How the train travels. How are long-distance trains prepared for dispatch? Why is the numbering of carriages on a train not always "from the head" and what kind of cars there are

Despite the growing popularity of air travel, rail transport is still popular - both in our country and in the world. Long-distance train routes ply continents and states. Let's take a closer look at this category of railway trains? First, let's define a key term.

What is this - a train?

In order to understand exactly that this is a long-distance train, you need to know the definition of the root word-concept.

A train today is a coupled and formed self-propelled railway train, consisting of several cars, as well as a locomotive (or a motor car), which sets it in motion. It must have audible and visual signals that determine where the tail is and where the head is. Also, almost all trains have an individual number that allows them to be identified.

This transport also includes:

  • motor cars;
  • locomotives traveling without a train;
  • self-propelled railcars;
  • railcars.

Trains entered our life in 1825. Today, they are able to move on a railroad track, monorail, using magnetic levitation. Rail vehicles are capable of accelerating up to 575 km / h, trackless (magnetoplanes) - up to 581 km / h. There is also a special discipline that studies these vehicles - train traction.

A long-distance train is ...

There are several classifications of these vehicles. We also need one that separates them according to the distance traveled. The following stands out here:

  • Long-distance trains are passenger trains with a route length of more than 700 km.
  • Straight lines - follow only one document at a time.
  • Local - passenger trains, whose route is shorter than 700 km, following only one road. Today this section has been abolished.
  • Suburban - trains, whose route is less than 150 km (sometimes - 200 km).
  • Through - follows through several technical stations without forming-disbanding.
  • Groupage - a train that delivers wagons to intermediate stations.
  • Precinct - a train whose path lies from one technical station to another.

Types of railway trains

When buying tickets for long-distance trains, it will not be superfluous to know about some of their features. Let's list the most important and interesting ones.

Long-distance travel is divided into:

  • Expressways... Follow with a speed of at least 91 km / h. Moreover, their average speed is 140-200 km / h.
  • Ambulances... The average speed along the entire route is 50-90 km / h.
  • Passenger... Travel speed - no more than 50 km / h.

We also note that fast trains have a minimum number of stops on their way, and they also take much less time on them. Many of them are branded. That is, they have their own name, unique style, provide more comfortable travel conditions, a convenient schedule. If a long-distance train is a multi-unit train, then it can be either without providing additional services (economy), or with increased comfort.

According to the regularity of movement, passenger trains can be divided into one-time, seasonal and year-round. By frequency - the following are daily, every other day, on certain days of the week or specific days of the month.

What does the numbering mean?

When buying tickets for long-distance trains, take a look at the numbering. We have put in the table what she can tell.

Now let's move on to the features of the cars.

Types of passenger cars

A long-distance train can include the following type of wagons:

  • Suite... They have from 4 to 6 compartments, a bar. Each compartment has 1-2 seats. The lower one is transformed into a one and a half bed, maybe the upper shelf. Also, each compartment has a table, an armchair, a private bathroom (washbasin and toilet), shower, air conditioning, warm floors, TV, radio, media player.
  • SV... These are 8-9 double coupes. There are two bathrooms in the carriage. Each compartment has two lower or upper and lower seats, a table, hangers, and a place for luggage.
  • Coupe... As a standard, the carriage has 9 four-seater compartments and 2 bathrooms. In each compartment there are two upper and lower places, a table, a mirror, hangers, lockers for carry-on luggage.
  • Reserved seat... Nine open compartments (4 seats) and side bins (18 seats) - 54 seats in total. There are tables, coat hooks, lockers and luggage racks.
  • Common wagons. They have only seats - 54-81, depending on the comfort class.

When choosing a location, keep the following in mind:

  • The lower shelves are odd, the upper ones are even.
  • Next to the toilet:
    • Always the ninth compartment - seats 33-36 (in NE - 17-18).
    • In the reserved seat - 33-38.
    • In a general type carriage - 49-57.

Long-distance trains are always passenger. They also differ among themselves in terms of travel speed, frequency, and regularity of flights. When choosing a ticket, it is important to take into account both the type of carriage and the location of the seat.

Trains are now much longer, faster, and heavier than the first trains that ran 160 years ago. But they still have the same steel wheels with a lug on the edge of the rim and roll on cast-iron rails in the same shape in the form of the Latin letter I. Each train wheel has a 1-inch lug on the inner side of the rim.

It is these protrusions that guide the wheels along the rails, whether it is a straight section or a rounding of the track. The railroad wheel and rail fit together so well, that is, they have such a small coefficient of friction that if a 40-ton carriage is allowed to roll freely on a horizontal track at a speed of 60 miles per hour, it will travel another 5 miles to a stop. Whereas a truck weighing 40 tons with the engine off and the same initial speed will be able to travel to a stop for about 1 mile.

Elastic support for the rail

The rail rests on wooden or concrete sleepers laid in a gravel base. Typically, long bolts through the spring brackets hold the rail in place. This flexible attachment system contributes to a softer ride.

Rail joint

When the rails are docked, there is a small gap between each of the 39 feet. It is he who allows the metal rails to expand without interference when heated. A bolted rail strip holds adjacent rail sections together. Although at present on the main railways, all sections on each side of the track are welded into one rail.

Traction force

The railway train with all its weight (through the wheels) presses on the rails. The rolling wheel, due to friction, adheres to the rail, and from this, in the place of their contact, a traction force arises, which moves the train forward and on flat areas and on ascents. The weight plus the friction between the rail and the rolling wheel behaves in a manner that pulls the train forward.

c - coefficient of friction

F - friction force

Overtaking tracks

In order for a moving train to change from one track to another, its wheels must make such a transition. And in this they are assisted by transfer switches. Guide rails allow the wheels to traverse the “cross” where both tracks meet. If the train hits the switch moving upwards in the picture, then after the arrow it will continue to move along the straight track drawn on the right.

Movement on the folds of the paths

When the train moves along a bend in the track, it is acted upon by the so-called centrifugal force, which tends to push the train out of its track. To counteract this lateral force, the outer rail is positioned higher than the inner rail. This elevation of one rail over another is called a superelevation. It allows trains to overcome rounded sections of track without slowing down.


The distance between the rails on the bends of the track is made larger than on straight sections. As a result, the friction force that acts on the wheels when the centrifugal force pulls the car to the side is reduced, and at the same time the wear of the rails is reduced.

Carts on wheels

The wheels of the cars are attached to bogies, that is, movable platforms, on which the suspension system is also located. Two pairs of wheels are attached to each trolley. And the carts themselves, on which the carriage is put, can turn right and left under it with the help of a special device - a thrust bearing. This gives the carriage smoothness when the train passes the rounded sections of the track. The independent suspension system helps ensure a smooth ride.

Study the question

RAO Russian Railways is a monopolist providing passenger transportation services by rail. Therefore, the basic conditions and requirements for passengers are based on the rules of this company.

One of the main amenities of a train journey is the location of the train stations. Unlike airports, they are located within the city and can be reached using public transport.

The stations are also provided with the necessary infrastructure.:

  • Cafes, shops
  • Police and medical stations
  • Toilets, etc.
The train is practically the only alternative for those who are afraid to fly. At the same time, the cost of long-distance tickets is sometimes equal to the cost of air travel.

In addition to its main function - transportation, for a comfortable stay on the train, passengers are provided with:

  • Drinking water (cold and hot), crockery and cutlery
  • Linens
  • Wet cleaning in the wagon (at least 2 times a day)
  • First aid
  • Train library and available board games (checkers, chess)
  • 220 volt sockets for charging mobile phones and laptops
  • Preparing a bed for the disabled, sick and passengers with small children (if necessary)

Buy tickets

Tickets can be purchased both at train stations and on the Russian Railways website.

Sale starts 45 days before train departure (in some cases over 60).

Ticket offices usually open at 8:00 and close according to station opening hours.

To buy a ticket, you must have an identity document with you.

When registering, be sure to check the correctness of filling out the questionnaire (personal data, departure date, etc.)... If there is an error, it will have to be corrected immediately.

You can also check what services are included in the ticket price (shower, air conditioning, set meals, etc.).

If there are free compartments in deluxe cars, the passenger can purchase a ticket from the head of the train while driving and change seats. (in this case, only the difference in cost will be paid).

Important: there is a fee for reissuing a ticket.

Discounts and discounts on tickets

  • For children from 4 to 12 years old - 50%
  • For persons from 12 to 26 years old - 30%
  • For people over 60 years old - 30%
  • Birthday - 35% (valid for a week from the date of birth)
  • Newlyweds - 35% (valid for a month from the wedding day)
  • When buying a ticket 60 - 45 days before departure - 10%
A complete list of discounts on international traffic can be found on the Russian Railways website.

In addition to the requested data (full name ande-mail) it is recommended to indicate in the application:

  • FULL NAME. conductor
  • Carriage number
  • Train number
  • Direction

Public order protection

All Moscow railway stations are equipped with technical security equipment: video cameras, metal detector frames, etc.

In addition, each of them also has points for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, thus, the police are in charge of resolving all conflicts.

There are slightly different rules on the train, according to which the passenger can be dropped off if he:

  • Violates the train's internal rules
  • Violates public order
  • Interferes with the peace of mind of other passengers
Important: for the detention of a passenger and the subsequent registration of the protocol, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is called to the nearest station.

In the event of a conflict, a fight or a crime, the conductors act according to internal instructions and contact the head of the train, who, in turn, calls the police squad to the nearest station where the train can stop.

Health care

If a passenger feels unwell while driving, it is necessary to immediately contact the conductor, who, in turn, will call the head of the train.

Then the following measures will be taken:

  • A doctor is being sought among the passengers
  • An ambulance is called to the nearest station
  • The conductor provides first aid to the person
According to the order of the Ministry of Health, each long-distance train must be equipped with a first aid kit containing:
  • Bandage, plaster
  • Tourniquet for stopping bleeding, dressings
  • "Bag" for artificial respiration
  • Splints for different parts of the body (neck, arms, legs, etc.)
  • Isothermal blanket
  • Scissors, napkins, etc.
  • Stretcher
Important: if a passenger needs hospitalization, he is removed from the train for medical assistance. (the train will not be delayed at the station and will leave on schedule).

In this case, the ticket is marked with a stop along the route and the extension of the ticket validity period for the duration of illness.

Rules for the carriage of children

A passenger can take one child under 6 years old free of charge, provided that he does not occupy a separate seat.

In all other cases, you will have to issue a separate ticket for it.

Also, children under 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

Important: the child's age is determined by the day of the start of the trip, so if he turns 6 on the road, he can still travel for free.

If a child turns 14 on the way, but at the time of purchasing the tickets, he was 13, he can prove his identity with a birth certificate.

Rules for the carriage of animals

1.Small (indoor) pets, dogs and birds:

  • They are transported in boxes, cages, containers, etc. size 180 cm (total of 3 sides) at places where hand luggage is placed
  • No more than one seat for one issued ticket
  • No more than two animals per seat
  • In a separate compartment of a hard carriage, except :
  1. Wagons with 2-seater compartments (SV)
  2. Luxury carriages
Important: there is a separate charge for the transportation of the above types of animals.

2. Large dogs:

  • On a leash and in a muzzle
3.Guide dogs:
  • On a leash and in a muzzle
  • In all types of wagons
  • No additional charge for transporting an animal
4.Service dogs:
  • On a leash and in a muzzle
  • In a separate compartment of a compartment carriage (except for luxury cars) with payment of the full cost of all seats in the compartment
  • No additional charge for transporting an animal
Important: you must have veterinary documents with you that allow the carriage of the animal.

Bulky baggage rules

The baggage carried on the train is divided into:

  • Normal
  1. No more than 3 pieces of luggage per ticket
  2. The size of each baggage must not exceed 180 cm (sum of three sides)
  3. The weight of one baggage must not exceed 75 kg
  4. Total weight should not exceed 200 kg
  • Cargo luggage
  1. Fits in the baggage car
  2. The size of each item should not exceed 300 cm (in one of three sides)
  3. Items weighing at least 5 kg and not more than 75 kg
Important: if the weight of regular baggage exceeds 200 kg, the excess is calculated according to the cargo baggage rates. (payable at the ticket office) and fits into the baggage car.

When removing a passenger from a train (for medical reasons, in connection with a violation of public order, etc.), he must also collect his carry-on baggage.

The issue with his baggage is solved in one of the following ways:

  • Follows to the final station
  • Issued to the passenger
If this is not possible (for example, in the case of a short train stop), the luggage will proceed to the station where it can be unloaded. Then, subject to payment of the cost of transportation, he will be sent back to the passenger.

Important: if a person got off the train due to illness, the baggage will be returned to him free of charge.

Carry-on baggage rules

  • No more than 36 kg (for SV - 50 kg) per ticket
  • Carry-on baggage must not exceed 180 cm (sum of three sides)
When buying an additional ticket:
  • No more than 50 kg per ticket
Families with small children and people with disabilities can carry free of charge:
  • Baby stroller
  • Wheelchair and technical means of rehabilitation

Forgotten things

Forgotten things are handed over to the head of the station at which (or next to which) they were discovered. They can also be sent to the terminal station (or ferry line) if they were left directly in the carriage.

For each item found, a label is hung with the designation of the station (or train station) and the serial number assigned to it after the description and entry into the register.

Important: suitcases, bags, etc. opened by employees of the internal affairs bodies, and then sealed or sealed.

In order to receive your luggage, you must contact the head of the station (or station) at which the passenger discovered the loss.

The head of the station, in turn, will send a memo to the head of the train, which will indicate:

  • Description of forgotten things
  • Carriage number
  • Passenger seat
In order to prove that the item belongs to you, you need to describe its appearance and content. The presence of information tags on the luggage greatly simplifies the search procedure.

Important: this does not apply to items carried in the hold, where a different compensation procedure applies.

Delayed train departure

In accordance with the "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation", the carrier must pay the passenger a fine of 3% of the ticket price for each hour of delay. (but not more than the fare).

Compensation will not be paid if the delay is due to:

  • Force majeure circumstances:
  1. Military actions
  2. Act of terrorism
  3. Natural disasters
  • Elimination of a train malfunction that threatens the lives of passengers (incurred through no fault of the carrier)
  • Other circumstances (also independent of the carrier)
In order to receive compensation, you must:
  1. Obtain a certificate from the station attendant confirming the delay of the train
  2. Submit a written application (in free form) to the Claims Department of the Railway Administration, attaching the originals of tickets and the above certificate to it (this can be done at any station)
A decision on compensation payment will be made within 30 days.

Important: if, through the fault of the carrier, you incurred material losses, for example, you missed another train, you can go to court for damages.

Life insurance

The ticket price automatically includes the cost of standard insurance.

Depending on the damage caused, the carrier must pay the following amounts:

  • Harm to life - 2,500,000 rubles
  • Harm to health - 2,000,000 rubles
  • Damage to property - 23,000 rubles
Also, when buying a ticket, you can take out additional insurance, the cost of which will depend on the set of selected services.

Immediately after the accident, an act is drawn up, which is transferred to the insurance company.

To receive compensation, you must:

  • Collect documents (with a list of which the passenger must be familiarized when drawing up an act)
  • To write an application (in free form) and send to the carrier (at the legal address, unless other contacts are indicated).
The term for payment of compensation is 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents by the insurance company.

Because this is not easy for everyone. Many remain “dummies” even after five trips, because the “sort out on the spot” method is not for them. It is better for them to have clear and understandable ready-made schemes.

Buying a ticket

A ticket can be bought at the ticket office of the station of the desired direction, at the terminal in the station and via the Internet. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. In any case, you should register on the Russian Railways website, as well as buy tickets in advance: firstly, until the cheaper ones are sold out, and secondly, if in two months, then the tickets themselves are cheaper.

If you are wealthy enough not to think about the price of tickets, find yourself a student for 500 rubles who will help you deal with tickets and save yourself some nerves.

The Russian Railways website is good because, wherever you buy tickets, you can quickly see which trains and which seats are there, this will reduce the annoying fuss at the ticket office or at the terminal.

It is a little more expensive to buy through the site and you have to pay with a bank card, but on the other hand, you will not have to worry about the crowd behind your back and from attempts to formulate what you need.

At the terminal, payment is also made by card, and there will probably be a line to it, but you will not have to talk to anyone, just press the buttons.

With the cash register, everything is probably clear. There you can pay in cash or by card, the cashier answers any questions related to tickets, the main thing is to say on what date and in which direction you need trains.

The site also allows you to keep track of promotions and discounts, which usually occur on Tuesday. Do not be too lazy to look into the corresponding menu, if you are always pleased to save money.

When you look at the train schedule, remember that the day starts at midnight and ends at midnight. Sometimes it may seem that there are no tickets for the desired evening, but it is worth putting the next day as the date, and you will find out that at 00.05 at night there is just a place on the train of the desired direction.

Also remember that Russian Railways time in any part of Russia is identical to Moscow time, and according to the schedule, a train in your city can leave at four in the morning local time.

Some e-tickets need to be printed at the terminals. Take a look at the png or pdf file that is attached to your ticket description.

Remember that the ticket must be for the document that you 100% take on the trip. There were times when they bought a ticket for an ordinary passport, and tried to sit down with a passport.

By the way, with a ticket, including a printed one, you can visit the toilet at the station for free in the last hour before the train leaves and within an hour after arrival.

Seat selection

Most of the passengers travel in ordinary compartments, in a reserved seat carriage, or in seats. The first is more expensive than the second, as for the third, it all depends on the train. In express trains like "Sapsan" there are very expensive places, but on the other hand, they get there in four hours: in the morning they sat down, in the afternoon on the spot.

There will be no more than three adults in a compartment with you (although a couple of preschool children are possible to them), but it is impossible to guess what kind of adults they will be and how unsafe it is with them in the same room. Sometimes you get lucky and you go in the compartment all alone.

In a reserved seat car, the most secluded places are the side ones, especially the upper ones. On the lower ones, according to the rules of courtesy, before lights out and after getting up, you will have to let the neighbors from above. But in order to feel comfortable on the top shelf, a certain dexterity and small dimensions are required. However, tall people often also prefer the upper benches, so that when they lie down, people notice their legs in the aisle, and do not bump into them.

The cheapest places, of course, are by the toilet, but from time to time people start pushing and the door slams over the ear all the time. And sometimes the smells come through.

In a seated carriage, sometimes it is possible to lie across two seats, but do not really hope for it. And the ride in it will be a real torment if you have problems with the spine.

Sometimes you can buy tickets for express trains or luxury trains at the price of reserved seats. These trains have enough sockets, you can watch a movie on TV, sometimes they give out lunch and there may be coffee machines.

And, yes, take night tickets with linen, otherwise you will have to buy on the spot.

Collecting things

It is very uncomfortable to change clothes on trains. What replaces your pajamas can be worn under your regular clothes. Some find it easier to sleep without changing their clothes, especially if a shower is available on site shortly after arrival.

Take an extra sheet or a large shawl if you want to curtain your place and feel more intimate.

Traveling in a seated carriage will be facilitated by an inflatable travel pillow and something that can be slipped under the lower back. A thin, compactly rolled blanket will also make your travel more comfortable.

In winter, it might make sense to bring slippers with you to go to the bathroom without wearing your boots every time. Disposable or washable plastic are best. Take a bag, too, to pack the slippers, and not put them on clean clothes.

Wet wipes or a combination of a bottle of water and a towel (if you took a ticket with linen, the towel is included in it) will help you to put yourself in order in the morning quickly, without waiting in line to the toilet. In addition, it can be stifling on the upper shelves, if you wipe your face and neck, it will be easier.

In a hot summer in a car without air conditioning, a simple cheap fan from a kiosk can save. It weighs practically nothing and does not take up space.

Handkerchiefs can be very useful too. Not only for its intended purpose, but also in order, for example, to quickly wipe up spills on the table or on yourself.

There are people who would rather sleep in a lightweight hoodie in case the air conditioner is working too hard. It is worth taking socks with you, even if you are traveling on the hottest day. It can be colder in the evening.

Powerbank and headphones are a great idea. And also a notebook and a pen.

A bottle or two of drinking water, always small. Familiar food, if you want to save money or are afraid to find yourself in a situation of choosing between cookies and chips.

Don't forget about your toothbrush and toothpaste. Even if you disdain to brush your teeth in the train toilet, but the trip will last no more than a day, you can brush your teeth in a cafe on the spot, for example, it is usually cleaner there.

Hairbrush, spare hair bands. In general, try to think about what small things you need to achieve comfort and put yourself in order.

An analgesic, an antihistamine, an adhesive plaster, hydrogen peroxide and a remedy for diarrhea are loyal friends of the traveler.

And, of course, don't forget your passport and policy.

Stacking things

The number of things should be such that you can carry them yourself, even if you are sure that they will put you here, and there they will meet you.

It is better to pack clothes by winding them up in dense rolls, and not folding them, as in a closet. By the way, it crumples less in rolls.

What you will be taking out on the train, put on top of your suitcase or backpack, or even better - in a separate small bag. Inside the bag, things are best distributed in several different-looking, voluminous cosmetic bags. For men it will also be convenient, cosmetic bags are very neutral in appearance.

Boarding the train

On the ticket, electronic or regular, the carriage and train number are indicated. In the station building at the exit to the trains there is a board, on the part dedicated to departing trains, opposite the number of your train will be the platform number. If not yet, then the train has not arrived either.

If your eyesight and speech understanding deteriorate from excitement, take a picture of the arrival board on your smartphone and see the necessary information by bringing the picture closer to your screen.

The carriage number is most often indicated on a plate in the carriage window closest to one of the doors.

Try to arrive at the train no later than 10 minutes before it leaves. The trains are not waiting.

If the ticket is paper and in your hands, and the train is about to leave, do not run to your carriage, ask the conductor nearest to you to let in, and then reach the desired carriage inside the train. This is almost always possible.

Approaching your carriage, prepare your passport and ticket (if it is not electronic) in advance.

The top places have even numbers.

Having passed to your place, sit quietly and sit until everyone enters, otherwise you will interfere with people or you will have to twitch all the time. If, of course, you have a bulky suitcase, you should immediately remove it. If your seat is up and you don't know how to lower it, find someone who has successfully lowered his seat next to him and ask permission to sit there for a while.

It will be more convenient for you to navigate if you look at the carriage diagram on the Internet in advance and understand where your place is approximately: near the toilet, near the conductor or in the middle.

Small plaques with seat numbers are located either to the left of the compartment doors, or on the partitions in the reserved seat carriage near the lower seats. In seated cars, they can be near overhead racks or on seat backs.

You can try lowering your shelf yourself if it is up. The upper shelf in the reserved seat is held by small metal objects sticking out of the wall. If you gently press on such, it folds, and the shelf can pass by it. In the compartment, the bottom shelf is held by an unfolded staircase near the door; while holding the edge of the seat, fold down the ladder and gently lower the seat into place.

The lower side seat in a reserved seat carriage is a folding table and two armchairs. To turn the table into a bed by attaching it to the chairs, lift the edge of the table and slide it towards the window, then turn the soft side up. To turn the middle of the bed back into a table, hook a soft tongue near the wall and lift the table behind it, turn it over with the hard side up and try to hit the special clips with the edge at the window.

Unfolding things

If you don't have anything particularly heavy with you, then usually the passengers in the lower seats take up the space under their seat with luggage, and the upper ones - the shelves for things (there are still blankets there). If you have a heavy suitcase, you shouldn't drag it upstairs anyway. If the space under the lower seat is already occupied by a neighbor, ask permission to put the suitcase under the seat of the neighbor opposite.

Shoes are left under the lower seat so that they do not interfere with the neighbor and do not protrude into the aisle.

A shelf in your heads or above the middle of your seat is very convenient for folding small things, but you refrain if you know that you can in a hurry to forget something or in general the person is absent-minded. Glasses, hairbrushes, smartphones and cosmetic bags are constantly rake from these shelves in the depot.

Immediately distribute the bags that you do not intend to climb into, and fold them so that it would be inconvenient to climb inside without pulling out the bag. Hang the bag with what you will take out during the trip on the hook, then you can put it behind the pillow when you make the bed. Hang your outerwear on the same hook and do not leave anything of value in your pockets.


Usually in the upper place there are two mattresses rolled around the pillows and two bags of linen, and on the shelves for things under the very ceiling there are blankets.

If you intend to lie down immediately (but, by the way, wait while the conductor checks everyone's tickets), then take one of the mattresses down. If you are traveling in the upper seat, in a reserved seat carriage on the side, put it upright on one of the seats in the lower seat, otherwise, put it flat. Move your mattress to the end of the bed so that it is convenient for you to roll it out, as if unfolding a pillow. The mattress roller in the initial position lies on its edge, turned by this edge to the wall. Before rolling it out, if it is on the top shelf, find the iron brace on the edge of the bed and lift it upright. She will hold the mattress so that it does not crawl and curl down with you.

Open your underwear set. Immediately find and put a towel on the shelf in your heads, take out a pillowcase and put it on the pillow. This leaves a sheet and a duvet cover or two sheets. You carefully lay out one on the mattress, filling first from the outside, then from the inside. If it is in the top place, it will be more convenient to fill in the far edge when you have already climbed up. You spread the second one on top and put a blanket, if necessary. If you are uncomfortable with fiddling around stuffing it into your duvet cover, then you don't have to.

If the laundry in the bag turns out to be wet (this is very rare), go to the conductor or, if there is no neighbor, open another bag.

If your upstairs or downstairs neighbor starts to make the bed before you, do not push with him, but wait until he finishes. According to the rules of politeness, the one who rides on top first creeps, but not everyone knows this.

To get into the bed on the upper seat, the compartment has special small ladders for the legs and a brace on top to grab with the hand. There is also a bracket in the reserved seat at the top, by the window, and you need to climb up the tiny iron steps on both sides of the passage through the car.

Food and drink

The most expensive thing is to buy them at the train station, a little cheaper - on the train itself. Experienced travelers take lunchboxes with ready-made food, preferably one that is difficult to scatter all over the carriage, for example, sandwiches and whole vegetables. It would be nice if the food is not very dirty. It is better to take drinks in small bottles, with a large one it can be inconvenient to tinker with, especially in the upper place. If you are afraid to pour tea from an ordinary glass, but would like to drink hotter on the train, take a thermo mug.

Boiling water is free, it doesn't matter if you bought something from the conductor. These are the rules of Russian Railways!

An expensive ticket may or may not include lunch or breakfast. In "Sapsan" food is sold from carts, which the conductors carry around the wagons, and this, of course, is not cheap. Most regular trains have a dining car, you can ask the conductor about its availability and location. In addition, you can buy bagged coffee, tea bag, instant noodles and all sorts of snacks from the guides themselves. On double-decker trains, coffee and snacks can be bought on the ground floor from the vending machine.

If the guide did not pour you tea himself, but only gave you a glass and a bag, you can ask him to pour boiling water, they usually do not refuse, or try to find a faucet by a large iron thing with boiling water inside - you will see this, you will immediately recognize it without additional descriptions.

By the way, if you are embarrassed to talk to the guide, write him questions on a piece of paper. Do not be afraid to look strange, he will decide that you have either laryngitis or you are mute. What difference does it make to him, in the end, in what form he receives the question - he will still answer.

Sometimes the train makes long stops at intermediate stations. They are usually indicated on the individual train timetable on the website or on a sign near the conductor's door. There you can go out and buy hot food. The main thing is to keep track of the time and return on time.


Toilets are usually located on both sides of the car, if only one - you can figure it out on the spot.

The best toilets are in "Sapsan" and similar new express trains, in reserved seats and ordinary seated carriages, there are two types of toilets: a dry closet or a toilet with a hole on the street. The toilet will be made of iron there and there. The difference will be that you cannot throw used paper into the first one and the flush is done with a special button, and in the second - with a pedal, which is easy to find with your foot to the right of the toilet bowl near the floor. It is necessary to press with the sole on the very edge of it, so it rinses off better.

Do not try to go to the toilet without shoes, open the door and realize that you have to run back to put on your shoes. Be sure to take your purse with you to the toilet, in which you have your passport, wallet and devices. Theft does not happen as often as it is scared, but this lottery is not worth playing.

It's almost always cold in the toilet, except on very warm summer days. The stool doesn't go down, don't try. You can try to stand on the old toilet with your feet if you are confident in your sense of balance - there are even special extensions for the soles. But you better look around to see if there are disposable paper seats in the booth. Apply two or three at once, then it will be more or less comfortable.

If there are no disposable seats, roll off the toilet paper strips, lay them out neatly on the toilet seat, and try not to brush them off when you sit down. But in general, you can buy seats in advance and take a dozen with you.

To wash your hands, you usually need to press down on the faucet of the washbasin.

In the case of a dry closet, you may find that the bin is so full that it's scary to add your own. Tear off a lot of paper towels (hanging on the wall), throw them on top of the garbage, and now you’re not scared to die.

It is much more hygienic to wipe your hands with wet wipes than to use the washbasin in the train toilet.

Feel free to use an air freshener if you have one in the toilet.

If the toilet is of the old type, then it is closed 40 minutes before the stop. They also open it 40 minutes after parking. If you go at night - it is better not to wait for the morning, but to get up in the middle of the night and go to the restroom, otherwise in the morning you can stand in a long line and find that you did it in vain.


You can turn to a guide not only for a cup of tea and a bag of chips. If someone needs an ambulance, this is also for him. If you found an ownerless bag and no one in the carriage recognized it - also go to the conductor, and by the way, try not to touch the bag from the very beginning. You can buy disposable slippers from the guides if you did not take with you, and complain to them that the toilet paper has run out. On double-decker trains there is a paid shower, to use it, you must also go to the conductor. But keep in mind, early in the morning the guides sleep, it is difficult to reach them.

The guide will wake you up half an hour before arrival.

The conductor's room is located near the door through which you boarded the train.

Electrical appliances

If you can not take your laptop with you, do not take it. Various kinds of gadgets on trains are stolen more often than wallets. But a charged power bank will never be superfluous.

It is better to keep your phone and everything small and valuable under your pillow when you sleep.

If you are thinking of using an alarm clock, set in advance such a signal to which you will definitely react and which, moreover, will not wake up half of the carriage.

For the most part, there is no connection and the Internet between cities, it makes sense to put the phone in flight mode so that it does not run out of power in vain.

The sockets in the reserved seat and the seated carriage are usually in the toilet (it is impolite to use so as not to detain people), near the toilet, near the conductor's door. Sometimes they are still near the places. The compartment cars have sockets in the corridor, and there are folding seats next to them. In seated cars, more expensive sockets can be found at each seat.

If you want to watch a movie from your phone or tablet, do not forget to take headphones so as not to disturb anyone and not attract attention - because of boredom on the trains, many try to strike up a conversation, and any reason may be considered suitable.


Make sure all your belongings are collected 20 minutes before arrival. You should be fully clothed 5 minutes before the stop. If you were traveling in a sitting carriage, try to check if something fell under your seat.

If you are traveling in a reserved seat carriage, take the linen out of bed and take it to the conductor. Don't forget the towel.

If you don't like pushing, you become clumsy or insecure in the crowd, wait until those who are farther from the door come out.

Watch your step when you go out. Sometimes there is a great chance of falling into the gap between the train and the platform and you need to walk wider.

You may need a cafe, toilet or storage room at the station to move on with a refreshed, invigorated coffee and light luggage. It is usually easy to use a storage room, the automatic ones have instructions, in the usual one the employee will explain everything to you. Make sure that the bag with the necessary remains with you, you do not need to take it to the cell either.

That's all in general. Have a nice trip!

Text: Lilith Mazikina

Images: Shutterstock

Why is the train called that way? This article provides informative information about how the electric train differs from the train, why it carries people only over fairly short distances. In addition, below are summarized technical information about this mode of transport.

An electric train is an electric train that operates in suburban traffic. That is, it transports people over short distances (no more than 200-250 kilometers). It is worth talking about it in more depth.

Composition and their difference

Surely everyone who has been to railway stations and aprons at least several times in his life noticed that the different rolling stock standing on the tracks (long-distance trains, freight cars, electric trains, locomotives) is still different.

A long-distance train consists of a huge (or diesel locomotive) and wagons attached to it. The latter cannot move on their own, since they do not have wheelset motors to move them. Therefore, the task of moving wagons (both passenger and freight) is carried out by the locomotive.

It is worth noting that there are sections and non-electrified. The rolling stock, to which the article is devoted, can only move where there is electricity and, accordingly, an overhead wire. Hence the name of the rolling stock - electric train, electric train. On the Moscow railway there is direct current, in other regions almost everywhere it is alternating.

The electric train consists of two head cars, which are installed strictly at the ends of the train, as well as motor and trailer cars. Has anyone wondered why such a transport always has two "heads" with control cabins, while freight and passenger trains do not? The fact is that the electric train is an independent rolling stock, it is unprofitable for the carrier at the terminal station (at the train station) to re-attach a carriage with a control cabin or a locomotive so that it can go in the opposite direction. Railway transport, unlike others, cannot make a turn (exception: and a turning circle at a factory or in a depot).

Curious readers may have a question: what about trains? They are pulled by a locomotive to the destination or station, where they are changed.

Brief description of the train device

An electric train is a rolling stock in which a pantograph (pantograph) is located on the roofs of motor carriages. It should be noted that electric locomotives also have it. With the help of a pantograph, the rolling stock receives electricity. Why is it needed? First, all devices and systems on the train start to work; secondly, due to the actions of the driver, they are set in motion. But in order for them to start rotating, it is necessary to supply electricity to the traction motors located on the wheelsets of motor cars.

It can move only in its own area with the kind of current that suits it. For example, the ER-2 electric train can operate only where there is direct current, and ER-9 - where there is alternating current.

Where do they run, who uses

Not only residents of megalopolises make daily trips from city to region, but also people living in the suburbs. That is why this type of railway transport is officially called a suburban electric train. Such an inscription can be found on station signs and signs, in the timetable.

Examples of routes are as follows:

  • Moscow - Sergiev Posad;
  • St. Petersburg - Siverskaya;
  • Voronezh-1 - Liski;
  • Smolensk - Yelnya.

As you can see, there is a suburban service not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Anyone can make a trip, because travel on suburban trains is cheaper than on a long-distance train. Only there is no guarantee that you will be able to ride all the way while sitting. The fact is that tickets are sold on trains with an indication of the carriage number and seat. An electric train is a rolling stock, the interior of which has seating and standing places. The ticket indicates the station of departure and arrival, as well as the date of receipt.

What are the types of trains

An electric train is a train that has several categories:

  • normal (stops at all or almost all stations);
  • ambulance (stops only at major stations);
  • express (has a maximum of one adjacent stop).

Of course, a regular train is cheaper than the others.

Express, on the other hand, is an electric train with increased comfort, an individual seat for a passenger and a place for luggage.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the electric train has always been the most popular mode of transport for short-distance travel.