Space logo descriptions. What does the official NASA logo mean. Copying the logo by other countries

In the Redesign section, we talk about how design thinking works. Every week, on the instructions of Look At Me, Anton Schneider and Alexei Ivanovsky take turns in two hours to redesign the company's logo and explain their train of thought. The main thing here is how the process of "brainstorming", the search for ideas and the solution of the problem takes place. Sergei Gorbunov, head of the Roscosmos press service, was fired this week. We take on the redesign of the Federal Space Agency.

Anton Schneider

He started at the Art. Lebedev Studio as a leading designer and "creative attack aircraft", but for three years now he has been working on his own design bureau S-I-L-A, together with three other professionals. Main specialization: logos, corporate identity and web design. In addition, Anton is developing his own project Fingarilla - an application for creating generative music. Anton's wife is Ksenia Schneider, a fashion designer.

It was

Has become

THE MAIN REASON TO REALIZE THE ROSCOSMOS LOGO -it looks too much like the NASA logo. Well, it would be like "Antiplash" - similar, but vice versa, but this is a bad copy.

There are a couple of occult explanations for the logo on the internet, like, this astro arrow is on most of the signs of space agencies and missions around the world. Because they all worship some kind of crap that was depicted in the pictures of the Renaissance. UFOs, conspiracy theory and all that. Okay, what.

I can't wait to find the font first. What I am doing. Found a few styles that suit me. There is even a font called Nasalization, which I, of course, will not use. Found out that there are three syllables in the word, and in all three there is "OS", bravo! You can play on this. I'm thinking about abbreviating the name to RK, but somehow it doesn't sound like it. Maybe ROSKOS? ROSCO? RSKMS? I do not know. All Russian letters can be written in Latin script. Convenient.

I play by the rules. I do some variations on orbit, stars, arrows, friendship. Emblem. By the way, if you want to look at space signs, google or. The logo doesn't look as fancy as the patch because it's a logo. The point of this option is to move away from NASA, but stay within the expected.

I returned to the idea of \u200b\u200bplaying with the ending "OS". The letter "O" will be the sphere, "C" will be the orbit, astro sign available. Placement of the inscription - in variations. This, of course, is all a little "for the ears". So what?! I think most of the meanings of logos are far-fetched. “Blue means the sea,” “a star means purpose and quality,” and so on. Moreover, as part of the Redesign project on Look At Me, the task is to do better than it was, a quick fix. In principle, I think that I have already solved the problem. It remains to make pictures for the preza.

Now there is another half hour to entertain yourself, or even come up with something really cool. I go to my Pinterest to peep my own ideas. Mystery: into the identity Ok folder, I drop not only other people's signs, but also random pictures from the Internet, which, in my opinion, could become the basis of some kind of identity. That is, here I am going to look at them. I draw your attention to all sorts of spirals, circles, arrows. The spiral fits well into the legend of space exploration, such as the orbit is getting wider and wider, research is progressing. I tried to make a spiral along the golden ratio, it turns out somehow sickly. A couple of spiral options are valid.

I decided to return to the three-syllable version. I thought to make orbits out of OSOSOS, along which the astroform would run, but I realized that I had to tinker to get it cool, so I gave it up. And I decided to simply make a space icon out of each letter. It turned out somehow childishly, she will go to the circle of a young cosmonaut.

So here's my shortlist. I am who I am.


Since cosmonauts often replace each other on the ISS, new emblems are needed constantly, because each space expedition has its own unique emblem!

Competition information:

Any young artist from 8 to 14 years old can take part in the International Children's Competition for Emblems of Crews of Russian Spacecraft. THE FIGURE CAN BE DRAWED IN ANY FORMAT.

Guys, this competition is the most correct competition in the world, because the winner is not the one who knows how to draw, but the one who has an interesting idea!

Crews select a drawing they like, on the basis of which the designers create an emblem. After its approval by the Head of Roscosmos A.N. Perminov, the emblem in the form of a chevron is sewn onto the spacesuits of astronauts. Moreover, these emblems invented by the guys are worn not only by Russian, but also by foreign cosmonauts - members of the crew!

Send your drawings electronically to[email protected] with a note in the subject line: "For the competition". To do this, you just need to take a picture of your drawing, upload it to your computer, or attach it to a letter with a file directly from a flash drive.

Authors of works should accompany the drawing with information about themselves, indicating a detailed postal address, e-mail address and, if possible, telephone numbers for communication. It is mandatory to indicate your age. The winners will be invited to visit the Baikonur Cosmodrome.


Emblems of the winners of previous competitions:

Anna Chibiskova, 12 years old, Moscow, author of the emblem of the Soyuz TMA-14 crew

These emblems are sewn on the right sleeves of the astronauts' spacesuits.

Yuri Menkevich, 16 years old, Kemerovo region, "Ostrovok" orphanage, author of the emblem of the "Soyuz TMA-15" crew


23-06-2009. Roskosmos announced the names of the children who won the drawing competition for the best emblem of the Soyuz TMA-16 crew.

Traditionally, the "core" of the emblem of the crew of a Russian ship is a child's drawing, and Roskosmos offers young artists a prize, which has no analogues in the history of competitions for schoolchildren. The guys who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be able to visit the Baikonur cosmodrome and see with their own eyes the launch of a rocket with the Soyuz TMA manned spacecraft to the International Space Station, as well as communicate with cosmonauts!

The author of the drawing, which became the basis for the emblem of the "Union of TMA-16", is 14-year-old Nastya Mestyashova from the village of Sakmara, Orenburg region. Nastya is an excellent student, she is fond of dancing, drawing and playing the guitar.

Second place in the competition went to Yue Dong, a thirteen-year-old student at Beijing Luhe High School.

The third winner is 10-year-old Oleg Golovin from the city of Elektrostal near Moscow.

Now a few words about the emblem itself. Nastya Mestyashova drew the central component of the emblem - an astronaut who "reached the stars with his hand." And the designers based on her drawing created the following emblem:


The logo of the US National Office is a blue circle with the inscription NASA. Of course, the circle symbolizes the earth. As you know, from space the planet appears before the gaze of astronauts blue or blue. The choice of this color is not accidental. For many peoples, it symbolizes heaven and eternity. It should be noted that blue is often used not only in emblems, but also in flags. It often means organization, intransigence, idealism and fortitude. In this case, blue simultaneously symbolizes the earth and the endless space.

The blue ball depicts stars and star clusters in several locations. The stars are the main bodies of the Universe, since they contain the bulk of the luminous substance in nature. With the naked eye (with good visual acuity), about 6,000 stars are visible in the sky, 3,000 in each hemisphere. The presence of stars at the space agency makes sense.

A bifurcated red aero arrow is depicted on top of the blue ball. She is a symbol of aeronautics. The white circle inside the ball symbolizes the orbit of the spacecraft.

The year the NASA logo appeared: 1959. And the history of the logo is this: James Modarelli asked the executive secretary of NASA to create a logo for the Office that would be suitable for unofficial use. The logo was based on the official seal of the Office. The designer simplified it, leaving only the blue ball, white stars and orbit, and a red aerostrel. A little later, the inscription appeared on the logo: NASA. NASA is still responsible for the country's civil space program.

Copying the logo by other countries

The NASA logo is often copied by other countries, with some basic element changes. So, in April 2014, North Korea created a logo for its own space agency - NADA (National Aerospace Development Administration). It should be noted that it very much resembles the famous NASA logo. It also has a blue ball representing the earth. There is a cluster of white stars at the top of the emblem.

The Korean logo was unveiled on the occasion of the first since the inception of the space agency. It is noteworthy that the appearance of the North Korea space agency logo on social media was greeted with sarcasm. And in Spanish nada means "nothing" or "zilch".

The NASA and Roscosmos logos also have a lot in common. The base of the Federal Space Agency emblem is also a blue circle. The striking similarity has prompted a recent redesign of the Roscosmos logo.

Surely the reader will remember this symbol from the sensational movie "V" for Vendetta ("V" for Vendetta). Also, the reader probably knows that these days the famous group Anonymous uses a stylized mask from this movie as their logo. The V-like symbol is used by another group that Anonymous is trying to oppose. I want to tell you about the oddities I found in this situation.

"V", as you know, primarily means Victory (Victory), although it can also symbolize a change in the vector of direction - a split, a split.

If we are talking about victory, then, at first glance, it is not at all surprising that almost all space agencies in the world use this stylized sign in their logo:

But I somehow do not believe that this is what they want to tell us. Why is V upside down everywhere? Most likely, we are talking about a stylized compass - Masonic symbolism, or the horns of their patrons, although there are other confusing theories that a normal person will never fully understand.

For example, there is the theory of the "Lunar Matrix", which implies that there are some devices on the moon, directing zombie rays at us. These rays, as some seers say, are two: one for each pole. Isn't that what space agency logos are about?

And does all this have to do with the following known signs?

Who are they showing this to, guess?

There were suggestions that they show it to the devil - to the reptilians, in short, but that was not the case.

The session held on this topic showed that in fact the letter V takes its origins from Atlantis, and is shown, respectively, by the descendants of the Atlanteans, or those who are "in the subject." This refers to the very top of our so-called. elites - The Committee of 300, high priests, heads of state, and financial-industrial oligarchs. In view of the fact that the entire space industry is under the control of these people, they stamp the logo accordingly.

Further more, buckle up!
There is such a book, from Lawrence R. Spencer, "Interview with an Alien" is called.
I advise you to read at your leisure, very interesting material, although I cannot believe in the announced source, and there is too much water with inconsistencies.
Most likely, this is misinformation under the cover of a large amount of truth.
In a nutshell, we are talking about an interview that was allegedly taken from Alien from a plate that fell in Roswell in 1947.
In this interview, an entity named Airl makes it clear that humanity is under the hood of a slave-owning civilization that the Airl race opposes throughout the galaxy and beyond. So Airl is our friend, or at least that's how we see it.
Region is a race or civilization in which Airl is an officer, pilot, and engineer. In today's language - the Galactic Federation of Light. At least they (SFS) promise their soon arrival and promise to take those who wish to the ships, and most of all resemble the Region as described in the book.

The Domain symbol represents the origin and boundless limits of the known universe, united and connected into a vast civilization under the control of the Domain.
This symbol is very reminiscent, however, don't you think? (see page 17 of Lawrence R. Spencer's book, Interview with an Alien):

Also, we should not forget the already well-known symbol of Anarchy:

So ...

As for the logo of the Domain (the letter A in a circle), in the session it was said approximately the following: at one time the grays proposed an alliance to some dark civilization. Together with this union, a logo similar to A. was created. It apparently has nothing to do with V, although the descendants of the Atlanteans could well have stylized the existing logo for themselves.

From all this, it follows that the race (or Federation) behind this symbol is a disseminator of disinformation (for example through the aforementioned book), and should not be trusted, as other sources claim, such as George Cavassilas.

But let's get back to Vendetta again.
The film also uses a little rhyme that should be quoted here:

This is nothing more than a ballad poem that is still recited during the celebration of Guy Fawkes Day:
Remember, remember the fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I see no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
The translation goes something like this (literally):
I remember knowingly, on the fifth day of November, a gunpowder conspiracy.
Centuries pass, but sorrow and longing always remain with me
This poem was originally written to commemorate the anniversary of the gunpowder plot, of which the following is known (Wikipedia):
The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was an unsuccessful attempt by a group of English Catholics to blow up the parliament building in order to destroy the Protestant sympathizer and who undertook a series of repressions against Catholics, King James I. besides him, members of both houses of parliament and the highest representatives of the country's judiciary would be present in the building of the House of Lords.
Nowadays, some historians call the conspiracy a terrorist act, but in its goals it was fundamentally different from the actions of modern terrorists and was more like a failed coup attempt.
I warn you right away: the rest is purely speculative, draw your own conclusions !!!
Much of what has been said below may seem far-fetched, but let's see what is happening in the world today, given that history, as you know, has an obsessive habit of restlessly repeating itself, and not related, at first glance, events form chains:
Recall that lately, the press has been increasingly leaking reports that a concentration of troops is being carried out in the states.
Their Department of Homeland Security recently bought 1.4 billion cartridges banned by the Geneva Convention - almost 5 rounds for each citizen. Where is so much, one wonders?
Recently, a draft law "Guidelines for Mass Deaths" was introduced in the United States.
Preparations are underway for military operations in the cities, and exercises have already been conducted several times; coffins FEMA (theirs the Ministry of Emergency Situations) with the symbols of Masons were also seen in movement. What are they preparing for there?
The chen information constantly promises to land all sorts of galactic federations soon.
The election of the American president this year is scheduled for November 6 - the day after the date timed to coincide with the gunpowder plot (November 5). Also, let's not forget that V is a Roman five.

Inflamed Mind Questions:

Based on the similarities between the logos of The Domain and our space agencies, can we assume that we are already a minority member of a certain space community (which we do not officially know about)?
And does not this community now call itself the Galactic Federation of Light exclusively from the point of view of fooling people? What are the goals they pursue with this fooling and languid stories about a quick meeting?
Could the promising landing of galactic friends that so many are looking forward to today turn into a seizure for us, as some sources warn? And won't all this be similar to the scenario of the TV series of the same name with the already known V-symbols (Visitors), in which the invaders come under the guise of friends?

Can we also assume that Anonymous was created (or will be discreetly used) to carry out some conspiracy on the eve of the presidential election, or the Vendetta mask was chosen as their logo "by accident"?

Judging by the information received earlier, during the Transition there will be a split into several types of people in terms of development and energies. Some souls will go to a parallel world, some (cosmic) will take their own, and some will be sent to disband. This will be discussed in more detail later.

Given the above, is it possible to assume that space agencies and their patrons are aware of this coming split, which V just symbolizes, and are preparing for it? Or are they just inserting into their symbols the elements of the logos of their patrons, which will appear here a little earlier than the Transition for the collection of dumbfounded?

They say that in order to hide the truth, the easiest way is to put it in the most visible place, where no one would even think to look for it. Does this hypothesis have a right to exist?

Or is all this just another "conspiracy theory"? ...

Time will tell. The main thing is not to turn off your vigilance ...

Let's look at some of the symbols from this passage. movie "Moonrise" ... Below are the most interesting ones.

Commemorative sign dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Air Force Space Command - from 1982 to 2007. You can see two rings around the Earth, as well as a stylized image of an alien spacecraft in flight:

From what I have heard, this is a triangular ship of enormous size (it takes a while to go from end to end), and it is already flying in the galaxy. The shape you see on the emblems is almost identical to how they actually look.
There are also the official sites of the Navy Space Command and the US Space Command. The US Space Command also has a Wikipedia page linked to an even more detailed Unified Command page.

View the 76th AFSST space operation emblem on the same site - the official site of the Vanderburg Air Force Base.
And again, we see one of the "quarantine rings" and the same flying metal triangle, this time with the surrounding rings, if you have not yet realized that it flies.
Below there are two more smaller delta-shaped spaceships:

On the emblem of the Joint Functional Component of the Space Command, we again see “quarantine rings” and flying metal triangles. This emblem can be seen on the official Wikipedia page:

As stated on this page, according to Lt. Gen. William L. Shelton: “Our primary goal is“ ensure our freedom of action in space by preventing hostile uses of space against us”.

Shriver Air Force Base emblems follow the same pattern: quarantine rings and a spacecraft operating far beyond Earth's atmosphere, as well as an orange object that could be a comet or a flying saucer.
Note the difference in size between the smaller black delta ship and the large metal delta ship in the first emblem below.
The difference in size may not be an indication that one ship is closer than the other. This is probably a direct indication of how much larger the larger ship is compared to the black one:

The next icon is especially interesting because of the image appearing at the bottom:

The Pegasus logo - “Lord of Space” - is worn by those who come into direct high-level contact with alien human civilizations, especially those who work for the Space Team.
The legend of Pegasus, the winged horse used by the Gods of Greek mythology for movement, may be an indication of some kind of spaceship.
This follows the same logical chain presented in Episode 3 Ancient Aliens on the history channel, which I participate in many times.
In light of what we know about the Lord of the Cosmos logo, take a look at the words “History” and “Legacy”. This could mean knowing that human history and heritage is much older than Earth.

Many insiders have said that the Air Force is far more involved in the UFO cover-up than any other organization.

In the next logo, we again see a triangular vector and rings. The symbolism is similar to all other logos.

The evil hooded creature in the emblem below clearly represents the “Thought-Forming Entities” from which, as I have been told, the Earth Keepers are actively protecting our planet.
Note that the creature has at least two faces. One is formed by two wing-shaped eyes in the middle, the other is seen in profile when viewed from the left side, then the sharp nose, eyebrow and chin are clearly visible.
In profile, pointed ears are depicted on the back of the head. I recently heard from an insider that at least one alien group has pointed ears.

Tatiana Osipova
"Travel to Space". Quiz for children of the preparatory group

Municipal government

Preschool educational

Institution "Kindergarten

Combined view


« Space travel»

(Thematic quiz

for children of the preparatory group)


Osipova T.P.

Naumova V.A.

Lodeinoe Pole

April 2014

goal: Attach children to space exploration.


1. Consolidate knowledge children about planets and their location in the solar system, about profession « cosmonaut» , spaceships.

2. To cultivate friendliness, responsibility, endurance, ability to act in a team.

3. Develop creative thinking, imagination, cognitive activity, dexterity, attention.


audio recording with space music, cut pictures, emblems "Rocket", "Star", multimedia, tunnel, stars, towels ...

Preliminary work:

Conversations about astronauts, solar system, planets, viewing illustrations in the children's encyclopedia about outer space, loto, domino o outer spacewatching DVD movies « Travel to Mars» , "The Mystery of the Third Planet", "What the Stars Say", drawing and modeling on the topic "Alien", applique « Cosmonaut» , manual labor "Flying saucer".

Reading competition "Poems about outer space» .

Event progress:

Children enter the hall to music (get up by the chairs).

You guys love to look up to the sky (a photo) What are you dreaming about?

Educator: Yes, it's day astronautics, this is a celebration of all people who participate in the creation space rocketsand a holiday astronauts... For a very long time, people have been exploring space... And I suggest you go to space travel for space exploration... Do you agree?

We have two teams - "Rocket" captain….

"Star" captain….

Educator: Before starting the flight, I invite the teams to greet each other.

First team "Star". Greeting: "We are a team "Star" we always illuminate the path. "

Our motto: "Shine always, shine everywhere.".

Second command "Rocket". Greeting: "We are a team "Rocket" we will fly to any planets. "

Our motto: "Only forward - not a step back!"

Educator: Attention players, for each competition you you will receive space chips... Which team has the most chips, that team wins.

I announce the first competition: "It is interesting".

I will ask you questions and you will answer quickly.

Questions to the team "Star"

1. How many planets revolve around the Sun? (9)

2. Rocket launch site (cosmodrome) .

3. Which planet is named after the goddess of love Venus? (Venus)

4. What is the name of the Earth satellite? (Moon)

5. What is shown on the slide? (spacesuit) Whose clothes are these?

Questions to the team "Rocket"

1. Name the planet of the solar system, which in ancient times was called "Planet of war" for its red color? (Mars)

2. What is this planet (Saturn) What is interesting (there are rings) What are they made of? (stones and ice)

3. Which planet is coldest? (Pluto)

4. What is this planet? What is our planet Earth from the Sun? (third)

5. In what position are cosmonauts when leaving the spacecraft into orbit? (weightlessness)

The word of the jury.

Educator: Well done boys. We fly further, and on what?

Second competition "Building a rocket"

The host invites two couples children... The boys stand up straight and put their hands up, palms together - this is a rocket. The girls should wrap the boys with a paper towel the host gives them as quickly as possible. The result is a real rocket, and the boys cannot be wrapped around their faces, since they « cosmonauts» ... The couple that completes the building faster wins.

The word of the jury.

The missiles are ready, let's go flying.

The third competition "B space is open for everyone... Well, check yourself! "

Questions to the team: "Star"

2. Whose portrait is shown on the slide? (a photo) (Gagarin).

(Watching a video film about Yu.A. Gagarin) (reading a poem).

3. The source of life on Earth? (The sun)

4. Whose portrait is shown on the slide? (a photo) (First woman- cosmonaut B... Tereshkova).

5. Which planet has rings? (Saturn) What are they made of (stones and ice)

6. What is this apparatus? (a photo) (plate)

Questions to the team: "Rocket".

1. Whose portrait is shown on the slide? (a photo) (Second woman - cosmonaut

S. Savitskaya)

2. What is the name of the stone that fell to the Earth from space? (meteorite)

3. The closest star to us? (The sun)

4. Satellite of the Earth? (Moon)

5. What is this apparatus? (a photo) (Magic carpet) Where do they fly on it? (in fairy tales)

6. What is this planet? (a photo) (Uranus) What are rings made of? (out of gas)

Jury word

Fourth competition "Going out to the open space» .

(participants fly into the tunnel, pick up the star, return and pass the baton). At the end of the competition, children give stars to the guests.

Jury word

Fifth competition: "Puzzles".

Riddles for the team "Star"

1.- Lights the path at night,

Keeps the stars awake.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep

It shines for us in the sky. (Moon)

2. It's far from the ground, won't you touch it? (Sky)

3. In a special tube, looks into the Universe. (astronomer)

4. - The grain was scattered at night,

And in the morning there is nothing. (Stars)

Riddles for the team "Rocket"

1.-Above a standing forest, above a walking cloud,

A gray stallion grazes in a blue glade.

During the day he sleeps, and at night he looks. (Month)

2.- There will be no knocking on the door, on the window,

And he will rise and wake everyone up. (The sun)

3. At night, look in the window, in the sky we light up high, like the sun, very far away. (stars)

4. - Cosmonauts, sat down tight? Soon in i'm going out into space!

I will circle the Earth on a carousel in orbit. (Rocket)

The word of the jury.

Musical pause.

Sixth competition « Space debris» (children are invited, a broom and a scoop are given, children collect « space debris» and put in baskets)

The word of the jury.

Seventh competition « Space food» (children are invited, given

2 tubes of toothpaste, who will squeeze the paste onto the plate faster).

Eighth competition for captains:

Educator: Well done boys! Our the journey is coming to an end, and in conclusion I want to ask a few questions to the team captains.

Questions to the team captain "Star"

1. Which dog flew first to space? (Like) (On November 3, 1957, the dog Laika lived, breathed, and flew over the world in the cabin of the second artificial satellite).

2. What is this window? (porthole).

3. Who was the first to enter the open space? (Leonov)

Questions to the team captain "Rocket"

1. What is the name of a person flying in space? (cosmonaut)

2. Who is shown in the photo? (Laika was followed by others dogs: Belka and Strelka). (a photo)

3. Who before astronauts flew into space? (guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits) (a photo)

Captains need to complete a pre-flight mission (work with drawing)

Rockets are ready to return to the ground, you need to collect team emblems.

Ninth competition "Collect the emblem" (who will collect the split team emblem faster)

Jury word

Educator: Guys, you have passed all the tests, proved that you know and can do a lot. And now our space the adventure ends, but there is a lot of unknown ahead of you. We want you to always have a desire for new discoveries, new knowledge. We can now return to Earth. In the meantime, the jury considers whose team received more space chips we have ...

Musical pause.

Now we will find out whose team received more space chips. (The jury announces the result).

For your efforts, all participants are awarded certificates « Become an astronaut ready» . (Sounds space music)