Do not bite your hand nursing you. Stupid wisdom: Eternal harmful tips. Never give up

xXX: Starting the livestock read, there is a dog's name Kusai. What is funny hapless then! That would be my psya Kusai.
Someone goes, and he runs around. And I'm so "Girl, remove the dog!"
And I start calling the "Kusai! Kusaaay!"
uU: Hello

yyy: Do you want a joke?
xXX: Valya.
yyy: a person has a blind spot in the eye. I'll take off the list of identical phrases now, and one of them is different. If you are looking at the center of the text, you will not notice this phrase. Cool? He herself came up. :)
yyy: I love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you I love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you
yyy: Try too. ;))
xxx: I love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you I love you i fuck you you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you
... yyy came out of the chat ...
xXX: And he said that he was not visible.

That, which will postpone all the case for you.
That who will tell you absolutely everything.
That which can afford to call at 2 o'clock and say that he quarreled with a guy.
The one that will be jealous to other girls.
The one, which when you right praise you, and when not the right pursue. That, which so that neither happens to break all the pieces for you.
That that will not speak in society about your shortcomings.
The one that will understand you when you come to her if you have a bad mood.
That who considers you sister.
That, silence with which does not strain ...
And if you read all this, you remembered it, just know what you are incredibly lucky. This is happiness when you have a girlfriend, which you can open a heart. Appreciate friendship ...

xXX: Hi, listen, do you have an anine contacts?
yyy: Prior to which Ani?
xXX: Well, like her ... Commoblega which.
yyy: no, no. By the way, I wanted to ask. And why is her Kombollgoy called?
xXX: Commoblga - Communication in pleasure.

yyy: how are you?
yyy: Do you already have a new girl?
xXX: All is well
leg recovers))
xxx: no, not yet found
xxx: I do not understand where it is wearing
yyy: And the one who is intelligent is intelligent ..
yyy: which is so brought up that a member of the fork in his mouth takes?

4 Protection

Protection Have in High Low Split such a hand that protects you from losing two systems

5 Nightmare

Bad Beat Different players invest different meaning in this concept. But it is definitely possible to say one thing: you lost your hand, which looked not just a favorite, she looked win-win. If this had not happened in practice, you would consider such an event incredible. Imagine playing in Hold'em, you keep closed AA, and the flop comes A55. You have a Tougal Ful House with a flop, and someone holds 98 of the same suit that one of the tops and buy Street Flash. In a similar position, if not in worst, there is one who, with such a flop, holds a couple of top five closed. Newbies love to tell the history of "nightmarish meetings", and some people do not even object to hear them. However, gray poker veterans who believe that they heard (or even seen) them all before one such history prefer to spend two hours in the dentist's chair. The sound of the borders delivers them less trouble.

6 help me cut your hand hand washes

7 under the hot hand

[Prepp.; Invar; adv.; Fixed WO.]

⇒ (To Say or Do sTH. WHEN ONE IS, RUN INTO s.O. WHEN HE IS. eTC.) in An Angry Mood, Highly and Visibly Displeased, Dissatisfied eTC.:

- when (One IS) Angry (Steamed (Up), Fuming, Peeved, Hot Under the Collar, In A HUFF eTC.) ;

♦ ... silent, women were offended. Even the most language of them, capable, seemed to be able to negotiate the hell, only bitterly grinned in response from under the scarfs shifted to the most eyebrows (Maksimov 3) ... The Women Stood in Silence and Didn "T Take Offense. Even The Most Shrewish Among Them, Who Could Talk The Devil "S Hind Leg Off When Were In A Temper, Only Smiled Back Ruefully From Under their Headscarves (3A)

♦ For a long time, Ivan Kuzmich buried his dogs, and Charlie, perhaps, will be the dog that will survive him and will wait for him to return from death. But it happened, kicking him Ivan Kuzmich under the hot hand (Evtushenko 2) in His Long Life Ivan Kuzmich Had Buried Many Dogs, But Charlie Would ProbaBly BE the Dog. That Outlived Him and Would Wait for Him to Return from The Dead. Yet Sometimes Ivan Kuzmich Kicked Him In Anger (2A)

8 at hand

[Prepp.; These Forms ONLY; adv.]

⇒ (To Take, Support, Walk Walk eTC. s.O.) Holding s.O."S arm at the elbow or bending one" s arm through the crook of his:

♦ East delicately took it at hand (Aksenov 7). Vostokov Gently Took Her Arm ... (7A).

♦ Karimov took the shrum at hand. "Viktor Pavlovich, you noticed, the most innocent thing in Magyarova looks like a generalization?" (Grossman 2). Karimov Took Viktor by The Arm. "Victor Pavlovich, Have You Noticed That The Most Innocent Remark of Madyarov" s Somehow Sounds Like a Generalization? "(2a).

♦ Several times the princess under the handle with his mother passed by me, accompanied by some kind of chrome old man ... (Lermontov 1). Sevel Times The Young Princess Passed Nearby On Her Mother "S Arm, Accompanied by a Lame Old Man (1A).

♦ Until March 1953, Malenkov and Beria Walking at hand were always possible (Allyluweva 2). UNTIL MARCH 1953 One Could Always See Malenkov and Beria Walking Arm in Arm (2A)

⇒ (To make An Ill-Timed Remark, Often Offering Unsought Advice) WHEN s.O. IS Busy Doing sTH.Thus Distracting HIM:

- don "T Speak Until (Unless) (You" Re) Spoken to.

♦ For fishing, I will not take you anymore - only you interfere, all the time you say something on hand. I "M NOT TAKING YOU FISHING Anymore - You Only Get In The Way, and Always Distract Me by Talking.

9 here I am

[Interj.; These Forms ONLY; Fixed WO.]

- I "LL Show You Him eTC.(What "s what)! ;

- I "LL Give IT to You Him eTC.(Good)! ;

- eTC.>! ;

- I "LL Give You Him eTC.What for!

10 here I am!

[Interj.; These Forms ONLY; Fixed WO.]

⇒ Used (Sometimes After A Command) AS A AS A ADRESED OR TO ANOTHER PERSON:

- I "LL Show You Him eTC.(What "s what)! ;

- I "LL Give IT to You Him eTC.(Good)! ;


- I "LL Give You Him eTC.What for!

♦ "Ah, Rabinovich! - says the boss ... - Yes, you, - says, Rabinovich! Yes, who allowed you, Rabinovich? Yes, I, Rabinovich!" (Winovich 1). "Ah, Rabinovich!" SAID THE CHIEF .... "What do you think you" do doing, Rabinovich? Who Gave You Permission? I "LL Show You, Rabinovich" (1A).

♦ ... [They] decided: Schish Amanats until they indicate where the Sloboda. But a strange thing! The more sequel, the weaker the confidence I was confidently finding the desired approach! It was before that unexpectedly that Bardavkin ripped on himself a uniform and, raising his right hand to heaven, shook his finger and said: "I am!" (Saltykov-Shchedrin 1) .... Decided to Flog The Hostages Until The Pointed Out Where The Settlement Was. But It Was A Strange Thing: The More The Certitude of Their Finding The Desired Settlement! This WAS SO UNEXPECT THAT WARTING RENT HIS UNIFORM, AND RAISING HIS RIGHT HAND TO THE HEAVENS HE SHOOK HIS FINGER THREATENINGLY AND SAID, "I" LL GET YOU! "(1A).

♦ ... Four people separated and joined the fortress together. We learned our traitors in them ... Shouting traitors: "Do not shoot; go out to the sovereign. Sovereign here!" - "So I am! - Ivan Kuzmich shouted. - Guys! Shoot!" (Pushkin 1) ... Four Men Broke Away from The Main Body of People and Galloped At Full Speed \u200b\u200bRight Up to the Fortress. We Recognised Them As Our Cossack Traitors .... The Traitors Cried: "Don" T Fire. Come Out to the Tsar. The Tsar IS Here! "" I "LL Give IT to You!" Shouted Ivan Kuzmitch. "Right, Lads-Fire!" (1b).

11 i am

[Interj.; These Forms ONLY; Fixed WO.]

⇒ Used (Sometimes After A Command) AS A AS A ADRESED OR TO ANOTHER PERSON:

- I "LL Show You Him eTC.(What "s what)! ;

- I "LL Give IT to You Him eTC.(Good)! ;


- I "LL Give You Him eTC.What for!

♦ "Ah, Rabinovich! - says the boss ... - Yes, you, - says, Rabinovich! Yes, who allowed you, Rabinovich? Yes, I, Rabinovich!" (Winovich 1). "Ah, Rabinovich!" SAID THE CHIEF .... "What do you think you" do doing, Rabinovich? Who Gave You Permission? I "LL Show You, Rabinovich" (1A).

♦ ... [They] decided: Schish Amanats until they indicate where the Sloboda. But a strange thing! The more sequel, the weaker the confidence I was confidently finding the desired approach! It was before that unexpectedly that Bardavkin ripped on himself a uniform and, raising his right hand to heaven, shook his finger and said: "I am!" (Saltykov-Shchedrin 1) .... Decided to Flog The Hostages Until The Pointed Out Where The Settlement Was. But It Was A Strange Thing: The More The Certitude of Their Finding The Desired Settlement! This WAS SO UNEXPECT THAT WARTING RENT HIS UNIFORM, AND RAISING HIS RIGHT HAND TO THE HEAVENS HE SHOOK HIS FINGER THREATENINGLY AND SAID, "I" LL GET YOU! "(1A).

♦ ... Four people separated and joined the fortress together. We learned our traitors in them ... Shouting traitors: "Do not shoot; go out to the sovereign. Sovereign here!" - "So I am! - Ivan Kuzmich shouted. - Guys! Shoot!" (Pushkin 1) ... Four Men Broke Away from The Main Body of People and Galloped At Full Speed \u200b\u200bRight Up to the Fortress. We Recognised Them As Our Cossack Traitors .... The Traitors Cried: "Don" T Fire. Come Out to the Tsar. The Tsar IS Here! "" I "LL Give IT to You!" Shouted Ivan Kuzmitch. "Right, Lads-Fire!" (1b).

12 i am!

[Interj.; These Forms ONLY; Fixed WO.]

⇒ Used (Sometimes After A Command) AS A AS A ADRESED OR TO ANOTHER PERSON:

- I "LL Show You Him eTC.(What "s what)! ;

- I "LL Give IT to You Him eTC.(Good)! ;


- I "LL Give You Him eTC.What for!

♦ "Ah, Rabinovich! - says the boss ... - Yes, you, - says, Rabinovich! Yes, who allowed you, Rabinovich? Yes, I, Rabinovich!" (Winovich 1). "Ah, Rabinovich!" SAID THE CHIEF .... "What do you think you" do doing, Rabinovich? Who Gave You Permission? I "LL Show You, Rabinovich" (1A).

♦ ... [They] decided: Schish Amanats until they indicate where the Sloboda. But a strange thing! The more sequel, the weaker the confidence I was confidently finding the desired approach! It was before that unexpectedly that Bardavkin ripped on himself a uniform and, raising his right hand to heaven, shook his finger and said: "I am!" (Saltykov-Shchedrin 1) .... Decided to Flog The Hostages Until The Pointed Out Where The Settlement Was. But It Was A Strange Thing: The More The Certitude of Their Finding The Desired Settlement! This WAS SO UNEXPECT THAT WARTING RENT HIS UNIFORM, AND RAISING HIS RIGHT HAND TO THE HEAVENS HE SHOOK HIS FINGER THREATENINGLY AND SAID, "I" LL GET YOU! "(1A).

♦ ... Four people separated and joined the fortress together. We learned our traitors in them ... Shouting traitors: "Do not shoot; go out to the sovereign. Sovereign here!" - "So I am! - Ivan Kuzmich shouted. - Guys! Shoot!" (Pushkin 1) ... Four Men Broke Away from The Main Body of People and Galloped At Full Speed \u200b\u200bRight Up to the Fortress. We Recognised Them As Our Cossack Traitors .... The Traitors Cried: "Don" T Fire. Come Out to the Tsar. The Tsar IS Here! "" I "LL Give IT to You!" Shouted Ivan Kuzmitch. "Right, Lads-Fire!" (1b).

13 blow you mountain!

simple. , jelly

Akulina Ivanovna (removing the kettle from the samovar, burned his hand and screams). Ah, they put those mountain! (M. Gorky, Messenger) - Akulina Ivanovna (Burning Her Hand As She Takes The Teapot Off The Samovar): OUCH! Devil Take IT!

14 sign up

(what is what)


acquire Some Grasp of the Work (JOB); Become a Practised Hand at SMTH.; Get One "s Hand in AT SMTH.; Train One" s Hand

In three or four weeks, he already picked up his hand in customs businessthat I knew everything: I didn't even weigher, I did not measure, but I learned how much the Arshin Sukna or other matter in the factution; Having taken in the hands of the overtake, he could suddenly say how many pounds in it. (N. Gogol, Dead Souls) - Within Three Or Four Weeks He Had Acquired Such A Grasp of The Work Tat He Knew Absolutely Everything: He Did Not Even Weigh Or Measure Anything, But Found Out from the Bill of Lading How Many Yards of Woolen or Other Cloth There Were in Each bolt; By Merely Hefting A Parcel He Could Tell You How Many Pounds It Weighed.

It was vividly with you. He himself reinforced. Worries. We need to write about such vasta. Write, feed your hand, learn. (F. Gladkov, rebellious youth) - "You" Ve Written It in a Very Lively Way. ONE CAN SEE THAT YOUSELF SUFFERED IT ALL. IT "S MOVING. WE" VE GOT TO WRITE ABOUT SUCH HORRORS. Write, Train Your Hand, Learn How to Write. "

We are accustomed that with age becoming smarter, more experienced and acquire useful skills. So we taught us in childhood, we carried it through all my life. This is an ideal, and it does not match the truth completely. Sometimes you look at an elderly person and you understand: he lived his life is not in vain. He has something to tell, he reached something, knows how much and in general good man. It is perfectly clear that for his long life he rethought. This person deserves respect, as mental activity, physical works and interesting views on life - this is why we appreciate others. You look at other people and think: what did you do all this time? Eternal insults, dubious achievements and dubious wisdom - this is what these people are. Their views could not change from the very childhood, these people did not learn anything, the books were not read, but they got out of the world. They do not feel respect, despite the fact that old age is usually respected.

There are other eternal harmful councils. Someone once came up with a successful phrase, and the people picked up, turning into wisdom. It is decent, however, such phrases accumulated. It is necessary to know that every situation has a number of special cases, so think your head, do not go to the beaten dear, which can lead you there, where you did not want to come.

1. Never give up

Sometimes you can retreat. Especially when you fight your head into the concrete wall. In any situation, you need to understand when it has a chance to get out of it, and when not. Attitude towards losing as an unacceptable thing is wrong. We must be able to not only lose, but also give up. Nervous cells will save, regrouping and go into battle again.

2. Do not feel any regrets

Do not experience long remorse, do not go back to the past again and again and do not live them. There is nothing wrong with that you can regret - it means that you are still a person.

3. Hold your enemies close

Or do not have them. Or do not ignore. Dude, Well, who has enemies? Bosses Mafia, medieval faudals, in the authorities of the property and other people who write adventure and detective novels. There are no enemies from ordinary people. it beautiful name For competitors, M * Ducks, and people who are uncomplicable people, assholes and other people who make us unpleasant and put sticks in the wheels. You have no enemies, calm down. And you should not start them.

4. Respect the oldest

For what? For age? We do not call on beating the old women on the streets. Give the place, help - this is a normal and good deal. Elderly and old people can be stupid, evil, sterrene and simply awarded age infantiles and M * Daki. Just like people of any age. It does not make them better or worse, weaker - yes.

5. Each story has two sides.

No, sometimes the story has three sides, and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. There is no need to look for a deep meaning.

6. Never trust the first impression

In general, right. But if the dude behaves like a jerk at the first meeting, he did not deserve the second chance. This is the same thing that you wander when they spit in the face, and then wait: suddenly this person will open and you will see his beautiful sensitive nature. This can be forgiven to people who know for a longer time.

7. Free cheese is only in a mousetrap

The next folk wisdom generated by some bite the world. This "wisdom" is impregnated by paranoia. Of course, if you are offered a huge salary for one and a half day of work on an unknown Uncle - here you can believe in this wisdom, because it is absolutely true. Life throws us opportunities. People who relate to us well can give us any free buns. In life there are and successful moments that need not to miss. It happens the moments to which you need to go long. Only turning on the head, you will understand, deceive you or want to help.

8. Who gets up early, God serves

And how to be owls? Owls, as you know, are greatly adapted to any regime, unlike the larks. But still it is painfully difficult to get up early in the morning. I think you know that the very feeling when you seem to sleep, but still you can not work productively. But when the clock shows a certain time, you realize that you are at the peak of your mental and physical abilities and make work at times more productive and faster.

9. Live with wolves - Wolf

Of course, sometimes go against all - an extremely bad idea, we must have a little mimic. But do you need to live with wolves? We wrote so many times that you should avoid and harmful people! You should not become a bad person, if you have a bad people around you. Completely change your habits to other people are also not recommended, because it is a banal hypocrisy.

10. Cases louder words

Words and cases are equivalent. It all depends only on the quality of the ones and said. Someone will tell the word, and nothing will change, and the eloquent man will turn the mountain with these words. There are people of business. Their business is really louder than words. But only their words, because the words that have been said, much worse than, what are they doing. And there are those whose hands from ass, with them and so everything is clear.

11. Revolution - mother of teaching

Repeat something that you knew and subsided - great idea. But if all you do is the repetition of the past, it seems that you are not striving for anything. You need to recognize a new one. Repetition is work with the same weight that does not lead to progress. This is a mixture of.

12. Do not bite your hand that feeds you

That is, a person who feeds you, can anything anything? This situation reminds a bit from one of our article. Someone certain time feeds you, but feeds not just that you live, but that he had the right to demand from you to perform a particular action. Is it good?

13. Everything is good ever ends

Something ends, and something begins. It is possible that it will turn into another good, and maybe give you a useful experience. Why such a negative?

14. Can not win? Join!

Regular hypocrisy and mimicry. Nobody thought that people may have principles? And if these are fascists, nationalists and just not very good people?

15. Kopeyk ruble seats

In general, the correct saying. But some seriously believe that it is better to buy low-quality things and wear pickles to save money. They buy cheap sausages, poor-quality clothes and feed on Shawarma from the nearest market. You need to try to put money correctly, buy a better product and not spend money on nonsense. Sometimes you can and need to buy notable high-quality things that will truly last, and not cheap, which breaks down in a month. The miser pays twice - the correct proverb.