Latin numeral 7. How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard? Convert Decimal to Roman Numerals

Roman numerals - numbers used by the ancient Romans in their non-positional number system.

Natural numbers are written by repeating these numbers. Moreover, if the larger digit is in front of the smaller one, then they are added (the principle of addition), if the smaller one is before the larger one, then the smaller one is subtracted from the larger one (the principle of subtraction). The last rule only applies to avoid repeating the same digit four times.

Roman numerals appeared around 500 BC among the Etruscans.


To fix the letter designations of numbers in descending order, there is a mnemonic rule:

Ms Darim FROMfull-time Limones, Xvatite Vthis Ix.

Respectively M, D, C, L, X, V, I

To correctly write large numbers in Roman numerals, you must first write down the number of thousands, then hundreds, then tens, and finally units.

There is a “shorthand way” for writing large numbers such as 1999. It is not recommended but is sometimes used to simplify things. The difference is that to decrease a digit, any digit can be written to the left of it:

  • 999. Thousand (M), subtract 1 (I), we get 999 (IM) instead of CMXCIX. Corollary: 1999 - MIM instead of MCMXCIX
  • 95. One hundred (C), subtract 5 (V), we get 95 (VC) instead of XCV
  • 1950: Thousand (M), subtract 50 (L) to get 950 (LM). Corollary: 1950 - MLM instead of MCML

It was only in the 19th century that the number "four" was recorded everywhere as "IV", before that the most frequently used entry was "IIII". However, the entry "IV" can be found already in the documents of the manuscript "Forme of Cury", dated 1390. Most watches traditionally use “IIII” instead of “IV” on watch dials, mainly for aesthetic reasons: this spelling provides visual symmetry with the numbers “VIII” on the opposite side, and the inverted “IV” is more difficult to read than “IIII”.

Application of Roman numerals

In Russian, Roman numerals are used in the following cases:

  • Century or millennium number: 19th century, 2nd millennium BC e.
  • Serial number of the monarch: Charles V, Catherine II.
  • Volume number in a multivolume book (sometimes - numbers of parts of a book, sections or chapters).
  • In some editions - numbers of sheets with a preface to the book, so as not to correct references within the main text when changing the preface.
  • Antique marking of watch dials.
  • Other important events or items on the list, for example: Euclid's V postulate, II world War , XXII Congress of the CPSU, etc.

In other languages, the scope of application of Roman numerals may have peculiarities, for example, in western countries the number of the year is sometimes written in Roman numerals.

Roman numerals and Unicode

The Unicode standard defines characters to represent Roman numerals as part of Number forms (eng. Number Forms), in the area of \u200b\u200bcharacters with codes U + 2160 to U + 2188. For example, MCMLXXXVIII can be represented in the form ⅯⅭⅯⅬⅩⅩⅩⅧ. This range includes both lowercase and uppercase numbers from 1 (Ⅰ or I) through 12 (Ⅻ or XII), including combined glyphs for composite numbers such as 8 (Ⅷ or VIII), mainly for compatibility with East Asian character sets in industry standards such as JIS X 0213, where these characters are defined. Combined glyphs are used to represent numbers that were previously composed of separate characters (for example, Ⅻ instead of being represented as Ⅹ and Ⅱ). In addition, glyphs exist for the archaic notation of 1000, 5000, 10,000, the large reverse C (Ɔ), the late 6 (ↅ, similar to the Greek stigma: Ϛ), the early 50 (ↆ, similar downward-pointing arrow ↓ ⫝⊥), 50,000, and 100,000. Note that the small backward c, ↄ is not included in Roman numeral characters, but is included in the Unicode standard as an uppercase Claudian letter Ↄ.

Roman numerals to Unicode
The code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 50 100 500 1 000
U + 2160















U + 2170















Value 1 000 5 000 10 000 - - 6 50 50 000 100 000
U + 2160! U + 2180



Characters in the range U + 2160-217F are present only for compatibility with other standards that define these characters. In everyday life, the usual letters of the Latin alphabet are used. The display of such symbols requires softwarethat supports the Unicode standard and a font that contains the glyphs for those characters.

Despite the total dominance in our time of Arabic numerals and the decimal system of counting, the use of Roman numerals can also be found quite often. They are used in historical and military disciplines, music, mathematics and other fields where the established traditions and requirements for the design of materials inspire the use of the Roman number system, mainly from 1 to 20. Therefore, for many users it may be necessary to dial any number in Roman expressions that may cause some difficulty for some people. In this material, I will try to help such users and tell you how to type Roman numerals from 1 to 20, and also describe the features of the data set of numbers in the MS Word text editor.

Features of Roman numbers

As you know, the Roman number system dates back to ancient Rome, continuing to be actively used throughout the Middle Ages. Since about the 14th century, Roman numerals are gradually being replaced by the more convenient Arabic numerals, the use of which has become prevalent today. At the same time, Roman numerals are still actively used in some areas, rather successfully resisting their translation into Arabic counterparts.

Numbers in the Roman system are represented by a combination of 7 capital letters of the Latin alphabet. These are the following letters:

  • The letter "I" - corresponds to the number 1;
  • The letter "V" - corresponds to the number 5;
  • The letter "X" - corresponds to the number 10;
  • Letter "L" - corresponds to number 50;
  • Letter "C" - corresponds to the number 100;
  • Letter "D" - corresponds to the number 500;
  • The letter "M" - corresponds to the number 1000.

With the help of the above seven Latin letters, almost all numbers in the Roman numeral system are written. The characters themselves are written from left to right, usually starting with the largest digit to the smallest.

In this case, there are also two basic principles:

How to write Roman numerals on the keyboard

Accordingly, to write Roman numerals on the keyboard, it will be enough to use the characters of the Latin alphabet located on a standard computer keyboard. Roman numerals from 1 to 20 look like this:

Arab roman

How to put Roman numerals in the Word

You can write Roman numerals in from one to twenty and not only in two main ways:

  1. Using the standard English keyboard layout where Latin letters are represented. Switch to this layout, click on "Caps Lock" on the left to activate the capital letters mode. Then we type the number we need in letters;
  2. Using a formula set. We place the cursor in the place where it is necessary to mark the Roman numeral, and press the key combination Ctrl + F9. Two characteristic brackets will appear, highlighted in gray.

Between these brackets we enter a combination of symbols:

X \\ * Roman

Where instead of "X" there should be the required number, which must be presented in Roman form (let it be 55). That is, now this combination with the number 55 we have chosen should look like:

Then we press on F9, and we get the required number in Roman numerals (in this case, it is LV).


Roman numerals from 1 to 20 can be written using just seven keys of your PC's English keyboard layout. At the same time, in the text editor MS Word it is also possible to use a formulaic set of Roman numerals, although, as for me, the traditional, alphabetic method, which is used everywhere, is quite enough.

The Roman letter numbering system was adopted in Ancient Rome and Europe for two thousand years. Only in the late Middle Ages it was replaced by a more convenient decimal system of numbers for calculations, borrowed from the Arabs (1,2,3,4,5…).

But, until now, Roman numerals indicate dates on monuments, time on clocks and (in the Anglo-American typographic tradition) pages of book prefaces, clothing sizes, chapters of monographs and textbooks. In addition, in Russian, it is customary to designate ordinal numbers with Roman numerals. The system of Roman numerals is currently used to designate centuries (XV century, etc.), years A.D. e. (MCMLXXVII etc.) and months when specifying dates (for example, 1.V.1975), in historical monuments of law as article numbers (Carolina et al)

To designate numbers, 7 letters of the Latin alphabet were used (the first letter of the words is five, ten, fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand):

I \u003d 1, V \u003d 5, X \u003d 10, L \u003d 50, C \u003d 100, D \u003d 500, M \u003d 1000

C (100) is the first letter of the Latin word centum (one hundred)

and M - (1000) - on the first letter of the word mille (thousand).

As for the sign D (500), it represented half of the sign Ф (1000)

The V sign (5) is the upper half of the X sign (10)

Intermediate numbers were formed by adding a few letters to the right or left. Thousands and hundreds are written first, then tens and ones. Thus, the number 24 is written as XXIV

Natural numbers are written by repeating these numbers.

Moreover, if the larger digit is in front of the smaller one, then they are added (the principle of addition), if the smaller one is before the larger one, then the smaller one is subtracted from the larger one (the principle of subtraction).

In other words - if the sign denoting a smaller number is to the right of the sign denoting a larger number, then the smaller is added to the larger; if on the left, then subtract: VI - 6, i.e. 5 + 1 IV - 4, i.e. 5-1 LX - 60, i.e. 50 + 10 XL - 40, i.e. 50-10 CX - 110, i.e. 100 + 10 XC - 90, i.e. 100-10 MDCCCXII - 1812, i.e. 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 10 + 1 + 1

The last rule only applies to avoid repeating the same digit four times. To avoid 4-fold repetition, the number 3999 is written as MMMIM.

Different designations of the same number are possible. So, the number 80 can be represented as LXXX (50 + 10 + 10 + 10) and as XXC (100-20).

For example, I, X, C are placed respectively in front of X, C, M for 9, 90, 900 or before V, L, D for 4, 40, 400.

For example, VI \u003d 5 + 1 \u003d 6, IV \u003d 5 - 1 \u003d 4 (instead of IIII).

XIX \u003d 10 + 10 - 1 \u003d 19 (instead of XVIIII),

XL \u003d 50 - 10 \u003d 40 (instead of XXXX),

XXXIII \u003d 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 \u003d 33, etc.

Roman numerals



Basic Roman numerals: I (1) - unus (unus) II (2) - duo (duo) III (3) - tres (tres) IV (4) - quattuor (quattuor) V (5) - quinque (quinque) VI (6) - sex (sex) VII (7) - septem (septem) VIII (8) - octo (octo) IX (9) - novem (novem) X (10) - decem (decem), etc. XX (20) - viginti (viginti) XXI (21) - unus et viginti or viginti unus XXII (22) - duo et viginti or viginti duo, etc. XXVIII (28) - duodetriginta (duodetriginta) XXIX (29) - undetriginta (undetriginta) XXX (30) - triginta (triginta) XL (40) - quadraginta (quadraginta) L (50) - quinquaginta (quinquaginta) LX (60) - sexaginta LXX (70) - septuaginta LXXX (80) - octoginta XC (90) - nonaginta C (100) - centum (centum) CC (200) - ducenti (ducenti) CC (300) - trecenti (trecenti) CD (400) - quadrigenti (quadrigenti) D (500) - quingenti (quingenti) DC (600) - sexcenti (seccenti) DCC (700) - septigenti (septigenti) DCCC (800) - octingenti (octigenti) CM (DCCCC) (900) - nongenti (nongenti) M (1000) - mille (mille) MM (2000) - duo milia (duo milia) V (5000) - quinque milia (quinque milia) X (10000) - decem milia XX (20,000) - viginti milia (viginti milia) C (1,000,000) - centum milia XI (1,000,000) - decies centena milia (decies centena milia) "

What are Roman numerals? These are the numbers that were used by the ancient Romans in a non-positional number system. Roman numerals have several interesting features and one of them is that if the smaller digit is before the larger one, then the smaller one is subtracted from the larger one, and if the smaller one is after the larger one, then these numbers are added.

Roman numerals are still used today. For example, they are often used in watch faces or when writing stories, poems, tasks, etc. Today we'll talk about how to write Roman numerals on the keyboard.


First, let's remember how Roman numerals are indicated:

  • 1 - I
  • 5 - V
  • 10 - X
  • 50 - L
  • 100 - C
  • 500 - D
  • 1000 - M

Formally, Latin letters are used for designation, so they can be used to designate Roman numerals. To do this, I will give a few examples so that you understand.

  • Let's take the number 1 - this is the Latin letter I (the capital letter i in the English layout).
  • 2,3 - II and III, respectively.
  • 4 - a combination of letters IV. You have not forgotten that in this case, the smaller number is subtracted from the larger number?
  • 5 - V.
  • 6 - VI. In a specific case, the numbers add up.
  • 7.8 - VII and VIII, respectively.
  • 9, 11 - IX and XI, respectively.
  • 10 - X.
  • 21 - XXI.
  • 24, 26 - XXIV and XXVI.
  • 34 - XXXIV.
  • 51 - LI.
  • 378 - CCCLXXVIII.

In general, the essence, I think, is clear to you. Using Roman numerals is not difficult at all, if you do not forget the construction rules.

ASCII codes

If you do not want to use Latin letters, you can use ASCII - these are tables in which you can find printable and non-printable numeric codes. It is available in any Windows operating system.

To use the codes, you need to do the following: turn on the Num Lock mode, if it is disabled (this is a button on the keyboard).

Then press the ALT key and while holding it, type the appropriate combination of numbers on the additional keyboard.

  • 73 - I
  • 86 - V
  • 88 - X
  • 76 - L
  • 67 - C
  • 68 - D
  • 77 - M

This method is not very convenient, so it is easier to use capital Latin letters.

To designate numbers in Latin, combinations of the following seven characters are accepted: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000).

To memorize the letter designations of numbers in descending order, a mnemonic rule was invented:

Ms Darim FROMfull-time Limones, Xvatite Vthis Ix (respectively M, D, C, L, X, V, I).

If the sign denoting a smaller number stands to the right of the sign denoting a larger number, then the smaller number should be added to the larger one, if on the left, then subtract, namely:

VI - 6, i.e. 5 + 1
IV - 4, i.e. 5 - 1
XI - 11, i.e. 10 + 1
IX - 9, i.e. 10 - 1
LX - 60, i.e. 50 + 10
XL - 40, i.e. 50 - 10
CX - 110, i.e. 100 + 10
XC - 90, i.e. 100-10
MDCCCXII - 1812 i.e. 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 10 + 1 + 1.

Different designations of the same number are possible. For example, the number 80 can be denoted as LXXX (50 + 10 + 10 + 10) and as XXC (100 - 20).

To write numbers in Roman numerals, you must first write down the number of thousands, then hundreds, then tens, and finally units.

I (1) - unus (unus)
II (2) - duo (duo)
III (3) - tres (tres)
IV (4) - quattuor (quattuor)
V (5) - quinque (quinque)
VI (6) - sex (seks)
VII (7) - septera (septem)
VIII (8) - octo (octo)
IX (9) - novem (novem)
X (10) - decem
XI (11) - undecim (undecim)
XII (12) - duodecim (duodecim)
ХШ (13) - tredecim (tredecim)
XIV (14) - quattuordecim (quattuordecim)
XV (15) - quindecim (quindecim)
XVI (16) - sedecim
XVII (17) - septendecim (septendecim)
XVIII (18) - duodeviginti (duodeviginti)
XIX (19) - undeviginti (undeviginti)
XX (20) - viginti (viginti)
XXI (21) - unus et viginti or viginti unus
XXII (22) - duo et viginti or viginti duo, etc.
XXVIII (28) - duodetriginta (duodetriginta)
XXIX (29) - undetriginta (undetriginta)
XXX (30): triginta (triginta)
XL (40) - quadraginta
L (5O) - quinquaginta (quinquaginta)
LX (60) - sexaginta (seksaginta)
LXX (70) - septuaginta (szltuaginta)
LXXX180) - octoginta (octoginta)
KS (90) - nonaginta (nonaginta)
C (100) centum
CC (200) - ducenti (ducenti)
CCC (300) - trecenti (trecenti)
CD (400) - quadrigenti (quadrigenti)
D (500) - quingenti (quingenti)
DC (600) - sescenti or sexonti
DCC (700) - septigenti (septigenti)
DCCC (800) - octingenti
CV (DCCC) (900) - nongenti (nongenti)
M (1000) - mille (mille)
MM (2000) - duo milia (duo milia)
V (5000) - quinque milla (quinque milla)
X (10,000) - decem milia
XX (20,000) - viginti milia (viginti milia)
C (100,000) - centum milia
XI (1,000,000) - decies centena milia (decies centena milia).

If suddenly an inquisitive person asks why the Latin letters V, L, C, D, M were chosen to designate the numbers 50, 100, 500 and 1000, then we will immediately say that these are not Latin letters at all, but completely different signs.

The fact is that the basis for the Latin alphabet was the Western Greek alphabet. It is to him that the three signs L, C and M ascend. Here they denoted aspirated sounds, which were not in Latin. When the Latin alphabet was being drawn up, they turned out to be superfluous. They were also adapted to represent numbers in the Latin script. Later, they coincided in writing with the Latin letters. So, the sign C (100) became similar to the first letter of the Latin word centum (one hundred), and M (1000) - to the first letter of the word mille (thousand). As for the sign D (500), it represented half of the sign F (1000), and then it became similar to the Latin letter. The V (5) was just the upper half of the X (10).

That's the whole story with these Roman numerals.

Assignment to consolidate the passed material

Pay attention to the designation of the three dates. The years of birth of Alexander Pushkin, Alexander Herzen and Alexander Blok are encrypted here in Roman numerals. Decide for yourself which Alexander belongs to which date.