Trump's daughter Ivanka is married to a Jew. Ivanka Trump did not convert to Judaism. She is a Jew by birth, transformed into a Slav by a surgeon

“Not only do I have Jewish grandchildren I have a Jewish daughter and I am very honored by that.”
—Donald Trump

On Tuesday, media reported that President Donald Trump said for the first time since his inauguration that he opposes anti-Semitism in his country, which he intends to return to its former greatness.

After a visit to the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, Donald Trump, as noted by CBS-2, was imbued with the tragedy of “what can happen when racism becomes unbridled,” and, therefore, remembered European Jews who, not in The reproach to African Americans will be that in 12 years of the Holocaust they lost two thirds of their people.

Donald Trump called the "threats of anti-Semitism directed at our Jewish communities and their community centers" "horrible, painful and a very sad reminder of the work that remains to be done to root out hatred, prejudice and evil." This was not said in vain and not because Trump’s 35-year-old daughter married a Jew seven years ago, and three months before the wedding she converted to Judaism and, in addition to the Christian Ivanka, took the name Yael, which translated from Hebrew means Nubian mountain goat

That same Tuesday, leaders of the Jewish community called on federal authorities to more actively combat the new wave of anti-Semitism threats, and personally called on Trump not only to comment, but to lead this fight.

The Simon Wiesenthal Jewish Human Rights Center in Los Angeles sent a letter to the new Attorney General Jeff Sessions calling for the following:

“Over the years, Jewish institutions have spent millions of dollars a year protecting our religious and community centers, kindergartens and Jewish schools from attacks by extremists,” it says. “We appreciate the efforts of law enforcement to protect people of all faiths, but given the current situation, the Simon Wiesenthal Center calls on you to create a special unit tasked with identifying and apprehending the criminal or criminals who are terrorizing American Jews with threats.”

The JCC Association of North America reported that 54 community centers have received 64 threats since the beginning of the year.

In an interview with CBS-2 reporter Carolyn Gusoff, former Holocaust history teacher Sharon Goodman called it a rise in anti-Semitism across the country and explained that

“Every day something happens, either in the Jewish center and other places where they are threatened with bombing, or in houses where Nazi symbols are painted.”

CBS 2 spoke with the Goodmans at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center in Glen Cove on Long Island, and Sharon's husband, Paul, added that he sees "an undercurrent of hatred" in the United States. The Center's staff reported that anti-Semitic incidents in New York City have doubled since early last year, and the Center's deputy director of communications and education, Beth Lilach, said that "this country's education system needs a strong and well-funded commitment to the Holocaust." .

At kosher stores, synagogues and Jewish community centers on Long Island, CBS-2 reporter Carolyn Gusoff was told local Jews were worried but not afraid, and one woman said the onslaught of anti-Semites would not change the way she lived and worked because it would "give they understand that they are winning.” Lt. Richard Le Brun of the Nassau County Police, where the Holocaust Memorial is located, said that

“We have been increasing security and increasing patrols at all religious institutions for many, many months.”

The first daughter of the United States, the already mentioned “Nubian mountain goat” Ivanka-Yael Trump-Kushner, in her Twitter called America “a country created on the principle of religious tolerance” and called for “protection of our temples and religious centers.”

Her father's role in protecting American Jews from anti-Semitism has recently been kept quiet, although Donald Trump was reproached for not mentioning the Jewish victims in the traditional presidential statement on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27.

“We know that it is in humanity’s darkest hours that the light shines brightest,” President Trump said. “As we remember the dead, we are deeply grateful to those who risked their lives to save the innocent. In the name of the dead, I promise to do everything in my power during my presidency and throughout my life to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the forces of good. Together we will spread love and tolerance around the world."

The head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, called these words “puzzling and disturbing,” noting that Trump’s predecessors, regardless of party affiliation, never forgot the six million European Jews who died during the Holocaust.

Commenting on this blunder by Trump, the White House press secretary recalled that during World War II, in addition to six million Jews, the Germans and their accomplices killed five million civilians of other nationalities and religions. To the victims of the Holocaust we should add the German mentally ill and homosexuals.

When reports of a surge in anti-Semitic sentiment and speech came in earlier this year, before Trump's inauguration, it was mostly on college campuses where members of pro-Palestinian student organizations were running amok with the blessing of liberal professors. At the same time, it was more than transparently hinted that the explosion of such sentiments became possible thanks to Trump and his statements about the bad part of Muslims, the majority of whom are very good.

Then Trump’s accusations of cultivating anti-Semitism subsided, and it became unclear who our anti-Semites were – supporters of Donald Trump celebrating his victory or supporters of Hillary Clinton avenging his defeat.

After Trump visited the Museum of African American History, where he was concerned about the Jews, Linda Stasi, a correspondent for the New York Daily News, brought clarity to this issue.

“Donald Trump has finally said something,” Staci wrote on February 22, “very little, but something about the growing, horrific anti-Semitic violence that is sweeping the country.

But that’s like putting a fancy dress over a cut artery and assuming the bleeding won’t be noticed.”

“became before Trump’s inauguration, and since then there have been almost 67 bomb threats against 54 Jewish community centers in 27 states. Up to 200 monuments were toppled and desecrated this week at the historic Chesed Shel Emeth Society Jewish cemetery in Missouri. Who is the instigator of all this disgrace?”

“Do you think,” Linda Stasi suggests, “that the election of Trump, a president who was supported by the head of the American Nazi Party, white supremacist groups, the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan and militia groups, should have caused a wave of sentiment against the Jews? Will you (even if you are Jewish) be reassured by the thought that his daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism in order to marry a Jew, will force his supporters -
right wing evangelicals suddenly loving Jews?”

This, it turns out, is where Linda Stacy's dog of truth is buried.

Anti-Semitism is as common to Christian America as an egg to a chicken, but Donald Trump helped lay it. But if you don't have access to police arrest logs, look at the media's photos of those arrested for anti-Semitic behavior, attacks on Hasidim, swastikas painted in Jewish neighborhoods, and desecrated graves in Jewish cemeteries. Of this public, 8 percent voted for Trump on November 8 last year.

“Never forget the famous words spoken by Pastor Martin Niemöller in 1948,” Linda Stacy concludes her article. “When (the Nazis) came for the Jews, I was silent because I am not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one to stand up for me.” That is, there will be no one left except the lying press.”

The famous German anti-fascist and theologian Martin Niemöller actually said something similar, but instead of the words “Jews” he had “socialists”, which is close, but not the same thing. Moreover, in one of his sermons in 1935, Pastor Niemöller said:

“What is the reason for their (the Jews) apparent punishment, which lasted thousands of years? The reason, dear brothers, is very simple: the Jews brought Christ to the cross.”

This is about the lying press.

Much of what will happen to us inevitably depends on the personality of the head of the most powerful power on the planet. Soviet and Russian military-industrial analyst Viktor Titkov, author of the book “Donald Trump. The Nightmare of the Neocons or the Subtle Game of the Elites,” at our request, collected the 10 most important facts from the life of the new US president.

1. Donald Trump is one of more than 500 US billionaires, that is, he belongs to the top business elite of the country and the super elite of the world. There are just over a thousand billionaires in the world.

2. Trump received a good education, graduating from the private boarding school Military Academy in New York and the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

3. Trump is the living embodiment of the American dream. He knows how to “take a hit” in any circumstances, with ups and downs. He was almost bankrupt (debts reached $10 billion), but was able to restore his construction “empire” and return to big business. He has written more than 15 books about business.

4. Trump grew up in a family with strong moral principles, where everyone respected and loved each other. He keeps his word and respects women, despite his loving nature. The Trump family highly valued professionalism, accuracy, and practicality and strived to give their children the best education.

5. He is the richest US president in the history of the country. His fortune, according to various estimates, is $1.4-10 billion. He promised to refuse the presidential salary.

6. Always carries a weapon with him. He hates shaking hands with strangers and generally considers the habit of shaking hands as a sign of greeting barbaric. Wife Melania always carries napkins with her so Donald can immediately wipe his hands after shaking hands.

7. Trump is a long-time friend of Israel and its Prime Minister B. Netanyahu. He promised to recognize Jerusalem as the indivisible capital of Israel and “tear the nuclear deal with Iran to shreds” as the only remaining state (after Iraq and Syria) that does not recognize the occupation of Palestinian land. It is no coincidence that two of Trump’s children became related to Jewish families, and daughter Ivanka even converted to Judaism and is raising Donald’s grandchildren in Jewish traditions. And most of the representatives of the US Jewish community supported Donald during the elections.

In the photo from right to left: Trump, His daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, for whom she converted to Judaism

8. Trump does not drink or smoke, does not take drugs or pills, is an avid golfer, sleeps 3-4 hours a day.

9. A connoisseur of beauty, Trump is the founder of the Miss Universe and Miss America beauty pageants. He was married 3 times. The first two marriages broke up. But he maintains excellent relationships with all his ex-wives and supports his children. His ex-wives speak very highly of him and publicly declare that he will be the best president in US history.

10. Trump has five children and six grandchildren, all of whom were his support and assistants in a successful presidential campaign.

Clinton and Trump's daughters won't let the presidential race ruin their friendship

Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump, the daughters of rival White House contenders, are determined not to let their parents' presidential race ruin their decades-long friendship.

These young women, married to Jews, decided not to date until the end of the presidential race, The New York Daily News reports.
The publication writes that Ivanka and Chelsea previously met regularly, exchanged text messages and gifts for their future children, who are due this year.
The proposal to freeze relations until the elections was put forward by Chelsea, as more experienced in political struggle, the newspaper article clarifies.

Let us recall that in December of this year, billionaire Donald Trump, the leader of the Republicans in the current presidential race, once again shocked voters by rudely making fun of his possible rival, the leading candidate from the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton.

At a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, when Mrs. Clinton walked into the ladies' room and lingered, Trump said, describing her defeat in the previous election: "She was sure she would win, but she got screwed." The word Trump used is outside the accepted vocabulary of society and refers to the male sexual organ. He also addressed Clinton's long absence, saying: "I know where she went - it's disgusting, and I don't want to talk about it."
In early January, the odious media mogul accused US President Barack Obama and his rival and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the fact that it was their actions that led to the creation of the terrorist organization Islamic State.

"They created ISIS. Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama," Trump said, then explaining that Obama and Clinton did not listen to his advice to confiscate terrorist-controlled oil reserves from which they make a lot of money.

Let us remember that Trump continues to lead among the Republican candidates by a wide margin, despite his provocative statements. According to the results of the latest public opinion poll conducted by ORC for the CNN news service, Trump is gaining 39% of the Republican vote, while his main rival, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, is 21 points behind Trump, gaining only 18% this time. .

Jared Kushner, heir to his father Charles's financial empire, and Ivanka Trump married in the fall of 2009. The wedding took place according to Jewish rites, and shortly before that Ivanka converted. She gave birth to a daughter in 2011 and is now expecting her second child.

Chelsea Clinton married banker Marc Mezvinsky in 2010 in an interfaith ceremony. Hillary Clinton (who, like her husband, belongs to the Methodist Church) read the Lord's Prayer, then the rabbi performed the rituals that correspond to a traditional Jewish wedding. At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds jumped over a broom to determine who would be in charge in their house, after which Mark crushed the glass, as befits the groom according to halakhic tradition. In 2014, this couple had a daughter, who was named Charlotte.

In 2011, Chelsea Clinton began working for NBC News, and in 2014 she quit and now devotes her time to the Clinton family and foundation.
12-01-2016, 00:20

Well, here’s something interesting about Ivanka Trump:

Ivanka Trump manages to combine many roles - she is a mother, a business tycoon, a fashion designer, and, of course, the daughter of Donald Trump. +

Ivanka Trump, the daughter of media mogul Donald Trump - one of the most famous gyorets of our time - converted to Judaism for the sake of her fiancé, heir to the Charles Kushner financial empire, 27-year-old Jared Kushner (it is important to note that he is an Orthodox Jew -pr_mar27). +

The young businesswoman studied Judaism at the famous Eldridge Street Synagogue on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The reconstruction of this synagogue, built in 1887 by Jews from Eastern Europe, lasted more than twenty years.

The media often describes her as a sane and level-headed woman who has it all. However, in a recent interview with Town & Country Magazine, the 34-year-old Jewish mom disagrees that anyone can truly have it all. +

Trump seems to easily combine the roles of mother and businesswoman. She currently serves as the executive vice president of development and acquisitions at the Trump Organization and also owns the Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry brand and the women's designer clothing brand Ivanka Trump Collection. And her personal life is in the public domain. She married businessman Jared Kusher in 2009 and they have two children, four-year-old Arabella and two-year-old Joseph. +

In an interview, she honestly spoke about the fact that, being a working mother, she cannot participate in all the children’s affairs, adding that this is impossible for those who “have everything”: +

You can't help but admire Ivanka Trump's ability to navigate the life of a working mom

+ “I don’t like being asked about people who have everything. I look at things through the filter of “does the life I lead align with my priorities?” For me, my family is a typical litmus test: Am I really giving my children what they need?

But I don’t do everything, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do my business professionally. I don't go to daytime classes. I don't take my son to the playground in the middle of the day. For some people, this is a compromise they are not willing to make, and I respect their decision..." +

Trump announced in September that she was pregnant with her third child. One of the most striking moments of the interview was her words that women should be the architect of their own lives - as opposed to the roles they have to take on: +

“One of my goals is not to preach how to live a great life. I'm not saying that if you stay at home and raise children, that means you don't work. I want to change the perception of working women. The whole point is that women should build their own lives.” +

Of course, the interview would be incomplete without mentioning her famous father, to whom she is surprisingly loyal. Trump diplomatically said she sometimes disagrees with her father and explained that it would be a little strange if she didn't. Trump also did not ignore the fact that her father “believes one hundred percent in gender equality.” +

In any case, one cannot help but admire her ability to navigate the life of a working mother so successfully that it seems that it is not a job at all. Of course, we should not forget that she has the advantage of being very rich and having a famous father - whose connections and opportunities allow her to find work in any field of business. +

Ivanka Trump: height 180 cm, weight 64 kg, date of birth 10/30/1981.

Type: small chin + large cheeks + hooked nose. "Hamster".

WITH There are certain types of faces that to an outside observer may look cute or "interesting." For example, chubby cheeks combined with a small chin create a certain resemblance to a hamster. But those with this set of traits don’t want to be “nice” at all. A man usually strives to look courageous, a woman - graceful.

Ivanka Trump received from nature exactly this set of features: wide cheekbones, plump cheeks and an underdeveloped chin, complete with a not-so-ideal nose. But at the same time she is tall (1.80 m), slender and feminine.

Ivanka Tram before plastic surgery:

WITH An overly small chin always brings a “but” to one’s appearance. And, perhaps, no other plastic surgery beautifies the face as much as correcting this nuance. True, the owners of this problem themselves often do not notice it, attributing the disharmony in appearance to the nose (usually, on the contrary, it is very prominent, especially against the backdrop of the underdeveloped lower part of the face). But rhinoplasty alone will not solve the problem.

IN plastic surgery there is a fine line between bringing your face to perfection (as Angelina Jolie did, for example) and sculpting a different, new face (as Heidi Montag did). Ivanka Trump has had at least three plastic surgeries and received balanced results.

AND so for the face, it was rhinoplasty (the camera is known to love small, dainty noses, and Ivanka worked as a model) and chin augmentation.

Ivanka Trump before chin surgery/rhinoplasty and after:

D The childish plumpness, especially noticeable against the backdrop of a small chin, is gone, which was also a plus in Ivanka’s case.

TO By the way, an increase in the chin often entails a decrease in the lower lip - the tissue is pulled onto the implant. But usually this only decorates, since a large lower lip, complete with a too small chin, looks somewhat saggy.

IN At the end of 2006, Ivanka Trump had her breasts enlarged, apparently in a desire to balance out her wide hips and shoulders.

P However, the breasts were not small to begin with:

AND For my taste, the increase only made the figure heavier.

N o breasts look different in different dresses.

ABOUT However, it is not only the nose, cheeks or chin that shape the face. Even after the most successful operation, you can become just one of many, an ordinary pretty girl. But Ivanka Trump wasn't just born under a lucky star and with a silver spoon in her mouth. She is smart, educated and achieved impressive heights in business not only with the help of her father, but also with the help of hard work without days off. Clever, beautiful and heiress, she is “far from Paris Hilton,” which she once indignantly commented on in an interview. So, despite the fact that a trained eye will detect plastic surgery (the chin is made to be 5+, but you can see the rhinoceros), Ivanka’s appearance has not lost its individuality.

AND from a “hamster” - into a real princess.