Management of a commercial organization. Management of commercial activities Considering the goals as the planned result of the organization's activities, P.F.

Commercial management

Remark 1

A concept like commercial management, includes the main range of issues related to the management of a commercial organization in the course of its operating, investment and financial activities.

In the process of researching commercial management, the main issues of conducting management activities, organizing marketing, commercial and advertising work, and developing proposals for management decisions are studied.

Commercial management is aimed at the implementation of the main tasks, which include:

  • Development of conditions for the most general satisfaction of customer demand for goods in the area of \u200b\u200bthe selected component of the consumer market;
  • Providing the highest level of service;
  • Increase in the amount of profit;
  • Reducing the level of risks associated with the activities of the organization.

Commercial management functions

Traditionally, the main functions of commercial management are the following:

  1. Process control... The implementation of this function is primarily associated with the selection of a specific technological scheme; Customer service management. The implementation of this function is directly related to the task of a commercial enterprise and is a determining condition for the development of its high competitive position in the consumer market.
  2. Personnel Management... The implementation of this function involves a rather complicated process, since the management decisions used in this area are mainly related to the interests of employees and have a very strong impact on the level of commercial customer service.
  3. Commodity management... The implementation of this function provides the economic basis for all activities of a commercial enterprise.
  4. Revenue management... The implementation of this function directly depends on the development of the trading company's own financial base.
  5. Management of distribution costs... The implementation of this function is associated with the development of conditions for periodic reduction in the level of operating costs.
  6. Profit management... The implementation of this function provides the main condition for the self-financing of the trading enterprise and the possibility of increasing its market value.
  7. Asset Management... The implementation of this function is directly related to the development and provision of effective use of the production potential of a commercial enterprise. In the process of performing this function, it follows from the delivered volumes of trading activity that the real need for various forms of assets is determined and a single amount of capital management is determined. In the course of the implementation of this function, a single need for capital is determined for the implementation of the strategy for the further development of the enterprise; its optimal structure develops.
  8. Investment management... The implementation of this function is associated with ensuring the formation of a trading enterprise in the long term and increasing the market value. In the course of this function, the development of the main directions of the organization's investment activities takes place.
  9. Business risk management... This function is one of the most difficult functions, and therefore, its implementation is entrusted to highly qualified specialists of the enterprise.
  10. Financial management... The implementation of this function is associated with ensuring the relationship of each direction of the financial work of the organization and their mutual orientation, aimed at achieving the highest result of this activity.

The activity of a commercial enterprise does not proceed independently. It is guided, regulated and controlled by people.

Enterprise business management system is a market-oriented system, meaning not only the organization of the interconnected structure of the enterprise processes involved in it, but also their combination with all external factors.

The management of commercial activities sets as its immediate task to introduce a certain order in commercial and commercial processes, to organize joint actions of employees participating in these processes, to achieve consistency and coordination of actions. At the same time, management is aimed at optimizing the work of employees in order to increase the efficiency of commercial processes and achieve the ultimate goals of the enterprise.

The commercial activities of various commercial enterprises have a lot in common. However, specific management decisions developed and implemented by some trade enterprises cannot always be used by other enterprises. This is due to changes in environmental factors. In addition, the conditions for the functioning of the trading enterprise itself are rapidly changing. Consequently, the management process should be determined by environmental parameters and their variables within the trading enterprise.

Business management is based on general principles and methods of management.

The fundamental principles of building the management of commercial activities of a trading enterprise are presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Basic principles of building the management of commercial activities of a trading enterprise

Ensuring consistency between departments (services). Each subdivision (service) of a commercial enterprise is characterized by a certain purpose and functions performed, that is, they have some degree of autonomy. At the same time, their actions must be coordinated and coordinated in time, which determines the unity of the trading enterprise management system.

Ensuring interaction between commercial activities and the objectives of the commercial enterprise... Commercial activities are shaped and changed in accordance with the interests and needs of production. Consequently, the functions of commerce management are implemented taking into account the goals of the commercial enterprise.

Ensuring the hierarchy of the management structure. A characteristic feature of management is hierarchical rank. The organization of business management should be oriented towards vertical and horizontal links.

Providing an integrated approach to management... From the position of complexity, all factors affecting management decisions of commercial activities are taken into account. It also provides for the connection of commercial processes of a commercial enterprise with the subjects of the external environment.

Providing low links in the management structure. Under lack of communication a simple management structure is understood. But at the same time, stability and reliability of business management must be achieved.

Ensuring the adaptability of the management structure. The internal and external environment is subject to constant change. This is especially evident during the emergence of the consumer market. Therefore, the flexibility and adaptability of the business management structure to changes and environmental conditions is essential.

Providing executive information. The development and adoption of management decisions are based on executive information. It includes obtaining initial information, processing, analyzing and issuing the results of a controlled impact. This task is performed using modern technical means that allow automating the information support process.

The management of commercial activities cannot be separated from the management system of a commercial enterprise, which also performs functions related to technological, economic and financial activities. Therefore, when building a structure for managing commercial activities, it is necessary to take into account the interaction and subordination of all constituent elements that form an integral system of managing a trading enterprise.

Management methods are ways of influencing the management of business processes and activities. They are subdivided into administrative, organizational, economic and legal.

Administrative methods are determined by the field of activity and the specific conditions of the commercial enterprise. It is also necessary to take into account alternative management options, the choice and implementation of which is determined by the anticipation of the target results of the enterprise. It should be noted that the hierarchical structure of the management system and the content of management functions largely depend on the positions held by the management of the trading enterprise. Various compromise solutions are possible here.

Organizational methods based on organizational, organizational and administrative, organizational and methodological and regulatory support. They contain regulatory requirements of an organizational and methodological nature, administrative, instructive and regulatory materials that are prerequisites for the formation of management decisions. As market relations develop, the role of organizational methods to regulate the impact on business management will increase.

Economic methods in their definition, they rely on the course and economic strategy of the trading enterprise, its potential resources, and the economic position of the market. The set of economic elements is the starting position in the management of the commercial activities of the enterprise. The impact of economic practices is determined by the economic environment.

Legal methods focused on the use of a legal mechanism, which is based on the adopted legal and legislative acts, relevant standards and regulations. Legal methods consist in the legal regulation of commercial processes, taking into account the target objectives of the commercial enterprise.

These control methods are not mutually exclusive and are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific conditions of the trading enterprise and the market environment. In addition, the organization of commercial activities includes methods such as planning, analysis of enterprise activities.

In market conditions, there is a need to expand management tasks, develop new techniques and methods of management, suitable for various forms of ownership and the development of commercial activities of trade enterprises. In other words, it is supposed to constantly search for ways to improve management. The process of managing a commercial enterprise should be based on market principles and modern management methodology. Foreign management science has come a long way in its development. The prerequisites for this were:

  • - economic laws of the market;
  • - the dynamism of the consumer market;
  • - hierarchical construction of the management structure with a focus on the strategic course in the activities of the enterprise;
  • - organization of the enterprise, determined by its integration and adaptability to changes in the external environment;
  • - initial and resulting parameters.

A. Fayolle created the theory of social production management, which formulates the principles of management based on the use of potential resources of the enterprise. He identified five initial functions in management: planning, organization, management, coordination and control. The objective necessity of creating a control system consisting of interacting processes was disclosed by M.Kh. Mescon in his work "Fundamentals of Management": "Management is a process, because the work to achieve goals is not some one-time action, but a series of interrelated continuous actions. These actions, each of which is a process in itself, are critical to the success of an enterprise. They are called management functions. Each management function is also a process, because it also consists of a series of interrelated actions. The management process is the sum total of all functions. "

The above theoretical provisions give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe approaches to managing the commercial activities of an enterprise in a market environment. A market-oriented management system means not only the organization of the structure and the interconnected set of involved enterprise processes, but also their combination with all external factors. The management of commercial activities sets as its immediate task to introduce a certain order in commercial and commercial processes, to organize joint actions of employees participating in these processes, to achieve consistency and coordination of actions. At the same time, management is aimed at optimizing the work of employees in order to increase the efficiency of commercial processes and achieve the ultimate goals of the enterprise.

In modern conditions, the activities of a commercial enterprise are associated with entrepreneurship, commerce, econometrics, economic cybernetics and informatics. This determines the new quality level and economic growth of the market. The organizational structure of the trade enterprise management should be built in a corresponding way.

Many executives and senior managers have come to believe

on the need to introduce a fundamentally new approach to the management of commercial activities. This can be achieved by introducing marketing services (or at least their basic elements) in every enterprise. Since marketing is a purely market concept of managing the commercial activities of an enterprise, it will allow the most harmonious combination of the market interests of the enterprise and the consumer. Practical marketing will bring real benefits to the enterprise only if its application is carried out by qualified specialists with knowledge of market strategy and tactics.

A marketing service that adequately meets the requirements of the market, still

is just emerging. Its development is constrained by the lack of funds from enterprises, specially trained personnel and methodological developments adapted to local conditions. Marketing is one of the most important functions of enterprise management, along with such as finance, accounting of business transactions, selection and placement of personnel (personnel management).

Economic content, variety of organizational and legal forms, multifunctionality and polydisciplinary nature of the structure, complexity and consistency of the organization, diversified nature of coverage, global orientation of development and growth of the scale of commercial activity in a dynamic external environment and the current trend towards specialization and integration of economic activities of entities based on the exchange of created values \u200b\u200bdetermine and require an appropriate approach - logistics in all its manifestations: as thinking, a concept, as a general strategic goal-setting, as an integrative organization, as functional management, as a resource-saving algorithm - as a systemic factor in increasing the competitiveness and economic development of not only individual economic entities, but and the entire national economy.

Competent, professional management of the commercial processes described above is of key importance for the successful functioning and development of the organization as a whole. It is the successful work directly with the market that gives meaning to all other processes of production and economic activity.

Commercial activity as a system consists of managed and control subsystemsinterconnected by information transfer channels.

As managed subsystem advocates a set of commercial processes, the implementation of which ensures the sale of products, goods, and the provision of services. This circumstance requires the division of the controlled system in accordance with the nature of the commercial operations taking place in the enterprise.

Control subsystem represents a set of interconnected methods of managing commercial activities, implemented by people using technical means to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.Management activities include: planning, regulation, control, accounting, stimulation (motivation). Management functions are carried out by a special body - the commercial department of the enterprise.

The organization of the management of commercial activities is carried out through organizational design, reorganization or liquidation of existing systems, and rationalization of management.

The elements of commercial activity in the established order are united by certain ties that ensure their systemic integrity, through their organization they acquire orderliness and are organized into a commercial system. Full orderliness of the commercial activity management system can be achieved by the complex application of organizational management methods: regulation, rationing, instruction, control.

Improving the organization of the business management system involves:

  • - a clear statement of the goals of commercial activities;
  • - establishment of consistency of criteria for evaluating the results obtained, increasing the effectiveness of incentives that induce concerted actions;
  • - selection of rational forms of management, improvement of the structure of the commercial system, distribution of duties, rights and responsibilities in it;
  • - development of effective methods to ensure high quality commercial solutions;
  • - implementation of commercial information processing, document management based on the use of modern computer and office equipment;
  • - the establishment of a scientifically grounded work regime of the administrative and managerial apparatus, improving the management culture.

When talking about the concept of "management", we must not forget about such an important area of \u200b\u200bapplication as the public sector. Historically, the management personnel of state-level institutions and enterprises have solved the most complex and large-scale tasks. That is why the existence and development of the public sector formed the basis of what is now commonly understood as the word "management". Most often, the meaning of this term is defined as management and leadership. Of course, the principles of management in the public sphere and in commerce are different, however, they have a lot in common.

Management history

Specialists dealing with the history of the emergence of this concept declare that the roots of modern management are not in commercial, but in public (state) organizations. F.W. Taylor is considered to be the founder of scientific management. His 1912 report to the US Congress marked the beginning of this special phenomenon. As an example of the application of management methods, he cited the Mayo Clinic, which was a non-profit organization. Further, the principles of Taylor's management were applied in the US Army, which is in government. The first position corresponding to the term "manager" was also far from business and was called "city manager". Thus, we can conclude that the term "management" originated precisely in the state sphere.

Differences between the concepts of "management" in commerce and public administration

In order to highlight the differences between these concepts, it is necessary to determine the scope of their application. Commercial management is understood to mean effective management of an organization. Public administration is much broader. Here, management is applied in a wide variety of activities of a person and society as a whole. This also results in differences in priority goals. Commercial management is primarily profit-oriented. While the management activity in the public sphere is based on national and social interests, rights and needs of people. In addition, the management methods used in the public sector differ from those used in the commercial field, due to the different specifics of the activity.

Application of management in the public sector

The opinions of experts and scientists regarding the application of management in the public administration sector were divided into two directions. Some advocate the impossibility of using management in the public sector. Others, on the other hand, believe that the boundaries between the two are practically blurred. Proponents of both theories give a number of reasons.

  • The impossibility of using commercial methods in the state sphere. The main purpose of the public sector is to work for the good of society. Among the main tasks are ensuring order and justice, increasing the material well-being of the country, guaranteeing the safety of the population and regulating the social sphere. That is, those functions that only the state apparatus can perform. At the same time, state institutions are subjected to great pressure from those who somehow take part in the activities of state authorities - politicians and deputies. In addition, the work of the public sector is regulated and monitored by law, therefore, the principles of management in the public sector must obey them. Payment for the activities of the public sector is also an important point. It is produced not from commercial profits, but from income received from taxpayers.
  • Merging commercial management methods with the public sector. The public sector and the commercial sector interact closely at the local level. This is precisely the area where the application of management methods is especially relevant. An example would be the field of public utilities, when it is required to take some action to improve it. In addition, the commercial sector is also subject to regulation by the legislature and is interested in government intervention, especially during periods of sales decline and when costs arise. An important indicator of close interaction between government activities and management is the financial side, when the provision of any services and services by government agencies they charge a fee from commercial organizations.

Public Sector Management Functions

In the modern world, the role of market relations and commercial organizations in the state sphere has increased significantly. The main functions of management in the public sector are: planning, organization, motivation, control and coordination. The main factor is that the primary task of the state is to ensure a comfortable life for the country and the population. The public sector is not a commercial enterprise, so the actions of the leaders of this sphere must be not only effective, but also correct from the point of view of law and politics, and also go for the good of society and the country. Management in the public sector is very similar in its functions to the commercial sector, but it has a number of specific differences.

  • Planning. At this stage, strategies are developed for the development and reform of state activities and management. In government agencies, planning is based on goals determined by higher authorities. The fulfillment of this management function is directly related to the creation of regional, federal and complex programs.
  • Organization. In the public sector, an administrative-bureaucratic style of leadership with strict observance of hierarchy and subordination is applied. The main criterion for career growth is seniority and seniority. There is also a clear division into leaders and performers.
  • Motivation. In the public sector, material rewards are used to a lesser extent than in commercial organizations. Non-monetary incentives are more often the incentive: the prestige of the position, the performance of important and responsible work, guarantees of stability and career growth.
  • Coordination.The fulfillment of this management function ensures the coherence of the various government bodies in the public sector. The main task is to optimize material and time costs in achieving the goals set by the state.
  • The control. The performance of the work of state institutions is subject to verification by many bodies and structures. In addition, we should not forget about the masses, the media and public organizations.

Public Sector Manager Specialization

The specialization of a manager in the public sphere was separated as an independent discipline from the direction of business administration (Business Administration). This is the science that prepared professionals for work in private commercial organizations. It was from it at the end of the 20th century that a separate direction emerged in foreign countries, called "public administration" or "public administration". In Russia, the development of education took place with some delay. Nevertheless, in the 30s, the Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute (MIEI) was opened, in which the Department of State and Municipal Administration first appeared. Education in state and municipal administration today can be obtained at the Institute of Business and Business Administration (IBDA), RANEPA. It provides for various master's programs that contribute to the creation of a career in the public sector - "state and municipal administration", "government and business administration."

Public Sector Manager Career

In the modern world, qualified specialists who have received special education in the field of management are quite in demand for work in the public sector. Labor activity in the state sphere not only guarantees stability, but also provides prestige and gives a certain status in society, as well as allows you to make useful contacts and acquaintances. In addition, working in government agencies opens up vast career prospects.

Thus, we can conclude that management activities in the public sector and management in commerce have a number of significant differences, but nevertheless there is a close interaction between them. In the field of public administration, many principles and methods of management are used, modified and modified taking into account the specifics of the work of the public sector.

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Economic management methods are understood as the use in management of economic levers and tools that can purposefully affect favorable conditions for the work and development of the organization. These economic levers and instruments reflect the socio-economic nature of organizations and contribute to their development in a market environment. Among them, the most important place belongs to the commercial calculation. Its essence lies in the comparison of the costs and results of the economic activity of the organization and ensuring the profitability of production.

Due to the fact that commercial calculation synthesizes both management functions and economic levers and tools, it contributes to ensuring the profitability of production, optimal use of capital, technology development, and effective personnel policy. In developing policy on all these issues, the central government uses a differentiated approach to individual units, depending on the nature and content of their activities.

Commercial settlement uses such economic levers and instruments as pricing, production costs, financing and lending, which contributes to the achievement of the ultimate goal of commercial settlement - to obtain sustainable profit.

Each of the named levers and tools has specific uses. Thus, prices in terms of structure and level are adjusted to the requirements and conditions of the market. With regard to production costs, the greatest attention is paid to reducing costs by improving the technology of material and technical supply, releasing new products, increasing labor productivity, saving human labor, and overhead costs. In the field of financing and lending, the sources of financing and the distribution of capital to production units, obtaining loans and credits on favorable terms are determined in advance.

The implementation of the principles of commercial accounting is influenced by the degree and scale of economic ties between enterprises, the type of activity of the enterprise, the nature of the products manufactured, i.e. the implementation of commercial settlement methods depends on specific conditions. In modern conditions, commercial settlement is carried out, on the one hand, in conditions of centralized management (the first feature), and on the other, in conditions of independence of enterprises and their divisions.

Commercial accounting turns into a method of implementing planning and control functions by subordinating the entire economic activity of an organization to the task of fulfilling predetermined and planned indicators. Reimbursement of all expenses from the income received and the provision of sustainable profits for the organization as a whole are provided as a result of reducing the cost of material, financial and labor resources.

Providing operational independence to enterprises, production units and branches is the second feature of commercial settlement. As a result, such a form of relationships within the organization (firm) has arisen, which is defined as intra-production (intra-firm) calculation.

The financial and economic position of the unit depends on the degree of operational independence. Within the framework of the granted rights, the head of the department makes independent operational decisions and chooses the means to achieve the set goal. For those results of the unit's activities that directly depend on the decisions he makes, the head bears material and administrative responsibility. At the same time, the head of the department acts within the framework of the unified economic policy of the organization as a whole. So, for example, he can set prices for final products, take measures to reduce costs, conduct scientific research, introduce innovations into production, study the market, advertise products, etc. The head of an enterprise or department is also responsible for the efficient use of fixed capital, and, if necessary, seeks to replenish it with new appropriations.

With intra-production (intra-company) settlement, as a rule, contracts for the supply of goods and services are not concluded. Relations between enterprises and departments are formed on the basis of delivery schedules and mutual obligations regarding the quantity and quality of supplied goods, delivery times and prices. Enterprises and divisions are endowed with fixed and circulating assets. The organization (firm) is reported on indicators of profitability, profit and market share. For settlements in the accounting department of the organization (firm), a current account of each such unit is opened. All settlements are carried out through the central accounting department.

Intercompany calculation is used in organizations with a decentralized management structure and developed intrafarm relations between departments. The basis of economic relations between the individual divisions is assumed to be conditional settlement (transfer) prices, at which calculations are made within the boundaries of one organization (firm). The product appears in the form of a commodity only in form, not being a commodity in essence. Prices are set by the management of the organization within the framework of a single pricing policy. Intercompany settlement is carried out on the basis of minimizing costs at all stages of production. Payments and deductions are also established that have an impact on production and economic activities and act as cost regulators.

Intra-production calculation is aimed at achieving the goal of commercial calculation and contains its elements. It differs from commercial accounting in that it is carried out within the framework of its own organization, and commercial accounting is between different owners, but this is a single system of cost accounting.

There are also differences in prices. In commercial settlement, prices reflect the existing commodity-money relations; in intra-firm settlement, it is assumed that the internal prices of the organization are established.

Always set clear goals for yourself. Business development includes a number of methods designed to grow a business enterprise. These methods include assessing marketing opportunities and markets, gathering intelligence about customers and competitors, attracting new customers for existing sales, follow-up activities, sending out formal offers, and developing business models. Business development involves evaluating an enterprise and then realizing its potential through means such as marketing, sales, information management and customer service. These are the tasks that business development managers perform.

Commercial Development Manager also called an economist or business planner. The manager should pay attention to business development and the use of promising lines of business presented to him and his organization. Your business development and the success of your organization depend on your knowledge of best practices and management theories.

Take a team approach - work together with other employees to achieve common goals. For some time, business development managers have emphasized the urgent need for radical new approaches to the corporation. In this paradigm, net profit gives way to its superiority to total revenue: the corporation is focused on generating new revenue streams from new products and services and on optimizing existing revenue streams through innovative marketing and quick adaptation to changing consumer needs and tastes. The new kind of corporation is primarily "quick-witted and agile."

C-level business development managers worry about the lack of creativity and innovation in their employees, but their own decision-making processes and management structure undermine the efforts (even those they themselves have intensified) to develop new lines of business and renew old ones.

A business development manager should have significant experience in selling goods, be organized and an active participant in negotiations, have a good understanding of economic trends, public policy issues, currency fluctuations and respond to them in time. Higher education in one of the following specializations: trade, accounting, economics and business administration - may be useful (although not required) for this position.

The Business Development Manager is working to expand the coverage of the company's products and generate revenue. To do this, he identifies new markets and attracts new customers. And therefore, the commercial development manager is engaged in researching new directions of business development, identifies the likely advantages of the product over competitors, develops strategic plans and sales strategies, and also conducts presentations and negotiations. with potential clients.

In larger organizations, the Business Development Manager works with sales and commerce departments, government agencies, and industry organizations. Traveling within the country and abroad is often a requirement for this position, as is reporting.

In small businesses, business development managers are accountable to owners / executives. However, in large companies, they are accountable to senior management in sales and commerce.