Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management in a pharmacy organization. Abstract: Professional development of personnel in the enterprise. Criteria indicators assessment scale

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"Pharmaceutical Review", 2005, N 5



One of the features of the modern pharmacy retail market has become an acute shortage of personnel. The rapid growth in the number of pharmacies, the insufficient number of pharmacists and pharmacists who graduate from metropolitan and regional schools and universities, and more attractive pay and career conditions for young professionals offered by Western pharmaceutical companies have affected here. That is why, according to the director of the recruiting company "Selectum SPb" Aneta Jobava, the pharmacy segment is more characterized by the strategy of searching for "learned" (without or with little work experience) personnel, respectively, the development and promotion of employees is provided, as a rule, in within your own organization.


According to experts, the growth and consolidation of pharmacy chains leads to the need to form a corporate culture (the so-called HR brand) and develop personnel management. HR branding has recently become a key element in the search, selection and retention of personnel, since modern job seekers are guided not only by the company's fame in the market in general, but also by the company's image as an employer in the labor market.

HR managers usually use both external and internal recruitment. The advantages of internal selection: lower "cost" of employees, shortened adaptation period and open chances for promotion for all employees.

The advantages of external recruitment are a wide range of candidates and, accordingly, the "fresh breath" that new employees can bring. Disadvantages of external recruitment include high recruitment costs, increased risk during the probationary period, and possible rejection of the team.

In the pharmaceutical industry, managers most often grow from internal resources, and line employees are recruited using external sources (through specialized chats and forums, printing job advertisements in non-core free newspapers, searching universities, labor exchanges, on the recommendations of employees, etc.). d.). Recruiters are rarely asked for help, as it is quite expensive and unproductive (line specialists often migrate from network to network).


When choosing a strategy for the search and selection of "trained" (with extensive work experience, primarily managers) employees, it is necessary to focus on the personnel assessment procedure. One of the leading methods of psychological consulting today is assessment (from the English assessment - assessment, opinion, judgment). Such professional diagnostics are carried out in assessment centers (assessment centers), or assessment centers. This method, which came to us from the West in the 1990s, continues to gain well-deserved popularity. Statics and dynamics, potential and mechanism of employee development (ability for self-realization) is the subject of research by specialists involved in professional diagnostics.

Although one often speaks of an individual assessment of an individual employee, an assessment is still a group assessment. Statics - potential, personal abilities, character traits can be determined with the help of a good selection of tests, tasks and a well-structured interview. But dynamics - behavior in difficult stressful situations, interaction in a group, the ability to act in a situation of uncertainty - only by game methods.

In modern assessment centers, some business games are modeled taking into account the specifics of a particular organization, others are rather abstract, but take into account the level of complexity of the tasks solved by these employees. Such games are the most informative and interesting for the participants, because they allow them to realize and extrapolate their experience to related fields of activity - and most importantly, being distracted from professional specifics, they provide an opportunity to identify their strengths and weaknesses in practice. Assessment also defines people with a non-standard, innovative approach. Those employees who are not afraid of evaluation, strive to learn more about themselves, including their shortcomings, see this as a potential for their further development.


Personnel security, being an element of the company's economic security, is aimed at such work with personnel, at the establishment of such labor and ethical relations that could be defined as "break-even". All this activity is not a separate area in the work of the HR manager, but only organically fits into it. And here practically no additional resources are involved, provided that the company has all the stages of organization and personnel management.

The personnel security of the pharmacy network involves a systematic approach to working with personnel, including assessment, the institute of recommendations, as well as checking personnel "at the entrance" and "exit" of the organization.

The easiest way to ensure personnel security is to check the recommendations provided by the applicant for a particular vacancy. In addition, an established system of communications between companies is needed. For example, pharmacy chains already cooperate with each other when it is necessary to obtain detailed information about (candidates for the positions of a pharmacist or pharmacist.

Experts believe that even working personnel should be checked. With an open form of trading, a video surveillance system must be installed in the hall and a security guard must be present.

The above comprehensive approach to personnel security excludes all possible external and internal threats to the enterprise, theft and fraud.


Change of job is regarded by psychologists as a stressful situation for a person, and the adaptive process is not easy both for a new employee and for the team in which he falls. In foreign companies, the adaptation process is usually tried to be softened by informal methods. For example, in some firms, a newcomer is greeted with flowers. And in large Japanese concerns, a new employee on the first day can be taken to dine in a restaurant, as if immediately accepting him into a large family, the image of which is at the heart of Japanese corporate culture.

In Russian companies, a new team member is often left to himself, dooming him to independent "military actions" with a computer, an intuitive search for information sources and a solemn introduction to new colleagues. Therefore, it is not surprising that the highest percentage of specialists and managers hired leave the organization within the first three months. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to develop an adaptation program for personnel, taking into account the chosen strategy for the search and selection of personnel.

The first day is undoubtedly the most difficult, despite the fact that professionally it cannot be called full-fledged. Ideally, this day should be devoted to getting to know other employees, the company's infrastructure, and internal regulations. A beginner is shown office equipment, internal means of communication (the Internet, an internal IT network, a telephone network, etc.), and is told about the specifics of the work of departments. According to the unanimous opinion of HR professionals, a newly arrived employee should never be left without support and overloaded with information.

The procedure for attaching a curator to a newcomer is a fairly common practice. Moreover, in some companies there is a certain category of employees who become such business mentors.

Of course, the adaptation of a newcomer is a costly business for an organization, but most experts agree that it is worth it. The latest study by analysts at the banking company Mellon Financial Corp. showed that the cost of training and adaptation of newly hired employees ranged from 1 to 2.5 percent of the total annual income of the company. The time required for an employee to start working at full capacity is 8 weeks for junior managers, 20 weeks for middle managers and more than 26 weeks for top management. This time should be given to the employee for self-realization in a new company and a new team, for acquiring the necessary skills and gaining respect and recognition. Certain ignorance, inability, professional blunders and not very good work results, according to HR specialists, can be closed at first. It happens that in the first 2-3 months a person is in a kind of suspended animation, and then suddenly suddenly "wakes up" and shows absolutely amazing results.

In fact, adaptation is a technique whose main task is to effectively involve a new team member in the processes taking place in the company and train a loyal employee on time with an emphasis on the knowledge and skills necessary for successful work. For a successful result, it is necessary to take into account all three aspects of adaptation - professional, socio-psychological and organizational. Therefore, standard training for beginners in this situation is indispensable, it is much more reasonable to create a so-called "newcomer's portfolio" and develop a corporate training program, which would thus become a necessary tool for gaining knowledge about the specifics of working in a given organization.


Goals of adaptation

Helping an employee successfully integrate into a new organization.

Adaptation process

Adaptation begins with an orientation process. To do this, the HR specialist must familiarize the employee with:

the history of the organization;

Its current state, manufactured products;

Management structure, including the names of key leaders;

Internal labor regulations, collective agreement;

Basic organizational procedures;

Benefits for employees;

Opportunities for advanced training and professional growth.

The next stage of adaptation takes place directly at the workplace, and the main responsibility for its result rests with the head of the department in which the new employee comes.

The leader must:

Imagine it

Familiarize yourself with job responsibilities;

Explain the work schedule, features and production functions of the unit;

Select a mentor.

Also, the manager should develop a special attitude towards the new employee.

After the familiarization process, the employee, together with the immediate supervisor, is obliged to develop an individual plan, which should reflect a limited, specific, measurable, intense set of key tasks for the employee for the probationary period.

Adaptation process control

During the entire adaptation period, the manager should informally discuss with the employee his relationship with the team of the unit, his degree of adaptation, and monitor the implementation of the individual plan.

Periodically (at least twice in the first month and once in subsequent months), the adaptation process should be monitored by a personnel specialist.

In case of dismissal of an employee during the adaptation period, the manager is obliged to send him to the HR department for an interview within two weeks.

The personnel management service collects and analyzes relevant information to find out the true reasons for dismissal.

At the same time, the effectiveness of recruitment is evaluated.


A candidate with a secondary pharmaceutical education is usually required to work in pharmacies as a pharmacist (work at the first table). The criteria for selecting such specialists are quite standard: a secondary pharmaceutical education, a medical book, a certificate, work experience is desirable. As for the personal qualities of a specialist, communication skills are in the first place, since it is necessary not only to sell the necessary drug, but to advise the client, in the absence of a drug, offer an analogue, advise other medicines.

A candidate with a higher pharmaceutical education (pharmacist) can expect to work not only in a pharmacy, but also in a pharmaceutical company, both a manufacturer and a distributor.

Product managers, certification specialists, registration specialists, sales managers, warehouse managers, medical representatives are also often specialists with higher pharmaceutical education. And the criteria for selecting such specialists are completely different depending on the position, level of the company, customer requirements and working conditions.


We found out that the main trends in the pharmacy segment at the moment are:

Reducing the employer's requirements for the experience of employees;

Shifting emphasis on premium components;

Candidates choose the employer, not the other way around.

HR managers usually use both internal and external pharmacy recruiting resources, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The complexity of the work of the personnel manager is not only to find a good specialist - a pharmacist or pharmacist, but also to keep him. That is why lately all kinds of methods for adapting beginners have been very popular.


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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


The issues of practical application of modern forms of personnel management, which make it possible to increase the socio-economic efficiency of any production, are of particular importance in the conditions of the formation of a market economy in our country.

Particular importance in the system of measures to implement the economic reform is given to raising the level of work with personnel, putting this work on a scientific foundation, and using the experience gained over many years of domestic and foreign experience.

One of the most important, at the present stage of development of the economy of most countries of the world, is the problem in the field of work with personnel. With all the variety of existing approaches to this problem in various industrialized countries, the general trends are:

formalization of methods and procedures for personnel selection;

promotion of young and promising employees.

With the formation of a market economy, these trends must be taken into account in the domestic practice of production management.

All problems arising in the control system (management) of any objects are solved by people. The head (manager), as a subject of management, must analyze the situation, develop a strategy and organize operational management for its application. And the performer, as an object of management, must fulfill the management decision made by the leader. In this case, the leader and the performer face completely different tasks. Therefore, from a methodological point of view, it would be wrong to apply identical principles of management to the subject and object.

It should be noted that the main conditions that determine the level of achievement of management goals are the professionalism, organization and decency of the leader. And the higher the level of the management hierarchy, the higher the level of complexity of the problem and responsibility for its solution, as well as the salary of the manager.

The object of study of this work is the staff of the pharmacy CJSC "Farmadom".

The subject of the research is personnel management at the enterprise.

The purpose of this work is to consider the system of psychology of pharmacy personnel management.

The objectives of the research include:

consideration of the goals and objectives of personnel management;

consideration of the composition and functions of the personnel management system;

characteristics of social partnership;

to analyze approaches to personnel management in CJSC "Farmadom";

consideration of the activities of the personnel service at the enterprise.

1. Pharmacy personnel management system

1.1 Goals and objectives of personnel management

Currently, "personnel management", or personnel management, is formed at the intersection of such disciplines as management, sociology, labor economics, psychology and pedagogy, conflict resolution and labor law.

Personnel management is aimed at developing the company's strategy, since "cadres decide everything."

In order to successfully manage personnel, you must:

1) study employees as individuals;

2) know the attitudes of motivation;

3) have the skill of forming the composition of employees in relation to the goals of the organization, based on the use of psychological techniques.

Personnel management is designed to ensure the solution of the following tasks:

1) hiring and firing staff;

2) organization of training and retraining of personnel;

3) analysis and regulation of personal and group relationships;

4) management and prevention of industrial conflicts;

5) information support of the personnel management system;

6) control and management of employment of employees;

7) selection, evaluation and admission of candidates for vacant positions;

8) analysis of the need for personnel;

9) business career planning;

10) legal issues of labor relations.

Market relations introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of every person. People in any organization are affected by the following factors:

1. Hierarchical structure of the organization, relations between leaders and subordinates, power, coercion, control.

2. Culture of behavior in a team, social norms of behavior, culture of behavior in a team, ethical component of service relations.

3. Relationships based on the sale and purchase of goods, services, labor.

It can be argued that personnel management is one of the components of management, and no company can do without people management.

Personnel management is designed to focus the efforts of employees on the fulfillment of the tasks outlined by the company's strategy, ensure the effective use of the potential of employees, and improve their quality of life.

Employee management is characterized by the following new aspects in the activities of personnel services:

participation in the development and application of business strategies and organizational changes at the enterprise, social partnership policy;

daily management of people, assistance to management in this matter

attracting specialists (psychologists, lawyers, economists, sociologists) to the field of personnel management and reducing the participation of technical performers in it, who would simply record the state of personnel;

focusing on staff development in relation to the goals of the organization, in addition to training and professional development;

assistance and assistance to employees in solving personal problems;

creating conditions for the full use of knowledge, skills and experience of employees.

In the transition to a market economy, there is a gradual departure from hierarchical management, a system of administrative influence, and almost complete executive power to market relations based on economic methods of influencing personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the system of values. The main thing inside the organization is employees, and outside - consumers of products. It is necessary to turn the consciousness of a person working in an organization to the consumer of the organization's products or services, and not to the manager, to the organization's profit, and not to waste, to the employee's initiative, and not to mechanical execution, to move to social norms based on common economic sense. Hierarchy and blunt subordination will step back, giving way to organizational culture and market relations.

The main task for the implementation of these transformations in personnel management falls on personnel officers.

The personnel service (human resources department, personnel management center) is an independent division of the organization, which, in terms of the level of professional competence of employees and the complexity of the management tasks being solved, is not inferior to other management services of the company and is engaged in systemic labor resource management.

As a rule, new personnel management services are created on the basis of traditional personnel services: the personnel department, the labor organization and wages department, the labor protection and safety department, etc. The tasks of the new services are the implementation of personnel policy and the coordination of personnel management activities of the organization. In this regard, they begin to expand the range of their competencies and move from purely personnel issues to the development of systems and principles for stimulating labor activity, managing professional advancement, preventing conflicts (rather than solving them), studying the labor market, etc.

The structure of the personnel management service is largely determined by the nature and size of organizations, the characteristics of products. In small and medium-sized organizations, many personnel management functions are performed mainly by line managers, while in large organizations, independent structural structures are formed but the implementation of these functions.

In a number of organizations, personnel management units are being formed, uniting, under the leadership of the deputy director for personnel, all units related to work with personnel.

For the effective management of personnel policy in various sectors of the national economy, a system of operational accounting and analysis of personnel is being created, which monitors the actual situation for a certain period of time at all levels of management at each specific moment of the industry’s activity: from a pharmacy to a ministry. The up-to-date information it provides allows you to periodically assess the direction of changes in the composition of personnel in the industry; develop scientifically substantiated plans and comprehensive forecasts of the need for human resources and, on this basis, formulate a personnel policy that is consistent with plans for the development of sectors of the national economy.

The organizational functions of recruitment, placement, promotion and training of personnel employed in management are increasingly moving in the direction towards social processes. This leads to an increase in the unity and cohesion of the actions of the personnel, awareness of responsibility for the assigned work, an increase in the effectiveness and efficiency of managerial work in general and, ultimately, an increase in the efficiency of the entire management system.

The effectiveness of planning, regulating and managing social processes has always been considered by the country's leadership in terms of the full implementation of the unity of the rights and duties of workers, their true freedom and civic responsibility, a harmonious combination of the interests of society, the collective and the individual. However, it should be noted that at different stages, depending on the tasks, the solution of which was considered a priority, the possibilities for the impact of planning and management on social processes were different. They took a different approach.

At present, the direction of social development is one of the most important parts of the state plan, which is included in the official state planned reporting on the implementation of plans for the development of the technical and economic direction. This means that social problems, along with technical and economic ones, are becoming very important, one might say, decisive. In other words, the personnel policy is implemented in the planning of social development at all levels of management - from the personnel of the pharmacy to the personnel of the ministry. This correlation of personnel policy and social development determines its appropriate place in social development plans, highlights personnel policy as one of the most important sections of the country's social development plans.

1.2 Composition and functions of the personnel management system

As you know, a system is an organized set of parts that are in interaction and communication and form a single dynamic whole.

The composition of the personnel management system can be represented by the following subsystems, each of which performs certain functions, providing a solution to the tasks listed in clause 1.1.

The generalization of the experience of domestic and foreign organizations allows us to form the main complex goal of the personnel management system: providing the company with personnel, organizing their effective use, professional and social development.

In accordance with this goal, the personnel management system of the organization is being formed. Currently, the number of management employees reaches 30% of the organization. Therefore, one of the most important problems solved by personnel services today is the formation of an optimal managerial apparatus, the determination of the current and future needs for managers.

Their other new important function is personnel control. Its tasks are: to study the impact that the existing distribution of employees across jobs has on the results of the organization; analysis of the social and economic efficiency of the application of certain management methods; coordination of personnel planning with the planning of other areas of the organization, especially in connection with cardinal changes in it; creation of an information base on personnel.

Another modern function of personnel services is the implementation of personnel marketing. Its main task is to provide the organization with highly qualified employees. Personnel marketing is a set of activities aimed at studying the internal and external labor market and its segmentation (identification of various categories of personnel) and the implementation of special personnel approaches in relation to them; analysis of the expectations of employees in relation to official movements, dissemination within the organization of information about the need for personnel, opportunities to improve or change qualifications.

The content of the work of the personnel management system is as follows:

1) providing the firm with labor force;

2) development of employees, improvement of their qualifications, certification;

3) stimulating the work of employees and improving the safety of their work;

4) implementation of social programs.

The main feature of the work of the managerial personnel of the personnel service is its information and analytical nature. HR communications are divided into external and internal, and they can be formal and informal. The personnel service is in contact with the social services of the region, educational institutions, employment services, and the media. Within a firm, communications can be organizational and interpersonal. The personnel service is engaged in the processing of personnel information, which is necessary when making management decisions in the company.

Within the company in personnel management, the following types of documents and messages are used:

results of testing and introductory conversation when hiring;

results of employee attestation;

programs of internal orientation (information about vacancies);

labor productivity indicators;

information on profit sharing, remuneration, additional payments;

information about injuries, occupational diseases, accidents;

complaints, statements of employees;

information about violations of labor discipline;

information about social programs.

To fulfill its main task, a pharmacy serving the population must have a certain composition and number of employees who perform certain functions and collectively make up its staff (or states).

The staff of a pharmacy serving the population is divided into:

1. Administrative and managerial.

2. Pharmaceutical.

3. Auxiliary.

4. Household and service.

The administrative and managerial staff organizes the activities of the pharmacy and its structural subdivisions for pharmaceutical services to the population and manages their work.

The administrative and managerial apparatus includes:

pharmacy manager (pharmacy director);

deputy head of the pharmacy (director);

heads of departments;

deputy heads of departments.

In addition to these specialists with pharmaceutical education, administrative and managerial personnel also include:

Chief Accountant;




The pharmacy is managed by the head (director), who is hired and appointed to the position by the founder on a contract basis. This position is filled by a person with a higher pharmaceutical education (i.e. a pharmacist) who has at least 5 years of professional experience in a pharmacy organization.

2. Personnel management of the pharmacy network of CJSC "Farmadom"

2.1 Characteristics of the pharmacy chain ZAO "Farmadom"

We will consider the personnel management system of a modern organization using the example of CJSC "Farmadom"

CJSC "Pharmadom" is an independent business entity, with the formation of a legal entity, independently acts in civil circulation on its own behalf, and under its own responsibility, has a separate balance sheet. The main task of the Company is to meet the needs of customers in its products. "Pharmadom" specializes in the sale of pharmacological products.

Farmadom is a regional retail pharmacy chain founded in 2003. Includes 32 pharmacies and a pharmacy store located in St. Petersburg and in the Leningrad, Novgorod, Vologda and Pskov regions. The central office of the company is located in St. Petersburg.

Story The retail network of pharmacies "Farmadom" began on May 29, 1992, on the day when the legal entity - CJSC "Farmadom - St. Petersburg" was officially registered and on the basis of the pharmacy located at Zagorodny Prospect, 21, the enterprise began to develop.

Today the company is actively engaged in the development of its corporate identity, the external design of pharmacies, the creation of a unified system of discounts, etc. The company plans to expand the network: opening new pharmacies and pharmacy stores in the North-West region of the Russian Federation.

In this paper, a study of the network of pharmacies "Pharmadom" in the city of Tyumen will be carried out.

The organizational structure of the Company's management is based on the production-territorial principle of the linear structure of subordination and management functions. The structure of CJSC "Farmadom" was improved as the production of building materials was mastered and developed, and by now it has developed into a stable highly organized system. The network of CJSC "Farmadom" is headed by a manager who carries out operational management of current activities, manages the property and cash of the pharmacy, determines the size and procedure for using funds, performs various economic and financial transactions, and performs any other actions necessary to carry out the production and economic activities of CJSC " Pharmadom".

The main technical and economic indicators of the pharmacy for 2013-2014 are presented in table. 2.1.

Table 2.1

Technical and economic indicators of CJSC "Fiolent2"


1. Sales volume, thousand rubles

2. Revenue from the sale of products, works, services thousand rubles

3. Profit (loss), thousand rubles

4. Production cost, thousand rubles

5. Payroll of all personnel, thousand rubles

6. Average number of personnel, Pers.

7. Average monthly salary, Rub

Based on the given data of technical and economic indicators, it can be concluded that CJSC "Farmadom" in the pharmaceutical market acts as a financially stable and stably operating enterprise that seeks to maximize its income through the development of new types of medical products.

Pharmacy staff is the staff of the organization, including all employees, as well as working owners and co-owners who have an employment relationship with the enterprise.

Pharmacy personnel can be assessed from a qualitative and quantitative point of view.

The quantitative characteristic of the pharmacy staff is measured by such indicators as payroll, average headcount, attendance.

The number of personnel of the organization depends on the nature, scale, complexity, labor intensity of production and management processes, the degree of their mechanization, automation, computerization. These factors determine its standard value.

The purpose of personnel management in CJSC "Pharmadom" is the selection of competent and interested employees, the ability to retain them, and the improvement of their professional training. Human resources management is a broad concept that includes the following components:

Approach to the employee as the main factor in the implementation of the goals of the pharmacy;

Attitude towards a person as a source of income and an investment item;

Analysis of the needs of the pharmacy in human resources;

Analysis of the situation with labor resources in the external environment;

Formation of pharmacy workforce.

In market relations, the need for personnel is determined by the magnitude of the demand for the products they manufacture, the work performed and the services provided. The demand for labor resources is in the market conditions derived from finished goods and services that are performed using these human resources. Annual volumes of demand for the production of products should serve as the basis for calculating the needs of all categories of pharmacy workers.

People are the most difficult object of management in CJSC Farmadom. Unlike the material conditions of production, they are "animate", have the ability to think, critically evaluate the requirements placed on them, act independently, have their own desires and interests.

2.2 Approaches to personnel management in the enterprise

In the conditions of the present stage of the scientific and technological revolution, the role of man in production has changed radically. Previously, it was considered only as one of the elements of the latter, along with machinery and equipment; today it has become the main strategic resource of the organization. This is due to the ability of people to be creative, which is now becoming a decisive condition for the success of any of their activities.

Therefore, the view of the staff has also changed. People are now considered not as personnel, but as human resources, the company's asset in the competitive struggle, the main factor in its success and a source of profit. In this regard, the costs associated with their activities are no longer unfortunate expenses, but investments in "human capital". They are aimed at organizing medical care, recreation, sports, creating conditions for internal entrepreneurship, creativity, and developing personal abilities.

In large Western firms, a human resource management system gradually began to take shape, replacing the personnel management system. It is called upon to play a key role in ensuring their competitiveness and long-term development. We also have to go this way, so it is advisable to compare what we will inevitably have to leave with what we need to come to.

Personnel management in these conditions pursues one goal: to ensure the presence of the right people at the right time in the right places and to get rid of unnecessary ones in a timely manner.

Availability of labor resources of CJSC "Farmadom" is characterized by the data given in the analytical table 2.2.

Table 2.2

Availability of labor resources


Number for the previous year

Planned headcount

Reported headcount


in percentages

to the plan (task)

to the previous year

including the main






Minor activity

Based on the data in the table, we can conclude that the number of personnel in the main activity in the reporting year decreased against the plan and amounted to 96.92%, and compared to the previous year - 97.70%. The number of pharmacists also decreased both against the plan and against the previous year, and amounted to 97.78 and 97.64%, respectively. The decrease in the number is also observed in other categories of personnel.

The classical approach to personnel management (HR management) is characterized by the following main features:

treating people like "cogs";

orientation to the barracks methods of managing them;

the desire to minimize the cost of attracting, improving the skills of personnel, solving social issues;

using predominantly monetary incentives;

individual organization of labor and its strict regulation;

the focus of personnel services exclusively on "paper work", fixing the processes of hiring, internal relocation, etc.

Personnel services do not interfere in the direct management of living people.

Human resource management is characterized by the following new aspects in the activities of personnel services:

participation in the development and implementation of business strategies and organizational changes, social partnership policy;

assisting management in the day-to-day management of people;

attracting specialists (psychologists, lawyers, economists, sociologists) to the sphere of personnel management and reducing the role of technical performers in it, who only record the state of personnel;

orientation towards personnel development in close connection with the goals of the organization in addition to training and professional development;

assisting employees in solving personal problems;

creating the necessary conditions for the effective use of knowledge, skills and experience of employees, the development of their creativity.

The modern human resource management system is based on effective methods of selection, placement and promotion of personnel in accordance with the qualifications, abilities, interests of the individual, the needs of the organization; fair forms of remuneration and motivation, involving remuneration not only for individual, but also for collective results.

This makes it possible to solve such problems as providing CJSC Farmadom with qualified personnel; improvement of the system of remuneration and motivation; increasing job satisfaction for all categories of personnel; providing employees with opportunities for development, growth of qualifications and professional skills; encouragement of creative activity; formation and preservation of a favorable moral and psychological climate.

Personnel management in the Pharmadom chain of pharmacies is a classic approach to personnel management, considering people as "cogs", with the aim of reducing non-production costs.

Human resource management is a modern approach to personnel management, considering people as "human capital", the main asset of the organization, which puts the development of the individual and the solution of social problems at the forefront.

Human resources management within a pharmacy has strategic and operational aspects. The organization of personnel management is developed on the basis of the pharmacy development concept, which consists of three parts:


financial - economic;

social (personnel policy).

2.3 Pharmacy HR activities

Personnel management as a special area of ​​activity began to take shape at the turn of the last and present centuries.

Special subdivisions of CJSC "Farmadom", dealing with personnel problems, and they performed work related to the maintenance of documents, analysis of conflicts, presence in courts, payment of wages. Thus, their functions were auxiliary, and all major decisions on personnel were made by the top management.

Today, due to the increased importance and versatility of work, the former personnel services are being transformed in Western firms into personnel services, or human resources (the latter term is more accepted in the United States). These units have broad powers; they are allocated the best premises, because they are the "calling card" of the organization.

Personnel services are not directly involved in the management of its core activities, but only help the management of the organization and departments to resolve issues of hiring, dismissal, relocation, advanced training, and social problems.

In many cases, these services are led by vice presidents who are second in the management hierarchy. Mostly young energetic people under the age of 40, who have flexible progressive thinking and a broad outlook on things, are appointed to these positions. No serious decision is made without their participation.

The personnel manager of CJSC "Farmadom" acts as a defender of the interests of employees in front of other managers; adviser to the latter on problems of relations with subordinates; coordinator of interaction between personnel, trade unions and administration, their consultant.

The most important element of the personnel services of CJSC "Farmadom". are personnel units that manage its movement. Their main functions are: personnel records; forecasting and planning the need for them; organization of recruitment, selection, training, retraining, relocation, dismissal of employees; studying and evaluating managers, specialists and presenting recommendations to management on filling vacant positions by certain persons; formation of a personnel reserve and work with it according to special programs; Participation in personnel appraisal and activities following its results.

The HR department of CJSC "Farmadom" includes employees responsible for information on the labor market; analysis and planning of staffing needs; retraining; checking and testing; leading card index, office work and archive; preparing personnel orders; carrying out computer support for personnel work.

In addition to purely "technical" personnel issues, personnel departments are developing flexible programs for the development and stimulation of employees, improving working and living conditions. They also participate in the resolution of labor conflicts and disputes, and establish social partnerships.

Specialists of the central personnel service are engaged in the docking of personnel policy and strategy, consultations on certification and selection of managers.

There are several blocks in the personnel management structure of ZAO Farmadom:

1. Block of personnel formation (recruitment, study, training, dismissal).

2. Block of distribution and redistribution of personnel (primary placement, professional adaptation, relocations).

3. Block of creating conditions for the use of personnel (labor protection, organization of medical and social services, development of incentive methods).

4. Block for the development of standards for personnel (productivity, time consumption, remuneration).

5. Subdivisions for the development and improvement of the structure and management system, carrying out their analysis, organizational design, management of formation processes.

Currently ZAO "Pharmadom" is beginning to develop its own personnel management system, which is recommended as a model in specialized literature. At the head of this structure is the deputy first head of the organization. Its composition includes:

1. Divisions of working conditions responsible for compliance with the requirements in the field of ergonomics, technical aesthetics, safety, environmental protection, psychology.

personnel service staff management

2. Divisions of labor relations that analyze and regulate group and interpersonal relations, conflicts and stress, adherence to ethical standards, socio-psychological diagnostics, and interaction with trade unions.

3. Subdivisions for registration and accounting of the movement of personnel - enrollment, movement, dismissal; information support; billing; maintaining employment.

4. Personnel planning and forecasting divisions involved in the development of a strategy for managing it, planning and forecasting the need for personnel, relations with the employment service, educational institutions and other "suppliers" of workers, analysis of personnel potential, its current and prospective assessment, marketing, assessment and selection candidates for senior positions.

5. Personnel development divisions that organize technical and economic training, retraining and advanced training, work with a reserve, professional and socio-psychological adaptation.

6. Subdivisions of analysis and development of labor incentives, producing rationing and billing of work, development of payment systems, material and moral rewards, profit sharing, motivation management.

7. Subdivisions providing legal services to personnel, resolving issues of labor relations, coordinating administrative documents on personnel.

8. Social service divisions in charge of catering, welfare and recreation of workers, childcare facilities, development of physical culture and sports, and resolution of social conflicts.

Today, in CJSC "Farmadom" work with personnel is dispersed mainly between different services and divisions of the organization. Thus, the number of personnel and the general payroll is usually determined by the planning department; training, retraining and advanced training of personnel is carried out by the department of technical training; rationing of labor, analysis of labor productivity, establishment of categories, forms and systems of wages, the number of specialists, drawing up a staffing table are usually a function of the department of labor and wages; the personnel department is engaged in the recruitment and dismissal of employees, the analysis of their movement, and the maintenance of labor discipline; substantiation of labor standards, carrying out measures for their adjustment, mechanization and automation of production processes is the responsibility of the technical department, etc.

Thus, today the own role of personnel services at CJSC Farmadom. While insignificant - they perform mainly the functions of accounting and are not responsible for personnel policy, so people in such conditions remain, as it were, "ownerless".

The work of personnel departments of CJSC "Pharmadom" has two directions: tactical and strategic. Within the framework of the first, current personnel work is carried out to form labor resources: analysis of the state and determination of the need for personnel, development of staffing tables; recruitment, evaluation and selection of personnel; testing; planning of the nearest personnel movements and layoffs; current accounting and control; training, retraining and advanced training of employees; formation of a reserve for promotion, educational work; conflict resolution, social policy.

Thus, the essence of the personnel work of CJSC "Farmadom" is to determine what exactly, by whom, how and with the help of what should be done in practice at the moment in the field of personnel management. The solution of these daily tasks is based on administrative methods. Table 2.3 shows the estimate of personnel costs of CJSC Farmadom for the planned year:

Table 2.3

Personnel costs of CJSC "Farmadom"

Calculation of personnel costs at the enterprise is based on cost accounting by type and by place of occurrence.

These cost elements are defined for each settlement participant - the so-called cost center. The smaller the calculation area, the more accurate the cost information. Today, thanks to electronic data processing, it is possible to allocate costs to their places of origin with very high accuracy. This process is very important because it comes with responsibility for costs.

The object of personnel work of CJSC "Farmadom" is the personnel as such, and its subjects are employees, officials and organizational structures responsible for working with personnel (divisions, line and functional managers, public organizations).

The strategic direction of the work of the personnel services of CJSC "Farmadom" is focused on the formation of the personnel policy of the organization, that is, a system of theoretical views, ideas, requirements, practical measures in the field of work with personnel, its main forms and methods.

The main feature of the work of the managerial personnel of the personnel service of CJSC "Farmadom" is its information and analytical nature. HR communications are divided into external and internal, and they can be formal and informal. The personnel service is in contact with the social services of the region, educational institutions, employment services, and the media. Within a firm, communications can be organizational and interpersonal. The personnel service is engaged in the processing of personnel information, which is necessary when making management decisions in the company.


Personnel management of the network of pharmacies "Pharmadom" as a special area of ​​activity began to take shape at the turn of the past and present centuries. The specialists who dealt with these matters were called welfare secretaries in England; in the USA and France - public secretaries. Their main functions were: the organization of schools and hospitals, control over working conditions, opposition to attempts to form trade unions, mediation between the administration and workers.

The growth of competition, the improvement of technologies, the struggle for the consumer and the quality of products force the enterprise to consider the complex of management issues in a new way. The requirements for the worker are also changing. The main thing is the recognition of the high social responsibility of the employees of the organization and, first of all, managers. The modern approach to the personnel management system is an adequate response to changes, constantly changing technologies and the uncertainty of the environment, taking into account human values. Human potential, the ability of the manager to set the right goal and effectively manage labor resources are becoming the main factor in the success of the pharmacy. Labor resources are all pharmacy employees, including production and management personnel (managers and specialists).

The most important element of the personnel services of the Pharmadom chain of pharmacies is the personnel departments that manage its movement. Their main functions are: personnel records; forecasting and planning the need for them; organization of recruitment, selection, training, retraining, relocation, dismissal of employees; studying and evaluating managers, specialists and presenting recommendations to management on filling vacant positions by certain persons; formation of a personnel reserve and work with it according to special programs; Participation in personnel appraisal and activities following its results


1. Vesnin V.R. Practical personnel management: A manual for personnel work. - M.: Jurist, 2014. - 496s.

2. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.N. Management. - M.: Gardarika, 2010. - 416s.

3. Gerchikova I.N. Management: Textbook. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2013. - 480s.

4. Ivanov V.Yu. Manager's career as an object of research and management. Management in Russia and abroad. - 2010. No. 3. pp.27-38.

5. Meskon M-, Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M.: Delo, 2012. - 800s.

6. Popov S.G. Personnel Management. M.: Os - 89, 2013. - 145 p.

7. Polyakov V.A. Career technology / IVF. - 2012. - No. 1. pp.45-50.

8. Smolkin A.M. Management: foundations of the organization. - M.: Infra-M, 2014. - 234 p.

9. Sergeev I.V. Enterprise economy. M.: Finance and statistics, 2009. - 305 p.

10. Tutushkina M.K. Practical psychology. M.: Didaktika-Plus, 2011. - 345 p.

11. Management of the organization / Under the editorship of A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014. - 669s.

12. Utkin E.A. Company management. - M.: Akalis, 2010. - 516s.

13. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Management decisions. M.: INFRA - M, 2012. - 280 p.

14. Khovshenko L.E. Career planning and development. // Issues of Economics. No. 7.2013. pp. 28 - 32.

15. Yakovleva M.I. Organizational psychology. M.: Delo, 2013. - 510 p.

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An integrated approach allows you to develop specific organizational measures to improve the personnel management system and have a general idea of ​​​​the level of its effectiveness.

The author introduces readers to the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management in pharmacy organizations using a personnel audit. An integrated approach allows you to develop specific organizational measures to improve the personnel management system and have a general idea of ​​​​the level of its effectiveness.

1.2.3. Vacation payment procedure

1.3.1. The procedure for granting and paying for study leave

1.3.2. Payment of temporary disability benefits

1.3.3. The procedure for granting and paying for parental leave

1.3.4. Preservation of jobs for employees who are on parental leave.

1.3.5. Payment of severance pay in case of reduction of employees.

1.4.1. Assessment of workplaces.

1.4.2. Labor protection briefing.

1.4.3. Labor protection instructions.

1.4.4. Occupational safety training and testing knowledge on labor protection.

3.1.1. Form of remuneration

3.1.2. Principles of wage differentiation

3.2.1. Principal approaches to increase wages

3.2.2. Principles for calculating the amount of the premium.

3.2.3. Employee Benefits

3.3.1. Personal bonuses to employees' salaries.

3.3.2. Forms of moral encouragement.

3.3.3. Forms of material incentives

3.4.1. Required staff turnover

3.5.1. Complaints procedure.

3.5.2. Proposal review process.

3.6.1. Quantitative accounting of personnel

3.6.2. Accounting for personal data

Block 2. Acquisition of human resources

Block 4. Personnel development

2.1.1. Qualification requirements for personnel when hiring

2.1.2. Minimum requirements for staff when hiring

2.1.3. Job Descriptions

2.2.1. Sources of recruitment.

2.2.2. Candidate selection procedure.

2.2.3. Employee Selection Criteria

2.3.1. Checking professional knowledge

2.3.2. Checking professional skills

2.4.1. The need for specialists.

2.4.2. Expert proposal.

4.1.1. Probationary period and its duration.

4.1.2. The process of adaptation of a newly hired employee.

4.1.3. Guidance for personnel regarding the rules of work, conduct within the organization.

4.2.1. Training.

4.2.2. In-house training

4.2.3. Career planning and the formation of a personnel reserve

4.3.1. Staff performance evaluation

4.3.2. Assessment and certification of personnel

To give a comparable form to heterogeneous indicators, all partial indicators are converted into a universal 5-point assessment using a special rating scale, in which the numerical values ​​of the scale are accompanied by a more detailed description of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the possible states of the indicator (Table 3.).

Table 3

Scale for assessing private indicators (indicators)

The calculation of criterion indicators is carried out through a system of specific coefficients (Table 4.). This is due to the fact that not all organizational measures and procedures can objectively take place in any pharmacy organization and a simple sum of points for a criterion indicator will not give a reliable assessment. For example, an assessment according to the criterion indicator "legislation on social guarantees" provides for an assessment of 5 private indicators (Table 2) with a maximum score of 20. But in a pharmacy, for example, there may not be employees studying on the job, then the assessment is carried out only for four indicators with a maximum score of 16. Evaluation through a system of specific coefficients allows you to take into account this fact, because. carried out on the basis of actual data. To do this, first the total amount of points for the criterion indicator according to the actual data is determined, then the maximum possible number of points is determined and the specific coefficient is calculated as a quotient of dividing these indicators. According to the value of the specific coefficient, in accordance with the scale (Table 4), an assessment is made according to the criterion indicator.

Table 4

Criteria indicators assessment scale

The sum of points for criteria indicators is a quantitative characteristic of personnel management in terms of evaluation parameters.

A comprehensive performance indicator is determined by summing the scores for the evaluation parameters and is a quantitative characteristic of the personnel management system. Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management of a pharmacy organization is carried out on a scale (Table 5.)

Table 5

Scale for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management of a pharmacy organization

Sum of points

Efficiency level

Personnel management activities are exhaustive, effective.

Personnel management activities are carried out adequately, but are not exhaustive and sufficiently effective.

HR activities are performed satisfactorily, but there are problems in key HR functions.

There are major challenges across all HR functions and significant attention needs to be given to expanding and changing HR activities.

Personnel management activities are performed unsatisfactorily


For the convenience of making calculations and evaluation, we propose the construction of evaluation sheets in the form of a table (Appendix 1). All analyzed indicators are entered into the table, their scores are put down, criteria indicators, evaluation parameters and a comprehensive indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of pharmacy organization personnel management are calculated.

The evaluation apparatus of the personnel audit methodology is a set of evaluation scales of private, criterial and complex indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management in a pharmacy organization. Interpretation of the results at all levels makes it possible to develop specific measures to improve the personnel management system and have a general idea of ​​the level of its effectiveness.