Who will be affected by the increase in state employees. Raising the salaries of state employees. What categories of state employees will receive a pay increase? New payroll scheme for state employees

Wages in the public sector are an important socio-economic indicator that in one way or another affects the size of salaries in commercial organizations. Therefore, many managers and employees often have a question: what is the salary increase for state employees in 2019? After all, based on its size, you can index salaries in your company. Let's study this issue in more detail.

In 2018, the Government, executing the “May Decrees” of the President on raising the salaries of state employees (2019), approved the allocation of 14.5 billion rubles to finance the increase in the salaries of certain categories of employees of budgetary institutions. Salary indexation is also planned for 2019. Let's see what these separate categories of workers are.

Who are civil servants and state employees

First you need to figure out who the state employees are. It is obvious that in everyday life this word “hides” all those people who receive a salary from the budget: officials, security officials, employees of state institutions, doctors, teachers, scientists. But it would not be entirely true to unite all state employees in one big category. Indeed, from the point of view of legislation, they are divided into different categories:

  • civil servants (persons working in state bodies, in state institutions);
  • public sector employees (teachers, scientists, doctors, kindergarten teachers, employees of cultural institutions and university professors).

The difference lies not only in the name, but also in the approach to material support, subordination and social services. As usual, it is somewhat better for civil servants. Yes, and their salaries and allowances are regulated by separate legislation. Since the salaries of officials and the military are subject to specific rules, we will dwell in more detail on what salary increase for state employees in 2019 was provided for the so-called “other categories” and what will be the salary increase for state employees in 2019 in Russia (latest news).

State employees: doctors, teachers and accountants

According to rough estimates, about 33 million people work in the public sector in Russia. Of all citizens of working age (approximately 83 million people), the share of state employees is more than a third. Of these, about half are those who cannot be called civil servants, namely employees:

  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • medical institutions;
  • libraries, museums and other cultural institutions;
  • scientific institutes.

All of them receive wages from the state budget of the Russian Federation: federal or local. Their working conditions are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts developed by the department that manages the activities of the institution. For example, for doctors it is the Ministry of Health, and for cultural workers it is the Ministry of Culture.

It is noteworthy that although all these legal acts (unlike law enforcement agencies) are open and publicly available, it is difficult to officially understand the level of salaries of employees of these structures. After all, the remuneration system involves not only a salary, but also a whole layer of various bonuses, subsidies and bonuses. Therefore, for example, the salary of a chief accountant in a budgetary organization can be the same, but different employees in different industries will receive completely different amounts.

However, when it comes to average salaries, then when they are calculated, all additional payments are usually taken into account. So, according to Rosstat, the average salary in the country amounted to 41,830 rubles (data for the third quarter of 2018). Since statistics were sampled for all regions and cities, this indicator turned out to be too high for small towns: in practice, doctors and teachers in small municipalities can receive only 12,000-15,000 rubles a month. In general, the picture of average salaries by industry of public sector employees and regions is presented in the table, formed on the basis of Rosstat data on average salaries of public sector employees.

Salaries of state employees in 2019, table:




Social service

Libraries, archives,
museums and others
cultural objects

and development



















Nenets Autonomous Okrug
(Arhangelsk region)

Arhangelsk region
(except Nenets Autonomous Okrug)







St. Petersburg


Krasnodar region









North Ossetia Alania


Stavropol region





Perm region


Nizhny Novgorod









Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra
(Tyumen region)

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
(Tyumen region)

Tyumen region
(except Khanty-Mansi Autonomous
districts - Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets
autonomous region)

Chelyabinsk region

Altai Republic

Altai region

Zabaykalsky Krai

Krasnoyarsk region




Sakha (Yakutia)

Kamchatka Krai

Primorsky Krai

Khabarovsk region




Jewish Autonomous Region

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Salary of state employees in 2019

The indexation of public sector salaries is part of Vladimir Putin's 2012 election program. The main document is Presidential Decree No. 597, sometimes called “Order 597 of the President: Roadmap 01/01/2018”. Then, in May, immediately after taking office, the head of state issued 11 decrees that dealt with raising the salaries of civil servants and other state employees. Then the President promised to raise salaries by 2019, primarily for teachers and doctors.

Salaries are increased primarily for those state employees who are subject to the Decrees of the President:

Salary increases are phased in. Finally:

  • for university teachers and doctors (health workers with higher education), the salary level should be at least 200% of the average salary in the region;
  • for middle and junior medical staff and social workers, the salary level should not be lower than the average salary in the region.

Unfortunately, not all categories of state employees fell under the "May decrees". It is obvious that there are quite a lot of those who have not been raised salaries. Therefore, officials promised not to bypass them and also to index their salaries. Thus, in accordance with the draft law "On the federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021", it is planned to increase the salaries of state employees (see the table below for indexation rates).

Categories of state employees whose salaries are indexed in accordance with the "May decrees" Categories of employees who were not subject to the "May Decrees"

Kindergarten and general education teachers

Teachers of additional education

Teachers and masters of secondary and primary vocational education

University teachers

Middle and junior medical personnel

Social workers

Cultural workers


Teachers of educational, medical organizations and organizations providing social services to orphans and those left without parental care

HR Specialists

Complex rehabilitation specialists

Engineering and support workers serving buildings and equipment: technicians, electricians, locksmiths, plumbers, office cleaners.

Social psychologists

Accountants and economists





Judges, prosecutors

Military personnel and their equivalents

Salary increase
from September 1, 2019 - by 6.0%,
in 2020 - by 5.4%,
in 2021 - by 6.6%
Salary increase
from October 1, 2019 to the forecast inflation rate - 4.3%,
October 1, 2020 — by 3.8%,
October 1, 2021 — by 4%

Increasing the salaries of state employees from 01/01/2019

It should be noted that some state employees will have to increase salaries regardless of indexation. Indeed, from January 1, it is planned to increase the minimum wage (increasing the minimum wage), which will affect the salaries of junior and middle-level personnel with secondary education. From 01/01/2019, the minimum wage is 11,280 rubles. This increase in salaries will affect approximately 1.6 million people in the public sector.

Regional decisions to increase salaries for state employees

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2012 No. 2599-r obliges the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to adopt orders on their regional "road maps" in which to prescribe specific figures for each year to increase salaries. Thus, the roadmap for the Sverdlovsk region to increase wages in 2019 stated that the level of the average salary of social workers should be at least 100 percent of the average monthly salaries in the Sverdlovsk region. And in 2019, the Government allocated an additional 2.9 billion rubles from the federal treasury to increase the salaries of state employees in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, so that regional allowances and the northern coefficient could be taken into account.

At the end of the year, regional authorities traditionally prepare appropriate decisions regarding salary increases for the next year. For example, in the Lipetsk region, deputies decided to increase the salaries of state employees who are not subject to May decrees by 10% in 2019.

Inflation in Russia at the end of 2017 will be approximately 4%, according to the Central Bank. Taking into account the fact that prices have been growing quite actively for several previous years, even the current 4% can hurt the pocket. All hope is for wage growth.

Who will get a pay rise in 2018?

To all state employees - 4% each

"Russian newspaper" writes that from the new year the state employees of the country will be increased by 4%. Salaries should increase not only for the federal, but also for all other state employees who are not included in the "May" on the increase in salaries. So, salary indexation in 2018 is expected:

  • accountants of publicly funded enterprises;
  • employees of kindergartens;
  • employees of personnel departments and lawyers of budgetary organizations;
  • social workers;
  • psychologists, professions whose representatives are engaged in rehabilitation in the complex;
  • firefighters (employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation);
  • foresters and employees who support forestry and protect it from fires;
  • veterinary specialists;
  • meteorologists;
  • specialists in hydrobiology and oceanology;
  • employees of seed-growing and breeding centers, their engineering and technical staff.

In addition, it provides for an increase in wages and service personnel:

  • infrastructure engineers;
  • those responsible for the technical part of maintaining buildings in working condition (ie electricians, plumbers, technologists);
  • system administrators and specialists in maintenance of software and hardware systems;
  • cleaning specialists.

In accordance with the previously announced decrees, the salaries of doctors, military, police, and teachers will also be increased. At the same time, teacher salaries may soon begin to be calculated in a new way. The Ministry of Education proposes to introduce a kind of teacher's "table of ranks" and pay salaries depending on the ranks:

The teacher is a young, novice teacher.

A senior teacher is an experienced teacher who is able to both develop and apply various teaching methodology in practice.

Leading teacher - "leads" or coordinates the work of other teachers, organizes educational processes.

It is expected that the indexation of salaries will affect 8 million state employees.

“In fact, millions of Russians will receive an increase in salaries of about 4% - the exact level of inflation in the current year, of course, is calculated next. This is a serious step on the part of the government, which significantly increases the burden on the federal budget. However, you need to understand that the country's leadership does not put this practice on a permanent basis, this is a one-time action designed to support all employees of the country's public sector,” - commented Indexing "Economy Today" Vice-Rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations Alexander Safonov.

The Ministry of Finance also said that in 2018 the salaries of civil servants, senators and deputies will be increased by 4%. The last time the salaries of civil servants were raised in October 2013, by 5.5%. The salaries of deputies and senators were raised in 2014.

Science is also valued

At the end of November, it became known that the government had allocated additional funds to increase wages for employees of universities and scientific organizations. In total, 3.6 billion rubles were allocated, of which 2.4 billion rubles were allocated for the education sector and 1.2 billion rubles for science. For example, it will receive 1 billion 560 million rubles for salary increases, the Ministry of Agriculture - almost 106 million rubles, the Ministry of Health - 152 million rubles, writes"Russian newspaper".

At the same time, by 2018, the salary of university teachers should be 200% of the average for the region's economy. According to some estimates, now it is only 131% on average in the country.

It should be noted that scientists achieved salary increases largely on their own: on June 28, 2017, a rally organized by the Trade Union of Workers of the Russian Academy of Sciences took place on Suvorovskaya Square in Moscow. The rally participants accused the government of failing to comply with the May decrees of the President of Russia concerning science and, in addition to the requirement not to forget the goal set in these decrees to increase domestic spending on and development to 1.77% of GDP, they announced the need for a significant increase in funding for fundamental research.

Three months later, on September 29, 2017, the Russian government submitted to the State Duma a draft law on the federal budget for 2018 and the planning period of 2019–2020. It is planned to increase spending on fundamental research by 33 billion rubles. - up to 151.7 billion rubles, i.e. compared to 2017, they will increase by 28%. In 2019 and 2020, funding for basic research is also planned to be slightly increased, writes infox.

What should everyone else do?

If we talk about our locomotives of development, those specialties that are in high demand, primarily IT, there seem to be good situational successes, in particular, salaries are growing there by 10-15%, but the worst part is that for beginners wages, on the other hand, are falling. That is, for an IT specialist who has just entered this area, the salary for the year has fallen by about 10%. Quite alarming situations in such areas as testing, site administration, even web design, that is, young people there are much more difficult than with decent experience, - commented on salaries in the country, the founder of the Anti-Slavery project, at the round table "Professions of the Future" .

Farmers on the wave

The wages of agricultural workers are growing most actively today, they increased by 24% in six years, write"News". The fastest growth rates of salaries for the period under study (2010–2016 - ed.), indicated in the monitoring of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (), justifies, as well as low competition and technology development.

According to experts, the agricultural sector in Russia in the next ten years will change beyond recognition. From the peasant labor model, he moves to a high-tech, technologically and intellectually intensive one. This will lead to a further increase in wages in this area.

In addition, according to the results of the study, in the last 6 years (2010-2016) salaries have increased and may continue to grow in the following areas:

Education +23.3%;

Utilities and social services +21.8%;

Healthcare +17.2%;

Manufacturing industries +12.5%;

Mining +7.9%;

State administration +7.2%;

Real estate transactions +6.1%;

Hotels, restaurants +1.4%;

Transport and communications +0.8%.

At the same time, wages decreased in industries:

Trade -0.8%;

Financial activities -3.5%;

Construction -6.1%.

Recall according to experts, in the next 2-3 years, IT specialists, engineers (especially robotics), doctors working at the intersection of computer science, physics, biology and medicine will not be the most in demand.

Wages in the public sector in one way or another affect the amount of earnings in commercial organizations. Therefore, many managers and employees often have the question: “What is the increase in salaries for state employees in 2019?” After all, based on its size, you can index in your company. Let's study this issue in more detail.

Salary increase for state employees in 2019 in Russia: latest news. Who are civil servants and state employees

First you need to figure out who the state employees are. Obviously, in everyday life, under this, all those people who receive a salary from the budget are hidden: officials, security officials, employees of state institutions, doctors, teachers, scientists. But to combine them all into one big category would not be entirely true. Indeed, from the point of view of legislation, they are divided into different categories:

  • civil servants (persons working in state bodies, in state institutions);
  • public sector employees (teachers, scientists, doctors, kindergarten teachers, employees of cultural institutions and university professors).

The difference lies not only in the name, but also in the approach to material support, subordination and social services. As usual, it is somewhat better for civil servants. Yes, and their salaries and allowances are regulated by separate legislation. Since the salaries of officials and the military are subject to separate rules, we will dwell on what increase in salaries for state employees in 2019 was provided for the so-called “other categories” and what can be expected from 2019.

Which categories of workers were included in the May decrees on raising salaries for state employees in 2019.

Categories of state employees whose salaries will be indexed in accordance with the "May decrees" Categories of employees who were not subject to the "May Decrees"
Kindergarten and general education teachers HR Specialists
Teachers of additional education Complex rehabilitation specialists
Teachers and masters of secondary and primary vocational education Engineering and support workers serving buildings and equipment: technicians, electricians, locksmiths, plumbers, office cleaners.
University teachers Social psychologists
Doctors Lawyers
Middle and junior medical personnel Accountants and economists
Social workers Engineers
Cultural workers Programmers
Teachers of educational, medical organizations and organizations providing social services to orphans and those left without parental care

Salary of state employees from July 1, 2019

The sharp increase in wages in Russia, which was observed in the first months of 2019 against the backdrop of higher wages for state employees, will slow down significantly by June. RBC writes about this with reference to a review by the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis of Alfa-Bank.

“The acceleration is due to significant state spending on the public sector, where salaries rose by an average of 17.1 percent year-on-year in January 2019,” the center’s economists explained. They noted that such an increase was a surprise, since it was not implied in the budget. “According to the draft budget for 2019, spending growth was expected to be only one percent yoy in 2019, and rapid wage indexation does not fit into this plan,” the review says.

Economists at the center believe that a sharp slowdown in wage growth will begin as early as the summer of 2019, as the authorities will limit spending growth. As experts explain, wage growth will accelerate inflation and may limit the ability of the Bank of Russia to further lower the key rate.

The Central Bank predicted a sharp increase in salaries of state employees

Growth in salaries in the public sector in 2019 will be 13-15% yoy and three times higher than expected inflation. Such a forecast is contained in the review of the Central Bank "What the trends say about."

The growth of salaries of public sector employees will be associated with the next stage of the implementation of the "May decrees". In 2019, according to the forecasts of the Central Bank, wage growth is expected at the level of indexation for inflation, that is, about 4%, "unless other programs for increasing wages are implemented."

The increase in salaries of state employees, together with a significant increase in salaries in the oil refining industry, recorded at the beginning of the year, creates the prerequisites for accelerating inflation, the Central Bank warned.

"May Decrees" - a package of orders signed by Vladimir Putin after the start of his next presidential term in May 2012. One of these decrees suggests that the average salary of a number of categories of public sector workers by 2019 should be between 100 and 200% (depending on the category) of the average labor income in the region.
Vladimir Putin was re-elected for a new presidential term in March. On May 7, the inauguration ceremony will take place. According to media reports, the next "May decrees" are being prepared for the beginning of Putin's new term as president.

Is there a positive trend in practice?

Salaries in 2019 increased by 12%. This is the national average compared to 2017. At the same time, the maximum growth in the income of Russians was recorded in March 2018 - by 4.1%, Life reports. According to Rosstat, at the beginning of March 2019, the average annual per capita income in Russia amounted to 31 thousand rubles.

Salaries of state employees from July 1, 2019, latest news: from July 1, 2019 payments exclusively to MIR bank cards

Salary projects of state employees, indeed. must be transferred to Mir bank cards from July 1. Indeed, according to the amendments to the Law on the National Payment System, from July 1, 2019, credit organizations must use only the MIR national payment card for transactions with the following payments:

  • salary of employees of institutions, state and municipal bodies;
  • financial allowance, remuneration, allowance of civil servants.

For institutions, state and municipal authorities, the innovation means that before July 1, 2019, they need to renegotiate agreements with banks for servicing employee salary cards.

If the employee does not conclude an agreement and does not provide the MIR card data by July 1, 2019, then the budgetary institution will not be entitled to transfer his salary to a card of another system (for example, VISA or Mastercard) from July 1, 2019. Therefore, if you do not bring the MIR card, then from July 1, 2019 you will have to receive a salary in cash at the box office.

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Many citizens are interested in the question of whether to expect an increase in salaries for state employees in 2018. According to the "May decrees" of Vladimir Putin, the amount of income of employees employed in the public sector must increase annually by at least the rate of inflation. Today, this value is 3.8%, so from January 1 next year it is reasonable to expect an increase in salary by at least this figure.

Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said that a significant increase in the salaries of state employees in 2018 is unacceptable, and he called the planned coefficient of 1.5 generally unrealistic. There are not so many funds in the regional treasury, and the resulting financial "holes" cannot be plugged with federal subsidies. You can count on a significant increase in wages only after cutting the budget for the repair of municipal buildings, educational, medical, health institutions, as well as reducing subsidies for programs for the socio-economic and cultural development of regions.

Most officials support Kudrin's opinion, noting that if the country's economy is going through a protracted period, then the growth of salaries in the public sector should be moderate. Some members of the government generally propose to freeze the increase in the income of public sector workers until it is possible to achieve sustainable economic growth. Since energy prices are gradually declining, one should not expect serious prerequisites for overcoming the recession in Russia.

Possible salary increases

A radical decision to freeze the growth of state employees' incomes, most likely, will not happen. Firstly, this fundamentally contradicts Putin’s “May decrees” and the government’s policy, and secondly, 2018 is the time of the next presidential elections, when the ruling elite must demonstrate concern for the electorate. Today, experts offer three ways to raise funds for an increase in salaries:

  • through the use of reserve financial funds;
  • by reducing the item of expenditure for defense needs (up to 6%);
  • by increasing a number of taxes (, excises on profits).

Considering the fact of filling regional budgets (from 4 to 25%) through the expansion of taxation in some industries and the business sector, analysts are leaning towards this option of finding additional income to increase the salary of state employees in 2018.

Increasing the income of "unspecified" state employees

After the promulgation of the "May decrees" it turned out that they do not cover all categories of people employed in the public sector. For example, allowances were not provided for such professions as:

  • lawyers;
  • locksmith;
  • engineers;
  • cleaners;
  • accountant;
  • programmers;
  • social educators;
  • HR professionals, etc.

At a government meeting in May 2017, returning to the topic of increasing incomes for state employees, he proposed indexing the wages of these categories of workers. The number of “unspecified” workers who have not received a salary increase for a long time is 5.9 million people. Officials must submit proposals on the amount of additional payments and ways to raise funding to the President before the start of the procedure for approving the 2018 Federal Budget.

Who exactly gets the pay raise?

  • doctors;
  • cultural workers;
  • social service workers.

For the listed categories of state employees, the salary in 2018 will increase by at least 3.8% (an inflation indicator) plus a coefficient approved by the government.

In the absence of federal subsidies, the regions will have to find financial reserves on their own. They will be found only after the reduction of socio-economic programs, the optimization of the number of staff at many enterprises, and the increase in the tax burden on enterprises and entrepreneurs. In connection with this situation, experts hastened to call the increase in salaries for people employed in the public sector a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this is an improvement in the standard of living, as well as stimulation of consumer demand, but on the other hand, additional difficulties (sometimes insurmountable) for industry and small businesses.

Power structures: will the moratorium be lifted?

The freeze on the increase in pay for the military and law enforcement officers was adopted back in December 2015. Three years have passed since then, inflation has "eaten" the lion's share of the income of these workers, and there is no encouraging news about salary increases yet. In addition, cooks, cleaners, engineers and other personnel equivalent to the military work in the ranks of the armed forces. They also do not have any salary increases. This leads to an outflow of qualified personnel from law enforcement agencies, the spread of corruption, a decrease in professionalism and defense capability.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is sounding the alarm, but the problem has not yet been considered at the government level. In previous years, salary increases were achieved through staff optimization, that is, after layoffs. For example, in 2016 alone, more than 110 thousand employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were dismissed from service, which is 10% of the total number of people serving in the department. Unfortunately, in the short term, military personnel are not provided with an increase in monetary allowance, and the only financial bonus for them will be the indexation of income to inflation.

The salary of state employees in 2018 in Russia will definitely be increased, but the increase will be insignificant. As practice shows, the real growth in prices and tariffs for housing and communal services is proceeding at a faster pace, and “bonuses” to salaries cannot improve the living standards of ordinary Russians since the start of the economic crisis in 2014.

For more information about the meeting of the government of the Russian Federation, where the issues of raising the salaries of state employees were considered, see the following video:

Teachers and doctors, having checked the account on their salary cards, were surprised to find that they had received a salary increase. What is the reason for this - with the "May decrees" or with an increase in workload?

Increasing the salaries of state employees. Some employees talked about salaries three and even five times higher than usual. Labor Minister Maksim Topilin explained this by the implementation of the "May Decrees".

Surprise is probably a soft word for what state employees have recently experienced. As RBC found out, for example, at Moscow State University, teachers' salaries increased two and a half to three times. And according to other sources, five times. Moreover, the leadership did not explain anything, and it looked like a miracle or a gift for the elections. One of the Moscow State University teachers, who asked not to be named, confirmed to Business FM that the salary has increased, but not only it:

“Indeed, the salary has become higher, but, to be honest, I didn’t ask the accounting department what it was connected with. But the salary that comes, I was even surprised. But, in principle, my load has grown, that is, it’s so hard for me to say that maybe it was also connected with the load.

Later, Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin explained: these are “May decrees”. Over the past six years, there have been many reports that they are not being fully implemented. And Putin has urged officials more than once. As a result, for the most part, the decrees were implemented, and the salaries of doctors, teachers, and scientists were raised. Not everyone was in time for 2018, as usual, transfers from the budget were late. But they made it just in time for March.

This removes the main question that the surprised state employees must have asked themselves when they checked the salary card account: once or will it always be like this? However, not everyone was promoted.

Svetlana literature teacher from Moscow“I didn’t notice any special salary increases and raises in our school, at least in our school, and there wasn’t. On March 8, we all received the award, we were equally congratulated. Well, everything is the same, the same salary. I didn't notice anything special, really.

Vladimir Putin, when he gave the "May decrees", did not explain what to implement them for. Of course, subsidies came from the center, but the main burden fell on the shoulders of local budgets. And then everyone tried as best they could. The head physician of the 64th Moscow city hospital, Olga Sharapova, explains that compulsory medical insurance rates have increased in Moscow since this year. Accordingly, more money came to hospitals, and doctors' salaries were raised.

Olga Sharapova chief physician of the 64th Moscow city hospital“Increase the cost of the service. There has been a significant increase in high technologies, in high-tech types of medical care and specialized medical care, the tariffs for compulsory medical software and compulsory medical insurance have also been increased. This gives every chief physician an opportunity to increase wages.”

Along with the growth of salaries, state employees also learned all the delights of bureaucracy. The promotion introduced many to the buzzword KPI, on which income now depends. And in order to prove the effectiveness, you have to constantly write reports on the work done. Dmitry Belyakov, a paramedic near Moscow and chairman of the independent trade union of ambulance workers, says that his Zheleznodorozhny salary was raised back in the fall. In Moscow, ambulances were also raised, but not quite.

Dmitry Belyakov paramedic, chairman of the independent trade union of ambulance workers“Well, our salary has gone up a bit. Fine. More or less. It was worse. Previously, I received somewhere around 33, now - somewhere around 40. And in Moscow they recalculated the salary - there was an increase in salaries, but at the same time, they reduced extra payments for work for one person, reduced extra pay for night. In general, they raised for one, lowered for another.

Many state employees say this: the salary has remained the same, but bonuses have appeared. In the meantime, they lasted six years, length of service was added or qualifications improved. So the “May Decrees” were fulfilled not only due to the simple “gave money”, but also the good old “shrinkage and shaking”. As for these amazing March days, not everyone has managed to get their salaries yet. Paramedic Dmitry Belyakov is waiting for her on March 14. Before a miracle or lack thereof, there is very little left.