Rational proposal at the enterprise. How to write a rationalization proposal? How is efficiency expressed?

A rationalization proposal (RP) is recognized as such if:

    is new;

    can solve technical problems;

    gives a visible positive effect.

What should be the significance of novelty?

It is often difficult to separate RP from invention because both are homogeneous in nature and can have significant scales. For example, rationalization involving the manufacture of wristwatches in the millionth volume will yield greater profits and savings than creating one unique device that helps to assemble the same watch by hand. Novelty can be considered significant if it:

    matters at the level of world equipment;

    solves the problem posed in production;

    introduces important new elements into an existing solution.

It is noteworthy that the rationalization proposal can be confirmed, even if it was already known earlier, but was not applied in a specific production. These subtleties can be understood with an example garment production... Let's say the employees of a sewing workshop suffer from the heat in summer, amplified by the heating of electric lamps. There was a need to lower the temperature. For this, the innovator proposed replacing the electric lamps in the lampshades with "housekeeping" (daylight). The issue of lowering the temperature was resolved.

On the one hand, both types of light source are already familiar to the world. Nevertheless, this is a rationalization proposal, since in the specified production such lamps have not yet been installed in lampshades.

Types of offers:

    rationalization (new only for a specific industry enterprise);

    industry (has significance in the whole industry);

    cross-sectoral (affects several different areas).

RP groups

    Innovations in production technology - technical proposals. This can be the improvement of devices, units, machines, apparatus, tools, etc. This also includes changes related to the product itself (different style, color, size, etc.). A rationalization proposal may affect production technology (improvement of brightness, strength, etc.), safety, etc.

    Organizational and production proposals. They do not change the production technology, but they can increase productivity. This includes saving energy, materials, equipment costs, etc.

Before you start to legitimize the idea, give it a "presentation". Be clear about how your proposal will benefit, by whom, when and how the idea will be used. Check out previous similar solutions. Why is your solution better? Speed, efficiency, safety, comfort and other characteristics should be translated into the language of numbers. To do this, first carry out economic analysis... All considerations are recorded in a table for clearer perception by people who will consider your rationalization proposal. All diagrams, graphs and verbal descriptions should not exceed two pages. Express only the essence.

What does a sample rationalization proposal look like? The application is made on standard A4 sheets. At the top left we indicate the addressee (as a rule, the head of the enterprise), on the right, a “header” is drawn up: an interdepartmental standard form under the number P1 and a code according to the classifier of documentation (management). In the same place, but just below, we write: "Registered, No." We leave a place for the date. Even lower along the width of the sheet, a table is drawn where the authors of the rationalization proposal are indicated. In the first column - number (time-stamp), in the second - full name, in the third, the place of work (residence), then - position, education, date of birth. Below (center): "Application for an improvement proposal." Further: “We ask (if from one person, then in the singular) to consider the submitted proposal indicated under No. (the number is written), to recognize the introduction as rational and to accept it for use. The next line (below, also in the center): "Offer description". Next, the prepared text with calculations and tables is inserted. At the end we add: "Reward distribution". Below, under this phrase: “This proposal has not been considered anywhere (has not been submitted anywhere). I confirm the following: I really have the rights to this proposal, since I am its author. " If the innovation is classified as secret, the proposal is recognized as secret, and the author undertakes to comply with the secrecy rules, as indicated in the statement. Further, after the mark "Attached", there is a list of graphic materials, calculations, justifications. At the very end, be sure to indicate "Total sheets ...", the author's signature and date. The next sheet is assigned to the section "Conclusions on the rationalization proposal". It is imperative to have at least two reviews (for example, from the shop and from the chief mechanic), which are certified by signatures (with the date of the recall and an indication of the position). If the proposal concerns the field of labor protection, one more recommendation from a specialist in this field is needed.

Nastenka France, Paris # 4 July 2, 2009, 8:21 am Julia, many carry out those orders that are not mentioned in the instructions. The time is difficult now, you are holding on to work, so you are adjusting to the bosses I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: A notification is being sent ... Give me peace of mind and a distillery I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: sending a notification ... Galina (guest) # 5 July 2, 2009, 8:30 am if in your competence, then make proposals to reduce the cost of stationery, hospitality, mobile communications, office maintenance (if there is such an item of expenses) - introduce stricter limits , eg.

How to write a rationalization proposal?

At the beginning of the sugar beet processing season, when all the centrifuges are started, the first batch of sugar turns out to be inconsistent with GOST.

Previously, this sugar was dried, packaged and sent to a warehouse for subsequent recycling.

Now, instead of releasing a low-quality product, the massecuite mass is dissolved up to a certain value in boiling devices and dropped into a melting mixer with further return to the process stream.


To achieve this and thereby eliminate unnecessary stages of work, my colleagues and I used a conventional pipeline that used to be in a different section, explains Khludentsova.

"We have improved the equipment and put it into operation."

After the implementation of this project, the team's joint work to improve production efficiency did not end.

Rationalization, innovation

And we must not offer what to buy specifically, but rather how to save money! I wanted to suggest transferring the Internet to my computer in the waiting room, otherwise it is in the next office.

And you have to run back and forth. But they put an innovator on him.
to keep track of company vehicles. So now I have internet on my beard! I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message because: Sending notification ...
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Making a rationalization proposal: ideas should work

Similar techniques are applicable in the agro-industrial complex. For example, the Kuban agricultural holding (part of Basic Element) became the first agricultural company in Russia to start introducing a production system based on kaizen principles in 2007.


According to it, everyone, from ordinary workers to middle-level employees, is working on modernizing technologies, reducing time and labor costs, - said the then general director of Kuban Fedor Druzhinin in 2008 in an interview with Agroinvestor.

- For the first time in Russia, this system was introduced at GAZ. As a result, labor productivity there quadrupled.
Druzhinin and the company's specialists were trained at the car plant, although at first the head doubted its expediency.
« An automobile plant means machines, walls, heat, a monotonous technological process every day.

I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message because: Sending notification ...

Ksenia Russia, Nizhnevartovsk # 7 July 2, 2009, 9:54 am I will tell you which ones you need to know what are your responsibilities and which departments you yourself can steer ....? I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message because: Sending notification ...
IRINA Russian Federation, Sukhoi Log # 8 July 2, 2009, 17:39 Ksenia, my business is small - to print documents and select the necessary information at the request of employees on the Internet (we have unlimited).
Stationery is purchased by an accountant, tea, coffee, etc. we take in our store (our company has a chain of stores, a home, a hairdresser's, a canteen, milk and meat, too, our own, etc.), therefore, you do not have to spend money on this either.
What should be the reward amount for employees to be truly motivated to improve something? In GAZ, for example, they believe that the amount of remuneration should depend on the contribution of the worker: for example, 200 rubles are paid simply for the filing of kaizen in the company, and 500 rubles for its implementation. Other companies refuse to talk about the amount of remuneration to their employees, but they confirm that the figures announced by GAZ are quite acceptable and are considered "average for the market." Money is not the main thing? Meanwhile, despite the recommendations of experts, some companies manage to involve employees in improvement processes at no cost. Their staff is ready to make suggestions without any financial incentives. One of these companies is Citibank.

Rationalization proposals examples in the office

The workers of the shop, noticing what participation Khludentsova takes in the program “Your Idea Works”, come to her for advice: they ask how to describe their idea, whether it makes sense.

The specialist helps them because he sees that the management appreciates the proposals.

According to Gorbunov, the very fact that the company has employees who are not indifferent to the production process, and they are ready to support colleagues and management in the necessary changes or suggest them, suggests that the company can count on success.

At TehBioKorm (sale of feed for farm animals), the site manager personally helped cow feeding specialist Galina Ivanova to improve her rationalization proposal.

It consisted in increasing the safety of animals and increasing the average milk yield by changing the daily diet of cows.

So it all starts out easy. A proposal for improvement (the so-called PPU) can be submitted on a form (the direct managers have applications, you can print it yourself from the system) or through the internal portal of ChMP JSC (IMS PPU). Members of small groups (MG) do not even have to issue it on paper. It is enough to discuss the idea at the general meeting of the MG, and the leader of the MG will help the PPU register. In STO-158, which regulates the submission of PPU, it is prescribed that the manager must help the employee formulate the PPU.

After registration of the PPU in the system, a category is assigned to it, a person responsible for implementation is appointed.

Category 1assigned to proposals that help improve working conditions (OU). These include proposals for improving existing work processes, incl. more rational placement of equipment, improvement of the state of workplaces, refinement of office algorithms. The payment for them is 300 rubles. Introduced in 2015, the automatic PPU submission system (IMS PPU) not only registers all PPUs, but also enters the PPU authors into the remuneration pay sheet, which is automatically sent immediately after changing the status "Registered" to "Accepted for implementation". This decision is made by the working group. It is she who determines the feasibility, significance of the PPU and those responsible for the activities. The system also automatically changes the statuses “Registered” to “Accepted for testing” or “Implementation”.

The arithmetic is simple: 10 PPU per month for 300 rubles. \u003d 3000 rubles - a good increase in salary.

To 2 categories include proposals for organizational and technical improvement (OT). The payment for them is 700 rubles. These include ideas for organizing a new process (production, office - for example, with a change in planning, financing, information systems, etc.) or technical solutions (obtained by design, programming, calculation or experiment) that do not create savings or allow obtaining economic effect up to 50 thousand rubles.

Category 3 - the most significant proposals - rationalization (RP). New and useful organizational or technical solutions that allow you to obtain an economic effect for 1 year of use over 50 thousand rubles. After consideration of such at the scientific and technical council of the enterprise (STC) and the decision to "implement" is paid 1 thousand rubles.

If the economic effect of the PPU is more than 50 thousand rubles, then the remuneration is calculated depending on the economic effect of its use. It will be considered after the PPU is implemented. Those. remuneration is paid after the fact. The explanation is simple - the planned costs were the same, but the actual costs of equipment or renovation of the premises, for example, will be different. For NTS, to transfer to category c economic effect there will be enough help from an economist that PPU will help to save the enterprise, for example, more than 4 thousand rubles.

Sometimes you don't have to wait a year for payment. For example, in 2016 Sergey Gorbushin, an engineer for the provision of railway transport in workshop 11, proposed using serviceable wheelsets of carriages decommissioned (in terms of service life) for the repair of operating railway tanks. Thanks to this, ChMP saved 1.49 million rubles. The effect was calculated immediately and confirmed by the act. The remuneration was 72 thousand rubles, the co-author received 22 thousand rubles. (No. 182-311-2016-RP). The amount of remuneration is divided among all authors, depending on the distribution of remuneration, which they determined when submitting the proposal. The ISU system also automatically calculates authorship.

By the way, remuneration is paid not only to those who submit PPPs, but also to those who actively help to implement them.

In 2016, for example, more than 7 million rubles were paid to the participants in the process of submitting and implementing the PPU. Of these, 6, 25 million rubles. paid as a bonus for PPU accepted for implementation, about 880 thousand rubles. - to the authors of rationalization proposals for using their ideas. More than 260 thousand rubles. were received by employees actively helping to implement rationalization proposals.

If all the implementation measures have been completed, the status “Accepted for implementation” changes to “Implemented” - the last stage of the PPP implementation.

PPU of the first group, as a rule, are implemented promptly. Difficulties begin at the stage of introducing other categories of PPU. A recent engagement survey showed that the implementation of the PPP, in which procurement procedures are involved (due to the duration of their implementation), as well as proposals for changes in office systems SAP, EOSDO, supported by Greenatom CJSC.

All information on the PPU (category, activities responsible for the implementation, changed documents, the date of the start of the use of the proposal) is entered into the system by the IR representative. If you have any controversial questions about entering information into the system, you should contact the authorized R&D officer.


This is a proposal aimed at improving performance. A useful and new solution.

It is useful if, during implementation, an economic, technical or other effect can be obtained, i.e. a higher result than before.

New is, first of all, an initiative proposal, i.e. that which is not imputed functional responsibilities and is not determined by the order of the head, which was not a consequence of the execution of plans and orders, which is not provided for by the mandatory regulatory documents of the enterprise or a higher organization.

Improvements can include suggestions:

  • for a more efficient organization of the workplace or improvement of the work process (production and office environment),
  • technical solutions: to change the design of products, the equipment used, to refine programs, production technology, material composition;
  • organizational solutions to save labor and other resources.

PPU cannot be recognized as proposals aimed at correcting errors and inconsistencies or only setting a task, indicating a problem or an effect that can be obtained, without a specific solution or way of achieving.

Similar proposals are not improvements. For example, a laboratory technician offers an improved container for the safe and secure transfer of tests from room A to room B. This is an improvement for which the employee will be paid a fee. But if it is proposed to use the same container to carry other analyzes, or if we are talking about a different route (from room B to room C), then this proposal is not an improvement, followed by a bonus, because its essence is repeated by the PPU, for which the premium has already been paid.

Prepared for publication by Natalia Pleteneva, infographics - Alisa Korobeinikova

Rationalization is improvement, improvement, introduction of a more expedient organization of something. For example, the rationalization of production is the process of improving tools and methods. social production in order to improve its efficiency. It includes the improvement of technology and technology, as well as the organization of labor, production and management. In principle, similar definitions are acceptable for other branches of social production and activity, including science.

Rationalization activities are concretely embodied in proposals that are new and useful for a given enterprise, as a result of which it is assumed that the design of products, production technology and applied equipment or composition of materials are changed.

If the invention must meet six criteria (the presence of a problem, the solution to the problem, the technical nature of the solution, novelty, significant differences, a positive effect), then the rationalization proposal - only five (the presence of the problem, the solution of the problem, the technical nature of the solution, novelty, usefulness). The criterion "task" is not directly specified in the definition of rationalization proposals, but the solution provides that the emergence of the problem precedes.

The difference between an invention and a rationalization proposal is, for example, as follows:

1) the novelty of the invention must be on a global scale, while for rationalization the novelty within the framework of a given enterprise, organization of an institution is sufficient;

2) the differences of the invention must be significant, and any differences are acceptable for rationalization. Since the rationalization proposal contains novelty, it is different, although this criterion is not mentioned as defense-oriented;

3) the invention must have a positive effect, and the rationalization proposal must be useful.

The concept of "having a task" is similar for the rationalization proposal and the invention. However, in the first case, it may be in scale not so much the need of society as a whole, but rather the need of a separate enterprise, organization or institution and not in any conditions, but in those that exist or are planned for them. The rationalization proposal contains a solution to the problem. The task is solved if the proposal contains all the essential elements for its implementation and benefit. The rationalization proposal is the result of creativity. However, its level may be lower than in the case of invention. The totality of cases of the absence of a solution to the problem in the rationalization proposal can be divided into four groups characteristic of applications for an invention. The statements may contain a statement of the problem without its solution, erroneous solution, incomplete solution of the actual solution, lack of transparency in the description.

If the rationalization proposal is fundamentally carried out in the distant future, but it cannot be implemented or it does not give a useful result in real or planned conditions, then it is recognized as inoperable (impracticable). Rational proposals cannot be accepted or recognized in the absence of changes in the product or solutions for new designs and schemes in the design or scheme; art products are not recognized as a rationalization proposal.

A change in production technology means, first of all, a means, a method, an operation for the production of products. Content this concept may include, for example, the technology of materials, apartment renovation, packaging, weighing, packing of goods, diagnostics, prevention, treatment of diseases, registration of investigated functions, etc.

Improving the methods of organization, management, planning, financing of the economy, education, teaching, design, information has nothing to do with the objects of rationalization. The exception is those that lead to a change in design features, for example, a PC.

Applied technology is understood as tools of labor (machine tools, devices, devices, tools) used in any spheres of social activity, including scientific work.

Rational proposals of this order should make constructive (schematic) changes or provide for their application for a new purpose.

The development of biotechnology adds to the essence of the criterion "technicality".

The composition of the material is substances or materials that are products or semi-finished products of this enterprise. Rational proposals can be associated with solving problems of changing the composition of objects and physical mixtures, alloys, glass, ceramics, chemical compounds, products of biosynthesis and processing of materials of biological synthesis.

The novelty of the rationalization proposal differs from the same features of the invention. For the former, local novelty is sufficient as regards the interests of the given enterprise, organization or institution in which it is filed. The novelty manifests itself in the analysis of the description of the proposal and drawings, diagrams, sketches, attached to it. The priority of a proposal is dated from the moment it is attached to it. The priority of the proposal is dated from the moment of its receipt by the enterprise, organization or society, as well as by the ministry or department.

The novelty of the rationalization proposal is hampered by:

1) the use of the data or the same solution in this enterprise from the date of commencement of the actual use;

2) orders and orders of the administration, which contain the formulation and solution of the problem;

3) technical or other documentation drawn up by the services of the enterprise in the essence of the proposal, from the date of its development;

4) proposals for identical solutions with an earlier filing date, regardless of the positive or negative opinion;

6) information publications on the dissemination of best practices in a given branch of production from the date of their receipt at this enterprise;

7) standards binding on the enterprise from the date of their receipt at the enterprise.

As noted above, the rationalization proposal should be useful for the enterprise to which it is submitted. Rational proposals that provide for the improvement of some production indicators, but may lead to a decrease in product quality or a deterioration in safety, cannot be recognized as useful.

Registration of applications and other documentation on the materials of the rationalization proposal is associated with compliance with certain requirements.

The application, filled out clearly, legibly, neatly in ink or typewritten text, must contain the name of the company, surname, name, patronymic (in full) of the author (co-authors), place of work (or residence), position, education, year of birth. Proposals of engineers and scientists of scientific research institutes, design, engineering, technological and other groups related to development, as well as other groups related to development according to approved plans, are not considered rationalization. The application shall indicate the short name and description of the proposal, containing:

1) the purpose of improving the design of the product, the technology of the production process, the equipment used and the composition of the material;

3) information about the economic beneficial effect and other documents provided for in the Instructions.

The novelty of the proposal manifests itself when comparing the text of the description and documentary summaries with known to the enterprise sources that are attached to the application.

The usefulness of the rationalization proposal is confirmed by the officials and services of the enterprise. The description itself should contain data on the usefulness of the proposal.