Marketing research on the Internet. Marketing research Agencies engaged in marketing research

After studying this chapter, the student should: know

  • the benefits of online marketing research;
  • stages of organizing marketing research on the Internet; be able to
  • make a choice of the type of collection of information in the course of marketing research on the Internet;


A technology for conducting marketing research on the Internet.

Organization of marketing research

One of the most actively developing areas of Internet marketing is online market research, i.e. marketing research conducted using Internet technologies. Online research is a unique opportunity to quickly and cost-effectively obtain information about a poorly understood market or social phenomenon. All the advantages and opportunities that marketing research on the Internet have can be combined into several groups: technical and economic, management and control, technological, social and communication (Fig. 3.1).

Consider the ones shown in Fig. 3.1 advantages in more detail. TO technical and economic advantages relate:

  • 1) saving resources. Compared to the traditional forms of interviews with respondents (apartment, telephone, postal, etc.), research via the Internet can significantly save time, financial and human resources. This is achieved due to the fact that by conducting an online survey, the researcher is able to interview a significantly larger number of respondents and at the same time achieve a significantly lower level of costs. It is not required to attract additional staff of interviewers, duplication of tools, etc .;
  • 2) a large sample size. The low level of material costs per respondent allows, in turn, if desired, to achieve a significantly larger sample size - up to several thousand, and even tens of thousands of people. This is known to reduce the magnitude of the random measurement error;

Rice. 3.1.

  • 3) the speed of the survey. A large-scale and global online survey, including a focus group consisting of respondents “scattered” in different countries or a survey of several thousand people around the world, can be carried out within one to three days;
  • 4) the ability to respond quickly. Online surveys allow you to quickly and at no additional cost change the research instruments in accordance with the new data obtained during the aerobatics (no need, for example, to reprint the circulation of questionnaires). Even in the case when the main field stage has already begun, after the return of the first questionnaires, the researcher still has the opportunity to detect the shortcomings of the questionnaire (for example, an incorrectly posed question), quickly correct them and continue the study with the already transformed questionnaire.

Online Marketing Research Related Benefits with management and control, are determined by the following factors:

  • 1) the strict logic of the survey. Special software makes it possible to eliminate the traditional errors typical for interviewers, for example, when they read out hidden prompts, such as "I find it difficult to answer." The order of transitions from question to question is observed: a subsequent question cannot be asked if an answer to the previous one is not received. In addition, if necessary, it is possible to post questions on the web page as a list or individually; in a specific or random order;
  • 2) control over the progress of filling out the questionnaire. The Internet provides the researcher with additional opportunities for programmatic control over the completion of the questionnaire. It becomes possible to identify logical contradictions in the respondent's answers and correct them, to solve the problem of incomplete answers. A special program can check the completion of all fields in the questionnaire and, if necessary, remind you that it is necessary to answer all the questions.

Technological advantages online research are as follows:

  • 1) the use of multimedia and hypertext elements. The Internet allows the use of not only text, but also sound or video questionnaires, when the questions are perceived by the respondents also by ear, and not only read from the computer screen. Perhaps the original design of the questionnaire, a rich color palette, different images, animation, etc. The respondent can be provided with musical, graphic or video information in advance, and then his opinion regarding what he has read, seen and heard is examined. The use of multimedia and hypertext elements is used to solve such problems as testing an advertising concept, assessing a corporate image, testing and developing a name, logo, trademark, brand; testing the design and functionality of the product, evaluating the client's website, studying the functionality of the company's website, evaluating the packaging of the goods.
  • 2) the possibility of subsequent communication with respondents. The Internet provides an opportunity, after familiarization with the results of the study, to contact the respondents for the purpose of subsequent critical analysis and making additions to the questionnaires. The presence of feedback allows you to further stimulate people to participate in the survey;
  • 3) the ability to automatically collect additional information about respondents. The Internet allows the collection of the following information:
    • provider type;
    • IP- computer address;
    • the software used;
    • respondent's email address;
    • time of filling out the questionnaire;
    • place of residence, etc.
  • 4) automatic written recording of data and automatic processing of questionnaires. In the case of an online interview, the entire conversation between the researcher and the respondent is recorded in writing. The resulting transcript can be saved as a text file and then used in data processing and analysis: search by keywords, quote (transfer phrases to the report) without fear of making a mistake, etc.

Social benefits marketing research on the network are as follows:

  • 1) the depth of research. Research through the Internet makes it possible to study a wide variety of social groups and communities, overcoming state borders and any geographic distance, to carry out international research;
  • 2) reachability. On the Internet, you can interview those who are inaccessible to marketers and sociologists in real life, since they rarely make contact: problem and marginal groups of the population, wealthy citizens and people with high social status. The network also makes it easier to study children and youth audiences, the majority of which are active Internet users. Through the Internet, it is much easier to conduct surveys of people with a specific status and interests, or with other characteristics: emigrants, opera fans, collectors, etc.;
  • 3) focus - the ability to target specific samples, to attract people with specific, specific interests. As a rule, the researcher can achieve this by inviting respondents to participate in interviews from a specific thematic forum, chat or teleconference.

Communication benefits online research is achieved through the following factors:

1) relevance (independence). When conducting online surveys, a significantly lower level of influence of the researcher (interviewer) on the respondent is noted. Accordingly, in the answers of the respondents there are less often socially approved, socially desirable answer options than in the situation of a conversation with the interviewer “face to face”.

In addition, it is noted that when answering open-ended questions by e-mail, people give more detailed and detailed answers than when using traditional questionnaires. This means that conducting research on the Internet allows you to obtain more complete and objective information;

  • 2) a high level of trust. The possibility of answering the questionnaire without direct contact with the interviewer allows us to achieve a higher level of trust from the respondents. When taking online surveys, people tend to express their thoughts more sincerely and candidly. The reasons for this, in addition to the anonymity of the environment in which the survey takes place, is the specific culture of Internet users - curiosity and willingness to help their interlocutor;
  • 3) the breadth of research topics. The Internet provides the researcher with the opportunity to study with the respondents sensitive and usually closed for public discussion topics: income level, amount of savings, health problems, etc. Most people would not agree to discuss such topics in a personal conversation with an interviewer. On the contrary, on the Internet, the willingness of people to take part in interviews and disclose the specifics of their private life is quite high. At the same time, it is possible to study global problems of interest to the entire population;
  • 4) organizational flexibility. The respondent himself chooses the time and place of filling out the questionnaire, he is in his natural conditions, in his usual environment.

In foreign practice, there are seven most used telecommunication technologies for conducting online research (Fig. 3.2): e-mailing, placing text questionnaires in newgroups(newsgroups), internet forums or newsgroups, web page, standard web survey, bootstrapping survey, online focus groups. In Russia, the market for online marketing research services mainly uses online surveys (standard web onrosnik) and online focus groups.

To the list marketing tasks that can be quickly and reliably addressed through online research include:

  • testing the advertising concept;
  • market segmentation, analysis of individual market segments;
  • solutions in the field of brand management: development and testing of the name, logo, trade mark, brand;
  • testing the design and functionality of the product;
  • knowledge about the product, attitude to the product;
  • evaluation of product packaging, etc.

There are two main formats for conducting online focus groups: chat and forum (online discussion).

Focus group in chat format is a virtual analogue of a traditional focus group. Such groups are held in real time: all participants (usually six to seven people) register on the site and, together with the moderator, conduct a discussion for a certain time (usually an hour and a half).

The list of questions to which the moderator wants to get answers is programmed in advance so as not to waste time entering words from the keyboard, however, during the group, the presenter can ask additional questions and clarify the answers received. Images, sound files, videos, etc. are uploaded to the Network in advance, to which the group members apply at the request of the moderator. An additional opportunity for the client - tracking the progress of the survey in real time; he can carry on hidden from the rest of the correspondence with the leader of the group, correcting his actions. The time frame for such a study, including data analysis and preparation of the report, usually does not exceed two to three days. This is especially important when you need to make a quick decision, such as testing an upcoming ad.

Focus group in forum format is a network method of marketing research that has no traditional counterparts. Such research usually takes longer, and participants are recruited in advance and agree to enter the forum at a convenient time for them. These forums are usually attended by 25 or more people. On the forum, participants answer the questions of the moderator, as well as comment on other people's statements. The conversation usually lasts four to five days, which allows you to attract respondents who cannot afford to chat for a long time. Participants do not sit in front of the computer all the time, but go to the forum with focus-primer several times at a convenient time for them. The moderator's mode of operation is, of course, more strict, but he can also leave the forum without fear of the group's progress. The lengthy nature of the discussion gives the participants additional time to reflect and analyze other people's opinions, which is impossible during a short traditional focus group. Thus, an important advantage of the forum is the weighed and deliberate answers of the respondents. The customer of the research also has the ability to track the dynamics of the online discussion and suggest his own questions or topics to the moderator right on the way.

The method of conducting focus groups in the format of the forum allows us to offer its participants various tasks: to study and comment on the company's new website, evaluate advertising, etc. Since the intensity of discussion in an online forum is lower than in a chat, the list of issues discussed should be limited to a few key areas. If there are too many questions, the participants may not have time to discuss them in detail. The results of such a study can be obtained within five to seven days.

The success of traditional focus groups depends a lot on the moderator. The same is true for online research. Ideally, a moderator needs to have not only the knowledge and skills necessary for conducting offline groups, but also the ability to work on a computer, his own experience of “living on the Internet” (keeping diaries, participating in forums, etc.), and most importantly - readiness learn and master new research methods. To conduct a high-quality Internet research, it is necessary to work out in detail not only the scenario of communication with the respondents and the list of questions, but also their technical preparation. Online research has only inherent features associated with the specifics of the Internet environment. It should also be noted that online research is an ideal solution for e-commerce companies as well as high-tech product development. That is why companies like Microsoft, Apple, Dell, HP, Motorola, Xerox and many others are constantly doing online research.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the specifics of attracting respondents to participate in online surveys and focus groups. There is a whole range of technologies for recruiting respondents for such research. There are three types of samples: unlimited, selected (screened out) and specially recruited.

Unlimited sample every Internet user can be. These samples are poorly representative. Selected (weeded out) sample is formed from respondents who make their own decisions about participating in a particular survey. Most often, this sampling is carried out by a web-based questionnaire program, in which certain criteria for the elimination of participants are laid: the respondent first enters his personal data and socio-demographic characteristics, and then, if the sampling criteria are met, proceeds to fill out the questionnaire.

Specially recruited (panel) sample is the most modern and methodologically reliable practice of recruiting respondents for online research. It is formed using a specially created Internet panel. This sampling technology will enable the most rational management of communication in the Internet environment. The interactive communication process when conducting online surveys through the Internet panel is the most successful from the point of view of netiquette, which allows you to successfully attract users to surveys.

Internet Panel - it is a constantly evolving and updated database of potential respondents who completed the preliminary questionnaire, and distributed by groups (segments). One of the main advantages of the Internet panel is the collection of the most necessary socio-demographic data about the respondents, thanks to which the researcher can make the samples necessary to solve the problems of each specific marketing research.

Information that the respondent voluntarily provides about himself is kept confidential and cannot be used for other purposes not stated in the study. It is needed to classify respondents into demographic segments. The researcher identifies the desired segments for a particular online survey and sends out email invitations to participate in the survey to those respondents who are included in them. In some cases, respondents are invited to an online survey by telephone, regular mail, or in person. The invitations contain available information on the online survey being conducted, instructions for completing the questionnaire and the www-address where the questionnaire is located. Together with invitations, it is also possible to send out the text of the questionnaire, if the survey is carried out only by e-mail. Approximate options for the questionnaires offered for filling are shown in Fig. 3.2 and 3.3.

In this regard, a very important advantage of the Internet panel is the ability to obtain the voluntary consent of the respondent to participate in it before the start of the study. If the respondent has registered, it means that he agrees to participate in online research and is ready not only to receive electronic invitations, but also to adequately respond to them. The practice of spamming is very dangerous for the researcher, and ignorance in this regard can create a bad reputation in the Internet community.

Rice. 3.2.

When creating an Internet panel, it is necessary to make a way so that respondents, diverse in gender, age and social status, are registered in it. Therefore, engaging respondents should be as casual as possible. This is usually possible through banner advertising on the Internet on sites of various topics. Users who regularly visit sites pay attention to banners. Placing advertisements on them can be very effective as many often automatically activate them. Thus, visitors to popular sites immediately switch to the advertised research, where they find the Internet panel and, by registering, become potential respondents.

Rice. 3.3.

Great importance is attached to the preparation of the panel's introductory text and instructions for registering on it. In order not to "miss" potential respondents, you must follow all the rules of netiquette.

An integral part of the Internet panel is the mention of remuneration for active participation in online surveys (Fig. 3.4). Usually these are prizes, gifts or money that are drawn in a lottery. A reward can be promised to every 10th (100th, etc.) respondent or to those who most fully answer open-ended questions, etc. In some cases, a small payment is guaranteed for all panel members (from $ 2 to $ 10), and there is also non-financial motivation. Incentives are usually determined by the topic of the survey, less often by the length of the questionnaire or technical difficulties in filling it out. Some researchers offer to donate money (or gifts) earned from online surveys to charities and organizations.

The web panel provides an opportunity to constantly attract new users to research. At the same time, the controllability of the sampling process increases, and the research efficiency increases due to the guarantee of a high level of data collection. Some Internet research companies specifically create dashboards to create databases of potential respondents for those organizations that conduct online research.

Today, large research companies in the United States and Europe conduct 30 surveys a year or more, polling several tens of thousands of respondents. It should be noted that here Russia is not lagging behind other developed countries: we also have Internet panels assembled in accordance with all international standards. One of them is offered by an American company

niya GMI-Global Market Insite ( Its panel includes about 125 thousand Russians, 20 thousand residents of Ukraine and 4 thousand citizens of Kazakhstan.

Panel members deliberately register to participate in research on a special web portal ( and provide detailed socio-demographic and consumer information about themselves (Figure 3.5). So, Gmi has dozens of different characteristics of each of the panel members, which allows you to quickly (within a few hours) find respondents to participate in the most complex quantitative and qualitative research. It is important to note that the response rate in the panel Gmi exceeds 50%, which is achieved due to a carefully designed system of incentives for participants - panel members receive material rewards for each answered question of the questionnaire, as well as for participation in focus groups and in-depth interviews. The funds earned by the participants are usually transferred to their bank accounts, and in order to receive them, you need to show your passport. This is one of the main tools for ensuring the “reality” of the respondents, and hence the reliability of the information received.

Panel Gmi meets the standards of an international organization ESOMAR according to which each panel member cannot participate in more than four studies per month. Thus, using the online panel Gmi it is possible to recruit representatives of hard-to-reach target groups in a short time.

Rice. 35.Site's home]

Romir is one of the first Russian research companies that began conducting research via the Internet in 1999 (Fig. 3.6). The results of completed projects are stored in a single database, which allows us to take into account all the wishes and preferences of clients when developing new projects. A single database, specially designed for the company, improves the efficiency of business processes and helps coordinate the activities of various departments, providing them with a common platform for interacting with customers.

Rice. 3.6.

Several online survey companies use so-called C / LT panels to conduct surveys, which is a web panel owned by the company's partners. CINT, mainly - marketing research agencies and the media. Companies build their web panels using a variety of tools and then use them as a common real-time survey management tool. In fig. 3.7 general rules for participation in CINT-panel when registering on one of the Russian sites.

The part of the questionnaire that the C / LT panel participant is invited to fill out when registering in the project is shown in Fig. 3.8.

Rice. 3.7.

Rice. 3.8.

  • 1 URL:
  • 2 Ibid.

The companies participating in the S / LGG panel include:

  • 1) "Russian Information Network";
  • 2);
  • 3) "Questionnaire";
  • 4) "Romir";
  • 5) Internet Research Department of MASMI (Russia), etc.

The list of large companies conducting paid surveys on the Runet is presented in table. 3.1.

Table 3.1

Paid online survey companies represented in Russian

Ting company

The name of the company


Russian and with the participation of foreign capital - company projectOMI


YouGov Russiaor "Runet chooses" - a new project of the companyYouGov


"Your reply"




Project "Internet survey" of the Russian research company "COMCON"






NPD Online Research

American Consumer Opinion,"Russian-language polls" - only for Russians, for the rest - in English


As you can see from the data table. 3.1, the online survey market - the most common type of online marketing research - in our country is almost entirely occupied by foreign companies. It can be assumed that it makes sense for Russian marketing agencies to develop in this direction. To create the possibility of applying the marketing approach in commercial activities, today it is necessary to pay more attention to the offer of marketing online services. But while the online marketing research market is an oligopoly market, the prices for such services are quite high for many small businesses, despite the relatively low cost compared to traditional research. Meanwhile, small companies also need full-fledged consumer opinion research and study of potential customers, assessment of the competitive position and their own capabilities.

When conducting marketing research on the Internet, it is important to follow the basic rules for creating an effective online questionnaire and to minimize possible errors associated with its design and programming.

Principle "7 ± 2" for lists. The essence of this principle is that the human brain has certain limitations for multitasking ™, therefore, when faced with any complex phenomenon, we try to divide this phenomenon into its component parts. According to research conducted by George Miller, our short-term memory simultaneously accommodates five to nine different “objects” (or, in our case, items on the list of the questionnaire). In fairness, it must be said that like any conclusion associated with human thinking, this principle has exceptions and has been criticized more than once. Nevertheless, it is advisable to break up long lists in the online questionnaire, and if this is not possible, test two versions of the questionnaire during a pilot study: a long list in one question plus short lists in different questions and check if, for example, a list from many signs of the tested brand influence on the respondents' answers.

The "two seconds" rule. Rule of two seconds, this principle is named rather for beauty, as an unattainable ideal. Its essence lies in the fact that the user must wait for a response from one system or another no more than two seconds. The "answers" of the system means switching applications, the time of their loading, and in the case of an online survey - the time of connection with the server after sending an answer to a question or the time of loading the next question of the questionnaire. Two seconds per response is a kind of "golden ratio" to which one should strive, in reality trying to minimize the loading time of the questionnaire.

When testing high-definition commercials or promotional materials, be sure to compare whether download speed affects the ratings of respondents with dial-up and broadband connections. Anyone who has waited 10 minutes to download a commercial is unlikely to be as positive as someone who has a tested video downloaded in 3 seconds.

The rule "Three clicks". In accordance with this rule, users most often leave the site if they can find the information they need or complete the task they need in three clicks of the mouse. In other words, this rule emphasizes the importance of thoughtful navigation, logical structure and clear hierarchy of the Internet site. This rule can be applied to the compilation of questionnaires: in fact, it is not the number of clicks that is important, but the fact that the respondent at any moment understands where he is, where he was and where he will go next. Even 10 or more clicks will be perceived normally if a person understands the principles of the system with which he interacts.

For online surveys, it is believed that an ideal online survey must include:

  • an indicator showing how many questions a person has already answered and how many questions he has yet to answer;
  • button "Save the result and return to filling out the questionnaire later" (mandatory if filling out the questionnaire takes more than 5-10 minutes).
  • button "Report a problem" if something goes wrong;
  • the "Help" button, where you can always get help on how to fill out the questionnaire correctly, as well as download the programs you need to fill out the questionnaire (for example, if the questionnaire works only in certain browsers or you need a flash player to fill it out, etc.) ).

Rule of "respondent satisfaction". Many Internet users do not always prefer the best ways to solve the problem before them, but tend to be content with what lies on the surface and is more or less suitable for their purposes. It is worth remembering this when making a wide table of five to seven alternatives in the questionnaire from “Strongly disagree” to “Strongly agree”. The more such questions in the questionnaire, the higher the likelihood that users will choose not the answer that really reflects their opinion, but the option that is easiest to get into with the mouse and move on to the next question.

the effect « Foveal / central vision» and perception of information. Fovea or the central retinal fossa is most active when we read, watch TV, drive a car, or perform any other activity where visual details are important. The central vision area is a small, elongated wide area where our eyes are directed, and it is in this area that we perceive the maximum amount of image details without additional stress. Knowing this feature of human vision is important when testing promotional materials. So, if a lot of small pictures are presented at the same time for evaluation, or one or two pictures of too large size, then in this case the respondent has to strain his eyes additionally in order to consider all the details or all pictures, and this can affect the comparative perception of advertising materials.

The rule "Resilience and tolerance for errors." Even if the online questionnaire is designed for top managers of large companies, it is possible that a top manager found with great difficulty will fill it out “on the go” using a tablet, smartphone or laptop with a small screen and without additional functions. Therefore, when programming an online questionnaire, it is critically important to foresee various scenarios in advance and test how the questionnaire will look and work in a variety of configurations (browsers, connection types, operating systems, etc.).

The rule of "cumulative improvement". Making an “error-tolerant” questionnaire is a rather difficult task. But the rule of "incremental improvement" can help in this, when first a basic and simplest version of the questionnaire is made, which will work in all variants and situations, and then new "advanced" functions are gradually added to it. This way, a respondent with a bad connection and a ban on uploading images will be able to fill out a “lightweight” version of the questionnaire - ego is better than nothing anyway.

Filippova TV Internet as a tool for sociological research [Electronic resource]. URL:

  • URL:
  • URL:
  • For example, CASRO - Council of American Survey Research Organizations.
  • Compiled according to the site "Paid Surveys on the Internet". URL:
  • Compiled from the data of the same site.
  • Plotnikova S. Design and usability of online questionnaires. URL:
  • Marketing Research (MI) can be organized and carried out either through a dedicated research agency or through the firm's own research department.

    Organization of research with the help of our own research department.

    The organizational form of marketing research is largely determined by the size and organizational structure of the company. In small firms, where often one person has to solve all the issues related to research, there can be no organizational problems, except perhaps to whom he will be accountable. Most often this is the marketing or sales manager, although some marketing research managers report directly to the president or executive visa president. On the other hand, large research units can take various organizational forms, of which the following three are the most popular:

    • 1. Organization by area of ​​use, such as product lines, brands, market segments or regions.
    • 2. An organization based on marketing functions to be performed, such as sales volume analysis, advertising research, or product planning.
    • 3. An organization based on research methods or approaches, such as sales volume analysis, mathematical and / or statistical analysis, field interviews, or questionnaire development.

    Many firms with large marketing research units combine two or more of these organizational structures.

    The organization of marketing research is also influenced by the company's management structure - centralized or decentralized. In a company with decentralized management, when authority and decision-making power are distributed among a large number of people, each division may have its own marketing research department, or one department at the headquarters can serve all the working divisions; finally, research departments can exist at both levels.

    The main advantages of an organization at the corporate level are greater ability to coordinate and control all research activities, a more favorable economic situation, more information and a greater planning contribution. The main advantage of an organization at the unit or group level is quick access to information about markets, products, technologies and problems. Recently, there has been a trend towards "mixed" organization with the aim of combining the advantages of both forms.

    Japanese firms view research as a function performed by everyone involved in the decision-making process, not just professional market researchers. Those involved in the decision-making process collect and process information in advance.

    Thus, the organization of marketing research depends on the importance attached to this function in the organization, as well as on the volume and complexity of the planned research activities. Moreover, the organizational structure is subject to modification as a consequence of changes in the firm itself. As the size of the firm and the potential of the market change, the meaning and organization of marketing research must change in order to avoid interruptions in the supply of information.

    As a rule, large firms invest more in marketing research than small ones. Do firms with sales of $ 25 million or more spend about 3.5% of their total marketing budget on marketing research, small firms? only 1.5%.

    An important change in marketing research in recent years is the shift in perspective from a specific issue to general marketing intelligence. It is commonly referred to as a marketing information system, or decision support system, in order to provide exactly the information that is required.

    Positions and job responsibilities of persons involved in marketing research

    • 1. Research Director / Vice President of Marketing Research. Highest research position. The director is responsible for the entire research program of the company. Prien takes assignments from higher authorities, clients or, on his own initiative, develops and proposes research activities for the consideration of company leaders. Hires staff and exercises overall control over the activities of the research unit. Present research results to clients or company executives.
    • 2. Deputy Director for Research. This position is also called "second in the team", i.e. corresponds to the second most senior leader.
    • 3. Statistician / Data Processor. Position held as a specialist consultant in the theory and practice of using statistical methods to solve specific research problems. Typically responsible for experiment design and data processing.
    • 4. Senior Analyst. A position usually found on the staffing table of a large research unit. Together with the leader, he takes part in the initial planning of research projects and leads the implementation of individual projects. Operates under minimal control conditions. Draws up questionnaires independently or together with analysts. Selects research methods, analyzes and prepares reports upon completion of work. In addition, he monitors the expenditure of funds allocated for the project and is responsible for meeting the deadlines for its implementation.
    • 5. Analyst. As a rule, performs the current work on the implementation of a research project. Often works under the guidance of a senior analyst. Helps to compose questionnaires, tests them and conducts preliminary analysis of the results. Most of the research, published data or working with company data is the responsibility of the analyst,
    • 6. Junior analyst. Performs tasks of senior officials. Edits and indexes questionnaires, performs statistical calculations at a level above the clerical officer and uncomplicated analysis of published data.
    • 7. Librarian. Builds and maintains a library that meets the needs of the research department.
    • 8. The head of the office. In large units, the general management and processing of statistics is the responsibility of one or more senior clerical staff. The main required quality is the accuracy and precision of doing business.
    • 9. Director in charge of "field" work. Typically, only a large unit has a field director who is responsible for recruiting, training, and supervising field interviewers.
    • 10. Staff member responsible for consumer survey. Conducts personal interviews and acts under the direct supervision of the Field Director. Not all companies have this position in their staffing table.
    • 11. A clerk to help with spreadsheets and clerical work. Carries out the routine daily work of the unit.

    The success of marketing research is to a certain extent determined by the organization of the marketing service, essentially a human factor. The qualifications of employees, their experience, their knowledge of the market largely predetermine the quality of research, but to no less extent these results depend on the technical equipment of the marketing service, the degree of its computerization, the availability of communication facilities, etc. Finally, they are influenced by relationships within the group: hierarchy, communicative ties, microclimate in the team, mutual assistance, support and cooperation or prying, intrigue, denunciation. The important role in ensuring the effectiveness of the marketing service is largely predetermined by those who lead it - the manager and the coordinator. There are three options for organizing information and analytical activities.

    First option. No marketing service has been created. All divisions of the company, whose field of activity is marketing, are engaged in the collection of information and its assessment. Condition: Marketing plays a secondary role in the activities of the company.

    Second option. The firm has a localized marketing service, organized according to a matrix or functional principle. Each department, within its competence, collects and analyzes information, and the conclusions and recommendations are presented to the head / coordinator. Condition: Marketing plays an important role in the activities of the company. The market situation is stable and simple enough.

    The third option. A large volume of research work led to the creation of a marketing research unit within the marketing service. It is completed with specialists, equipped with computer and other office equipment and is built in such a way as to ensure all five stages of marketing research. The conclusions and recommendations of the information and analytical department are considered and taken into account when developing a marketing strategy, product policy, drawing up and implementing strategic and operational marketing plans. Condition: Marketing plays a leading role in the activities of the company. The market situation is complex and volatile. The scale of the market is large enough.

    A wide range of functions performed by the marketing service, complex direct and feedback links, etc. make serious demands on the organization of the management apparatus of the information and analytical divisions of the marketing service, i.e. requires the creation of certain power-hierarchical structures that are in a relationship of subordination and coordination, the separation of marketing management and information and analytical functions.

    The activities of the marketing service are based on management principles, which include:

    • * scientific, i.e. compliance with the requirements of management theory;
    • * mobility, i.e. urgent implementation of the decisions made, conducting research in a strictly specified time frame;
    • * flexibility, i.e. the ability, if necessary, to promptly change the scope of study, to place emphasis on different areas of research in accordance with the changing market situation;
    • * maneuverability, i.e. the ability to adequately respond to the uncertainty of the external environment, adapt to constant variability of conditions, the action of random factors, find the weak points of a competitor, determine research priorities, etc.;
    • * persistence, i.e. unswerving implementation of the outlined plans, obtaining the necessary information at all costs;
    • * democratic, i.e. a combination of friendly, supportive relations between the heads and subordinates of the information and analytical department of the marketing service with strict exactingness and control of executive discipline, developing a sense of responsibility and pride in their employees among employees, ensuring a favorable business climate.

    The number and composition of the marketing service, the range of its functions, the degree of independence, etc. largely depend on the type and size of the firm itself, on its financial, economic and labor potential.

    Large corporations with a wide assortment and large volume of products, the presence of multiple relationships with suppliers, intermediaries, customers, financial structures, etc., cannot do without a large and deeply structured, hierarchically structured marketing service, with an extensive information and analytical system. Their financial capabilities make it possible to attract qualified, highly paid personnel, ensure a deep division of labor, and create branches, if necessary.

    Medium-sized enterprises are limited to more modest in number, but also rather rigidly structured marketing services. Naturally, here the level of specialization is lower, it is allowed to combine responsibilities, including operational, with information and analytical functions (the weaker the company, the more often this is practiced).

    Organizational structures of marketing firms can have any name: marketing department, marketing department, etc. Domestic industry marketing service cha one hundred were created on the basis of sales departments. The degree of structuring of the marketing service, in particular, the allocation of an independent information and analytical unit, depends on a number of conditions: the type and size of the enterprise, its resources and capabilities, intended goals, form of ownership, established traditions, etc.

    The marketing department is headed by an employee who is responsible for its activities to the management of the company. He is responsible for staffing the service with specialists, improving their qualifications, maintaining a favorable moral climate, planning the activities of the service and marketing as a whole, monitoring and correcting it, coordinating the actions of service units among themselves and other divisions of the company, organizing internal and external relations. Therefore, it is very important that he has a sufficient amount of knowledge that would allow him to control the implementation of information and analytical functions.

    Typically, the marketing manager has a high degree of autonomy and responsibility. As a rule, he is included in the top management of the company and reports directly to its head. In some firms, he is VP of marketing; in others, he is the director of marketing (marketing director) or deputy CEO. This contributes to the authority of the marketing service and brings it to one of the first places in the administrative hierarchy in terms of influence on managerial decision-making, since the possession of information increases the status of a leader. Much less often, the head of the marketing department holds the post of the head of the marketing department. And it is very rare that there are facts of disintegration of the marketing service, when there is no single leader, and the heads of individual departments report directly to the head of the company. At the same time, each marketing division works in isolation, which threatens with contradictions, lack of coordination of marketing activities and, ultimately, its disorganization.

    More common is the practice of creating marketing services (sectors) in the so-called strategic business units of a large firm, i.e. the creation of independent business units (departments) of the enterprise, which have full independence in decision-making and the use of resources and bear full responsibility for them. Usually they are responsible for the production and marketing activities for a specific product (product group or product line). They are otherwise also called strategic business units (English - strategicbusinessunit), and sometimes - a strategic center (strategiccentre).

    With a centralized scheme for organizing a marketing service, communications (including information) of one marketing department with others or with other departments of the company can be carried out directly or through the head.

    Strict marketing research organization standards food does not exist. Each company independently chooses a marketing structuring scheme, using the accumulated experience. One of the requirements for the organization of marketing research is its effectiveness. First, the marketing activities of the enterprise, provided by the information and analysis division, should generally give the desired result (for example, the necessary market share has been won, a new product has been successfully sold, etc.). Second, research spending should not be burdensome for the firm and beyond budget.

    In the United States, in the production of means of production, on average, $ 10 thousand of turnover accounts for $ 12 in marketing research costs, and in the production of consumer goods - $ 30.

    Advantages and disadvantages of conducting MI on your own

    • 1. Research on its own is cheaper than custom research, but in this case it is impossible to shift at least part of the cost to a third party.
    • 2. Experience in research is limited, specialists, as a rule, of a broader profile.
    • 3. Specialists in the research department have extensive product specific knowledge that may not always be passed on to consultants.
    • 4. The objectivity of the research results can be questioned, since the attitude of employees can be biased in favor of their own company, in addition, researchers are dependent on management
    • 5. The technical support is insignificant, as a rule, there is the most versatile hardware and software
    • 6. Confidentiality is high, since the circle of dedicated participants is narrow.

    Organization of research with the help of specialized research agencies.

    Specialized research agencies carry out a variety of studies, the results of which can help a firm solve existing problems. To take advantage of the benefits of working with research agencies, managers of the firm must have an understanding of the specifics of their activities and develop certain interaction skills.

    Types of services provided by research agencies

    Specialized research agencies offer a variety of marketing communications services:

    • 1. Conducting proactive (standard) marketing research, on the basis of which information and analytical reviews are issued.
    • 2. Conducting custom-made individual marketing and social research.
    • 3. Carrying out custom studies of the "omnibus" type, when the questions of several customers are combined in one study.
    • 4. Decision support and advisory activities.

    Advantages and disadvantages of research organization research firm

    Conducting research by a specialized research firm has some advantages and disadvantages:

    • 1. The research cost is quite high, and the research is more expensive than the one performed by the internal research team. However, this applies to simple marketing research. Conducting large-scale research by a specialized research firm may be more economical. For example, it is impossible to conduct a population census on its own. The same comment applies to omnibus research, where the total cost of the research is divided among several customers.
    • 2. The quality of research is high, since research firms have rich experience, highly qualified specialists in the field of research.
    • 3. The results of the research are highly objective, since the researchers are independent from the customer.
    • 4. Specialized firms provide great opportunities in the choice of research methods due to the availability of specialized equipment for conducting research and processing their results.
    • 5. Knowledge of product features is limited to general concepts
    • 6. There is a higher likelihood of information leakage as there are many people involved in the research.

    Relationships with research agencies

    Specialists of the research firm GORTIS, depending on the degree of "deepening" of the researchers into the problems of customers, distinguish four types of interaction:

    • 1. Provision of information - the most common and simple type of interaction between the client and the research organization. Researchers are only required to have a professional approach to solving the problems of collecting and processing information necessary for making decisions.
    • 2. Preparation of conclusions and recommendations. This type of interaction involves not only the implementation of procedures for collecting information, but also its interpretation (that is, some "blanks" for its practical application).
    • 3. Development of an algorithm for implementing the recommendations. This type of interaction involves a combination of research and consulting services to solve customer problems.
    • 4. Implementation of the recommendations. This type of interaction involves the creation of a team that is directly involved in the processes of enterprise management and helps managers to implement the proposed algorithm of action.

    Once a decision has been made about how the research should be organized and the type of interaction expected, a research organization should be selected with which to develop a relationship to carry out the research project. When ordering an individual research project. When ordering an individual study, the development of client relations with research agencies follows stages:

    • 1. Statement of the problem.
    • 2. The proposal of the research organization.
    • 3. Choosing a research firm.
    • 4. Interaction during the study.

    If the research results are acquired after conducting a standard initiative research, then mutual dealing with a research organization is simplified; the results can be reviewed in advance to ensure that the information provided meets the needs of the firm.

    Formulation of the problem. The quality of the research largely depends on the formulation of goals. If customers cannot articulate exactly what they need, then the result is unlikely to satisfy them. The correct formulation of the problem justifies the need for research and should contain enough information so that the specialists of the research organization can identify the problem and present all the existing restrictions on its solution.

    Selecting a research organization. When choosing a research organization, the following most significant criteria are usually used:

    • · Experience in conducting research;
    • · Knowledge of the industry;
    • · Geographical coverage;
    • · Research cost.

    Experts from research organizations recommend potential customers to show additional information initiative:

    • · Find out who is the client of the research firm, whether it is possible to consult with them about the quality of the services provided by the applicant;
    • · Get ​​acquainted with specific reports on the results of research carried out by the firm's specialists;
    • · Conduct personal negotiations with a potential work manager.

    Interaction during the study. The nature of the interaction during the study is due to the chosen method of control over the research process. ssom.

    All details of the research should be agreed at the initial stage and not interfere with the research process when the work has already begun.

    Every inhabitant of Russia can be called a consumer. And the one who does not speak Russian is also a consumer, only then he is called spozhivach (Ukrainian), consumer ("consumer", English), or verbraucher (Austr. German), or konsument (German), or something else. Every time we consume something, we make an imperceptible impact on the socio-economic environment around us.

    By consuming, we influence the sellers. The sellers, having made the act of sale, thereby influence the distributors, who, in turn, influence the producers, and those influence the suppliers of raw materials. Each time such an imperceptible act of consumption leads to growing waves of influence, which involve an increasing number of economic entities in a continuous process ...

    In the conditions of totalitarian socialism or monarchy, this process is strictly regulated from above. In a liberal (or, in our case, rather a "slightly more liberal") economy, this process is "market-driven."

    Each participant in the process has an alternative - what to consume. Choosing from at least two proposals, we must be guided by some criteria. Often these are very specific criteria, for example, price. Sometimes they are more difficult to grasp (for example, a preference for brands), in other cases it may be the need to satisfy some deeper needs (for example, an unmet need to feel power over other people can result in the purchase of a sports car).

    Just in order to feel good in the market, rules of conduct were invented, which were named in the American manner marketing... Such rules (which, upon closer examination, turn out to be not so simple) allow any Russian company to enter into competition with global giants such as Procter & Gamble. Yes, they have brought together leading experts in the marketing department. Yes, they pay good wages. But not everything is so sad, because there is such a word as "marketing".

    Marketing- your guide to the market game. Anyone who has mastered marketing can, if not defeat the international monsters, then at least grab a piece of his pie.

    Nevertheless, our goal is not to teach you marketing techniques, but to help you in such an important matter as market research, the results of which are the information base for marketing activities. You can find out more about this service by going now to the services section of our call center -.

    Market research

    For any company striving for success, marketing research is the beginning and the logical end of any cycle of its marketing activities. Market research significantly reduces the uncertainty in making important marketing decisions, which allows you to effectively allocate economic potential to achieve new heights in business!

    Marketing research, studying the external and internal environment and its regular monitoring for any enterprise is an important element of the strategy for successful development in a market economy. The role of research increases many times over under the conditions of an unformed market segment or under the uncertainty of a new business.

    Whatever decision you make, to offer a completely new product to the market or to enter a new market with an existing one, you will face the problem of lack of information about market conditions and other necessary components for a successful market entry. Does the market need your product and, if so, to what extent?

    Most likely, you have a certain vision of the market. But perhaps this is not enough to choose the right strategy. It is in this situation that our specialists will help you to study the market in detail and develop a competitive marketing concept.

    As a first step, it is necessary, which will allow you to solve, both in a complex and separately, the following tasks:

    1. Determine the real and potential market capacity. The study of market capacity will help you to correctly assess your chances and prospects in this market and avoid unnecessary risks and losses;
    2. Calculate or predict your market share. The share is already specific, and it is quite possible to start from it, form future plans, and then, increase it in the future. Market share is an important indicator of your company's success;
    3. Analyze the behavior of your consumers (demand analysis)... This analysis will assess the degree of consumer loyalty to the product and the company, and will answer the question: "Who buys and why?" And, therefore, it will help to establish competitive prices for products, make changes to the product itself, optimize promotion channels and advertising strategy, organize effective sales, that is, adjust all components of the marketing mix;
    4. Conduct an analysis of the main competitors (proposal analysis). Knowledge of competitors' products and marketing policies is essential for better market orientation and adjustment of your individual pricing and promotion policies, which will ensure your success in the competition;
    5. Analyze distribution channels. That will allow you to determine the most effective of them and form a ready-made chain of optimal product movement to the end consumer.

    Marketing research

    Is the collection, processing and analysis of data about the market, competitors, consumers, prices, internal potential of the enterprise in order to reduce the uncertainty associated with making marketing decisions. Marketing research results in specific developments that are used in the selection and implementation of strategies, as well as in the marketing activities of the enterprise.

    As practice shows, without market research it is impossible to systematically collect, analyze, and compare all the information necessary to make important decisions related to market activity, market selection, determination of sales volumes, forecasting and planning of market activities.

    The objects of market research are the trend and process of market development, including analysis of changes in economic, scientific, technical, legislative and other factors, as well as the structure and geography of the market, its capacity, sales dynamics, market barriers, the state of competition, the current market situation, opportunities and risks ...

    The main results of the market research are:

    • Forecasts of its development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors;
    • Determination of the most effective ways of conducting competition policy in the market and the possibility of entering new markets;
    • Segmentation of markets.

    Marketing research can be directed to different objects and pursue different goals. Let's take a closer look at this.

    Marketing Research Objectives

    Qualitative research is carried out to solve the following problems:

    • Market analysis;
    • Consumer analysis;
    • Competitor analysis;
    • Analysis of progress;
    • Testing advertising concepts;
    • Testing of advertising materials (layouts);
    • Testing the marketing complex of the brand (packaging, name, price, quality).

    Consumer marketing research

    Consumer research allows you to determine and investigate the whole range of incentive factors that guide consumers when choosing goods (income, education, social status, etc.)

    The purpose of consumer research is consumer segmentation, selection of target segments.

    Competitor research

    The main task of competitor research is to obtain the necessary data to provide a specific advantage in the market, as well as to find ways of cooperation and cooperation with potential competitors.

    For this purpose, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors are analyzed, their market share, the reaction of consumers to the marketing means of competitors, and the organization of management of activities are studied.

    Investigation of Potential Intermediaries

    In order to obtain information about possible intermediaries, with the help of which the company will be able to be present in the selected markets, a study of the corporate structure of the market is carried out.

    In addition to intermediaries, the company must have an idea of ​​freight forwarding, advertising, insurance, financial and other organizations, the creation of a set of marketing infrastructure for the market.

    Research of the product and its values

    The main purpose of product research is to determine the compliance of technical and economic indicators and the quality of products with the demands and requirements of consumers, as well as to analyze their competitiveness.

    Product research allows you to obtain the most complete and valuable information from the point of view of consumers about the consumer parameters of the product, as well as data for the formation of the most successful arguments for an advertising campaign, the choice of the most suitable intermediaries.

    Objects of research of goods: properties of analogue goods and competitors' goods, consumer reaction to new goods, product range, level of service, prospective consumer requirements

    The research results enable the company to develop its own range of products in accordance with the requirements of buyers, increase their competitiveness, develop new products, develop a corporate identity, and determine the ability of patent protection.

    Marketing analysis of prices

    Price research is aimed at determining the level and price ratio that allows you to get the most profit at the lowest cost.

    The objects of research are the costs of development, production and sale of goods, the degree of influence of competition, behavior and reaction of consumers to prices. As a result of the research carried out on the price of goods, the most effective cost-price and price-profit ratios are selected.

    Research of goods movement and sales

    The study of commodity circulation and sales is aimed at determining the most effective ways, methods and means of the fastest delivery of goods to the consumer and their sale. The objects of study are trade channels, intermediaries, sellers, forms and methods of sale, distribution costs.

    It also analyzes the forms and features of the activities of various types of wholesale and retail enterprises, identifies the strengths and weaknesses. This allows you to determine the possibilities of increasing the turnover of the enterprise, to optimize stocks, to develop criteria for choosing effective channels of commodity circulation.

    Research on sales promotion systems

    The study of the sales promotion system is one of the important areas of marketing research. The objects of research are: the behavior of suppliers, intermediaries, buyers, the effectiveness of advertising, the attitude of the consumer community, contacts with buyers. The results of the research allow to develop a policy of "public relations", to determine the methods of forming the demand of the population, to increase the efficiency of commutative connections, including advertising.

    Research of advertising activity

    Stimulating the promotion of goods to the market concerns not only advertising, but also other aspects of the company's marketing policy, in particular, research on the effectiveness of competitions, discounts, bonuses and other benefits that can be applied by the company in their interaction with buyers, suppliers, intermediaries.

    Research of the internal environment of enterprises

    Studies of the internal environment of an enterprise aim to determine the real level of competitiveness of an enterprise as a result of comparing the relevant factors of the external and internal environment.

    Marketing research can also be defined as the systematic collection, recording and analysis of data on marketing and marketing problems in order to improve the quality of decision-making and control procedures in the marketing environment.

    Marketing Research Objectives

    Marketing research objectives can be categorized as follows

    1. Search targets- collection of information for a preliminary assessment of the problem and its structuring;
    2. Descriptive goals- a description of the selected phenomena, objects of study and factors affecting their condition;
    3. Causal goals- testing the hypothesis about the presence of some causal relationship;
    4. Test targets- selection of promising options or assessment of the correctness of the decisions made;
    5. Forecast goals- predicting the state of an object in the future.

    A fundamental feature of marketing research, which distinguishes it from the collection and analysis of internal and external current information, is its targeted focus on solving a specific problem or a set of marketing problems.

    Each firm independently determines the topic and scope of marketing research based on its capabilities and needs for marketing information, therefore, the types of marketing research conducted by different firms may be different.

    Basic concepts and directions, experience in marketing research

    Earlier it was emphasized that marketing research is a scientific analysis of all factors that influence the marketing of goods and services. It follows that the area of ​​application of this function is practically unlimited, and therefore we will consider only those types of research that are most often encountered in practice.

    Essentially, the purpose of marketing research is to provide answers to five basic questions: who? what? when? where? and as? Related question: why?- expands the research to the point of contact with the field of social psychology and sometimes stands out as an independent area known as motivation research, that is, the study of the motives of customer behavior.

    Marketing Research Organization Methods

    Marketing research can be organized and carried out either through a specialized research agency or through the firm's own research department.

    Organization of research with the help of our own research department

    Our own research department is engaged in marketing research in accordance with the information needs of the company.

    Organization of research with the help of a specialized research agency

    Specialized research agencies carry out a variety of studies, the results of which can help a firm solve existing problems.

    • The quality of research is high, since research firms have rich experience, highly qualified specialists in the field of research.
    • The research results are highly objective, since the researchers are independent from the customer.
    • Specialized firms provide great opportunities in the choice of research methods due to the availability of special equipment for conducting research and processing their results.
    • Research costs are quite high and research costs more than those performed by an internal research team.
    • Knowledge of product features is limited to general concepts.
    • There is a higher likelihood of information leakage as there are many people involved in the research.

    Marketing Research Department

    Judging by how often one hears the claim that business competition is increasing, one would assume that most firms are likely to have marketing research departments. In reality, very few firms have such departments. The most recent data are difficult to name, but it is known that as a result of a survey conducted by the British Institute of Management, only 40% of the responses were received from 265 companies surveyed (in all likelihood, because most of the firms did not have research departments).

    However, it would be a mistake to believe that this fact means the same low level of use of research results, since a significant part of the work on marketing research is carried out by specialized organizations. In addition, in many companies, marketing research departments often have different names, for example, “Economic Information Department,” etc.

    The decision to create your own marketing research department depends on the assessment of the role that it can play further in the activities of the firm as a whole. This assessment is mostly qualitative and differs from firm to firm, which makes it difficult to establish precise criteria. For our purposes, it is enough to assume that the decision to create such a structural unit has been made and attention is focused on those issues that should be taken into account in this case.

    They can be grouped as follows:

    • The role and functions of the marketing research department;
    • Position in the organizational structure of the company;
    • The role and functions of the department manager.

    The Role and Functions of the Marketing Research Department

    Considering the above list of marketing-related research types, it is obvious that it would take a very large department to cover all of these areas.

    If this is the first time a firm is undertaking such work, it is strongly recommended to create a list of tasks, ordering them according to the degree of importance, and limit itself to trying to get the most important ones solved first. This does not mean that the rest of the research does not need to be carried out at all, since the establishment of too rigid demarcation lines between tasks can only lead to an inflexible approach and to the fact that auxiliary research that complements the main ones will be abandoned.

    Too often, firms make the mistake of placing the responsibility of the newly created marketing research department in charge of maintaining firm records. The transfer of this function to him inevitably generates friction and reduces the efficiency of the company, since, on the one hand, it slows down the work of departments that need reporting data for their current activities, for example, the sales department, and on the other hand, it distracts the marketing research department from its the main function is research.

    In cases where the creation of a specialized research department is preceded by a lot of data collection and reporting, it is better if other departments retain this function, providing the information they have as needed. To avoid both duplication and diffusion of effort, the responsibilities of each unit need to be clearly articulated, and only those reports that are essential to in-house research activities should be required from the marketing research department.

    Place for marketing research in the organizational structure of the company

    The location of the marketing research department within a firm depends largely on its organizational structure. As a rule, he should have a direct connection with the managing director, since this department performs an advisory function and in many cases provides the chief administrator with the initial data on the basis of which the general policy of the company is based (as opposed to operational decisions).

    In large organizations where executive directors lead functionally-based divisions, the CMO may be responsible for determining the direction of the research department and for deciding what reports should be presented to the head of the firm.

    Even so, it is advisable to provide for a direct link between the managing director and the research department in order to ensure, on the one hand, that reports criticizing one or another aspect of the firm's activities are heard by the head of the firm in order to avoid deteriorating the relationship. between the marketing director and directors responsible for other divisions.

    In addition, it is the managing director who deals with the efficiency of the firm as a whole and. therefore, can better than other managers assess the value of research results for a particular department.

    Some authors argue that the manager of a marketing research department should have the same status as the heads of the main operational units, but this is not true due to the usually existing differences in the size of departments and the level of responsibility. Provided that the manager has access to the board of directors, his status should be directly determined by the importance that the department has within the organization as a whole.

    The Role and Functions of the Marketing Research Manager

    The nature of a marketing research manager depends on the size and function of the department and the degree of oversight and leadership from above. In this case, in any case, the manager must be a person competent in his field and have personal integrity and honesty.

    Competence presupposes not only experience and knowledge in the field of marketing and methods of its analysis, but also the ability to turn management problems into real research projects, carried out taking into account time and financial constraints.

    The requirement of personal integrity and honesty means that the marketing research manager must interpret the results of the analyzes carried out objectively, in accordance with generally accepted principles of scientific research. “Statistics in the service of lies” - this situation can exist only when unprincipled people use facts fabricated through subjective selection, manipulation and deliberate presentation to prove baseless conclusions, that is, as researchers say, “looking for data” ...

    The manager must meet not only the basic requirements mentioned above, but, in addition, possess the qualities that are necessary in all leadership positions, namely: have the ability to administrative work, be able to understand the behavior of people and be able to effectively influence them.

    Planning and conducting marketing research

    Marketing research process

    Marketing research can be divided into two main categories: permanent and episodic... Marketing is an ongoing process in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, systematic research is essential if a firm wants to stay aware of changes in the underlying drivers of demand and be able to adapt its policies accordingly. This type of information is collected by specialized organizations and government departments, but this information is often too general in nature and cannot meet the specific requirements of an individual firm. As a result, it has to be supplemented with research conducted by the firm itself.

    In addition, many marketing situations are so peculiar (for example, the launch of a new product on the market) that they require special research.

    Such studies are performed according to a certain scheme, consisting of the following stages:

    1. Justification of the need for research;
    2. Analysis of the factors that determine this need, that is, the formulation of the problem;
    3. Exact formulation of the research goal;
    4. Drawing up a plan for an experiment or survey based on the analysis provided for in paragraph 2;
    5. Data collection;
    6. Systematization and analysis of data;
    7. Interpretation of results, formulation of conclusions, recommendations;
    8. Preparation and submission of a report containing the results of the study;
    9. Evaluation of the results of actions taken based on the findings of the researchers, i.e.
    10. Establishing feedback.

    Obviously, constant research is built according to the same scheme as at the beginning, but later on, the first four stages disappear.

    Marketing research methods

    The first task of choosing marketing research methods is to familiarize yourself with individual methods that can be used in collecting and analyzing marketing information.

    Then, based on the resource capacity of the organization, the most appropriate set of these methods is selected. The most widely used marketing research methods are document analysis methods, sociological, expert, experimental and economic and mathematical methods.

    Marketing research objectives can be exploratory in nature, i.e. be aimed at collecting preliminary information designed to more accurately identify problems and test hypotheses, descriptive, i.e. consist in a simple description of certain aspects of a real marketing situation and casual, i.e. be aimed at substantiating hypotheses that determine the content of the identified cause-and-effect relationships.

    Each such area includes certain methods of collecting and analyzing marketing information.

    Exploratory research is carried out with the aim of collecting preliminary information necessary to better define the problems and put forward assumptions (hypotheses), within which the implementation of marketing activities is expected, as well as to clarify the terminology and establish priorities among research tasks.

    For example, it has been suggested that low sales are due to poor advertising, but exploratory research has shown that the main cause of undersales is poor distribution system performance, which should be explored in more detail later in the marketing research process.

    Among the methods of conducting exploratory research, the following can be distinguished: analysis of secondary data, study of previous experience, analysis of specific situations, focus group work, projection method.

    Descriptive research aimed at describing marketing problems, situations, markets, for example, the demographic situation, the attitude of consumers to the organization's products.

    When conducting this type of research, answers are usually sought to questions starting with the words: who, what, where, when and how. As a rule, such information is contained in secondary data or is collected through observations and interviews, setting up experiments.

    For example, it is investigated "who" is the consumer of the organization's products? “What” is considered to be products supplied by the organization to the market? Where is seen as the place where consumers purchase these products? “When” refers to the time when consumers are most active in purchasing these products. “How” describes how the purchased product is used.

    Note that these studies do not provide an answer to questions starting with the word “why”. "Why" did the sales increase after the advertising campaign? Answers to such questions are received when conducting casual research.

    Casual exploration is carried out to test hypotheses regarding causation. This study is based on the desire to understand some phenomenon based on the use of logic such as: “If X, then Y”.

    For example, a hypothesis is tested: will a 10% decrease in the service fee of a given organization lead to an increase in the number of customers sufficient to compensate for the losses from the decrease in the fee?

    If we consider the methods of marketing research from the point of view of the nature of the information received, then they can be divided into two groups: quantitative and qualitative.

    Quantitative Marketing Research are aimed at studying consumer behavior, purchase motivation, consumer preferences, attractiveness and consumer qualities of a product, price / consumer quality ratio, assessment of the capacity and characteristics of the real and potential markets (various segments) of a product or service.

    Quantitative methods make it possible to characterize the socio-demographic, economic, and psychological portrait of the target group.

    The characteristic features of such studies are: well-defined format of the collected data and the sources of their receipt, the processing of the collected data is carried out using orderly procedures, mainly quantitative in nature.

    Data collection for marketing research

    Methods for collecting primary data in quantitative research include polls, questioning, personal and telephone interview based on the use of structured closed-type questions, which are answered by a large number of respondents.

    The survey is conducted at points of sale or according to the address / route sample at the place of residence (place of work) of the respondent. The reliability of the results is ensured by the use of a representative sample of respondents (respondents), the use of qualified interviewers, control at all stages of the study, professionally compiled questionnaires and questionnaires, the use of professional psychologists, sociologists, marketing specialists in the analysis, the use of modern computer tools for statistical analysis of results, constant contact with the customer at all stages of work.

    Qualitative research involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say. Observations and conclusions are qualitative and carried out in a standardized manner. Qualitative data can be quantified, but this is preceded by special procedures.

    The basis of qualitative research is observational methods, which involve observation itself rather than communication with respondents. Most of these methods are based on approaches developed by psychologists.

    Qualitative analysis methods allow describing the psychographic characteristics of the target audience, behavior patterns and reasons for preference for certain brands when purchasing, as well as receiving the deepest information from consumers that gives an idea of ​​the ulterior motives and basic needs of consumers.

    Qualitative methods are indispensable at the stages of developing and evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, studying the image of brands. The results are not numeric, i.e. presented exclusively in the form of opinions, judgments, assessments, statements.

    Types of marketing research

    An enterprise in the modern world can achieve success only if it does not ignore the needs of consumers. Efficiency requires research and meeting as many of the buyer's requirements as possible. Marketing research helps to solve such problems.

    Marketing deals with the study of consumer behavior, which includes his needs and requirements.

    A fundamental feature of marketing research, which distinguishes it from the collection and analysis of internal and external current information, is its targeted focus on solving a specific problem or a set of marketing problems. This focus turns the collection and analysis of information into marketing research. Thus, marketing research should be understood as a purposeful solution to a marketing problem (complex of problems) facing a company, the process of setting goals, obtaining marketing information, planning and organizing its collection, analysis and reporting of results.

    The basic principles of marketing research are objectivity, accuracy and thoroughness. The principle of objectivity means the need to take into account all factors and the inadmissibility of accepting a certain point of view until the analysis of all the information collected is completed.

    The principle of accuracy means the clarity of the formulation of research tasks, the unambiguity of their understanding and interpretation, as well as the choice of research tools that ensure the necessary reliability of the research results.

    The principle of thoroughness means detailed planning of each stage of research, high quality of all research operations, achieved through a high level of professionalism and responsibility of the research team, as well as an affective system of monitoring its work.


    In a competitive environment and constantly changing market conditions, a lot of attention is paid to marketing research. The results of these studies in the future are the basis for the formation of the estimate of sales, and on the basis of this and the planned levels of revenue and profit from the sale of products.

    The most common problems arise in the process of selling goods. Therefore, the main objectives of marketing research are to study:

    • market;
    • buyers;
    • competitors;
    • suggestions;
    • goods;
    • prices;
    • the effectiveness of the product promotion policy, etc.

    Marketing research helps an enterprise to solve the following tasks:

    • Determine the possibility of mass production of goods or services;
    • Establish a hierarchy of characteristics of goods or services that can ensure their success in the market;
    • Analyze the typologies and motivations of the existing and potential clientele;
    • Determine prices and optimal conditions for the sale of goods and services.

    The purpose of marketing research is to resolve the following enterprise problems:

    • Studying and establishing the potential of the market or product about the possible volume of its sales, terms of sale, price levels, the ability of potential clientele;
    • Research of competitors' behavior, directions of their actions, potential opportunities, pricing strategies;
    • Sales research with the definition of the territory that is the best in terms of sales, the volume of sales in the market, which is the most effective.

    Companies develop a general plan of marketing research, which is drawn up in the context of the marketing of individual goods or services, by type of buyers, by region.

    Thus, we can say that marketing research is a complex system for studying the organization of production and sales of goods and services, which is focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and making a profit based on the study and forecasting of the market.

    The most difficult tasks of marketing research are analyzing and making decisions on pricing and sales promotion.

    The result of marketing research is the development of a marketing strategy for the company, the purpose of which is to select a target market and marketing complex, the compliance of which will help to ensure the maximum effect of sales of products and services.

    When choosing a target market, it is necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: what product does the consumer need? To do this, it is necessary to establish rational segments of a concentrated, differentiated or undifferentiated market that the organization will serve.

    The choice of a marketing complex is associated with the establishment of the optimal combination of its elements: the name of the product, its price, the place of distribution and sales promotion. On the basis of the adopted marketing strategy, the main management decisions are developed, orienting the company's activities towards solving problems that arise or may arise for a potential consumer of goods, works and services.

    This principle can be implemented if the basis for making decisions on organizational, technological, social and production issues is the result of analyzing the needs and requests of potential buyers.

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    Marketing is a term that has firmly entered the world of business and economics. The word itself comes from the English "marketing", which literally means market movement, but in the right context it sounds better like market development. Based on this, the essence of this term is defined as carrying out activities aimed at studying the needs that arise in different segments of the trade market, and their maximum satisfaction with positive profitability. Large enterprises try to create a department responsible for marketing tasks on their own basis. He is engaged in the effective promotion of the company's goods or services, which includes a complete assessment of the market for his segment, as well as the formation of leadership concepts among competitors by using various marketing strategies.

    Why is it better to choose a marketing company for research?

    But there are firms that give preference to marketing companies over the need to form such a unit in their structure. Analysis of the factors of effectiveness of these two types of marketing research services has largely allowed to determine that a more positive result for the company will be in the case of using the services of a specialized company. This decision is associated with specific factors:

    1- a marketing company is a staff of specialists with a high level of qualifications in the field of market research and the formation of the best offer to meet the needs of customers and make a profit for the enterprise; 2- the activities of large companies that conduct marketing research of the agency - the customer, are aimed at quickly solving the client's tasks. Structural divisions as a whole spend about 20% of the total working time on studying the situation in their area of ​​the market. This can not only reduce the quality of the survey or other type of survey, but also lead to a large loss of time; 3- when external agencies carry out marketing activities, it provides objective results of their work. That is, unlike the internal responsible divisions, which know the expectations of management and sometimes can adjust the outcome of the work, good marketing companies in Moscow provide accurate information about the potential and strategic goals of the enterprise according to the measures taken; 4- marketing research organization conducts market research as soon as possible, which saves on the need to pay for services throughout the whole year.

    Such advantages indicate a better use of the services of large marketing companies. But at the same time, this does not mean that it is worth completely abandoning the internal marketer, so he can accurately determine all the nuances of the microenvironment under study.

    How to Choose a Marketing Agency?

    To select a marketing research agency that can provide consulting services at the highest level, it is worth looking at the rating of such firms. You can do this with the help of relevant queries on the Internet: marketing research Moscow. There are many companies in this area of ​​activity. There are several criteria that will make it possible to determine the best marketing companies that will conduct research for your company: 1. the number of employees allocated to solve the assigned tasks; 2. the amount of expenses for a marketing agency; 3. competence and characteristics of the marketing company in the market. The main goal of these qualities is the selection of marketing organizations with the most appropriate ratio.

    How does a marketing company conduct research?

    To achieve the success of the organization in any environment of the company's functioning, marketing research is the first necessity. The correct algorithm for their implementation, which is used by specialized organizations, will contribute to the achievement of triumph and business development.

    The marketing activities scheme is as follows:

    1. development of a program for the study of production or trade opportunities; 2. search for information sources and analysis of average indicators; 3. recruiting interviewers, drawing up questionnaires; 4. implementation of the survey; 5. drawing up a report for a marketing organization.

    Marketing firms are the best at doing this kind of research, so it's worth using their services.