A ready-made business plan for a vegetable stall: how to start selling vegetables and fruits from scratch and receive a stable income. How to open a fruit and vegetable store Open fruits and vegetables from scratch

In modern conditions, when competition from huge supermarkets is very high, small stores have less and less chance of finding a consumer for their goods. It is necessary to make sure that the consumer, out of the entire mass of similar trading establishments, pays attention to yours. What distinguishes it from others is its appearance, convenient location, friendly staff, pricing policy, and simply a large assortment and quality of goods. Before opening a store, you need to have a more or less clear plan of action. We propose to consider these issues using the example of starting a business in vegetables. And even though at first glance it seems that the sale of vegetables and fruits can in no way compete with a large supermarket, this is not so.

Always a quality product

So, how to open a grocery store? We propose to discuss this issue and describe in more detail the action plan for achieving the task.

Being a regular customer of any large supermarket, everyone has probably paid attention to the unattractive appearance of some products in the fruit and vegetable department. Of course, among the rotten apples and potatoes, blackened bananas and tomatoes with dark spots, there are also beautiful fruits and vegetables. But, as a rule, there is not always a desire to purchase them, despite their pleasant appearance. After all, everyone understands that either this product was brought from abroad, which affects its price, or it was grown in greenhouse conditions, which affects its taste.

All this forces many people (usually residents of large cities) to purchase vegetables and fruits at markets or in specialized stores. After all, this is where you can buy high-quality and fresh goods, and even at an attractive price. Unlike supermarkets, in such retail outlets products do not sit out for a long time; the assortment is constantly updated and replenished with fresh products. It is important that in such stores the only product group is fruits and vegetables, and the store owner must ensure that only the best goods are sold. The buyer must be sure that no greenhouse cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes will be sold to him.

A very important point is a competent, thoughtful and correctly drawn up plan for your business. It will help you wisely distribute your forces to overcome all difficulties and go through all stages of organizing a business.

The content of the business plan includes the process of registering individual entrepreneurship - this will be the second step towards organizing the activities of the store. Then it is necessary to obtain permission from all regulatory organizations: fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station. This will take a lot of time, perhaps even up to several months. And as soon as the entire package of documents is received, you can safely move on to the next step.

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Premises and location of the grocery store

There are many options for where you can locate your grocery store. Not the best of them would be renting premises near the market or a point on the street, or in a pavilion. Competition in such places is usually very high. It would be much more logical to open a store, for example, in a residential complex. The best option is to open a store on the ground floors of residential buildings, especially if there are public transport stops nearby. This will be a very profitable solution to the issue, because many people, returning home from work, will not miss the opportunity to purchase the vegetables or fruits they need: it is both convenient for them and beneficial for you.

A business plan for a vegetable store always takes into account the most optimal area of ​​the premises for its placement. The issue of the premises itself must be decided based on the assortment. But it is necessary to take into account that the store area cannot be less than 50 square meters. m. The moment of organizing goods is very important. There are two ways. The first of them is a traditional store, in which the buyer contacts the seller directly to purchase the desired product. The second way to organize goods is to operate a store like a mini-market. Here, vegetables and fruits are in some kind of container and are located in the store hall. The buyer independently takes the goods that he likes, and only at the checkout the seller weighs it and pays the client. This method of organization is more profitable due to the fact that it allows you to serve more clients in the same time. This is undoubtedly a huge plus, since people do not like to wait and prefer to choose the products they like.

The business plan must necessarily include the costs of the necessary equipment, such as, for example, refrigerators, display cases, counters, scales, etc. On average in Russia, the price for a complete set of equipment is approximately 3.5-4 thousand USD.

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Supply organization and assortment

It is the assortment that can greatly influence the success of any store, including a vegetable store. The larger the assortment, the higher the demand. When choosing an assortment, you should not limit yourself to traditional fruits and vegetables. The abundance of various fruits, vegetables and berries cannot but delight the buyer. It is very important that your store’s assortment includes various exotic fruits and vegetables, such as avocado, mango, papaya, grapefruit, etc.

The business of selling fruits and vegetables involves searching for reliable suppliers. Finding good suppliers is very difficult. But there can be no other option. It would be much smarter to choose the difficult path, but at the same time gain respect from your clients, and, accordingly, good profits, than the easy path, due to which you can get rich quickly enough, but then face such difficulties that may force you to leave this business .

It is very important to be confident in your supplier and the quality of the goods supplied. A properly developed business plan always takes into account the supply of only quality products. It is necessary to meet with potential suppliers, find out all the information about the product: where it comes from, in what conditions it was grown, etc. Ideally, if possible, taste the products in person and only after all this place an order.

The fruit and vegetable market is quite dynamic, especially in the segment of imported goods. Competition here is almost always high, and in order to create a confident business, a novice entrepreneur will have to put in a lot of effort. The starting stage is quite difficult; establishing relationships with profitable and reliable suppliers of goods, organizing logistics and attracting regular customers is not easy, but if you achieve the first victories, the next steps are not so difficult.

Pros and cons of vegetable business

Selling vegetables and fruits is a promising direction. But it will be quite difficult for a beginner, especially with a lack of investment, to occupy his niche in the market. Firstly, fierce competition has formed in almost every city, and secondly, in order to successfully launch a business, you must immediately establish contacts with reliable suppliers, find regular customers and be able to achieve high-quality logistics of goods. But if a novice entrepreneur manages to overcome difficulties at the initial stage, it is quite possible to expand a small vegetable business relatively quickly, thereby increasing the amount of net profit several times over.

The advantages of the idea of ​​starting your own business selling vegetables include high demand for goods (even out of season), relatively small investments for opening a retail outlet or small store, and good profitability. Among the disadvantages, experienced entrepreneurs note the difficulties associated with finding reliable wholesale suppliers who will agree on an acceptable price, organizing a business (it is necessary to find, deliver and distribute the goods on time, to prevent damage to the products), the need for a warehouse, as well as fairly high competition. But with the desire and careful preparation for creating your own business, consulting with experienced entrepreneurs and experts, most serious problems can be avoided. Without a competent start, it is simply impossible to occupy your niche in the segment of sales of vegetables and fruits, as well as achieve real profit. These rules are relevant for all market players, as in the case of organizations, etc.

Possible formats for conducting business

Selling vegetables as a business can be organized in several formats. The choice depends on the available investments, the experience of the entrepreneur (if you don’t have it, you shouldn’t start with the most complex and costly), the peculiarities of the economic situation in the region and the needs of potential clients.

The most popular formats for running a fruit and vegetable business:

  • In a tent. This is one of the most affordable formats that does not require significant investment. You will need to register your entrepreneurial activity, find investments for the purchase of a minimum set of equipment (tent, counter, scales, containers, etc.), as well as the first batches of goods. To attract regular customers and accelerate the growth of your business, you need to ensure a good range and quality of products. If you focus on seasonal positions, you will be able to significantly increase your turnover.
  • From the car. The advantage of this format of work is its mobility. An entrepreneur can change several localization points per day, taking into account the traffic flow of the retail location and other factors (but do not forget about the punishment for violating the rules of non-stationary trade). In order to fully work and develop the prospect of expanding the business, it is necessary to immediately issue permits, without hoping for a lucky break. By trading from a car, an entrepreneur saves on renting a retail space, warehouse and the number of staff.
  • In the pavilion. As a rule, in this case, space is allocated in warehouses, which can completely solve the problem of storing products. An entrepreneur will need to pay for a retail space and pay a certain amount for renting space in a warehouse, but at the same time, he gets the opportunity to work in a place with excellent traffic, and also find regular customers faster, although the level of competition is becoming tougher. It is important to remember the conditions for proper storage of vegetables and fruits, to export to the pavilion such a volume of products that can be sold, avoiding spoilage and losses as much as possible.
  • Opening a specialty store. The ideal format for working in the fruit and vegetable sales segment is to open a specialized store of vegetables and fruits. But at the same time, several serious obstacles arise, especially for a new entrepreneur. This means the need for significant investment and work experience, otherwise it will be very difficult to organize the business correctly. The procedure for obtaining permits is also not easy, but if you obtain all the permits, properly organize logistics and storage of goods, find a reliable and profitable supplier, providing customers with a high level of services at an affordable price, a vegetable store can become a successful start of a big business.

Sale of vegetables and fruits business

To make the sale of vegetables and fruits a successful project, you need to independently understand the essence of the work, practical nuances, think through the marketing of your business, as in the case. Experienced entrepreneurs working in this market segment advise newcomers not to rely solely on the honesty of employees and the competence of managers. As practice shows, it is very difficult to find professionals to work in this profile, especially when there is a lack of investment. For a successful start and dynamic development, you will need to strictly control each stage yourself.

Business registration

Trade in vegetables and fruits as a business can only be started after registration of entrepreneurial activity. To do this, you need to contact the tax service and write a corresponding application, correctly indicating OKVED, provide a package of documents, or launch the procedure through the State Services reference and information portal. Then we pay the state duty, its amount is 800 rubles. (if you register through State Services, you can get a 30% discount). There are alternative ways of registration - through a legal representative, by mail and at the MFC. If all conditions are met, the entrepreneur’s status is approved within 3 days, and he receives a Certificate of State Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain permits from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor. When organizing work, it is important to comply with the Sanitary Rules for the sale of food products in small retail enterprises.

Advice: It is necessary to remember that before the start of actual work, the individual entrepreneur must submit a “Notice of Commencement of Activities” to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor. The form of the document is specified in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2009 No. 584. This will confirm the fact of compliance with trade rules and sanitary rules for the sale of food products.

Selecting a sales location

It is necessary to choose a place of sale based on the format of work. In any case, it must have good cross-country ability and be convenient for the buyer (the chances that he will deliberately go an unusual route to buy vegetables or fruits are very low). With proper preparation, you can organize a good business either in a tent or in a specialized store. It is important to take into account the specifics of working at the chosen place - when trading in a pavilion or kiosk at the market, it is necessary to win the loyalty of the administration and win in the competition; in a tent - to ensure proper storage of products, find reliable suppliers and organize logistics well.

Selection of premises

The room parameters must correspond to the work profile. Most often, they look for an option with an area of ​​up to 60 m², of which about 20 are allocated for storage, where it is necessary to ensure the appropriate temperature (up to about +8 in the summer and not lower than 0 in the winter). With small investments, entrepreneurs organize trade using garages and utility rooms as warehouses. But since in this case it will not be possible to maintain the temperature regime, it will not be possible to store large volumes of products.

Equipment purchase

Many businessmen who have organized a business selling vegetables and fruits work with a minimum of equipment - counters, containers, scales, a cash register, vehicles for bringing goods. But to develop your business, create high-quality service and attract regular customers, it is necessary to expand the list of equipment. In order to properly store products and not purchase small volumes for every day, the entrepreneur needs to purchase cooling chambers and, if possible and in accordance with the work format, a special display case.

Personnel attraction

Experienced entrepreneurs talk about the problem of personnel selection as one of the most important, especially for a newcomer to this field. With limited investments, they advise involving only relatives, close acquaintances and friends who can be trusted. This will reduce the risk of theft and customer fraud. If there are investments, the issue of personnel selection still needs to be approached very carefully. It is recommended to increase salaries thanks to additional percentages of sales volume. To organize high-quality work, you will need a salesperson, a driver, a loader, and, if financially possible, an accountant. But if necessary and for small business volumes, the owner can combine all these positions in one person.

Conducting an advertising campaign

To successfully start a business selling vegetables and fruits, a large advertising campaign is not necessary (if you do not plan to open a network of retail outlets). Many manage to quickly win the loyalty of regular customers thanks to skillful marketing, high quality products and streamlined logistics. But still, high-quality advertising will never be superfluous, and a novice entrepreneur needs to competently present his services, immediately pointing out competitive advantages. The following elements can be used:

  • bright sign;
  • billboard;
  • constriction;
  • poster;
  • advertising posts on social networks.

If you have the funds, it won’t hurt to place videos on local radio, organize promotions and create a discount system. The use of certain advertising elements depends on the format of the work and the purpose of its behavior (dissemination of information about the service, attracting customers, creating a competitive advantage, etc.). In the process of business expansion, it will be possible to place banner and text advertising on specialized websites and organize mailings to email addresses. But the latter methods are more appropriate for finding wholesale buyers, sponsors and business partners.

Selling vegetables and fruits - business plan

A business plan is necessary both for opening a small retail outlet on the market and in the case of creating a specialized store. Thanks to it, an entrepreneur will be able to pre-plan the stages of development of his business, approximately outlining their time frame, calculate costs, and identify and minimize risks. It is not necessary to order the creation of a document from a specialist if you plan to open a relatively small retail outlet - the entrepreneur, after familiarizing himself with the relevant literature and comments from experts, will be able to. We recommend including the following sections:

  • summary (goals, sales market, target audience, brief description of business development strategy, main risks, need for investment, payback period);
  • description of the service, assortment;
  • analysis of the situation on the regional market, if necessary - across the country;
  • main and potential competitors;
  • equipment;
  • financial plan (taxation system, calculation of tax amounts, insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds, expenses - cost of production, wages of personnel, rental of premises, purchase of equipment, advertising costs, transportation costs, etc., as well as the expected amount of net profit, revenue, payback period).


Let's look at frequently asked questions on the topic.

Where can I get products for business?

The most popular suppliers of products for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who decide to build a business in the sale of vegetables and fruits are the owners of wholesale warehouses. Sometimes it is more profitable to find one or more farmers who can supply vegetables in the required volume and assortment or repurchase goods. The choice of supplier largely depends on the situation on the regional market, the level of competition, the number of wholesale bases and their pricing policy, as well as the logistics system. Growing products on (personal subsidiary plot) and selling them is considered the most profitable option, but requires significant investments and knowledge of technology.

Do I need permits for fruits and vegetables?

You do not need a special permit to trade vegetables and fruits. The entrepreneur will need to register his activities, and if the work format requires this, obtain the appropriate permits from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and state fire supervision authorities. But the seller must have at least copies of documents confirming the quality and safety of the products, and in the case of selling tropical fruits - papers indicating the passage of phytosanitary control. If trading activities are carried out on the market, and the goods are grown independently or supplied by greenhouse farmers, then it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from the state veterinary and sanitary examination laboratory at the place of production.

What vegetables and fruits are worth trading?

A good assortment is one of the most important keys to successful trade and business growth. But some types of products are in greatest demand, and if you organize their quick deliveries and monitor quality, you can quickly achieve the desired profitability. Vegetables include potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cabbage. Buyers also often look for oranges, bananas, apples, grapes, kiwis, and pomegranates. Rarely do they buy exotic fruits, such as passion fruit, guava, carom, etc. (it is worth remembering about food products, including vegetables and fruits, imported from some countries). The choice of assortment in each specific case depends on the needs of the target audience, the format of work and the investment of the entrepreneur.

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Trade in vegetables and fruits is one of the most profitable segments in the market. You can successfully launch your business either with thousands of investments or by opening a small kiosk in the market. High-quality preparation and a competent business plan will help to avoid many problems and minimize risks even at the starting stage.

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Food products are essential products that are in high demand regardless of the season. This type of product includes vegetables and fruits. It is the high demand in this area that pushes many aspiring entrepreneurs to open such a business. Below we propose to consider where to start a vegetable business and carefully analyze the nuances of this market.

Vegetables and fruits are desirable and necessary products in the daily diet of any person.

Market Review

Fruits and vegetables are in high demand not only in summer, but also in the winter months. This category of products is rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body. Despite the high demand at any time of the year, this business is seasonal. Such an enterprise generates its main income from early August to November.

It is very important that the sale of such products is often accompanied by various difficulties. When considering opening a grocery store, it is necessary to take into account the various difficulties associated with constant inspections by quality control authorities. That is why such an enterprise requires a thorough analysis of possible risks.

What to pay attention to

Before opening a retail outlet, it is necessary not only to draw up a business plan, but also to develop a business development strategy. In order for a store to become a source of constant income, many different nuances should be taken into account. It is equally important to attract the attention of a potential audience and win the favor of buyers.

Before opening a retail outlet, you should carefully study the proposed location. An open retail outlet should be convenient for visiting residents of the surrounding areas. In order to attract a potential audience, you need a rich and rich assortment. The interior of the store itself plays an important role.

You should also work out a strategy for attracting clients in advance. In order to increase your potential audience and not lose regular customers, you should sell only fresh and high-quality products. Poor quality of products is a sure way to lose the bulk of customers, which negatively affects daily profits.

What products are in high demand?

A profitable business selling vegetables and fruits is built on constant analysis of consumer needs. An interesting, popular and wide range is a real guarantee of the company’s profitability. When developing an enterprise development strategy, you should take into account the seasonal demand for various products. The offered assortment should include dozens of different items so that every potential buyer has the opportunity to choose.

Vegetable business is very popular in different localities

Speaking about seasonal preferences, it should be noted that in the winter months tangerines, lemons, apples, beets and potatoes are in high demand. In the summer months, the role of popular goods goes to berries, cherries, cherries, watermelons and melons. There is another category of goods that is popular regardless of the season. These items include onions, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplants and cauliflower.

A competent approach to assortment compilation and a thorough analysis of seasonal demand will not only increase income, but also significantly increase the coverage area of ​​the potential audience.

Where to get the goods

There are several ways to obtain products, so at the stage of creating a business plan it is necessary to take into account how to obtain goods. Let's look at the main ways to obtain an assortment:

  1. Purchase from farmers. One of the most common ways to obtain the necessary goods. Most residents of villages and villages willingly enter into contracts for the supply of vegetables and fruits. This option involves a low level of investment in the purchase of goods.
  2. Import. This method is most often used to purchase exotic products that are grown abroad. These foods include mangoes, kiwis, pineapples and bananas.
  3. Own farm. One of the most expensive options, due to the need for a prepared plot of land. A similar method is used by various hypermarket chains. Here it is important to take into account that own farming is significantly limited due to climatic conditions.

The business plan of a vegetable store is based precisely on the method of obtaining goods. All of the above methods can be combined, which will significantly reduce the cost of purchasing certain goods.

Sale format

There are several formats for the appearance of a retail outlet. Below we suggest familiarizing yourself with various formats of retail outlets:

  1. Tent in the market. In order to interest a potential buyer, it is necessary to have a wide and rich assortment. A tent at the market must attract the attention of the audience due to the high level of competition.
  2. Sale from the car. This method is most often used by farmers who, after harvesting, export their products to markets and food fairs.
  3. Stationary store. When opening such a point, you should take into account the future location of the store. It is very important that your store is located near residential areas and roadways. A small store should offer the buyer a rich assortment. In order to increase the number of regular customers, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the quality of the product.
  4. Wholesale. The last option considers selling existing products to catering establishments or small retail outlets.

Selling fruits and vegetables involves many risks

Wholesale trade of fruits and vegetables as a business can become a source of constant profit and high income, taking into account the presence of certain connections. Useful contacts with the management of catering establishments will allow you to have a stable demand for your offer. Despite this, the most popular format for such a business is opening a full-fledged retail outlet.

Market analysis

Before opening a retail outlet, you should carefully analyze the market situation. Increased attention should be paid to possible competitors. An objective assessment of competitors' offers will allow you to correctly approach the assortment. Also, this business plan must take into account possible risks.

Such an analysis allows you to obtain a lot of information that will serve as a kind of foundation for your business. At the initial stage, the location and number of competitors should be determined. Next, you should analyze the demand for various categories of goods.

The target audience plays an important role in this matter. At the stage of market analysis, you should identify the possibility of supplying your future store with unique or rare goods.
A business plan for fruits and vegetables should be based on careful processing of competitors' offers. In order to interest the buyer, your store must offer services and products that competitors do not have.

Possible risks and benefits

It should be understood that, despite the profitability of this area of ​​​​business, such an enterprise is always accompanied by certain risks. That is why, before opening a store, you should carefully weigh various factors that negatively affect business development.

One of the highest risks in this area is the short shelf life of the product range. If the received goods are not sold within the first week, then most products will lose their aesthetic appeal. Loss of marketability is one of the most common causes of losses. Competition also plays a significant role, so you need to constantly monitor the price dynamics of your competitors.

The goal of opening a retail outlet specializing in the sale of vegetables and fruits is to obtain high profits

The above risks, with the right approach to the organizational issue, can become a kind of advantage. The short shelf life of fruits and vegetables allows you to avoid renting a warehouse with a large area. You can also refuse significant investments in the purchase of large quantities of goods, and purchase the necessary products in small wholesale. At the initial stages of development, this approach allows you to assess audience demand.

The main advantage of this area of ​​​​trade is that the products in question are always in demand regardless of the region. Also, the low cost of the offered range allows us to work for a wide audience.

Marketing Promotion

When considering the question of how to open a grocery store from scratch, it is necessary to highlight the importance of a marketing plan. The right approach to an advertising campaign allows you to attract the attention of the general public. To do this, it is necessary to equip the store with a bright sign. The aesthetic appearance of the room itself plays an important role.

To attract your first customers, you should organize the distribution of leaflets and arrange “discount” days. In order to increase the potential audience, the products offered must be of only high quality. In addition, the level of service is of no small importance.

Selecting the right room

At the stage of developing a business strategy, it is necessary to take into account the location of the future store. You should also take care in advance about suppliers and the purchase of various equipment. One of the most important aspects of development in this area is the correct choice of location for trade.

When opening a small store, factors such as distance from possible competitors and location close to a busy road should be taken into account. It is important that the store being opened is located within walking distance for residents of nearby residential areas. The main requirement for grocery stores is to be located on the ground floor. You should also take care in advance about placing bright outdoor advertising, so that at the equipping stage, the surrounding residents will look forward to the opening of the outlet.

Creating an interesting and in-demand assortment is the key to the profitability and prospects of any trading enterprise

How to properly equip a store

Equipment for a vegetable store is one of the most important components of a profitable business. It is necessary to purchase freezers that allow you to increase the shelf life of the goods and maintain their presentation for a long time. In addition to industrial freezers, cooling chambers are also needed for fruits that require careful storage.

However, the first place in importance is given to display cases for displaying goods. When purchasing equipment, you should give preference only to high-quality models from a trusted manufacturer. Proper display of fruits and vegetables is the key to increasing profits.

But in order to have the goods, it is necessary to select a responsible and conscientious supplier. Most of these companies independently supply goods to retail outlets. However, some farmers do not have such opportunities, so care should be taken in advance to rent trucks and hire appropriate personnel.

In order to avoid possible financial losses due to the expiration of the product, the store must be equipped with sufficient cooling equipment. Compliance with storage conditions will significantly extend the shelf life of many vegetables.

Organizational plan and business design

At the time of opening your store, your business must be officially registered. In addition, the required staff must be fully staffed. With a small retail outlet, the staff may consist of four people. To sell goods, two sellers are needed, working on a shift schedule. To deliver goods from farmers and village residents, it is necessary to hire a driver who can combine the position of a loader. Such an enterprise necessarily requires an accountant who will keep financial records.

One of the important requirements for hired personnel is the availability of a medical record.

When opening a grocery store, you must register with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur. Before the official opening, a number of certain documents should be collected. To open a retail outlet, you must obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the sanitary and epidemiological station. Having such a package of documents will help you avoid various problems during inspections.

The opening of a grocery store is carried out in two stages, lasting several months. At the first stage, suppliers are searched and a more convenient location is selected. At the second stage, goods and specialized equipment are purchased, employees are hired, and goods are placed on display.

Competent selection of assortment for different seasons contributes to a significant increase in profits and attracting customers

Business plan with calculations

The average initial cost of opening a retail outlet is about 1,200,000 rubles. The cost of monthly rent of the premises is 25,000 rubles. Repair work and outdoor advertising will cost an amount equal to 200,000 rubles. The approximate cost of purchasing fruits and vegetables is 200,000 rubles. The purchase of freezers and cooling chambers, as well as display cases, will cost 250,000 rubles. The cost of purchasing freight transport will be about 500,000.

Next, you should consider your monthly expenses. To renew the sold goods, at least 200,000 will be required. Staff compensation is about 55,000 (for regions). Costs for gasoline, utility bills and taxes are about 20,000. It is also necessary to take into account unforeseen expenses - about 5,000 rubles every month. Thus, the amount of monthly expenses is about 300,000 rubles.

Let's evaluate the level of profitability of such an enterprise. The average daily income of a small retail outlet is 12,000. The average revenue for one month is about 350,000. If you subtract monthly expenses from this amount, you can get an approximate monthly income of about 50,000 rubles. Thus, the invested capital can be repaid within two years.

A business related to the sale of fruits and vegetables is a profitable enterprise suitable for both men and women. Due to the high demand for such essential goods, it is possible to recoup the invested capital in just a few years. In order to attract public attention to your store, you need to constantly analyze changes in this market.

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Fruits and vegetables are in demand at all times, so there will always be a buyer for this product. There are many options for organizing a vegetable business, so you can always find something for your starting capital.

Business organization options

Trade in vegetables and fruits can be organized in the following ways:

  • Through a tent or kiosk.
  • From a car on the street.
  • At the market from a retail outlet or car.
  • A complete store.

The most popular option is selling from a car. If something happens, you can always move the outlet to another location if it turns out to be not very profitable. In addition, there is no need to obtain various permits from the SES and fire inspection when you set up a kiosk. An unspoken agreement with local authorities is enough. True, such trade will bring less profit than a stall. Therefore, having tested several options for mobile points, it is worth deciding in which place trade is best and set up a kiosk there.

Legal registration of business

A business plan for a vegetable store must include registration of business activities. It is best to formalize it as the activity of an individual entrepreneur under simplified taxation.

In addition, trade can be carried out with permission from the state trade inspectorate, after which the fruit trading kiosk must obtain permission from electrical inspection, fire inspection and SES.

Place for a kiosk or store

To sell fruit on the street, you need to find a place where there is a large flow of people during the day. These could be exits near the metro, pedestrian crossings, intersections of large streets, or residential areas. You can install a kiosk in approximately the same places.

It’s a little more difficult to answer the question of how to open a grocery store. In this case, in addition to the requirements described above, the room must have an area of ​​at least 40 square meters. m. and be divided into the following zones:

  • room for sorting vegetables;
  • fruit sorting room;
  • goods warehouse with refrigeration chambers;
  • Utility room.

It is very important to equip it with good ventilation to eliminate the smell of rotten vegetables and fruits.

Product suppliers

It doesn’t matter what you decide to open, a store or a stall, the first thing you need to start a business with is finding reliable suppliers. When sales are organized from scratch, entrepreneurs travel to nearby villages and buy products from farmers or subsidiary plots. True, in this case it is difficult to get a document from them. Confirming that the products are grown without nitrates. It is difficult to conduct official trade without this document.

Therefore, most often the goods are purchased at vegetable warehouses. In this case, you can agree on the return of a certain amount of damaged goods, as well as obtain all the necessary documents for the products. With reliable bases, you can enter into contracts for several years.


The next important point in the question of how to open a grocery store or stall is the availability of transport. The products you will be selling are perishable. It must be purchased in small quantities, but the goods must be replenished frequently. Therefore, you will have to travel quite often. In addition, different products may be located in different vegetable bases. And if you have several retail outlets, then fuel costs can be high. Therefore, it is important to study demand in advance, think through the range and routes of transport.

Business risks

Before opening a tent, you need to think through all the risks of this business. These include two factors: commodity and human. Commodity is associated with the fact that vegetables and fruits quickly deteriorate, so the main risks associated with the sale of this product are:

  • rotting (15%);
  • shrinkage;
  • shaking;
  • broken glass containers (when selling canned products in glass containers).

The human factor is related to the integrity of sellers. It is difficult to find a seller who will not put part of the proceeds into his pocket. But all issues are resolved by thoughtful steps in organizing a business.

Price formation

The markup is set taking into account all risks and the approximate sales of goods per day. This should also include associated costs:

  • rent;
  • electricity;
  • public utilities;
  • taxes;
  • salary;
  • fuel.

The markup on average is about 30-40%, and for certain groups of goods – up to 200%.


At least one salesperson is needed per outlet, and preferably two to work in shifts. We need a driver who will also unload the goods. If you open a store, you will need another person to sort out vegetables and fruits. The functions of the driver can be performed by the entrepreneur himself, especially since it is advisable for him to purchase goods at the base personally.

Store equipment

Another question is where to start trading, what is needed for this, besides the product itself? If it will be carried out at the market from a car or on the street, it is enough to have commercial scales and bags in which the goods will be sold.

To start trading in a store, you will need to purchase special trading equipment:

  • showcases for displaying goods;
  • counter and racks;
  • cooling chamber;
  • scales;
  • refrigerated display case for frozen vegetables and fruits.

Product range

A retail outlet on the street should offer the most popular seasonal goods. In the store, it is advisable to offer a wide range of not only seasonal vegetables and fruits. You can start trading at a stationary point with the following range of goods:

  • potato;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • apples;
  • plums;
  • cherry;
  • pears;
  • cherries;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • frozen fruits and vegetables;
  • canned vegetables and fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • water;
  • juices

The success of selling goods in a store largely depends on the correct display of goods. It should be convenient for the visitor and attract his attention.

Small calculations

If you plan to start trading from a car, having your own car, investments in the business will be minimal. It will be more expensive to start trading in a stall. In addition to purchasing goods and paying labor, you will have to purchase a kiosk, which costs from 43 thousand rubles. On average, a business will require start-up investments of about 100 thousand dollars, but they will pay off in 12-14 months.