Everything you need to know about conversion. Conversion Conversion in simple words



(lat.). 1) transformation, transformation, change. 2) the conversion of interest-bearing securities into others, yielding less interest compared to the previous ones.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[lat. conversio - transformation, change] - 1) Finnish. exchange of one currency (CURRENCY) for another at the current price rate; 2) transfer of industry from the production of military products to the production of civilian products or vice versa; 3) linguistic the way a word is formed by changing its grammatical characteristics; transition of a word from one part of speech to another.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


a change in the terms of a debt made to relieve the debtor. Government loans are most often converted. State holders. papers are offered to receive money on them or exchange old sheets for new ones, and it is warned that the interest on the loan will be reduced. This usually happens when money becomes noticeably cheaper, so that the new conditions are still beneficial, and the state. papers willingly change hands.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


changing the terms of the loan in the interests of the debtor - with a decrease in the interest paid.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


(lat. conversion, transformation)

2) k. gene - a change in one of the allelic (paired) genes under the influence of another member of this pair;

3) internal - the emission of an electron from an atom when excess energy of the atomic nucleus is transferred to it; accompanied by X-ray and optical radiation;

4) linguistic a way of forming a word by changing its grammatical characteristics ( English love love - love love).

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART,, 2009 .


conversions, g. [ latin. conversio – turnover, transformation] (econ.). Changing the terms of a government loan in the interests of the debtor state (by lowering interest, deferring payment, etc.). Loan conversion.

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing House "IDDK", 2007 .


And, and. (German Conversion fr. conversion lat. conversio conversion, transformation; translation).
1. fin. Exchange, transformation, recalculation. TO. currencies (exchange one currency to another). TO. loan(replacement of a previously issued loan with a new one in order to change its terms and the amount of borrowed interest).
2. eq. Transfer of industrial enterprises from the production of one product to the production of qualitatively new products. TO. defense industry factories.
|| Wed. reconversion
3. physical Departure electron from atom when transferring excess energy of the atomic nucleus to it.
4. linguistic A method of forming a word by changing its grammatical characteristics, without joining affixes (eg, English to work to work - work work).
Conversion- related to conversion 1-4.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "CONVERSION" is in other dictionaries:

    - (from Latin conversio CONVERSION transformation) a significant transformation, change in conditions, replacement of some production objects with others or some securities with others. Main types of conversion: Conversion of currencies and securities - exchange of one currency for... ... Economic dictionary

    Renewal of an agreement on payment terms for a previously granted loan. renewal of any obligation. exchange of convertible liabilities for shares. revaluation of securities from one currency to another. possibility of exchanging one currency for... ... Financial Dictionary

    Conversion- (from Latin conversio transformation, change; English conversion) 1) exchange, transformation, revolution; 2) transfer of industry from military production to civilian production or vice versa (see also Conversion of shares; Conversion of currency; Conversion ... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    Conversion- Loan conversion - replacement of previously issued government loans with new ones. Business conversion is the exchange of shares or bonds of one type for securities of another type, but issued by the same company. Currency conversion exchange... ... Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

    conversion- (in psycholinguistics) (from Latin conversio change, transformation) the formation of a new meaning of a word either when it moves into a new paradigm of inflection (for example, “oven” in a hut, “bake” bread), or when it is used in a context that is different... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    CONVERSION, conversions, female. (lat. conversio turnover, transformation) (econ.). Changing the terms of a government loan in the interests of the debtor state (by lowering interest, deferring payment, etc.). Loan conversion. Dictionary… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    CONVERSION, and, female. 1. see convert. 2. conversion of military production; transfer of enterprises of the military industrial complex to the production of consumer goods. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (from Latin conversio transformation, change) the policy of fundamental changes in the military, militarized structure of society. Conversion covers the widest spheres of public life. These include political, economic,... Political science. Dictionary.

    Transformation, transformation, translation, recalculation; change, processing, securitization, exchange, bioconversion Dictionary of Russian synonyms. conversion noun, number of synonyms: 7 bioconversion (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    conversion- and, f. conversion f., German Conversion, lat. conversio turnover, transformation. obsolete, military Turning, entering, changing front. Squadrons generally lose their conversion angle, which is very bad. 1788. Potemkin to Suvorov. // RS 1875 5 33. 1.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language


  • Conversion. How to Convert Leads into Sales by Smith K. This is a proven step-by-step plan to attract potential customers online and turn them into actual buyers. The book is dedicated to purposeful...

Conversion is an indicator that characterizes the success of any commercial and non-commercial project. Typically, this term refers to the number of visitors who performed a certain action.

Conversion concept

Store conversion is the ratio of people who made a purchase, i.e., who became customers of the store, to the total number of visitors.

For online commerce - this number is expressed as the ratio of people who visited the site to the number of people who took the required action. For example, a person who visited an advertiser’s resource made a call to a consultant, went to the desired page, subscribed to the newsletter, made a purchase, and so on.

For non-commercial projects, as in the case of commercial projects, conversion is the ratio of visitors who performed a certain action to their total number.

E-commerce conversion

We can conclude that website conversion is one of the most important indicators of the success of any Internet business. It is also a kind of indicator of the quality of the Internet resource and all stages of work with the client.

To increase it, it is necessary to work not only on the number of people who visited the site, but also on tools that allow you to turn a visitor into a client. That is, both qualitative and quantitative characteristics should improve.

In this case, the goal will be to identify site flaws, sources of non-target traffic, poor usability, and so on. Based on conversion data, identified deficiencies should be addressed.

Sales conversion - what is it?

The optimal conversion level is considered to be 2-3%, which means 20-30 achievements of set goals for every 1000 site visitors. However, depending on the type of business, this indicator may differ significantly. In any case, having statistical data, you can carry out very effective activities aimed at increasing impact and increasing conversion.

The goal of increasing conversion is to improve efficiency and impact. If every 1000 of your visitors brings you 2 sales, then this is an extremely low figure. An acceptable average level is considered to be 2-3%, i.e. 20-30 sales for every 1000 visitors. However, this indicator may vary significantly for different lines of business.

E-commerce efficiency

For e-commerce sites, there are several factors that significantly affect sales efficiency:

Visitor behavior on the site

Search and advertising traffic

  • Keyword analysis. To increase conversion, you need to find out which queries people are responding to with the highest number of refusals. If there are a lot of them, it is quite possible that the semantic core of the site is composed incorrectly or is not sufficiently developed.
  • Contextual advertising and transitions from search engines. Just as in the previous paragraph, it is necessary to identify the most effective key queries. And also work on the content of ads in contextual advertising.

Of course, these are not all the characteristics, and this list can be continued for quite a long time. You just have to understand: website conversion is a value that depends on many conditions. And it is necessary to obtain as much statistical data as possible and use it to improve efficiency.

Other concepts of conversion

This concept is also applied in foreign exchange transactions. Currency conversion is the exchange of one currency for another at the current exchange rate at the time of exchange.

The term is also applicable to the military industry. In this area, conversion is the transition of a plant that produces products for the military complex, for example, tanks, to products for the civilian sector, for example, tractors.
By the way, most machine-building plants built during the USSR were designed for the possibility of rapid reorientation of production.

This term is also used in chemistry and linguistics. In fact, conversion is the transition of one substance or concept to another. Of course, the concept of conversion has gained the greatest popularity in commerce. Because it allows you to reflect the most important indicator of the effectiveness of various activities aimed at attracting new customers.

Conversion example

In conclusion, we can say that achieving a high conversion rate should not become an end in itself. The following example can be given as an illustration. Let's say there is a website for a commercial organization. 100 people visit it per day, 5 of them place an order. In this case, the conversion rate will be 5%.

And there is another organization, it also has a website. Its daily attendance is 1000 people. Of these, 30 visitors achieve their goal. In this case, the conversion will be 3%.

From this simple example, you can understand that high conversion in trading is not an indicator of the success of the project. This is a parameter that needs to be constantly analyzed and, based on the findings obtained, increase both the number of visitors and the number of customers received. Moreover, there are many ways to increase these indicators.

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Site conversion is the ratio of people who visited the site to those who performed the target action on it, that is, what brings or could potentially bring benefits to the site owner: calling, filling out a feedback form, placing an order.

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Let's assume that the target action for your website is purchasing a product. During the day, your product was purchased 5 times. The site visitor counter says that 3,628 people visited your resource during these 24 hours. Divide 5 by 3628 and multiply the result by 100 to express the result as a percentage. In this example, the conversion will be approximately 0.14%.

The effectiveness of the site is assessed over a long period: week, month, year.

For those who like automation or don’t like dividing by columns, there are special free resources that calculate conversion. This is, for example, Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica. These tools are free and yet functional.

To correctly evaluate conversion, set up analysis tools and select a landing page. This is the page that the buyer goes to after placing an order, for example the inscription “Thank you for using our store!” Sometimes it is not views that are tracked, but other events: clicking on a link, downloading a file, watching a video, etc.

If you specify target events incorrectly, you will get an incorrect conversion value, which, in turn, can push you to erroneous conclusions.

Good website conversion

Each industry has different indicators. Here are some statistics for example:

  • VKontakte group: 20% - 30%.
  • Online store: 2% - 5%.
  • Tourism: 4% - 7%.
  • PO: 7% - 9% .

In November 2016, the research agency Data Insight published data regarding conversion rates for various product categories. The agency claims that the top Russian conversion goods look like this:

  1. Food delivery - 14.9%.
  2. Sales of tickets for various events - 7.8%.
  3. Bookstores - 3.6%.
  4. Intimate goods - 3.4%.
  5. Cosmetics - 3.2%.
  6. Medicine - 3%.
  7. Tires - 2.9%.
  8. Products for children - 2.8%.

These are averages and are not suitable for all cases. It is impossible to clearly answer the question whether a given site has a good conversion rate or not. Let's look at two examples:

  • 100 visitors per day, conversion 5%;
  • 5000 visitors per day, conversion 1%.

From them we see that the second resource is preferable, because from it we get 50 sales per day, and from the first - 5, despite the fact that its conversion is lower. It turns out that a good conversion is one that pays for all intermediate costs.

Conversion Analysis

Website conversion is a relative value, the usefulness of which consists of the following factors:

  • Income received from one customer.
  • Cost of attracting one buyer.
  • Total number of buyers.
  • Revenue per customer

Let's give an example of two different sites. The table below shows that the second one brings in twice as much income, and its conversion is 7 times less.

Cost per visitor

Income per site visitor is an important, but not the main indicator by which the success of a site is assessed. The result indicator is return on investment (Return On Investment). This is the final profit, that is, the difference between income and costs.

Users don’t come out of nowhere; you also spend money to attract them through advertising. Having invested 100 rubles in attracting customers and earning the same 100 rubles, we get an ROI value of 100%. All investments paid off, but no net income was received. ROI calculation formula:

Let's return to our example.

From it it becomes clear that the second site brings in more income, but the profit from it is several times less, because more money is spent on advertising.
As a result, the first site earns 31.3 rubles per customer, and the second only 10 rubles.

Number of visitors

A large number of visitors does not always mean high conversion rates.

Let's say you sell a certain brand of paint. To attract visitors you need advertising that can be tailored to potential clients. Your target audience is:

  • Those who want to buy paint.
  • Those who want to buy paint from a certain manufacturer.

Increase conversion

There is also such a thing as microconversion - steps taken by the user before taking the main action. For online stores, where the main action is the purchase of a product, intermediate steps are registration, adding a product to the cart, calling back, etc. For example, there are situations when a buyer added an item to the cart, but did not place an order because the checkout process was too complex and confusing. In this case, intermediate indicators allow you to understand what needs to be corrected on the site itself in order for the user to make a purchase.

There are a number of methods to increase conversion:

Replace a multi-page website with a landing page

Landing is a site without unnecessary information. It is necessary to remove from the page everything that distracts the user from completing the target action. More often than not, it's better because the buyer can concentrate only on buying the product without being distracted by anything else.

Offer a promotion

A common situation for online stores is that the user knows that he needs this product, but puts off the purchase until later and delays making a decision. In this case, you can push the buyer to action by making it clear that buying here and now is more profitable. It could be anything, for example:

  • unique delivery conditions that no one else offers;
  • gift with purchase.

Here are some small tips for improving your landing page:

  • Buyers value the uniqueness of a promotion more highly. Sometimes companies simply offer free services that cost their competitors money. For example, for lawyers it is a free consultation, for software manufacturers it is a trial version. All this is banal and will not attract the visitor.
  • Use remarketing. Remarketing is a tool that returns visitors to a website if they have visited it before. Remarketing will help remind these people of yourself and convey a relevant message to them on any resource: social networks, YouTube, email, etc.

Post a call to action

Push a potential client to take a targeted action. Internet users often have distracted attention and find it easier to follow specific instructions. For example: “Click this button to buy the product,” or “Call us for details right now.”

Place the most important elements on the first window of the site

On it should be placed:

  • information about goods;
  • promotions and offers;

Because most users will not understand the site structure and will leave the site.

These are not universal or the only methods for increasing conversions. To increase it, you need to know your target audience: gender, age, etc. and run advertising in a way that reaches more customers. There is no need to complicate the design of the site. Microconversion helps to find the weak points of the site and improve them.

Analysis of conversion and methods for improving it will help improve the weaknesses of the resource and successfully promote it.

Conversion is one of the most important. Any retail outlet, hypermarket, or individual seller should count and analyze conversion data. Conversion can be called differently - CloseRate, number of contacts. But this does not change the essence; naturally, in a country where incoming clients are rarely encountered, they count the number of contacts.

What is conversion

Store conversion is the ratio of customers (number of receipts) to visitors (). Conversion is a universal indicator for any type of sales. The only difference is in the technologies for counting traffic and customers. Sales conversion is a qualitative indicator of the performance of a retail outlet or a specific seller. Conversion is usually measured as a percentage; the higher the percentage, the more visitors turn into buyers. Conversion formula:

Conversion = number of purchases/number of visitors*100%

Conversion varies greatly across different . So, almost 100% of customers who come to a store near their home leave with a purchase because... the client goes to buy purposefully. In a household appliances or furniture store, the conversion will be 20-40%. Customers come to such stores not only to buy goods, but also to ask the price of the goods. The lowest conversion is observed in active sales because the client is not in the mood to buy at all. Also low conversion in long and complex sales: real estate, cars,... A transaction for the registration of an apartment or a car can last more than a month; in b2b transactions can last for years.

It is worth mentioning separately the conversion in advertising in outdoor advertising, the Internet and the media. It is very difficult to calculate the conversion from advertising, and it is usually negligible. The public quickly gets used to any advertising medium and stops paying attention to it. Although advertising installed at the right time and in the right place can give good results. At the dawn of the Internet, the conversion rate of an advertising banner could reach 50%; it was a novelty and people clicked on them with pleasure. Nowadays, a conversion rate of 1% for online banner advertising is considered an excellent indicator. Nowadays advertising is used for additional touch points per client. There is one that says that the client must find out about the product 7 times before making a purchase.

How to increase in-store conversion

In retail stores, a counter is installed above the entrance that counts the customers who have entered; this is done in order to understand how much traffic the store has. It is important to note that traffic is a very valuable resource. It depends on the location of the outlet, the recognition of the retail chain, investment in advertising, etc. The company pays quite a lot of money for traffic, and if this resource is not used, it can quickly go bankrupt.

What tools does a store have to increase conversion? Let me make a reservation right away that points will be described that simply must be followed. If this does not happen, then the store loses profit every day. In addition, it is probably clear to everyone that there are things that will immediately repel customers: too loud music, unkempt appearance of the staff, outright dirt in a retail outlet, etc. The points described below can be regarded as a checklist for checking the store’s level of service.

  1. Sellers are always in the client’s visibility zone and are ready to provide assistance at the first request; in departments with technically complex goods, sellers approach the buyer and offer to help with choosing a product;
  2. All products have price tags and descriptions. It should be clear to the client what kind of product it is and how much it costs. The price tags are true;
  3. All products have a barcode and it can be read correctly;
  4. The store has created a transparent sales area and easy navigation. The arrangement of goods is clear and logical. The client does not have to search for the department he needs for a long time;
  5. Salespeople own and always close the deal when communicating with a client.
  6. There is no more than 5 people in line at the checkout;
  7. All shelves and display cases are filled with goods;

All the rules described are of a hygienic nature. In order for them to be observed, it is necessary to ensure the operation of the outlet. To solve this problem, a checklist is created in which all the important points are written down. And once a month/week/day the entire store is checked against this checklist. The lower , the more often he checks the checklist.

Seller Conversion

Each seller has their own conversion, and it needs to be counted. High turnover does not mean that the seller has a high conversion rate. Perhaps the seller serves a large number of customers, thereby increasing . From a business point of view, such a salesperson is not ideal and the manager should work to improve the employee's performance.

At any retail outlet there is an indicator of the cost of attracting customers. If we divide the amount of costs for the period by the number of visitors, we get costs per visitor. By comparing this data with sales, you can understand how effective each specific seller is in terms of profitability.

The seller is personally interested in increasing his conversion. It is much easier to communicate with fewer clients, but with high quality, than to grind through hundreds of clients. To increase conversion, the seller needs:

  1. Know and apply. Especially important ;
  2. Understand the product being sold, know it;
  3. Understand the psychology of sales, be able to use;
  4. Master, as well as;

In addition to all of the above, you need to be able to make changes to. In trading, something is constantly changing; the seller must be able to adapt to changes.

Website conversion

Very often the term conversion is used in relation to Internet sites. A distinctive feature of website conversion is that by selling we mean a targeted action. This could be an order in an online store, or a request for a call back, or user registration.

In order to calculate the website conversion, it is enough to install a visitor counter. This is not difficult to do, and most importantly, it can be configured so that it counts targeted actions. You can determine them yourself. The most common statistics services are Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics.

The site, just like a store, can be visited by visitors with different interests in a product or service. For example, a visitor who came from the search query “buy an air conditioner in Moscow” is more inclined to buy than a visitor who came from the query “types of air conditioners.” The first request is commercial, and the second is informational. The conversion in such cases differs significantly. Therefore, when it comes to increasing website conversion, you need to not only improve on-page optimization. But also bring a more targeted audience.

What should the conversion be?

Naturally, in order to understand how effectively a retail outlet operates, it is necessary to determine the standard conversion rate. I can immediately say that for non-food stores, a conversion of 30% is already very good. For food retail, this figure can reach 70-80% in some cases. For narrowly targeted stores and with a small assortment, the conversion is about 10-15%. When measuring conversion, it is important to evaluate the quality of traffic. It often happens that a store is located in such a way that people go through it to another store or just come in to warm up. Such untargeted traffic naturally greatly reduces conversion.

Increasing store conversion, like that, is a task that needs to be addressed constantly. Success in managing store operations depends on completing these tasks.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

Conversion is the number of users who completed the target action relative to the number of visitors during a certain period of time.

The figure itself is completely unrepresentative, but when analyzed over a long distance, compared with indicators for previous days, weeks and competitors’ data, it allows you to understand how successfully things are going and in which direction it is worth developing.

Conversion Types

Typically marketers divide conversion into two types:

Macro- the direct target action that the visitor performed, something that brings direct benefits to the owner of the site and makes him happy. When talking about conversion and its increase, this is the type that is meant.

Micro conversion- an action that brings the user closer to macro conversion, for example, subscribing to a newsletter, ordering a call back or registering on a website - whatever. It all depends on the marketer’s diagnosis. Microconversion is an integral part of the sales funnel and will be discussed in another article.

How is website conversion calculated?

The simplest formula for calculating conversion is “the percentage ratio of the number of targeted actions to the total number of visitors to the resource.”

Example: 10,000 unique visitors to an online store per day, of which 100 made a purchase, gives (100/10,000 * 100%) 1% efficiency.

More often than not, site performance is calculated over a longer period of time and, when compared to previous performance, is a great litmus test. The easiest way is to take monthly indicators and compare them with the reporting periods of previous months.

Comparison of indicators over the period of an advertising campaign is also practiced, which allows you to determine its effectiveness and make a few notes for the future.

How to find out website conversion using services?

Example: a man was solving the problem of a leaking pipe, he did not want to buy anything. On a website selling plastic pipes, I read an article (“How to fix a leaking metal pipe without getting into trouble”), which solved his problem. If he still wants to change outdated communications, he is more likely to go to the site that has already helped him.

  • Value for money

Another factor from Captain Obvious. The better and cheaper the service provided or the product sold, the more orders there will be.

How to increase website conversion?

To increase conversion it is not at all necessary to dance with a tambourine in Altai. There are several obvious ways to influence buyers.

I'll warn you: some of them are invisible when done well. And they cause bloody tears when they are made very poorly. Let's get started.

  • Adaptive design

The resource must be displayed correctly in all browsers and gadgets, not just modern ones. Not everyone uses the latest version of Safari, not everyone knows what a browser is. And making a purchase in the mobile version on some sites is done in such a way that it is easier to grab a laptop at the nearest coworking space and complete the order through it.

  • Contact details

Each page of the site must contain a link to contacts and opening hours of the store/operators. This information must be prominent and comprehensive.

This information must be accessible and up to date. Access to store prices using a downloadable price list or through center operators significantly reduces conversion, unless it is a yacht boutique. For other stores, you can leave it as an additional option for those who need everything at once.

  • Decor

In addition to prices, you need to design the product page well. It should contain a description of the product with reviews and photographs. It is advisable to add the ability to compare with analogues and reviews.

  • Certificates and awards

Building trust in a resource by flaunting awards gives you a loyal audience. This is also a powerful argument in disputes with competitors.

  • Navigation

The number of clicks from entering the site to making a purchase should be as few as possible. Nobody likes to play Cookie Clicker while purchasing a T-shirt. If this cannot be fixed in any way, it is better to place breadcrumbs so that at any time the visitor can immediately go to the right place.