The organizational structure of the enterprise levels of enterprise management. Organizational structure. Linear-functional structure on the example of a home appliances and digital electronics store

Any enterprise or organization has an organizational structure developed at the stage of their creation and adjusted in the practical process.

The organizational structure of a company, or reflects the relationship between management and workers, gives a clear idea of ​​who in the enterprise is responsible for adoption.

Any organizational structure can be presented in the form of a diagram, the individual blocks of which will be the director or the head of the enterprise, its structural divisions, individual management units and relations between them.

Understanding the organizational structure of an enterprise will allow you to instantly diagnose the problems of interaction between managing subjects and managed objects of the enterprise, to see how they are arranged, to assess their strengths and weaknesses.

The clearer the structure, the easier it is to overcome disagreements and ensure that all members of the work collective move towards a unified one.

An ill-conceived, "concocted by eye" organizational structure is fraught with a significant increase in the terms of work or the provision of services, confusion in documents, shifting one employee of their duties to another (in the absence of a normally formed division of duties).

Organizational structure of the enterprise is a system of relationships between the structural units of the enterprise in the production process.

The elements of such a system are:

  • management relations;
  • internal rules and regulations;
  • personal responsibility of each department for the performance of a particular work;
  • distribution of powers of staff and managers.

A properly built, well-functioning and well-thought-out structure of the organization of the enterprise guarantees stable and dynamic development and the full functioning of the institution as a whole.

The organizational structure is formed under the influence of many factors:

  • the legal form of the enterprise;
  • types of activities;
  • the scale of the enterprise and the volume of products;
  • used and technologies;
  • ways of selling goods and services;
  • sizes available, etc.

To create a high-quality structure of an enterprise, its constant analysis and timely adjustments based on the data obtained as a result of the analysis are required.

The general structure of the enterprise includes: production, service divisions, as well as the management of the structure.

Using the example of a garment factory, the following personnel units may correspond to the specified elements:

  • PRODUCTION: seamstresses, cutters, packers;
  • SERVICE:, fabric suppliers, ready-made items delivery, cleaners;
  • MANAGEMENT: and his deputies.

A textual and graphic description of the organizational structure of an enterprise requires not only a thorough knowledge of the types of organizational structures, but also the ability to subtly notice the characteristic features, pros and cons of each of them.

Most often, enterprises implement the following types of organizational structures:

  • linear;
  • functional;
  • line-staff;
  • matrix;
  • design.

Each of these types is discussed in detail further in separate sections.

Less common types of organizational structures include:

  • budgetary (built around the budgeting process and the enterprise);
  • administrative (links the internal organizational structure of the enterprise with external subordinate objects of management - branches, subsidiaries,; heads of the structure can appoint and dismiss directors of subordinate organizations);
  • divisional (the grouping of positions - the formation of divisions - depends on the nature of the products manufactured, the sectoral or regional focus of the production unit).

There are also economic, network, combined (mixed), technological, staff organizational structures of the enterprise, focusing on various aspects of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

Often, one structure passes into another, or several structures (for example, linear and project) may be present in one institution.

Videos about types of organizational structures:

This is an extremely simple and most demanded organizational structure, usually used in medium and large enterprises.

In a linear structure, subordinates are required to follow orders from their immediate supervisor only. The workers are no longer subordinate to anyone.

Even the founder does not have the right to command employees without the consent of the head of the enterprise.

The linear structure of the enterprise has a lot of advantages, which include:

  • ease of implementation in a modern economy;
  • clear and short communication;
  • specific separation of powers and responsibilities;
  • the ability to quickly interact between employees and management;
  • maximum speed of order execution;
  • the possibility of coordinated work and the creation of a regular or project organizational structure on the basis of a linear one;
  • ease of control over the actions of a subordinate, the possibility of instant adjustments "in the direction of travel";
  • each employee or department is responsible for one question, the employee's personal responsibility motivates him to perform tasks efficiently and professionally;
  • high speed of work with clients in the provision of services.

The linear organizational structure of the enterprise also has disadvantages:

  • recurring conflicts and misunderstandings due to the "inaccessibility" of top management;
  • many intermediate levels of management do not allow the employee to quickly contact and get an answer to the question from the top management;
  • it is difficult to create connections between employees in the presence of several branches and large departments (applies only to large companies);
  • high workload of other top and middle managers, mistakes in whose work lead to the loss of profits and business reputation of the company;
  • local problems become priorities for solving, and global tasks are relegated to the background, which greatly affects the quality of their implementation.

With proper adjustment of the organizational system, the presence of competent personnel and a competent manager, the linear structure can become ideal for any volume of work performed or services provided by the institution.

The functional structure of an enterprise is often referred to as multi-line due to the presence of several managers in ordinary performers who are responsible for different areas of production and economic activity.

The functional structure of the enterprise has undeniable advantages:

  • the presence of a minimum number of links in the control system;
  • elimination of duplication of duties and staff reduction;
  • vertical communications of the highest quality and "fast";
  • ease of control over employees and assigned tasks;
  • the ability to concentrate efforts on solving complex and energy-intensive tasks with high emotional stress and employee involvement;
  • maintaining a high level of qualifications and professional skills of specialists through constant communication and cooperation.

The disadvantages of the functional organizational structure of the enterprise include:

  • incessant friction between "competing" divisions of the same level;
  • the coordination of urgent issues and the adoption of management decisions are extremely slow, due to which all work processes in the company are slowed down;
  • difficulties in establishing cooperation between employees at all levels;
  • it is difficult or impossible to make changes in the organizational form of a company with this type of structure building.

The choice of the type of organizational structure of the enterprise (linear, functional) depends on production specifics, the number of personnel, goals and industry affiliation of the enterprise and many other factors.

Ideally, the organizational structure should be flexible, easily adapt to the new conditions of economic activity and at the same time contribute to the achievement of the enterprise's forecast economic indicators.

It is characterized by the presence of line managers and departments, which in fact are not authorized to make independent decisions.

The main purpose of such units (headquarters) is to help the manager in the management and performance of individual functions.

In fact, the headquarters is an expert council, which includes key specialists on various issues (lawyers, economists, personnel officers, and others).

This is a collegial body, of which the head of the enterprise is also a member.

First, the question is brought up for discussion by the headquarters. In the course of the debate, a solution to the issue is formulated, which the director of the enterprise or top manager must subsequently implement.

The advantage of this form of management is to reduce the burden on line managers. The disadvantages are the imperious "impotence" of the headquarters and the erosion of the responsibility of the head of the enterprise for the decisions made (in which case, everything can be "blamed" on the headquarters).

The project (brigade) organizational structure is created for a limited time period to resolve a specific issue. It can be created in emergency situations.

Its existence is limited by the period of urgency of the problem.

The project structure usually involves only a fraction of the management personnel with the necessary knowledge and competence.

For the period of existence of the structure, the members of the group are not distracted to solve other problems, due to which the necessary degree of concentration of efforts on one project is achieved.

This is the main advantage of the project organizational structure of the enterprise.

The disadvantages of the project structure are the difficulties with the purposeful allocation of resources, ensuring the full workload of team members in the implementation process and their employment after its completion.

A type of design structure is a shop organizational structure, which is usually implemented in mass production.

It is characterized by a mixture of the properties of the design and functional organizational structures of the enterprise.

A distinctive feature is the presence of two managers of the same level at once, one of whom is the direct leader due to the distribution of job responsibilities, the other is the manager responsible for the implementation of the project.

Project managers report to the top management of the enterprise.

The specialists involved in the project report to two managers at once: the project manager - in everything related to the project, and the functional leader - in everything else.

The advantage of such management relationships is excellent adaptability to difficult external conditions and the ability to effectively allocate resources for the benefit of the implementation of current projects.

The disadvantages of the matrix organizational structure of the enterprise lie in the violation of the basic principle of one-man command, which generates interpersonal conflict situations ("who is more important") and provokes disputes over rights over.

Improving the organizational structure of an enterprise is a prerequisite for building a strong and developing company from year to year.

Optimization of production processes and maximization are possible only with a constant analysis of the effectiveness of the organizational structure and comparison of the analysis results with specific economic results.

In the process of modernizing the organizational structure of the enterprise, the following tasks are solved:

  • quantitative and statistical current state of the organizational structure of the enterprise;
  • checking the functionality of the company as a whole and its basic structural units (departments, workshops, teams);
  • simplification of description and automation of repetitive tasks;
  • the allocation of strategically important tasks and the definition of priority areas of production;
  • delineation of powers and responsibilities of each department, debugging their functional cooperation;
  • maximum separation and functional simplification of the work of the management team - managers, heads of departments;
  • designing the organizational structure of the enterprise in order to significantly improve the company;
  • reorganization of the company structure taking into account the changed requirements;
  • planned change in the organizational structure of the enterprise;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of the interaction of all elements of the organizational structure;
  • giving an opinion on the success of the measures taken to optimize and improve the organizational structure.

The introduction of innovative approaches to production and personnel management directly affects the quality state of the organizational structure of the enterprise, creating conditions for business development and maximizing profits.

Functional structure of the enterprise

According to the spheres of functioning of the organization, many different structures can be distinguished, corresponding to the types of activity. For example, at industrial enterprises it is possible to determine the basic and specific functional structures: technological, organizational and managerial, economic and socio-psychological; structures of information, material, financial, human and other flows. Let's consider the main functional structures.

The technological structure of an organization is a set of links between the technological process of manufacturing products, design and technological preparation of production, and organization of production services. An example of a technological structure is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Organizational and managerial structure is a set of vertical and horizontal ties that ensure orderliness, coordination and regulation of the organization's activities to achieve "its goals. The basis of the organizational and managerial structure is the relationship of hierarchical subordination. They, in turn, affect the organizational and managerial relations of direct interaction , both on the vertical - between the higher and lower levels of management, and on the horizontal.

The organizational and management structure is informational. The main information flows are as follows:

Vertically "from top to bottom" - planned, normative "instructive, guiding information;

Vertically "from bottom to top" - analytical, recommendatory, accounting and statistical information, etc .;

Horizontally - information, provides mutual coordination and horizontal integration of activities.

A component of the organizational and management structure is the management structure of the organization. Along with the structure of the organization's management, there may be structures for certain types of information flows. The main functional structures of the organization include technological, organizational and managerial, economic and socio-psychological structures (that is, structures that cover all aspects of the organization's activities) and the organizational and managerial component of the organization, it is advisable to present it in the form of a management system.

The economic structure is a set of relations of economic interaction of individual members of the organization with each other in terms of: fulfilling the mission, achieving goals, allocating resources, paying for labor, distributing the income received between owners, managers, specialists and employees, and the like.

The socio-psychological structure of an organization is a set of vertical and horizontal connections that characterize the socio-psychological aspects. It includes:

The structure of relations of hierarchical subordination, which establishes the social status of each member of the organization;

The structure of direct socio-psychological interactions between functional, professional, qualification groups, teams of departments, groups of informal communication, individuals.

Types of organizational structures of enterprise management

Organizational structure is a set of departments and services that carry out the construction and coordination of the functioning of the management system, the development and implementation of management decisions for the implementation of a business plan, an innovative project.

The main factors that determine the type, complexity and hierarchy of the organizational structure of an enterprise are:

Production scale and sales volume;

Range of products;

The complexity and level of product unification;

The level of specialization, concentration, combination and cooperation of production;

The degree of infrastructure development in the region;

International integration of the enterprise, etc. The structure of the organization, depending on the specified factors

can be linear, functional, linear with headquarters control, linear with cross functions, matrix, problem-target.

The most clear form of the organizational structure of enterprise management is a linear system (Fig. 3.3), based on the principle of unity of assignment distribution formulated by A. Fayol. According to this principle, only the higher authority has the right to issue orders. All other departments are included in the service line. Starting from the head of the enterprise and up to the lowest step of the hierarchical ladder, a single line of management is drawn, it has several intermediate steps. Work planning and control over their execution are carried out vertically from the head to production units performing managerial functions.

The use of such an organizational management structure is advisable for small businesses. It allows you to create clear and visual relations between higher authorities and subordinates in enterprises, but the use of this system leads to significant workloads for individual intermediate authorities.

The management of an enterprise is often overwhelmed, orders are carried out and transmitted very slowly, since it does not have the ability to independently develop all the decisions to the smallest detail and must delegate certain powers to lower authorities or give them considerable freedom in making decisions.

The disadvantages of a linear system can be avoided by reducing the intermediate instances in the transmission of orders for the regulation of certain processes and keeping them only for the transmission of orders and instructions.

When using the functional structure of enterprise management, the transfer of orders is not carried out by instances, but depending on the type of tasks assigned (Figure 3.4). This means that work planning and control over their implementation is carried out by functional units, and work is performed by production units for each function.

For the application of the functional structure, the principles of the unity of management and distribution of tasks are violated, which leads to duplication of functions and powers. Such a management system is acceptable for a medium-sized enterprise.

The advantages of the functional structure of the organization of the enterprise are: stimulation of business and professional specialization; reduction of duplication of functions and consumption of material resources in functional areas; improved coordination in functional areas. The disadvantages of the functional structure include: increasing the possibility of conflicts between functional areas; lengthening the chain of commands from the leader to the direct executor.

If it is necessary to preserve the unity of management and execution, it is lost in the functional system, and the long division of labor forces us to single out certain tasks, then you can save the transfer of instructions by instances (linear structure) and instruct

separate functions for headquarters, which can take on certain tasks, but do not have the authority to issue orders. That is, it is necessary to introduce a linear system of organization according to the headquarters management body, it is a combination of a linear system with a system for allocating certain functions (Figure 3.5).

The goal of the headquarters in this system is to take on some of the powers of the head (preparation and information support of decisions made, prompt adjustment and control over their implementation), and all the rights for leadership and execution remain in the relevant division of the organization.

The advantage of the linear system of organization by the headquarters management body is that strict adherence to the transfer of the task is combined with the simultaneous use of the knowledge of specialists. The disadvantage is that such an organizational structure does not preclude the emergence of conflicts. This is due to the preparation of a decision at the headquarters and its adoption by the line manager, while the headquarters, preparing the decision, cannot control it and thus is not responsible for its implementation.

A linear system can be transformed into such a form when cross (transverse) functions are formed (Fig. 3.6).

At the same time, the movement remains in the chain of command, but certain functions throughout the enterprise (personnel policy, accounting and reporting, production preparation, planning, control) are not assigned to headquarters without the right to give orders, but to functional areas with the authority to give orders. This leads to the fact that the competence of the management for certain processes is divided. For example, the head of the personnel department (head of the line instance) and the head of the technical department (head of the functional department) have the right to jointly make decisions on hiring workers for the corresponding department of the enterprise, while in one of these instances he is not entitled to independently make decisions, and in the absence of the agreement must be intervened by a higher authority.

In the context of a combination of organizational structures, function-oriented, matrix management structures arise (Figure 3.7).

For example, in an industrial enterprise, products are developed by the design, production and development departments, cooperate with the supply, sales, and personnel departments in such a way that top management does not interfere with the activities of these departments. Each department at its level has full decision-making power. The advantage of the matrix system is the ability to use the existing knowledge of specialists for the implementation of innovative processes.

Further development of the organizational structure in modern conditions is based on the influence of the following factors:

Development of specialization and cooperation of production;

Control automation;

Application of a set of scientific approaches to the design of the structure and functioning of the management system;

Compliance with the principles of rational organization of production processes (proportionality, direct flow, etc.);

Ensuring mobility and adaptability of the structure to changes;

Providing marketers with coordination of solving problems to achieve the competitiveness of specific products.

Thus, the structure is determined by the number and detail of the development of the principles of requirements for its formation, the structure of the goal tree, the content of the provisions on departments and job descriptions. In fig. 3.8. the problem-target organizational structure is shown, taking into account the specified conditions. The number of departments, workshops and other divisions, their structure and number depend on the volume of sales, nomenclature, complexity and scale of products, the level of specialization, cooperation, concentration, combination of production and other factors. At the first level of the enterprise management hierarchy is the deputy director for marketing, technical director, commercial director, deputy for production, deputy for social issues. At the second level of the structure, there can be various departments and workshops. At the third level, bureaus or groups in departments are created, if necessary, for specific problems, functions, products or markets.

The proposed problem-target management structure has all the advantages of the previously considered structures and at the same time does not have obvious disadvantages. The problem-target structure provides a high level of specialization of workers performing a specific goal (task) of the goal tree. It is associated with the structure of the management system, simple in construction and operation, has a body that coordinates the solution of problems to achieve the competitiveness of goods, adapted to changes.

Functional organizational structure - management, which is carried out using a set of specialized units to perform certain types of work that are necessary for making a decision.

Basic concepts

Organizational structure is a special form used in the division of labor in the process of production management. Each separate division is created to perform specific management functions or work. For the effective performance of their functions, divisions and their officials are endowed with certain rights. This is necessary both for the rational management of resources, and for the distribution of responsibility for the performance of functions assigned to one or another unit.

Organizational links

Any business entity has its own functional organizational structure, the scheme of which should reflect both the static position of structural units and the nature of their interrelationships.

The following connections are known:

  • linear, expressed in administrative subordination;
  • functional, which can be determined without direct administrative subordination in the field of activity;
  • cooperative (cross-functional), represented by links between separate departments of the same level.

There is also a slightly different classification of organizational structures:

  • functional;
  • linear;
  • linear functional;
  • divisional;
  • matrix;
  • plural.

Linear-functional organizational structure of management

In this type of management structure, the chief provides guidance to the subordinate structural divisions in absolutely all types of economic activities. Linear-functional organizational structure of management has the following advantages: efficiency, simplicity and ultimate one-man management. However, there is also a certain drawback - rather high requirements for the qualifications of managers. Today, such a management organization cannot be found in modern business entities.

Features of some types of management structures

The functional organizational structure is able to link the administrative and functional branches of management.
However, in a structure of this type, cooperation is often difficult and the principle of one-man management is violated. Therefore, it is very rare to find it in practice.

The linear organizational and functional structure of the organization has a stepped hierarchical form. With such an organization of management, the leaders should be one-man leaders. They are mainly assisted by various functional organs. At the same time, the heads of the lower levels are not directly subordinate to the leaders of the higher hierarchy. This type of management is most widespread in enterprises. Such a functional organizational structure is also known under another name - "headquarters", due to the fact that the leadership of one level is the corresponding headquarters of its line chief.

Branch and matrix management structures

The branch (divisional) structure has this name due to the fact that the branches (divisions) must be allocated either geographically or by field of activity.

The matrix functional organizational structure is characterized by the presence of two or more bosses in the executor. For example, one is a line manager, and the other is a manager of a certain line or program. This scheme was quite common in R&D. Today it is used in modern companies that work simultaneously in several directions. It can completely supplant the linear-functional organizational structure.

As for the multiple structure, then in this case we are talking about the unification of different structures at different management levels. For example, a divisional management structure is used for a company, and in its branches - a matrix or linear-functional one.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of a functional management structure include:

The organizational and functional structure of the enterprise also has some disadvantages, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • certain difficulties in maintaining constant relationships between structural units;
  • a long period in making decisions;
  • there is no unity and mutual understanding in actions between divisions of a business entity;
  • reducing the level of responsibility of performers for the work performed, as a result of which each individual performer can receive instructions from several bosses at once;
  • inconsistency and duplication of orders and instructions that are received by employees due to the fact that each line manager considers his issue to be the most important.

What's this? A diagram of squares with the names of organizational units, arranged in a specific order?

It is generally accepted by the average person that the organizational structure is a kind of theoretical concept that has a very mediocre relationship to a really operating organization. Moreover, within some existing enterprises, too little importance is attached to the organizational structure when they carry out economic activities. As a result, there are vague functions and responsibilities among the heads of departments, the chaotic system of subordination, the lack of coordination of work and the implementation of tasks to achieve the common goal of any business - making a profit.

The analysis of the financial condition of the organization begins precisely with the study of its organizational structure. Who needs it? Representatives of the external environment of the company - creditors, investors, suppliers, buyers and customers, they all need to clearly understand the logic of the partner company. Representatives of the internal environment - directly to the employees of the enterprise, who also need to know how they interact with colleagues, to whom they report, and to whom part of the responsibilities can be delegated. The set of groups of all employees makes up the organizational structure of the organization's personnel.

What is organizational structure

So what is this concept? - a set of all its divisions, between which functions and tasks are distributed, as well as the relationship between them.

Organizational structure of enterprise management

Organizational is a department that defines the authority and responsibility, accountability and relationship between the heads of departments, as well as establishing a list of staff duties.

Among the main types of organizational structures, there are linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional, matrix and combined.

Linear structure

The linear type of organizational structure is characterized by the fact that each department of the organization is controlled by one leader, who is subordinate to a superior leader, etc. This type has outlived its usefulness, since it is not flexible, does not contribute to adaptability to economic changes and the growth of the company in modern conditions. The leader must be able to navigate in different areas, be a truly broad-based specialist in order to give orders to each service in the organization. Although from the main advantages of the linear type, one can single out its simplicity, the clarity of the interrelationships of the enterprise divisions and their functions.

Linear structure of the organization on the example of the army

The most striking example for the characterization of the linear form of the organizational structure is the army, where, as you know, a clear scheme of organization of subordination of the junior in rank to the senior is in charge.

A diagram of the organizational structure of the army officer corps is presented above.

Functional structure

The functional organizational structure assumes the presence of separate services in the organization (for example, the sales department, human resources, accounting, production and technical department, etc.), the personnel of each of which can interact with each other, and not only with the main manager. This removes most of the load from the chief executive officer, removes the problem of finding wide-profile specialists, which are the advantages of this structure. The presence in the departments of specialists in their particular field contributes to the improvement of the quality of the products. Nevertheless, the use of a functional organizational structure complicates intra-firm communications and contributes to the development of a tendency to shift the responsibility of employees of some services to employees of others.

The functional form of the organizational structure of management on the example of an organization for the production of dairy products

Let's consider this type of organizational structure using the example of a food industry enterprise.

The functional type diagram of the organizational structure shows the relationship between the divisions of the enterprise. So, for example, interacts in the process of carrying out its duties with the departments of the financial service: with the accounting department according to the rates of consumption of fuels and lubricants and write-off of spare parts, with the sales department for issuing shipping documents and agreeing on the route, with the warehouse of raw materials and the main production for transporting materials between them for shop needs, etc. That is, the subdivisions are functionally interconnected, but not subordinate to each other.

Linear functional structure

Linear and functional forms of organizational structures of management are rarely used in their pure form. The linear-functional management structure is capable of solving the shortcomings of these types of organizational structures. From the linear, it generalizes the presence from the functional, it borrowed the presence of functional services that help the first, but are not administratively accountable to them.

Among the advantages of this structure, it should be noted a reasonable ratio between one-man management and narrow-profile specialization of the heads of functional services; the ability to delegate authority to lower levels of line links of functional services. But the disadvantages include the low degree of interaction between the personnel of functional departments, since the relationship is often debugged only among their leaders. The principle of one-man management, when it is strengthened, can adversely affect the quality of manufactured and sold products.

Linear-functional structure on the example of a home appliances and digital electronics store

To illustrate clearly what this type is, let's imagine in the form of a diagram the organizational structure of a store of household appliances and digital electronics.

In the diagram, solid lines show linear connections, and dashed lines show functional ones. So, for example, the cash desk is directly (linearly) accountable to the accounting department, but in the process of performing its functions it interacts with the sales for collection of funds, with the store sales department, with the personnel department for issuing funds, reporting, with the purchasing department for organizing payments to suppliers and contractors in cash ... The sales departments of the store are directly subordinate to the sales department, but in the process of activity they are functionally interconnected with the purchasing department, and with the accounting department, and with the personnel department.

Divisional structure

The divisional structure differs in that the divisions are grouped according to some criterion: by types of products, by regions, by consumer groups. The positive aspects of using this model are a high level of responsiveness and adaptability to changes in the external environment of the firm's existence, the release of a product of higher quality and competitiveness due to the orientation of all participants in the production process in one division. Among the minuses of the structure, it is necessary to note such negative phenomena as the duplication of the functions of divisions and management, the growth of conflicts due to the duality of subordination, the complexity of managing divisions as a whole.

Divisional structure on the example of a food processing plant

The organizational structure of a food production plant is presented as an example. The company is engaged in the manufacture of several types of products. One of the directions is the production of carbonated soft drinks and kvass, and the other is the production of gingerbread and cookies.

As can be seen from the diagram of the divisional organizational structure of the enterprise, it took the types of products produced as the basis for divisional division. Each includes a team of workers, a service of laboratory assistants, a group of sales managers and the composition of the accounting department for calculating wages, calculating the cost of a product, etc.

Matrix type of organizational structure

A matrix structure is a type of structure with dual accountability. This type of organizational structure realizes itself in design work. For example, an organization receives an order to perform some type of work. For this, a project manager is appointed and a number of performers from different functional services are assigned to him. However, they do not leave the subordination of their immediate supervisors, and upon completion of the work they return back to their unit. Among the advantages of this type of organizational structure: high speed of response and susceptibility of the enterprise to changes in the external environment, a high level of adaptability, optimal distribution of powers, responsibility, accountability between functional and line departments. The disadvantages include confusion in the prioritization of tasks between working on a temporary project and in a permanent unit, and hence the threat of brewing conflicts between project managers and the leadership of functional units. The very principle of dual accountability greatly complicates the entire management system.

To more clearly imagine this form of organizational structure, let us turn to the diagram of the enterprise, which took it as a basis.

The company has 5 types of activities: emergency dispatch service, which provides services to several companies in the elimination of emergencies; provision of services for the current sanitary and technical repair of residential buildings; services for the installation of intercoms; wholesale and retail trade in electrical equipment. But the company also takes part in electronic tenders and undertakes the implementation of temporary projects. For each individual project, a leader is appointed, and a number of employees from each functional unit are released to his subordination: an accountant, a personnel officer, a procurement officer and a work brigade. After the completion of work on the project, the production staff is disbanded to the places of performance of direct duties.

Combined structure

The main characteristic of the combined organizational structure of the organization is the combination in it of several of the above types. It contains features of line management, functional relationships, division of services according to selected criteria, as well as the principle of duality of subordination. The combined organizational structure makes it possible to increase the flexibility of the enterprise and its susceptibility to changes in the internal and external environment. The advantages and disadvantages of the combined structure are the same as those of the structures underlying it.

Combined management structure on the example of an enterprise for the extraction and processing of apatite-nepheline ore

Consider this form of organizational structure using the example of an organization that has branches in different regions of the country, as well as engaged in several types of activities. Below is a diagram of the combined organizational structure.

Governance is exercised by the general meeting of shareholders, which stands above the board of directors. The Board of Directors appoints the General Director and the composition of the collegial body of the Management Board, whose responsibilities include managing the strategic development of the enterprise. The Management Board and the General Director are linearly subordinate to Finance, Human Resources, Main Production, Logistics and Material Flows. Functional subdivisions of the Complex are enterprises engaged in the extraction, processing, processing, transportation of ore, as well as a research group. The organizational structure of the organization's divisions operating in different regions is also made up of linear and functional services.

Regardless of the form, the organizational structure should perform the functions of dividing tasks between the services of the organization, determining the competence of each of them in achieving the final result of the activity, and also controlling the inviolability of relationships between departments.

The organizational structure, which is a certain ordering of tasks, roles, powers and responsibilities, creates the conditions for the enterprise to carry out its activities and achieve the established goals. It develops and changes under the influence of the characteristics of the enterprise's strategy, its internal complexity and changes in the external environment. A wide range of structures ranges from stable monolithic formations to the dynamic multifaceted structures of modern organizations.

The variety of organizational structures is associated with differences in the field of activity, the nature and complexity of the products manufactured, the size, degree of differentiation and the territorial location of enterprises. Thus, the structure of a small trade organization or repair shop cannot have anything in common with the structure of a large machine-building enterprise that produces a wide range of machines and equipment. In turn, the organizational structure of a transnational corporation and a financial and industrial group is incomparable with it. Small businesses do not have any complex organizational problems. If the functions in such an enterprise are carried out properly (without an excessive number of services and hierarchical structures not caused by the need), then their implementation requires such a limited number of employees that the problems of the structure recede into the background before the problems associated with the personal characteristics of managers (their knowledge, experience , work style, organizational ability, responsible performance of the official duty).

However, organizational structure problems arise not only in large enterprises. The organization of vertical and horizontal ties, project management is also necessary for medium-sized enterprises. This is directly related to all cases when there is an intermediate management team between the top management of the organization and the personnel performing the direct work, and also when it is generally possible to carry out a certain division of labor. Under all conditions, the problem arises of choosing one or another type of organizational structure that is adequate to the real requirements of the external and internal environment, the tasks of meeting consumer demand, technological and social development, and achieving economically effective results. The main types of organizational structures that have developed to date are discussed below.

The relationships between the elements of the control structure are maintained due to the relationships, which are usually subdivided into horizontal and vertical. The first are of the nature of coordination and are single-level. The second is the relationship of subordination. The need for them arises when the structure of the control system is hierarchical, that is, when there are different levels of control, at each of which its own goals are pursued. With a two-tier structure, top management levels are created (management of the organization as a whole) and lower levels (managers who directly supervise the work of performers). At three or more levels, the so-called middle layer is formed in the OSS, which, in turn, can consist of several levels.

Linear organizational structure of management

This is one of the simplest organizational management structures. It is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural subdivision of any level there is a single manager who carries out all management functions and carries out the sole leadership of the employees subordinate to him.

In linear management, each link and each subordinate has one leader, through which all management commands pass through one single channel. In this case, management links are responsible for the results of all activities of the managed objects. Since in a linear management structure, decisions are passed along a chain "from top to bottom", and the manager of the lower management level is subordinate to the manager of a higher level above him, a kind of hierarchy of leaders of this particular organization is formed. In this case, the principle of one-man management operates, the essence of which is that subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. The superior management body does not have the right to give orders to any executors, bypassing their immediate superior.

The linear organizational structure of management has its advantages

    a very clear system of relationships of the "boss - subordinate" type;

    explicit responsibility;

    quick response to direct orders;

    simplicity of building the structure itself;

    a high degree of "transparency" of the activities of all structural units.

lack of support services;

lack of the ability to quickly resolve issues arising between different structural divisions;

high dependence on the personal qualities of managers of any level.

Functional organizational structure of management

The idea is that the implementation of certain functions on specific issues is assigned to specialists, i.e. each governing body (or performer) is specialized in the performance of certain types of activities.

The performers are in double subordination. So, the worker is obliged to simultaneously follow the instructions of his line supervisor and functional specialist. With a functional management structure, the line manager has the opportunity to deal more with operational management issues, since functional specialists relieve him of special issues.

But management commands come from many functional services to one production unit or to one performer, and therefore there is a problem of mutual coordination of these commands, which creates certain difficulties. In addition, the responsibility of executors for the performance of their duties is reduced.

The functional structure has its advantages and disadvantages:

    removing most of the load from the top management level;

    stimulating the development of informal ties at the level of structural blocks;

    reducing the need for generalists;

    it becomes possible to actively include various service services in the OSU - improving the quality of products;

    strengthening vertical ties and strengthening control over the activities of lower levels

    it becomes possible to create headquarters substructures.

    significant complication of communications within the enterprise;

    the emergence of a large number of new information channels;

    the emergence of the possibility of transferring responsibility for failures to employees of other departments;

    lengthy decision-making procedure;

    difficulty in coordinating the activities of the organization;

    the emergence of a tendency towards excessive centralization

Specialists form a headquarters under the line management, which prepares data for them in order to competently resolve special issues. In this case, the functional bodies are subordinate to the line manager. Their orders are given to production units only after agreement with the latter. This makes it possible to resolve issues more competently. But with a linear-functional management structure, the load on the line manager, who must play the role of an intermediary between functional services and subordinate production units, sharply increases. He perceives flows of information from subordinate units, gives tasks to functional services, develops solutions, issues commands from top to bottom.

The linear functional structure also has its positive and negative sides:

A functional organization aims to stimulate the quality of work and the creativity of workers, as well as the savings due to the growth in the scale of production of goods or services. However, maintaining synergy between different functions is challenging. The implementation of different functions implies different time frames, goals and principles, which makes coordination and scheduling difficult. In addition, functional orientation is associated with a preference for standard tasks, rewarding narrowly limited perspectives, and reporting on performance.

The functional structure is not suitable for organizations with a wide range of products operating in an environment with rapidly changing consumer and technological needs, as well as for organizations operating internationally, simultaneously in several markets in countries with different legislation. The logic of this form is a centrally coordinated specialization. It is difficult to track the contribution of each element of resources to the end result and the overall profitability of the organization. In fact, the current trend towards disintegration (i.e. buying rather than manufacturing parts, etc.) reflects the understanding by many firms that the necessary coordination of costs and resources used is reflected in performance. A functional organization can malfunction due to improper modification, since the logic of this organization is about centralized control, which does not easily adapt to product diversification.

In its pure form, the functional structure is practically not used. It is used in organic combination with a linear structure (Fig. 2), built on the basis of a vertical management hierarchy and based on the strict subordination of the lower management to the higher. With this structure, the performance of highly specialized functions is intertwined with a system of subordination and responsibility for the direct implementation of tasks for the design, production of products and their delivery to consumers.

Advantages: Opportunity to obtain a high degree of professional specialization of employees. Determine precisely the locations and resources needed (especially personnel). Promotes standardization, formalization and programming of the process. Disadvantages: Complicates horizontal alignment. Difficulty responding to change

The main figure is the manager in charge of the department. A number of assistants are subordinate to him, who perform the function of coordinating individual functional services. Thanks to this combination, a fairly successful compromise is provided between vertical and horizontal relations within the division or the organization as a whole. Subdivisions are allocated on the basis of one criterion; it can be either the production of a certain type of product, or the service of a region, or work with a certain type of consumer, or another characteristic. Functional Service Leaders are dependent on and accountable to the unit manager.

The divisional structure also has advantages and disadvantages:

Decentralization of management within the framework of a linear-functional structure leads to the fact that the division of rights and responsibilities is split between different bodies that manage technical developments, the purchase of raw materials and materials, production, sales, etc. Such a process is most typical for enterprises where a huge the number of homogeneous products and the economies of scale are significant. One of the conditions for the decentralization of the structure can be a situation when the market is a single whole and is characterized by a high degree of concentration of consumption.

At the same time, the development of production diversification, a sharp increase in the complexity of internal and external relations, the dynamism of the introduction of technical innovations, a tough struggle for product markets lead to serious difficulties and in many cases completely exclude the use of functional forms of management. With an increase in the size of corporations, an expansion of the range of products and markets for their sales, functional management structures, due to the fragmentation of rights and responsibilities for individual functions, lose their ability to respond to ongoing changes. In the management process, conflicts arise when choosing priorities, decision-making is delayed, communication lines are lengthened, and control functions are hampered.

Building an organization according to the linear-functional principle (grouped by type of management) is shown in Fig. 9.4. This type includes structures that are formed either by product or by territory. Such structures are more often used by large diversified corporations that produce a wide range of products for various markets. The most typical for them is the product management structure, in which the central headquarters of the organization subordinate departments specialized in types of products with independent economic activities.

With a divisional structure, departments can also be specialized in sales markets.

The divisional form can be viewed as a combination of organizational links serving a specific market and centrally managed. Its logic is to combine unit autonomy with a centrally controlled process for resource allocation and performance measurement. While divisional firms can easily infiltrate related industries, there is a risk of over-expansion. Thus, many of these firms, expanding their activities in new markets, were unable to properly assess its results and make investment decisions. Divisional firms are also subject to the risk of modifications that violate the chosen logic of the organization's functioning.

    the presence of tendencies towards decentralization;

    a high degree of independence of divisions;

    unloading of managers of the basic level of management;

    a high degree of survival in the modern market;

    development of entrepreneurial skills among division managers.

    the emergence of duplicate functions in divisions:

    weakening of ties between employees of different divisions;

    partial loss of control over the activities of divisions;

Matrix organizational structure of management

The matrix structure combines two types of structures: linear and program-target. Vertically (linear structure), the board is built for individual areas of activity (production, supply, sales). Horizontally (program-target structure), programs, projects, themes are managed. When defining horizontal links, a program or project manager and his deputies for individual topics are appointed, a responsible executor in each specialized unit is appointed, and a special program management service is organized.

The work is ensured through the creation of target units, where leading experts are united for the joint development of the program. The program manager determines what should be done and when, and who and how will do this or that work is decided by the line manager.

Thus, the matrix management structure has supplemented the linear-functional organizational structure with new elements. This has created a qualitatively new direction in the development of program-targeted and problem-targeted forms of management. These forms contribute to the rise of managers' creative initiative in increasing production efficiency. Matrix management structures contribute to the restructuring of production based on the latest technological processes and more efficient equipment.

The matrix structure promotes the collective expenditure of resources, which is essential when the output of products is associated with the need to use rare or expensive types of resources. At the same time, a certain flexibility is achieved, which, in essence, is absent in functional structures, since in them all employees are constantly assigned to certain functional divisions. Since in a matrix organization, employees are recruited from different functional departments to work on a specific project, labor resources can be flexibly reallocated depending on the needs of each project. Along with flexibility, matrix organization offers great opportunities for efficient coordination of work.

The matrix structure has its advantages and disadvantages:

    allows you to overcome intra-organizational barriers without interfering with the development of functional specialization

    the principle of centralized management is not violated

    more efficient day-to-day management, the ability to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of resource use;

    the relative autonomy of project teams or program committees contributes to the development of decision-making skills, management culture, and professional skills among employees.

    The difficulty of establishing clear responsibility for work on the instructions of the unit and on the instructions of a project or program (a consequence of double subordination);

    high requirements for qualifications, personal and business qualities of employees working in groups, the need for their training.

    Under this structure, the manager of the production department is obliged to prepare production, rationally organize labor, with the optimal use of raw materials, material and energy resources and exercise control over the work of subordinates.

Description of the organizational structure of OJSC "PiNII VT" Lenaeroproject "

Open Joint Stock Company "Design and Survey and Research Institute of Air Transport" Lenaeroproekt "was established in accordance with Federal Laws dated December 21, 2001 No. 178-FZ" On the privatization of state and municipal property ", dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ" On joint-stock companies "by transforming the Federal State Unitary Enterprise" Design, Survey and Research Institute of Air Transport "Lenaeroproekt" on the basis of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 25.08.2006 No. 1184-r and the order of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management dated 18.10.2006 No. 208.

The founder of the Company is the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.

The Company is a legal entity - a commercial organization, the authorized capital of which is divided into a certain number of shares, certifying the obligations of shareholders in relation to the Company.

The company owns separate property, recorded on its independent balance sheet, can, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, in arbitration and arbitration courts. The company is responsible for its obligations with all property belonging to it.

The company is not responsible for the obligations of its shareholders. Shareholders are not liable for the obligations of the Company and bear the risk of losses related to the activities of the Company, within the limits of the value of their shares.

The state and its bodies are not responsible for the obligations of the Company, just as the Company is not responsible for the obligations of the state and its bodies.

The main activity of JSC Pinii VT Lenaeroproject is the full design of airport complexes of various classes, including runways, technical support facilities, buildings and structures for servicing passengers and handling cargo, hangars and aircraft repair enterprises.

Modern "Lenaeroproject" is a complex research and design institute capable of solving problems of any complexity in the field of designing air transport facilities and civil engineering. The enterprise is developing dynamically, striving to meet all technical requirements, while maintaining the developments of previous years, constantly expanding the sphere of its interests not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also beyond its borders.

All types of pre-design, survey, design, research, regulatory and other works are carried out to ensure capital construction (technical re-equipment, reconstruction, expansion, new construction) and overhaul of buildings and structures of airports, aircraft repair enterprises, flight and technical schools, facilities of construction organizations, buildings for housing and social and cultural purposes and other objects, buildings and structures.

When analyzing and designing organizations, one should consider the relationship of their elements, the structure, as well as the mechanism of interaction of these elements within the framework of certain goals and a given structure of the organization. The organizational structure and organizational mechanism in all the variety of their manifestations form the organizational forms of management.

The organizational structure of enterprise management reflects the composition and subordination of linear and functional management links, in OJSC PiNII VT Lenaeroproekt, the management structure has a linear-functional form.

With this type of organizational structure of the enterprise, the line manager, who reports directly to the director, is helped by a special management apparatus, consisting of functional divisions (departments, groups), in the development of specific issues and the preparation of appropriate decisions, programs and plans. Such units carry out their decisions either through the top manager, or directly communicate them to specialized services or individual performers at a lower level. Functional units do not have the right to independently issue orders to production units.

The management of the current activities of the Company is carried out by the General Director of the Company (the sole executive body), who is accountable to the Board of Directors and the general meeting of shareholders of the Company.

If the General Director of the Company is unable to fulfill his duties, the Board of Directors has the right to make a decision on the formation of a temporary sole executive body of the Company and on holding an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to resolve the issue of early termination of the powers of the General Director and on the formation of a new sole executive body of the Company.

Under the existing management structure, the Director General is directly subordinate to:

Chief Engineer;

Legal Counsel;

Department of design and release of projects;

Financial and economic department;


Department of State Secrets Protection;

Human Resources Department.

The first deputy director is the chief engineer. The main function of the chief engineer is to manage the entire technical side of the enterprise: technical preparation of production, research, design and experimental work, the introduction of advanced equipment and technology, the organization of development, the development of new types of products in production; safe working conditions, providing production with technological equipment and repair services, develops plans for the development of the enterprise, reconstruction and modernization, monitors compliance with project, design and technological discipline, coordinates work on patent and inventive activity, standardization and unification, certification and rationalization of workplaces , metrological support.

Subordinate to the chief engineer:

Deputy Chief Engineer;

Chief Project Engineers;

Marketing department;

Department of Aerodromes and General Plans;

Department of aircraft maintenance and repair technology, aviation fuel supply, fire extinguishing, environmental protection, cargo transportation technology;

Technical department;

Department of power supply, lighting equipment, automation and instrumentation;

Architectural and construction department;

Division of means of radio engineering, meteorological support of flights, air traffic control and communications;

Department of heat supply, ventilation, water supply and sewerage;

Department of estimates and organization of construction;

Department of engineering-topographic and engineering-geological surveys, geophysical and land surveying works;

Research Department;

Department of automation of design work.

In OJSC PiNII VT Lenaeroproekt, a single vertical line of management and a direct path of active influence on subordinates have been created. The advantage of this control structure is simplicity, reliability and cost effectiveness. The leader in this case must cover all aspects of the enterprise.

Functional units carry out all the technical preparation of production, prepare options for resolving issues related to the management of production processes, release line managers from planning financial calculations, material and technical support of production and other issues.

Like any organizational structure, the linear-functional management structure has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the organizational structure of the management of OJSC "PiNII VT" Lenaeroproekt "include:

    clear division of labor (qualified specialists in each area);

    high management hierarchy;

    availability of standards and rules of activity;

    hiring in accordance with qualification requirements.

The main disadvantages are:

development of "narrow" specialists - techies rather than managers (managers). For JSC PiNII VT Lenaeroproekt, this led to the fact that almost all managerial positions were occupied by highly qualified and experienced technical specialists, but not all of them had mastered a new specialty for themselves - a manager (professional manager);

responsibility for the financial results of the enterprise as a whole is borne exclusively by the head of the enterprise, and the criterion for assessing the activities of the heads of most structural divisions is the physical volume of manufactured products, for non-production - the solution of engineering and technical problems, etc. At the same time, they seek to distance themselves from responsibility for the financial and economic results of the unit's activities, and, in addition, the traditional system of internal accounting simply does not allow these results to be objectively evaluated;

the structure "resists" the expansion of diversification of activities;

heads of specialized departments are focused on routine day-to-day work.

The rights and responsibilities in the management of the enterprise are clearly assigned and recorded in job descriptions and other documents regulating this area. There is no practice of reducing management costs at the enterprise. A rigid hierarchy allows you to organize effective interaction between various structural units to achieve the goals of enterprise development.

The composition of the management of JSC "PiNII VT" Lenaeroproject "is quantitatively and qualitatively provided with personnel, the level of education, qualifications, length of service of the executives meet the requirements of the enterprise. There is no tendency to replace executives with higher levels of education and qualifications.


Thus, the conducted research allows us to draw the following conclusions.

It is possible to characterize the structure of an organization in terms of its complexity, degree of centralization, formalization and configuration of the organization. In terms of complexity, it is necessary to note the differentiation and integration of the organization. At the same time, differentiation can be both vertical and horizontal.

Characterizing organizational structures in general, it can be noted:

1) there are no ideal, perfect structures, but each structure can be quite effective under certain circumstances, so it is necessary to constantly weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each organizational structure before using them;

2) the structure of any organization or its part must correspond to the goals of the organization, moreover, it must be formed on the basis of the tree of goals;

3) the social structures of the organization depend not only on the goals, but also on other organizational components - organizational technology, the composition of the participants in the production process, the culture of the members of the organization.

Organizational management structures are needed because they contribute to organizational effectiveness. The lack of an organizational management structure creates chaos at the enterprise: employees do not understand what they should do, how they should do it and with whom they should work; the heads of various departments do not imagine how their work is combined with the work of other departments. The OSU is the connecting element that allows all disparate divisions to carry out their work in a coordinated manner, in a unified manner of the task assigned to the organization.

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Electronic resources