Original business ideas for the development and entertainment of children. Business ideas on children's topics What tasty can you offer children by organizing a business

In 2017, a small business portal, the site published hundreds of interesting stories about entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch and are growing it no matter what. During the New Year holidays, we decided to remind readers about some of our heroes. This collection contains seven stories of entrepreneurs who have focused their businesses on children and their parents.

HappyTeepe: how to make money on wigwams for children

Many of us in childhood made "houses" from chairs, pillows and bedspreads. The reason for this is the child's desire to have “his own” space, hidden from prying eyes. Elena Tkachuk from the Krasnodar Territory came up with an original embodiment of this childhood dream - "houses" made of fabric in the form of wigwams. Olena Tkachuk, founder of the project, about how a former employee of the tax service began to sew children's wigwams and learned how to sell them abroad Happy teepe , the site told the portal.

A touching gift:
how to make money on souvenirs with children's drawings

It is always difficult to give something unusual to a person whom you have known for a long time or with whom you have lived for many years. In this case, children can come to the rescue. For any parent, the best artist is their own child. My Little Rembrandt transforms children's drawings and children's handprints into touching gifts for parents and grandparents. Tatiana Yusan, the co-founder of My Little Rembrandt, told the site about who is most often given “individual” gifts, and why it is not always necessary to heed the advice of clients.

Hat analysis:
how to make money on children's hats

A large number of interesting businesses in Russia arose after their founders could not find the thing or service they needed on the market. And then, rolling up their sleeves, they created these things or services themselves - not only for themselves, but also for others. One such company is Jumbi. Alexandra Semenovykh from Izhevsk at some point could not buy a scarf for her daughter - and decided to sew it herself. Now Jumbi, which has been joined by many members of Alexandra's family, sews several thousand hats every month. Jumbi co-owners Aleksandra Semenov and Maxim Korzhenko told the website how to compete with Finnish and Polish manufacturers in terms of price and quality.

Let’s go!: how to earn
teaching children foreign languages

How effectively are foreign languages ​​taught in Russian schools? Each of us can answer this question. Anyone who knows English or German well has learned it, as a rule, outside the school walls. Education in the children's language centers "Polyglotics" is based on a different system - the so-called communicative approach. The effectiveness of the methodology is confirmed by the growth of the project: in 2 years, 50 centers have already opened throughout the country. Elena Ivanova, the founder of the Polyglotika network, told the website about how to make money teaching children English.

Blind business:
what is touching sand and how to make money on it

At first glance, in order to sell sand, you don't need a lot of intelligence. But the Tomsk company "New Chemistry", specializing in the production of innovative materials based on it, will not agree with this. The company tries to release new items every three months - and today it has more than 40 products in its assortment. And Novaya Khimiya began with a simple curiosity: having seen kinetic sand abroad, an entrepreneur from Siberia wanted to figure out how and from what it was made. Anastasia Eremina, co-owner of Novaya Khimiya, told the website about how the company with a staff of 15 is going to conquer the world market.

My own store: how to make money
on the sale of toys through

The social network Instagram allows you not only to share photos, but also to drive sales. Galina Protsenko from Moscow a year ago began to develop this network for a family business. Her @obgonay account was originally intended to help sell the three toy stores her mom owned. Today, the account has almost 87 thousand subscribers, foreign suppliers seek to cooperate with it, and the project's offline stores were closed due to their unprofitability. Galina Protsenko told the website about how to turn Instagram into an uninterruptedly working sales channel in a year.

Social entrepreneurship:
how the project "Croc and Zyabra" works

Many people in business see social entrepreneurship as a marketing gimmick at best. It is clear - where money fades into the background, business ends. Meanwhile, dozens of brave optimists across the country are trying to prove to skeptics that business doesn't have to limit itself to personal enrichment. “Who said that a social entrepreneur doesn’t start the process of making money? - Sergey Rebriev is perplexed - Of course, he starts! The more we earn, the faster we develop, the more people we will help. " Sergey and his ex-colleague Tatyana Kraytor launched the Krok and Zyabra project, which gives a second life to children's clothes.

There are not many opportunities for children to make money, but they are. And it depends on the age, acquired skills, knowledge and skills of the child. So, during the holidays or weekends, children may well earn in such areas: on the Internet, at home or outside the home. - This is a set of texts, blogging, compiling catalogs of goods or customers, simple web design, installing simple software, and so on.

Home business associated with the ability to do something with your own hands: making jewelry, bijouterie, soft toys, interior accessories. Also, a keen child can turn his hobby into a profitable business, for example, breed fish or houseplants for sale.

And you can make money outside the home by earning money as a courier, pasting advertisements or distributing brochures. It is also possible for adolescent children to provide services for walking and caring for animals, looking after children and teaching younger students. Mowing lawns, cleaning a personal plot, pruning green spaces can also be done by teenagers for a certain fee.

Read more about business for children here.

Parents always want to give only the best to their child, therefore the business related to children is a relevant and promising niche. This is a wide segment, covering the production and sale of children's products, as well as the provision of various services - educational, health or entertainment.

Ideas for such a business can be formed by conducting your own mini-research - in the region where you plan to do business. When choosing a field of activity and developing a business plan, you should take into account your own knowledge and experience - if you have the appropriate qualifications, you can provide services for preparing for exams, teaching foreign languages, handicrafts or sports activities.

The most popular types of business for children

All types of commercial activities in this segment can be roughly divided into three main groups:

  1. Production of goods for children. Food, drinks, children's clothing and footwear, toys, stationery, products for pregnant women and newborns.
  2. Sale of goods for children - Russian and foreign production.
  3. Service. Opening of educational centers, health camps, playrooms, development schools, training courses, children's car rental offices, etc.

The choice of the direction of activity and your unique niche depends on the size of the starting capital (as well as the ability to obtain a targeted loan from a bank or other financial institution), personal knowledge and experience, and the level of competition in the chosen region.

You can buy a ready-made business or implement a plan from scratch.

The most popular types of such activities are the sale of children's products (retail stores and online stores), so it is very difficult to differentiate in this area of ​​activity. As a rule, customers choose two or three stores they visit all the time and it is usually quite difficult to “lure” them into a new store.

Features of commerce related to children

Commerce related to children has its own characteristics. The production of goods for children, most often, requires the use of certified raw materials and high quality materials. To provide services - for example, training babies, it is necessary to have skills in working with small children, to have a basic knowledge of psychology.

When starting a business with baby products or services, you need to consider the following factors:

  • You cannot select suppliers based on price alone. It should be borne in mind that children's products must be of high quality, otherwise you should not count on success, in addition, conflicts with parents may arise.
  • The level of sales in the field of activities related to children is determined not only by the satisfaction of the needs of the child, but also of his parents. Of course, they listen to his wishes and whims, but often have their own opinion about the purchase of certain goods or services.
  • When forming the concept of promotion for children's products, it is necessary to differentiate offers for different ages of children, because this target group can literally change their needs every year.
  • To increase sales, the range of products or services for children can be supplemented with offers for parents.

Which niches are overflowing

One of the most popular activities in this area is the gaming business: opening a game room, entertainment centers, etc. If there are already such establishments in your area, it will not be economically feasible to open a similar business (the exceptions are densely populated residential areas of large cities).

Niches for the sale of baby goods, clothing and footwear for children (retail and online stores) are also overflowing. The stationery trade has a clear seasonal link and is popular only before the start of the school year.

What niches are still relevant today? New niches

Segments that are always relevant:

  • a center for preparing a child for school (courses with the use of game techniques are especially popular and in demand), exams, admission to a university;
  • wellness procedures;
  • services for organizing children's parties;
  • sport sections;
  • private kindergartens and specialized schools.

Some options for new business niches for kids:

  • a hairdresser or spa for a child;
  • cafe or restaurant with a specific menu;
  • online store of goods for newborns, which practices delivery at any time of the day or night;
  • sale of specific goods for future parents - gadgets for pregnant women, a bed combined with a baby cradle, bathroom dividers, etc .;
  • thematic or specialized camps - language, scouting, sports,
  • themed clubs - a club of detectives, lovers of chemical experiments, handicrafts, drawing, etc.

Key features affecting startup success

In order to achieve commercial success in business for children, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • What amount will be needed to launch and implement the project. To find out this figure, you will need to calculate a business plan that includes a business case - a plan of income and expenses, the level of profitability (profitability), payback period, etc.
  • How many firms operate in the same segment in a given region, what are their strengths and weaknesses, what goods or services they provide, at what prices, and their marketing objectives.
  • In which niche, not yet occupied by others (or with a low level of competition), you will be able to best demonstrate your abilities and professional knowledge.
  • Will the chosen direction be relevant in 5, 10 years and is there a development prospect?

Keep in mind that in a business related to children, as in any other type of commerce, the uniqueness and relevance of the offer will be the key to a successful start and development of the company.

The educational sphere can be considered an unplowed field for business. There are many options for earning money, competition is minimal, and state education does not meet the need for quality services. In this review, we have not only collected for you trendy business areas for starting in the educational field, but also provided links to ready-made guides for opening them.

Children's development center

Children's development clubs are one of the most trendy areas in the business of additional education. The main source of income is formed by paying for classes by parents who live in large cities of the country and who want to give all the best to their child. With well-functioning work, development centers can earn 500 thousand rubles. per month.

It is possible to open a small studio of children's creativity in the format of an island in a shopping center for an amount of 530 thousand rubles. Studios like these allow parents to keep their kids supervised while shopping. During this time, children can do polymer clay modeling, paint plaster figures, create postcards and much more. Net profit - within 100 thousand rubles.

You can open your own training business for less than 100 thousand rubles. The main task is to arm yourself with effective training methods, to define a niche and carry out work to attract customers. The coaches' income exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month.

Early childhood clubs can be considered a specialized area of ​​child development. The activities of these clubs include activities for toddlers only a few months old and their parents under the guidance of experienced teachers. Anyone wishing to open such a business will need to take care of mastering one of the recognized international methods and rent a room. Income from such activities ranges from 30 to 250 thousand rubles.

The increase in trade with China and the growth in the number of joint business projects with this country increase the population's need for learning the Chinese language. Recently, the Chinese language in Russia has become the 5th most popular language after English, German, French and Spanish. You can open your courses in the format of tutoring from an amount of 40 thousand rubles, and for one lesson a teacher can take an amount of 800 rubles or more.

business plan for organizing Chinese language courses

General education schools in Russia today are not able to meet the demand for high-quality teaching of foreign languages, so the need is closed by private language schools. To open a language school on an area of ​​100 sq. meters will require about 635 thousand rubles, which will pay off in six months of work. The net profit will amount to 140 thousand rubles. per month.

In our age of digital technologies, the need for the study of cryptography is rapidly increasing, the basics of which are beginning to be taught in the format of games even to young children. If you are familiar with the topic, consider the idea of ​​organizing your own lessons, in which you can explain to everyone the intricacies of the cryptocurrency economy, the peculiarities of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.

business ideas for crypto courses

In a large city, you can easily find a company that provides training for hairdressers and stylists, but there is no need to talk about a high level of competition. It is often possible to earn much more in this area than in the hairdressers and beauty salons themselves, and the amount of start-up investment in such a business is estimated at less than 1 million rubles. When organizing a school on the basis of an already operating beauty salon, you can open a small educational institution for 100-200 thousand rubles in additional investments to the main type of business.

Read the guide to starting hairdressing and manicure courses

Ready-made ideas for your business

This kind of educational leisure as survival courses is popular abroad. Classes are divided into theoretical and practical parts, the last of which takes place in natural conditions. Course participants are trained in the provision of first aid, they are taught to build a shelter, make a fire, get water and food away from civilization. You can start such a business by a former military man, firefighter or rescuer. In large cities, for a two-day survival course, the presenters receive from 5-6 thousand rubles. per person.

A new direction is actively developing on the market of consulting services - the organization of psychological games. The playground for the games is most often a neutral territory: a rented hall, an office, meeting rooms, anti-cafes, classrooms of schools and universities, training centers. The game itself lasts about 2-3 hours. The cost can vary from 250 to 5000 rubles per person, depending on the size of the city and the authority of the organizer. An interesting direction for such games and trainings is the format of the psychological salon, which has parallels with the literary and political salons of the 18th-19th centuries. The hostess of the psychological salon is usually a woman who plays the role of the course leader. It is interesting that it is possible to start such a business even without psychological education and with investments of 120 thousand rubles or more. You can read more about opening a psychological salon.

In many new residential high-rise districts, local authorities do not have time to meet the needs of the local population for kindergartens. In such places, the organization of a kindergarten at home will become a popular business. The profit of the kindergarten at home will be 50-100 thousand rubles. per month.

guide to opening a kindergarten at home

To voluntarily deprive oneself of sight for several hours, days or even a week - nowadays customers are ready to pay substantial money for such a service. Falling into pitch darkness, the training participants completely deprive themselves of the sense organ that provides 90% of the information. However, instead, they discover a lot of new things. Habitual visual patterns and stereotypes disappear, speech becomes more confident, people begin to hear and listen to each other.

Graffiti itself usually doesn't generate income. Another thing is graffiti training courses. You can organize something like a permanent school for children and teenagers, give master classes at all kinds of festivals and receive additional income from the sale of graffiti paint, markers and other things. An interesting way to make yourself known and find a new niche is to conduct all kinds of social events, like graffiti courses for the elderly.

Finance and credit, banking, trade - all this gradually and irrevocably goes online. It has become difficult to train specialists for modern realities using morally outdated textbooks, so lessons in financial literacy have become a popular area. Abroad, they begin to teach children in this direction from school age, explaining how to properly start electronic wallets, make secure electronic payments, and so on.

A few years ago, the business of organizing courses in intimate skills was considered a curiosity, but today it no longer surprises anyone. You can be called a sex school, a training center for “keeping love and harmony in the family,” or a sex education center, but the essence will be the same - educating people about intimate relationships. It is possible to open such a business with minimal investment, but remember that for ethical reasons, trainings are always divided into male and female, and they are conducted by a person of the same sex as the trainees.

City walking tours allow sightseers to delve deeper into the history of the streets, explore objects and imagine themselves as participants in past events. An interesting direction in this area is guided tours with themed mini-performances. Such a project can be launched for less than 50 thousand rubles.

Speed ​​reading courses are a great way to make money for those people who are not so much able to read quickly and highlight the essence of the text, but also for mentors. First of all, a speed reading teacher acts as a motivator for his students, who can be both children and adults. The cost of speed reading classes may vary and depend on the duration and authority of the teacher. A course of study can cost from 8 thousand rubles.

Preparation for the exam and exam is a profitable business direction in the educational field. There are several options for opening your own business - you can limit yourself to tutoring, or you can open full-fledged group classes by opening a school for preparing for the exam on your own or on a franchise. A new niche in this area is the organization of online services for preparing for exams, where the entrepreneur's income is generated by selling paid access to the service. In this case, the teacher is not needed: the student works with electronic tests.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Mental arithmetic is a technique for training the mental abilities of children that has been gaining popularity in recent years. With its help, children not only learn to easily add, subtract, multiply and divide six-digit numbers in their heads, but also develop attention, memory and imagination. A school of mental arithmetic with one classroom can bring the owner more than 100 thousand rubles. net profit. A guide on starting this business can be found.

The sand painting studio is a mixture of educational, entertainment, cultural and even wellness directions: painting with sand is referred to as art therapy. To open a children's sand painting studio will require about 330 thousand rubles, which will pay off in six months.

The two prerequisites for organizing sommelier courses are craftsmanship and marketing. Wine culture in Russia is developing rapidly, so the demand for such a service is growing. More and more restaurants are looking for employees who will be tasked with conducting wine tastings and consultations.

Acting Courses

Acting courses are a line of business, the need for which is much higher than it seems at first glance. They are in demand not only among actors and theatergoers, but also among people seeking to improve the skills of managing their psychological state, body and voice. Also, acting courses are suitable for business people and people who need to often communicate and negotiate. To open a small acting studio, 200 thousand rubles will be enough.

Mother Nature is increasingly seen by entrepreneurs as a huge hall for business training. For six-figure sums, company owners and ordinary managers are taken on extreme tours, taught to act together and reach mountain peaks, drawing parallels with business development. In between the ascent, the business coach informs managers about the concepts of the "Blue and Scarlet Oceans", conducts metaphorical business games and helps to build his "Value Curve" or "Success Map".

If you are proficient in cooking, consider organizing cooking courses. Before renting a room and purchasing any equipment, you need to think about a promotion strategy. To begin with, you can give several master classes in anti-cafe in order to gain experience with the audience and feedback, get the first clients and take good photos.

4396 people are studying this business today.

548336 times were interested in this business in 30 days.

Children and their parents are fertile ground for earning money. The former want entertainment, the latter are willing to pay for their children to have something to do. Children also need educational services, food, vehicles, etc. This is why services for children and business ideas related to children are highly profitable and often “burn out” if demand and supply are properly analyzed.

Business ideas and children's entertainment

What is good about the entertainment industry for a businessman is a wide selection of different options, both expensive at the launch stage and quite budgetary.

Let's list the classic business ideas for children in the field of entertainment:

  • Paid outdoor playground

Attachments: from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles per 100 sq. meters. The minimum specified amount of money will be enough to equip the playground with not the most expensive slides, swings, sandboxes, plastic toys. In some places, you will have to make the flooring from soft rugs and artificial grass. Separately, it is worth calculating the lease of the territory (if you do not own a suitable piece of land located in a good place), the cost of fencing it, the cost of the observer's work. We must not forget about the benches for adults who will look after the children. Payment can be charged for an hour, for half a day, for a whole day of stay on the site (with the right to free entry and exit on a paid day).

Business payback: if the playground is located in a park or in a densely populated neighborhood of the city, then it will be able to receive an average of 30 children per day, and at least twice as many on weekends. The ticket price will differ depending on the time of stay at the site. On average, one child can get 150 rubles. In total, even with the most modest calculations, the costs of 100,000 rubles will pay off in the first month, larger investments - within six months. Business cannot be called 100% seasonal - if you pull up tents, you can ride slides and swings, as well as play in the sandbox, even in the cold season. Although the influx of children will be several times less than in summer.

  • Catching magnetic fish in the pool

"Shokoladnitsa" will reduce the lump-sum fee for new franchisees

If you don't have a large amount of money yet, you can start with one attraction - install a regular inflatable pool, pour water there, launch plastic fish and give the kids fishing rods with magnets. Fishing rods and fish make up a set - some have metal inserts, others have magnets. Usually babies quickly "light up", but get tired of catching fish in 5-10 minutes. You can charge 50 rubles for the service.

Attachments: 5 thousand - 10 thousand rubles. This amount will cost you inventory. You will have to pay something to the administration of the park, where you will install such a simple attraction.

Business payback: 1 month. It is most profitable to install such attractions not in one, but in several places, and put students on the distribution of bracelets-tickets, paying for their work piece-by-piece.

  • Inflatable trampolines

Huge inflatable dinosaurs, which also act as an inflatable slide, or a trampoline with inflatable palms, wells and boulders - the market offers a wide variety of inflatable trampolines for children under the age of 14.

Attachments: you will have to spend money on the trampoline itself (better - for two, one - for older children, the second - for younger ones) with a pumping unit that will constantly pump air, renting a territory, temporary fencing, salary for ticket collectors and instructors, benches for adults. The cost of one such trampoline is on average 100 thousand - 150 thousand rubles. In total, when buying two trampolines, you should count on an investment of 400,000 thousand rubles.

Small business grants in 2017

Business payback: Riding on inflatable trampolines for one child for half an hour costs 100-150 rubles. In a well-traveled place, the number of visitors can reach 50 people per day, and even more on weekends. We receive at least 5,000 rubles per day, from 150,000 or more per month. It is possible to recoup all investments and reach a net profit in just one warm season. If you install small trampolines in a shopping center, you can lose part of the profit due to expensive rent, but make the business all-season.

Unusual business ideas for kids

In the children's business, ideas work well both classic, long-tried, and relatively new. If you already have trampolines, playgrounds and other standard entertainment in your favorite area, you can try your hand at other business ideas.

  • Coloring wallpaper for kids

All children, without exception, love to draw on the walls. As well as coloring pictures in books. Savvy entrepreneurs decided to combine one with the other and launched the sale of ordinary roll wallpaper, on which unpainted contours of drawings are offered as a pattern.

There are two options for developing such a business on your own - either to sell such wallpapers by purchasing them from the manufacturer, or to print them yourself.

Attachments: if you are going to establish a business in the production of coloring wallpaper, then you will need paper blanks (white wallpaper), equipment for applying a contour drawing that can be painted with pencils or markers - it will cost from 100 thousand to half a million rubles. But you can act more cunningly and hand over the wallpaper along with the layouts of the drawings to the printing house, taking the finished products from them.

Top 100 business ideas with investments up to 100,000 rubles. Part 3.

Business payback: Depends on the selected job format. If you manage to find wholesale buyers of such products or establish its marketing on your own through an online store or retail outlets, then the business will pay off in a maximum of six months.

  • Parking for baby strollers in an apartment building

High-rise buildings with 16 or more floors with their narrow elevators, steep flights of stairs and narrow corridors create a constant headache for parents of young children. Lowering and lifting the stroller to the n-th floor for mothers, walking with the baby alone, can generally become an overwhelming task. It is not always possible to leave the stroller in the corridor on the ground floor. This is why secure stroller parking can be the best solution. You can open it in the basement. Parking space rental can be charged both daily and monthly (with a substantial discount). By the way, if you equip the parking lot with video surveillance and an electronic lock, the keys to which will only be held by tenants, then you can do without permanent security of the facility.

Attachments: parking does not require special equipment, the main thing is to number and delimit the territory. The main budget will be spent on renting premises, equipping it with a descent for wheelchairs from the street, installing doors with a reliable lock, and purchasing video cameras.

Business payback: if you make a parking in a high-rise building of 16 floors and above, standing with the letter "P" (the more apartments in the facility, the better), then you can recoup your investment in a couple of months.