What does the bird tattoo on the collarbone mean? Bird tattoo. Swallow tattoo

Born to crawl cannot fly - probably this phrase explains the delight of people who watch birds. This is both envy and admiration for the feeling of unlimited freedom of flight, lightness and purity. The bird is a wonderful tattoo symbol and therefore so popular. What does a bird tattoo mean and what qualities can it bring to its owner?
In almost all religions and world cultures, this symbol has only a positive meaning. Ancient people believed that when a person dies, his soul turns into a bird and then goes to heaven. The soul is something light, immaterial and weightless, beautiful and free. Birds were endowed with divine qualities precisely because of the ability to fly, it was believed that they are messengers of heaven and can bring people news from the gods and from dead souls. This is a symbol of the unification of the human and cosmic principles. Bird tattoos will look good on the wrist for girls and on the forearm for guys.

Birds have always been a symbol of freedom, for birds there are no obstacles to their path, they are not subject to gravity and can go wherever they please. Birds are associated with movement and travel, because some species make a whole flock every year a long way to the southern countries to winter. A flock of birds tattoo will help to decorate the fate of travelers and adventure lovers. This drawing speaks not only of freedom in movement in space, but also of the freedom to choose one's life path. This is an opportunity not only to dream, but also to follow your dreams and achieve your goals in spite of difficulties and obstacles. To depict a flock, they usually make a tattoo of small birds of the same color, most often black with full fill.
“Thought is the fastest bird” is written in an ancient Indian treatise. Bird tattoo means limitless freedom of thought unconditioned by the external environment and fears. This metaphorically speaks of a person's ability to go beyond the usual thinking and patterns of society, about the freshness of ideas and views, inspiration and true living creativity. But there is also a downside to this meaning: we are responsible for our thoughts and they create our reality. Everything that is now in the material world was thought at first. According to Indian mythology, a bird tattoo on a branch symbolizes wisdom and the ability to look at your life from the outside.
Bird Tattoo able to bring good luck to its owner. Everyone knows the tale of the blue bird Fortuna, but few people know that in fact it came to us from ancient Byzantium and was deformed over time. Among the ancient Slavs, the bird of luck is the Alkonost, a bird with a woman's face. She was the ward of the sun god and was associated with good weather. In Chinese mythology, the image of a bird is also associated with solar nature. They are referred to as Yang energy and symbolize health, longevity, wealth and good fortune. Black bird tattoos are not very suitable for this symbolism; it is better to make a large detailed drawing in color.
In many tales and legends, the birds help the protagonist to cope with obstacles on the way. They bring good news and advice, and most often appear in times of despair. These feathered creatures are ruled by the planet Mercury, which is responsible for communication in any form: communication, the ability to learn, the ability to build a dialogue, the ability to negotiate. It is not in vain that there are sayings "grasps on the fly" and "brought magpies on the tail." In the Middle Ages, they were used to transmit letters, in some way they memorized several addresses and could carry messages over long distances. To acquire these qualities and establish a connection with the outside world, you can make a bird tattoo on the collarbone or on the neck, in a place closer to the throat.

Most often, bird tattoos are done by romantic natures who love to dream. This figure means n independence, freedom, ease, quick changes, mobility... Since in mythology, birds are the "conductors" of cosmic knowledge, this symbol can signify developed intuition and the ability to receive knowledge from subtle planes.

Meaning for men:

  • Ability to achieve set goals
  • Freshness of ideas, impartiality, non-conditioning
  • Creativity, creativity, non-standard approach to problem solving
  • Ability to negotiate at the highest level
  • Freedom and independence
  • Fast learner
  • Longevity, health and good fortune
  • An opportunity to get help and advice from an unexpected source
  • Thought control

Meaning for women:

  • Lightness and freedom
  • Changeability, impermanence
  • Creative skills
  • Ability to get along with others and maintain good relationships
  • Rich imagination and fantasy
  • Developed intuition
  • Balance Spiritual and Material
  • Travel and Adventure

Choosing the location and size of the tattoo

There are practically no recommendations in the image of this picture on the body: it all depends on your desire. Bird tattoos can be of completely different sizes, colors, levels of detail and style. Quite often, bird tattoos are done on the arm, on the leg, on the foot, on the shoulder blade and on the back. For a bird tattoo on the back, it is still better to choose large drawings, or supplement them with background elements.

Previously, in many beliefs and religions, it was believed that birds are the souls of deceased people. Therefore, at that time they believed that they were entrusted with a huge role. Birds were some kind of connecting between earthly and heavenly life.

Today, the bird is classified as the element of air. In the modern world, it symbolizes unlimited freedom, personal and spiritual growth, dreams come true. Birds have always been associated with something unearthly, divine and unattainable for humans. A bird tattoo has the meaning of beauty, rapid growth, great life potential and high hopes. However, the more accurate symbolism of the image of this feathered animal depends on the version in which it is performed.

What does bird tattoo mean?

Each of the birds depicted on the human body carries a number of specific properties and symbolic associations. But, basically, all meanings have a positive sign. Only vultures and black crows are an exception. As a rule, they are harbingers of serious illness or death.

The very popular phoenix bird tattoo has tremendous religious significance. She symbolizes the victory over death. Even in ancient times, this mythical bird was depicted on graves. With this, our ancestors wanted to emphasize their hopes for the eternal life of the soul. Today, the meaning of a phoenix bird tattoo is considered immortality, inexhaustible vital energy and the ability to go to your own, overcoming obstacles and obstacles on the way. It also symbolizes longevity, endurance and patience. This mythical creature personifies the human soul, which is in constant struggle with difficulties and obstacles. The analogue of the phoenix is ​​the Slavic Firebird. She, in addition to eternal life, symbolizes good luck, wisdom, good nature and wealth.

The Firebird tattoo, which has the meaning of femininity and grace, is popular among girls. Few people know that this wearable image is a powerful talisman from misfortune, evil thoughts and all kinds of evil spirits. This sketch is perfect for those who have difficulties, turning points along the way. By applying such a pattern to the body, they want to renew their life.

The flying bird tattoo symbolizes the soul, the ascent to God. Also, such a drawing can talk about the freedom to which the owner of this sketch is striving.

A hummingbird bird tattoo means that its owner wants to show her beauty, tenderness, lightness. It is a symbol of energy, boundless love and happiness in life. She is perfect for all cheerful, courageous and energetic people.

The collarbone is a fairly common image in tattoo culture. Drawing is common among both sexes. Soaring birds can be found everywhere: on the wrist, back, along the chest. But most often there is a bird tattoo on the collarbone.

The meaning of a tattoo

The birds have always been admired. The ability to instantly fly away and rise to the clouds, soar freely and enjoy the gusts of the headwind - all this has attracted people since ancient times. Birds have always been associated with incredible fortitude, freedom and independence. Joyful dreams, lofty feelings and noble endeavors - all this also applies to the characteristics of birds soaring in the sky.

It is not surprising that the image of ptah has become widespread in the culture of tattooing. The image of soaring birds is interpreted in different ways - it all depends on which particular bird is depicted, what surrounds it and where the tattoo is made.

Only one thing is invariable - soaring birds are directly related to the element of air. And this means that the drawing is suitable for dreamers, individuals who set unattainable goals for themselves, people who like to indulge in thought, but at the same time do not lose solid ground under their feet. A bird tattoo on the collarbone will suit a romantic personality.

Element of air

In many cultures, the image of soaring birds personified the souls of deceased ancestors. It was believed that it was the birds that were the so-called messengers of heaven. Many believed that freedom-loving birds are intermediaries between gods and ordinary mortals.

In mythology, birds have always accompanied heroes. The birds always hovered ahead of their own, looking out for enemies and evil creatures, after which they returned to their heroes and warned them of danger. So one bird warned its owner about the impending disaster - from there came the expression "The bird on its tail brought it."

In ancient Egypt, birds were painted next to the tombs of the dead - it was believed that it was these creatures that guarded the pharaohs.

All these historical facts and the very meaning of the tattoo itself became a prerequisite for its widespread distribution. One cannot but agree that the image of a soaring bird attracts attention. The gracefulness of the birds is inspiring and admirable. That only there is a phoenix bird, which burns and is reborn from the ashes.

Popular images

A bird tattoo on the collarbone can be interpreted in different ways. The most common representatives are considered to be swallows, pigeons, crows, swans, falcons and owls, as well as a mockingbird, a peacock and, of course, a phoenix.

The dove on the graceful female collarbone is quite common. It is no coincidence that this bird was chosen as a symbol of peace. Representatives of this species come in a variety of colors and shades, but the greatest admiration is the dove of snow-white color. White has always been associated with purity, tenderness and innocence. It is not surprising that the dove with outstretched wings is so fond of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. That is why the bird tattoo on the collarbone for girls is so popular. But this does not mean that men will not be able to find a suitable sketch for themselves. There are many options for exclusively male tattoos that are able to reflect the inner world and state of mind.

What does the tattoo symbolize?

A tattoo is not just a drawing on the body. This is a symbol that is directly related to its owner and is the personification of his inner world. A flock of swallows in the area of ​​the collarbone is an excellent option for a delicate and fragile nature who loves to indulge in dreams and fantasies. The bird tattoo on the collarbone is a wonderful symbol of femininity and sensuality. Therefore, such a pattern can be found on the female body.

Do not forget that birds are a symbol of the air element. The image of soaring birds is often chosen by creative people. It can be not just birds - there are often trees, from the top of which a flock is removed, as well as dandelions.

Briefly about what a bird tattoo on the collarbone means

The meaning of the tattoo is ambiguous - it all depends on which particular bird is depicted in the picture. So:

  • Swans have always been associated with boundless love, devotion and loyalty. This is a great option for a pair tattoo.
  • The eagle has always symbolized courage, pride and courage. This is a good option for those who are not afraid of difficulties on the path of life and always follow their inner voice.
  • An owl is an unquestioning symbol of wisdom, discernment and power.
  • The pink flamingo is the personification of fragility, tenderness and unadaptation to harsh realities.

The raven is perhaps the most controversial symbol. On the one hand, it is a wise bird, independent and hardy. On the other hand, it is the dark side, a representative of another world, secret and hidden from prying eyes.

When choosing one or another tattoo, one should be guided by inner feelings. Knowing what the tattoo of birds on the collarbone means, you can choose not just an original drawing, but a kind of talisman that will correspond to the inner worldview.

Photo of bird tattoos on collarbones

This category of images takes pride of place in the artist's gallery. An experienced master will certainly tell you which drawing will look the most harmonious. In any case, the image of a bird flock flying away into the distance always looks exquisite on a fragile female body. Interestingly, it is after drawing a picture in a woman's wardrobe that things appear that, as if by chance, bare her shoulder, emphasizing the beauty of the tattoo.

Turning to a good craftsman, you can do it with carefully traced details. It should be remembered that a tattoo is a drawing for life. Do not rush and do it in a place that offers discounts and speed. It is better to wait a little, collect savings and get a truly beautiful and high-quality tattoo.

The meaning of a tattoo on the back, leg, wrist or any other part of the body is the same. Place does not play a decisive role in the symbolism of the tattoo. Moreover, now there are a lot of different subcultures, and each has its own interpretation of the meaning of the picture.

Most people do not believe in the sacred meaning at all and get a tattoo just because it is fashionable and beautiful. In any case, the main thing in this business is the energy of the master in the process of work.

The meaning of the same sketch for girls and for men is different. If you believe in the protective power of a tattoo, then before filling the symbol you like, check with a professional about its meaning.

The image of heavenly inhabitants on the skin usually characterizes a person who is purposeful and emotionally open. A guy with a bird on his shoulder is free in body and soul, and is ready to do great things.


The general meaning of a swallow tattoo for women and men is a symbol of luck and freedom. It is believed that the bird protects from adversity, brings success. It has long been associated with motherhood and was the patroness of sailors.

Girls prefer swallow tattoos on the neck and forearm as a symbol of youth and beauty. Guys with such a bird demonstrate speed and endurance.


An owl tattoo is common to all cultures. For its ability to hunt in the dark and nocturnal lifestyle, the bird is associated with otherworldly forces, considered an intermediary between the living and the afterlife. In modern symbolism, owls are credited with positive qualities: wisdom and intelligence, and are considered a talisman against evil spirits.


The majestic bird with a powerful beak and paws is a popular tattoo choice for men. The meaning of the eagle as a skin pattern is always positive: it is a symbol of strength, loyalty and devotion. The predator marks victory, and if he is depicted sitting on a pine tree, it will bring health and long life.


An unchanging symbol of peace, freedom and holiness. He is a hardy heavenly dweller who brings good news. In general, the meaning of a pigeon tattoo is a happy ending of events: recovery, victory in the war, release from prison.

Birds, which are not so often used in tattoo sketches, and their meanings:

  • Raven - experience, strength and wisdom.
  • The swan is loyalty.
  • Storks are good luck.
  • Crane - Longevity.
  • Sparrow is life.

A separate type of bird theme is a feather tattoo, the meaning of which depends on the type of bird, color and style of the tattoo. For a woman, this is lightness, purity, morality. Men "see" freedom, speed, victory, achievement of their goals.

A split feather or half of it indicates mental pain.

Birds have always attracted people because of their ability to fly, which is why they have become a significant symbol in many cultures. The Greeks considered birds to be helpers in performing heroic deeds. Native Americans associated them with the gods. The ancient Egyptians thought that the image of a bird in the tomb of the pharaoh would help him find the path to his future life. The myths, legends and superstitions that birds have been associated with over the years are numerous. For this reason, the meaning of a bird tattoo may differ slightly. In the article, we will consider which bird tattoos are chosen by girls and guys, and also tell you what a tattoo means.

What does bird tattoo mean?

Many people choose a particular tattoo design just because they like it, without thinking about its symbolic meaning. But in fact, a bird tattoo can tell a lot about the personality of the wearer.

Freedom, independence and love of travel are the main meanings of a tattoo.

Feathered are often associated with freedom and independence. Accordingly, the meaning of bird tattoos symbolizes the same qualities in a person's character. People who get such a tattoo are freedom-loving and independent from other people. Often these are people who love to travel and are not afraid to be alone.

The meaning of a bird tattoo, depending on its type

In fact, drawings can be interpreted in different ways, and the reason for this lies in the fact that each bird has different characteristics. Let's consider them in more detail.


Eagle tattoo designates the following characteristics:

  • freedom;
  • force;
  • nobility and pride;
  • protection;
  • wisdom;
  • spirituality;
  • masculinity;
  • foresight;
  • clarity and focus.

Basically, girls wear an image of this bird on their arms, and guys on their chests.

This majestic bird plays an important role in many cultures. For example, in Greek mythology, she was considered a divine and heavenly bird, therefore she was associated with strength and masculinity. The eagle was considered a symbol of the Greek god Zeus (the most powerful of all the Olympian gods), therefore it was often depicted with his weapon - lightning. The eagle was also an important symbol for Native Americans. The Indians believed that this magnificent bird was the messenger of the Great Spirit, so they worshiped her.


List of symbolic meanings that a bird tattoo carries:

  • energy and vitality;
  • prosperity;
  • femininity;
  • loyalty;
  • happiness;
  • passion;
  • love.

Girls prefer to fill the image of a bird on the shoulder blade or wrist, and men on the neck.

In Mexico and Peru, this little beautiful bird has always been highly prized. Even on the Nazca plateau, you can see a giant image of a hummingbird taken by ancient people thousands of years ago. The hummingbird also played an important role in Aztec culture - it was a symbol of life and prosperity. The Aztecs made talismans in the shape of hummingbirds, which sought to give their wearer sexual strength, great talent and an influx of energy.

This smallest bird in the world is the national symbol of Jamaica.

In Indian culture, there is a legend about the origin of the hummingbird. This legend tells that the raven made this bird from beautiful spring flowers. The raven gave the hummingbird the ability to "shimmer like sunlight over flowers." To show his gratitude, the hummingbird flew to each flower and thanked her for her beauty.


Peacock tattoo means:

  • glory;
  • beauty;
  • aristocracy;
  • spirituality;
  • renewal and spiritual improvement;
  • healing;
  • immortality;
  • cleanliness.

The bird tattoo on the leg looks best.

This beautiful bird has become an important symbol in many world religions. For example, in Indian religion, he represents kingdom and nobility. In Christianity, it is associated with Jesus Christ, and in Buddhism, it means openness and honesty. The peacock also symbolizes renewal and healing. Previously, it was considered similar to the Phoenix, so Christians once believed that the peacock could protect against the devil and his demons (including snakes, which are symbols of evil and sins).


The symbolic meaning of a pigeon tattoo:

  • love;
  • harmony and unity;
  • piety and reverence;
  • faith and hope;
  • protection.

Doves are birds of peace, love and piety. They have also been among the most universal creeds over the years. The dove is associated with God in both the Muslim and Christian religions. There are stories from the Bible in which the dove plays an important role in the baptism of Jesus Christ and in the universal flood. In Islam, there is a story about a dove and a Great Prophet. According to this story, one dove helped the Great Prophet to protect himself from his enemies. For this reason, the dove is also highly regarded in the Muslim religion.

Basically, girls depict bird tattoos on their backs, and guys - on their arms.

The dove is associated in various religions not only with something divine. In the Roman religion, he was considered the messenger of the goddess Fortune, therefore it symbolized love, peace, happiness and beauty. He was also associated with the Syrian-Canaanite goddess of the sea called Asherah and therefore represented femininity and fertility. The dove is also known worldwide as a symbol of peace.


An owl tattoo can symbolize:

  • wisdom, knowledge and intelligence;
  • foresight and prophecy;
  • protection;
  • transformation;
  • freedom;
  • secrecy;
  • intuition;
  • independence;
  • secrets.

For girls, a bird tattoo on the back is in demand, and for men - on the arm.

In the past, owls have often excited people's imaginations, so they have been associated with many legends and superstitions. In Greek mythology, these birds were associated with the goddess Athena, so they symbolize wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. In Native American culture, owls were considered protective animals, possibly due to their very good eyesight and excellent hearing ability. However, the meanings owls are associated with are not always positive.


Crow tattoos mean:

  • intelligence;
  • wisdom;
  • cunning;
  • foresight;
  • healing;
  • death and war;
  • magic, protection and prophecy.

Guys have a popular bird tattoo on the shoulder. Girls wear a tattoo on their shoulder blade or forearm.

No other bird evoked as many different emotions in people as the raven. Native Americans considered him a creator god and worshiped him. For the Celts, it was a symbol of war and death. In some pagan religions, ravens were considered birds spiritually associated with witches. Some ancient people believed that crows kept magical secrets and were able to move between the physical and spiritual worlds. In many cultures, crows have also been associated with wisdom and intelligence. There are many stories in which the raven, thanks to its quick wits, escaped its enemies.


The symbolic meanings that a swallow tattoo can carry are numerous and positive:

  • happiness;
  • prosperity and wealth;
  • loyalty;
  • hope;
  • protection;
  • success;
  • a new beginning.

Swallows are small birds with deep symbolic meaning. In ancient times, when there were no navigation devices, they helped sailors navigate the sea and return home. Some sailors believed that if they drowned in the sea, the swallow would take their soul to heaven. The legends and superstitions associated with swallows are numerous. In some cultures, people regard swallows as birds of happiness, wealth, and prosperity. If the tattoo depicts flying birds, swallows are often found.

Flying bird tattoos are one of the most popular motifs around the world for both girls and guys.


A bird tattoo has a meaning that carries a positive meaning inherent in Phoenix:

  • Sunday;
  • immortality;
  • prosperity;
  • hope;
  • strength.

Phoenix represents the natural life cycle. The traditional legend of the Phoenix comes from Greek mythology and says that this mystical creature never dies: when it reaches the end of its life cycle, it burns in fire, but each time it rises from its own ashes and becomes stronger, faster and more powerful than before. Phoenix means immortality and hope. He also became a symbol of the resurrection of Christ and is therefore associated with renewal.

Bird tattoo for guys and girls: the best sketches

Below are the most original sketches used in the tattoo, as well as photos of finished works for men and women. Perhaps you will like any of the presented bird tattoos, and you will decide on a tattoo in the near future.

Bird tattoo on neck