Encyclopedia of Marketing. Good human habits. Bad and good habits Individual habits of a person examples

Habits serve as the starting point for both the social and cultural life of people. They distinguish one people from another, one social stratum from all others.

There are collective habits learned in the process of socialization and individual ones. Habits arise from skills and are reinforced through repetition.

A habit is an established pattern (stereotype) of behavior in certain situations. Most habits are not met with approval or condemnation from others. But there are so-called bad habits (talking loudly, reading at dinner, biting nails) - they indicate bad manners.

Manners are external forms of human behavior that receive a positive or negative assessment from others. They are based on habits.

Manners distinguish educated from ill-mannered, aristocrats and secular people from commoners. If habits are acquired spontaneously, then good manners must be cultivated.

According to the Austrian ethnologist K. Lorenz (1903-1989), the function of manners is to pacify people, achieve agreement between them Kravchenko A.I. Culturology. - M., 2005. - S. 95 .. Traditions and customs play the same role. A gross violation of customs leads to the destruction of society, and a small violation of good manners. Deliberately not doing good manners is tantamount to aggressive behavior.

Ignorance of the cultural code of another people, including good manners and etiquette, not only causes minor misunderstandings, but contributes to the mutual hostility of peoples. The success of very large endeavors, say, political negotiations or business contracts, often depends on understanding minor features of language or behavior.


Separately, manners constitute elements, or features of culture, and together - a special cultural complex called etiquette.

The very concept of "etiquette" has emerged relatively recently. Etiquette as a ritual norm and cultural standard is a system of rules of behavior adopted in special cultural circles that make up a single whole.

Nevertheless, etiquette can be understood more broadly - as a special form of everyday communication, containing a set of courtesy rules and special formulas for colloquial speech. Certain elements of etiquette are interspersed into the cultural fabric of communication between representatives of all strata of society, but for some to a greater extent, and in others to a lesser extent. An example is telephone etiquette. The rules of etiquette do not recommend calling a friend at the service on private matters, and home - on official matters.

The concepts of "etiquette" and "communication" are not the same. Etiquette is always implemented in communication, but not all communication is etiquette. Communication is much broader than etiquette.

Rice. 2.

Any act of cultural communication presupposes the presence of at least two partners with different communicative status. Communication partners can differ in age, gender, social status, nationality, confessional affiliation, degree of acquaintance and kinship. Style, tactics and communication strategy change depending on them. For example, the younger is obliged to listen to the elder and not interrupt his speech, the man in the communicative process does not have the right to say to the lady such phrases that can embarrass her, say, vulgarity or ambiguity. The culture of communication allows a subordinate to show some elements of flattery in a conversation with a boss, and a man in communication with a woman showed elements of flirting. In this case, etiquette should be understood as "a set of special techniques and behavioral traits, with the help of which the identification, maintenance and playing of the communicative statuses of communication partners occurs" Kravchenko A.I. Culturology. - M., 2005 .-- S. 95. Etiquette can be compared to a system of cultural containment, as it is designed to ensure polite communication between unequal partners.

They say that habit is second nature. In other words, knowing only about habits and addictions, you can safely draw the correct conclusion about a person, seeing him for the first time. But in modern society, where they often talk about smoking, alcohol and drug addiction, many have completely forgotten that there are not only bad, but also good habits. It is to them that I would like to pay special attention.

Good human habits

A person forms his habits starting from childhood. And it's good if there is someone nearby who sets the right example. But often the upbringing of a child ends with the fact that he does exactly what is not allowed. Biting nails, eating at night, watching TV late, etc. All this applies precisely to bad actions. Over time, each person begins to realize the incorrectness of their actions and begins to ask the question - how to change their habits? We all strive for excellence, but sometimes we do not notice the simplest actions that can not only preserve our health, but also make us successful people. As an example, here are 10 of the simplest habits of successful people:

  1. Jogging in the morning (they help the body wake up and start active brain work).
  2. Compliance with the daily regimen (improves well-being and helps to maintain youth).
  3. Compliance with hygiene (helps to get rid of many diseases).
  4. Hiking, picnics, etc. (help to relax, gather strength, and also find harmony with oneself and nature).
  5. Planning your time (helps to reduce the risk of force majeure, saves your nerves and allows you to be the master of your life).
  6. Positive thinking (this can also be made a habit and rid yourself of most contrived problems).
  7. Constant self-development (allows you to be a modern and successful person)
  8. Doing your favorite types of creativity and other hobbies (helps to find peace of mind and peace).
  9. Keeping the home clean and tidy (order in the house guarantees order in life)
  10. Communication with successful people (constant striving for success will lead to career and spiritual growth).

This is only a small part of what has become the norm among people who have long become the masters of their lives. And if you want to join them, the first place to start is building a good habit.

How to develop good habits?

Having decided to change your lifestyle, you should think about what a healthy habit is. According to most people, good habits are that they do not harm their owner and the world around them. It's not just about leading a healthy lifestyle. Even refusing to wear natural fur or disposing of garbage after hiking in nature are also considered correct actions. How do you develop a good habit?

In words, this is quite simple to do. But in practice, creating a new way of life is sometimes very difficult. Especially when it comes to parting with old habits developed over the years. However, a new habit can change you and your life forever, so it's worth a try. Psychologists say that it is possible to bring the done thing to automatism within 21 days. In other words, for three weeks you need to do one and the same action every day. If you miss even one day, you need to start counting three weeks from the beginning. Make a plan for yourself, or broadcast signs and cross out each day when you complete this action. What kind of habit to form for yourself is up to you. But you can take the following as examples of good habits.

Questions and tasks

1. What is a cultural norm? Give examples.

A cultural norm is a prescription, requirement, wishes and expectations of appropriate (socially approved) behavior.

For example, a ban on murder, theft; say hello when you meet; respect for each other; not use obscene language in public places; give way to older people in transport; certain requirements for a person's clothing, depending on the situation, etc.

2. How are traditions different from customs? Observe your surroundings, what examples of both can you find?

A custom is a traditionally established order of behavior. And tradition is everything that is inherited from previous generations. In other words, tradition is a deeper (in time) custom. That is, now we can create a new custom, and it will become a tradition if future generations will apply it.

The customs include the celebration of Shrovetide, Christmas, New Year, Easter. To tradition - to put a Christmas tree in the house for the new year.

3. * The subject of research is habits, and the object of observation is your family and yourself. Look at the daily behavior of yourself and your loved ones day after day. List 15-20 individual and collective habits.

Individual habits: get up early, morning exercises, have a good breakfast, ironed clothes, read while lying down, watch TV while lying down, polished shoes, smile when you meet, draw on a piece of paper while talking on the phone, drink tea without sugar, drink milk at night, always do your homework assignments, falling asleep with the TV, drying hair with a hairdryer, turning on the TV loudly, reading at night, talking loudly, using perfume every day, painting every day, singing in the shower.

Collective habits: wash after waking up, wash before bedtime, brush your teeth 2 times a day, wish "good morning" and "good night", walk before bedtime, obligatory breakfast, take a shower every day, say goodbye when you leave home, say hello when you come home, wash the dishes, carry handkerchiefs with you, have breakfast with your family, feel comfortable in a cool room, ventilate the apartment before going to bed, and have dinner with your family.

4. * Fashion and hobbies are what you are most familiar with. How does fashion affect the behavior of your loved ones and friends? Explain the expression "fashionable person". Think about what phenomena in a person's life can be associated with fashion?

There are categories of people who want to stand out and who want to be like others. Fashion contributes to this. However, among teenagers this is a way to stand out from others (who has a cooler phone, whose clothes correspond to the latest fashion trends), and vice versa, other teenagers, looking at their peers, want to be like them and begin to imitate them. And behind all this, the individuality of the person himself is lost.

"Fashionable person" - following fashion trends, who dresses and leads based on these trends, because fashion can be not only for clothes and equipment, but also for certain styles of behavior.

Fashion in human life is primarily associated with the development of society itself (economic, industrial, cultural). Also, fashion will depend on the climatic characteristics of the region of residence, as well as on the national characteristics of various peoples.

5. What is a ceremony, ritual, ceremony? What do you know about them? Do you have to follow them?

Rite - a set of actions established by a custom or ritual. In the rituals, some religious ideas and everyday traditions are expressed. The ceremonies apply to all segments of the population. They accompany important moments of human life associated with birth (baptism, naming), wedding (matchmaking, bride price, engagement), entry into a new field of activity (military oath), transition to another age (initiation), death (burial, funeral , commemoration).

A ritual is a highly stylized and carefully planned set of gestures and words performed by persons specially chosen and prepared for this. The ritual is endowed with symbolic meaning. It is intended to dramatize this event, to cause awe in the audience. A striking example of a ritual is the sacrifice of a person to the pagan gods.

A ceremony is a sequence of actions that have symbolic meaning and are dedicated to the celebration of any events or dates. It emphasizes the special value of the celebrated events to the community or group. An example of a ceremony is the inauguration of the president, awarding the winner at the Olympic Games.

Rites, rituals and ceremonies have become an integral part of our life. Ceremonies can be of an international nature and cannot be done without them, since they concern not a single person, but several states. In my opinion, the person himself chooses to perform certain ceremonies and rituals. Someone will simply sign at the registry office, and someone will play a wedding with all the necessary rituals; someone will go to church to consecrate the Easter cake, and someone will consider it unnecessary for themselves.

6. Tell us about the morals that play a huge role in our life.

The commission of an act by a person and the consequence of his decision in a situation of moral choice in one way or another affects the interests of people and society. Since moral choice expresses a real connection between a person and other people, and the result obtained has a certain meaning for them, it always imposes a certain responsibility on this person. This responsibility can be conditionally divided into internal and external. Internal responsibility, which is an attribute of such a moral category as conscience, is the ability of a person to realize the consequences of his actions and act in accordance with this awareness, guided by moral norms. External responsibility comes in the form of community sanctions

As well as thousands of years ago, the mores recorded in the Bible are of great importance today, such as:

1. Honor thy father and thy mother.

2. Don't kill.

3. Don't commit adultery.

4. Don't steal.

5. Do not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

6. Do not covet your neighbor's house; do not covet your neighbor's wife ... nothing that your neighbor has.

7. What are the sanctions for and how are they applied?

Sanctions are rewards or punishments that motivate people to abide by social norms.

In this case, the sanction is made by assessing the behavior of people. Evaluating an act as good, moral consciousness thereby prescribes to perform similar acts in the future. Conversely, a negative assessment means a moral prohibition on such actions in the future. Thus, moral sanction serves as an additional means of regulating people's behavior, reinforces the moral requirements expressed in moral norms and principles. The peculiarity of moral sanction is also that its implementation does not require any officially approved powers or real power. Each person, since he has a moral consciousness, is able to evaluate the actions of others and his own. The authority of moral sanction is based not on the official or social position of the person making the assessment, but on his consciousness, determined by how much he himself has mastered the content of moral requirements and is able to express their meaning for other people. Since morality is one of the forms of ideology, moral sanction is applied not only to the actions of individuals, but also in relation to social institutions, social phenomena, and even to a particular society as a whole.

There is some degree of disobedience to norms in any community and in any group. Violation of palace etiquette, the ritual of a diplomatic conversation or marriage causes awkwardness, puts a person in a difficult situation. But it does not entail cruel punishment.

In other cases, the sanctions are more tangible. Using a cheat sheet on an exam will result in a drop in grades, and the loss of a library book will result in a fine. In some societies, the slightest deviation from tradition, not to mention serious misconduct, was severely punished. Everything was under control: hair length, dress code, demeanor. This is what the rulers of ancient Sparta did in the 5th century BC. NS. and Soviet party organs in the XX century.

Cultural norms differ among different peoples, respectively, and the sanctions for these peoples will differ.

8. * Consider the consequences of non-observance of cultural norms.

Norms are a practical tool for translating values ​​and ideals. And if contradictions arise between means and ends, conflicts, wars, revolutions begin to shake society.

Even if you imagine for a short while that cultural norms have ceased to be observed, then the following picture appears in your head. All streets are littered with garbage, people throw garbage from the windows of apartments. Apart from rudeness from people, you will not hear anything. Old people and children are abandoned, they do not take care of them. Everyone does only what is beneficial to him.

?Problem. How do you think it is more effective to fight bad habits? Why fight them?

It is generally accepted in society that smoking is a bad habit. However, biting your nails, talking loudly, reading at dinner, constantly interrupting the interlocutor, walking into the apartment with your shoes on (especially if it is dirty), leaving behind dirty dishes (wherever possible), chomping, overeating, picking your nose, not washing - these are also bad habits. Bad habits speak of bad manners. Let's imagine for a while that an acquaintance who has all these bad habits has come to visit you. And I also smoked a cigarette in your room. Nobody will like that. And it will be inconvenient to go out with him because of his demeanor.

A person lives in society, interacts with other people. And it's hard to interact with a person when he doesn't listen to you and constantly interrupts. Society sets out certain requirements for the behavior of people, which they must comply with if they want to live in this society.

You can defeat habits by disciplining yourself and developing positive qualities and habits.

Workshop. Help the Losers correct the table in which the terms and definitions are given, but both are reversed. (table corrected)

Habits are professional and household, social and individual, useful and harmful, arising gradually or almost instantly. According to another division, habits are physical, emotional and behavioral. Cm.

Habit Formation: Habituation

Habit is the result of repetition and is usually formed on day 21 (with daily repetition). Will the habit become a character trait? Cm.

How to wean yourself from bad habits?

A bad habit can be smoking, and the habit of stomping his foot unhappily when something does not work out, it does not work, and the habit Revenge... Methods for weaning from bad habits:

The choice depends on many factors, where age (the ability to turn to reason), and the ability to work on oneself, and whether the bad habit is strong, affects. Until the habit is established, you can (and even better) not pay attention to it, switching yourself or another to others. Affairs, occupations, hobbies. If the habit is already entrenched, distraction doesn't help.

For more details see:

In human life habits play a very important role: useful - favorable, harmful - unfavorable. How the useful ones from their number are related to the harmful ones, in many respects depends happiness and the well-being of the individual.

As noted by K.D. Ushinsky, “an upbringing that has fully appreciated the importance of habits and skills and builds its knowledge on them, builds it firmly. Only habit opens up the educator the opportunity to introduce one or another of his principles into the very character pupil, into his nervous system, into his nature. "

In the life of each of us, much is determined precisely by the nature of our habits: personality orientation, character and inclinations, taste preferences, demeanor, etc. ... As already mentioned, behavior consists of action, and action - from individual movements that have a certain sequence (combination) and are aimed at some object, always with the aim of mastering it.

Motion control presupposes its arbitrary start and end, changes in tempo, the amount of effort expended. The movement itself is carried out thanks to an automatic mechanism given by nature in the form of a certain structure and properties of the motor apparatus. As a result of multiple repetition of individual movements, special control is no longer required for their implementation, and they are carried out automatically, that is, without the participation of consciousness. These automated systems of subject-directed actions are called skills.

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Through the acquisition of skills individual becomes able to perform more and more complex actions, to solve more and more complex motor tasks, to interact with the objects of the environment at an ever higher level. At the same time, control over the "course" of actions is gradually replaced by their planning. Without the acquisition of skills, it would be impossible to neither learn nor work, nor serve oneself in everyday life. This is explained by the fact that the skill unloads consciousness from the need to control each individual movement or simple action and allows you to operate more and more complex and perfect complexes.

The process of developing skills occurs on a daily basis, continuously and largely independently.

Any adult individual has many motor skills, and they are all acquired in the process of individual development - by selecting the necessary, expedient movements from the total number of movements possible for a person, as well as their subsequent improvement and consolidation.

The development of the system of movements is closely related to the development of the psyche. The images of the elements of the surrounding world, their comparison and interconnection are the basis of thinking. Forming in the brain, they become elements of thought. Transfer attention the individual from one image to another, from the images themselves to the connections between them, constitutes the essence of the elementary movement of thought, and it is an elementary mental action. Automating this process means developing thinking skills.

A skill is a skill or a set of skills that are clearly correlated with the solution of any motor task, more often by making changes in the objects of the surrounding world. If repetition of actions is necessary to develop a skill, then this is not always necessary for the manifestation of a skill: skill sometimes arises situationally, with the appearance of any significant goal, thanks to a combination of skills that the individual already has. Ability is also the ability of an individual to combine skills, subordinating a certain number of effective actions (skills) to the solution of any large-scale problem.

Habits are formed in the same way as skills, by repeating certain movements and actions, but they are a special phenomenon of the psyche and behavior. A habit is an action that becomes, as it were, obligatory for an individual, and not from the point of view of his duties to anyone, but, as it were, his duty to himself. Just like a living being who has developed conditioned reflex, can not fail to perform the appropriate action in the presence of appropriate conditions, and a habit: an individual cannot but perform an action when a certain situation (a set of conditions or a single significant factor).

If the individual has not performed the usual action, he feels a certain anxiety and psychological discomfort.

The concept of habit implies not only the ability of an individual to perform a certain action, but also need do it. And the formation of a habit means not so much the emergence of a new skill as the emergence of an incentive to constantly carry out the corresponding sequence of movements or actions.

Observations show that a habit can be formed before the skill is fully formed, and then the improvement of the skill becomes difficult: if the development of a skill is a rather flexible process, then the habit is formed by the type of fixation, hardening of a certain sequence of movements; and its main property (along with the obligation) is conservatism: habits are able to “defend” themselves in the psyche and precisely because of this they turn into the “second nature” of the individual. And skills can be improved as long as you want, until they become a stable habit.

Thus, the concept of habit means: - the obligation of action (in a given situation); - the priority of this action over others (in this situation); - clear definition of a particular action (in a particular situation).

The difference between skill and habit is characteristic: although both the first and the second are developed by repeating certain movements (actions), the skills of the individual are, as it were, in reserve, forming his motor potential. The habit, on the other hand, actively reminds of itself as soon as the corresponding situation arises, and sometimes even outside the situation. Habit, unlike skill, has an incentive, and this does not always lead to good.

To turn an action into a habit, the regularity of its implementation is important, its inclusion as a permanent element in the system of an individual's actions. An action in itself can rarely become habitual if it is carried out outside the system of actions in which it is included as an element. Or if the basis of its implementation is not based on any need, originally laid down by nature. For example, eating habits are easily formed: the very need for food prompts a person to constantly implement the necessary system of actions. And therefore, in this case, the habit of taking food in a certain way is a way of realizing the initially existing urge. In other words, the habit of eating in a certain way becomes a secondary need based on needs primary - in food.

So, a habit is a sequence of interconnected conditioned reflex movements that form a certain action, which is also activated conditionally in a certain situation and serves to solve a particular standard problem.

A habit can also be a sequence of elementary actions that form a more complex action, capable of solving a more complex, but also standard problem - this is a more complex habit. The habit is always developed for a certain situation.

Since a conditioned reflex is simpler than a habit, it is said to be “developed”, whereas a habit is “formed” or “formed” (of several parts).

And in the case of a conditioned reflex, and in the case of habit, the repetition of a combination of some factors is important: the conditioned reflex as the most important basis of behavior and life support cannot and should not be developed for random, insignificant factors; nature, as it were, tests itself. The repetition of the combination means (for nature itself!) Its non-randomness, and, consequently, its possible vital importance. But, since a habit is a combination of several conditioned reflexes, it takes longer to develop than a normal conditioned reflex. In addition, a conditioned reflex is developed to some one unconditionally significant factor, while a habit is developed in response to a situation, plus some kind of incentive to action, which, when the child's habits are formed, is given to him by adults. If a conditioned reflex is reinforced by a life benefit directly embedded in an unconditioned reinforcer - instinct, then in a habit this benefit can be a mediated situation, the behavior of others, their approval or disapproval.

Habits can be situational (more common) and extra-situational (less common). Situational habits find a place for themselves under certain conditions, manifest themselves in certain situations, but at the same time they can become a reflection and expression of a person's individual traits, forming his inherent features. It is the combination of habitual actions that determines such a property of an individual as his manner: the manner of speaking, the manner of holding, the manner of communicating, the nature of the gait.

Speaking about the awareness or unconsciousness of conditioned reflexes and habits, one must bear in mind that the individual does not control their development if others do not specifically pay attention to it. He can learn about the presence or absence of this or that conditioned reflex or habit either from the words of others who see him from the outside, or from the results of his actions. If they satisfy him, the individual continues to use them unconsciously; if they do not satisfy him, then, finding out the reasons for this dissatisfaction, he gradually comes to an analysis of the features of his behavior. And such an elucidation of the reasons for failure is akin to objectification, but is carried out not in the course of the case, but at its completion. At the same time, the mastery of a skill often occurs under the control of consciousness, and the individual is able to track the stages of this mastery.

Manner is a combination of habits that shape the behavior of an individual.

Another aspect of habits is preferences, they depend both on the individual characteristics of the organism and on the availability of certain items.

So, a habit is a conditioned-reflex phenomenon, but more complex, since it combines a certain number of conditioned-reflex actions (movements) and is also activated conditioned-reflexively. Habit also has the main properties of a conditioned reflex: the obligation (or increased likelihood) of one or another action in a given situation, the preference (choice) of a given action (or movement) out of all that the individual has, the signal nature of the onset of action - namely in response to some triggering factor in the environment.

Habit has the properties of a dominant and a conditioned reflex. But, unlike a developed extra-situational dominant, a habit is a situational dominant; a habit is tied to a situation and only gradually (and by no means all habits) acquires the property of being out-of-situational.

Habit is also a kind installation psyche for a certain action: as soon as this situation arises, the action is performed. In other words, a habit, like an attitude, has the ability to wait for the right moment. But a developed attitude subjugates many situations, just as habit subjugates many conditioned reflexes: there is an analogy here. The habitual individual is, as it were, aimed at a certain action and will definitely perform it as soon as the opportunity presents itself. But, as a rule, the habit does not subjugate various situations, as the attitude does, but obeys their flow and change.

A significant difference between habits and attitudes and dominants is an external manifestation (habits): they are initially demonstrative, while the attitudes and dominants of the individual remain hidden not only for others, but also for himself.

The presence of habits gives rise to the individual's confidence in his behavior, since he even unconsciously “knows” what to do in a given situation, without painful (sometimes) hesitation. Having already developed a habit, it carries the experience of subjectively successful activity for the individual: if it were not for this, it would not have taken hold. Consequently, a habit is a form of accumulation of life experience by an individual.

The totality of habits forms an individual's motor stereotype - a constant and stable combination of actions, which occupies an essential place in the structure of his activity.

Habits unload Attention and the consciousness of the individual, allowing him to direct them to more essential, less elementary, more significant objects, processes, and phenomena of the environment.

The totality and quality of habits determines the cultural appearance of the individual and the degree of his civilization. This especially applies to the habits of self-service and the nature of his preferences in a particular area of ​​the environment.

A combination of habits can form "behavioral modules". For example, the “leave home” behavior module includes: turn off the lights, check the windows, and lock the door. The individual usually does this automatically. But, if he has any anxiety, he begins to decompose this module into separate actions and checks each of them separately, and more than once. Anxiety manifests itself precisely in this related objectification action - to check all the constituent parts of the behavioral module.

Habit is closely related to ritual - a special overvalued sequence of actions carried out in a given situation.

Performing habitual actions allows an individual to constantly receive satisfaction from what has been achieved: small, but reliable, because other activity it does not always bring it, and this causes mental stress.

Habits make it possible to find meaning in the accessible and everyday and facilitate the problem of finding the “meaning of life”: the meaning is automatically embedded in habitual actions. And although this is not such a lofty meaning, it is a vital and reliable meaning. After all, a habit is a mechanism for giving significance to previously indifferent, unspoken actions, a way of channeling the vital activity of an individual.

During the development of the child, habits are formed earlier than such mental neoplasms as level of claims, the overestimation of which often brings a lot of troubles to the individual. A habit is our constant connection with childhood, with the period when it was formed. It sweeps the individual through his entire life, serving as one of the essential mechanisms for the continuity of generations.

Habit is a reliable way of adaptation of an individual to the conditions of existence: it makes life easier by reducing the level of stress both physical (due to the "worked out" of actions) and mental due to the absence of the need to carry out the processes of motivation, goal-setting and meaning formation for each action.