Business in the basement of a residential building: rules and guidelines for development. Setting up a business in the basement What can be done in the basement of an apartment building

Organizational matters

Technical premises that are not used by tenants may be converted to non-residential status by decision of the municipality or the owners' partnership.

What kind of business can you open in a basement?

After that, the potential tenant can begin the procedure for its registration.

Collection and submission of documentation

In the basement there are water pipes, heating systems and electrical cables. The tenant must make sure that the repair team from the housing office has access to the equipment. If a breakdown or flooding occurs, the basement will suffer the most.

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Is it allowed to play music in the basement room?

Is it allowed to use live music in the basement of a residential building? Answer: If the basement is shared, or is distributed among the residents of a residential building, then yes, in accordance with the ownership / use right to one or another part of it, but without violating the norms of public order, and without exceeding the permissible noise / loudness limits ... Also, by most of the statutes of cities, any violation of the silence is possible until 22-23 hours, this criterion should also be taken into account.

From SW. Gorkusha Mikhail.

Thank you for the answers ... but there are still a lot of questions popping up)

Commercial and office premises 3 floors. there will be more than 30 people. The examination will take place.

The semi-basement disappears. 30 people will not be allowed.

The installed boiler power is 90 kW.

1) Allocated a room for a boiler room on the 3rd floor (last). is it possible to put a boiler room there? (no door from the premises to the street)

2) Does the volume of the room depend on the boiler output?

3) It seems that the height should be at least 2.5 m in the room. but it was said for what a guest. like GOST for KU applies to boilers from 100 kW.

4) Supply and exhaust ventilation. how to rely on it for this household boiler room?

5) If the boiler is with forced flue gas discharge. How to make a chimney?

according to basic calculations, I got about 50 kW the main heat loss of the building (communicated on the outer walls) the curator, who seems to be teaching this matter, gave the coefficients .. which, let's say .. I don’t quite like it. his answer: something is not enough .. let's add a coefficient of 2 .. then there will be norms). now I want to know .. what coefficients are accepted for administrative premises.

Business in the basement: important organizational nuances

As you know, small and medium-sized businesses need small premises. However, the rental price of commercial real estate is now far from cheap, and sometimes renting it, let alone buying it, takes away most of the profit from a businessman. To a greater extent, this applies to large cities, where the shortage of space for business is felt especially acutely.

In this regard, basements and semi-basements, as a rule, of residential buildings have become one of the most demanded market segments.

How to start a successful basement business

This is explained by the fact that the relatively low purchase price or the relatively low rental price of such commercial real estate significantly reduces the entrepreneur's expenses, which ultimately makes his business much more profitable.

Photo of a mini-bar located in the basement of a residential building.

However, these facilities are not suitable for all types of activities. Therefore, before renting or purchasing such real estate, the entrepreneur should first decide which business can be organized in the basement and which cannot.

In addition, it will be useful to learn how to properly create a "basement" business for a businessman in order not to face serious problems in the future. In a word, having figured out all the nuances at the initial stage and approaching the organization correctly, you can guarantee that the business in the basement will flourish.


It should be noted that opening a "basement" business in most cases is troublesome - but profitable, provided that the business is planned to be organized for more than one year.

If an entrepreneur needs premises for a short period of time, then most likely he will hardly feel a great benefit.

The exception is the extraordinary cases when the basement is rented at a very low price and in a ready-made state, with all the available permits, which is practically impossible in our time.

What business is prohibited in the basement, and what is allowed

A small shop in the basement.

According to urban planning regulations, it is not prohibited to locate your own business in the basements of apartment buildings. However, there are limitations to this, which are taken into account already at the planning stage.

So, on the basement area of ​​an apartment building, an entrepreneur will not be able to locate the following commercial objects:

  • production premises (exceptions are restoration and art workshops)
  • medical organizations
  • entertainment venues (casinos, floppy disks, dance and other clubs)
  • funeral homes
  • laundries or dry cleaners
  • public toilets
  • baths or saunas with pools.
  • All other private establishments may well exist in such premises, but certain requirements are imposed on their activities by various structures. So, for example, an area not exceeding 400 square meters can be used to open a store. m. However, there are no restrictions on storage and utility rooms at the store.

    The assortment at such a point of sale can be very diverse (except for flammable goods), but the operating time is limited - up to 23 hours. Hairdressers can open on an area not exceeding 300 sq. m. There are no significant restrictions on offices, but, alas, it is forbidden to locate wholesale and small-scale warehouse facilities in basements in accordance with SNiP.

    As for the cafes, they can function in the basement of a residential apartment building under the following conditions:

  • working time up to 23 hours
  • there should be no musical accompaniment
  • receive no more than 50 visitors at a time.
  • Possible problems when starting a business in the basement of an apartment building and recommendations for their solution

    A small hairdresser in the basement of an apartment building.

    Legal issues

    An entrepreneur who is going to open a business in a basement must first decide on its status. According to the current legislation of our country, basically all auxiliary premises of apartment buildings belong to the community of owners. The collective property also includes the adjacent territory and basement areas, which are intended to serve the residential building.

    In this case, a businessman, in order to start his own business in such a place and use it for his needs, will need to obtain permission from the majority of people living there. This significantly complicates the task, since someone will definitely be against this idea.

    Here it will already be necessary not only to apply all your charm, but also to present reasoned evidence that the business will not provide any inconvenience or problems to the tenants in the future. It will be desirable to convince them that the activities created under their apartments will be very useful to them.

    If an entrepreneur plans to acquire a basement for ownership, then it should be noted that in the premises where important intra-building communications are located, the transfer of such objects to private ownership is prohibited by law. The solution to this problem can be the re-registration of some part of the basement, in which there are no important communications.

    When purchasing or renting a basement, you should pay great attention to its condition (the photo shows an object that requires huge unprofitable investments).

    In this case, you will need to redevelop the basement, which is also a difficult task. In this case, a businessman will need a lot of strength and endurance, since such a process is very complex and paperwork will take a lot of time and nerves.

    In particular, an entrepreneur, in addition to the tenants of the house, will have to contact many structures and obtain permits from organizations such as:

    1. Chief architect of the city.
    2. Project organization.
    3. Notarial office.
    4. Geodesists.
    5. District administration.
    6. Fire Service.
    7. Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

    There are also "independent" cellars, which are on the balance sheet of any organizations, so an entrepreneur who decides to open a business in such a premise should know that only these institutions have the right to give him the go-ahead. In order to obtain information on whom the basement is listed, a businessman will need to contact the BTI, since it is there that they own such data.

    Sauna for doing business in the basement of a private house.


    It is much easier to organize a business in the basement of a private house, since it is already in the possession of the owner of such housing, therefore, there will be much less paperwork.

    The main thing is that when arranging such a room for any business, the safety instructions are followed, and the existing standards are also taken into account.

    Organizational matters

    System ventilation device for offices, cafes, hairdressers and other commercial facilities located in the basement.

    In order for the entrepreneur not to encounter problems and ruin his own business with his own hands, one should even at the initial stage of arranging the basement and adhere to the following tips in the course of the entire business:

    1. It is necessary to organize the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in the basement. If they are already there, then you should check their functioning.
    2. It is also very important to organize isolation from noise and odors, which, as a rule, always occur in any work process. If these aspects are ignored, and they disturb the tenants, then a couple of collective complaints from them to the appropriate authorities will create many problems for the entrepreneur, up to the closure of the business. In this regard, it is highly discouraged to spoil relations with the tenants of the house.

    The following in the section:

    Other articles:

    What kind of business can be organized in the basement

    Photo of a mini-bar located in the basement of a residential building.

    It should be noted that opening a "basement" business in most cases is troublesome - but profitable, provided that the business is planned to be organized for more than one year.

    If an entrepreneur needs premises for a short period of time, then most likely he will hardly feel a great benefit.

    The exception is the extraordinary cases when the basement is rented at a very low price and in a ready-made state, with all the available permits, which is practically impossible in our time.

    What business is prohibited in the basement, and what is allowed.

    A small shop in the basement.

    According to urban planning regulations, it is not prohibited to locate your own business in the basements of apartment buildings. However, there are limitations to this, which are taken into account already at the planning stage.

    So, on the basement area of ​​an apartment building, an entrepreneur will not be able to locate the following commercial objects:

    As for the cafes, they can function in the basement of a residential apartment building under the following conditions: working hours up to 23 hours; there should be no musical accompaniment; receive no more than 50 visitors at a time.

    Possible problems when starting a business in the basement of an apartment building, recommendations for their solution.

    A small hairdresser in the basement of an apartment building.

    When purchasing or renting a basement, you should pay great attention to its condition (the photo shows an object that requires huge unprofitable investments).

    In this case, you will need to redevelop the basement, which is also a difficult task. In this case, a businessman will need a lot of strength and endurance, since such a process is very complex and paperwork will take a lot of time and nerves.

    Sauna for doing business in the basement of a private house.

    It is much easier to organize a business in the basement of a private house, since it is already in the possession of the owner of such housing, therefore, there will be much less paperwork.

    The main thing is that when arranging such a room for any business, the safety instructions are followed, and the existing standards are also taken into account.

    Organizational matters

    System ventilation device for offices, cafes, hairdressers and other commercial facilities located in the basement.

    In order for the entrepreneur not to encounter problems and ruin his own business with his own hands, one should even at the initial stage of arranging the basement and adhere to the following tips in the course of the entire business:

    It is necessary to organize the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in the basement. If they are already there, then you should check their functioning.

    Image of a basement with installed soundproofing material (soundproofing).

    Basement waterproofing scheme outside and inside.

    Having chosen a basement as a commercial space, it is advisable for a businessman to organize the business in such a way that it is beneficial not only to him, but also to the residents of the house.

    For example, having arranged the nearby territory, an entrepreneur will win over both grandmothers sitting on the bench and mothers walking in the yard with their children.

    What kind of business can you think of in the basement?

    If the basement is good, you can arrange it for poker. But I’ll tell you right away that this type of earnings is illegal, but we’re looking at all the ways.

    You can try growing mushrooms like oyster mushrooms. I myself have recently started to engage in such a business. So far, only enough for myself, and that's good. And so, with a large amount, you can sell it to supermarkets for good money.

    First of all, you should put your basement in order, evaluate the territory, and only then think about business. How do you want? Every business needs an investment ...

    Well, that's a joke, of course. As the saying goes, what is the question is the answer.

    I suspect that you just misconstrued your question and wanted to ask about what kind of business you can do in the basement.

    You can grow oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms are mushrooms that can grow in sawdust. There are special technologies for growing mushrooms in basements and garages. You can get acquainted with them on the Internet and in special literature.

    In the basement, you can arrange a small warehouse where you can put the goods you are trading. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the basement there is usually high humidity, therefore not every type of product can be stored in the basement.

    If it costs a lot more to make a gym, you will have to make the ventilation stronger and the lighting and the equipment itself will be decent for a pretty penny.

    With mushrooms, a lot of space is not required; in general, boxes can be made as shelves on top of each other.

    If the room is large, equip it as a car repair shop or rent it out for this business, especially if the place is prominent and the highway is nearby.

    After all, the store in the basement will not be very comfortable, although if it is located in the city center, then with the right design and the chosen assortment, it may well exist.

    I knew such a shop selling packaging materials, although I had to go down the stairs to the basement, there were many customers. This was facilitated by a wide range of products and low prices.

    If the basement is located in a private house or garage, then take vegetables and fruits for storage. The temperature is right and no investment is needed.

    Business organization in the basement

    Long-term lease or privatization of a basement is cheaper for an entrepreneur than renting an office or apartment. It is quite profitable to keep a business in the basement, however, it should be properly formalized from a technical and legal point of view.

    What activities are allowed to be engaged in the basement of a residential building

    If we are talking about a private house, everything is much simpler here. The entrepreneur is the owner and the tenant at the same time. But organizing a business in the basement of an apartment building is a rather troublesome task.

    A shop or service center can be opened in the basement.

    Most often, of course, they open a business related to serving people living in the house and its surroundings.

    Repair of electronics in the basement.

    Permitted activities must meet the following requirements:

    • the basement is bordered by residential apartments, so the tenant is obliged to make sure that his business does not interfere with people;
    • a prerequisite is the equipment of ventilation systems;
    • catering establishments can simultaneously accept more than 50 people;
    • you can not turn on loud music and make noise that exceeds sanitary standards;
    • legislatively, the opening hours of establishments are limited to the interval from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm.

    Prohibited activities

    For some activities, the basement will not work:

    Activities in the rented area must not violate sanitary and hygienic standards and fire safety rules. Besides:

    Technical premises that are not used by tenants may be converted to non-residential status by decision of the municipality or the owners' partnership. After that, the potential tenant can begin the procedure for its registration.

    Legal registration of the premises

    The basement or basement of an apartment building cannot be alienated and sold for life to an entrepreneur. Only the owner of the living space to which this basement is adjacent has the right to privatize it.

    To open a business in an unused technical space, you need to conclude a lease with the municipality or obtain permission from most of the residents of the building, each of whom equally owns non-residential premises.

    Collection and submission of documentation

    To rent a technical room, you must submit an application to the municipality or the housing office, depending on the form of ownership of the basement. The application indicates the purpose and duration of the lease.

    Repair and technical inspection

    We shouldn't forget about renovation and high-quality lighting.

    The low rental price compensates for the costs of renovating the basement. But in each individual case, the tenant must assess the condition of the basement on the basis of technical expertise, so that latent flaws do not appear later.

    Risks associated with doing business in a basement

    In the basement there are water pipes, heating systems and electrical cables.

    Basement in an apartment building

    The tenant must make sure that the repair team from the housing office has access to the equipment. If a breakdown or flooding occurs, the basement will suffer the most.

    There is an increased risk of fire in a poorly ventilated basement. In the event of a fire or other emergency, it will be difficult to evacuate people. Especially if this is an institution with a large number of staff and visitors, and there is only one way out of the basement.

    An unforeseen conflict with neighbors may arise, which the business owner will have to resolve through the courts. But more often than not, tenants coexist peacefully with the tenants of the house, if all preliminary agreements and written obligations are observed.

    Chief editor of the site, civil engineer. Graduated from SibSTRIN in 1994, since then he has worked for more than 14 years in construction companies, after which he started his own business. The owner of a company engaged in suburban construction.

    As you know, small and medium-sized businesses need small premises. However, the rental price of commercial real estate is now far from cheap, and sometimes renting it, let alone buying it, takes away most of the profit from a businessman. To a greater extent, this applies to large cities, where the shortage of space for business is felt especially acutely.

    In this regard, basements and semi-basements, as a rule, of residential buildings have become one of the most demanded market segments. This is explained by the fact that the relatively low purchase price or the relatively low rental price of such commercial real estate significantly reduces the entrepreneur's expenses, which ultimately makes his business much more profitable.

    However, these facilities are not suitable for all types of activities. Therefore, before renting or purchasing such real estate, the entrepreneur should first decide which business can be organized in the basement and which cannot.

    In addition, it will be useful to learn how to properly create a "basement" business for a businessman in order not to face serious problems in the future. In a word, having figured out all the nuances at the initial stage and approaching the organization correctly, you can guarantee that the business in the basement will flourish.

    It should be noted that opening a "basement" business in most cases is troublesome - but profitable, provided that the business is planned to be organized for more than one year.
    If an entrepreneur needs premises for a short period of time, then most likely he will hardly feel a great benefit.
    The exception is the extraordinary cases when the basement is rented at a very low price and in a ready-made state, with all the available permits, which is practically impossible in our time.

    What business is prohibited in the basement, and what is allowed

    According to urban planning regulations, it is not prohibited to locate your own business in the basements of apartment buildings. However, there are limitations to this, which are taken into account already at the planning stage.

    So, the entrepreneur will not be able to locate the following commercial objects:

    • production premises (exceptions are restoration and art workshops);
    • medical organizations;
    • entertainment establishments (casinos, floppy disks, dance and other clubs);
    • funeral homes;
    • laundries or dry cleaners;
    • public toilets;
    • baths or saunas with pools.

    All other private establishments may well exist in such premises, but certain requirements are imposed on their activities by various structures. So, for example, an area not exceeding 400 square meters can be used to open a store. m. However, there are no restrictions on storage and utility rooms at the store.

    The assortment at such a point of sale can be very diverse (except for flammable goods), but the operating time is limited - up to 23 hours. Hairdressers can open on an area not exceeding 300 sq. m. There are no significant restrictions on offices, but, alas, it is forbidden to locate wholesale and small-scale warehouse facilities in basements in accordance with SNiP.

    As for the cafes, they can function under the following conditions:

    • working time up to 23 hours;
    • there should be no musical accompaniment;
    • receive no more than 50 visitors at a time.

    Possible problems when starting a business in the basement of an apartment building and recommendations for their solution

    Legal issues

    An entrepreneur who is going to open a business in a basement must first decide on its status. According to the current legislation of our country, basically all auxiliary premises of apartment buildings belong to the community of owners. The collective property also includes the adjacent territory and basement areas, which are intended to serve the residential building.

    In this case, a businessman, in order to start his own business in such a place and use it for his needs, will need to obtain permission from the majority of people living there. This significantly complicates the task, since someone will definitely be against this idea.

    Here it will already be necessary not only to apply all your charm, but also to present reasoned evidence that the business will not provide any inconvenience or problems to the tenants in the future. It will be desirable to convince them that the activities created under their apartments will be very useful to them.

    If an entrepreneur plans to acquire a basement for ownership, then it should be noted that in the premises where important intra-building communications are located, the transfer of such objects to private ownership is prohibited by law. The solution to this problem can be the re-registration of some part of the basement, in which there are no important communications.

    In this case, you will need to redevelop the basement, which is also a difficult task. In this case, a businessman will need a lot of strength and endurance, since such a process is very complex and paperwork will take a lot of time and nerves.

    In particular, an entrepreneur, in addition to the tenants of the house, will have to contact many structures and obtain permits from organizations such as:

    1. Chief architect of the city.
    2. Project organization.
    3. Notarial office.
    4. Geodesists.
    5. District administration.
    6. Fire Service.
    7. Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

    There are also "independent" cellars, which are on the balance sheet of any organizations, so an entrepreneur who decides to open a business in such a premise should know that only these institutions have the right to give him the go-ahead. In order to obtain information on whom the basement is listed, a businessman will need to contact the BTI, since it is there that they own such data.

    It is much easier to organize a business in the basement of a private house, since it is already in the possession of the owner of such housing, therefore, there will be much less paperwork.
    The main thing is that when arranging such a room for any business, the safety instructions are followed, and the existing standards are also taken into account.

    Organizational matters

    In order for the entrepreneur not to encounter problems and ruin his own business with his own hands, one should even at the initial stage of arranging the basement and adhere to the following tips in the course of the entire business:

    1. It is necessary to organize the installation of systems. If they are already there, then you should check their functioning.
    2. It is also very important to organize isolation from noise and odors, which, as a rule, always occur in any work process. If these aspects are ignored, and they disturb the tenants, then a couple of collective complaints from them to the appropriate authorities will create many problems for the entrepreneur, up to the closure of the business. In this regard, it is highly discouraged to spoil relations with the tenants of the house.

    Image of a basement with installed soundproofing material (soundproofing).

    In this material:

    Finding a business premises takes a lot of time and effort. There is a tendency that the closer the building is to the city center, the more expensive a square meter is. That is why aspiring entrepreneurs prefer sleeping areas and outskirts. Renting there is almost half the price, and the purchasing power is identical. But there are many such businessmen who accidentally or purposefully organize entrepreneurship in the basements of buildings. Opening your own business in a basement is far from news, but many still fear it, mistakenly believing that buyers will not want to go down into a dark space. In fact, there are many areas of entrepreneurship for which the basement is not considered a hindrance, and for some it is the perfect start.

    Basement as a business premises: advantages and disadvantages

    It is a mistake to think that if you open a business in the basement, it will be unprofitable. Such premises have a lot of positive sides:

    • Wide choice - every apartment building is equipped with a basement. More than 80% of the area is still not occupied for some reason. That is why an entrepreneur has a chance to choose a basement in the part of the city he likes.
    • Ease of design - opening a business in the basement is not difficult. It is enough to get the consent of the tenants of the house, draw up standard documents and get down to work. Undoubtedly, the premises must be brought to the appropriate form on the basis of the current sanitary standards, as well as repairs must be carried out depending on the chosen activity.
    • Originality - business placement in the basement is not so popular that you can find 2 identical retail outlets. And if most of the shops look the same, then on the basement floor you can organize an individual layout.
    • Low rents - indeed, basements are not popular, so owners reduce prices to a minimum, just to have at least some profit.

    Reference. Basement and basement are not exactly the same thing. Difference in ground level above the room. If for the basement the height of the ground cannot exceed half the height of the room, the opposite is typical for the basement - the level cannot be less than half. Thus, in the basement floor it is much brighter due to the possibility of installing almost full-fledged windows. The basement may have no natural light sources at all.

    Cons of a basement business:

    • Dampness - depending on the age of the house, communications and location features, the basement may turn out to be damp with the spread of fungus. This is determined during the first inspection of the premises. It is a mistake to think that after processing the situation will change, because you will either have to process the basement of the whole house, or hold events regularly once a month. Constant dampness negatively affects human health (sellers, administrators, entrepreneurs), causing serious illness.
    • Technical work - given that important water supply and sewerage units are concentrated in the basement of a residential building, the selected room may turn out to be the center of regular plumbing work. This distracts the businessman from his direct duties, forcing him to close the institution indefinitely.
    • Emergency situation - pipe break, flooding from above, smoke. The basement is dangerous for emergencies.

    If you approach business organization correctly, then the disadvantages can be easily avoided. For example, carefully choose a room so that communication nodes do not intersect with a retail outlet, exclude houses infected with fungus and dampness.

    Renting the basement of an apartment building: design nuances

    Renting a basement is no big deal. It is enough to follow the algorithm of actions:

    1. Contacting the housing department - the entrepreneur writes a statement indicating the purpose, term and cost of the lease. If the apartment building is the property of the municipal authorities, then the housing department employees independently send an appeal to the city administration.
    2. Obtaining permits - contacting Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergencies, as is done when opening a store in a regular room. Structures are obliged to check the specified area for compliance with the standards and issue an opinion. Based on the documents received, the municipality makes a final decision.
    3. Drawing up a lease agreement - an entrepreneur applies to the city administration with a package of documents. The contract specifies all the nuances of the transfer of premises for temporary use, including the term, conditions, rental cost, payment time.

    Reference. If the house does not belong to the municipality, but is on the balance sheet of the management company, then the sequence of actions is the same. Only items are added: gathering of apartment owners, voting of tenants for renting out the basement or against this decision.

    The deal is considered successful if more than half of the owners voted in the affirmative. Funds for renting premises are used to pay for general house needs, which helps to reduce the amount in the receipt for each apartment.

    What business can be organized in the basement of an apartment building

    The basement is not only semi-legal slot machine establishments, as many have become accustomed to thinking since the 90s. Today, the use of the basement area provides for numerous solutions in a wide variety of business areas.

    Grocery store

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    The basement business is gaining more and more popularity. This technical room can be used as a warehouse, shop or repair shop. Ingenuity and creativity will help a novice businessman to receive a stable income.

    What does it take to build a successful home business?

    The first step is to develop a detailed business plan. Here, the size of the start-up capital and the labor intensity of the subsequent sale of products are of great importance. Consideration must be given to the location of the object.

    There are many ideas for organizing your own business in the basement. It:

    • creation of a warehouse for storing goods;
    • equipping the basement with sports equipment for use as a gym, yoga center or fitness club;
    • retail and wholesales - grocery supermarkets, clothing stores;
    • organization of a workshop for the repair of shoes and clothes, household appliances;
    • creation of a tailoring studio.

    Oyster mushrooms can be grown in the basement. It is convenient to produce new furniture in the basement or repair old ones, change upholstery, varnish wood. The production of frameless furniture can be located in the basements of both residential multi-storey and private houses. It does not require complex and massive equipment, separate workshops, warehouses.

    The sale of goods for pets will bring no less profit. Pets need food, medicine, hygiene products, vitamins. All of these items can be sold at a pet store set up in a pre-equipped basement. To organize the smooth operation of such a store, it is necessary to organize a showcase and a warehouse, purchase basic goods, find regular suppliers, a seller and an administrator. At the same time, the number of employees can be minimal.

    Another option for using basement meters is to organize a sports bar. Such small establishments attract fans of hockey, football, boxing and other sports. Sports bars are low-competitive, popular with locals and highly profitable.

    Before organizing production in the basement, you need to make sure that the room is well ventilated and that the necessary communications have been carried out in it. Such a business will bring the maximum profit in small towns.

    Important legal points

    Like any other private business, a business in the basement of a private house or high-rise building requires prior registration. The prospective entrepreneur must obtain the appropriate permission for the implementation of the business idea and the consent of the city services.

    To begin with, a citizen needs to formalize entrepreneurship, having received the status of an individual entrepreneur. The procedure is not complicated and does not take much time. Certain activities require the organization of a legal entity (eg LLC).

    Before organizing a food workshop, canteen or cafe, you should obtain permission from the sanitary service. The entrepreneur will have to present a certificate confirming the quality of the products sold and the raw materials used in the manufacture of dishes. A license is also required for the sale of alcoholic beverages. The company also needs a fire safety certificate issued by the relevant supervisory authority.

    When deciding what can be opened in the basement, you should evaluate the competitiveness of the entrepreneurial business, research the chosen niche. There are many ideas for a home basement business. It can be a small hairdresser, yoga or fitness studio, massage parlor, billiard club, quest room. In a private house, you can organize a small business because of the small area of ​​the premises.

    Basement requirements for organizing a business

    When organizing a business in the basement of a residential building, you do not need to carry out additional communications. This room will have everything you need - gas, water, electricity, internet. To register a warehouse or retail space, you will need licenses, appropriate permits and the presence of registration documents for the business.

    Before placement, the condition of the premises is assessed. It must be clean and refurbished. Before finally deciding which business to organize, an entrepreneur should familiarize himself with the restrictions imposed by the legislation. The total area of ​​such a point should not exceed 400 m². The restrictions do not apply to warehouses. The restaurant in the residential building can only be open until 23:00. It is forbidden to turn on music too loudly, and the institution itself can receive no more than 60 visitors.

    What business ideas are suitable for organizing in the basement of an apartment building?

    One successful basement business remains a tailoring atelier, as people are increasingly attracted to handicrafts made from natural materials. For comfortable work, you will need to redevelop, solve organizational issues, purchase equipment - a cutting table, sewing machines, and also make a fitting room for clients. Then you should hire qualified workers - seamstresses, cutters, purchase the necessary materials - fabrics, threads, fittings, accessories.

    It is a good idea for a business to organize a production of handmade souvenirs and toys. When opening a workshop for the production of wooden toys, you need to purchase all the necessary equipment, raw materials, consumables, find specialists, and organize a client base. In order to ensure the promotion of products and their advertising, you can create your brand pages on social networks.

    Popular business ideas include opening a supermarket or grocery store. A point of sale will be able to make a profit in the absence of similar points nearby, the presence of a popular product. This is beneficial since the grocery business remains in demand at any time.