How good it is to take pictures of yourself. How good and great is it always in photographs? How to learn to pose beautifully for a photo? How to smile beautifully in photos? I can't do it in photos: what to do

The owners of cameras and modern telephones often make self-portraits, but how to take a high-quality, beautiful, professional photo of yourself - young men and women often ask questions. Most the best way receiving beautiful photos - photo session, however, professionals do not always have the time and opportunity to be photographed. Another option is a photo at arm's length, although often a self-portrait does not please the model, and the picture is unfocused, with disproportionate or unnatural body parts.

Self-photography methods

Photographic self-portraits are not difficult to do - just show your imagination. With the ability to photograph other people, landscapes, inanimate objects, it will not be difficult to capture yourself, the main thing is to set up the camera, choose the desired angle and apply one of the methods of photographing a self-portrait.

Method 1: reflection in the mirror

The most common method of self-photography, but also challenging. For high-quality photography, in addition to pressing the shutter button, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • clean the mirror from greasy traces, look around to see if all unnecessary objects are removed (especially if you are taking pictures at home);
  • refrain from unnatural postures in front of the mirror, facial expressions and gestures should be simple, not frightening;
  • turn on the mode without flash, otherwise there is a risk of exposing the photo;
  • position the light source near the mirror so that it illuminates your face. If the light source is placed in front of the mirror, the photos will be too dark;
  • switch from automatic to manual mode for easier image quality control. After that, take a test shot to determine the parameters of exposure, white balance, aperture and light sensitivity;
  • switch the lens focus mode from auto to manual, as it is difficult for the camera to focus on the reflected image.

Important! Increase the aperture for brighter images. When photographing in a bright room, the ISO value should not exceed 400 units. Adjust the camera to a medium shutter speed to avoid blurry images.

Method 2: using a photo tripod

Each camera has a self-timer function to help you capture a time-delayed subject. This will require a tripod or any horizontal surface that serves as a tripod. The disadvantage is that after pressing the shutter button, you have 10 seconds to take the chosen pose. In more advanced models of the camera, you can find options for a standard time delay - choose the most convenient for yourself and take pictures.

Reference! You can take selfies with a timer and a tripod anywhere: at home, in nature, on city streets. The main thing is that the photo is taken against a beautiful background in good lighting. Use flash in low light.

Method 3: using the front camera

With the advent of smartphones, a photo session in front of a webcam was replaced by photos on the front camera of the phone. Most often, the front camera, like webcams, has a slower shutter speed, so in low light, selfies will turn out to be dull, blurry, and indistinct.

When taking selfies with the front camera or webcam, try to face the light for a clear outline. Move your hand as far as possible to avoid distorting your face. Point the camera, strike a pose, then press the shutter button.

Attention! If you need to photograph parts of the face, take a full portrait, and then you can crop, leaving the desired part of the picture. Otherwise, you will get a poor quality image.

You can show your imagination and use not only the listed methods of self-photography. It is important to see yourself "from the outside", to have healthy self-criticism, to smile naturally, to avoid unnatural gestures and postures. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to you to decide which action best suits the situation.

How to get up, sit down, lie down, how to turn your head? We are sure that our selection will help you have an excellent photo session and get a decent result that will suit both the model and the photographer.

1. For starters, a simple portrait pose. The model should look over the shoulder. Pay attention to what an unusual and interesting portrait you can get if you photograph a girl in the same pose, but from a different angle.

2. In the portrait, hands are usually not visible, at least they are not dominant. You can create an interesting photo by asking the model to play with different positions of the hands on the face.

3. You are probably familiar with the rule of thirds. A similar result can be achieved using diagonals. Also remember that you don't have to keep the camera straight all the time, tilting it can get a new, interesting angle.

4. A cute photo will be obtained if the model is sitting with her knees moved. It is better to photograph a little from above.

5. A sincere and attractive pose with the model on the ground. Get down on the ground nearby and take pictures from this level.

6. One of the variations of the previous pose - the model lies on his stomach, resting his hands on the ground. It looks very cool if the photo was taken in a field, among meadow flowers.

7. A surprisingly simple, but absolutely stunning and winning pose - the model lies on her back. Take pictures from ground level while moving around the model. Ask her to occasionally change her facial expression, head and hand position.

8. Another simple pose that is perfect for girls with any body type. Ask the model to change the positions of the arms and legs, focus on the eyes.

9. Playful and cute pose. Looks great if the model lies on almost any surface: bed, grass, sandy beach. Shoot from a low angle, focusing on the eyes.

10. A proud and simple pose. The model sits on the ground. The pose emphasizes posture and a slim profile.

11. The model sits on the ground. This pose is sincere and open. Try to photograph from different angles.

12. A great pose to showcase the beauty of the model's physique. Looks great if the silhouette stands out against a bright background.

13. A relaxed pose. Have the model experiment with hand positions, pivots, and bends.

14. Elegant pose. The model is half-sided, hands are in the back pockets of the trousers.

15. A seductive pose where the model is slightly bent over. This pose allows you to subtly emphasize the shape of the model.

16. Sensual pose. Well suited if the model has a toned, graceful figure. Hands above the head additionally extend the figure, which allows you to demonstrate the relief.

17. When photographing a full-length model, a huge amount of variation is possible. The pose in the illustration is just a starting point for many experiments. Ask the model to change the position of the body, arms, head and eyes.

18. Relaxed pose: The model is leaning against the wall. She can lean with one leg or hands. Try several options.

19. The principles of such full-length shots are simple: the body should be bent in an S shape, the arms should be relaxed, and the body weight should be transferred to one leg. In such photos, girls with a toned figure look good.

20. Attractive pose for girls with a sporty figure. Experiment and find the body position in which the relief looks the most attractive.

21. A romantic and gentle pose. With fabric draperies, you can take very sensual photographs.

These are the basic poses that always look good. Remember that the illustrations are only starting points. Each of these poses has many variations. Ask the model to change the position of the hands, head, body, facial expression. Observe and look for the most advantageous angle for each girl. Shoot from different angles and lighting conditions. Be creative and your photos will turn out to be unique.

Here are a few basic posing poses and major mistakes most of us make.

Hands on Hips is an aggressive pose. Plus, you hide your hands. Show your nails and pull your elbows back. Turn your head a little and you have an intriguing pose, not an aggressive one.

Don't squeeze your waist, this will create wrinkles in your clothes that ruin your look.

Pay attention to the position of your hands - avoid tense or unnatural straight arms, as well as elbows exposed to the photographer. Remember to keep your wrists loose and flexible.

A light touch on your face with your fingertips and an open mouth can make you more attractive if you don't get carried away. Do not press on your face to avoid the "toothache effect"

Yes, your hands should be free, but you should not hang with whips, you are not a partisan being shot. Place one hand on your waist and turn or tilt your head slightly (slightly!) To highlight the beauty of your face.

Do not bulge your eyes, it looks too deliberate and unnatural. Turn your head slightly, open your lips slightly, and you can touch your face - it will be so feminine.

Don't squint your eyes, you are not a mole. Your natural eye shape is the most beautiful.

Don't hide your face behind your hands. See what the difference is.

Beautiful poses for a photo shoot

Use accents correctly with your hands. Where your hands are, there is the viewer's attention. Instead of hands on your stomach, emphasize the beauty of your waist. And the shoulders and chest are good to show with a more open gesture.

Looking from under the brow makes the lips too large. Better try different angles of head rotation. And don't forget to look into the camera.

If you are not the wife of an African tribal chief and do not have rings around your neck, do not lift your chin.

Hands should always be relaxed. Just compare these two photos and you will see why.

When shooting full-length, there is no point in artificially breaking the natural vertical line. Any position in which you have to strain to maintain balance, be it squatting, or a slight bend to the side, will make you a broken doll in the picture.

How to take pictures correctly? Here little secret Poses for successful life-size photographs: the curve of your body should resemble the letter "S": face the photographer and shift your body weight to one leg, and put the other forward. Remember to keep your arms relaxed, your posture comfortable, and your chin slightly raised.

Good photos to you!

The technique is not new, but you can refresh it. not only in mirrors, but also in other reflective surfaces: shop windows, doors, water and glasses of a gaping comrade's glasses. It is better to turn off the flash, otherwise it may overshadow you.

Take a picture of your shadow

Landscapes and sights without people is boring! Add your shadow to them - and now you have a photo with character. Also, your flaws are not visible in the shadow, and you can present the figure in a favorable or funny light.

Use a tripod or selfie stick

If you don't have a tripod, you can use any suitable surface to mount your phone or camera. The main thing is not to be dragged away by clever fraudsters while you pose with rapture. There are fewer problems with a selfie stick, and, fortunately, passers-by no longer react so surprised to a person with such a device.

Take pictures of things in hand

In this way, you also give the picture an emotional flavor. Plus, the size of the thing will be clear, that is, the photo will turn out to be more informative, and, therefore, more interesting.

Do you like taking pictures and uploading fresh photos to Instagram? Then I will reveal to you a few secrets that will make you look beautiful and natural when taking selfies.


The best shots are taken in natural daylight from a window. To do this, you will need to get closer to him and turn your face. If direct sunlight hits you, I advise you to cover the window with a translucent white curtain or just step back a little. Such light is very soft and lays down beautifully, as well as hides imperfections and evens out the skin.

When outdoors, opt for shadows and light white / gray walls to reflect light and not distort colors.

The best time is from sunrise to 9-10 am and a couple of hours before sunset.

To hide the double chin, you can hold a white sheet at chest level. It will also brighten the face a little.


Want to take a close-up photo of your face? Best option - lift your smartphone and take a picture of yourself from above. This will make your face narrower and more expressive eyes.

Try both left and right, look for your work side. In this case, what can you do with your head: move a little higher, a little lower, a little to the left, a little to the right, tilt a little to one side, then to the other. Work your shoulders, you hardly need a face like a passport) The more you bend, the more feminine.

Want a full-length photo? Then you will have to move away from the mirror, raise your hand with the phone to chest level and move it slightly to the side. Take it higher, so you visually narrow the figure. If you want to lean more - turn a little in profile, focus on one hip, put your front leg (on the toe), bend over to emphasize the roundness.

Facial expression

Be interesting, sweet, thoughtful, smile sincerely! You can also curl) Want to make your lips plump? Open them slightly, but don't duckface.

Try to remember a funny incident and keep your camera ready.


Even the best photo can be spoiled by trash in the background or tiles recognizable in a shopping center toilet.

Minimalism - look for light, solid walls, nothing colorful and flashy, preferably in your color scheme.

Nature - sunset sky, meadows, mountains, flowers, beach.

Found a celebrity - catch it soon!

Extreme conditions - great!

Are there any cute animals nearby? Success is guaranteed.

Phone settings

Everyone knows that the main camera has best quality, but it is more convenient to photograph yourself from the front. Here, either put up with it, or take a selfie stick, or get used to using the buttons on the phone.

Focusing and adjusting the exposure (light) on the face.

White balance check - sometimes you need third-party applications like VSCO, where you can tweak it - so that white is white and gray is gray, and not blue, pink or another color.

Turn off the flash if possible.

Wipe down and keep your phone camera clean.

Processing applications

It remains only to slightly correct the photo - and you're done! Here is a selection of some of them:

  1. Facetune 2
  2. Youcam perfect
  3. Makeup Genius
  4. Retrica
  5. Meitu
  6. TouchRetouch
  1. BestMe Selfie Camera
  2. Bestie
  3. Candy Camera
  4. Retrica