The prosecutor's office provides all the necessary documents for opening a greenhouse. Your own business: Greenhouse business with high profitability. How to open a greenhouse business: creating a business plan

Natural vegetables, herbs and fruits are in demand at any time of the year. The bulk of products reach store shelves not only from abroad, but also from Russian farmers, including small private farms.

Greenhouse business is a profitable and promising activity in rural areas. This activity is suitable for budding entrepreneurs who love to work on the land and care for plants. Starting your own business requires a serious approach. At the first stage, you need to decide on the crop that will be grown, set a budget and draw up a business plan for the greenhouse.

To start a greenhouse business from scratch, you will need to find land to build a greenhouse. If an entrepreneur owns a plot of land, this will reduce initial costs by at least half. A small greenhouse can be located on an area of ​​5-6 acres. The purchase of such a site will cost 500,000 – 900,000 rubles.

Note! It is not recommended to rent land for a greenhouse complex. There are risks of conflict situations with the landlord, who may demand an increase in rent, or even terminate the contract.

When choosing a crop to grow in a greenhouse as a business, you must adhere to the main rule - a thorough study of the consumer market and product distribution channels.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse

The greenhouse will bring stable income. In temperate regions, farmers grow radishes, Chinese cabbage and cucumbers. These vegetables ripen early and are stored for a long time, which simplifies the delivery of goods to other cities.

In southern Russia, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and other heat-loving vegetables grow in greenhouses. They are more demanding on storage conditions, so transportation is carried out in small batches.

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business around the clock

Greens are an ideal option for those entrepreneurs who want to engage in retail sales. Despite the low price of the product, growing lettuce, spinach, dill and parsley is a very profitable activity.

The product is in demand throughout the year. In addition, greens grow very quickly and do not require much space or special care. From one square meter they get about 1 kg per harvest. With proper organization of work in a greenhouse, up to 15 kg of plants per 1 square meter can be collected per year.

In one greenhouse you can grow several types of greens at once, this will expand the range and increase profits.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business

Despite the difficulties of care, flowers are one of the most promising areas in the greenhouse business. In one greenhouse
Several types of plants can grow.

Trade in cut flowers is considered the most profitable. For example, the cost of growing tulips in a greenhouse can be recouped in one season, on the eve of the March 8 holiday.

Note! It will be easier for a beginner to grow carnations or grow peonies, since these plants are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and rapid growth.

At home, you can grow indoor plants. This product is not as popular as cut flowers, but it brings in good additional income.

Growing berries and fruits

Setting up a strawberry business in a greenhouse will bring good income. Among other berries, it is in the highest demand. Remontant yields a high yield and will fully recoup all expenses spent at the initial stage.

Its popularity in the greenhouse is due to the presence of several varieties that can produce crops twice a year. In garden plots, fruit ripening begins in early July and ends at the end of August. In closed ground, berries can be collected in winter and early spring. This significantly increases the cost of the product on the market. Despite the high price, people are happy to buy fresh raspberries at any time of the year.

Greenhouse business plan

Where to start a greenhouse business? From the development and preparation of a business plan. It must reflect all expenses, assess the prospects for the enterprise and analyze risks. The profitability of the project will depend on the chosen crop for cultivation, the budget and the scale of the business. In addition, the cost of a greenhouse is affected by communications: irrigation and heating systems, lighting. As an example, a small polycarbonate greenhouse with an area of ​​70 square meters was chosen, where cucumbers will be grown.

Monthly costs for maintaining the greenhouse and paying for utilities (lighting, heating and water) will be 8,000 rubles.

One square meter of greenhouse produces about 50 kg of cucumbers per year. Thus, from a greenhouse with an area of ​​70 sq. m you can collect 3.5 tons of crop. The average cost of cucumbers on the market is 100 rubles per kilogram. An entrepreneur can receive an income equal to 350,000 rubles.

From this amount it is necessary to subtract the monthly expenses for the year of work - 96,000 rubles. In total, the annual profit will be 254,000 rubles. All expenses spent on business will pay off within two years.

To understand whether it is profitable or not to engage in a greenhouse, you need to take care of product sales channels in advance. The owner of a small farm can supply goods to chain stores, restaurants and cafes, or sell products on the retail market.

Like any other business, the greenhouse business has its pros and cons. The advantages are:

  • Small starting capital;
  • High demand for products;
  • Possibility to independently maintain a greenhouse up to 100 sq. m.

The disadvantages include:

  • High electricity tariffs;
  • The problem of transportation and storage of products;
  • Seasonality.

Do you think the greenhouse business is profitable?

I think yesNot profitable


Most rural residents grow vegetables, fruits and flowers on their plots of land. They have all the necessary knowledge and skills to obtain and preserve the harvest.

The greenhouse business is a labor-intensive and troublesome activity, despite this it is an excellent way to earn money for residents of the private sector. Building a greenhouse in your own garden will save costs, and the high demand for fresh food will provide a stable income.

Natural vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs, flowers and berries, regardless of the time of year, can be purchased in a store or at the market for a long time. They get there not only by delivery from warm countries, but also from local farmers, among whom there are both large enterprises occupying huge areas of thousands of hectares and private farms located on garden plots. Absolutely anyone who owns land or can rent it can organize a greenhouse business.

How to start farming

Anyone who really loves working on the land, caring for plants and has decided to start building a greenhouse business at home for financial gain must take into account a number of nuances for organizing business activities. Before launching and opening a business that can generate profits throughout the year, you need to take care of the “airbag”:

  • To operate in the legislative field, you need to prepare: register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, obtain all permitting documentation, analyze the wage and tax scheme.
  • A home greenhouse business assumes that the grown crop must be sold all year round, and this must be done very quickly, since all products are perishable. To do this, you need to analyze competitors, product demand, etc.
  • A permanent base of buyers with a good reputation must be ready; find out in advance about the possibility of selling products. When creating a small greenhouse farm, the best solution would be to enter into appropriate agreements with shops, restaurants, kindergartens, etc. A medium-sized farm requires cooperation with at least one hypermarket, respectively, in this case certification and delivery organization will be required.
  • You should not save on equipment, fertilizer and seeds, as well as on modern technologies that will save you from unnecessary losses and costs in the future.

Advice: to set up a greenhouse business at home, set aside funds for the future to modernize and improve the greenhouse. For the fruitful development of the project and turning it into a successful business, it is necessary to work for the future and invest accordingly. A greenhouse built from unnecessary window frames and covered with polyethylene on top will not be able to bring good profit.

What is better to grow

Whether you can create a profitable greenhouse business primarily depends on what crop you decide to grow. The inability to provide the plant with heat, water and light balance will lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of the crop, and in some cases to its complete destruction.

Therefore, you should not neglect a thorough study and selection of the variety and type of crop. To make the choice easier, two groups can be distinguished:

  1. Grow farm favorites - cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and flowers (potted or for bouquets).
  2. Exotic - lemons, strawberries, blueberries or even watermelons and grapes.

The second option is much more complicated, as it requires certain knowledge and skills to grow crops in a confined space. But when choosing flowers, do not forget that they are very picky about the quality of the soil and temperature conditions, so it is very difficult to grow even good roses.

In matters of greenery, everything is much simpler, it is less capricious in care, it grows rapidly, but in this case the possibility of the fastest possible implementation is important.

As for tomatoes, this is a very heat-loving plant, which in the cold season will require huge energy costs, and in the summer the level of competition increases significantly, and in addition, products grown in open ground appear.

Growing plan

To create a truly successful business, it is recommended to give preference to a combined scheme, taking into account the specifics of the local climate, difficulties of transportation, storage and consumer demand. For example, a growing scheme could be like this:

  • Spring - growing flowers.
  • The first half of summer - tomatoes.
  • The second part of summer is cucumbers.
  • Winter - different types of greenery.

This is ideal. Of course, at first it is quite difficult to organize a constant flow, so you can take the scheme as a goal, and in the meantime, gain experience and clients.

Greenhouse business: plan

The amount of investment directly depends on a number of factors.

Where will the greenhouse be located:

  • On your own site.
  • On leased land.

Is future expansion being considered to include:

  • purchasing your own land;
  • rented area.

How far away is the place where the products will be sold?

The relationship between supply and demand.

Have communications been installed on the site where the greenhouse will be located, their cost, and are there any restrictions on use?

Business is seasonal or year-round.

Are there enough funds for:

  • Purchase of land and warehouse.
  • Purchase of structure and materials for the construction of a greenhouse.
  • Technical support costs.
  • Purchasing tools.
  • Registration of commercial activities.


In addition, in the greenhouse business plan, in the monthly payments section, you must enter:

  • Payment for renting the site (if necessary).
  • Salaries of employees (if any).
  • Cost of consumables and services (heating, light, water, seeds and fertilizers).
  • Payment of taxes.

A greenhouse business plan should take into account the most significant expense component - energy. That is why the key task when drawing up a business plan is to find effective ways to minimize these costs. This will be facilitated by:

  • Farming in the southern part of Russia.
  • Construction of permanent greenhouses with a durable heat-insulating layer.
  • Agreement with suppliers on more favorable cost of resources, etc.

The greenhouse business (we gave the beginning of action above) requires a clear analysis of its capabilities. It is much more difficult to form a category of income than an expenditure part, because it is influenced by a huge number of factors - from your personal volumes and quality of the harvest, to the performance of competitors. For this reason, without farming experience, it is not recommended to start with large volumes; product quality should come first.

How to build a greenhouse

First way. The most affordable option is a metal, plastic or wooden base covered with polyethylene on top. This design cannot be described as reliable; it retains heat poorly and is therefore suitable exclusively for seasonal use, but it copes with the main problem of protecting the crop from the spring cold. Thanks to this, it is possible to collect an early harvest and sell it at a favorable price. If you plan to install the greenhouse on a removable plot of land, then it is recommended to connect the parts of the frame not by welding, but by removable parts, so that the structure can be dismantled at any time and transported. Polyethylene should also be secured using specialized clamps, which allow you to remove and tighten the film if necessary.

Second way. When organizing year-round crop cultivation, a capital structure is required, equipped with light, heating, ventilation and watering systems. The structure should be erected on a strip foundation with a recess to the height of soil freezing. The base must certainly be made of metal with anti-corrosion treatment. The best material for covering is polycarbonate or glass, laid in two layers. In order for the greenhouse to withstand a lot of snow in winter, it is better to make the roof shape single or gable. On the north side, the building can be lined with bricks/cinder blocks for better wind protection.

Selecting fuel for heating the greenhouse

One of the most important and difficult aspects is artificially maintaining a temperature that is comfortable for plants, regardless of the time of year outside. The process is complicated for a number of reasons:

  • Under no circumstances should the inside of the greenhouse be allowed to overheat or dry out.
  • The heat transfer process must be carried out in a bottom-up direction and slowly.
  • It is necessary to organize all conditions for the distribution of heat along the entire perimeter of the room.

To meet all requirements, a heat generator with fans or water heating is ideal. What type of fuel is beneficial for producing heat?

  • First of all, firewood comes to mind, which is easy to purchase and its cost is reasonable. However, it is quite difficult to warm up a large room in this way due to the rapid combustion (about three hours).
  • Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers are more economical and convenient to use; they also have high efficiency and are buleryan.
  • Water heating. This is the most expensive method of warming up, but it is good at maintaining almost 90% of the performance, providing automatic fuel and the absence of soot. All this makes it possible to make running a greenhouse business several times easier. As a disadvantage, it can be noted that stoves are extremely picky about the quality of fuel.

  • Gas heat generators. They have good performance, but are difficult to install. First, you need to order a project from a gas company, which is not cheap, and then have it approved by several authorities. In addition, the greenhouse must be located near the gas main.
  • Electricity. This method is not exactly cheap, but it is quickly installed. It is not recommended to use electricity as the main heat source, only as an additional one.
  • The now popular infrared heating devices mounted on the ceiling often cause dissatisfaction due to the fact that plants stretch upward.

Internal structure of the greenhouse

At the very beginning, if there is a need to organize a greenhouse business with minimal costs, the internal arrangement is limited to installing shelving if necessary, hanging lighting lamps and installing a heating system. However, the more successfully the business develops, the more pressing the issue of simplifying the plant care system becomes. Simply put, the process is automated.

Automatic systems for watering, lighting, heating and ventilation of the room help get rid of a significant part of the functions. They provide the opportunity to completely abandon the manual mode due to the installation of special sensors inside the greenhouse. At the right moment, the sensors are triggered and transmit a command to the actuators (heating, ventilation, pump), after which the equipment restores the desired microclimate:

  • Automation does not always operate using electricity. For example, craftsmen construct an irrigation system from two barrels, one of which is a storage tank, the second is a receiver tank. A float valve is installed in it, which sets a regular water level. A ball valve built into the overall system opens during the solar heating process and allows water to flow into the drip system or sprinklers.
  • Hydraulic ventilation equipment consists of two containers with liquid, which are located on the movable window part. When the air inside the greenhouse warms up, the container changes position, thereby influencing the window and opening it.

The disadvantage of such homemade systems is their unreliability, so if your greenhouse grows as a business, you will need electrical systems.

Ideally, a modern greenhouse structure is an almost completely computerized complex, with many tasks to maintain the microclimate using special equipment. Therefore, it is possible to plan a greenhouse business with significant income only after the technical and material base for its operation has been created.

Advantages of greenhouse farming

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether a greenhouse business at home is profitable or not, since any business has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of farming:

  • Its main advantage is its high profitability: if all technologies for growing crops are followed, up to four harvests can be obtained from one greenhouse per year. You can organize the whole process in your own garden plot, and you can do the care and cultivation yourself, involving your family, while simultaneously mechanizing individual processes (ventilation, irrigation).
  • It is possible to start a greenhouse business from scratch without investing large sums. The use of inexpensive and common materials such as metal, plastic and polyethylene makes it possible to minimize the initial investment, however, this is only suitable for seasonal crop cultivation. In addition, you can assemble the greenhouse yourself. And in a maximum of a month, any person can become the owner of a small but promising farming business.
  • There is always a demand for food. As a last resort, the unsold harvest can be canned, frozen, or eaten yourself.
  • The price for an early harvest is always high, especially for berries and herbs of excellent quality.

All these advantages indicate that the greenhouse business has very good profitability.


Every situation has positive and negative sides. There are also many disadvantages in the greenhouse business. People who have been farming for a long time say that it is hard work. And also the disadvantages include:

  • The undulation and seasonality of business. Financial enrichment depends on the yield, which can change several times in one season.
  • Cost of resources. A year-round greenhouse requires additional heating and, accordingly, a large amount of fuel.
  • All products are perishable. Due to the rapid loss of marketable appearance and taste, it is impossible to transport the crop far, which is why the sales market is very limited.

When planning to open a farming business and receive a good income from year-round harvests, you should prepare carefully. However, with proper organization, a greenhouse business can grow into a lifelong endeavor with good income.

The greenhouse business is available to anyone with the appropriate skills and desire. The owner of his own personal plot has special advantages. Before taking action, you need to understand the following nuances:

  • what kind of crop is profitable to grow,
  • choose a place for the location of greenhouses,
  • determine materials for construction,
  • decide in what soil and under what conditions the planting will be carried out,
  • define the market
  • choose the legal form for registration,
  • create a business plan.

So, let's go over the main points in details.

Growing greens in a greenhouse

What will you have to spend money on?

Financial investment is what starts a greenhouse business. Even if you have your own area for growing, you will have to buy all the necessary materials for the farm. Usually you have to invest in:

  • purchase or lease of land,
  • purchase of materials for the construction of a greenhouse, inventory and culture,
  • business registration.

What to grow?

In a temperate and southern climate, it is beneficial to grow the following types of plants:

  • berries,
  • greenery,
  • vegetables,
  • flowers.

You can choose a specific culture based on the following factors:

  1. Climate. In colder regions, a lot of money is spent on heating. In this case, it is recommended to choose less heat-loving crops.
  2. Competition. The success of sales will be influenced by the availability of the same product from entrepreneurs in the neighborhood. It is necessary to analyze the situation and stop at the culture with the smallest proposals.
  3. Demand. There must be a high demand for the selected products. It should be borne in mind that in summer and early autumn the profitability of greenhouses decreases due to the abundance of ground plants.
  4. Capital. To start a business without initial investment, it is better to give preference to growing greens. After the accumulation of funds, you can switch to other crops. The highest profitability is the cultivation of flowers.

You can select several crops at once to avoid a period of idle soil. But for this it is necessary to carefully study the permissible predecessors and take into account the neighborhood to increase productivity.

Where to place greenhouses?

Greenhouse farming as a business begins with finding a place for a greenhouse. It must be located near settlements. Otherwise, fuel costs will increase the cost of the crop. The site should have good access at any time of the year.

Growing plants in a greenhouse is impossible without electricity and running water, so the chosen place must be connected to communications. The use of tap water is allowed, but the cultivation of any crops requires frequent and plentiful watering. Therefore, to reduce costs, it is better to use liquid from an open reservoir. It must be periodically taken to the laboratory for analysis in order to control the chemical composition.

Areas with a significant slope or subject to flooding are excluded. There should not be large trees and buildings near the greenhouses, as they will shade it. But being at a short distance on the north side of the forest belt or solid fences will protect from the wind, which will significantly save electricity.

The soil on the site must be fertile, since planting plants in bad soil does not make sense. The purchase of soil separately requires certain costs, which reduces the profitability of the greenhouse business.

What material to choose for the greenhouse?

The choice of material for the manufacture of a greenhouse is an important point, since the size of the crop depends on it. The following characteristics are taken into account here:

  • light transmission,
  • life time,
  • ease of use.

Today, the following covering materials are used in the construction of greenhouse structures:

  1. Polyethylene film. It is more profitable to start a greenhouse business at home with it, as it has a low cost. Polyethylene film can last for several seasons, but then the coating must be re-coated. If installed incorrectly, it can be torn by wind, and constant condensation requires proper ventilation. In addition to the standard polyethylene film, reinforced, pimply, PVC and other varieties are now offered. Each of them is superior to the usual version in terms of performance and cost.
  2. Glass. This material, before the advent of competitors, was very popular due to its durability and transparency. Due to the high price, installation complexity and fragility, other materials are now more often chosen.
  3. Cellular polycarbonate. It has all the properties of an ideal covering material. The only negative is the cost, which makes it inaccessible to a novice businessman.

How to create optimal growing conditions?

All conditions for year-round cultivation of crops should be created in greenhouses. For a high yield, each parameter must be properly organized.

  1. Ventilation. In small greenhouses, a door and a window on the opposite wall can cope with this task. In buildings of medium and large size, hatches are used. The mechanism for opening the ventilation holes can be either manual or automatic. In greenhouses with a large area, the operation of fans is allowed.
  2. Shading. In the southern regions, greenhouse farming as a business requires the creation of conditions to eliminate overheating. They are achieved by closing the greenhouse inside or outside, as well as coating the covering material with an opaque composition.
  3. Heating. To heat winter greenhouses, it is necessary to think over the heating system. Gas is convenient and effective for this purpose, but it costs a lot of money and dries out the air. Stove heating does not require communications, but it heats the room unevenly. During its use, care must be taken that carbon monoxide does not leak into the greenhouse. Electrical appliances are characterized by low fire safety. A thermal cable is more preferable, as it evenly warms the soil. This favorably affects the growth rate of plants and the size of the yield. Infrared ceiling heaters emit energy similar to that of sunlight. All cultures tolerate their effects well.
  4. Lighting. Winter greenhouses for business should be provided with additional lighting. In the cold season, plants need only a few hours a day. The most energy-saving options are fluorescent, LED and phyto lamps. All of them have a good effect on crops, but only white luminescent products have a relatively low cost.
  5. Watering. In small greenhouses, watering is carried out manually using a bucket or watering can. Watering plants on your own in larger buildings is inconvenient. Drip irrigation is the most common. It can be adapted to any source of moisture.
  6. Tools. To care for crops, you need to purchase equipment (shovels, wheelbarrows, buckets, boxes, etc.). Many devices are required for seedlings. It is more economical to use improvised materials, such as plastic bottles or milk bags. For tall plants, it is necessary to consider support tools and garter materials.

How to prepare the soil?

After the completion of construction work and the installation of all equipment, the greenhouse business requires soil preparation. Plants can be grown in the following ways:

  • on standard ridges,
  • on the raised ridges,
  • in hanging pots.

It is more convenient to use ridges raised by 50-70 cm. The interlayer can be pipes with heat carriers, biological fuel or electric cables.
Soil preparation must be carried out in accordance with the agricultural technology of the selected crop. It is impossible to act at random, therefore, the technology of growing a plant must be thoroughly studied. Otherwise, all the work will be in vain.

How to register a business?

At first, it is not necessary to register a greenhouse business from scratch on your site. To own a personal subsidiary farm, it is enough to take a certificate from the local administration stating that the property has a plot and crops are grown on it. When the business starts to develop, you will have to deal with the design. Consumers like to cooperate within the law, in order to get around competitors, they will have to follow the rules. There are two forms of registration of a greenhouse business, depending on its size:

  1. Medium greenhouse is the presence of a large number of greenhouses that are served by one family. It is registered with the territorial tax service as a peasant farm. All family members will have ownership rights. You do not have to register an individual entrepreneur, but the presence of PSRN and TIN is mandatory. To obtain a KFH certificate, it is necessary to collect a number of documents. When this issue is settled, registration with other regulatory authorities takes place. Then a current account is opened and, if necessary, a seal is made.
  2. Large greenhouse farm- the main difference from the average is that it contains hired workers. Such a business can be registered in the form of LLC or IP. The first option is more expensive and has uncomfortable conditions. Registration of IP occurs in a standard way by collecting the necessary papers.

We draw up a business plan for a greenhouse

When writing a business plan, you need to take into account all aspects. The resulting document should include the following sections:

  • review,
  • company information,
  • service description,
  • market analysis,
  • production plan,
  • implementation plan,
  • calculation of costs and revenues.

As a rule, the profitability of a greenhouse as a business is 15-40%. The final figure depends on competition and demand for the selected crop. Usually full payback occurs in two years.

Where to sell the harvested crop?

The winter greenhouse as a business has been set up and the first harvest has been received, now it is necessary to organize sales. You can engage in self-sale at a rented trading place or start cooperation directly with small traders and supermarkets.

Many consumers are wary of purchasing foreign berries and vegetables. Therefore, entrepreneurs prefer natural local products. This is the advantage of the greenhouse business.
Each region has its own characteristics that must be taken into account during planning. The location of the greenhouse is chosen very carefully. Poor choice of area and improper construction of buildings can make a business unprofitable. Compliance with agricultural technology will allow you to get the highest possible yield. You will have to make a lot of physical effort, but in the future all efforts will be rewarded.

Greenhouse farming is a stable business.

Greenhouses can bring not only benefits for growing a variety of edible crops, but also profit from such an activity. For this purpose, there are different systems of business projects in this area.
But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to start a greenhouse business.

This type of activity is more suitable for avid gardeners who know all the nuances of growing plants.
At the moment, there are two types of income from greenhouses:

  • Greenhouse business at home.
  • Business on an industrial scale.

Note. Due to the way the greenhouse structures are organized and what types of equipment are used in them, it is possible to organize it in such a way that the greenhouse is considered a business in the winter.

In greenhouses you can grow seedlings for planting in the main soil and sell them.
You can simply grow:

  • Greenery.
  • Vegetables.
  • Berries (mostly strawberries (see Strawberry business in a greenhouse)).

Advice. When choosing a crop to grow, you need to focus only on your knowledge and choose the type with which the gardener will have the least number of problems and questions.


  • Many people at the beginning of their activity have questions about what the profit will be in the end. We can immediately say that in most cases, the profitability of a greenhouse business directly depends on the type of crops grown, their popularity or demand and, of course, on the skills and experience of the gardener himself.

Advice. If you have no experience working with vegetables, berries and other edible crops, then you can grow flowers, conifers and much more in greenhouses.

A small business needs to start with a greenhouse so that it has the opportunity to assess its abilities and the demand for the crops grown. Over time, it will be necessary to expand the greenhouse business.

Organization of greenhouse business

Where to start a greenhouse business?
Initially, you need to decide on the type of plants to be grown. After this, you need to determine the scale of the business project itself.

  • If a small greenhouse business is organized, then in the first few days it will be enough to have your own suburban area. If it is necessary to grow a large number of crops, then it would be more rational to rent a large plot of land in a certain location.
  • Of course, the soil on the site will also play a big role. It must be fertile and fertilized every year with special means.
    If this is not the case, then there will be no problems organizing a business, since the soil can be freely brought to the site after a greenhouse has been built on it.

A prerequisite for creating a greenhouse business is drawing up a business plan.

Greenhouse business plan: what you need to consider

How to organize a greenhouse business?
All actions begin with drawing up a greenhouse business plan. It calculates all costs in full.
All stages:

  • You must initially decide for what period of the year the greenhouse will be used, because the quantity and quality of the material used depends on this. Its calculation is indicated in the business plan and the size of the structure itself is also present.
  • It is also worth considering what kind of heating equipment and irrigation system will be used in the greenhouse. Their cost will directly affect the price in the future.
  • If the greenhouse is large, for example, as for industrial production, then it is unlikely that only one person will be able to work there. Remuneration is also included in drawing up a business plan with the number of future employees.

Advice. This indicator is calculated on average, focusing on your strengths and capabilities.

  • If the greenhouse is small in size, then you can maintain it with your own hands. Over time, assistance may be needed as the project expands. At the initial stage, this will help save money.
  • Next, the quantity and quality of crops grown and the cost of their seeds or seedlings are determined. Of course, it will be cheaper to purchase seeds and germinate them yourself. But not every person can do such actions.
  • An important role is played by lighting in a greenhouse, which uses fluorescent lamps, which can consume a significant amount of electrical energy.
  • The presence of all accessible and required communications at the site is first assessed.
  • We can sum it up. The business plan includes all the costs that arise with organizing a greenhouse business.
  • How to calculate the average income of future periods?
    Everything is very simple. To do this, the average cost of the crop is taken into account, at which it is valued on the market, and depending on the costs and the desired profit, the cost of the product is formed.
    It is also necessary to provide a market for the products so that there is less waste. If marketed incorrectly or untimely, they can play a decisive role in reducing profits.

If you do not have any accounting education, it is better to entrust it to a professional to draw up a business plan for a greenhouse business. If you plan to engage in such activities for a long period, then it is more rational to deal with everything yourself.

Selecting material for greenhouse construction

Greenhouses for business are usually made of strong and durable material.
At the moment, you can use it to build a frame:

  • Wood.
  • Metal.


  • Wooden frames began to be practiced for making greenhouses initially. They are durable and reliable.
    But the durability can be doubted. All this is due to the fact that the material itself is considered quite capricious and, if the surface is unprotected, can begin to deform from sudden temperature changes and high air humidity.
  • As a rule, a film is mounted on a wooden frame, which very well retains warm air inside the structure. There are several types. Their choice depends on the type of crops grown.
  • The price of a greenhouse structure with a wooden frame and film covering is very affordable. Only it will not be possible to use it in the cold season - in winter, when most of the profits from the greenhouse business will come.
  • This type of greenhouse can be used in your dacha or suburban area, where everything is grown for your own consumption. Of course, there are types of plants that can be grown for sale in such a greenhouse. It all depends on the needs of the gardener himself.

Advice. In order for the greenhouse to generate income all year round, you need to use stronger and more durable materials for its manufacture.

  • These are considered to be a metal frame and sheets of cellular polycarbonate. Instead, due to its low cost, glass with a thickness of at least 5 mm is often used.
    But, unfortunately, they do not have the same properties and characteristics as polycarbonate.
  • Due to the fact that its structure consists of honeycombs, it evenly disperses direct sunlight, which can cause harm if it hits plants. It is also durable and reliable, as it can easily withstand a weight of 100 kg per 1 sq.m.
    This indicator and property of polycarbonate will come in handy in winter when snow falls heavily.
  • It does not allow warm air to pass out and thereby creates a constant temperature regime inside the structure for normal plant growth. It does not burn and is resistant to temperature changes (can withstand significant low temperatures in winter).
  • There is a large selection of shades of this material, the choice of which depends on your needs. Using some shades you can reduce the amount of sunlight entering.
    All this will be for those plants that grow only in dimly lit environments. See photos of examples of cellular polycarbonate.
  • The metal frame is the strongest and most durable. Its design, if properly used, can last a very long period of time.

Note. The metal can withstand quite heavy loads and has been used with polycarbonate for many years.

Communications for the greenhouse

In order for growing crops to feel comfortable, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for them.
It is very important that the greenhouse has the following systems:

  • Lighting.
  • Heating.
  • Irrigation.


  • For this reason, there must always be an uninterrupted supply of electrical energy at the site.
  • Fluorescent lamps are always used in greenhouses. Their main period of use will be winter, when the days are much shorter than the nights. All wiring for this must be done by a professional.

Heating systems for greenhouse construction at the moment can be:

  • Electric.
  • Gas.
  • Solid fuel (factory and self-made).
  • If the greenhouse is small, then an electric heating system is quite suitable.
  • For large volumes, it is best to use heating that is powered by gas.

Advice. Before building a greenhouse structure, you must initially know its size and assess the availability of appropriate communications. Not everywhere there is a central gas pipe from which distribution can be made.

  • Solid fuel boilers have become popular for a long time, but over time they are used less and less often. They were replaced by modern heating systems in the greenhouse: gas and electric.

Such systems are used if the budget for creating a greenhouse business is small. They are the most economical.
But here everything directly depends on the pipe distribution system from the boiler and the quality of the fuel used. Making such equipment will not be difficult. The video shows the work process.

It cannot be said that there are any specific instructions according to which you can easily create your own greenhouse business from scratch. You can simply listen to the advice of professionals who have been engaged in this type of activity for many years and can help at the initial stage.