Sales conversion: how to calculate according to the formula and why is it needed? Everything you need to know about conversion What is sales conversion formula

Constant analysis of current activities is the key to successful business development. This applies to every strategically important process, from the effectiveness of an advertising campaign to the level of sales and profitability of the enterprise. Conversion deserves special attention when analyzing sales. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with this term and learning to apply it in practice.

What is conversion in sales?

Conversion is the ratio of actual buyers to potential ones. This indicator is used to build a strategy in Internet marketing, since it allows you to identify serious mistakes in sales that negatively affect the profitability of the company.

In other words, conversion shows the real percentage of buyers out of the total number of store visitors. The higher this indicator, the more correctly the business process is structured. After all, if hundreds of people visit an online store every day and only a few make purchases, then something is stopping potential customers.

The cause can only be identified after in-depth analysis. This can be either an inflated price level or an unsuccessful design of a web resource. But in any case, with low sales conversion rates, you will have to work out the company’s weaknesses.

What is website conversion

The term “conversion” is also used to analyze the effectiveness of a website. Only in this case, the definition indicates the ratio of site visitors to users who performed the target action. These include:

  • subscription to ;
  • filling out an application;
  • sending goods to the cart;
  • purchase;
  • entering contact information into the feedback form, etc.

Conversion is one of the most important KPI indicators. With its help, a complete analysis of the sales funnel is carried out and it is determined at what stage the customer leakage occurs. This allows you to accurately identify problem areas on the site.

Basic methods of conversion control

To control the conversion level, two universal services are used: metrika yandex. and google analytics. They allow you to get rid of endless calculations and charting. All necessary information is displayed offline.

Yandex Metrica

To start working with this service from Yandex, you need to install a visitor counter on the site, with the help of which the service receives initial data for analysis. After the counter has been installed, the purpose of maintaining statistics in Yandex Metrica is set. The goal is understood as the type of targeted action of the user who went to the site. Yandex.Metrica provides 3 types of goals:

  • events that are success indicators for the resource owner;
  • the number of views of a specific website page;
  • the number of pages viewed by the user in one visit.

If a person visits a website and completes the actions specified in the Yandex Metrics parameters, then such a visit is called a targeted visit. Moreover, during one target visit, the user can complete several goals at once.

In addition to the conditions for achieving the goal, they are also classified by complexity. They are simple and compound.

Simple - one goal and one user step to achieve it, compound - two or more steps towards the target action. Composite goals provide the most valuable information for analysis. Because they allow you to understand at what step the user begins to have difficulties that prevent him from completing the target action.

The information collected by the service can be viewed in the report. This data is also available in standard and custom reports based on visits.

Google analytics

There is no significant difference in working with Google analytics and Yandex Metrics. Both of these tools are similar. But to make work easier, Google service developers have made ready-made templates based on the most frequently asked analysis goals. For example:

  • registration on the site;
  • purchase of goods;
  • watching videos;
  • placing an order, etc.

To make it easier to process information, you can customize conversion reports in accordance with your goals. Online store owners can take advantage of a separate group of e-commerce reports.

Reasons for low conversion rates

If the actual conversion rate is far behind normal indicators, you need to identify the cause of this phenomenon. At the start, many businessmen make typical mistakes typical of beginners. The most common of them include:

  • Misconception about the target audience

If the site owner has incorrectly identified the target audience, another error immediately arises - incorrect contextual advertising settings. The seller must clearly represent his buyer. To do this, a detailed portrait of him is compiled and only then advertising is launched in search engines. For the highest quality filtering of non-target users, negative keywords are specified in detail in the contextual advertising settings.

  • Weak design

The appearance of a site is a decisive factor in how long a user will stay on its pages. Frankly bad design causes distrust among customers and, as a result, pushes them away from making a purchase. Therefore, it is better to entrust website development to a professional agency.

  • Low quality photos or no photos

In both real and virtual trading, customers are attracted to the store window. Few people decide to buy, seeing only the name and description of the product. Therefore, each card should have pictures of the product and it is advisable that they be taken from several angles.

  • Usability

The easier it is to navigate the site, the better. Only useful information should be in front of the user’s eyes, and the necessary buttons should be within a second’s reach. Otherwise, the client will simply get lost in the pages of the site and leave it without completing the action.

  • Semantic core

To promote the site in the right direction, an appropriate semantic core is compiled. If the site is optimized incorrectly or not for the right key queries, the wrong audience will come to the site. SEO optimization will help fix this problem.

  • Too many pop-ups

To recruit a client base, the site owner is forced to obtain information about users. But when forms pop up in multiple parts of the page and have an endless number of fields to fill out, it only irritates new visitors.

  • Low competitiveness

For new sites, it is important to highlight their advantages over competitors. They must be presented clearly and be of benefit to potential buyers. To attract regular customers of other online stores, a tempting promotion or discount for the first order is used.

This is not a complete list of reasons that may affect low conversion rates. Only a thorough analysis of site visitors and their actions on it will help identify the true problem.

Methods to increase conversion in e-commerce

To increase the conversion rate, a marketing strategy is developed and a clear action plan is drawn up. It is better to apply methods for improving performance in stages so that it is possible to track the dynamics of sales development.

Methods to increase conversion:

  • Work through product cards. They must contain a detailed description, characteristics and pictures of the product. Information about the product should be useful and cover all questions that the buyer may have.
  • Post customer reviews. Real customer reviews increase the level of trust in the company. It is easier for potential clients to make a purchasing decision based on the opinions of people with existing cooperation experience.
  • Create an “About the Company” page. A detailed description of the company, its specifics and achievements also have a beneficial effect on customer trust. In the description of the company, there is no need to praise itself. It should contain only facts useful to the buyer. Therefore, the description is written not in an advertising, but in an informational style.
  • Simplify the purchasing process. The one-click purchasing feature has a positive effect on increasing conversions. Quick ordering deprives the user of time to change his mind. Therefore, you need to give him the opportunity to avoid the long registration process on the site.
  • Add contact information. Contact information includes email address, phone numbers of several operators, Skype, etc. The more ways you can contact the seller directly, the better. Access to contact information is placed on all pages of the site so that the client can quickly get advice or solve problems with one click.

There are quite a lot of ways to increase the performance indicators of an Internet resource in e-commerce and they all operate on the same principle - everything is for the client. This means that the entrepreneur’s task is to find out the current needs and wishes of customers and try to fulfill them in full.

How to calculate a funnel to increase sales conversion?

To find the weak point of an online store, a sales funnel is compiled and calculated. As already mentioned, the sales funnel is the client’s path to the target action. It contains 4 stages:

  • To attract attention.
  • Arousing interest.
  • Decision-making.
  • Action.

To make it clearer, we should consider a sales funnel using a real example. Let's say you need to calculate the effectiveness of a website providing auto repair services. Sales funnel:

  • After the launch of contextual advertising, 1000 users saw it (Ӏ stage);
  • Of these, 500 people followed the link to the site (ӀӀ stage);
  • 250 people received preliminary consultation (ӀӀӀ stage);
  • 100 people signed an agreement for the provision of services (ӀV stage).

For this information to be useful, you need to understand how to calculate conversion for each stage of the funnel. Calculations are made using a general formula.

For the first stage, the conversion is – 500*100/1000=50%

For the second – 250*100/500=50%

For the third – 100*100/250=40%

Total – 100*100/1000=10%

For a detailed analysis, the sales funnel can be represented by a large number of stages, including payment intent, budgeting, and repeat requests.

Stages of correct sales building taking into account conversion rates

To get started correctly, you need to take into account the indicators (direct and indirect) that affect conversion. It is much easier to build a strategic plan from the beginning than to try to increase conversion rates from scratch later.

Stages of proper sales building:

  • Decide on a trade proposal - what product or service the company will represent, its cost.
  • Identify the target audience, create a portrait of a potential buyer.
  • Get the audience interested.
  • Achieve your first successful sales.
  • Analyze concluded transactions.
  • Increase conversion using classic marketing tools.

How to achieve maximum conversion from Internet traffic?

There is no universal recipe for achieving maximum performance indicators. Each individual case is considered individually. The only rule that applies to everyone without exception is to constantly work on the site, refine and improve it.

When visiting the site, the user should not have any problems or ambiguities. This applies to navigation, content and ergonomic design. It is important to maintain constant communication with the client. To do this, an online consultant is installed on the website pages. It has been observed that such an addition increases sales by an average of 34%. Constant interaction with customers, as well as work to create comfortable conditions for users, is the key to successful growth in conversion levels.

Not really

Understanding the concept of “sales conversion”, what it is and why it is used in business is necessary for all new and experienced entrepreneurs.

Regardless of the type of activity, its size or direction (and this may be), the conversion of sales of services or goods determines how effectively and efficiently the sales process is optimized.

This term defines the actual percentage of potential buyers of a service or product to already completed sales.

The indicator is calculated both at the start of a store, enterprise or other business in the service sector, and at the time of its activity.

The meaning is used by owners, merchandisers, managers, managers, business coaches and others who are associated with the sales process.

What does sales conversion mean?

Sales conversion is the numerical ratio of a potential customer (who could make a purchase) to the actual number of completed transactions.

A potential buyer of a product or service is determined in several ways:

  1. These are the people who were interested in the product and asked questions online;
  2. Visitors to an establishment, store, website;
  3. Those who have become acquainted with the company;
  4. A list of potential clients identified by the criteria of place of residence, age, gender, location of work or study, calculated by interests, hobbies and others.

This can be described in an example where there is a high daily unique traffic rate. However, the number of sales is minimal.

For example, about five thousand visitors visit the site every day, and the number of purchases made does not exceed five units per day.

Simple mathematical calculations can determine that the ratio of potential customers and actual sales differs in a negative direction.

In what areas is this indicator used?

For each type of business, you should take into account the features of such an indicator as sales funnel conversion.

In retail trade, this method is used by determining the number of people who entered the store and the number of purchases made.

A special sales conversion formula is used for accounting:

K= N/N0 * 100%

  • K – conversion value;
  • N – a certain number of buyers (or people who used one or another company service during a certain time;
  • N0 – the actual number of visitors to a retail or online store.

Important: the formula and characteristics for calculating such an indicator as sales funnel conversion do not change depending on the company structure or the final accounting goals (marketing or business optimization).

A percentage indicator of the quality of optimization and demand for goods or services of a company or store is necessary for both large businesses and large businesses in the following categories:

  • Internet shops;
  • Retail;
  • Salons providing services (for example,);
  • Manufacturing enterprises (for example, a workshop for the production of plastic windows);
  • Other types of remote business (freelancing, etc.).

For what purposes is it calculated in small, medium and large businesses?

Sales conversion analysis can be performed for several main purposes:

  1. As a marketing tool;
  2. To identify shortcomings in the current structure of an enterprise or company;
  3. As a primary analysis of the prospects of a particular activity.

Important:Today there is no benchmark conversion level, since each type of activity has its own optimal indicator. For example, for retail and online retail, this figure can differ by a hundred times and be equally positive.

There are situations when management is not able to determine the effectiveness of a particular area.

Because of this, possible erroneous actions in the form of ineffective advertising campaigns, lack of return on promotions, loss of regular customers, and the like.

By creating a conversion calculation branch, the management team can see at what stage the bulk of potential buyers are lost.

From the moment of interest to the completion of a transaction in any business, several stages occur, the difference between which is read by the described indicator.

  1. P.K goes to the website or store to inspect the offer and get acquainted with the price category;
  2. He finds out or sees the cost of services, determining it with the expected level;
  3. Consults in person or by phone with the manager (calls in person or leaves a request on the website);
  4. Makes a purchase.

Examples of determining the conversion percentage for certain types of activities

As an example, let’s take an online sports nutrition store that is visited by up to three thousand people daily.

For this type of trade, this figure is high, which, with optimistic forecasts, should have created a high-quality sales conversion.

But the number of transactions per day does not exceed ten units of goods.

Based on the calculations of the above formula, we obtain the following data: 10 (number of real transactions per day) / 3000 (number of unique site visitors per day) * 100% = 0.33%.

This conversion calculation shows that the store has problems optimizing sales.

Only 0.33% of those who visit the site make a purchase, although each of them is a potential buyer who, when visiting the store, pursued the goal of buying or getting acquainted with a trade offer.

Based on this indicator, the manager can identify potential problems associated with low conversion rates:

  • Inflated cost of products (higher than competitors);
  • Small range offered;
  • Poorly designed site structure;
  • Outdated design, lack of necessary information, etc.

Important:Each type of activity has its own key characteristics that determine the reason for the low conversion rate. Here is an example of online retail.

Analysis of sales conversion rates

If the analysis of sales conversion shows a negative result, then it is necessary to conduct a qualitative analysis in order to achieve such an effect as an increase in sales conversion.

As described above, there is no specific positive level.

But the general indicators described from a survey of company and store owners in a particular sales area are presented in the photo below:

For the manufacturing sector, the optimal figure would also be 1-2 percent.

There are several general parameters that affect conversion that can be applied to any field of activity:

  • Final price of the product;
  • Choice;
  • Quality;
  • Work of personnel, managers.

If you receive a low - inappropriate level of potential sales of goods and services, then you should determine at what point you made a mistake.

Here you should adhere to the general rules of competition and the quality of doing business in a particular area.

How to increase your conversion rate

In online sales, it is easier to analyze statistics, since they are carried out automatically and include several points at once.

For example, the percentage of unique visits per day, visits to certain pages and sections, filling out the cart, submitting requests for the price list, and more.

If the majority of visitors visit the site and do not proceed further, then in reality there are problems with navigation, design or content.

Calculation of conversion is also relevant for production. For example, if you are sending out a commercial proposal to a number of other companies or holding a promotional exhibition.

The number of people interested (or who read the advertising letter) is potential buyers.

Their low number indicates the irrelevance of the current offer or an incorrectly constructed marketing policy.

Any offer must be competitive and comfortable for the client - these are the main reasons for the lack of the desired conversion rate.

What is the cost of conversion percentage

For example, the marketing department held a campaign, launched contextual and banner advertising, the conversion of which was more than two percent.

The number of purchases increased by 30% compared to the same period a month ago.

It is the number of purchases in relation to the total advertising budget that determines the sales conversion analysis.

Pay attention to the presented screenshot from the online store statistics.

Some website systems already include item-specific conversion data analysis.

This greatly simplifies the further optimization of marketing policies.

What is a sales funnel

The sales funnel and sales conversion are similar in structure. The first term directly means all the stages that the buyer goes through in the process of becoming interested in the product.

The visualization resembles a classic funnel, which has an expansion at the top and a narrowing at the bottom.

The top positions represent a large flow of potential clients, and the lower part represents already completed transactions.

Such a funnel consists of the following points or stages of order processing:

  1. Cold contact, first reaction to the product (negative or positive);
  2. Interest, possible viewing of a commercial offer;
  3. Persuasion on the part of the manager, seller;
  4. Making a purchase (transaction).

The goal of any experienced manager or team member in business is to ensure that each client falls completely into the sales funnel, passing through all points gradually.

Ways to interest a person and move him from the highest stage to the average “interest” is a partial success - this is how an increase in sales conversion occurs.

Important:The percentage conversion rate cannot always accurately reflect the financial prospects of a company. For example, it is much more profitable to have a lower conversion rate with a larger number of potential clients. In numbers, this can be seen as follows: 2% of final buyers out of 5,000 potential is a very good indicator, while 7% of 500 visitors is low.

How funnel and conversion interact

Sales funnel conversion allows you to answer several important questions:

  1. In what period of the funnel does the majority of potential customers churn;
  2. Which groups of people are most attractive for marketing campaigns;
  3. Which stages of attracting customers do not work and can spoil the impression of the product;
  4. If you combine some stages of marketing, what will happen in this case.

The term CPM receives special attention.

How to achieve high conversion - specific points and examples

Increasing the profitability of a company is impossible without certain factors, an important role among which is an increase in the number of customers.

Every year the principle of generating audience interest changes.

If five years ago someone could buy a product because of the inscription about the best quality, today everyone wants specifics.

For example, if, when analyzing conversion statistics, you see that most of the P.C. is lost already at the second stage, then the flaw should be looked for precisely in the internal structure or marketing strategy.

An inscription about a 99% discount does not have the same value as “those who bought goods before 14:00 today will receive a 20% discount on the entire range.”

The sales conversion formula shows that high conversion rates are not always successful.

The main role is played by audience coverage. Cold interest allows you to create a new base of potential clients and develop a unique advertising offer for each category of citizens.

Additional techniques for retaining regular customers

A potential client not only increases sales conversion, but also plays an important role in attracting new audiences through so-called word of mouth.

That is why many resort to various methods to retain such clientele and establish close connections with them. The following techniques are used:

  1. SMS and Email – mailing. This technique is already known to most entrepreneurs. The first option is preferable for a young category of clients. Business partners will prefer to read a commercial offer by email rather than by SMS. In this way, you can inform and create unique marketing offers that are beneficial for a particular client.
  2. calls. The method is more effective in business proposals. While cold calling in the service industry is no longer so relevant.
  3. Discount program . This type of customer retention is very popular today. A regular customer sees his importance and can count on pleasant bonus discounts that will be more profitable than the offer from competitors.

Conversion significance analysis

Sales conversion determines how effective your targeted traffic is.

Today, this technique is used by all offline and online retailers, product manufacturers, entrepreneurs and others.

In the process of creating a competitive commercial offer, it is necessary to pay attention to high audience coverage, high-quality conversion of the sales funnel, and increased repeat sales.

This is the first characteristic for work on optimizing sales processes.

The second characteristic is your own indicators for the assortment and price category, which may or may not attract the client.

In the process of marketing promotion, use all effective methods: contextual advertising, SMM (social networks), targeting, banners, hyperlinks, external advertising, mailings and more.

Know your numbers. Sales Conversion

To assess how effectively a particular product or service is being sold, the seller must use quantitative assessment methods.

It is these methods that will best help you understand whether the sales process is well or poorly organized and what mistakes were made when organizing sales.

One of the most effective quantitative tools for assessing quality is conversion, which will be discussed in this article.

What it is?

Sales Conversion – ratio between the number of potential buyers(people or organizations who have read the proposal) and customers who made a purchase goods or services. The indicator is traditionally measured as a percentage, but for convenience you can use results expressed in ordinary fractions.

The value of the indicator shows how well the organization processes the processes of filling the Internet resource with interesting and meaningful content. It also demonstrates the effectiveness of the company's marketing department.

You can get more detailed information about this concept from the following video:

Why do you need a calculation?

Conversion calculation is a necessary measure when assessing the effectiveness of an organization. Many companies do not understand why the traffic on their resources or the number of store visitors is high (thousands of potential customers visit the product description page or point of sale), but only a few make actual orders and purchases.

In addition, managers do not understand the low effectiveness of marketing campaigns: many organizations invest a lot of money in advertising, but receive practically no return from it. Calculation of the indicator with mandatory subsequent analysis can give management staff food for thought and suggest ways to solve accumulated problems.

How to calculate the indicator correctly?

Conversion for any organization is calculated using the following formula:

K=N/N 0 * 100%, Where

  • K – conversion rate;
  • N – the number of real buyers (clients who bought a product or used a service);
  • N 0 – number of visitors to the store or website.

As can be seen from the above formula, calculating the indicator is very simple, and the calculations require a very small amount of initial data.

For example, for a company whose retail outlets and websites are visited by 10 thousand people a month, and real transactions for the purchase of goods are made by 100 visitors, the indicator will be equal to 1%.

If the same organization, after carrying out all the necessary activities, manages to increase the number of clients by 2 times (while the total number of visitors does not change), then the conversion will already be 2%.

Value Analysis

If the conversion value turns out to be too low (and figures of 1-2% for online stores and 3-4% for regular retail outlets and organizations that have a lead generation form on their web resource are considered low), the company owner or its management should analyze the following:

  • Lack of information for the client. The buyer always has a choice from which company to purchase a particular product or service, so he wants to have all the information about the product. If a potential customer does not stay long on the product description page or does not stand near the product of interest to him in the store for more than a few seconds, this most likely indicates the fact that he could not find the information he was interested in.
    Filling this gap is very simple: you need to place videos and other visual materials on the website about the services provided or goods sold, as well as place selling texts that tell about all the advantages of the company over its competitors and push the buyer to make a choice. In retail outlets, this deficiency can be eliminated by placing brief information about the product on price tags, indicating the method by which more detailed information can be obtained.
  • Product failure to meet consumer expectations. Most customers go to competitors when they realize that the product offered to them does not have the characteristics that, in their opinion, are mandatory in this case. There is only one way to solve this problem: change the product package or the content of the service in such a way that they fully satisfy the needs of the entire target audience.
  • Mistakes in the work of managers. Many buyers refuse to purchase even when the sale seems to have been completed. This usually happens due to miscalculations in the activities of managers: for example, if a client sent a completed form in the hope of buying a product as quickly as possible, and the manager responded to this only when the buyer’s ardor had already cooled down. The staff of a real retail outlet can also make mistakes: if the seller did not see that the client was interested in the product and did not approach him with the aim of telling him about all the advantages of the item and the benefits that he would receive from the transaction, he makes one of the most serious miscalculations in your profession.
    To avoid such episodes in work, the company’s management must take care of regular training of its staff of managers and training them in the art of interacting with clients (this includes talking on the phone, correspondence via e-mail and many other types of communication).

How to increase the indicator?

To increase the percentage of website or store visitors who bring real profit to the company, it is recommended to take the following actions:

  • If customers leave the order page without filling out the proposed form, it is necessary to work on the questionnaire or reduce prices.
  • If a visitor who follows a link to a site spends less than two minutes studying the information offered or visits one or two sections, there are problems with navigation or design. The solution to the problem could be a redesign (changing colors and style) or changing the resource map.
  • If a direct correlation is identified between the number of visitors quickly leaving the site and the key phrases by which they come to the resource, it is necessary to change the semantic core (the list of keywords used for promotion).
  • If customers leave the site by clicking on contextual advertising or non-core links, you need to reduce their number. Contextual advertising can lead a potential client to a competitor’s website, and clicking on a non-core link will divert the visitor’s attention from the product or service.
  • To increase your conversion rate, you need to work not only on your website or marketing strategy, but also think through and constantly improve the uniqueness of your offer, the price of the product or service, and the customer experience.
  • The store should have easy navigation and a thoughtful arrangement of goods that customers come for most often.
  • An offline retail outlet must have high-quality equipment (modern cash registers, devices that read the barcode of a product and instantly show its cost).
  • The management of the outlet must take measures to reduce queues at the checkouts if they reach more than five people.
  • To give the client the impression that he can buy everything he needs in this store, all shelves and display cases must be completely filled with goods.

The sales funnel is the customer’s path from the moment he learned about your offer until the moment of purchase. The funnel consists of several stages that you set yourself and through which your potential client moves towards completing the transaction.

Sales conversion: how to build a funnel

To track sales conversion, you need to build a funnel correctly. A funnel reflects the stages of a business process. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is describe your business process. The second is to track it using the employee’s working day card. Third, optimize the business process if necessary. Fourth, move it to .

You'll end up with something like:

  • Cold call/request from the website
  • Sending a commercial proposal
  • Follow-up call/meeting/presentation
  • Signing the contract and issuing an invoice
  • Payment

In this funnel, it is important to control not only the conversion rate, but also the input - the number of leads, the output results - the number of successful transactions, the intermediate conversion between stages, the length of the transaction - the number of days spent on; the length of each stage is the number of days spent on intermediate actions.

Sales conversion: calculation formula

Conversion is the very first indicator that is important to be able to calculate and analyze in order to set up sales control. Let's look at an example of how to calculate the conversion rate of a sales funnel:

Conversion = Positively Closed Trades / (Positively Closed Trades + Negatively Closed Trades) * 100%

In our example, despite the different number of new customers in each month, the conversion rate remained virtually unchanged. And this is a reason to think about what happens at different stages of the sales funnel, where you lose customers.

Conversion in the funnel allows you to see the real situation in sales. Positively closed transactions can only be divided into transactions for which a clear decision was made to buy or refuse. Probable clients do not influence this indicator in any way.

Please note that in this case, there are 8 closed transactions in January, 14 in February, and 24 in March. The remaining clients, who are classified as “new”, move to the next month. That is, 17 January transactions moved to February, in February the manager has 72 transactions in progress: 55 February and 17 January. From 72 transactions, we subtract 14 closed ones, and we get 58 transactions that moved to March. In March, the manager already had 158 transactions in his work, and the sales result has not changed at all. This means it’s time to analyze at what stage your clients get stuck.

Sales Conversion: Sales Channel Report

We analyze the sales funnel in terms of channels for attracting new customers. Let's say we calculated that the conversion rate for one sales channel is 8%, and for another - 38%.

Now you need to make the right management decision that will affect sales growth. It is worth considering that both channels are run by the same specialists, warm leads are processed by the same sales managers.

The only difference is the sources of attraction. Let's say you compare funnel sections for cold calling and Yandex.Direct.

The right solution for sales would be to strengthen the channel in which the conversion is higher. There is no need to invest effort where the result is worse. We need to improve what already works well. That is, you need to develop a channel with a conversion of 38% and abandon a channel with a conversion of 8%.

This is why it is necessary to measure sales conversion in the funnel. Then you will be able to improve your results not by recruiting more managers, but by making smart management decisions.

Sales Conversion: Reference Manager

We analyze the sales funnel in terms of the work of managers.

Based on the data, this salesperson has a worse sales conversion rate than managers with the results shown on the previous two slides.

What conclusion can be drawn from this example? First of all, we see that this manager is qualifying leads strangely. He believes that almost all clients are not targeted. Judging by the conversion rate of the funnel, only 8% of them move on to the next stage of the funnel. For the manager from previous sections of the funnel, this conversion rate is 57% and 80%.