So that you can start to. Entry of the employment contract into force and exit to work. The interviewer calls you by name

After passing an interview, is it difficult for you to assess it? suggests paying attention to signs that are likely to indicate a successful interview.

1. Conversations about the prospects for further development

If the interviewer tells you about the tasks facing the company and suggests how they can solve them with your help, this is very valuable. Especially if the emphasis is just on the features of your personal professional experience.

2. Interest in your job opportunities

If the interviewer is interested in whether you have already been interviewed in other companies, have already made any suggestions to you, this indicates his desire to find out what his chances are of getting you as an employee. This also includes the question "How soon can you start working?"

3. The interview is taking longer than expected

Interviews with applicants for the position of an employee of the company are adjusted to the work schedule between other scheduled meetings. If the interview goes quickly, it means that the candidate is either not the same or completely his own (the latter rarely happens). If the interview lasts longer than planned, this clearly plays in your favor.

5. You are given a clear time frame

If the interviewer finishes the interview and says exactly when you should be called back, and in some cases clearly indicates how soon the completed test task is waiting for you, this is a good sign.

6. Getting to know other employees

Rest assured that everything is going great if the interviewer starts introducing you to people who shouldn't have been at the interview and who are responsible for making decisions.

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Natalia Danilenko 06/02/2015, 17:43

another delirium ... especially pleased with "The interviewer is interested in your recommendations." As a rule, the resume contains 2 - 3 last places of work, before inviting a person for an interview, it is quite possible to find out his work history yourself.

Daria Nachovnaya, site manager 06/02/2015, 19:13

Natalia, hello!
According to employers, they turn to the recommendations at the final stage of the candidate's approval in order to receive the last confirmation of the correctness of their choice. It makes no sense to do this earlier, until you personally communicate with the candidate at the interview and form your opinion about him.

Alexander Beskorovainy 04/19/2019, 17:04

Or maybe you wrote this extraordinary? .. Why don't you go to a psychotherapist with him?)

Tatyana Kazak 06/02/2015, 19:34

I had the experience of the first, third and sixth points at the same time. :)
I dropped in for an interview on the way to the dentist, I didn't count on anything. We started asking about past experiences and how I would organize work with them. Then the head of the department called the head of the department. He also asked me around. As a result, they were sent to be registered in the HR department right after the interview.
After a month of work, I found out that my resume was 50th for this vacancy ...

Yaroslav Pastushenko 06/02/2015, 21:16

item 2 usually always sounds at the first interview with recruiters, it does not indicate anything.

Sergiy Karpik 06/02/2015, 22:07

nobody asked n 2! not those times! employers are now very drunk! They mock people, vacancies hang for 4 months and employers mock people and call them for interviews in vain! Got drunk thoroughly!

You opened and closed the window several times, brewed coffee four times, looked in the mirror, checked your mail again and again social networks. There, someone posted a video with a newborn panda - they watched it, liked it, and then jumped from this video to another video and watched everything that the worldwide network could offer you about pandas for another 40 minutes. What's going on with you? Why have you been rushing about between all these meaningless things for three hours? And you just need to do some work, and the deadline is tomorrow.

Whatever popular wisdom advises about how to postpone things incorrectly, we all do this and suffer a lot from it. Even knowing that the task to be done will take 40 minutes, we can spend several hours beforehand trying to force ourselves to start.

Then, when time is running out completely, we start to get nervous and hate ourselves for not starting earlier.

We swear to ourselves that this is the last time and from tomorrow a new life will begin in which we will not postpone anything, but everything repeats itself, turning into a circle of wasted hours, feelings of guilt and work that we did much worse than we could. because we didn't have enough time for it. No matter how difficult the situation may seem, procrastination (which is what psychologists call the tendency to endlessly drag out time before getting down to business) can be fought. Like this:

1. Make a to-do list. Firstly, it will immediately become clear to you how long it will take to complete them, and secondly, you can deceive yourself like a child. Do you really want to do business under item 1? Well, okay, do the one that is worth item 2. No, you say, the first item is urgent. Exactly. It is urgent, you need to start with it, but you cannot force yourself to start and have already reviewed all the pandas of the Internet. But instead of arguing, you could have done the case under point 2, and you would have one less case left.

Not to mention the fact that the pandas' remorse is incomparably greater than the feeling of guilt from the fact that a job has been done, albeit not the most important one.

2. Set yourself realistic deadlines. If the schedule doesn't match your capabilities, you will quickly get out of it. It's like juggling with balls: if you dropped one, they despaired and scattered the rest. Give yourself a little more time than you need for each task, so you will have the feeling that you have planned everything correctly, are on schedule, and in general you are great.

3. If the case is large and difficult, break it into small pieces and write it all down in subparagraphs. We often cannot bring ourselves to approach work, because it seems overwhelming to us. And believe me, it's better to start and do half of it than not to start at all. But here, too, there is folk wisdom about the eyes that are afraid, and the hands that do, as a rule, are right. No matter how difficult the task may be, it is always unbearable to start, but if you start, surprise yourself and probably even finish.

4. Before you start, look at your watch. Eight in the evening, and it takes an hour? Imagine that it is now nine in the evening and you have done what you had to. Imagine how good you will feel, how proud you will be, and how pleasant it will be to go to bed for the first time in a week and not hate yourself in it for not doing anything again in a day.

5. Stop being afraid. In addition to the fear associated with the fact that the matter seems too heavy, there is a much stronger fear: we think that we will not cope, and therefore we postpone. "No, I'm not in the right mood today." "No, I'm too tired today." "No, I'm not going to do well." "No, I'll put it off." All this is not treated with the most pleasant medicine, but that is why it is a medicine.

Tell yourself the truth. Better than you can do this particular thing, you still won't do it. That is, tomorrow, no matter how much you want it, you will not wake up as a more talented person than you were today.

You won't be smarter tomorrow than you are today. So you can safely do the job today - it won't be better tomorrow.

6. Remember to reward yourself. You have been scolding yourself for months, maybe years, for constantly putting things off. Like any punishment, this naturally did not help, because punishment does not correct behavior at all, but only teaches you to hide it. You are not a child for a long time, and you do not need to hide anything from your parents (well, that is, you need to, but this is already a topic for another article), but admit it: you have long been a great master in the ability to outwit yourself. Promise to improve from tomorrow, start a new life on Monday, next time get down to business on time - yes, you could get a black belt in this. Try reverse tactics. First, we no longer scold ourselves. We only praise. Not done - well, not done. We live on.

But if you have already done it, you definitely need to get some kind of reward. For a big deed, you can promise yourself some big gift, but small successes should not be forgotten to encourage.

For example, you promised yourself a cup of tea as soon as you finish one item. By the way, this in parallel will solve the problem with the fact that you constantly jump up from the table. Now you can go to the kitchen only after something small has been done. For some reason, the desire to drink tea seemed holy to you before. So, nothing will happen to you if you drink tea not now, but in half an hour, when the job is done. Turn it into a reward to be earned by your work.

7. And of course, the Internet is the enemy of any job. Admit it, turning it off is useless. Firstly, it is often needed for work, and secondly, it is worth turning it off, so all your thoughts are occupied by the question, and not whether someone wrote you a letter.

And in general - the disconnected Internet becomes the center of the universe and there is no way to focus on something else.

Stop fighting the internet as your enemy. Do not disconnect. Turn it into a reward (see point 6). You will think much less about it if it is on than if it is off. Put a beep in the mail - let it beep when a letter arrives - so you no longer have a reason to check it manually. And social networks - well, what can you do. If they bother you, you seem to be too attached to them. But now we do not have time to wean you from this drug addiction - it's worth it.

So, you have found a suitable vacancy and posted your resume on the company's website.
The employer got acquainted with him and expressed a desire to contemplate you, so to speak, with his own eyes. Now you are gripped by the horror of the upcoming interview, and many questions arise.
What to do, how to behave, what to say, how to respond, what to wear - these are just a few of the questions that most workers ask themselves before interviewing an employer.
And most importantly, how to get through the interview successfully? In general, what is a successful interview? Let's try to figure it out.

How do I answer questions?

So, how to successfully pass a job interview or answers to questions you might ask.
There are questions that most employers ask in interviews.
Usually it is: "Do you have any work experience, how long did you work at the previous place of work and for what reason you quit?"
This is justified by the desire of the employer to hire a person who will not only easily cope with the work assigned to him, but also stay in the company for a long period of time.
So if your work record indicates that you worked long and obediently at your previous job, then this is an absolute plus.
Try to answer these questions truthfully, as the employer can verify the information provided. Take care of the phone numbers from previous jobs in advance for a positive recommendation.
The question of the reasons for leaving should not be extended about conflict situations with the bosses or the team. Employers want to see in their company only friendly employees who know how to find a common language with colleagues and clients. Don't talk about wanting to earn more.
This may lead the employer to think that you are only interested in money. Better to say that you want to develop and improve your professional skills in a new direction, or gain experience in this particular company.
Don't forget to mention the company's achievements... Demonstrate your knowledge of the history of its creation (information can be found on the official website of the company). Thus, you will show your desire to work only in this company.
If an employer asks questions such as “What vacancies have been considered yet, what are your successes in previous interviews, how long have you been looking for a suitable vacancy?”, Then he is interested in whether you are in demand in the labor market.
In this case, you should not focus on the exact addresses and dates of the interview. Everything should be superficial. Do not forget to praise yourself a little and note that this is the vacancy that you finally settled on.
There is a popular question: why do you want to work with us? You can find a detailed answer to it here. When asked what salary you would like to receive, you should not shy away from answering and be shy. Name the amount that suits you at the moment (or the one that was higher than the previous one).
Do not name fabulous sums, otherwise the employer may doubt your hard work.
Some interviewers like to ask questions about their personal lives.
This is necessary in order to understand what psychological state you are in and whether you can work overtime.
These questions should be answered calmly and answered truthfully..
If the future boss is interested in your positive sides or shortcomings, don't worry.
The main thing is not to praise yourself or scold yourself. Be sure to say about communication skills, accuracy, responsibility and readiness to accept any criticism (objective).
The employer does not need to hear about everything else. Also talk about shortcomings succinctly.... For example, future bosses will be pleased to hear that you are overly pedantic and cannot stand the smell of tobacco. Do not forget about additional qualities - knowledge of languages, playing the guitar, playing volleyball, etc.
In general, employers love to ask the trickiest questions in interviews. You can read more about them in this article.

How to behave?

A lot of people are interested in how well to pass a job interview? To do well in a job interview, you also need to choose the right demeanor. As soon as you entered the office, say hello. It is better to contact the interviewer by name and patronymic. Don't forget to smile.
Goodwill will always add a plus to your piggy bank. In general, the rules for a successful interview are not only professionalism, but also confident, friendly behavior. You can read about the rules for conducting an interview here.
During the interview, you should look at the interviewee... Keep your back straight. You should not lie back in the chair, cross or spread your legs. Relax as much as possible. Think of the fact that this is an ordinary person, albeit in a director's chair.
Listen to the questions to the end - don't interrupt. If you don't quite understand what the employer is talking about, apologize and ask again.
Separately, you should talk about the appearance. Dress strictly.
There should be no colored shirts, blouses, shoes, skirts or trousers. Only neutral tones.
The same applies to bright jewelry and eye-catching makeup.
Speak in an interview clearly and to the point. Don't tell the prospective employer all your ins and outs. He is not interested in this - only the most important and necessary. Do not speak for more than 2 minutes and do not answer the questions too succinctly (yes and no). This can demonstrate your lack of self-confidence.

What are the types of speech errors?

What are the main speech mistakes of candidates in the interview?

  1. A quiet voice, a look at the floor. The ideal candidate should speak clearly and face the future boss. Do not support your head with your hand. Firstly, this will make your voice less clear, and secondly, it looks strange.
  2. Fast and loud talk.
  3. Illiteracy. Employers pay special attention to this fact. Correct placement of stress ("rings", not "rings") and pronunciation of words ("put", not "lay down"), etc.
  4. Excessive literacy. Do not express yourself too cleverly and do not reason like a philosopher. Not all employers like this.
  5. Profanity.

If you doubt the meaning of a particular term, it is better not to pronounce it at all.

Wrong behavior

When going for an interview, you should understand that the employer will see you for the first time. He does not yet know about your professional qualities, so he will evaluate only by your appearance and behavior. So, what should you avoid during the interview process?

Untidiness... Not ironed trousers, dirty shoes, careless hairstyle - this is all that is unlikely to impress the future boss.
Being late... This is the most common mistake among candidates and demonstrates a frivolous attitude towards work. Read what to do if you are late for an interview on our website.
Bad habits... You should not smoke before your interview or attend an alcoholic party the night before. Better not to advertise your love for cigarettes and booze. By the way, this also applies to chewing gum.
Don't show up for interviews with your mom, girlfriend, husband, or other support group. This will demonstrate the candidate's inability to make serious decisions on his own.

How to improve your chances?

Now let's talk a little about how to successfully pass a job interview and what is the key to a successful interview.
Preparation tips or secrets for a successful interview:
To successfully pass an interview, you should pay attention to the following factors.

  1. Prepare the necessary documents in advance. Resume in duplicate, passport, work book and diplomas.
  2. In advance, inquire about the history of the creation of the company, areas of activity, study information about the achievements To do this, go to the company's website, use various reference books and other useful sources.
  3. Think over the route and calculate the time. It is better to leave home 30-40 minutes earlier.
  4. Think about the questions you will be asking the employer.
  5. Be prepared for psychological tests, IQ tests, and professional questions.
  6. Think ahead of time about clothes, hair, manicure, etc.

Tune in for the best. Do not worry! You can also read about how to properly pass an interview in this article. Many candidates are interested in the question, but how to understand that the interview was successful? You can understand this by the result and the final phrase of the interviewer.
More information about what they say at the end of the interview and how to find out its result is described in our material. A successful interview is an immediate response: Congratulations, you're accepted.
When asked how to successfully pass a job interview, we can say with confidence. Prepare for the interview carefully and responsibly, because your further financial well-being depends on it. And now you know how to pass a successful interview!

Legends say that the interview, as a constant practice, appeared in ancient China - the emperors of antiquity in pursuit of an ideal state structure made the profession of an official the most prestigious. Thus, hundreds of Chinese youths studying history and philosophy, in order to become officials, contributed to the introduction of this exciting and often not very pleasant process. What is an open interview today? How does an interview usually go?

What is a job interview?

The interview definition includes a very broad concept. An interview is both a pleasant friendly conversation and an interrogation. It all depends on the people who organize it. In general, the essence of this event is to find out what a potential employee is like: his education, skills, experience, views, tastes.
An interview is not only a test of the applicant's abilities, no, the range of questions to which it must answer is much wider. Not only "Will the employee be able to perform the required tasks?", But also "Will the employee be able to work in a team?", "Do his views coincide with the activities of the company?"
Often there are more than one interview, but several, often - different people. For example, first you will talk with HR, then with an employee of the company (the head of the department where you will work), then with a psychologist, security personnel and, finally, with a representative of management. Moreover, each of these interviews has its own purpose and its own set of questions!
At the interview, you will definitely be asked about your past job - just to find out how you will respond about your previous employer, this is such a test of your future loyalty.
Work is rarely not collective - experience shows that division of labor markedly improves productivity. Therefore, if you are an excellent specialist, but for some reason cannot get along with your colleagues, they will probably say goodbye to you politely. The interview is just for tracking such situations.

How is it going?

The standard interview scheme looks like this (the items between the first and the last may be in a different order):

  1. The recruiter needs so that you stop worrying, so the first 2-3 minutes is an acquaintance and a regular conversation. The only purpose for which this stage exists is to make you relax and feel "at ease".
  2. Then the conversation flows smoothly into a test of your professional qualities. You will be asked questions about the theoretical part and a few related to real problems. At this step, the interview is most often taken over by the campaign employee (perhaps your future boss), not HR. IMPORTANT: Standard advice - try to show everything you are capable of, express all the steps of the solution - think aloud, it's easier to reach a solution if you're worried. And even if you do not answer the question posed, you will show everything you know - and this is already very good.
  3. Talk about the company and your place in it. At this stage, you will be told everything about the organization and its structure, as well as the work that you will be doing. At this stage, they will not only describe your vacancy, but they may also offer others - if the management believes that they are more suitable for you.
  4. After interviewers have a definite opinion of you, you will be asked to ask questions yourself. Feel free to ask however, do not expect to be immediately told your future salary.


The simplest division of interviews into classes is based on their importance: qualifying and final. On the first, all "random" candidates are screened out, the second is a serious test of your skills.
Much more often, however, there is another classification, according to which there are 4-5 types of interviews:

  1. Biographical. From the name it is clear what its main purpose is - to learn as much as possible about you. You will be asked to briefly retell your life (where you were born, studied and worked) and stuff like that.
  2. Free. Almost the same as biographical. A free interview is a regular conversation (about the company and your views on certain problems). It is practiced in vacancies where the ability to get along in a team is more important than having special skills - when working as a waiter or in the kitchen, for example.
  3. Competent. This interview is conducted by an employee of the company working in the same direction as your vacancy implies. The goal is to understand what kind of specialist you are, to find out your “competencies”.
  4. Situational. In fact, situational interviewing is almost a subspecies of competency. At such an interview, HR or another employee will tell you the conditions of real tasks (put in real work situations) and watch how you solve the indicated problem. The good news is that it allows you to immediately see how you will cope with the work - after all, knowing the theory and solving practical problems are not at all the same thing.
  5. Stressful. The most unpleasant interview. If other kinds are more like friendly conversations, then this is a real test of strength. The main goal of HR in this situation is to make you react negatively. You will be asked provocative questions and in other ways put you in an unpleasant position. This interview tests your stress tolerance. It is used in the selection of police officers, security guards and firefighters, for example.

IMPORTANT: The main thing is to remain friendly, to think calmly and to succumb to provocations. Remember, the person across from you expects you to be distracted by stress and anxiety and not be able to answer a difficult question.
Actually, interviews of one class almost never occur - a good interview is always a combination of several of the types described above.
Now you know what an interview is? The main thing in the interview is not to succumb to stress and show the employer all your skills and positive aspects. Don't waste the night before an interview on thorough preparation - one night does not replace hundreds of working days and thousands of hours spent at the university. The night before your interview, like before any other challenge, it is best to get a good night's sleep. Break a leg!

The waiter is not a Chaldean.
The waiter is the face of the establishment, the person who communicates directly with the client and forms his opinion-impression about the cafe-restaurant.
The skills and professionalism of the waiter largely determines whether the client will return, and the very reputation of the establishment.
This means that the candidate for this position must be selected carefully.
We will talk about what questions a waiter is asked at an interview, what he needs to know and be able to do in this article.

The waiter is not a foodruner

Professional waiters, no matter how trite it may sound, need to be educated and trained, which means that a waiter's interview is very, very important.
You can, of course, try to get a finished product that has the skill set and qualities of an excellent waiter.
But be prepared that you will have to pay according to his skills and talents..
To begin with, let's define what qualities a waiter should have. Not to be confused with a foodruner!
By the way, a “foodruner” is a person who brings plates of food into the hall and cleans up dirty dishes from tables.

10 qualities of an ideal employee

  1. Correct speech, without slang and vulgarisms, is essential for communicating with clients... The waiter must speak well and be educated.
  2. Sociability, benevolence... He must win people over to him. There are cases when a client comes to a restaurant not so much for a specialty dish as for his own table, to his waiter. He wants not only to feast on the ribs of a lamb, but also to tell about the success of his son or complain about the next trick of the naughty cat.
  3. Stealth... A good waiter is a ninja. He knows how to make dirty plates disappear from the table by themselves, and the glass, magically, never becomes empty.
  4. Speed \u200b\u200bof reactions... He must not only move quickly around the room, but also think quickly, instantly "read" the situation at the table and make a decision. Sherlock Holmes's deductive talents in this profession would also be very helpful.
  5. Endurance... The waiter must be strong. Carrying a tray filled with steaming dishes on one hand is not a task for weaklings. And the whole shift is on their feet. This also needs to be able to withstand.
  6. Stress tolerance(see point 2). It is enough to remember that clients are different - with different levels of conflict and exactingness. And their tip is not always commensurate with the damage they inflicted on your nervous system.
  7. Neatness and cleanliness... The waiter goes to every shift "with a needle" - everything must be flawless, crunchy and shine. No wrinkled trousers and dusty boots, unwashed tails and uncut nails, harsh perfume and pompous fleece.
  8. Non-smoker... It is difficult to focus on the client and his desires if your own body is constantly asking for puffs. And also, when the waiter carries tobacco smoke, it is not comme il faut.
  9. Learnability, ability for self-development... No matter how much you know about Chablis and the options for roasting meat, there is always knowledge that you have not yet mastered. Continuous professional self-improvement is the key to a long and successful career.
  10. Add your item... It is unlikely that it will be superfluous, because the profession of a waiter is very complex, requiring, in addition to outstanding personal qualities, a certain set of knowledge and skills.

5 essential skills

Approaching the table with a smile... Smile before greeting visitors, instead of him, after him. She meets and sees off the guest of the establishment.
No need to drill with your eyes... Eye contact with the client is necessary, but it doesn't need to be looked at closely.
Mindfulness, but not obsession... Does the client want to talk, ask about the dish of the day? Answer his questions. The guest is not in the mood for communication? Don't insist.
Clockwise order... The first order is from the one sitting at the table next to your left and further clockwise.
It is also necessary to constantly monitor the situation: "Would you like something else?", "How do you like our roast beef?", "Can I take this?" ...
If there are children at the table, you must first take the order for their drinks. Then - the queue of the ladies and only then - the men.


  • pen, notebook, corkscrew and lighter (if smoking is allowed in the establishment);
  • comfortable shoes with non-slip soles;
  • hairpins, hair ties, if there is no beaver and hedgehog on the head;
  • medical book.

What should an employee know?

No employer wants his waiters to change every month. One internship with restaurant menus will take at least two weeks. And if the person left after a month? All over again? This is why it is important to understand what questions to ask a waiter in a job interview.
I want you to come seriously and for a long time, and therefore for the interview you need to prepare a number of questions that screen out random people.
Top common questions for a waiter

  1. Do you have any experience of working in a crunch mode?
  2. What is, in your understanding, "quality service"?
  3. How to deal with a difficult client?
  4. What's the hardest part of your job?
  5. What would you order from our menu?
  6. What would you do if a customer sends a dish back?
  7. The kitchen ran out of fish, but the customer ordered it. Your actions?

The overall result depends on what is asked at the interview by the waiter.
It is reasonable when a bar owner, when recruiting staff, focuses on testing knowledge of the shapes and types of drinkware: what, why and what shape? What is the name of?
In such cases, relevant questions such as: "What is flute?" or "What is the difference between white and red wine glasses?" The level of professional competence of such questions will be revealed with X-ray precision.
Practical skills allow you to identify situational tasks-tests... For example, they describe a situation: You spill a glass of red wine on your client. Your actions?
Will you apologize and beg for mercy? Not true!
They expect active help from the pros - it is urgent to save the remnants of the client's appearance by all possible means - with napkins, going to the toilet, calling a taxi so that the client can go home and change his suit. And only then - "How can I make amends?"
The option of solving the problem depends on how initiative the applicant is, how fast in reactions, and finally, stress-resistant.
Some employers practice test tasks in the form of group games. Applicants are divided into teams.
Alternatively, as an assignment, you may be asked to describe the vegetable of your choice. Eloquence is checked. After all, the waiter must be able to serve a restaurant dish deliciously, to paint it in such a way that the client makes an order.
Then the vegetables are all mixed and the team is invited to come up with a dish from them and its presentation to the client. The bartender can be offered to juggle the bottles, the waiter - to open the wine with a corkscrew.
Now let's move on to the topic: how to pass an interview for a waiter?

Successful interview rules

What does a waiter need to know during an interview?

When asked what to say at an interview as a waiter, we can recommend: answer the questions posed, trying to demonstrate your professionalism as much as possible. Answers to the most frequently asked interview questions can be found here.
Curiosity is a good quality. It goes hand in hand with learning and promises professional growth. What waiter doesn't dream of becoming a lounge manager? Only bad. But we were not talking about them today. Well, now you know exactly how to pass an interview for a waiter.

In many questionnaires that employers offer applicants for a vacant position to fill out, there is a paragraph that asks when you can start work, without requiring you to provide a reasoned answer to this question. That is, no one forces you to make excuses or come up with various unfinished business that prevent you from starting to fulfill your duties in a new position tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. In the questionnaire, you can only indicate the date from which the countdown of your work activity will begin, and in the process of personal communication with the head of the enterprise or other responsible person, you can explain in a nutshell the reason for the delay.
The main problem is that you need to formulate an answer that suits the employer. The presented article will be a good helper for you and instructions on how to fill out the questionnaires correctly (for employment) and pass an interview with the employer. Of course, each individual case of approval of a candidate for a vacant position is unique, with its own nuances, but there are certain general points that all unemployed people who are looking for a new job should know about.

When you can get started the answer is interview preparation (popular questions)

In most cases, if an employer asks a potential employee when he will be able to start performing his functional duties, you can take this as an invitation to take up a vacant position. But before you hear these cherished words, you need to answer many other questions, make a good impression on the interlocutor (owner of the company, boss or trusted person), prove that you will bring real benefits to the company, etc.
Going for an interview, you must carefully prepare for this important procedure, the results of which will determine the question of your employment. Be sure to make a list of topics that may interest the employer, find the right answers to possible questions, and practice saying them out loud. Be sure to pay attention to your appearance. Clothing must be clean, ironed and appropriate for the position you are applying for. You shouldn't come in a tracksuit for an interview hoping to take the place of a department head in a serious company. Leave your home with enough time to completely eliminate the possibility of being late for an interview. Do not forget to bring the necessary documents, money, a notebook with a pen.
When you enter the reception, say hello, introduce yourself, inform the secretary that you have an appointment at this time and wait for the manager to be ready for the interview. Be confident, with a sense of your own dignity, but without familiarity and arrogance. You should not come for an interview if you have health problems, in a state of extreme fatigue, after a rest with a lot of alcohol, etc.
In case of unforeseen situations, do not forget to warn the potential employer that you will not be able to come for an interview. Agree on the date of the next meeting, if you are told that they do not need employees who break their promises from the very beginning, take it easy. Perhaps fate itself saved you from such a boss.
In the process of communicating with the employer, watch your gestures and facial expressions, do not hide your hands under the table or in your pockets, try to maintain contact with your eyes, but do not overdo it, do not interrupt the interlocutor, give him the opportunity to fully express his point of view. Don't be afraid to ask again if you haven't heard a question or understood its meaning. Try to answer to the point, without unnecessary subjective inferences, so that the interlocutor is convinced that you know the topic. Be sure to turn off (put on silent mode) your mobile phone.
When communicating with the head of the company or an employee who has the necessary powers, you do not need to criticize previous employers, swear (use obscene words and expressions), joke or tell funny stories. Your goal is to give the impression of an intelligent, educated, tactful, well-mannered person who is capable of performing his duties professionally.
Even if you know the universal answer to the question - when will you be able to start work, remember that until that moment you will have to answer many other questions.
Typically, employers are interested in the following points:

  • personal information... Marital status (having a full-fledged family living in your own house / apartment is an additional plus), health (how often you take sick leave), strengths and weaknesses of character, bad habits, how long it takes to get to work. Perhaps you will be asked about your hobbies, cultural life, what books, music and films you like.

We'd love to hear from you!

One of the important and key points when applying for a job is filling out a special form, or questionnaire. Oddly enough, but this process is sometimes quite difficult for the reason that the applicant does not always understand what exactly it is necessary to give answers to the questions in the questionnaire when applying for a job in order to increase their chances of getting the desired position.

Pass the "exam"

Preparing for an interview with a future employer is almost like preparing for an exam. Absolutely everything is important - from appearance to filling out the questionnaire. After all, passing this particular stage will allow you to determine whether you work in this field or not. Often there are cases when, on the night before meeting with his future employer, a person repeats all sorts of materials related to the future profession, works out the answers to prospective questions in front of the mirror, chooses for a long time what and how to wear, shoes, etc. All this, of course, is very important, and all these efforts will not be in vain if you really approached this matter with all responsibility.

Also, an interview is similar to an exam also in that there is a dialogue, during which the main positions taken by each of the interlocutors are revealed. During the interview, it is not important how many questions you answered correctly, but how you know how to behave, speak, defend your opinion. And when you give answers to the questions of the application form when applying for a job, it is important to articulate your thought clearly and clearly. The main principle - always answer honestly, you should not reveal all the shortcomings, but it also makes no sense to attribute excessive advantages, and sometimes it is even stupid.

So, the main principles when answering the questionnaire or in direct dialogue with the employer:

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to give decent answers to the questionnaire when applying for a job the first time.

And it absolutely does not depend on whether you are a literate person or not. It's just that sometimes the applicant is not quite ready for some questions. There are those who simply lead a person to a standstill, but this happens quite rarely. Most often, such questionnaires are drawn up on the most common and well-established questions, such as the following:

  1. Describe your strengths and weaknesses. It is here that most often people tend to fantasize and evade. Few job seekers will be able to honestly assess themselves. But in order to succeed, in any business you need to be honest and slightly self-critical. This will help you to improve mentally and professionally in the future.
  2. Describe who you see yourself as in 5-10 years. This question is focused not on the fact that you will describe your future career ups, but on how well you are able to evaluate and distribute your forces, what ambitions you have, whether you know how to plan and allocate free time, your attitude to life. According to your answer, the employer will be able to easily understand how you feel about the profession, whether you want to be successful in a particular area, whether you want to contribute to the development of the company or just want to make a living.
  3. An employee's questionnaire when applying for a job contains the most common and one of the most important questions - the question about your personal life. Many people, answering this question, are somewhat embarrassed because they do not know what, in the opinion of their superiors, is good and what is bad. For example, girls do not know for sure whether their employer will like the fact that they are already married and have children, or if this will contribute to the refusal of employment. Don't worry about it. This question is aimed at ensuring that the employer can get to know you better - no more. The riddles of your personal life do not interest him absolutely. Therefore, answer as you see fit.

Most popular questionnaire questions

A competently filled out application form when applying for a job is a ticket to a completely new and interesting life. This is a guarantee that you will get a decent and highly paid position, and that you will go to work with pleasure. This is a “green light” on the path to success and career growth, so this important event should be taken responsibly.

This article is a free translation of Steve Pavlina's article “Overcoming procrastination” with real examples from my life.

The habit of putting things off until the last moment can become a serious problem of dissatisfaction with work and personal life. Constant overtime, working late, missed opportunities, stress, and feelings of dissatisfaction are some of the symptoms of this bad habit. Let's try to consider how you can avoid this and how I do it.

When you get to work, tell yourself “I want to do this” instead of constantly reminding yourself “I have to do this”. Be that as it may, you always choose whether to do something or not, even if the consequences may be unpleasant. Make an informed choice of what you would like to do now, and do it! I usually make a plan for the day in which I put only those tasks that I want to see done. It's my choice - that's why they always i want toto do.

If you think of a task as a big elephant that you want to eat, then you’ll probably postpone the task until later. Ask yourself, "Where can I start right now?" Bite off an elephant's ear and don't think about how it can fit all into you. When done, pick the next smallest part of the elephant or the tastiest - no difference - and eat it! As the monster is destroyed, you will learn details about the elephant that were not visible at first. Each time you start with the next small part and enjoy it, until you eventually find that there is one tail of the elephant that can fit into you in one sitting without any problems. If the task is immense or not pleasant (but, of course, important for you!) - feel free to start and do not think about completion yet.

Another reason leading to postponement is the desire to make the task as good as possible. You think that you need to do the task as well as possible - and this leads to postponing its implementation indefinitely. As soon as the deadline approaches, you no longer have time to complete the task perfectly. This thought leads to stress and irritation about their abilities and the organization of their work. If the task does not have specific completion dates, then the desire to do it perfectly will never allow it to be completed, since there is always a moment that can be improved.

Always allow yourself the right to be human. And a person can be wrong, there is nothing you can do about it. Many brilliant creations were preceded by 1000 unsuccessful ones, but these brilliant creations are unlikely to have appeared if not for these 1000 previous ones. An imperfect job done today is always better than a perfect job put off forever... If you want to write a 5,000 word article, let your first draft be only 100 words long. I usually break down an overwhelming task into several small tasks, without thinking about who will have to do them. Then I take one of them, add it to the “to do today” list and proceed without any thought about the ideal result. This is not difficult, as the large, perfectly completed task has been replaced by a small edible nugget.

Another reason for delay is the association of task with deprivation. You think that doing business will consume all my free time and I will not be able to spend it on what I like and interesting. Such a thought, of course, is not conducive to solving the problem. In this case, I recommend setting aside time to do what you like: hobbies, family, whatever. Set aside time for this and don't let other tasks invade those gaps. If you have only two hours to solve a problem, and you know that all the rest of the time is already occupied by things that are pleasant for you, then it will not be difficult to do this task, since no other case is foreseen.

One of my working days I was forced to leave early, and there were only 6 and a half hours to solve all the problems. I knew for sure that at 4:30 pm I was forced to leave the small office, no matter how much I managed to do. The day was extremely effective, about 12 tasks were completed, which on other days would have taken 8 or even more hours. And it gave me a positive emotional charge for the rest of the evening.

I like to highlight days that are not dedicated to any business. Usually more than one such day a week (Sunday!) Is enough, in which you can relax completely and recharge your batteries for the next 6 days. When you know that tomorrow is a day off, and you will not have the right to do anything, you really want to do as much as possible on the previous day.

When I want to see an unpleasant task completed, I limit the time to complete it. In the notebook, which is always in front of my eyes, a record flashes that after 30 minutes (I indicate a specific time) I stop solving this problem. In addition, I figure out what I could enjoy doing in these 30 minutes. For example, as I write these lines, it is written in my notebook that from 11:20 am to 11:30 am I will have lunch. I feel a slight feeling of hunger in my stomach, and the clock is 11:00. How difficult do you think it was to write this paragraph? :)

Sometimes, using this approach with a time frame, during these 30 minutes I am so involved in the process of working on a task that it is difficult for me to stop. Since this framework is set by myself, I can easily invest more of my time on this task. In any case, you can say to yourself "Stop!" and go to drink tea or watch your favorite TV show, or go to your favorite forum, or something else that I have come up with pleasant as a reward.

Remember the formula for success: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.