Department of Project Management - National Research University Higher School of Economics. Project management Documents for admission

Purpose of the program: mastering the project management methodology, ways to improve the efficiency of project management; formation of the competencies of professional managers, highly qualified managers, project managers, programs and project portfolios (new type), allowing the use of modern analytical and information technologies in project management; create and develop a corporate project management system and project management office in the company and contribute to competitiveness and business success in the field of project management.

  • Activity Mode 1 day a week (Saturday) 8 classroom hours.
  • Issued document Professional retraining diploma
  • Language of instruction Russian
  • Implementing unit
  • Direction of training Management
  • Location of classes st. Shabolovka, 26; st. Myasnitskaya, 11, 20


Target group

Business executives and owners; persons with higher education and professional experience of at least 5 years.

Documents for admission

Original and copy of passport or document replacing it

Original and copy of education and qualification document or certificate of study for persons receiving higher education

Original and copy of the document on changing the surname, name, patronymic (if necessary)

A copy of the work book, confirming the work experience of at least 5 years, certified at the last place of work.
2 photos 3 by 4

Conditions of admission


Anshin Valery Mikhailovich

Tenured Professor, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Project Management Department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Director of the Higher School of Economics. He is the leader of research projects: Development of models for managing a portfolio of projects in conditions of uncertainty.

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Graduate School of Project Management, NRU HSE, Head of the Department of Project Management, NRU HSE. He is the leader of research projects: Development of models for managing a portfolio of projects in conditions of uncertainty. Researching the methodology and assessing the maturity of project portfolio management in Russian companies. Development of a project management methodology taking into account the principles of sustainable development. Author of over 100 papers on investment analysis of projects, project portfolio management, budgeting, innovation management and other management problems. Teaches courses "Project Portfolio Management", "Investment Analysis", "Program Management".

Ilyina Olga Nikolaevna

ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Project Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Deputy Director of the Higher School of Economics. Master of Linguistics, Project Management Professional (PMP, PMI).

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Project Management at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Deputy Director of the Higher School of Project Management at the Higher School of Economics, Master of Linguistics, Project Management Professional (PMP, PMI), Certified Project Management Specialist (SOVNET, IPMA), intern teacher at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (USA) (MBA program, specialization in project management). Author of over 70 scientific papers on project management. Since 2000 is actively involved in training and consulting on the creation of project management systems for leading Russian and Western companies operating in Russia (among clients of Microsoft, Global One, Kaspersky Lab, GAZPROM, LUKOIL, Norilsk Nickel, Mospromstroy, MTS, Bank of Moscow and many others). Teaches courses "History and methodology of project management", "Fundamentals of project management", "Corporate project management system", "Practical skills of a project manager."

Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Research Fellow at the Risk Analysis Center of the Institute of Economics and Management in the Gas Industry, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Project Management at the Higher School of Economics. Specialist in the field of project and project risk management, as well as corporate risk management systems. Has extensive experience in participating in projects for the identification and analysis of risks of oil and gas projects. Author of over 20 publications on project management, risk management, oil and gas project management, as well as educational and methodological works. Teaches courses "Project Risk Management" and "Project Risk Modeling".

Vasilyeva Sagadat Sayakovna

Head of the Corporate Governance Department of SG-trans JSC

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Corporate Governance Department of a large transport company, formerly head of the organizational development department of various construction companies, a leading specialist in information and methodological support for investment activities in the company's advanced development group, project manager / project management consultant at a consulting company. Teaches courses "Project Cost Management" and "Project Planning and Control".

Ivanov Andrey Vladimirovich

Director for Controlling Project Management Standards, Stroytransgaz

PMP® Certified - Project Management Professional, PME Certified © - Project Management Expert. In 2005-2009 - Director of the Department for Development of Design Technologies of ZAO PM Expert. Successful projects: LLC NPF Berkut Building a strategic development project management system, OJSC Volga-Dnepr Airlines (Group of Companies) Designing the organizational structure of the Group of Companies, OJSC Mondi Syktyvkarsk LPK Building a corporate investment project management system, OJSC NK Rosneft Development of a Project Portfolio Management Standard, CJSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Construction of a project management system for the Customer Service Service, JSC FGC UES (Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy Grid) Development of a management accounting system for the Center for Engineering and Construction Management, MC VOGEC (Volgo-Kama Hydroelectric Cascade ) Building a Project Office. Teaches courses: "Corporate project management system", "Project office".

Marinicheva Maria Kirillovna

Knowledge Management Expert and Coaching Consultant

Expert and coach-consultant in the field of knowledge management, more than 20 years of knowledge management practice in Russian and foreign companies, author of more than 60 publications in leading Russian publications, as well as the book "Knowledge Management at 100%" (Alpina Business Books, 2008).
She was awarded an honorary diploma of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the development and implementation in the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee of a new approach to the transfer of knowledge from previous Organizing Committees to subsequent ones (Contribution of the Sochi 2014 Committee - VKS).


Olga Belousova, project manager at the Moscow branch of JSC Systra, graduate of the program Executive MBA - "Project Management: Best Practices and Technologies for Business"

My professional activity has always been associated in one way or another with project management.

But when I came to a large international design company in 2013, I faced new challenges related to the specifics of international activities.

Localization.The Moscow branch was limited to 3 employees, while the company had about 5,000 employees. Project participants could work together while in different time zones without the possibility of direct communication. The remoteness and small size of the branch gave rise to questions of the distribution of responsibilities and the performed project roles.

Lack of automation and formalization of business processes.The company had the most general project management guidelines. There were no available knowledge bases. Project management tools were missing.

The complexity of intercultural communication. Due to the difference in mentality, business customs, and the speed of processes, it became necessary to look for compromise solutions that would suit all interested parties. In addition, there is always a translation aspect and differences in terminology in international business.

Despite the above, the work seemed interesting to me, and I decided to bring a theoretical basis for the existing practice in order to be confident in my actions. I came to the Higher School of Economics HSE in 2016.

VShUP helped to understand the theory of project management. Of course, now all theory is freely available, but the EMBA program is more about the relationship between theory and practice. Only after going through a lot of cases and role-playing games can you comprehend the essence of project activities without being tied to any particular company and industry. And this essence is beautiful in its versatility and applicability to any, not only professional, but personal tasks. EMBA is a comprehensive program that combines the development of both hard skills and soft skills.

The EMBA program is comprehensive. One of its strengths is the analysis of standards adopted in various countries - P2M, Prince 2, and not just PMBOK. And this is already aerobatics, conceptual and, one might say, philosophical level.

Already during the training, I received new areas of responsibility in my company, a significant increase in income, as well as a change in position. We have successfully completed several large projects.

2 years after graduation, we still communicate with classmates, with colleagues from other groups, we come to GSUP for seminars. I have also launched health management projects, my own knowledge base and personal archives.

I am very grateful to VSHUP and personally to every teacher and school administration.

From the standpoint of a systems approach, the course examines the basics of project management as a value-oriented methodology that allows you to link projects and programs with the goals and strategies of the company.

Business and public sector development is carried out through projects. Acceleration of innovation processes and increased competition determine the tightening of requirements for the timing of the development of new products and entry into new markets, the results of organizational transformations. Project management creates real opportunities to achieve the goals and implement the adopted strategies in these and many other areas.

The course examines the methodology and technology of project management, the development of which is largely associated with the works of Peter Morris, Rodney Turner, Russell Archibald, Harold Kerzner, Ronald Garais, Vladimir Voropaev and other scientists. The modern consideration of project management involves the inclusion of project portfolio management, program management, management of individual projects, and the projects themselves are presented as complex open systems, consisting of interrelated elements.

We will consider how to integrate project management into the strategic management of the company, study its processes and functional areas.

How to justify the need for a project, how to give it life, plan, ensure its implementation and close it sooner or later? Here are the cornerstone questions of the course.


The course consists of 10-15 minute video lectures, homework assignments and a final exam.


The course is designed for undergraduate students. It is desirable, but not required, to have a basic knowledge of management.

Course program

Week 1. Systematic approach to project management
Week 2. Project management system in the company
Week 3. Processes and functional areas of project management
Week 4. Definition and subject area of \u200b\u200bthe project
Week 5. Project team management
Week 6. Project planning according to time and cost parameters
Week 7. Project quality management
Week 8. Project Risk Management
Week 9. Communication and stakeholder management
Week 10. Assessment of project performance
Week 11. Flexible project management
Week 12. Project management standards. Corporate UP system

History and present

The need to master the project management methodology is determined by the fact that with the constant increase in the number of projects implemented in the world, in Russia and in certain sectors of the economy, the requirements developed by the international community for their management are becoming more complicated and improved. By now, project management (PM) has become an internationally recognized branch of professional activity - a special area of \u200b\u200bmanagement in commercial and non-profit organizations. Over the past 30 years, UP, in fact, has formed as a new culture of management activity and has become a kind of bridge in civilized business and business cooperation between countries of different continents with different development histories, traditions, economies and cultures. Now it is difficult to name even one significant project that would be carried out outside the framework of the ideology and methodology of UP. It is also difficult to name at least one well-known company in the world that does not use PM methods and tools in its practice.

The Department of Project Management is a team of teachers, researchers and practitioners united by interests in the fields of research, creation and transfer of knowledge in the field of project management.

The Department of Project Management offers a number of training courses on the bachelor's program "Marketing and Market Analytics", "Business Management" and "Management", "Logistics and Supply Chain Management", as well as on the master's program "Project Management: Project Analysis, Investments, Technologies implementation "," Project management: project analysis, investments, implementation technologies "

The department was founded in 2004. The first head and organizer of the department is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Ilyin.

From 2006 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Valery Mikhailovich Anshin.

During the period of its existence, the department has been actively working on the formation of the scientific and methodological foundations of the educational process in the bachelor's and master's degrees, conducting research on the profile of its responsibility.

The staff of the department has carried out a number of important scientific studies, which are based on both theoretical research and large amounts of empirical information obtained in the process of surveying Russian companies. These studies include the following:

  • Development of models for project portfolio management in conditions of uncertainty
  • Researching the methodology and assessing the maturity of project portfolio management in Russian companies
  • Development and research of project management methodology taking into account the principles of sustainable development.
  • Research on value-based project management in Russian companies

The teachers of the department have prepared a number of monographs containing the results of the research, including:

  • Models of project management in conditions of uncertainty. - M .: MATI, 2008
  • Study of the assessment methodology and analysis of the maturity of project management in Russian companies. - M .: INFRA-M, 2010
  • Project management methodology: formation, current state and development. - M .: INFRA-M, 2011

The staff of the department has prepared a textbook, which is the first in Russia from the standpoint of a comprehensive consideration of various areas and levels of project management: "Project Management: a fundamental course". M.:, Ed. House of the Higher Cola of Economics, 2013. The textbook was published within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia".

The staff of the department initiated the creation of the scientific journal "Russian Journal of Project Management", which is successfully operating and is one of the projects for the transfer of the results of scientific research conducted by the department, the scientific community, companies and everyone interested in project management problems.

Development strategy and the future of the department

Prospects and directions of development of the department are largely related to its missions, vision, goals, strategy, portfolio of directions and projects.

Mission of the department - promoting the efficiency of management of companies and organizations in business and the public sector through the development of methodology, training and project management practice.

Vision- the formation of a team of like-minded people, who created the leading scientific and methodological school of project management in Russia.

The goal is to create a complex of textbooks and teaching aids, to prepare articles and monographs, the content of significant scientific results and making a visible contribution to the development of project methodology and educational process in this area, within the medium term

Department strategy - attracting talented youth to the circle of like-minded people; cooperation with leading organizations, companies and corporations, as well as government agencies, in order to identify the best practices, approbation of their own methods and developments; interaction with leading domestic and foreign magazines and publications.

Portfolio of future directions of activities and projects of the departmentaimed at achieving the goal and implementing the strategy:

  • Participation in the development of the concentration of the bachelor's degree of the Faculty of Management "Project Management"
  • Participation in the development of the master's program of the Faculty of Management "Project Management: Project Analysis, Investments, Implementation Technologies"
  • Participation in the development of the scientific journal "Russian Journal of Project Management"
  • Participation in the status of a co-organizer in the holding of the annual international scientific and practical conference "Youth and Project Management"
  • Participation in the development of the Graduate School of Project Management NRU HSE
  • Creation and development of the research and design laboratory "Research of complex design systems"