Holiday dedicated to March 8 on the theme of dudes. Birthday script in the style of "Hipsters. "Find out the melody and phrase from which movie"

For children's matinees in the garden about the very first and most tender spring holiday On March 8, mothers, grandmothers, and fathers gather. After all, what a holiday if there are no guests? Scenario for March 8 kindergarten for a preparatory group with funny characters, it will help to structure the matinee and make sure that both children and adults, especially dear mothers and grandmothers, participate in the program, since, first of all, this holiday is for them.

Holiday "Hipsters" is a great option to plunge into the atmosphere of the 50-60s, remind grandmothers about this wonderful time and meet spring brightly and with enthusiasm. After all, with the onset of spring, everything around comes to life, acquires colors, therefore March 8 should be colorful. The script of the holiday "Style" is based on the film of the same name. But, this film will be filmed by children during the program. Each child is a separate character, so they need to be dressed up according to the theme of the holiday.

During the script, children will sing, dance, read poems about spring, about mothers and grandmothers, involve their parents in contests and sketches, and distribute sweets. At the end of the event for mothers and grandmothers, children prepare gifts and distribute them.

This scenario was developed specifically for the preparatory group of a kindergarten, where children aged 6-7 years go. The purpose of this holiday is to create a joyful mood, familiarize children with the era of the 50-60s, as well as foster good and bright feelings for mothers and grandmothers in them.

The main objectives of the event:

1. To learn the dance movements and musical directions characteristic of the 50-60s, to learn about the fashion of that time.
2. Arouse the public's desire to actively participate in the event, give an opportunity to feel nostalgic.
3. Develop creative activity children.
4. To develop expressive reading and speech actions, the art of pantomime.

Where to start the script

The performance should begin with the children going on stage to the music, the guests sitting in the hall. Caregivers roll out a hanger with clothes behind them. Children talk about their intentions to make a musical film, and therefore they need help to choose appropriate outfits. Here they have to ask for help from mothers and grandmothers who are better versed in the fashion of that time. This stage in the script can be conventionally designated "Casting".

Further, the film, which the children are filming, will consist of 5 scenes. First scene - musical - children go out and sing songs "Hipsters". Next, there is a competition for the best duet, here the participants of the competition must perform songs about mothers and grandmothers paired with their fathers (or grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers). The best duo wins a mini-prize.

Second scene - dance. Children must learn the dance in advance (you can learn one of the dances from the movie "Hipsters") and dance it. Then arrange a competition for the best dance with parents.

Third scene - this is a quiz, children ask questions to the audience about Hipsters and that era. The questions can be completely different, and you can even come up with questions on the knowledge of the film itself.

Fourth scene - music and dance. In this scene, children will not only sing, but also dance, like in a musical.

Shilo Svetlana Petrovna, educator of the preparatory group MKDOU d / s No. 5, Arzgir village, Arzgir district, Stavropol Territory.

At the festival "Hipsters", dedicated to March 8, mothers and grandmothers return to the past, in the 50-60s. Children, as it were, are filming a film about dudes, about how bright and unusual they are. Songs, poems, dances and clothes of children are selected in accordance with the theme. Children dance with their mothers, treat grandmothers with sweets. The script contains a lot of comic poems, scenes about family, mothers, grandmothers. At the end of the holiday, children give their mothers gifts and listen to a song.
This holiday scenario is intended for music workers and kindergarten teachers of the preparatory group. Children are 6-7 years old. This material can be used for celebrations, partly in the classroom (dedicated to the family, March 8), on parent meeting.
Goal: Create a joyful festive mood for children, an atmosphere of mutual respect and love of children for mothers and grandmothers.
Tasks: Introduce dancing, music, clothes in the style of dandies. The ability to convey their characteristic movements, speech. Evoke an emotional response, a sense of empathy, a desire to actively participate in the holiday, the ability to implement the performing skills acquired during their stay in kindergarten. Develop creative independence, expressiveness of speech and pantomimic actions; improve artistic and imaginative performing skills; to bring up endurance, attention, a desire to please friends and loved ones with poems, songs, dances.
1. We congratulate our beloved mothers
Happy spring, clear women's day!
We wish you many happy days
And we give you a promise:
2. Don't grieve you very often
And help you to the best of my ability,
Of course, do not contradict you in vain,
And goes to bed on time.
3. All children wish good grandmothers -
Long happy and joyful years.
Accept from your bullies and pranksters
Huge, hot, spring ...
All. Hello! And hello and congratulations to you, we - dudes.
Dance: "Hipsters".
1. How beautiful mothers are
On this sunny day!
Let them be proud of us:
Mom, here I am, your son! (waves)
2. Here I am, your daughter (waves)
Look how grown up
And more recently
She was tiny and small.
3. Here I am, my dear grandmother (waves)
Admire me!
Do you love me, I know
My precious!
4. Happy spring today
We hasten to congratulate you!
Oh yes! Forgot a kiss
Send "air" to you! ("air kiss)
The children take turns coming out and telling
1. You listen to the dandy, I'll tell you the truth. Our life, of course, is bright, wonderful and very interesting, And I have long dreamed of making a movie on March 8.
All: Movie? (Everyone spreads their hands in surprise)
2. And what is really true, And we wanted to shoot a movie. Well, are we filming? Is it solved?
All: Hooray! Cinema allowed! (Hands up)
3. And so, the conversation is over. Attention, friends, motor. Become in two ranks on the sides in one boys, in the other girls.
Scene one "Who are the dudes?"
1. We do not recognize gray
Our world plays like a rainbow.
Chanson, we don't sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie.
2. When we walk down the street
You will turn to us on the trail.
We are dudes, which is good
After all, we are not like everyone else.
3. Here are trousers - pipes and a cook on the head,
4. Here is a wide-brimmed skirt
5. We are not like everyone, you think.
6. No, we're just against
boredom, dullness, sadness.
Scene 2: "Who will dance whom?" Scene 3: "Mommy Darling"
5. Mom dear, dear dear. I want to confess how I love you. With a March drop, I give you these congratulations.
6. I will call you the best, gentle sun, sunbeam.
7. I will call you a fast speech, a clear dawn, silvery dew.
8. You for me are the sweetest, kind, gentle, very beautiful.
9. There are hardly enough words on earth to tell about my love for my mother.
Song about mom: "Mummy beloved."
1. We are giving a rainbow of desires now,
So that all desires come true for you.
Dance: "Rainbow"
2. Is it easy to be mothers?
(Scene "Helpers")
Girl: It's very easy to be a mom, only from morning to night
Dad should say “I'm very tired! "
No, it's not hard to be a mom: once - dinner is ready!
Well, take the dishes to wash - there is no more work!
By the way - wash, sew something,
If you take a broom in your hands, you can relax.
I braid a pigtail, read a book,
Take my brother to the kindergarten, tie a scarf for dad ...
I decided to help her and tell you straight,
There is no job harder than mom's job!
Scene 4: "Family". Dad is sitting in an armchair with a newspaper, Mom is at the phone on a stool. The boy plays alone on the floor with cubes. Phone call.
Mum (picks up the phone):
Hello, Lyubochka, girlfriend!
You haven't called me for a long time!
Maybe visit today
Will you run in for a minute?
We need to cook dinner
Wash, cook compote.
Boy (suitable with a book):
I'm tired of playing
Can you read a fairy tale?
Oh, I have no time, son,
I ran to wash
Dad is sitting on the chair,
Ask him to play! (Runs out of the hall).
Boy(goes up to dad and tugs at his sleeve):
Daddy daddy don't read
Better play the ball!
This is all later, my dear,
You should go for a walk.
I need it very urgently
Read the entire ad.
(Running away). And walking: About this, by the way,
Ask little sister Katya. Katya looks in the mirror and paints her eyelashes.
Katya, you can today
To finish the plane,
Say it too! Me today
You have to be at the institute
The lecture will begin soon
It's time for me to get out.
Runs out of the hall. The boy is left alone, he shrugs in disbelief.
What can one do?
Not sitting, not lying, not walking for him!
Mom, dad and little sister
Have pity on the child.
Draw, read,
And play the Indians.
Know: the poor to him
It's boring in the house alone.
The baby will grow up, maybe
Will it help you someday.
Game scene 5: "Dancing on the newspaper"
All parents have some kind of dream, and children also have dreams. Listen. The song "Mom and I Sing About Everything"
Scene 6: "Dreams"

1. My years are growing
There will be seventeen.
What should I work then?
What should I do?
2. I really want to become
Top catchy model.
But grandma says
That they are all "boards".
3. I'll be a showman
All mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel
Receive gifts.
4. The showman is good
And it's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Baskovy,
Let them teach me!
5. And I want to sing like Galkin
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I will like it too!
6. We read poems to you,
Clap, try.
You brought us up
So figure it out!
Scene 7: "Grandma's Gatherings".
1. All congratulations on March 8, But something beloved grandmother misses.
My grandmother answered me, I remembered my own.
Once in my youth I was groovy. They sang songs with Friends, danced beautifully, People called us dandies. But time flew by, everything changed in the world. Let all the grandmothers of the country become a little younger, After all, for us grandchildren, there is no dearer person.
Scene: "Old women on the backwash"
Two old women are sitting on a bench - one knitting, the other swinging a child in a stroller.
1 old lady: Women's day is coming soon, Vasilievna. How did you decide to celebrate?
2 old lady: How? Do you know what, Andreevna? I will download my grandson!
1 old lady: Well, I said to mine and waved a cute hand:
Enough, my turn has come - I've been waiting for the holiday for many years -
Now a granddaughter is born, then a granddaughter. And I suppose they will forget to give you a gift?
2 old lady: You see, they gave me a handkerchief - I can't bear it for ages.
1 old lady: Eco miracle! Every year your son-in-law brings you a handkerchief.
And to the handkerchief is still a granddaughter: sit with him for now!
It's like a holiday only for them, for such young people.
A "lady" comes out in a hat with a fashionable handbag.
2 old lady: Look, I've gathered for the holiday: dressed up, curled up!
See off the lady with a glance, whisper. A lady in a kerchief is walking towards
with a stroller and a heavy bag.
1 lady: Zina, honey, hello! How many winters and how many years.
We have not seen you. Do not rush, stay with me, everything is in business, you will not rest.
Tell me how you live.
2 lady: Yes, we live on the sly, there was still Lyonka.
Dasha will go to first grade. In general, like everyone else, we have.
Here I bring food to the house - a women's holiday is on the nose.
1 lady: Does yours not help you?
2 lady: He's always in session! So much in a day that getting up off the couch is too lazy!
1 lady: Well, I'm not his wife! He would have received in full!
Honey, well, bye, I have my own business!
Dad walks with full shopping bags.
1 lady: My hostess is coming, what is he bringing home?
1 dad: Oh, I'm tired, in fact, you buy food.
The prices were inflated in stores: how much should you get?
1 lady: Let's go and see what you bought there ... (leave)
The old women argue.
1 old lady: He's not really playing: there are no such dads.
Dads are all sitting in armchairs, watching TV.
2 old lady: Either they smoke, or they sleep, or they read everything.
Dads are not too lazy to help mothers only on Women's Day.
Vedas: We love grandmothers very much and now we will prove it.
Game: "My beloved grandmother." Grandmothers are sitting on chairs with baskets in their hands. On the table aside from them is a table and a plate of sweets (small caramels). 2 or 3 children are playing, they must bring one candy and kiss their grandmother on the cheek for each candy.
Dance of the Grannies. The boys are dressed as grandmothers.
Final scene
1. I'm in a fashionable shirt, bangs on one side.
I go out into the street to dispel laziness. And the boots are new, they burn like gold And the girls are sitting on the bench with dolls. Let the grandmothers gossip, sitting on the bench.
Childhood is not eternal, oh, I should have time. They will call you a dude, I will only be glad. I am dressed with a needle, like a parade. I look handsome, I'm only 6 years old.
I will remember the happy days after many years.
Dance: "Tango"
Scene: "Gift"
Gifts are given to children.
1. We thought for a long time, decided what to give our mothers?
After all, the gift, everyone said, should be the best!
2. We cannot give a "jacuzzi"
And we can't buy a ticket to Cyprus
3. It's difficult to give us Mercedes too.
What should we give our mothers?
4. And the answer came by itself:
5. Our gift is not easy, you cannot take it with your hand
We give our hearts warmth, smiles, joy, kindness.
6. And we invite, at this hour, to listen to a song about you
Let our song sound, beloved mom amuses.
They give gifts and sit in their mothers' arms.
Song: "Mom"

Veronica Bychkova

« Hipsters of our time» prepare... gr.

The first to enter the hall with a changeover are the boys and become a semicircle.

Boys recite poetry:

1. Spring has come to our house again,

Again we are all waiting for the holiday

How we sing, how we dance

But where are our girls?

2. They bring beauty

They said they will come soon

While we are here without them,

We read poems for you.

3. Dear mothers, grandmothers and aunts

It's good that on this day and hour

You are not at work or at work,

In this room, look at us.

4. We love you very, very much

We love it wholeheartedly, it's not a secret.

In short

You have not been and are not loved.

5. So that today you all smile

Your children have tried very hard.

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch the children's performance.

6. Something girls can't be seen,

How long can you wait for them here?

The holiday continues!

7. Oh, friends, we forgot

That this holiday is for them too,

We invited them wrong,

The girls are waiting for the words of others.

8. The best, the sweetest

The kindest and most beautiful.

All: We invite girls

And we greet you!

To the song: "Quadrille" girls come out in pairs and become boys

Dance: "Quadrille"

Song: "Spring is coming red"

Girls read poetry:

1st girl

The evil blizzard has fizzled out,

A warm wind blows from the south

The drops are humming to us

What a holiday for moms today!

2nd girl

Moms, grannies, now

We want to congratulate you!

And I am glad to congratulate the kindergarten teachers!

3rd girl

A lot of songs about mom have been sung.

We are warm like the sun with kindness.

Only we want to over and over again

Mom say your kind word.

4th girl

We thought for a long time, decided

What to give mom

After all, the gift was believed

The best should be!

5th girl

And the answer came by itself:

Give us a ticket to the concert.

We will perform all the numbers ourselves

In a concert that we invented.

Song: "My mommy"

(children sit on high chairs, girls remain)

1st girl

Mom dear, dear dear. I want to confess how I love you

FROM march drop, I give you these congratulations.

2nd girl

I will call you the best, gentle sun, sunbeam.

3rd girl

I will call you a fast speech, a clear dawn, silvery dew.

4th girl

You for me are the sweetest, kind, gentle, very beautiful.

5th girl

There are hardly enough words on earth to tell about my love for my mother.

Dance: "The girls are standing, they are standing aside"

(children sit on chairs, a boy and two girls come out)


There are many holidays in the world

Which I can't count.

People at the flower stalls today

Every boy and dad comes with a bouquet.

And I want to congratulate you dear girls

You are the most beautiful, I honestly say.


Thank you for your congratulations!

Today is the best holiday

Today is our mothers' holiday.

We kindly congratulate you, send sunny greetings,

And our mothers wish you all many years!


Whoever reads books to us takes us to kindergarten.

Who bakes pancakes for family grandchildren?

Affectionate, kind, sweet so,

This is our grandmother, dear grandmother.


Our grandmother walks with a knocking stick,

I tell my grandmother, call the doctor.

Will give you medicine, you will be healthy

If it's bitter, well, what's wrong with that.

You will be patient a little, and the doctor will leave

You and I are on the street, let's play ball.

Let's run grandma, jump high,

See how I jump, it's so easy.

My grandmother smiled that I was a doctor,

I'm not sick, I'm just old.

Just very old, gray hair,

I lost somewhere, young years

Somewhere behind the huge, behind the dark forests,

Over the high mountain, over the deep water.

People do not know how to get there.

I say to my grandmother, remember this place.

I'll go there, swim, go,

I will find you young years.


Look at the clock, the hands have gone backwards!

What a delight we were in the early years of our grandmothers.

Song: "But I do not believe, I do what they say"

The girl and the boy sing a song.

1. All the guys speak at interruption,

What is our matinee today is not like that.

Not so ordinary, but dude parade,

That we got 40 years ago.


But I don't believe what they say

How can you turn the clock back

And now here we stand

And we will fly away for an hour!

2. All the guys speak on interruption

What is our matinee today is not like that.

Today we dance and sing

As once grandfather and grandmother together.

(to the loss, all the children go out to a song about grandmother)

Song: "Our grandmother"

Girl 1:

Is it really like me a girl, once you were?

I picked unripe apples from the apple tree.

Fought with girlfriends over trifles

And she rushed barefoot through the warm puddles.

Girl 2:

And I played tag in the summer until dark,

And I was the best at discos.

Rock and roll and twist she danced there

Was the grandmother really young once?

Dance: "Boogie Woogie"


Our grandmothers always want their grandchildren and grandchildren to be obedient, to help their grandmother.

And now we'll see what kind of obedient grandchildren we have and how deeply their grandmothers love them.

Game "Grumblers":

Grandchildren will play the role of their grandmothers and, using their words, gestures, facial expressions, will lovingly grumble on a given topic. The most emotional and artistic will be the winner. Topics grumbler: I wet my shoes, got a deuce, didn't eat soup, didn't do my homework, pulled a neighbor's pigtail, offended my younger brother (sister).

A game: "Guess the melody of yesteryear".

You friends were dancing and joking today.

We got carried away and forgot about the main thing.

When we returned to dude parade,

What are mothers and a favorite kindergarten waiting for us?

It's time for us to return to 2017.

But we will not forget these stylish things,

And this, in the past, an interesting trip.

I wish you success, health and happiness!

All with the first holiday of spring,


Mommy, dear, the most tender

Beautiful, kind and radiant.

Gifts are given to children.

1. We thought for a long time, decided what to give our mothers?

After all, the gift, everyone said, should be the best!

2. Present "jacuzzi" we can not

And we cannot buy a ticket to Cyprus.

3. Mercedes is difficult to give us too,

What should we give our mothers?

4. And came by itself answer:

5. Our gift is not easy,

We give our hearts warmth, smiles, joy, kindness.

Song: "My only mom"

Children give gifts to their mothers (heart in palms)

Holiday in honor of March 8 in preparatory group Retro show "Hipsters of our kindergarten"

Children enter the hall:

We are all gathered todaySemyon Osipov

To congratulate grandmothers and mothers

Great happiness and health

we sincerely wish you!

We congratulate our mothers!Arseny Voronov

Collect all the flowers up the big mountain!

And throw them all at Mom's feet!

And shout out loud:"We love you"!

Zbut all I want to say thank you!Dani Kulikov
Happy holiday my grandmother,
Always be healthy and beautiful
Well-being, attention and warmth!

Look at the clock, the hands have gone backwards!Semyon Osipov

What a delight! After all, we were in the young years of our grandmothers!

Music sounds….

Children go behind the curtain.

The curtain opens, on the VIA stage « Dudes » singing a song against the background of the film "How Young We Were" (a film about grandmothers)

Song "I don't believe what the guys are saying"

1 verse :

Not so ordinary, butdude parade,

That we got 40 years ago.

Chorus :

But I don't believe what they say

And now I'm standing here

asdude in front of you

And I sing.

(on the 2nd verse, the rest of the children enter and become scattered in pairs)

All the guys are talking with each other,

That our matinee is not like that today.

Today we dance and sing

As once grandfather and grandmother were together.

Chorus :

But we do not believe what they say

How can you turn the clock back

But now we are standing here, And for an hour we will fly away at that time!

Children don't sit on high chairs !!!

Poems (Fields K.,)

We congratulate our beloved mothers! Kuznetsova Polina

Happy spring, clear women's day!

We wish you many happy days!

And we give you a promise!

Don't grieve you very often!

And help you to the best of my ability!

Of course, do not contradict you in vain!

And goes to bed on time!

All children wish our grandmothers! Bogomolov Dima

Long happy and joyful years!

Take from your bullies and pranksters!

Huge, hot, spring hello!

How beautiful mothers Kuzmov Kolya are

On this sunny day!

Let them be proud of us:

Mom, here I am, your son! (Waves)

Here I am, your daughter (waves) Suvorova Polina

See how grown up

And more recently

She was tiny and small.

Here I am, my dear grandmother !!! (waves) Bushueva Eva

Admire me!

Do you love me, I know

My precious!


Today is the holiday of spring!

We hasten to congratulate you!

Oh yes! Forgot a kiss

Send "air" to you! ("air kiss")

You listen to the dude!Liza Palilova

I'll tell you the truth!

Our life, of course, is bright, wonderful and very interesting!

All: Movie? (Everyone spreads their hands in surprise)

And what really, really!Polina Suvorova

And we wanted to shoot a movie.

Well, are we filming? Is it solved?

All: Hurray! Cinema allowed! (Hands up in the air)

And so, the conversation is over!

Attention friends, motor!

Scene one "Who are the dudes?"

Musical number - "And the handles clap-clap-clap!"

Scene two "Helpers"

It's very easy to be a mom, only from morning till night Nazarova Polina

Dad should say "I'm very tired!"

No, it's not hard to be a mom: once - dinner is ready! Suetova Sonya

Well, take the dishes to wash - there is no more work!

Between times - to wash, sew something, Zimina Alina

If you take a broom in your hands, you can relax.

I have to braid a pigtail, read a book, Shirkova Liza

Take my brother to the kindergarten, tie a scarf for dad.

I decided to help her and I will tell you directly, Palilova Lisa

There is no job harder than mom's job!

(Go to their places)

So that mom smiles at us like the sun, Dmitry Malyagin

So that mom always remains young

So that happiness shines from mother's eyes,

We will perform a song for mom now!

Scene Three - "Dear Mom!"

Musical number - song "Everything for them, for lovely mothers!"


From the southern ends through the open fieldsBoyko Vladislav

Spring is coming to us.

And it became brighter and warmer in the world

AThonor of the holiday of our mothers!

Celebrate this day with the beginning of springBabaev Azim

Not in vain bequeathed

And we will always devote this day-

To our beloved WOMEN!

Mommy, sweetheart, the most tender Zilina Dasha

Beautiful, kind and radiant.

In my palms I will give you a heart

"Thanks" for everything I tell you!

I sing here all fashionable and my forelock on one side!Shibalov Timofey

TOholiday we were not too lazy to prepare!

And new boots burn like gold!

And the beautiful girls are standing side by side!

Grandmother!Tsuganova Eva

Is it really like me a girl when you were?

I picked unripe apples from the apple tree.

Fought with girlfriends over trifles

And she rushed barefoot through the warm puddles.

And I played tag in the summer until dark.

And at discos was the best.

Rock and roll and twist she danced there

Was your grandmother a girl?

Scene Four - "Cinema!"

"Soviet film tape"

You need to guess its name by the catchphrases of the movie!

We look at the screen, listen to the melody and guess the name of the movie!


Please accept our congratulations!Provorova Alexandra

On International Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like lilacs.

Once upon a time my grandfatherdude was, Myasnikov Valery

And wore pipe trousers

And he danced twist and boogie woogie

And there was no equal in his entire district.

My grandmother,Savikova Nastya

You were so good in your youth:

Smile, eyes, gentle oval faces ...

That even our strict grandfather

like Picasso, painted your portrait!

I know that my grandmother has a secret thought

About winning the competition"Grandma is the universe!"

Dancingdancefashionable heels are not a pity.Stopinov Zhenya

Become close! Well - ka, orchestra, heat!

Grandmother looks at me, grandfather winks.

They remember happy days after many years!

Scene 5 - "Orchestral!"

Musical number - "Orchestra of Styles!"

Scene six - "Playing!"

    TIE A SHARE (Rope, balloons with muzzles (6), scarves (6), gloves (2 pairs))

A rope is attached between two chairs, balls are tied to the rope by strings. Or dads are holding a string. You need to tie handkerchiefs to these balls. Whoever gets it faster, he won. You can complicate the game and give out gloves.

    Milk a cow (2 mothers, gloves-2 pairs, 2 buckets, 2 kerchiefs, 2 aprons)

To play you need rubber gloves, make small ones on your fingers


Game progress

Times are difficult now, you can't do without a cow in the village, let's see how our mothers know how to milk a cow (a glove filled with water).

The child holds the glove, and the mother "milks" in a basin, a bucket. Who is more boring. It will be even more interesting if you involve dad.


Who will sew buttons faster and better.

(The difficulty is that the buttons are cut from cardboard and have a large diameter)

Scene Seven - "Dance!"

Musical number - "Dance Battle"

After the dance, they do not sit on chairs, but go to their places.

Scene Seven - "Final".

We thought for a long time, decided what to give our mothers? Smirnova Masha

After all, the gift, everyone said, should be the best!

We cannot give a "jacuzzi"

And you can't buy a ticket to Cyprus

It's hard to give us Mercedes too Palilova Liza What should we give our mothers?

And the answer came by itself:

Our gift is not easy, you cannot take it with your hand

We give our hearts warmth, smiles, joy, kindness.

Scene Eight "Gift".

First girls give gifts to mothers and grandmothers, then boys

Leading : Well, our retro excursion has come to an end, and in the end I want to say ... ..

Dear, beloved grandmothers and mothers!

Sun, smiles, clear sky,

The first flowers on the thawed snow

Happiness, health, of course love,

We wish you all on the holiday of Spring!

Gifts, sweets and real flowers!

May everything in your life be brilliant !!!

Tatiana Zhuleva

Scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the style of "Hipsters"

(the curtain is closed, the bench, the trees, the screen is down, the records are folded on a chair in the center of the hall)

Scene "Gift for Mom"

A boy comes out, sits on a bench, pensive. 5 guys come out.

Child 1: Hello! What are you doing?

Child 2: What is there to think about, so I decided to give a greeting card!

Child 3: And I gave my mom a gift with my own hands!

Child 4: I learned a poem.

Child 5: Yesterday my dad and I went to the store, we bought a large bouquet of flowers. Here are how many different gifts, choose which one you want?

Child 1: Postcard, craft, poem, flowers - this is the last century. We have to keep up with the times, so I, for example, sent my mother a video with a song via WhatsApp!

Watching a video of the song "You Know How I Love You, Mom"

Children leave, 2 janitors enter, sweep and conduct a dialogue:

Janitor 1: Great, Ivanitch! Are you sweeping everything?

Janitor 2: Hello, hello! Metu ... How are you?

Janitor 1: Yes, and I sweep ... I saw how the guys congratulated their mothers on International Women's Day! Now time has passed, they sent the video!

Janitor 2: You don't understand anything, after all, the 21st century is in the yard - the age of high technologies.

Janitor 1: The age of high technology, ugh! But what about attention, care for loved ones, in our

time was not like that! Look, somebody forgot the records. Let me see. Wow, how hackneyed ... Can we listen?

Janitor 2: Come on!

Sounds of the radio broadcast of the 70s LIGHTHOUSE (the curtain opens, children come out, get up in scattered pairs)

The song "All the guys speak at interruption ..."

Child 1: Listen to the dude

I will tell you the truth

Life with us, of course,

Bright, wonderful and very interesting.

Child 2: We do not recognize gray,

Our world plays like a rainbow.

Chanson, we don't sing romances,

We are attracted to jazz and boogie.

Child 3: When we walk down the street,

You will turn to us on the trail.

We are dudes, which is good

After all, we are not like everyone else.

Child 4: Here are trousers - pipes and a cook on the head,

Here is a skirt with wide brim

After all, we are not like everyone else.

We are simply against boredom, dullness, sadness!

Child 5: I'm standing here all fashionable, my forelock is on one side.

We were not too lazy to prepare for the holiday.

And new boots are polished, shine.

And the girls with polka dots and babette stand

Child 6: The fun dance continues

Our children's holiday concert.

To all mothers, grandmothers, sisters

Children send hello today!

Dance "I love boogie-woogie"

Host: Among the first spring days

All over the Earth, for all people

Spring and women are alike!

I wish you success, health to you,

And we wish you happiness

And with the first holiday of spring


Child 7: Let's get it special today

Congratulations to our grandmothers

After all, they are the mothers of our mothers and fathers!

Grandma, happy holiday to you!

Child 8: We congratulate our grandmothers.

We wish you a good life, dear ones.

We love grandmothers deeply and tenderly.

And at home we will always obey you!

Child 9: May the years never make you old

We, your grandchildren, love you very much!

We wish you health, we wish you well.

Live long, long, we all need you

Child 10: Happy holiday,

Spring holiday,

We congratulate our lovely grandmothers

Listen to our song, beloved grandmother,

Always be healthy, be always happy!

Song "About grandmother"

Games with grannies and moms

"Give your mom a hair" and "My beloved grandmother"

Ved. : The next game is called "My beloved grandmother" Game progress. The grandmothers are sitting on chairs with baskets in their hands. On the table aside from them is a table and a plate of sweets (small caramels). 2 or 3 children are playing, they must bring one candy and kiss their grandmother on the cheek for each candy.

4 guys come out

Child 11: From a pure heart, in simple words,

Let's talk to friends about mom.

We love her like a good friend

For the fact that we have everything together

For the fact that when we are in trouble

We can cry on our own shoulder.

For the fact that always without concealment and directly,

We can trust her with our heart

And just because she is our mother!

We love her hard and tender!

Child 12: We congratulate our beloved mothers

Happy spring, clear women's day!

We wish you many happy days

And we give you a promise:

Child 13: Don't grieve you very often.

And help you to the best of my ability,

Of course, do not contradict you in vain,

And goes to bed on time.

Child 14: So that mom smiles at us like the sun,

So that mom always remains young

So that happiness shines from my mother's eyes,

We will perform a dance for mom now!

Dance "Queen of Beauty" (joint)

Child 15: We thought for a long time, decided what to give our mothers?

After all, a gift, as you know, should be the best!

Child 16: We cannot give a "jacuzzi"

And we cannot buy a ticket to Cyprus.

Child 17: It's difficult to give us Mercedes too.

What should we give our mothers?

Child 18: And the answer came by itself:

Our gift is not easy, you cannot take it with your hand.

We give our hearts warmth, smiles, joy, kindness.

Host: And we propose, at this hour, to go back in time with us!

Presentation "Our beloved grandmothers and mothers in childhood"

Host: It's time for us to return to 2018.

But we will not forget these stylish things,

And this, in the past, an interesting trip.

Child 19: Dear, beloved women!

Sun, smiles, clear sky,

The first flowers on the thawed snow

Happiness, health, of course love,

We wish you all on the holiday of Spring!

Gifts, sweets and real flowers!

May everything in your life be brilliant!

Children stand up in a semicircle and sing the song "Mom!"