What to do if the manual makes you do someone else's work. The boss forces to fulfill someone else's work without additional payment, threatening with dismissal. How to protect yourself from arbitrariness? If the director makes it does not work

Everything can happen at work. For example, when the head asks you to make someone else's work and take over the responsibilities that are not included in your task. Is it legal? The editors wants to tell you about how to answer in this case and what to do when you want to "sit on your head."

What to do in this case?

First you need to find an answer to the question of whose work you are going to charge.

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If the boss wants you to fulfill the work of a person who fell ill or who took a vacation.

Specify whether to replace you when you leave on vacation. In this case, do what the boss asked about. If you are not replaced, ask what will be paid for your work.

The boss instructed you the case who previously did not do, or this part of his duties.

Find out whether the task is once, or we are talking about expanding your duties. In the first case, proceed to the point, even if it does not like it. If a specialist in this work is looking for too long, check for payment. If the boss asks you to make a job that will become your new responsibility, ask for a remuneration.

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The boss instructed you the task of your or other subordinate.

You are working in the team, so if someone does not have time or does not cope, sometimes you have to do their work. We are talking about subordination staff. But if you commissioned some tasks without any reason, ask why you were asked about it. This may be part of the company's policy: in this case, or agree with it, or are looking for another place of work.

Deciding with the aim of which set the head in front of them, you will better understand what you really need it. For example, we are talking about new project work, about expanding duties, or you are preparing to increase. It also happens that employees lose performance, so they want to check in other areas. You should not guess, it will be better to immediately find out why you were asked to make someone else's work.

What if the task is unpleasant to you?

If the case entrusted to you does not bring you benefits and benefits, you do not want to perform it. But if you refuse, there may be unpleasant consequences. On the other hand, the bosses can enter the habit of entrusting you to other people's affairs. Find out right away why you were asked to make this work. And after performing the work, explain the boss that you are overloaded and what you would not want to repeat it. Ask him to express priorities in your work so that he realize that you have more important tasks.

© Bruce Mars.

Can you challenge the offer and insist on your own?

Your duties and functions are indicated in the employment contract and the job description (if there is a boss). If you do not want to recycle and do what others should do, you have the legal right to dispute this moment. According to the law, the boss has no right to threaten you with dismissal. Send a custom letter to the notification to the head that you refuse additional work. In case you are ready to take on new responsibilities, you can make a new treaty with the boss as an addition to the labor, which will indicate how much you get for the performance of work.

You can protect yourself with the help of an employment contract that contains your duties, payment and timing. But in practice, not all employers are issued. When admitting work, experts recommend reading all the documents that you sign so that one day is not to get. There are two ways to solve, if the contract is not: agree that you will be paid for extra work, or dismiss.

Such situations are far from uncommon in modern management. Let's try to figure out what to do if the boss makesone doing someone else's work. It all depends on what exactly and for what reason you are asked to do.

Whose duties are

It happens that they ask for a colleague, who went on vacation or hospital. By canons of corporate culture, you can replace colleague and count in the future on the same courtesy on his part. If this is not the case, discuss with the manual, how to compensate for combination.

It may be so that you are instructed by the work of the head itself or some completely new task. In this case, it makes sense to find out - this is an expansion of functional responsibilities or a one-time task. In the first case, you can count on additional privileges or payment, in the second - will have to be performed for just like that. If this task becomes constant, an additional specialist can take under it.

If the boss makes you do the work of the lower employee who does not cope with his duties, you have to do it in order not to worsen the overall result of the team. It will not hurt to figure out why this problem happened.

Why you are

In general, try to take a wider look at the current situation - perhaps your manager wants you to work with certain people or have received additional project work experience. Maybe you plan to increase and check the ability to work in non-standard situations. An inverse situation is possible - if you do not cope with your work and you are checked for suitability in another area.

If the boss makes someone else's work and you want to refuse it, you need to understand that the likely consequences of such a act can be very unpleasant. Therefore, it is better to fulfill the task. However, after completing the work, try to discuss with the leadership itself the fact of the occurrence of this situation. It is better to clarify the reasons immediately, and not to experience the thunderstorm silently. Notify that you are so overloaded. Ask to expand reasonable priorities and try to bargain.

What the Law says

According to the current legislation, the functional responsibilities of the employee are limited to the list in the official instructions and the signed labor contract. Thus, the requirement to do someone else's additional work is essentially illegal. Even if the employer threatens to refuse to recycle with dismissal, such a basis for termination of the employment contract is also illegal.

If the employee agrees to fulfill someone else's work, he has the right to demand a surcharge for it. For such an agreement, you can compile an internal combination of posts or an additional agreement to the employment contract. In any case, the current labor legislation prohibits the employer to put forward any demand for the employee who are not informed by the labor contract. The exceptions are natural disasters and other extraordinary circumstances.

In practice, employers do not always conclude employment contracts and make up job descriptions for each position. Therefore, in most cases, it is almost impossible to abandon someone else's work without conflict. It remains either to negotiate additional payment, or dismiss.

Experts tell how to react to the requests of the authorities to do what is not included in your duties.

What about it says in the Labor Code.

How to react to offer?
Olga Pozdnyakova
director of Personnel Department of Retail Sales TD "Ascona"

Probable actions depend on what and why you are asked to do. If you do not know how to react, answer the following questions.

Whose work is it?

Colleagues, who on vacation or hospital. Then we do, on the basis of the accepted corporate culture: if you work for him today, and tomorrow your vacation is also substituted with you - proceed to perform tasks. If you do not replace you or in the company, it is customary for the combination to pay extra - be sure to check with the Chef, as it will be rewarded.

This is the work of the chief himself, the new task that no one has done before that. In this case, it is worth finding out, one time is a task or expansion of official duties. One-time task, especially developing, must be executed. In modern companies, first appear tasks, then a specialist is taken under them. Therefore, due to a single task, it makes no sense due to a single task, even if you don't like this task.

If we are talking about new responsibilities, it makes sense to discuss payment and additional privileges. You need to do the same if new tasks have no definite time, that is, you are asked to perform them temporarily. Remember, there is nothing more permanent than temporary, - negotiate payment.

This is the task of the lower officer. If this is your subordinate, no time or not cope with the task - you need to do. You are responsible for the result of the team. However, if we are talking about completely strangers, uninteresting duties, you need to find out why you are asked to do it. If this is part of the corporate culture, then the choice is simple: you either take it and perform work, because it is so accepted or leave the company.

Why should it be performed?

This question often helps in such situations. Clear for yourself the goal that the leader is haunted. Often he pursues non-obvious goals, giving a task, for example, wants the employee to receive project work experience. Or he has the need for you to work with certain people. Sometimes the managers are so prepared by the deposits.

Why you?

So, we found out that these duties are not yours, not interesting, do not develop and surrender will not be for them. It is not necessary to resent at once: find out why you chose you to fulfill this work.

It happens that the task is unpleasant, does not have a relationship to you, and you do not want to perform it. But probable consequences can be catastrophic. In this case, you need to perform the task. As well as talk to the chief after completing the work that you would not like to repeat such situations.

Discuss with the boss the fact that you are overloaded. Travel. Ask for priorities in your work.
Natalia Zharov
director of Personnel Logistics Company V.I.G.Trans

Suppose the employee works in the company for a long time, perfectly performs his duties, all processes are established, the results and statistics grow, everything is fine. He knows what moment to react, with whom to communicate, to whom to send the necessary information. This is the same cord in a common system that does not give failures. And this ideal employee received another plan, where a number of tasks are specified, who previously made his colleague or the leader himself. The whole system collapses, and there is no ideal picture in work.

At this very moment, the employee must be understood in connection with which his duties increase and respond to the situation. In fact, options may be several:

1) They want to raise and check as far as he is ready to work in a non-standard situation.

2) He wants to increase the functionality, because with his own he copes flawlessly, and see the responsible and executive officer in it.

3) An employee does not cope with his work and check it on professional suitability in another area.

How should an employee react: immediately after receiving a new task to enter the dialogue with the leader and find out what new responsibilities are connected with. It is better to know everything at once, and not to be silent and melted quietly to the whole world.
Is it legal?

Kristina Lapshin
From the point of view of labor legislation in normal labor conditions, the employee must only perform those functions that are spelled out in its employment contract and the job instruction. The requirements of the employer on the fulfillment of someone else's work is illegal. The Labor Code clearly regulates that the requirement to engage in additional work, which is not registered in the employment contract or the job instruction is the abuse of employer's rights.

Your position is indicated in the employment contract - this is a mandatory requirement. And the entire functionality should be registered in the job instruction, with which the employee must familiarize themselves when applying for work. I advise you to remove a copy of the instructions so that in the case of the dispute it was in your hands.

Unfortunately, many employers have no job descriptions. In this case, the employee can prepare the draft instruction and offer its boss.

It is necessary to know that if the employee does not want to work "for himself and that guy" and there is no reason for mandatory processing (elimination of emergencies, for example), then he should not, even if he is threatened with dismissal. Such a basis for termination of the employment contract will be illegal.

Write a letter to your employer with a refusal to execute additional work and send it by registered letter with the notice. This can help in the case of a trial with the employer.

But in case you are still ready to fulfill someone else's work, you have a complete right to demand extra charge, or an additional agreement on the employment contract, or the design of internal combination of posts.

Maximilian Grishin
ilyashev and Partners Lawyer
The Labor Code fully prohibits the employer to force the employee to do what is not spelled out in his labor contract. There are only two exceptions here. In the case of a disaster (fire, earthquake, and so on), an employee can be transferred to work to eliminate consequences for a period of up to one month. Also in emergency circumstances, you can transfer an employee to another front in case of idleness. In all other situations, the consent of the employee and / or the conclusion of an additional agreement towards the employment contract concluded with it is required to fulfill someone else's work.

Ideally, all working conditions - duties, payment, deadlines - should be spelled out in the employment contract. Or should it contain a reference to a document where all this is described. The contract without such details is not considered concluded at all. But in practice, the employer does not always fulfill these requirements. For example, he may instead of the employment contract to conclude a compensated service agreement with the employee. It is often very similar to the labor, but just all these defending workers are absent in it. If an employee providing paid services will eventually make it not at all what he agreed on words with the employer, it will be practically impossible to challenge this in the presence of a signed agreement, which agrees "rubber" volume and list of works. That is why it is necessary to read the documents very carefully who subscribe when taking work.

If the employer causes an employee to do what is not included in his duties, it is very difficult to resolve this situation without conflict. Here you have to either negotiate and ask for additional payment, or, unfortunately, dismiss. The new employer should read the reason for the change of work with understanding.

How many times it happened that you agreed to fulfill someone else's request, and then they brought themselves for it, because their deeds are not a bit, and the working day is not infinite. And it was necessary to just say "no." Looks like your problem? Then read further, find out a lot of new things and learn to refuse. After all, this is normal.

Whether you wondered why it happens once at once: you make a plan for a day or a week, distribute time so that you all have time, start to follow your plan ... And then your colleague is suitable for you and ask for a document, write a report, Make a tiny presentation, help come up with a slogan, and God knows what else. You, of course, agree, and the whole of your plan flies to Tartarara - the time for your tasks is not enough missing, you do not laugh, the thoughts are confused, the fused disappeared.

This is happening for the simple reason that say "yes" is psychologically much easier. But is it for the sake of it to sacrifice your own comfort and peace of mind and experience stress? To learn to confidently say "no" - this is perhaps the best service that you can have themselves.

Think ourselves: in the days of only 24 hours, the working day lasts only 8, you do not have time in the world, but you won't be good for everyone. So why then at once we take on the burden of responsibility for other people's challenges how to interrupt this endless running in a circle, why we are constantly saying "yes", and how to learn to say "no". Let's deal with.

Why is it important to be able to say "no" and refuse to colleagues

Talk "no" is not egoism

Every time you say "Yes", you take over the obligations and the burden of responsibility hangs on you. Before you say "Yes," think about whether you really want to pay for someone's tasks due attention and do the work for your colleagues.

When you say no, it does not mean that you show disrespect for your colleagues. This means only that you show respect for yourself and your already existing obligations. Be honest with others and with yourself.

Asking in this case can be offended, but you raise your self-esteem and consolidate the obligations related to your goals.

Saying "Yes," you do not acquire friends

Most of us say "yes" to their colleagues in response to the request to make work for them, because it seeks to establish relationships with them and feel important and necessary.

The problem is that this is a very false belief. Each of us to some extent the Egoist and your colleague, having received the result from you, first of all thinks about what he was well done, which was so successfully got rid of the task, and not that you are a good friend and what should be treated You are much better than before.

Everything else, if you fail to do this work or you will make it a sleeve, then we will surely notice this and the attitude towards you will only worsen.

A large number of commitments is harmful to health.

Currently, work, for most of us, especially for those who occupy senior positions is considerable stress. Additionally assumed obligations lead to additional stress, which, as a result, affects your physical health and well-being. So is it worth putting your health for someone else's success?

How to say "no" and at the same time perfectly feel

Your "no" should be brief

You do not need to be cut before your colleague and in detail and paints describe the reason for which you have to refuse. It will all look like excuses and excuses. "No, I can not" - all that you need to hear your colleague.

Do not feel guilty for refusal

This is just a matter of choice. No one can make you feel guilty. And for what? For what you follow your plan and go to your goal scheduled? Or for doing that you have time to do everything on time and get praise from the bosses? Prefer the feeling of guilt feeling of joy for all of the above.

Be honest

No need to invent non-existent reasons for refusal. You have the full right to dispose of your time as you want. After all, it is yours! Better allow yourself to relax if it gives a free chance-another.

Be confident in your answer

Your "no" should sound clearly, briefly and convincingly. It should not be "Well, I'll think about" or "I don't know, maybe." Only solid "no". Of course, you can ask you very persistently, and it is important to keep inflexibility. After all, if a colleague is able to break you once, he will know your slack and return to you with requests again and again.

Do not apologize

At all, it is not necessary to speak a colleague who wants to shove your part of your work on you, that you regret that you have to refuse him. You should not apologize for the fact that you do not take the cargo that is not able to raise.

Well, finally, I want to remind you that you yourself, your goals and values \u200b\u200bare very important. Show them due respect, say "no" everything that contradicts them, because no one except you does not achieve them. Although, you can try to shift it on the shoulders vo in that colleague ...;)

"Who, if not you?", "Except you, no one will do it!", "No one else to contact" - if you regularly hear such phrases, then you are in a good account at the bosses. True, experts say, if for the sake of this high marks you have to make others strangers, work in the evenings and weekends, and all this is free, then, most likely you are skillfully manipulated.

Experts of the staff portal Headhunter Ukraine gave several tips, how to tactfully refuse the chief or colleagues and stop working "for themselves and that guy."

So, experts say, work for two, and even for three for one salary, definitely wrong. But, first of all, let's note the advantages of the fact that additional work is entrusted with you.

  1. You are valued, so your position at work is stable, the reduction is most likely not threatened.
  2. You are a real professional of your business, and to do someone else's work is not too hard.
  3. Performing a lot of work in a short time, you are gaining experience and temper.
  4. The bosses notes you, so the chances of moving through the career staircase are quite high.
  5. You have every reason to ask for a salary increase.

How to say "no"

Perhaps rereading this list of advantages, you decided for yourself that everything suits you. However, it is possible that neither a new position nor the increase in salaries will shine. How to be in this case?

  • Offer to share duties at all. For example, if one of the employees of your department went on vacation or quit, then, instead of "grab" his work completely, tactfully delegate his duties to all employees of the department or neighboring divisions.
  • Clearly determine the "help" deadlines. For example, in the event of a colleague, tell me that it is ready to engage in its work exactly a week.
  • Discuss your reward. For example, tell me that they are ready to take over the responsibilities of a colleague who left, but what a prize at the end of the month you can count on?
  • If you have someone else's work, you can do under the guise of "help", we can say that you are very pleased that they turned to you exactly, but now you are busy with what you work.
  • You can help others and you need, but still think a hundred times before offering help voluntarily. The fact is that the next time on your help will already expect, and it will be more difficult to refuse.

With this experts note that in some cases the inability to say "no" is due to too blurred official duties in the company. The employee believes that this is not his work, but the chef thinks differently. Responsibility for this partly lies on the employee itself, who did not specify the list of their duties during the employment.

"Even if you agreed, it is not forever"

Psychologists say that the first thing to do to every person is to overcome his habit to agree on everything. Yes, it is difficult to deny, unpleasant and uncomfortable, but who said that at work and in life everything should be pleasant and comfortable?

"In fact, to refuse the instruction of the Chef - does not mean to go to the conflict, - says business coach Marina Derkach . - For example, you can simply list your current tasks and ask to help determine priorities. In any case, it is not worth justifying for a long time, apologize or, even more so, "pull a cat for the tail", not to say no, nor no. It annoys, and even more than refusal. "

It happens that the task set before you is heavy, unpleasant, and has nothing to do with you, but the consequences of its non-fulfillment can be catastrophic. In this case, of course, you need to perform the task. But experts advise, it is not necessary to leave the conversation - it is important to show that your consent to do the work is not "once and forever." Therefore, after completing the work, be sure to inform the chief that you worked in the avral mode and therefore would not like to repetition such situations in the future.