Participants of the "Miss Boom Boom" contest showed what they really have in their buttocks. Miss Boom Boom Contestants Reveal What They Really Have in Their Buttocks Miss Boom Beauty Contest

At the annual "Miss Boom Boom" contest, the fair sex do everything possible so that their fifth point wins the main title. However, not everyone believes that such luxurious buttocks are a gift of nature. As a result, the puffy beauties took x-rays and proved that they did not have implants. It turned out fun!

Giuliana Oliveira representing the State of Goiás

The girls also pursued another goal: they posted their x-rays on the Web in order to increase attention to the problem of mortality after plastic surgery to increase the buttocks. Indeed, over the past month in Brazil, several girls have become victims of plastic surgery.

Helen Santana, Rondonia State Representative

Joanna Spinella, Rio Grande do Norte State Representative

Cida Alves, representing the State of Minas Gerais

One of the victims of plastic surgery was the 24-year-old model Maiara Silva dos Santos. After surgery on her buttocks and abdomen, she began to experience complications. And a couple of days later she died.

Another victim of plastic surgery, whose name is being hidden, came to Dr. Denis Furtad. This is a well-known Brazilian surgeon, who had several thousand operations on his account, but one day he accidentally inserted a filler into the patient's artery, which led to her death. The doctor was arrested.

Show jumping "Mis Boom Boom" is held annually. 27 representatives from each state of Brazil participate in the final. The main condition of the competition is the absence of implants in the buttocks. However, plastic surgery is allowed on other parts of the body.

In Sao Paulo, for the sixth year in a row, the beauty contest for the female buttocks "Miss Bum-Bum / Miss BumBum 2017" is being held. At the current stage, 27 participants compete - one from each state of Brazil and the federal district.

On the streets of Sao Paulo the day before, you could again see a lot of sexy girls in bikinis, undressing for a photo shoot.

The main requirement for the participants of "Miss Bum-Bum 2017" is only natural forms and no plastic. To do this, before participating, the girls were given x-rays to exclude any surgical intervention.

Every year, 27 girls take part in the competition - one from each administrative unit of Brazil.

On August 7, Internet voting has already started, thanks to which the name of the winner of the competition will be known in November.

According to Dail Mail, despite the fact that the competition has just started, the organizers already have a favorite among the 27 finalists - this is Rubia Machado, a student and model whose left leg was amputated to the knee.

Rubia, who lives in Rio de Janeiro, was the first disabled person to compete in this competition. She dreams of becoming a model.

“We are disabled, but we are as normal as you are. I am surrounded by 26 women, among whom it is a privilege,” says Rubia Machado.

The girls walked in swimsuits along one of the busiest streets in Sao Paulo - Avenida Paulista. The winner will receive a prize of several thousand reais and a chance to be invited to the modeling business.

Photo: / PAULO WHITAKER / Reuters

Hundreds of girls from all over Brazil want to join the Miss Boom Boom contest. For them, this is an opportunity to find an agent in the modeling business and sign a contract. They collect votes in their favor on the Internet. 15 participants will enter the final defile in November.

The contest provokes protests not only from feminist organizations, religious organizations also demand its cancellation. Last year, the show's organizers, apparently deliberately, provoked a scandal by releasing a promotional poster that showed the finalists of the contest as half-naked as apostles at the Last Supper next to Jesus Christ.

Outrage over this poster was supported by many citizens of Brazil, who considered the Miss BumBum advertising campaign inappropriate and provocative. But the scandal brought additional media attention to the contest.

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In Brazil, the annual competition for the best female buttocks "Miss boom-boom - 2017" has started. The participants walked along the main street of Sao Paulo, showing the audience what they are going to win their hearts in the next three months. During this time, with the help of SMS voting, the contenders for the main prize should be determined. This year, even a girl with an amputated leg will compete for the crown.

To commemorate the opening of the annual Miss Boom Boom contest, 27 girls in black bathing suits paraded along Avenida Paulista, one of the central thoroughfares of Sao Paulo.

Passers-by turned their necks, looking at the defiling owners of impressive buttocks. True, this year the organizers have made changes to the regulations, limiting their maximum size to 107 centimeters. So Kim Kardashian and her 109 cm would not even pass the pre-selection.

But the Brazilian model without a leg, Rubia Machada, who was run over by a car by a former boyfriend, got into the competition.

"Miss Boom Boom" is the main beauty pageant in Brazil. It was held for the first time 7 years ago, and since then millions of girls dream of competing for the title of honor for local residents.

The winner will have a photo session in one of the leading fashion magazines in the world. And she will also receive a solid bonus and - most importantly - the status of a sex symbol, with which fame and lucrative contracts with modeling agencies usually come.

Only 15 contenders for the crown will go to the final, who will be determined by popular SMS voting. But in the fight for audience sympathy, according to the organizers, not all means are good. This year they decided to make the competition much less frank, so the free striptease, which in the past was often resorted to by the most desperate participants, is not worth waiting for. That is why at the opening the contestants appeared before the public in full-body swimsuits.