A turnip scene reworked for children about friendship. "Turnip" in a new way: a scenario for playing out. The plot about the teremok in a new way for a fun company

Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way" (for puppet theater - glove puppets)

Description: this work can be useful for preschool educators (for theatricalization classes; organizing children's performances in front of preschoolers, parents), teachers of additional education, heads of theater studios dealing with preschoolers. The script is intended for staging a fairy tale in a puppet theater - glove puppets. The age of the children for whom this scenario is designed is 4-5 years (pupils of the middle group).
Theatrical activity develops the personality of the child, instills a steady interest in literature, theater, improves the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, encourages them to create new images. Preschoolers are happy to join the game: they answer the puppets' questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, transform into one or another image.
Goals and objectives
expand children's knowledge about Russian folk tales;
to consolidate the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other literary works;
teach children to analyze a fairy tale;
teach to understand the emotional-figurative content of the work;
teach children the rules of puppetry;
to form the ability to convey game images in actions with a doll;
teach to understand the value of friendship, cohesion
develop interest in Russian folk tales;
to introduce children to the origins of Russian culture;
develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation;
develop cognitive and speech activity of children, expand vocabulary;
develop means of expression (verbal and non-verbal) in speech, acting;
enrich children's emotions
to foster love for Russian folk art;
cultivate the manifestation of good feelings towards each other;
to form an artistic taste;
foster respect for the book.

Characters (preschoolers 4-5 years old):
Leading (adult)
A screen on the stage. On the screen there is a decoration - a hut, a fence, trees.

Leading:A fairy tale is the best
You, most importantly, believe
What's with the golden key
There is always a door.

Sit quietly kids
Yes, listen about the turnip
The tale may be small
Yes, about important things.
Or: Dear viewers!
Would you like to see a fairy tale?
A tale about a turnip in a new way
Everyone is happy to tell you.
The grandfather and the woman lived and were.
They lived nicely, did not grieve.
They shared a roof with them:
Cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, yes Bug.
Grandfather goes out on the porch
And such a speech starts
(Grandfather leaves the house)
Grandfather: I will plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will fence it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden,
So that everything is all right with you.
Leading:The earth was watered together,
Fertilized, loosened.
Finally the day has come
A sprout also appeared.
(The turnip begins to gradually "grow" - to appear from behind the fence)
Growing turnip
Gentle and cherished grandfather!
Surprising everyone in size
The turnip has grown big!
(The turnip appeared completely)
In the Guinness book she
Pretends without difficulty.
It rose from behind the fence,
It poured into sweet juice.

Grandfather: That's a turnip, that's a miracle!
And you are large and beautiful!
And what a strong one!
I don’t know how I’ll pull it out!
(Pulls-pulls, cannot pull)
Grandfather: One can not cope!
I need to call my grandmother!
(Granny leaves the house)
Grandma: Wait a minute! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Become soon, grandfather,
Together we will pull the turnip!
How to pull? Which side?
Grandfather: Grab your sides
What strength is there to pull me!
(Pull-pull, can't pull)
Leading: The result is not to be seen
They began to call the granddaughter to help:
Grandma: The record holder is our turnip -
I sat in the ground very firmly!
Granddaughter: Wait, grandma and grandpa.
I will help you pull the turnip.
I'm in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - the naughty vegetable?
Grandfather: Become quick, pull!
Granddaughter: No, we can't handle three
Maybe we'll call the Bug?
Beetle, throw a bone
Let's pull the turnip!
Bug: What is this noise and what is this fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now under the very nose
The turnip grew without demand.
What a riot this is, woof!
Get out, turnip, from the garden!
Granddaughter: Get behind me, pull
Come on, amicably! One two Three!
Bug: We can't do it without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
(The bug calls the cat)
Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is just beauty.
Because this coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
Bug: You, Murka, rather run to the mistress
Leading: The five of them are already skillfully
They got down to business.
Drawn out just about
Such a stubborn root vegetable!
The mouse ran past
The cat saw the mouse:
Cat:Wait, don't run away!
Help us out, girlfriend!
Leading: Grandfather said:
Grandfather:We took together,
We need to pull out the turnip!
Mouse: Get together in a row
Leading: So they pulled out a turnip,
That she sat firmly in the ground.
A miracle vegetable is on the table ...
The tale is over already.
The essence of this tale is simple:
Help everyone always!
Together: We were working merrily and together now,
friendship is arguing - there was a story about that.
Leading:We told you a fairy tale, is it good or bad,
and now we ask you to clap!
The presenter introduces the artists in turn. Children bow and leave the stage to the music.

1.Grandfather: I will plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will fence it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden,
So that everything is all right with you
2. Grandfather: That's a turnip, that's a miracle!
And you are large and beautiful!
And what a strong one!
I don’t know how I’ll pull it out!
(Pulls - pulls, can't pull)
Grandfather: One cannot cope!
I need to call my grandmother!
3.Grandfather: Grab your hips,
What strength is there to pull me!
4. Grandfather: Get up quickly, pull!
Come on, amicably: one, two, three!
5. Grandfather: We took it together,
We need to pull out the turnip! All together: We have fun and amicable work now,

1. Grandma: Wait! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Become soon, grandfather,
Together we will pull the turnip!
How to pull? Which side? 2. Grandma: The record holder is our turnip -
I sat in the ground very firmly!
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

Granddaughter's words
1. Granddaughter: Wait, grandma and grandpa.
I will help you pull the turnip.
I'm in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - the naughty vegetable? 2. Granddaughter: No, three of us can't do it,
Maybe we'll call the Bug?
Beetle, throw a bone
Let's pull the turnip!
3.Granddaughter: Follow me, pull
Come on, amicably! One two Three! All together: We have fun and amicable work now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

1.Bug: What is the noise and what is the fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now under the very nose
The turnip grew without demand.
What a riot this is, woof!
Get out, turnip, from the garden!
2.Bug: We can't pull out without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
3.Bug: You, Murka, hurry to the owner
And help pull the turnip out of the ground.
All together: We have fun and amicable work now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

1.Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is just beauty.
Because this coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
And I'll comb my fluffy mustache for beauty.

2. Cat: Wait, don't run away!
Help us out, girlfriend!

All together: We have fun and amicable work now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

Mouse: Stand together in a row
Eh, one more time, we will pull out the turnip now
All together: We have fun and amicable work now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

Characters:round dance : Turnip, Grandfather, Grandma, Beetle, Bunny, Rooster, Mosquito.

Basic work with children

1. Theatrical play.

Teach children to navigate in space; to develop memory, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts; practice diction; practice in clear pronunciation of words.

2. Rhythmoplasty.

Includes complex rhythmic, plastic games and exercises.

3. Culture and technique of speech.

Includes work on speech breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation; coherent figurative speech; creative imagination.

4. The main theatrical cultures are work with the aim of acquainting children with elementary concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art, and fostering a culture of behavior in the theater.

Work on the play includes acquaintance with the fairy tale. Learn to compose sketches based on a fairy tale; develop the ability to use intonations that express a variety of emotional states.



Scenario of the fairy tale-staging "Turnip" (an old tale in a new way)

with children of the group of compensatory orientation "Pochemuchki"

Characters:round dance: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandma, Beetle, Bunny, Rooster, Mosquito.

Basic work with children

1. Theatrical play.

Teach children to navigate in space; to develop memory, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts; practice diction; practice in clear pronunciation of words.

2. Rhythmoplasty.

Includes complex rhythmic, plastic games and exercises.

3. Culture and technique of speech.

Includes work on speech breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation; coherent figurative speech; creative imagination.

4. The main theatrical cultures are work with the aim of acquainting children with elementary concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art, and fostering a culture of behavior in the theater.

Work on the play includes acquaintance with the fairy tale. Learn to compose sketches based on a fairy tale; develop the ability to use intonations that express a variety of emotional states.


The narrator

Dear viewers!

Would you like to see the fairy tale?

There are many fairy tales in the world you cannot read at once

But such as our fairy tale, you will not find in the book.

The tale is familiar to everyone, but in a new way.

And everyone will be glad to see her.

We start our show

Meet our merry round dance!

(all the children come out to the accompaniment of Russian folk music)

The narrator

Lived in the same village Ded

Together with Babka for many years.

Once I wanted grandfather

Steamed turnip for lunch.


Prepare Grandma, Grandfather

Steamed turnips for dinner.


If you want a turnip, so go

Plant in the garden.


Well, I guess I'll go

And I'll plant a turnip.

The narrator

Brighter, sun, shine!

Turnip, grow to heaven -

Five girths wide

Five arshins high

Yes to our whole garden!

The narrator

Now we will wait.

Let it rain on her

Round dance:

Rain, rain, more

The grass will be thicker.

Rain, rain, harder,

You are our vegetable garden of fields.

The narrator

It will warm you with a clear sun.

It will ripen by autumn!

Round dance (hands up):

Sunny, show yourself!

Red, equip!

Hurry, don't be shy

Warm our turnip!

The round dance says in a chant: The turnip has grown big, very big!

All the children in the Round Dance raise their hands and show how big the Turnip is.


Respected by the people,

I grow in a vegetable garden.

So the big one has grown.

How good I am!

Sweet and strong

I am called Turnip!


The turnip has grown wonderfully well ...

I haven't seen one, really!

So that it does not become like a mountain

It's time to pull out the turnip. (Tries to pull it out)

Round dance in chant: Pulls-pulls, cannot pull!

(Grandma comes up)


What happened? (Grandfather points to the turnip)

I have lived for many years

But I haven't seen this


Well, grab me!

(Together they try to pull out the turnip)

Oh! Do not pull out in any way ...

Round dance:


You know, my hands are loose.

I'll call Bug for help,

Come on, Beetle run to us,

Help me to pull the turnip!


Woof woof woof! I heard grandfather

I want turnips for dinner.

Woof! Bug is ready to help you!

Round dance: They pull and pull, they cannot pull.


That's a turnip! What a vegetable!

Know, you have to call for help ...

I'll shout the bunny

Hiding somewhere, coward!

Don't be afraid of me bunny

Bug I-Run after me

Help me to pull the turnip!

The narrator

Only Turnip, like hands,

Grabbed by the roots-

Better for her in damp earth,

Than on the festive table.


How sweet it is.

I will help if I have enough strength.

We took it together!

Well, the turnip is all in place!

Round dance: They pull and pull, they cannot pull.

The narrator

Four of us can't cope!

It's time to call the cockerel!


I am flying, in a hurry to help.

Where is he, the naughty vegetable ?!

No matter how tightly it clung

We will master you, Turnip!

(Together trying to pull out)

Round dance: They pull and pull, they cannot pull.

Whatever you do, everything, in vain!

Where to find a hero!

What a crash, what a knock?

Komar sat in the forest on a branch.

Cracked a bitch under Komar -

That's where the knock and thunder come from.

Without Komarik, you see

You can't cope with Repko.

(Everybody calls the mosquito)

Round dance: They pull, pull, pull the turnip!

The narrator

Is the power of the Mosquito great ?!

Well, friendship won!

Together they pulled a turnip

That she sat firmly in the ground.

Eat to health, Grandfather,

Your long-awaited lunch!

The narrator

Come, honest people,

View our vegetable garden,

Marvel at the miracle turnip!

Sing and have fun with us.

Round dance "Who is good with us"

The narrator

It's so good that there is a THEATER!

He is always there and will be with us!

Who saw this fairy tale here,

That "Turnip" will not forget ours!

Good afternoon, dear guests!

Another turnip-alteration for entertainment at the holiday. So the heroes are the same, they need 8 people, together with the presenter, but the text will be different, the host reads it. The actors say the words not when they hear the name of their hero, but when the presenter gives a sign, which must be agreed in advance. Before starting the story, I recommend a glass of drink, it will be more fun.

Grandfather "Will live! Fucked up mother! "

Grandma "Another needs strength"

Granddaughter "Well, think about it"

Bug “Let me eat! Bones are not enough for me! "

Cat "Where do you roam, my happiness"

Mouse “Fir trees are fires! Sha! Atas! "

Turnip "Now I am your first friend"

Think over the props, costumes for the heroes, you need to invite the biggest guest to the role of the mouse, you can play female roles - men and vice versa. A boy and a girl will look funny in the role of grandfather and grandmother.

You can play background music from "Village of Fools"

Without worries and without longing,
Somewhere near the river.
Once upon a time there was a grandfather Kolya, (out)
It seems not an alcoholic,
Although I was in my old years,
He stood firmly on his feet.
Although I poured it in the morning,
but he lived gloriously - he did not know worries.
The bastard will drink, let's shout:

"Will live! Mother is edren! " (leaves)

Grandma Anna lived with him, (out)
oh, and it was harmful!
The growth of a giantess, the disposition of a chieftain.
She also had no life from her grandfather's drink.
Grandfather is on a binge - she is to a neighbor, for an intimate conversation.
Although at the same time she repeated:

"Another needs strength" (leaves)

The granddaughter was staying there.
This granddaughter is just power.
In a mini skirt - but a slit!
Like in a skirt, like without.
Breasts - bulk melons.
Lips - filled with juice.
And of course the miracle of the leg,
Like a Playboy cover.
Like a rose blossomed:

"Well, think about it" (leaving.)

And on the farm at the grandfather
It was, except for a trifle,
Two goats, and a vegetable garden,
Yes, the dog is at the gate.
Nimble, glorious, male. (Out)
And by the nickname - Little Ponytail.
Not at all from boasting,
He was just without a tail.
Either God did not give him,
Either he tore off where.
But lack of waving
Nobody annoyed.
The dog barked rather sluggishly:

“Let me eat! Bones are not enough for me! ”(Leaving)

Murka the cat lived there. (Out)
She was neat.
Whiskas ate, drank juice
And slept on the armchair.
Murka was young
And protected innocence.
And in the dreams of their girls,
I was waiting for the young prince.
There is bad weather in her soul:

"Where you roam my happiness!" (Leaving)

There lived freely the Mouse. (Out)
He was the strongest and taller of all.
The whole village of Mouse knew
He was the first bouncer
In a village tavern,
Under the name "SAKE"
And all the people in the village
The mouse called - mordovorot
It's just a class to communicate with him:

“Fir trees are burning, Sha! Atas! ”(Leaving)

Now you all know the inhabitants of their house.

One day in early May, an alcoholic old man
The thought appeared in reality.
He decided to plant a turnip,
He went out into the field at dawn, (exit grandfather)
I put the grains in the ground,
Buried it. Poured water. Said

"We will live, mother, mother!"

And he went to hand over the glass. (Leaving)
And then he went into a binge
And I forgot about my root.

Well, summer at this time
It was generous with the heat.
The turnips were ripe, poured, (out)
Yes, I washed my face with the rains.
So by autumn she
Has become large and strong.
Everyone admired:

"Now I am your first friend"

My grandfather went out to the field (out) - look:

"We will live, mother, mother!"

The old man pulled himself up,
The old belt burst
A frail movement, even though such tension.
And for Turnip, at least that.
Grandfather tried it again!
But there is no progress:

"We will live, mother, mother!"

And he went out of the field, (leaving)
Finish your moonshine.

At this time from a neighbor
Grandma walked after the conversation. (Off)
Grandma sees - a turnip in the field,
The fields are twice as large.
Pulls like that. Yes, it pulls that way.
Yes, no strength, the stock has dried up.
In vain I went to a neighbor:

"Another needs strength" (leaving)

And stumbled on the porch
She crawled to the stove
Sends the granddaughter to Light (vy)
Pull turnips for dinner.

The granddaughter raised an eyebrow:

"Well, think about it"

I went out into the field to pick a turnip
And he doesn't know how to become her.
It will push her sideways.
That will press on the contrary.
The girl tore stockings
And Turnip is where it was.
The granddaughter spat with annoyance
And she left to change outfits. (Leaving)

The fence has a little tail
So it tears its strap
To eat first.
Little tail untied, (out)
They ordered to pull the turnip.
I ran up to grab my teeth
And let's shake her.
Only the turnips are all in place,
He smiles, sits and moves the tops.
Kobelek made this pssssss out of annoyance (peeing)
He also jumped for a minute
And wearily wandered into the booth. (Leaving)

Well, the cat was resting on the porch
And I saw the whole picture. (Out)
Passions suddenly boiled up in Murka:

"Where you roam my happiness"

She wanted so badly
Apply your own maturity.
I pulled my paws
She pouted her lips in a bow.
I crept up behind Repa
And as claws dug.
I pulled as hard as I could.
Only blunt claws.
She dusted herself off, bent
And she returned on the armchair. (Leaving)

Then I woke up from a drinking bout
Kolya's grandfather, on an old bed.
And I decided to attract the people,
Go out to the garden together. (Out)
I made a circle around Turnip:

(Turnip) "Now I am your first friend"

Grandfather grabs the tops, squeezes the back and muscles.
The grandmother of grandfather's pants clutches in two hands.
The granddaughter also came running and pretended to be in a pose.
The wretch little tail grabbed her stocking.
Well, the murka dog is looking for a tail in the trail, it's not there.
Murka was very surprised, grabbed the ponytail's paw.
Here they are pulling that Turnip, pulling.
Only forces wither, wither.
Let's yell at everyone:

"We will live our mother"

Granny answers nicely:

"Another needs strength"

The granddaughter has already brought everyone:

"Well, think about it"

The dog whines again at first:

"Let me eat, bones are not enough for me"

Murka just hisses with passion:

"Where you roam my happiness"

Heavy that burlak howl
Then the Hero heard the Mouse. (Out)
For disassembly in the garden
Mordovorot hurried.
And I decided to help at least once:

“Fir trees are burning! sha! atas! "

He slowly approaches Rep,
He looks around everyone with an impudent look
Turnip tenderly hugs.
And he takes it out of the garden.
All gathered around:

"Now I am your first friend"

Here our people stretched out,
Startled, looked back
And he went to drink moonshine,
Fortunately, he is always there.
A feast in the village
Moonshine flows like a river.
And our story ends:

“Fir trees are burning! sha !, atas! "

Good holidays to you, dear guests!

Svetlana Shashkova

Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way"


Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Familiar, surprisingly

But with creative additions!

In one, well, very rural area,

Far from being famous

What are often found in Russia

Grandfather once planted a Turnip!

(to the music with a dance, a turnip comes out and sits on a chair)


I am a wonderful turnip

I sit firmly in the garden.

Such delicious

Fashionable, cool!



Ay, yes, turnip, just a miracle!

And how beautiful it grows!


Grandfather, quickly pull me,

Free me from the earth.

(grandfather tries to pull the turnip)


What to do? How to be here?

Call Grandma to help!


(waves his hand):

Grandma, Grandma - where are you?

Help me to pull the turnip!

(the crooked grandma comes out)


Oh, my hands are loose.

I’ll call Granddaughter for help!

Come on, Granddaughter, run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Granddaughter runs out, grabs Grandma. Trying to pull the turnip)


That's a turnip! What a vegetable!

Know, you have to call for help ...

Bug! Zhuchenka! Run,

Help me to pull the turnip!

(Bug runs out, barking, grabs the granddaughter.)


Oh, you have to click the cat

To help a little.

Cat Murka, you run

Help me pull the turnip!

(Stepping softly, the Cat comes out)

Grandfather grandmother granddaughter bug cat

Once - that's a commercial!

Two - like this!

Not! Do not pull out in any way ...


Admire, guys,

We pull the turnip from the garden,

We beat, we beat for an hour

We do not have enough strength.


A spinning wheel is waiting for me in the hut

Yes, I really feel sorry for my grandfather,

I know that he

It's hard to be alone.


In the field, I grazed a kid

Sang a song loudly

I hear grandma is calling -

Let the kid wait

I ran without looking back

Only there is little sense in this.


What a strange tenacious root

Could it be that the turnip has teeth?


There is no sense in five

Maybe easier with an ax


I see we cannot cope

Can pour boiling water over


The thing you say is kind


and eat here in the garden


Wait, I know the reason

They read a book to us in the garden

There is a fairy tale about the turnip

I ought to read it.

(runs away for a book, returns).

I'll see it myself first

Well, of course I knew it

Listen, woman, listen, grandfather,

Why, the mouse is not with us!


What a mouse, what a lazy person!

She doesn't feel sorry for her grandfather!

But she knows that she should help the family

(smart mouse enters)

How dressed!


I don't want to work

I'm celebrating my birthday!


Mouse! We need help

It is impossible without you!


I do not want to help

I can wrinkle the dress!


What audacity!


Of course!

I tremble like a leaf with anger


Throw quarrels and threats

Wipe your tears with your sleeve

I will persuade the mouse

I'll give her lard (leaves)


That's how grandma! Nenila!

Look - how I realized!


(included) to the mouse

a piece of bacon for you

From the closet I got

I know Myshkin's tastes

Here are the beads on your neck.


Here's my bell for you

It shines like gold


Here at the bottom of this can

Two spoons of thick sour cream


What are these wonderful gifts?

This delicious, this bright

I'll have a feast in the garden

of course I'm waiting for everyone.


We would all come willingly

It's not over with work

The turnip is waiting for us in the garden

We have a lot of trouble with her


If taken together together

There is no need to fuss at all

Well, let's go

One two Three!

Here is the turnip - look!


Here are some entertainers!

Well, thank you, dear ones!

Come on, quickly, bug, cat,

Somewhere there is my harmonica,

We're overjoyed now

Let's dance until morning

Related publications:

Final lesson of the theatrical circle "Fairy Tale". Show of the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way" for parents. Purpose: Development of children's creativity through.

Scenario of the tale "Turnip" for young children Author: educator Alishkevich Tatiana Borisovna, MDOU d / s No. 299, Krasnoyarsk. Equipment: Screen, toys for showing puppet theater.

The children of the speech therapy group enter the hall in formation, marching, and disperse to their "role" places to show the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way":

Tale-dramatization "Turnip" for children of middle preschool age based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip" Tale-dramatization "Turnip" for children of middle preschool age based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip" Purpose: theatrical.

scenes funny.

This kind of entertainment, like playing funny fairy tales scenes at a birthday party, at a corporate party, appeared relatively recently and immediately gained popularity. Moreover, everyone wants to participate, especially if there are elements of dressing up.

Professional presenters and toastmasters are best prepared in this regard. They always have a certain set of things to transform: wigs, cool glasses, suits, skirts, funny ties, balls, sabers, weapons, musical instruments, masks, etc.

But at home you can play funny fairy tales too. Firstly, you can also find something suitable for dressing up, and secondly, the main thing is internal transformation, the ability to improvise, use your sense of humor and just fool around.

That is why funny, funny fairy tales of the scene go to "Hurray!" in a close, friendly company, in the circle of friends and relatives when celebrating a birthday, a holiday at home, at a corporate party.

Your attention is invited to play the famous fairy tale "About the turnip" and make it funny and cool. My recommendations for organizing this type of entertainment:

  1. The main thing is to correctly distribute the roles between the guests, taking into account their acting abilities.
  2. If possible, dress the actors in the appropriate costume or add some kind of clothing attribute so that you can see who it is?
  3. Makeup or makeup can be widely used
  4. Better that everyone has a text on a piece of paper or piece of paper
  5. The presenter reads the text of the tale about the turnip, making a stop at the place where the participants must say their remark.
  6. That is, every time you mention the role played by guests in a fairy tale scene, you need to say your own words or phrase. Naturally, you need to do this for a reason, but artistically and funny.

Here is the actual text for the fairy tale scene:

- Grandfather planted a turnip.
- A big turnip has grown.
- My grandfather went to pull the turnip.

- Pulls - pulls, but you can't pull

- Grandfather called grandma.
- Grandma for grandpa. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull.
- Grandma called her granddaughter.
- Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull.
- The granddaughter called Bug.
A bug for a granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull.
- Beetle called the cat.
- Cat for the Bug. A bug for a granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull.
- The cat called the mouse.
- The mouse for the cat. Cat for the Bug. A bug for a granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandpa for a turnip. They pull - pull - and pulled out the turnip.

In addition, you can appoint yourself or guests choose the phrases that they should pronounce when their role in the fairy tale is mentioned:

Turnip- Man remove the handles, I am still 18 and not!

And here I am!

Grandfather- I would kill!

We make delyugu and run away!

I have become old, my health is not that!

Such a booze will go right now!

Grandma- lately my grandfather does not satisfy me! (preferably)

Run Run!

Granddaughter -I'm ready!

Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry, I'm late for the disco!

Bug-I'm not a bug, I'm a bug!

Dog work!

Maybe we smoke better?

Cat - I don't work without valerian!

Get the dog off the playground, I'm allergic!

Mouse - Finally!

Guys, maybe a stack of them?

These fairy tales funny scenes will take its rightful place in your collection of entertainment for adults at home, for a corporate party.

Among other things, there are other versions of this tale of the scene. They will appear on this site shortly.