State orders for small businesses. Business on state procurements from scratch: step-by-step instruction. What is characteristic of commercial trading

This is a purchase of goods, works or services.

State Transportations The same market of goods and services with one reservation: Buyers are state, regional and municipal enterprises and organizations. They also need ordinary clips and pencils, medications, office furniture or own website. They need to maintain and restore the buildings, export garbage and lay the Internet and telephony.

Simply put, the state procurement is in any sphere and in any region. They are interesting to business, because the state is a good partner. The supplier may be a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur or an individual. Money on the state procurement is laid in the budget, so you will be guaranteed to pay for this product or performed service.

Why participate in state procurement?

This is a good sales market.

State organizations are a significant part of our economy. According to the FAS, the proportion of the state in Russia's GDP has doubled in 10 years. In 2005, it accounted for 35%, and in 2015 - 70%.

In addition, it raises the level of confidence in your company and affects the reputation well. Therefore, it is not worth missing such a significant reservoir of the economy.

I do not understand anything in state procurement. How to participate in them?

Gosplacks are of different volumes. If the cost of procurement is more than 100 thousand rubles, information about them is postponed on the site Looking for a suitable competition, submit an application and participate in the electronic auction. This is not such a slight process, but if you want to compete for a significant part of the market, it is worth it to understand. The main thing is to be patient.

There is a simpler way to participate in public procurement, without contests and auctions. It is interesting to small and medium-sized businesses due to the simplified procedure for participation and small amounts of contracts. It looks like this: you offer your product or service to a public institution, and it chooses the supplier and concludes a contract.

This procurement option is possible if their cost does not exceed 100 thousand rubles (or 400 thousand rubles, if the purchase is produced by educational organizations or cultural institutions: zoos, planetarium, cultural parks, theaters, philharmonic, libraries, and so on). Such purchases are called small volume purchases.

How to participate in the procurement of small volume?

The fact is that, according to No. 44-FZ, which regulates the state procurement, information about the procurement of small volume can be not published anywhere. It is believed that they are insignificant and conducting auctions because of such sums is inappropriate. Therefore, state customers are usually looking for goods without a contest (often choosing not the most advantageous offer and inefficiently spending budget money), and entrepreneurs cannot offer their services.

Moscow went on another way. In order to save the budget and attract small and medium-sized business to state procurement, the city management has created a single portal of suppliers. No state or municipal institution of Moscow cannot conclude a contract for the procurement of small volume, bypassing the site. If you pose an analogy, then you will not be able to buy bread without going to the store.

The Moscow Suppliers portal is focused just for the purchase of a small amount of up to 100 thousand rubles (or 400 thousand rubles, if the procurement is produced by cultural institutions or educational organizations). In addition, the portal takes place of informal purchases of drugs on the decisions of medical commissions.

And what is Moscow suppliers portal?

This is an online playground on which the city places information about the procurement of small volume and opens access to small businesses to the market for the sale of goods and services with a turnover of about 20 billion rubles per year.

IP and small business participate in Moscow state procurements without auctions and unnecessary troubles. Anyone can accommodate an offer on the portal, and the city customers (their more than 2.5 thousand) choose the best offer. In essence, this is a store where you post your products or services by offering them to the state.

The state procurement on the site is in electronic form. Survey orders and offer our services to state and municipal organizations and institutions without leaving home.

The portal's chip is that all purchasing data are open and everything is transparent. You can watch:

  • Publishing plans of government agencies and institutions for the coming year (in the "Plans" section).
  • Offers and prices of competitors (in the section "Offers").
  • The history of transactions for each registered provider or customer (in the section "Procurement").
  • Prisoners (in the "Contracts" section).

In the sphere of state procurement of small volume, clear and understandable rules have appeared that any entrepreneur can explore. Chance to get a state order in such a system is much higher: learn the market and offer the best option from available. At the same time, you do not reduce the price below the market, do not work at a loss, but sell goods or service at a fair price.

This is just the appearance of honest purchases, isn't it?

No, purchases are honest, without dating and Bolt. 93% of entrepreneurs registered on the website received state procedures and steel suppliers.

Honesty is achieved due to transparency, openness, electronic document flow and understandable procedures. Just for this on the portal and open all data on previous contracts. Everything can be traced and, if something is dishonest, contact the FAS. Violations are fraught with great fines and criminal liability.

This is a cool decision for state procurement, which is used in the EU countries and other developed countries. For example, Denmark, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, who adhere to similar principles under state prosters entered into the top five more top marriage of the leading countries in the perception index.

If you still do not believe in the honesty of purchases on the portal, the numbers themselves speak for themselves: in 2016, Moscow saved about 37 billion rubles in state procurements, leading the national procurement transparency rating.

Convinced. How to become a supplier?

To become a supplier, you need to perform several steps.

Companies and IPs that have received the status of small and medium-sized businesses can participate in state procurement on special conditions. For them, tenders are carried out in which representatives of large business cannot participate. The amount of the application for small and medium enterprises is lower, and the period of payment of the contract is less than for "ordinary" procurement participants. These and other benefits are speaking in today's article.

Introductory information

The criteria for which the Organization or IP belongs to small or medium-sized entrepreneurship entities are given in the article of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ. For convenience, we combined these criteria in the table.

Criteria for which the company or IP are related to small or medium-sized entrepreneurship

All organizations and entrepreneurs attributed to the specified categories are named in a single register of small and medium-sized businesses. To confirm your belonging to small or medium-sized businesses, the bidder is enough to provide an extract from this registry. You can get it available for free on the website.

The benefits provided for small and medium-sized enterprises depends on what law state procurement is carried out. Recall that there are two options here. The first option is to be purchased within the framework of the Federal Law "On the Contract System in the Sphere of Procurement of Goods, Works, Services for State and Municipal Needs" (hereinafter law No. 44-FZ). The second option is to procurement within the framework of the Federal Law "On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services, and Services of Legal Entities" (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 223-FZ; For more details, see ""). Consider each option separately.

Procurement within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ

The benefits provided for small business entities (SMP) are established by Article No. 44-FZ Law.

What quotas are installed for SMP

Law No. 44-FZ obliges government transparents to purchase products and services in the volume of at least 15% of the total annual volume of procurement. For non-compliance with the quota to customers faces a fine of 50,000 rubles.

Every year before April 1, customers must publish in a unified information system (EIS) a report on procurement from the SMP over the past year. The report reflects only the purchases in which the advantage for small businesses was announced.

In what purchases are small business entities participate

SMP may take part in all procurement without exception. It is only necessary that the Supplier meets the customer requirements and has resources to fulfill the contract.

However, the chances of winning are much higher in tenders, which are carried out specifically for small business entities. There are no representatives of the middle and large business, so the competition is not so high.

In order not to miss the placement of information about the necessary purchase, you can connect the "contour.zakupki" service. In this service, the Supplier (Contractor, Contractor) can configure templates of requests for all bidding on "its" goods (work, services). You can enable a filter that selects tenders for small and medium businesses. After that, the supplier will promptly receive a notification on email that it is interested in its purchase on a particular platform. Such a tool will save the supplier from the need to constantly monitor information and will allow you to respond quickly to the purchases interest to it.

Customers are entitled to conduct procurement in small business with six ways: through an open competition (see ""), electronic auction (see ""), quotation requests (see ""), requests for proposals (see ""), contest with limited participation and two-stage competition. The initial (maximum) price (NMC) of such purchases cannot be higher than 20,000,000 rubles.

When applying for participation, the supplier must provide a declaration of accessories to small businesses. Sometimes the form of declaration is developing the customer. But in some purchases, the form of the declaration is not, and then the participants can take advantage of the form developed by SCB contour specialists.

What benefits are provided for SMP

First, the amount of the application may not exceed two percent of the contract of the contract (for "ordinary" participants, a security payment is usually equal to five percent).

Secondly, the State Transpasser is obliged to pay for goods or work no later than 15 working days from the date of signing an act-acceptance (for "ordinary" participants the period for payment of the contract is 30 calendar days).

Procurement under Law No. 223-FZ

When conducting a bid under Law No. 223-FZ, there are benefits for small and medium-sized entrepreneurship entities (ISSP). These benefits are enshrined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The provision of benefits is controlled by the Federal Corporation of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship JSC.

What quotas are installed for ISMP

State Transpirators with revenue exceeding 2 billion rubles are obliged to purchase goods and services in the subjects of at least eighteen percent of the total procurement. At the same time, ten percent purchases must be made strictly among small business representatives. We add that in the credit there are only the purchases.

The state customer must list in its position on the procurement of OKPD2 codes of all goods and services that it will acquire the ISMIS. Also, the customer is obliged to follow the following rule:

  • if the contract of the contract does not exceed 50,000,000 rubles, the purchase from this list is carried out strictly at the ISMIS;
  • if the NMC contract is from 50,000,000 to 200,000,000 rubles, the customer is wave to decide, among whom to procurement: among the ISMIS or among representatives of large business.

In which procurement is involved

Subjects of small and medium-sized businesses can take part in all procurement without exception. It is only necessary that the Supplier meets the customer requirements and has resources to fulfill the contract.

However, the chances of winning are much higher in tenders, which are carried out specifically for small and medium-sized businesses. There are no representatives of large business here, therefore competition is not so high. Such trading are conducted either for the ISSP themselves, or for all participants with the condition for the involvement of ISMP to the subcontract.

When applying for participation, the Supplier must provide a declaration of accessories to small and medium businesses. The form of such a declaration is given in the annex to the Government Decree No. 1352.

What benefits are provided for ISMP

First, Law No. 223-FZ does not oblige customers to demand from suppliers, so that those listed the provision of applications and contracts (see ""). But even if there is a similar requirement in the purchase documentation, then preferential conditions apply for MISCC. Thus, the amount of the application must not exceed two percent of the contract of the contract (for "ordinary" participants, a security payment is usually equal to five percent). The amount of the contract will not exceed five percent of the NMC or should be equal to the sum of the advance (for "ordinary" participants, the contract ensures, as a rule, is 30 percent of the NMC).

Secondly, the maximum period of payment under a contract for the ISMP cannot exceed 30 calendar days (for "ordinary" participants, the payment time is not regulated; see "").

Thirdly, the State Transportation can approve his own partnership program for small and medium-sized businesses and establish benefits for its participants.

Please note: to work in state procurement systems and to participate in many types of auction requires a special electronic signature.

This is a purchase of goods, works or services.

State Transportations The same market of goods and services with one reservation: Buyers are state, regional and municipal enterprises and organizations. They also need ordinary clips and pencils, medications, office furniture or own website. They need to maintain and restore the buildings, export garbage and lay the Internet and telephony.

Simply put, the state procurement is in any sphere and in any region. They are interesting to business, because the state is a good partner. The supplier may be a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur or an individual. Money on the state procurement is laid in the budget, so you will be guaranteed to pay for this product or performed service.

Why participate in state procurement?

This is a good sales market.

State organizations are a significant part of our economy. According to the FAS, the proportion of the state in Russia's GDP has doubled in 10 years. In 2005, it accounted for 35%, and in 2015 - 70%.

In addition, it raises the level of confidence in your company and affects the reputation well. Therefore, it is not worth missing such a significant reservoir of the economy.

I do not understand anything in state procurement. How to participate in them?

Gosplacks are of different volumes. If the cost of procurement is more than 100 thousand rubles, information about them is postponed on the site Looking for a suitable competition, submit an application and participate in the electronic auction. This is not such a slight process, but if you want to compete for a significant part of the market, it is worth it to understand. The main thing is to be patient.

There is a simpler way to participate in public procurement, without contests and auctions. It is interesting to small and medium-sized businesses due to the simplified procedure for participation and small amounts of contracts. It looks like this: you offer your product or service to a public institution, and it chooses the supplier and concludes a contract.

This procurement option is possible if their cost does not exceed 100 thousand rubles (or 400 thousand rubles, if the purchase is produced by educational organizations or cultural institutions: zoos, planetarium, cultural parks, theaters, philharmonic, libraries, and so on). Such purchases are called small volume purchases.

How to participate in the procurement of small volume?

The fact is that, according to No. 44-FZ, which regulates the state procurement, information about the procurement of small volume can be not published anywhere. It is believed that they are insignificant and conducting auctions because of such sums is inappropriate. Therefore, state customers are usually looking for goods without a contest (often choosing not the most advantageous offer and inefficiently spending budget money), and entrepreneurs cannot offer their services.

Moscow went on another way. In order to save the budget and attract small and medium-sized business to state procurement, the city management has created a single portal of suppliers. No state or municipal institution of Moscow cannot conclude a contract for the procurement of small volume, bypassing the site. If you pose an analogy, then you will not be able to buy bread without going to the store.

The Moscow Suppliers portal is focused just for the purchase of a small amount of up to 100 thousand rubles (or 400 thousand rubles, if the procurement is produced by cultural institutions or educational organizations). In addition, the portal takes place of informal purchases of drugs on the decisions of medical commissions.

And what is Moscow suppliers portal?

This is an online playground on which the city places information about the procurement of small volume and opens access to small businesses to the market for the sale of goods and services with a turnover of about 20 billion rubles per year.

IP and small business participate in Moscow state procurements without auctions and unnecessary troubles. Anyone can accommodate an offer on the portal, and the city customers (their more than 2.5 thousand) choose the best offer. In essence, this is a store where you post your products or services by offering them to the state.

The state procurement on the site is in electronic form. Survey orders and offer our services to state and municipal organizations and institutions without leaving home.

The portal's chip is that all purchasing data are open and everything is transparent. You can watch:

  • Publishing plans of government agencies and institutions for the coming year (in the "Plans" section).
  • Offers and prices of competitors (in the section "Offers").
  • The history of transactions for each registered provider or customer (in the section "Procurement").
  • Prisoners (in the "Contracts" section).

In the sphere of state procurement of small volume, clear and understandable rules have appeared that any entrepreneur can explore. Chance to get a state order in such a system is much higher: learn the market and offer the best option from available. At the same time, you do not reduce the price below the market, do not work at a loss, but sell goods or service at a fair price.

This is just the appearance of honest purchases, isn't it?

No, purchases are honest, without dating and Bolt. 93% of entrepreneurs registered on the website received state procedures and steel suppliers.

Honesty is achieved due to transparency, openness, electronic document flow and understandable procedures. Just for this on the portal and open all data on previous contracts. Everything can be traced and, if something is dishonest, contact the FAS. Violations are fraught with great fines and criminal liability.

This is a cool decision for state procurement, which is used in the EU countries and other developed countries. For example, Denmark, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, who adhere to similar principles under state prosters entered into the top five more top marriage of the leading countries in the perception index.

If you still do not believe in the honesty of purchases on the portal, the numbers themselves speak for themselves: in 2016, Moscow saved about 37 billion rubles in state procurements, leading the national procurement transparency rating.

Convinced. How to become a supplier?

To become a supplier, you need to perform several steps.

Under the financial crisis, public procurement is one of the few saving opportunities for private business. This opportunity not only to keep afloat, but also get a help for active development. Some experts express the opinion that the introduction of the FZ-44 state order for small businesses has become practically inaccessible.

How the system works

Declaration of support for small businesses, the Government of the Russian Federation could not not consolidate the legal basis for such support in state legislative acts.

In the sphere of state procurement, such support was reflected in those standards of the Law on the Contract System, which oblige state customers to give 15% of the monetary volume of all orders to small businesses. The performance of these indicators is controlled through the mechanism for posting relevant reports in the public procurement site.

As such liability for non-fulfillment of the specified state of state structure is not carried, but if you believe the official controlling authorities, low performance of the effectiveness of attracting small businesses to state order adversely affect the evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities of government-structural managers.

Thus, planning its procurement activities for the next year, the state customer still allocates the necessary percentage of state promenes to a small business, and the main task of a small business is to get this order.

Where to start

Entrepreneurs who have already passed all the stages of participation in procurement trading and have a certain number of defeats and victories in their all-wheeling losses, they advise you to start with learning. In each municipality (city, district or regional center, etc.) there are consulting and information structures on working with the Gos Chair.

The representative of a small business that wants to expand the market for the sale of its products by receiving the order from state or municipal structures, there are two options to start working in public procurement:

  1. Hire a certified specialist who will be in the interests of a businessman to participate in tenders.
  2. Learn independently or train one of the employees with the rules of working with electronic tenders.

The main plus of the first way is the ability to immediately start with your offerings on the stock exchange. The main minuses are two:

  • high cost of services certified specialist;
  • the lack of prospects for independent participation in tenders (expect that the specialist will tell someone from employees, it is impossible).

If we talk about the second path, then he has only one minus: a novice businessman will need some period (perhaps long) to master the necessary wisdom of participation in procurement tenders.

Temporary delay in obtaining real orders is a serious negative point. But if the entrepreneur decided on such a deferment, the knowledge and skills that he would acquire, comprehending the science of working with state order, will open him a new long term for the development of its own business.

Where and what you need to learn

Today for small businesses there are several opportunities to get basic knowledge in the field of participation in procurement tenders:

  • casual courses in small business support centers (two- or three-day seminars give a common excursion to state procurements and prepare a listener to obtain more specialized knowledge);
  • paid courses that conduct lecturers - professional bidding participants both by suppliers and from customers;
  • paid and free webinars.

Each of these forms of learning has its drawbacks and its advantages. Therefore, during the study period, it is recommended to use all sources of information to obtain the necessary tools that will enable the opportunity as quickly and more efficiently to start earning in public procurement.

If we talk about what an entrepreneur can learn, passing training, then this is first:

  • the procedure for issuing documents to obtain an electronic signature and mastering the rules for using electronic digital signature in its daily activities;
  • the procedure for accreditation on electronic procurement resources;
  • search for promising tenders;
  • nuances of studying the technical documentation of the customer;
  • preparation of proposals for participation in trading;
  • execution of contracts;
  • challenging customer solutions in the FAS.

Each item of the presented program is considered taking into account those features that are inherent in representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

Specificity of the participation of small business entities

The main features of the purchase of small business are in the plane of financial and documentary participation in public procurement.

If a large enterprise can afford the purchase of software, make pledges for participating in the auction and carry out work or sell products in advance, then for small companies all these financial risks can turn into full collapse.

By the way, this is one of the main reasons why representatives of small and medium-sized business structures are in no hurry to communicate with the system of government procurement.

What financial expenses will have to bear an entrepreneur, deciding to receive the State Charge:

  1. From 10 to 15 thousand rubles it is necessary to spend on the purchase of ECF (electronic digital signature) and software to it.
  2. Equipment according to modern standards workplace PC operator.
  3. To participate in electronic auctions, the supplier should make money supply, the amount of which is determined by the Customer (from 0.5% to 5% of the contract amount), participation in the competition is provided by a bank guarantee. If the member supplier did not win auction, the fee should be returned for 5 business days from the date of announcement of the auction winner.
  4. Calculation for the work performed or the goods delivered, the Customer only performs after the provider of the Contract Conditions is fully fulfilled. In fact, entrepreneurs perform a contract for their money, expecting that the state or municipal customer will return this money.

In the process of learning, small businesses receive information on how to assess the level of benefits from participating in tender purchases, how to identify problem customers and how to defend their rights if they have been violated.

With the onset of crisis phenomena in the country, the most vulnerable segment of the economy is small entrepreneurship. Despite the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, it is it disappears from the market first. The only thing that could prevent the elimination of such enterprises is state packed for small businesses.

Varieties of trades

As research shows, the minimum proportion of government orders should be 10-22% of their total. The attitude of entrepreneurs to this type of state stimulation of small businesses is very bicon. Some regard government actions as a good way to expand the market, others do not want to communicate due to the large number of complex moments.

The term "state procure" means orders of state or municipal structures on industrial and food products, weapons, equipment, services in enterprises producing them.

As a rule, such companies are selected on the basis of a competition or the so-called tender. In Russia, the term "placement of the order" was larger than distribution.

At the moment, five species of public procurement are distinguished:

  • electronic auctions. Held within special electronic platforms by placing lots on them. All documentation is also prepared in electronic form;
  • open contests. Conducted when the main selection criterion is the best price, and then the time, quality and other components. Often apply when it comes to a deal in the amount of 500 thousand rubles;
  • requests for quotations. Held according to the previous principle, with the only difference that we are talking about less expensive contracts;
  • purchase from one supplier. This species can not even be called bargaining, since the purchase is carried out at the only contractor;
  • open auctions. From electronic differ in that orders are printed in the media. Recently, such a type of placement of orders has almost lost its relevance.

These types of purchases are used by the state and to ensure their own needs (weapons, medicines), and for the needs of the population (food).

How procurement is held

Take part in most types of bidding can all categories of enterprises - public, private, individual. The transaction is concluded with the company that was able to defeat the contest.

It is worth noting that the procedure itself of trading, signing documents and the conclusion of the transaction is strictly regulated by law. Control bodies - the Accounts Chamber and the Treasury. In special cases, the FSB is connected if we are talking about arms.

The procedure looks like this: contractors send an application to participate in which the price acceptable for them is indicated, and the Special Commission, in turn, considers each of them and selects the best option.

There are several ways to conduct procurement:

  • open;
  • election (applying can all, but in the competition only those who will select the Customer will take part);
  • closed (participants are invited exclusively to the organizers).

Trading course can occur in two stages. If the competition is supposed to be carried out in one stage, then there is no likelihood that the order requirements may change. Two-step bidders suggest that they can undergo some changes.

Some features of the participation of small companies in the auction

Features of purchases with small business are spelled out in the Special Law of the Russian Federation "On Procurement". It says that customers must be purchased from small and medium-sized companies in such a volume:

  1. From 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016 - no less than 18% of the total number of contracts.
  2. From 01.01.2017 - no less than 25% of the annual number of orders.

It is assumed that participation in the auction often passes completely free. But in some cases there are still some monetary and time costs. Minimal means will have to be inserted into electronic bidding. As a rule, we are talking about a conditional contribution that is not refundable regardless of the results of trading.

Responsibility of side

Failure to comply with the conditions of the competition is also controlled by the state. For this, a whole system of fines has been developed for both the customer and for a service provider or goods. The basic principles of any kinds of auctions are equality and openness.

The customer should not:

  1. Violate the form and procedure for holding the competition.
  2. Change the timing of the placement of applications.
  3. Hide information about conditions, if we are talking about open contests.
  4. Place a distorted information about the participants.

It is difficult to drag the fact that at the moment there are different kinds of corruption schemes used to obtain a profitable order with some particular enterprise. One of the options for such a scheme may be a gain in the auction of a small company, which, in fact, is a subsidiary of large-scale production.

To other frauds can be attributed to:

  • note for other participants knowingly impracticable amounts of work and / or unreal periods of implementation;
  • distorted payment timing that are not acceptable to the supplier;
  • preventing the participation of strong performers;
  • understanding the order price;
  • attraction to the participation of fake customers.

Most often, such schemes apply when it comes to highly large and profitable orders. In the small tenders to win small companies much easier.

Even in world practice, cases of dishonest trading are known. Especially often global media covers similar events with trading in the United States and Japan.

In Russia, in recent years, methods of combating such violators have been significantly tightened. However, there is still too much flaws in this area. For example, there is no more clear system that would regulate the procedure for placing orders for small companies. In this regard, they are still forced in most cases to calculate rather good luck than the laws.

While the devoted work can also boast electronic systems of auction. In the total mass of all orders, allocate those that are intended for small businesses is quite difficult. Moreover, as practice has shown, hide the dishonest actions of the customer on a small auction is much easier than when it comes to a major tender.

However, even taking into account the foregoing, it should be noted that certain steps of the state towards small businessmen are still made. Even in conditions of bureaucratic and corruption schemes, the order for the supply of services or goods has become much easier than a few years ago.

State Charge. Translation of dreams in reality: video