertising.

If you wish, you can open a branded store where you can sell your confectionery, but this will entail additional costs in running your business.

  • Despite the crisis, this is a very popular business idea that the construction and furniture industry needs. For one million rubles, you can find a fairly large plot with a workshop, buy special equipment that will cut wood into boards, hire personnel and advertise your production. .To save money, you can rent a plot not near regional centers.

    In addition, sawdust can be used in production as fuel for the stove, which is needed to dry wood.

In modern times, you can start your own business even without investment, therefore business worth a million rubles more than possible.

Here are only 6 profitable ideas that you can safely implement with the indicated amount.

But this is certainly not a complete list.

But no matter what business you decide to implement, your ability to take risks and desire to work is important.

Business ideas up to 1 million - 8 best businesses for 1 million rubles

Your own business for 1 million rubles is real! Moreover, having much less funds, entrepreneurs managed to open very, very profitable projects.

The main thing is to choose the right niche and invest wisely. This can be a store, a catering establishment, a beauty salon, or even a manufacturing enterprise.

It's up to you to choose.

Bakery at home

The mini-bakery will bring in 50-100 thousand rubles of net profit per month. 500 thousand rubles will be enough for the arrangement of the establishment, if you do not plan to buy a room. The remaining money can be invested in payroll, advertising, ingredients and used as a reserve.

For a bakery, you need to choose the right room (it must meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements), buy an oven, a kneading machine, a flour sifter, a rack for blanks and baked bread. And also a showcase, tables for visitors and, if you like, a coffee machine.

Small shop

With 1 million rubles, you can open a small store. Rent a space in a shopping center, buy a product and a checkout, register an individual entrepreneur - and you can open.

The product can be anything: from clothes and shoes to haberdashery and fabrics. Keep in mind that clothing stores have powerful competitors, so find your own niche.

It can be second-hand, maternity clothes, branded items, etc.

With a grocery store, everything is more complicated: you have to compete with chains, which means you need to offer something special. For example, farm products, homemade products.

Dumplings shop

So we got to production. With dumplings, everything is not very difficult. Even having 100 thousand rubles, you can do modeling yourself and supply finished products to sellers in markets and in farm shops.

You only need freezers for finished products, a meat grinder and a small set of tools. After that, you can put employees (take care of medical books) and buy equipment for automatic sculpting.

However, hand sculpting is now in trend.

After organizing the workshop, you can think about implementation. For example, open a dumplings.

Vending machine network

Vending is popular to this day. One used automatic machine costs 50-60 thousand rubles, and brings up to 1000 rubles of net profit per day.

If you put 10-20 vending machines in different parts of the city, you can get up to 300-600 thousand rubles a month.

True, you will have to regularly go around each outlet in order to replenish the machines with products and collect the proceeds.

Immediately think about where and how you will place the machines.

We need crowded places: clinics, shops, educational institutions, metro stations, service centers, etc.

Go to these places in person and negotiate with the owners or managers: for a small fee, they will rent 1 square meter.

Entertainment Industry: Trampoline Center

One of the most interesting business ideas under $ 1 million

There is nothing complicated: rent a space in a shopping or entertainment center, buy trampolines and additional equipment, order a sign and advertise.

Trampolines can be inflatable or stretched. Inflatable ones are suitable for children, stretch ones - for teenagers and acrobats.

The trampoline center will be in demand and will definitely make a profit: even in large Russian cities there is not enough entertainment for children, and they will visit your institution regularly. The main influx of visitors falls on weekends, holidays, and winter holidays.

They also come here on summer vacations. Trampoline centers celebrate birthdays, September 1, New Year and many other holidays.

Think about how to diversify your vacation: you can organize a room for a festive feast, install musical equipment, sell balloons and other paraphernalia for birthdays.

How much will the trampoline center bring? Let's say 1 hour for one child will cost 200 rubles. If you run 10 children every hour, you will earn 24,000 rubles for a 12-hour working day. For a month - up to 720-744 thousand. And this - with minimal investment. Not bad?

Cafe: pizzeria, sushi bar, canteen

With public catering, everything is not so simple, and investments can exceed 1 million rubles.

In addition, there are already a lot of cafes in Russian cities, so you can count on good attendance only on holidays and weekends.

However, there are still few establishments with affordable prices and quality food. If you are able to offer a product that is better and cheaper than the competition, success will not be long in coming.

In addition to the cafe itself, it is worth organizing a delivery service. With delivery, you can unload the premises and save on their rental and maintenance.

Internet project

If you prefer a ready-made business, 1 million can be invested in a website.

As a rule, the cost of a site is calculated based on its income for 1-2 years, that is, it is during this time that your contribution will justify itself.

After two years, you can get a profit - provided that you continue to support the resource. Want more and faster? No problem - invest in development, look for new ways to monetize, experiment.

Waste recycling

Working with waste, of course, is not as pleasant as in the catering or trampoline business, but you can establish virtually trouble-free production.

The main thing is to correctly integrate into the business chain: you can deal with both the reception of metal, waste paper, plastic bottles, glass containers, and the subsequent processing and even the manufacture of a specific product.

From 1 million rubles, it is better to invest in an intermediate stage - processing. For example, crushing glass or plastic, pressing waste paper and handing over the processed waste to the enterprise.

What business to open if you have 1 million rubles?

In fact, there are much more business ideas up to 1 million rubles. When choosing, you should take into account your interests and preferences, prospects, the current level of supply and demand, and most importantly - potential profitability.

What business can you open for 1 million rubles - ideas

When starting a business, you need not only an idea and a business plan, but also initial capital. Start-up capital is the amount that is needed in order to implement business ideas.

But the amount of money depends on the specifics and type of the future business, therefore it is impossible to allocate any total amount suitable for all cases, because sometimes even a billion dollars is not enough.

But since our citizens have much more modest financial capabilities. The maximum that a future businessman can count on is a business for a million rubles, in rare cases the initial capital is more for 1.5 million rubles.

True, this is also more than enough to open something small, and then develop into something larger.

It is difficult to get a loan from a bank up to 1 million rubles, not to mention 1.5 million rubles, therefore it is important to use these funds wisely. In order for every penny to be spent in business, it is necessary to create a special business plan, where special attention should be paid to the financial side of the issue.

To buy not very expensive equipment, of course, if there is a need for it. But it is better not to use frank cheapness, because it will not last long. In other words, start-up capital must be invested wisely so that later it turns out that there is no money or business.

How to properly dispose of 1 million rubles

For many, a million rubles is just a huge amount that few people had in their hands. But let's face it - opening a real business for 1 million rubles is quite difficult.

By the standards of business sharks, this is just a ridiculous amount, which is enough to live in a good hotel a week, and it is very doubtful that after that something will remain for dinner at a restaurant.

Nevertheless, you can try, the main thing is to choose an idea that will allow you to open a business with such a small capital. And if you have already chosen, then you need to achieve your goals, otherwise you will lose all your savings.

  1. Consider several business ideas at once.
  2. Even if we are talking about a business worth a million rubles, this does not exempt you from writing a business plan and investment plan.
  3. Do not just think about which business to open, but after choosing an idea, study it as carefully as possible, clarify whether there is demand in the market, and whether your business for 1 million rubles will be profitable at all.
  4. When a person has no more than a million rubles at his disposal, then he should pay special attention to the cost price.
  5. Learn.

The best thing is if, first of all, you pay attention to the industry in which you understand, because this will save time for getting acquainted with the peculiarities of doing business in it.

And if you see that nothing will come of it, then you can pay attention to the industries that you like, but where the person understands much worse. But in this case, it is advisable to choose those activities that have always aroused interest, and where a person can realize himself.

In simple words, if you are not a nuclear physicist, you should not invest in the construction of another hadron collider.

In this case, it is even more important than having billions of dollars at your disposal.

The fact is that money is already scarce, and you need to figure out where to cram every penny so that it gives the maximum return.

To be honest, this is not very simple, because now everything is expensive, no matter what industry you look at. Besides, there is also a lot of competition.

This is not just some piece of paper, but a convenient economic unit that allows you to understand what kind of business you can open for 1 million rubles, and when it will start making a profit. By the way, the topic of profit and financial calculations should be considered from all sides, so that the investment does not end if the business goes out of business.

"Feel the soil" as much as possible. Whether people or potential customers are interested in using the services of the institution in question.

Since this capital is too small for the state market, it is necessary to consider the situation on a local scale.

A simple example: if a pet clothing store is popular in the capital, then in a small town where the coolest breed of dog is a “local courtyard”, such a business will most likely not find its buyer.

It is a bad idea to hire a large staff. It is quite possible that at first, in general, you will have to work yourself, occupying several positions at once.

And you can forget about the salary, doing everything so that production does not stop.

In addition, the person who opens production must understand that the cost of goods and services should be at the market level, so you should not immediately break prices or underestimate them very much.

Read at least a few business guides before starting a business.

What business to invest 1 million rubles in

If you do not have millions, but you only own one million, then it must be invested correctly, doing the business that is guaranteed to be profitable.

This means that it is more profitable to open just such an entrepreneurship in which you understand.

There are a lot of directions in business, but only a small part can do practically without investments, because one million can hardly be called a sufficient amount in order to open a full-fledged business.

But 7 million is already a more worthy sum when investing in a business. But who will give it? We have to get out with what we have. So let's take a look at which industries are well worth the million dollar investment:

  • Trade. You can open a shop for a much less than the amount indicated, therefore investing money in stores is a rather sober decision, especially if you need to quickly "recoup" the money;
  • Providing various kinds of services. This is also a vivid example of profitable investment. Moreover, if a person is a professional, then he will be able to take part not only in starting a business, but also to provide services himself, at least until he is promoted and can hire personnel;
  • Be involved in production. Investments in production do not surprise anyone, but we are not trying. You need to make money, and by investing in production, you can get a quick and good profit.

Profitable business ideas

Let's take a closer look at the ideas for profitable business options. Let's start with the simplest and at the same time difficult - trading.

  1. Clothing store or showroom.
  2. Advertising agency. This idea already applies to the service industry.
  3. Confectionery. This is a very profitable business, because everyone loves sweets, no matter how they deny it.

Everyone loves clothes, especially women. Therefore, this business idea is profitable. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are able to give their entire salary for a beautiful dress.

Still, it is better not to risk buying expensive clothes and not to set too high prices, since the contingent of buyers who can afford such things is small, which means that you may not see profits for a very long time.

In general, in the field of trade, it is difficult to find a more fertile soil for business.

It is possible to open such an agency with a minimum of funds in your pocket, but huge enthusiasm to realize your idea.

All that is needed for this is a small room, the equipment will fit a computer, high-quality printers and scanners, photo printing, etc.

Also, when agencies open, it is desirable that the room be cozy, therefore it is very important to make a good renovation. And in order to get promoted, do not forget about the advertising itself, and the more creative the better.

Having a million rubles with you and investing it profitably, you can organize such a production of confectionery products that half of the town will order cakes, pastries and other sweets there. The main thing is to do it with high quality and regularly update the assortment. In addition, growth is possible here, and this is the most important thing in any business.

What business can you open for 1,000,000 rubles?

Is it possible to start a business for 1,000,000 rubles? This amount seems to be a very aggressive start, because there are highly profitable projects designed for smaller initial investments. It is better to choose the business in which the competition is not very high. This approach allows you to spend less money on advertising and promotion.

General information

He must carefully "delve" into his desires and preferences, as a result of which he should develop some directions in which it is preferable for him to develop.

Someone loves to fix cars - it is better for him to do technical service of cars.

And some people like agriculture - a whole list of projects, from growing flowers to creating a cattle farm, at his service.

It is necessary to consider promising business ideas in the following areas:

  • trade;
  • Production of goods;
  • services sector.

It should be borne in mind that the main thing in every project is sales. The more skillfully a business owner learns to sell created goods or services offered, the more successful the business will be. Therefore, out of the available million rubles, 20-30% should be allocated for advertising and promotion.

Trade projects

The amount in question may well be enough to open a store with an area of ​​up to 100 m2. You can trade both food and clothing with shoes, household goods, household appliances.

Not only supermarkets can sell tablets, multicooker, TVs, washing machines.

A small store can also offer such a product, displaying some of the samples on the showcase, and selling the rest to order from the catalog.

Whichever store is planned for opening, it is recommended not to buy all the goods as a whole, but to take them for sale, paying after the sale.

And this applies not only to food products, which have a short shelf life, but also to clothes, because the fashion for specific models and styles passes quickly.

The best option that suits a modern businessman is to organize his own online store.

The trend is that offline trading may soon become unprofitable. Already today, small stores of clothing, technology, accessories, etc.

not keep up with the assortment that is offered on the network at lower prices.

Production benefits

What business can you open for 1,000,000 rubles? Having such an amount to start a business, you can think about a rabbit or quail farm, the production of aerated concrete, tiles or bricks. But, not knowing the specifics of this area, it is better to start a business with small volumes on which you can master the technology.

For example, if you start breeding rabbits or quails, it is better to start with 60 rabbits or 500 quails. To start, you will need about 150 tr. With so many birds, you can generate income from 20 tr. per month, rabbits give several times more.

As soon as you manage to reach the estimated profit, it makes sense to think about expanding the farm several times. For example, to make a quail farm for 5 thousand birds or a rabbit farm for 500-700 heads and more. This is where the whole million rubles and even more will be needed.

But the benefit of a business in manufacturing is that it is possible to receive government subsidies or investments for the project.

In the first case, the state is interested in increasing enterprises that produce agricultural products.

In the second case, the investor is more willing to give money to projects in which the owners of enterprises also invest.

Thus, having only 1 million rubles and business ideas worth several million, additional funds can be attracted from investors and the state.

You can open a workshop for the production of cabinet furniture or a car wash from modular structures. Keep in mind that during production a lot of money is spent on renting or buying premises and purchasing equipment.

Investments in such projects pay off within 2-3 years.

Additional features

If trade and production are not exciting, you can try your hand at the service sector, namely:

Some of these projects can be opened with little or no investment. But if funds are available, they can be spent on advertising and equipment.

There is no need to turn to potential competitors for help in the production of business cards, flyers, banners, the risk of customer withdrawal is reduced.

In organizing a wedding agency, the question of a good car can become acute.

And if you approach the organization of such an agency without funds, due to good organizational skills, then just purchasing such a car will be a very profitable investment. At the very least, you can make a down payment when taking out a car on a loan.

Part of the money must certainly be invested in the creation and promotion of the company's website, filling it with high-quality content and selling pages for each service offered by the company. Good quality content and selling pages, a well-designed website and customized advertising will cost several hundred thousand rubles.

Despite the fact that it will not be possible to open a big business for a million rubles, in the West they believe that starting with 5 thousand dollars is an aggressive start. In this case, the amount is 3 times more.

Your own business from scratch - 7 ideas with investments up to 1 million rubles

With an initial capital of 1 million rubles. or less, you can find quite interesting business. But from all the variety of business ideas, you need to choose a working one.

Chemical production, embroidery on fabrics, the manufacture of diamond crowns and some other ideas in their business are still relevant and, with the right approach, can bring good income.

Today, there are many business projects in which you can invest money and, with an adequate approach, not go bankrupt. However, what matters is the amount of investment that an entrepreneur can afford.

There are models that require virtually no investment, and there are those that require millions of dollars to implement.

Consider several ideas for starting your own business from scratch with investments of up to 1 million rubles.

Own chemical production

An interesting business option is offered by SINTEZ PRO NPO - to launch the manufacture of all kinds of chemical products, from shampoos for cars to paints and primers. The franchisor offers potential partners the following conditions:

  • profitability - 130%;
  • payback period - 4 months;
  • exclusive for the region (1 region - 1 representative);
  • a wide range of products for manufacturing;
  • additional areas of work.

The cost of packages under a franchise agreement starts from 550,000 rubles. ("Starting"). The "Basic" package will cost the franchisee 990,000 rubles.

At the same time, upon purchasing the Starter Pack, the user will be able to make car shampoos, cosmetics and antifreeze liquid.

The basic package additionally includes antifreeze, antifreeze, urea for diesel.

The package "Maximum" was offered for 1,190 thousand rubles, however, on the website of NPO SINTEZ PRO, from time to time there is an action, according to which this package is sold for 890 thousand rubles. Package contents:

  • 4 segments included in the Basic package;
  • professional cleaning;
  • liquid for ignition.

The franchisor accompanies the counterparty at all stages.

Liquid rubber for cars

A new type of business is the production of liquid rubber for vehicle coating and, in fact, the coating services themselves. Franchise price - 650,000 rubles.

  • protection against damage to the car coating;
  • reducing the cost of painting by 2 times;
  • tuning cars;
  • an employee without experience and painting skills;
  • variety of colors, choice of matt or glossy colors.

The franchisor "Color Dip" LLC "SMART GROUP" offers contractors:

  • exclusive to the city;
  • selling site;
  • equipment for manufacturing;
  • raw materials (80 liters);
  • addresses of potential clients;
  • training and equipment setup.

In addition, the starter package includes a recipe for the manufacture of varnish applied to rubber, which will ensure the competitiveness of the franchisee, since the manufacture of varnish in the Russian Federation is represented in small quantities.

Payback - 5 months. Costs per month - 562 287 rubles:

  • cost of goods - 375,700 rubles.
  • royalties - 5% = 43,000 rubles.
  • rent of a box, a garage - 10,000 rubles.
  • auxiliary tools, materials - 2,000 rubles.
  • other expenses (taxes, salaries, transport, etc.) - 131,587 rubles.

Sales proceeds after 6 months - 860,000 rubles. Net profit - 860,000 - 562,287 = 297,713 rubles.

The result of painting with liquid rubber on the video:

Ultra-thin insulation business

Another business idea is the production of an insulating material, which is a liquid that, after being applied to the surface, solidifies and then polymerizes. Due to the properties of this polymer, the treated surface retains heat and protects against fire. 2 mm of polymer corresponds to 60 cm of mineral wool.


  • facades of buildings and buildings;
  • insulation of balconies and loggias;
  • processing of tanks, pipelines;
  • industrial applications.

The cost of 1 liter of thermal insulation is 39 rubles. taking into account the lease of production space, payment for electricity and wages, as well as taking into account the purchase of raw materials. The price for a similar product from competitors starts from 350 rubles per liter.

Equipment cost - from 130,000 rubles. depending on the required production volumes. Supplier - "Recipe for heat".

When buying equipment, a businessman is additionally provided with:

  • business plan;
  • expert advice;
  • technical conditions.

The idea is also interesting in that an entrepreneur can establish a full production cycle, that is, not be limited to the production and sale of thermal insulation, but also provide services for its installation (application).

Manufacturing, restoration of diamond core bits

The essence of the business is the manufacture or restoration of consumables used in drilling, drilling during construction, installation and other works. Consumables - special diamond core bits for working tools.

Potential clients are construction companies, contractors, installers and others who use power tools for drilling.

The franchise agreement is concluded with Berger LLC. The package price is 185,000 rubles, it includes:

  • necessary initial raw materials and materials;
  • organization of training;
  • organization of the technological process;
  • exclusive to the region;
  • consultations, instructions, promotions and more.

The equipment is purchased separately, the cost of the set is 50,000 rubles.

According to the copyright holder, the payback of the business model is 5 months:

  • monthly proceeds from the manufacture of 25 crowns and restoration of 80 crowns - 309,000 rubles;
  • manufacturing and restoration costs - 125,956 rubles;
  • other expenses (rent of premises, salary, royalties, taxes) - 66,257 rubles;
  • net profit per month - 116 787 rubles.

Embroidery on fabric

An interesting business idea for creative people and those who appreciate beauty and are versed in art. Embroidery on fabric using a special machine will radically change the things made of fabric used in everyday life. Decoration with drawings, patterns, text can be done:

  • on clothes;
  • on headdresses;
  • on shoes;
  • on bedding, tablecloths, curtains;
  • on any other fabric products.

Moreover, as an option - sewing portraits from a photograph. This direction will help to get additional clients.

To bring the idea to life, you need to buy equipment - the embroidery machine itself. It is more expedient to immediately purchase a Brother PR-1000e car, the price of which is from 650,000 rubles.

Of course, you can find a device cheaper, but if an entrepreneur plans to develop in the future, then this Japanese model is the best option, since it is suitable for use in industrial production.

The essence of this machine is identical to a conventional printer. However, instead of ink, it uses multi-colored threads.

Einsteinarium franchise

The business offered by the Einsteinarium franchise, according to the copyright holder, will pay off in just 1 month.

Its essence is to present such fundamental sciences as physics, chemistry, biology and others in a completely different light - to make them interesting, not boring, and exciting for schoolchildren.

In other words, a business idea contains elements of a show program during which children are taught.

Therefore, schoolchildren will become the main clients for the entrepreneur.

Considering that parents are trying to raise a successful and educated person from their child, the flow of clients is guaranteed.

The franchisor offers in a package:

  • business equipment;
  • instructions;
  • training and support;
  • exclusive to the region.

The entrepreneur will need:

  • pick up a room;
  • rent a warehouse for storing equipment;
  • hire teachers (not necessary, but from an economic point of view - preferably for future development).

The franchise price starts from 300,000 rubles, royalties - 10,000 rubles. per month.

Quadcopter piloting school

A new and not yet mastered niche in business is offered by the WIN Corp Group of Companies - the opening of a quadcopter piloting school. This site will simultaneously combine several areas of activity:

  1. Training courses on control, assembly, tuning and programming of quadrocopters.
  2. Implementation of quadrocopters.
  3. Repair of out-of-order equipment.
  4. An entertainment area for families.

Payback - 1 year, royalty - no. Investments - 890,000 rubles, including:

  • lump-sum contribution - 300,000 rubles;
  • equipment (cash desk, furniture, signboard) - 170,000 rubles;
  • rent and repair of premises - 200,000 rubles;
  • equipment for training and games - 140,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 80,000 rubles.

Thus, in the presence of funds for investment, it is realistic to find a suitable, working business that is not yet engaged in the market. The main thing is not to be limited to standard ideas.

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Starting your own business is the best way to invest. In order to competently implement a business for 1,000,000 rubles, ideas need to be analyzed carefully, this will allow you to get a profit that is not comparable to the interest on the contribution or dividends from shares. We have selected the best business ideas that can be implemented with 1 million rubles.

Business ideas for 1,000,000 rubles in sales

Despite enormous competition, many aspiring entrepreneurs are opting for business ideas in the retail space. The business will be successful if you select a product that meets the needs of the client, find a profitable point of sale, do not scare away buyers with a high cost, but also do not end up at a loss.

Showroom opening

The showroom can be used to showcase designer clothes to wholesalers or as a fashionable boutique with luxury items. In the first case, it is better to register an LLC, in the second, you can get by with the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Usually, you can get into one or another showroom only by appointment or by acquaintance.

At the initial stage, you can earn from a business project from 70 thousand rubles. per month, but the income is unstable. A well-known showroom in the city, according to, can count on a monthly revenue of 300-500 thousand rubles.

Showroom owners independently purchase clothes from abroad or from well-known Russian fashion designers. You need to select clothes for which you can make the maximum markup. These must be expensive and stylish things (sometimes in a single copy) not for a mass buyer.

How to open a showroom is described here:

Opening of a children's store

Children's products are in demand even during the crisis, and the markup for them is higher than for products for adults. You need to decide on the assortment: you can offer customers only everyday goods (baby food, diapers, baby cosmetics) or open a department store (clothes, strollers, toys). You will need permission to wholesale and sell food.

It is better to look for a room in the sleeping areas of the city. For a children's supermarket, rent of 80-90 m² is sufficient, half of which will be reserved for a warehouse. The approximate cost of renting such premises in the regions, according to, is 50 thousand rubles. per month. You will need racks, closed display cabinets, refrigeration equipment, cash registers.

On average, the formation of an assortment requires ₽300,000, for equipment - ₽100,000, for employees' salaries - ₽50,000.

The profitability of the project is approximately 5-6% in the first year of the store's existence. In the future, profitability increases due to a decrease in capital investments and an increase in the flow of buyers. The optimal markup for baby products is as follows: toys - 40%, car seats and strollers - 15%, clothes - 50%, baby cosmetics and food - 30%.

They talk about the toy business in this video:

Sale of coffee / tea

Coffee and tea are products that are in constant demand. You need a small area to open a store, which can reduce your monthly costs, but finding a good location is not easy. You can organize off-site sales, open a stationary store in a shopping center, or sell coffee from a vending machine.

To organize the work of a stationary store, 2-5 m² is enough

You will need an electronic scale, a cash register, racks, a professional coffee machine, a coffee grinder, glass vacuum dishes for storing products, packaging devices (special spoons and scoops).

The average mark-up for grain and ground coffee is approximately 70%, for packaged products - 15-50%, for ready-made drinks - 80-100%. The initial investment in opening a small retail outlet will amount to about 500 thousand rubles. taking into account the lease, the seller's salary, the order of signboards and advertising materials, the purchase of goods and equipment.

On average, investments are paid off in 1 year, the net profit of a small teahouse in the first month is 40,000-60,000 rubles.

Business for 1,000,000 rubles in the service sector

Business in the service sector is a constant work on the quality of service and service. Many ideas allow you to start practically from scratch - with only an office space and a minimum set of equipment, but a large investment will provide a high income.

Advertising agency

The most common format of work is a small agency that offers intermediary services, that is, it takes orders for printing and places advertisements in the media. Such firms, as a rule, consist of several people and have little chance of becoming a long-term project. Those who want to deal with a large budget create a company with 5-1 staff members and develop their own intellectual product. This concept includes branding (logo development, brand book), event marketing, BTL (sales promotion, direct communication with the consumer).

To open an advertising agency, you need to rent an office, where customers will come to draw up a contract and clarify working moments, equip the premises with several PCs, a printer, and a scanner. Design software must be professional and licensed. Additionally, you need multi-channel phone numbers and the Internet, research data for planning (audience measurements can be purchased from the media). The minimum costs according to the portal will amount to 300,000 rubles.

In some cases (to create slogans, logos, texts) it is advisable not to hire permanent staff, but to cooperate with freelancers. A third-party firm may be responsible for accounting. The staff needs a creative director, a sales and customer search manager.

With the right organized work, profitability can reach 100%. Thus, the profit in the first months of work can be 50,000-100,000 rubles. per month.

Beauty saloon

The determining factor for the success of a business is the premises. The rent, at which it is profitable to open a salon, cannot exceed 15% of the planned revenue. The premises, if necessary, must be transferred to a non-residential fund, obtain the necessary acts and permits from the SES, the fire service, conclude an agreement with the housing office, a laundry, a company serving a cash register, etc.

The most serious competitor of a beauty salon is the huge "black" market of masters who work from home.

To open an economy hairdressing salon with an area of ​​20-40 m², you need about 500 thousand rubles. (including rent, cosmetic repairs, purchase of equipment). With a turnover of 130 thousand rubles. and competent project management, the net profit per month will be about 25 thousand rubles. A business class salon (40-80 m²) requires 1 million start-up investments and will bring about 300 thousand rubles. per month before taxes, salaries and other monthly expenses.

The monthly net income in the beauty industry of 18-20% of revenue is a testament to the health of the business.

How to open a beauty salon, see this video:

Cafe / pizzeria / sushi bar

The catering market is growing by 25% annually. This number is stopping aspiring entrepreneurs looking to try their hand at business. It is unlikely that you can compete with major market players, but you can win on an interesting concept of the establishment. For example, anti-cafes, cat coffee shops or dinners in the dark are popular.

Usually, the choice of premises is started after the concept of the establishment has been determined, but this is a mistake. The real estate market offers few options, so it is best to adjust your plans to the available space. Then you can start repairs, register activities in parallel and conclude contracts with all authorities and partners (SES, suppliers, fire service).

Then you can start buying equipment. For a pizzeria for 20 visitors, you will need: a pizza oven, a kneader, a dough sheeter, a refrigerator, a refrigerator chest, a tabletop refrigerator, a powerful extractor hood, a scale, a juicer, a coffee machine, a set of tableware and cutlery, a uniform for staff and furniture for hall. Costs (including lease of premises, cosmetic repairs, purchase of furniture and equipment) will amount to at least 600 thousand rubles. The payback period for such a business is 1-1.5 years on average.

The advantages of a business project are the absence of a competitive market and high profitability, however, opening a trampoline center requires large initial investments, an entertainment facility pays for itself for a long time, and there is still a high risk of injury to visitors.

The trampoline consists of a strong net that is stretched over a metal frame. The net is not elastic, and jumps are possible due to the springs located along the perimeter of the canvas. Professional trampolines are distinguished by high quality steel, working surface area and frame strength.

In the trampoline center, in addition to several trampolines, there must also be a foam pit - a safety zone that protects against an unsuccessful landing

A trampoline center is a project involving active recreation with an increased risk of injury, therefore, it is imperative to keep an instruction and safety log.

The area of ​​200 m² can accommodate four trampolines, each with an area of ​​45 m². 1 m² of a high-quality trampoline costs from 7.5 thousand rubles, and for the organization of a foam pit (20 m²) it will take 200 thousand rubles. In addition, it is necessary to equip the reception, changing room, bathrooms and a cafeteria, which will cost about 300 thousand rubles. To start, you will need at least 1 million rubles. The profitability of the project is approximately 15%, the payback period is 2 years.

Car wash

The number of cars on the streets of cities is growing, and the car service industry does not have time to develop at the same pace, so this is an excellent opportunity to organize a profitable business.

The premises for the car wash must be chosen carefully: it is desirable not only to have an advantageous location, but also to have the necessary communications. Most likely, it will be necessary to make major repairs, equip the room with a water purification and regeneration system, and this will significantly increase the initial investment.

The most difficult from the point of view of paperwork, the longest and the most expensive way of organizing a business is the construction of a car wash "from scratch". But the project will meet the requirements for it as much as possible, subsequently the premises can be sold or leased.

To start a business, you need to purchase a high-pressure apparatus, equipment for heating water, a professional washing vacuum cleaner, a dust pump, an apparatus for cleaning and recirculating water. The leader among the manufacturers of such equipment is the German brand Karcher.

Net income is about 40% of revenue.

If you invest a million in a small car wash, the estimated income will be from 70,000 rubles. The payback is about 13 months.

Jewelry repair shop

Small workshops are opened by the owners of jewelry stores. The master, as a rule, does not even rent a place, but simply gives a certain percentage of the proceeds. To offer not only urgent repairs and fittings, but also custom jewelry making, it is best to open a separate workshop.

The room for the workshop should be spacious and bright. The floor in the workshop is recommended to be made of solid material. Laminate or linoleum are not suitable because they have the ability to absorb some of the material. To prevent pieces of precious metals from sticking to the soles of your shoes, you need to put a zinc grate on the floor, from under which sawdust is swept out at the end of the working day for use in further work.

The total area of ​​the premises must be at least 15-20 m² (taking into account 5-7 m² for the jeweler's workplace). The workshop needs to be equipped with a good protection system, impact-resistant glass and grilles must be installed on the windows. From the equipment you will need files of various profiles, tweezers, nippers, needle files, pliers, scissors, a jigsaw, anvils, a drawing board, plates and punches, hammers with strikers of various shapes. The organization of one workplace in the minimum configuration will cost 200 thousand rubles.

According to the owners of such a business, the payback period for investments in a jewelry workshop is on average 2 years.

Manufacturing Ideas

Manufacturing requires a large initial investment, but has ample opportunities in terms of turnover, profit, and scale up.

Confectionery production

It is better to locate the confectionery on the ground floor of the building. If you plan to sell products at the place of production, then you should place them in crowded places. Enough area of ​​40 m². The room should have a powerful hood, electricity, water supply. It is necessary to take into account the requirements of the SES and the fire service - the separation of the production hall and the trade, the presence of separate washes (for hands and for dishes), fire extinguishers in each room, an additional exit from the production workshop.

For the full-fledged operation of the confectionery, you will need: a kneader, a boiling pot for making cream, a mixer, a convection oven, a biscuit machine, an electric stove, a flour sifter, a refrigerator and freezer, an extractor hood, dishes and baking dishes.

The cost of opening a small confectionery will be from 500 thousand rubles. The exact amount depends on equipment, rental costs, staff salaries and other factors. The average check in a confectionery is 300-500 rubles, so to break even, you need to make about 20 sales per day. Net profit at the initial stage can range from 50 to 120 thousand rubles.

They tell about the opening of a confectionery here:

Opening the sawmill

The demand for sawn timber has remained consistently high for many years. Businessmen are attracted by this field of activity with the opportunity to start with small investments and further scale the business. Lumber is usually traded in large volumes. But in this business there are also disadvantages: there is seasonality, it is difficult to find reliable suppliers, high electricity consumption.

The premises can be rented on the outskirts of the city. The site should include a warehouse, a work area and a drying area. Large hangars or garages are suitable with an area of ​​100 m² and with a ceiling height of 4 m. Power lines with a capacity of 50 kW or more must be connected to the premises. Important factors are the availability of a good entrance and the equipping of workplaces with fire safety equipment.

To open a sawmill, you need to purchase a band sawmill, multiple saws, an edge trimmer, equipment for drying products, equipment for loading and unloading, and a saw sharpening machine. It is better to buy imported machines - this will reduce depreciation costs. To reduce the start-up costs, you can purchase quality used equipment.

Options for the purchase of raw materials for the sawmill: find a supplier for permanent cooperation or buy out forest plots for felling.

The finished product is about 40-50% of the basic volume of raw materials. A small sawmill produces about 100 m³ of material per month. The payback period for the business is about a year. Profitability 70%. It makes sense to start a business in this, if there is no great competition in the region, there is an opportunity to establish relations with suppliers and there is a suitable premises.

Processing, manufacturing of goods from secondary raw materials

Roughly a third of the discarded waste is plastic, which can be recycled into flex. Plastic bottles, film, paving slabs are made from flex. The processing process is as follows:

  1. Plastic bottles are sorted by color, foreign objects (labels, glass, metal) are removed from the whole mass.
  2. The bottles are pressed into briquettes and then crushed with special knives.
  3. The finished mass enters the steam boiler through a rinsing and polishing machine.

Recycling will require a crusher, agglomerator and granulator - these are high-performance compact machines. Instead of a stationary line, you can purchase a mobile mini-plant that allows you to process recyclable materials in several cities. Transparent plastic, according to the portal, can be sold at a price of 20 thousand rubles. per ton, color - 15 thousand, brown - 10 thousand. Payback is on average 5 months.

1 million rubles is an amount sufficient to open a large and profitable business. In the future, any project can be scaled to get even more income.