How to make the Internet better and faster. Slows down the Internet. What to do to get him back to high speed. What determines the speed of the Internet

Modern technologies make it possible to reach speeds of up to one gigabyte for residential users. But a slow connection does not allow you to fully enjoy all the benefits of the information age.

The Internet can be slow for many reasons, from viruses to line problems. With the proper skill, the user can handle most of the problems himself. But first you need to find them.


There are a number of prerequisites that allow you to determine the presence of virus software:

If you find any of the above while working, you need to check your computer for viruses. If you have an antivirus program, consider an alternative. Since the installed software module does not cope with the task at hand.

Before checking, you need to update the virus databases to the latest version. If you are interested in what programs can help in this situation, then the best curing utility is Cureit, developed by the dr.Web laboratory. It performs deep scanning and can eliminate the most dangerous viruses.

After completing the treatment, the best solution would be to change the anti-virus utility. Avast is considered one of the best free apps. It puts minimal stress on the system and provides decent protection. Alternatively, consider Kaspersky Internet Security.

You also need to check the firewall and configure it to work with programs that have an Internet connection. Not only that, it's important to avoid questionable sites. These are the ones that most often contain malware.

Video: Does the Internet slow down? Changing DNS settings

Operating system

Sometimes the reason that the Internet slows down a lot is the operating system itself. For example, this situation is possible when the system disk is full and the OS cannot quickly access the required record. It is enough to delete some of the data from the system disk to get rid of this defect.

The best option would be to delete old restore points and temporary files. Be sure to empty the trash can. Remember, the storage space for the data sent there is reserved on the system hard disk.

Additionally, you need to take care of cleaning the registry. It's better to use CCleaner for this. It will gently erase obsolete records without harming the operating system.

If, after carrying out maintenance work, the download speed remains the same, perhaps the reason lies in a poor-quality OS assembly. Unlicensed versions of Windows often fail to work well with the network.

For example, the computer does not receive IP, the ping disappears, or unstable drivers were installed at the very beginning. In this case, the only way out is to reinstall.

Antiviruses and firewalls

In some cases, difficulties arise due to antivirus. This is due to the fact that the program checks information when loading web pages. If the verification algorithm is too complex, and the information packets are large, the download will take a long time.

Disable the firewall for a while to test this hypothesis. If the stream of data reception has increased, then the problem is in the antivirus. The best option would be to change the setting of the security utility, lowering the security level. Alternatively, you can find an alternative program that will use fewer system resources.

Incorrectly configured wireless equipment

Most users prefer wireless routers to connect devices to the network. Incorrect configuration may result in unauthorized access and slowdown in download speed through a router.

Therefore, you need to set up data encryption and appropriate settings. It will not hurt to change the access password to a more complex one. It is best to use numbers and letters in combination.

Router limitations

Connect all devices to the network to set restrictions. Then go to the settings and enable the filter by MAC addresses. Enter the data of the connected gadgets in the appropriate fields. Make a couple of test visits to the Internet.

In case nothing has changed, connect the computer directly to the cable. When changes are detected, we can conclude that the reason is in the router itself: its characteristics are not enough to ensure comfortable surfing on the network.

  1. go to the manufacturer's official website;
  2. download the updated firmware;
  3. install.

Some operators are engaged in the creation of unique firmware for the routers they sell. Try to install it too. Also keep in mind that on most products only the ability to connect to a network designed for 100 Mbit / s (Ethernet 100 Mbit / s) is written. This does not mean that the device will operate at the same speed.

When choosing a router, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Static IP;
  • Dynamic IP;
  • PPtP;
  • L2TP;
  • PPPoE.

They indicate the actual transfer of data between the WAN and LAN. These indicators are published on the pages of manufacturers or independent test laboratories. The last attempt to increase the speed of the router is to switch the device to bridge mode.

Video: speeding up the Internet

Internet slows down after reinstalling Windows

Check if your laptop meets the system requirements of the new version of the installed OS. Test the network on other browsers. Make sure to use the latest version of the search engine. If not, please update.

Do not write off the incorrect operation of the drivers installed in automatic mode. Go to the motherboard manufacturer's website and download the appropriate software. Then make a replacement.

Important! Sometimes, in order to achieve good network performance on a new OS, you need to increase the amount of RAM or make more radical modifications to the PC.

Network card malfunctions

The malfunction of the network card is difficult to see. The device can be normally detected by the system, react to the connected cable, but this does not mean that it is working properly.

The best option would be to connect another PC and test the Internet on it. If everything is in order, reinstall the drivers on the first computer. Ideally, you need to install a different network card and try to download data from some site.

Some cards have a Full Duplex feature. It can be found under Speed ​​& Duplex or Connection Type. Set your download to within 10 Mbps. If the device is faulty, this will help stabilize the channel for a while until a replacement is made.

Cable defect in the apartment

With a broken cable, the system usually shows that there is no network as such. Without specialized equipment, the breakage point can only be found manually. After detecting damage, it is necessary to twist the copper conductors and insulate them.

Attention! If you decide to replace the cable yourself, consider not only the number of pairs, but also the presence of twisted pairing.

Otherwise, the speed will be extremely low after replacement. It is logical to assume that you are interested in how to make the laid cable work stably?

There are a few simple rules to follow when laying wires in an apartment:

  • lay the cable so as to exclude all possible influences on it - it is best to do this on top;
  • use a drill to create holes in the walls, interior doors should not break the wire;
  • use special protective skirting boards to protect the wire;
  • avoid twisting.

These simple precautions will help ensure long, stable cable operation.

Problems on the line

After all of the above methods of increasing the speed have been tried, it remains to test the speed of exchanging data packets with the provider. To check the line, you need to run the Ping.exe file. It is usually located in the System 32 folder. Use the search bar to save time.

Replace with your gateway. The size of the data packet is 1500 bytes. Run ping. If everything is in order, the picture above will appear. If you see the message "The waiting interval for request has been exceeded" - contact technical support.

To resume the download speed of files, you will have to find the problem using the elimination method. In most cases, the knowledge of an advanced user and the desire to receive information from the network at high speed are enough to troubleshoot a malfunction. In especially difficult situations, you will have to contact technical support.


Every day we use the Internet at work and at home, and for sure many of us would like files and pages to load faster.

We know that in addition to the obvious ways, there are other tricks that will help improve the quality of your Internet connection.

  • Clear your phone's cache.
    When the cache memory is full, it slows down the phone, and because of this, the internet speed drops. You can clean all applications individually manually or download a special program and uninstall all at once.
  • Remove all unnecessary applications.
    Many applications that you hardly use slow down your internet speed significantly. Better to remove any widgets you don't use from your screens. After all, even working in the background, they consume a significant amount of traffic.
  • Turn on Reading Mode in your browser.
    If you don't need images and are looking for text-only information, turn on text mode in your browser and turn off images. This will make the pages load much faster.
  • Change your browser.
    Your mobile phone's web browser also affects your internet speed. There are many mobile web browsers out there, but some are much faster.
  • Check your network settings.
    To do this, you need to go to the settings and find the settings for the mobile network. The exact name of the menu will differ from device to device. You need to make sure the phone is connected to the correct type of network and that it is not limited to only 2G or 3G. Most areas of the world operate on GSM / WCDMA / LTE networks - try them first. If they don't work, see which one your region is using. The key is to activate the best broadband technology.
  • Place your network router correctly and reduce the distance between it and your computer.
    The reason for the slow connection speed may be a weak signal of the Wi-Fi router. To fix this, it's best to place your computer and router as close together as possible. For a router, the best place is closer to the center of the house, ideally on a wall or on a high shelf. As far as possible, away from your neighbor's Wi-Fi router, power cords, cordless phones, computer cables, microwave ovens, baby monitors, and halogen lamps. After all, such wires and waves can interfere with the reception of radio signals.
  • Scan your computer with antivirus at least once a week.
    Viruses can not only create a threat of leakage of valuable information, but also reduce the speed of Internet traffic.
  • Optimize your cache.
    Browsers store site data in the cache to open pages faster later. If the cache is full, it slows down browser performance.
  • Disable updates that are not currently needed.
    The speed is partly reduced when third-party programs are running, especially when they update their version. You can increase the speed of the Internet by disabling unused programs.
  • Check if Wi-Fi password is worth.
    When distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi, its speed will be divided among all connected ones. Therefore, if 20 people are simultaneously connected to your Wi-Fi, and the maximum speed is 20 megabits per second, then everyone will receive only 1 megabit. To avoid this, it is enough to put a password on your Wi-Fi network.


While checking the statistics, I sometimes find amazing search terms. And this time I came across two requests:

  • how to make internet speed faster
  • how to make fast internet speed

Their essence boils down to one thing. People have a slow speed and want to make this speed a little faster.

This issue still needs to be sorted out. So there are several categories of people and, in short, they can be characterized as follows:

The Internet is physically made up of millions of computers connected to it, the connecting materials, and the cables that connect them. These computers are very different from each other, both from a hardware and hardware point of view: there is no qualitative difference between the waiters and your office machine.

The biggest difference between these computers is the software: they run different operating systems. The operating system is the main software of a computer. It is more than hardware that determines behavior. cars. The hardware is essentially just a cash register and the user interacts with the software.

  1. People already have fast internet, but they just don't have enough in life. And this is not enough and this is not enough. And dick (sorry) I need more and clothes 10 dressers and shoes 100 pairs and food, two refrigerators and everything is not enough. You need more and the speed of the Internet also wants to be made faster. I will just give advice to such people. Think about what you live for? Just to devour this world? (well, I hope such people were dependent on these questions, but for now let's move on to the next type of people);
  2. They are fastidious and “fighters” for “justice” (I deliberately put these two words in quotation marks). The bottom line is this. Here it is written in the tariff speed of 3 megabits. And it gives out 2-2.5 megabits. No, “WE WRITTEN THE SAME THREE !!!”. Why do I have less. How to make fast internet speed? That was 3 (well, or 4 - 5 -7 as it says there). I want to. Here it is written and even though you crack. “Now I’ll call tech support and I’ll take everyone's brain out there.” And stuff like that. They will not use that speed too much, and in principle, they themselves in the depths of their souls understand that everything seems to be great, but at the same time they will regularly try to increase this speed all their lives, making it faster. (I hope we also figured out this category of citizens.);
  3. The third category of citizens is people who are openly cheated by Internet providers. And in principle it does not matter whether it is wired Internet or mobile or whatever. It is important to understand what they are cheating because people are paying a month in advance. Those. They have already received the money, but we will somehow provide the Internet there. And in the end he is gone. Now, of course, all too often cellular operators (OpSoSy) are engaged in this. ... And while I still do not know a convenient way, how can they be punished. There is no way to make the speed of the Internet faster, because they took the role of bred and t. To. nothing can be done with them, and the lawyers do not give a damn about this matter, everything will continue and will. But let's not talk about the sad, because there is another category of citizens.
  4. People who do not know how or do not correctly set up the Internet or somehow “banished” their access, as well as those who have bad (crookedly working) equipment or, in general, a computer is one big cloaca with viruses and other nasty things. There are probably a lot of such, and therefore it is about them, or rather recommendations for them, I will write in the next article.

And here is all for now! All good ...

In addition to the operating system, the basic software used by the machine, any computer has a large number of applications that will be used for day to day work: word processing, word processing, web page checking, drawing software, etc. there is more variety of software than operating systems.

Hence, the first rule imposed by this variety is that your correspondents on the Internet do not necessarily have the same software as you. Documents are often accepted by email. Some people submit specific documents of certain software, or even a certain version of the software. If you want to maximize your chances of reading, stick to standards common to all machines on the Internet.

The Internet is an integral part of our life. Just like everyone around you, your internet can be more efficient. With a little effort, your internet journey can improve dramatically.

To make the Internet work better, find a quality DNS server.

The fastest and easiest way to improve speed and quality of your change the Internet (DNS) server. You will not only make the internet work faster but also make your internet surfing safer. to change dns, you just need to change a few numbers in the settings of the router or computer.

There is a web server that hosts your files, domain name servers, and even more remote machines such as routers - access points on the Internet - or computers you are on the decision to send data along one route and not another, albeit invisible , they are irreplaceable, and the performance of the Internet depends on them because these machines are so discreet - and the cables that connect them form the infrastructure of the Internet.

Most Internet services work in client-server mode, which means that one of the computers has information, the information is stored on its disks, and the other asks them. the one who possesses the information. It waits for clients, and since this can happen at any time, the server is usually a 24 hour machine. The client is currently your desktop computer: at the moment you solve it, your computer will receive information from the server. Please note that in the case of the Internet, the same waiter can host many sites.

Clean up your computer

To do this, you need to download CCleaner or a similar program and scan your computer for errors. After cleaning, the Internet will work much faster. In addition, you can perform and get an additional increase in Internet performance due to clean factory settings. Watch the video tutorial on how to maximize the performance of your computer.

To transfer information from the server to the client is doing well, it is necessary that the client knows the address of the server, in order to know where to ask, among the thousands of connected computers, and that the server and client speak a common language, the so-called protocol. Addresses are used throughout networks. On the internet, you have one type of address for the service you are using.

If you want to decode it, just note that the first field is the protocol, that is, the computer language that will be used between the two machines, the second field is the name of the server machine, and the rest of the address refers to the file or folder specified on the server. which can be a lot.

Traffic shaping

If you have several computers in the network at home or at work connected through a router, then I recommend that you enable QoS mode on your router. This mode will allow you to change the loading of your Internet channel by priority for various programs using an Internet connection. For example, if someone downloads files via torrent, and on another computer you need to establish a connection via Skype, then with QoS enabled, the router will increase the priority for using Skype and lower it for using torrent. That will give a high-quality connection in Skype with a working torrent connection.

This only applies to the Internet: email addresses are different. This is really a completely different service, both in its concepts and in its use. All of these computers are connected by cables, also very diverse. You may have heard some statements like "You need more fiber to get faster on the Web." In fact, the pipe flow problem is much more complicated.

For an Internet user, performance is dependent on latency and bandwidth. The first is the time when data is sent on a journey. The second is the amount of data that can pass through at the same time. To compare the car, the scooter certainly has better lag than the truck on the streets of Paris, but the truck has better flow.


Not all of us can have access to high-speed, high-quality Internet. Some people are stuck on slow internet connection like satellite internet, 2G 3G internet, or weak ADSL. For you, there is a way to dramatically reduce your page load times and that is compression. Although there are several services that offer this compression service, we will use the most convenient browser in this regard - Opera. Install Opera and enable Turbo function, it will automatically detect when you are using slow internet connection. The function will compress your traffic, reducing its weight, thus saving you time. Image quality will suffer, but at least your low speed connection will be pretty fast.

An important factor in determining latency is cable length. Satellite communications tend to have low latency because most telecommunications satellites are located in geostationary orbit far from Earth, so transatlantic communications are usually made using submarine cables.

For a web server, the flow is usually the most important. The key factor in determining speed is the fast modulation of the transmitter, that is, the ability of the transmitter to emit many bits in a short time. This power is not very cable dependent. that optical fiber is by no means necessary.

Extending the wireless network

If your Internet works via a wireless Wi-Fi line, but the coverage area is small, you can easily expand it by installing an additional wireless router or a powerful all-directional antenna that will maximize your Wi-Fi coverage.

Kibits per second is the unit of debiting. The higher the number, the more information you get per second - a typical web page image is between 10 and 40 kilobytes. A typical web page without any images is between 1 and 2 kilobytes.

An image of sufficient quality for printing easily reaches 1 megabyte. The completeness of the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, after being compressed, is about the same size. If we download the Bible, we are usually willing to wait a bit, but when we wait for a web page, we are no more than seven or eight seconds, at the same time, with an identical modem, you can go 14 kilobytes, which makes an average page with one or two very small images.

I want to note that a wired connection is in any case better than a wireless one, since the delays on a wireless connection are higher than on a wired one.

If your internet is slow for some reason, you can use these tips to maximize the quality of your internet connection.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to put the Internet robot in order, for the highest quality Internet robots, you can contact our online help service for professional setup.

The way of the Soviet man. In windows 7 and XP there is a "QoS Packet Scheduler", which by default takes (up to) 20% of the connection bandwidth reserved by the system. This value limits the aggregate bandwidth reserved by all programs running on your computer.

This default can be overridden by using the Bandwidth Limit option in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), which groups administration tools for networks, computers, services, and other system components.

By default, in windows, this parameter is disabled and takes 20% of the speed of your channel. That is, when you connect to the Internet 10 Mbit / s, up to 2 Mbit / s speed disappears into nowhere (although Microsoft claims that this is not so, but we know that!).

When enabled, you can use the Bandwidth Limit field to configure the bandwidth that the system reserves.

In windows 7, reducing this 20% speed limit to 0 does not require much effort on our part. It is enough to click "Start" -> "Run", enter gpedit.msc and click Etnter to launch the Microsoft Management Console. Then in the "Computer Configuration" section you need to select "Administrative Templates", then "Network", then "QoS Packet Scheduler".

After starting the scheduler, select the "Limit the reserved bandwidth" option from the list, check the "enabled" box and write the percentage equal to zero (0) in the window that appears. Next, in the "Network Settings" section, make sure that in your current wired or wireless connection, the QoS Packet Scheduler is enabled (usually enabled by default). If it is not there, then add it from the list. As a result of these manipulations, the Internet speed can increase up to 20%. Is free!

At the very least, many users claim that they have gotten faster.

In XP it is done in a similar way, only in it the QoS Packet Scheduler is called "QoS Packet Manager", and in the network configuration on the "Control Panel" - QoS Packet Scheduler.

However, Microsoft officially claims that “although some publications say that windows always reserves 20% of the available bandwidth for QoS, this statement is not true. By default, on the target computer, the program can reserve up to 20% of the total bandwidth of each interface. But if the program that has reserved the bandwidth does not fully use it, then the unused portion is available to other programs. " But we tried it - it became faster.

Many users say that it is impossible to make the Internet faster on any of the operating systems, and it is only necessary to change the tariff with the provider. However, this is not entirely true.

Windows 7 has some simple yet powerful ways to speed up your internet connection. Therefore, options for how to make the Internet faster on windows 7 can be considered in more detail. For example, by increasing the DNS cache. Seventh windows uses a cache memory called DNS to store recently visited web pages. You can access this information by invoking and running the Start menu. Next, you need to type cmd on the command line, then enter ipconfig / displaydns and eventually get a list of all the pages that were saved in the cache. The data in the cache does not remain there forever. For later addresses of pages that are frequently visited, space is constantly freed up. A banal increase in the size of the DNS cache in the "7" will allow you to browse websites faster, especially if the same sites are viewed regularly.

You can also use special software that speeds up the Internet. For example, Onspeed 5.0, Ad Muncher, or ActiveSpeed. They optimize the system by adjusting and changing various parameters or speed up the Internet connection using special drivers.

To speed up the download of downloaded files, there are also programs of their own, the so-called "download managers". The most common ones are Download Accelerator Plus, MediaGet 2.1.904.0 or Internet Download Manager 6.11 Build 8. Unfortunately, these programs cannot increase the speed of page loading, but they will be very helpful in downloading multimedia and other content. Some of them have functions for searching, scheduling downloads, automatically opening a file after the finish, and so on. One of the easiest and most effective ways is to disable image downloads in the browser. Naturally, not many users will agree to such a connection without pictures, but if you really need time, there is an opportunity to save it with this method.

You can learn about other methods of increasing Internet speed in windows 7 by regularly reading our website. Also here you can find useful tips on how to recover information from a USB flash drive or how to disable startup programs. But at the same time, it must be remembered that no operations will significantly increase the Internet speed (2 or more times), since this factor depends on the Internet provider and the tariff that is currently being used.

How to make the Internet work faster?

The rapid development of Internet technologies in recent years has led to the fact that the opportunity to connect to the global world wide web is now almost in every city apartment or house in the countryside. But at the expense of the quality of the connection and the speed of data transfer, there are more than enough problems. This is especially noticeable in the periphery, the farther from large cities, the worse the connection.

How to make fast internet

Unique free course "Fast Internet"

There is something that is not here.

What determines the speed of the Internet?

Well, first of all, from the provider who gives you access to the Internet, providing their services. Rather, on the capabilities of its equipment and the workload of communication lines. Therefore, first of all, you need to choose the "Fast" provider (unless, of course, you have such a choice, and you can afford it, because, as a rule, the faster the connection, the higher the fee).

After you decide on the choice of provider, you need to take the second important step, choose a modem.

After installing the modem and connecting to the Internet, you need to properly configure the operation of the operating system itself and install some programs in order to squeeze the maximum performance out of your Internet connection.

How to make the Internet work faster?

Perhaps you have already met on the network, and if not, then you will definitely come across recommendations for disabling the packet scheduler and Internet Connection Sharing QoS in operating systems of the windows family. This is motivated by the fact that the QoS service reserves 20% of the communication bandwidth for various applications. In this connection, it is advised to change the QoS settings by removing this 20%. But judging by the article published on the official website. this opinion is erroneous. In addition, from personal experience, I know that changing these settings is of little use.

But in most cases it is simply necessary to optimize the TSP protocol.

Setting up the operating system.

A very important factor affecting internet speed is the speed at which your operating system is running. Therefore, increasing the performance of your operating system will significantly increase the speed of the Internet. To optimize the operating system, I suggest using the TuneUp Utilities program. This program will automatically help tune your OS for maximum performance.

Configuring the TSP protocol.

I will not explain here what the TSP protocol is (and you don’t need it), I will just say that setting it up manually is quite troublesome even for a specialist. Therefore, we will turn to the software developers who have kindly provided us with their software for help. Among the multitude of software on this topic, in my opinion, only two programs are worthy of attention. These are SpeedConnect Inte Accelerator and cFosSpeed. All the rest, unfortunately, are either ineffective or look like a scam with an attempt to cut down the loot.

I want to warn you right away. Both programs are paid. True, their cost is not very high, and besides, the network for them is full of crackers, keys, keygens ...

Let's go further. After installing programs to optimize the Internet connection, it is necessary to select and connect a suitable proxy server that makes it possible to transfer information faster due to its partial compression.

There are quite a few such proxy servers. All of them provide their services in both paid and free modes. By the principle of work, they are similar to each other. The client part of the program is installed on the user's computer, which in the transmission mode receives information transmitted from the user's computer. Then, using a special algorithm, it compresses and in this form transfers it via a modem to its server (program server). As a result of compression, the amount of transmitted data is significantly reduced, respectively, the transfer process is accelerated. On the server, the program unpacks the compressed information and transfers it further over the network. Accordingly, when receiving, the scheme is the same only in reverse order.

Now let's talk about browsers.

An important factor affecting the speed of the Internet is what browser you use to browse the Internet.

By convention, each user has his own favorite browser, and convincing him to use another is almost hopeless. But facts are stubborn things, and they say the following. Currently the fastest browsers are: Mozilla, Opera and Google Chrom.

Unfortunately, Inte Explorer is not a fast browser, although according to statistics, it is used by 15 to 60% of users, according to various sources.

To speed up the work of any browser, I advise you to use a RAM disk.

A RAM disk is a virtual image of a hard disk created in the computer's RAM.

I will briefly outline the essence of the idea.

Create a virtual hard disk (RAM disk) in the computer's RAM. Then we remove the browser and put it in a new way, but already on the created RAM disk. Transfer the cache folder (temporary Internet files) of the browser to the RAM disk. This method is very effective and can significantly speed up your browser. It should be borne in mind that how many megabytes you allocate for a RAM disk is that much and the computer's RAM will decrease. Therefore, using a RAM disk is possible only if there is enough RAM. If your computer has less than 1GB of RAM, then this method of acceleration is ineffective.

If this method suits you, then let's start and start by creating a RAM disk.

There are several programs that allow you to create RAM disks. There are paid and free software options. But unfortunately, when using free options, the loading and unloading times of the operating system significantly increase, and these programs themselves are far from perfect. Therefore, such "acceleration" will bring nothing but a headache. Paid options are much more advanced, they practically do not slow down computer loading and do not have glitches. Let's stop at one of these programs.


First you need to download the program VSuite.Ramdisk.Professional.

Then install

During installation, you will be given the opportunity to select Russian. Next, use it to create a RAM disk.

I give a rough step-by-step instruction on how to create a RAM disk.

Let's move on to transferring the browser to a RAM disk.

There are two transfer options. The most optimal is a full transfer, this is when an accelerated browser is installed on a RAM disk and the browser cache folder is fixed there. But this option requires a RAM disk with a volume of at least 300 MB. If your computer does not have enough RAM to use the first option, you can use the second option. Pin only the cache folder to the RAM disk. You can choose the amount of RAM-disk arbitrarily depending on how much you can afford to "bite off" a megabyte of RAM. But in any case, the larger the cache folder, the better.

Now in more detail about the Mozilla Firefox browser.

The use of the Internet consists not only in viewing Web pages through a browser, but also in the ability to download a particular file. And here you can't do without a good download manager. Of course, any browser has its own built-in download manager. But, as a rule, it is suitable for uploading small files. Therefore, I recommend in addition to use the free, and most importantly, a really very good download manager Download Master. You can read more about this program at the link

Now a little about the software that makes working on the network faster, not by increasing the speed of the Internet, but by automating routine work, such as filling out WB forms, logins, passwords, and so on. All this work can be entrusted to special programs that will do it for you.

How to make the Internet faster, video instruction.

The Internet is an integral part of our life. Just like everyone around you, your internet can be more efficient. With a little effort, your internet journey can improve dramatically.

To make the Internet work better, find a quality DNS server.

The fastest and easiest way to improve the speed and quality of your internet is to change the (DNS) server. You will not only make the internet work faster but also make your internet surfing safer. to change dns, you just need to change a few numbers in the settings of the router or computer.

Clean up your computer

To do this, you need to download CCleaner or a similar program and scan your computer for errors. After cleaning, the Internet will work much faster. In addition, you can reset browser settings and get an additional boost to Internet performance due to clean factory settings. Watch the video tutorial on how to maximize the performance of your computer.

Traffic shaping

If you have several computers in the network at home or at work connected through a router, then I recommend that you enable QoS mode on your router. This mode will allow you to change the loading of your Internet channel by priority for various programs using an Internet connection. For example, if someone downloads files via torrent, and on another computer you need to establish a connection via Skype, then with QoS enabled, the router will increase the priority for using Skype and lower it for using torrent. That will give a high-quality connection in Skype with a working torrent connection.


Not all of us can have access to high-speed, high-quality Internet. Some people are stuck on slow internet connection like satellite internet, 2G 3G internet, or weak ADSL. For you, there is a way to dramatically reduce your page load times and that is compression. Although there are several services that offer this compression service, we will use the most convenient browser in this regard - Opera. Install Opera and enable Turbo function, it will automatically detect when you are using slow internet connection. The function will compress your traffic, reducing its weight, thus saving you time. Image quality will suffer, but at least your low speed connection will be pretty fast.

Extending the wireless network

If your Internet works via a wireless Wi-Fi line, but the coverage area is small, you can easily expand it by installing an additional wireless router or a powerful all-directional antenna that will maximize your Wi-Fi coverage.

I want to note that a wired connection is in any case better than a wireless one, since the delays on a wireless connection are higher than on a wired one.

If your internet is slow for some reason, you can use these tips to maximize the quality of your internet connection.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to put the Internet robot in order, for the highest quality Internet robots, you can contact our online help service for professional setup.

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Hello friends, readers of our site. Today for you I would like to make an overview of browsers in 2017. Every day, many new programs appear in the world that meet our needs in all areas of digital life.

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We all know perfectly well that in order to gain access to the global Internet network, you need to connect to any Internet provider available to you on the market. Despite the fact that every year the cost of broadband Internet access is getting cheaper, there are no fewer people who want to get it for free. It's strange, because we all know from childhood the saying "Free cheese is only in a mousetrap." And still we step on the same rake over and over again. In this post we will talk to you what kind of beast this is - "free Internet" and how to get it for free. Throughout history, there have been only a few ways to do this, and now I will tell you about them.

1. Public HotSpot WiFi

There are such access points in almost every large shopping or business center. They give free Wi-Fi Internet access for everyone. They are organized by large stores or telecom operators for advertising purposes and to attract new customers. The cons are as follows:
- access is possible only from the building of the shopping center
- there is a significant speed limit
- there is a risk of interception of your data by "neighbors" on the network
You can use this free Internet completely legally, but in compliance with all information security rules. Otherwise, there is a considerable risk that your mailbox or social media accounts will be taken away.

2. Neighborly Wi-Fi

This is, in principle, the only way to get free Internet without any restrictions. Well, except for the tariff plan that your neighbor uses. It remains only to negotiate with a neighbor. If you have a good relationship with them, then most likely this will not be a problem. You can really go the other way, namely. Personally, I would not advise doing this. Of course, now, when the tariffs for access to the global web are unlimited, you will not cause much damage by your actions. And, even if the fact of connection is detected, it will not be possible to incriminate anything particularly serious (unless, of course, it was stupid enough to break even mail and contacts in social networks), the maximum is unauthorized access to communication equipment, article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. But no one has been jailed for hacking WiFi yet. But to get “on the hat” from the neighbor himself and pay for the desire to get the Internet for free with your health - there is a risk and not a small one. So, you better not get involved with it.

3. Free Internet via mobile (Megafon, Beeline, MTS or Tele2)

Once upon a time, at the dawn of 3G / 4G technology, there were clever ways to connect mobile Internet for free to your phone. These methods were shared on hacker forums and social networks, they were quickly cut through and covered. Therefore, now such a freebie will not work. It simply does not exist. Without connecting the service with a telecom operator, you will not get access. All possible and cunning options have long been blocked.

4. Dial-UP connection

Another option that system administrators of large organizations and companies sometimes do for their friends and acquaintances. Such offices sometimes have equipment for organizing Dial-UP connections. What they do is just hang up a modem on some phone number. When you dial it, the caller gets free Internet access. True, the speed, to put it mildly, is not at all by modern standards - no more than 56 Kilobits per second. And again - you need an antediluvian DialAp modem - again. And such a sysadmin friend is two.

5. Connection to the line at the entrance

Now those of us who live in high-rise buildings can observe the following picture - several cable channels from different providers through which neighbors are connected. Admit it: at least once, but you were visited by the thought “how to connect to them and get the Internet for free”. So forget it =). Firstly, most operators work using the PPPoE protocol, and even if you hook up to the cable, nothing will work without a username and password. And if suddenly you are lucky and the connection works via Dynamic IP, then you will need to install a special proxy server, cleverly configure the equipment and pray that the provider does not have a binding to the hardware MAC address. And again, the neighbor will truncate that you are connected to him and will come to figure it out. In short, the method is practically unviable and very time consuming.

6. Fishing from a satellite

Satellite phishing is more of a way of entertainment than a real option to get free internet. It, like cracking the password for Wai-Fay, is considered a illegal act and is classified under article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The meaning of the actions here is as follows - the satellite transmits a signal to everyone who fell under its coverage area. And already the subscriber's DVB card cuts off all unnecessary, catching only what is intended for it. You will need a set of equipment and a specialized program that will catch the stream, sort the captured files and put them on your hard drive. The process itself is one-way, that is, you will receive only what is being broadcast. You won't be able to ask for anything of your own. In general, it is inconvenient and costly.