The scenario of the fairy tale magic rose hips middle group. Theatrical performance "magic rosehip". Song "Sad Rain" muses. sl. A. Kuklina

Summary of GCD in the middle group "Magic Rosehip".

Tasks: To develop in children the expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions and movements.
Raise interest in theatrical and song-creative activities.
Granddaughter Alenka
Granddaughter Mashenka
Bear Leading:
Behind the mountains, behind the valleys, in one village, in a small hut, lived a grandmother and her granddaughters Alyonushka and Mashenka. Grandmother cooked delicious pies and knitted beautiful rugs.
They sang songs, played on spoons, and drank tea from a samovar.


I'm a girl Alenka,
I sing songs loudly.
La la la la.
I embroider flowers
I look at the sun.
For the beloved grandmother
I embroider a handkerchief
Yes, I sing songs loudly.
The cold winter has come.
They lived not grieving, but only grandmother fell ill.
The granddaughters were scared.
Mashenka called the doctor, and he said,
that only rosehip infusion can cure grandmother.
But rose hips can only be harvested in the fall.
The granddaughters began to cry and came for help to the wise Owl.

I am an owl - a wise head
I fly everywhere

I know everything about everyone.
I know who can help you
These are children from the kindergarten "Solnyshko"
As soon as the sun warms up, immediately the grass turns green.

How do we get to this wonderful kindergarten "Solnyshko"?
Don't cry, Alyonushka, don't cry Masha,
I will give you a magic feather. It is not simple, magic.
Wave right. swing left, turn around and say magic
words: "One, two, three-feather fly"
Here we are in kindergarten.

A feather spun, flew and flew to the kindergarten "Sun"

Music sounds. Play with Owl "Guess the season"

Now the winter has passed
the snow still lies
and rooks, starlings are in a hurry home
they sing songs, and wait for spring.

Cheerful music sounds, the game "Birds have arrived"


A feather whirled, flew quickly, and when the
the sun began to sing merrily - it warmed everything around.
Birds chirp merrily
bees, wasps arrive - they all meet summer.

The game "Merry Day" is being held

So the leaves turned yellow
The breeze swirled them
We got up and flew
And they sat down quietly on the ground.

How can I find a rose hip bush?
Where does it grow?
Who will tell you?
Who will show us the path?

I keep walking through the forest
Looking for raspberries
I note everything
I notice every bush.
Come to visit!
The path to me is not long
I'll treat you all with raspberries.

So be it I will help you
Mashenka and Alenka
More than once I saw you in the forest with baskets.

The game "Guess by the description"

So the rose hips were found.

Thank you, Mishenka! Thank you children from the kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Alenka and Mashenka were delighted, waved their magic feather and found themselves at the house of their grandmother. They made tea from rose hips and the grandmother recovered and they all began to sing songs together, and sit by the samovar.

Round dance "We all have fun"

This scenario of the theatrical and musical performance "The Magic Berry - Rosehip" was composed "with the world on a string", 10 years ago. As a basis, maybe someone will come in handy for the autumn holidays. Children enter the hall. They perform the song "Autumn in the Forest". Presenter: In the same village, in a small hut, grandmother lived - lived - an old woman and a laughing granddaughter Alyonushka; grandmother and granddaughter lived, did not grieve, but only once did grandmother get sick. Alyonushka: Oh, if I knew what kind of herb grandmother should be treated with! I would go to the field, to the forest, pick up this weed. Presenter: Alyonushka, do not be upset, maybe the guys will help you, tell you what plants they know. (Children suggest) Alyonushka: They named many plants, but which one should be taken, I still don't know. The Raven appears. Raven: Kar-kar-kar I am a forest orderly I live here for 300 years, There are no secrets for me, If someone gets sick, I fly to him sooner, Kar-kar-kar! Alyonushka: Come on, Raven, fly to us, And fly to Granny! Raven: I will help! I'm flying everyone! Only after - I will fly away To the south, to the warm lands, Where everything is - there I too! Presenter: The crow, apparently, was joking Or he simply forgot, Which of the birds flies to the south, Well, and who winter here. Let us remind the crow which birds remain to winter. Children call wintering birds. The Geese appear. Song and Dance of the Geese. 1 goose. Colds come, we fly away from the nest, Soon, soon a snowy, blizzard round dance will sweep. 2 goose. Although the flight is difficult, Only hunger awaits us here. Hey, leader, it's not time to doze, Bird tribe is waiting for the order! 3 goose. Get up, ha-ha-ha! On the road, it's time for us! (The geese fly away). Presenter: Guys, what migratory birds do you know? (Children call). Raven: Well, the picture is clear to me. Your grandmother is sick. It is necessary to boil the water, to brew the rose hips in it! Alyonushka: Oh, thanks for the advice! I will remember for many years! And now I’ll go as soon as possible. I’ll find a rose hip. Presenter: Wait, Alyonushka, the path is not close. Take the basket (in the animal treat basket), it will come in handy in the forest. (Alyonushka leaves). And Alyonushka went to look for the rose hips. And her path lay through the swamp. The Frogs appear. Song and Dance of the Frogs. 1 frog: Autumn, birds fly away ... All frogs: Kva-kva-kva 2 frog: All frogs know this ... All frogs: Kva-kva-kva 3 frogs: Birds fly to Africa. They want to live there in the warmth! Presenter: Here, out of nowhere, the Heron flew in, (Heron flies out) Circled over the swamp Near the swamp village. Tsaplya: I'm flying away, I'm flying away, I'm tired of the cold. I'll have lunch, perhaps, Where is my food here? Presenter: Oh, frogs, ah frogs. Keep your ears on top of your head. Tsaplya: I am very glad to see you, - We need to get acquainted. 3 frog: Oh, save yourself where the Heron will eat us all! Trouble! Alyonushka (runs out): Heron, darling, wait, don't touch the frogs. You fly to your home, try the Apple! Alyonushka gives an apple to the Heron. The heron leaves. Frog: Thank you, Alyonushka! Alyonushka: But how can I get through the swamp? Frog: We will help you. (Planks are brought in). We will pave your way through the swamp. Alyonushka: Thank you, now I'll go further into the forest, maybe I'll find a dog rose there. Presenter: And Alyonushka went further into the forest. Before Alyonushka had time to cross the swamp, the wind blew and golden leaves flew. Song "Falling leaves" and dance with leaves. Alyonushka approaches the house. Alyonushka: What kind of terem-teremok? It is not low, not high. Someone who lives in the little house, Who lives in a low one? Animals come out of the house in turn and introduce themselves Bear: I - Mishenka - a bear, I can roar loudly. Hedgehog: I am a gray hedgehog, no head, no legs. Squirrels: And we are girlfriends squirrels, mischievous laughter. Mice: And we are mice, two funny girlfriends. Hare: I'm a bunny - jump. All together: Who are you? Alyonushka: I am Alyonushka. I followed the rose hips. And I found friends here. Tell me how you prepare for winter. Bear: I'm building a den for the winter, I'll sleep there in the winter. In the cold, I like to sleep, Suck a delicious paw. (Alyonushka treats the bear with honey). Hedgehog: I also sleep in winter, I don't like Colds. You see, I collect the leaves, In a pile of them, then I rake them. The hedgehog is warm in winter Under the golden foliage. (Alyonushka gives an apple to the hedgehog). Squirrel: Alyonushka, listen to me And eat my mushrooms. I dried them all summer And put them in a hollow. There are still nuts. I can't count all the reserves. (Alyonushka gives the squirrels nuts). Mouse: And the Mice didn’t yawn The grains were dragged into the hole If there is food in the winter, we will not freeze (Alyonushka gives the Mice a spikelet). Alyonushka: Why are the rabbits silent? Is everything ready for the rabbits? Don't you need supplies? Will you have enough bark in winter? Hare: And the bark in winter is food. No cabbage, that's the problem! (Alyonushka gives the Hare cabbage). Lisa comes out. Hare: What sat on the tail? Girl, tell the fox, So that you don't offend the rabbits, I didn't look for them in the forest. Fox: Alyonushka, you trust me I have changed now: I will love all animals And be friends with hares. Alyonushka: Friends, I came to the forest on business - I'm looking for a dog rose. Fox: You, Alyonka, sit down And look at our concert. And we will go with the bunny And collect the rosehip. The Fox and the Hare leave, while all the other animals play noise instruments and sing: "We have an orchestra in the forest." Alyonushka: What a wonderful and funny song. The Fox and the Hare come out. Fox: Alyonushka, look how many rose hips we picked. Alyonushka: Thank you little animals for your help, and now I will run home to treat my grandmother. (Exit.) Presenter: That's the end of the fairy tale, And Alyonushka is great. I went for a rosehip, And found friends in the forest. A song about friendship. Grandmother comes out with Alyonushka. Grandma: Thank you, forest dwellers for your help, kindness, responsiveness. Thank you ... (introduces the participants in the tale). And now I invite you all to visit me to try the magical, healing infusion of rose hips. They go to the group to drink rosehip infusion.

Olga Bykova

Subject (focus): staging

Children's age: middle group - children 4-5 years old

Location: music hall.

Methodical tasks:

Raise interest in theatrical and song-creative activities. To develop in children the emotional perception of musical theatrical play.

Develop communication skills, the desire to take part in the dramatization of a fairy tale, to overcome the fear of going on stage.

To activate creative imagination in the process of perceiving music and the plot of a fairy tale. Lead children to understand that fairy tales sound more interesting and emotionally richer with music.

Teach children to come up with melodies in a given key for words that characterize the character of a fairy tale.

Learn to find expressive means in facial expressions, gestures, intonations and movements.

Build and enrich children's vocabulary and musical experiences.

To form in children an understanding of friendship and an understanding that in trouble a friend comes to help a friend.

Preliminary work:

To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the emergence of Russians folk tales, to acquaint with the work "Magic Rosehip" by the way of "entering a fairy tale";

Tell the beginning of a fairy tale, invite children to come up with its continuation;

Conduct a conversation about the character of each hero of the fairy tale, ask what characters can be added to this work, who can be replaced with other characters;

Conduct a competition for the best song for each character in the fairy tale;

To acquaint children with theatrical professions.

Invite children to choose actors and stunt doubles for the fairy tale;

Prepare appropriate costumes and decorations with the children.


Grandma storyteller - educator






A dancing group

Children enter the hall to the music "Hymn of Friendship".

Educator: Do you guys like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know, name some of them?

Today I invite you to play a theater, show our guests the fairy tale "The Magic Rosehip". Who will our guests be? (by spectators) And we will ... (by artists)... And who else were we with you when we were preparing to show the fairy tale? (we painted decorations and were decorators)

Our artists are ready, the audience in the hall is also ready, and I will be a grandmother - a storyteller. (puts a scarf and a shawl on his shoulders)Artists, go backstage (children leave), the audience will support the artists with applause, otherwise they are very worried. I'll probably start ...

“Hello, good people! Allow me to rest on your way. (children offer a chair)... I was not far and not close, I saw not much and not a little, I heard fairy tales both old and new ... Listen to one of them ...

“Over the mountains, behind the forests, in one village, in a small hut, lived a grandmother and her granddaughter Alyonushka. Winter came, my grandmother cooked delicious pies, knitted warm mittens, and the granddaughter was embroidering ... "

Alyonushka (sings, improvising a melody).

I'm a girl Alenka,

I sing songs loudly.


I sing songs loudly.

I embroider flowers

I look at the sun.

For the beloved grandmother

I'll sew a handkerchief.

Grandma is a storyteller:

“They lived, they didn’t grieve, but only my grandmother fell ill. Alyonushka was scared. I feel sorry for my grandmother, she loved her very much. Alyonushka called the doctor,

Doctor: Your grandmother is very sick.

Bed rest

Let her observe.

Here's a simple recipe for you


It will only be cured

Infusion of fruits

Magic rose hips!

Grandma the storyteller: So, it means that in order to cure grandmother, an infusion of rose hips is needed.

And Alyonushka was a little girl, she did not know that rose hips are harvested in autumn. Alyonushka got dressed warmer, and went in search of a rose hip in the forest. She walks along winter forest, but can not find a dogrose anywhere. Alyonushka walked for a long time through the forest, got tired, sat down on a tree stump to rest. And the forest is quiet, only snowflakes whirl in the air merrily.

Dance of snowflakes, at the end of the snowflakes sit around Alyonushka.

Alyonushka was sitting, admiring the wonderful dance of snowflakes, but then she remembered that a sick grandmother was waiting for her at home, and began to cry. Bunny ran past.


I am a little Bunny

I jump, I jump, I jump

I'm white and that means

I can't be seen in the snow

La, la, la, I sing songs -2

Bunny: Oh girl! (hiding behind a tree) She is crying, did the wolf hurt her? Hello girl! What are you crying so bitterly about?

Alenka: I am looking for a rosehip to cure my grandmother!

Bunny: Poor little girl! Don't you know that rose hips can only be picked in autumn?

Alyonushka(crying): What should I do? How to cure grandma?

Bunny: Don't cry, Alyonushka, I'll help you. Take this wonderful snowflake. It is not simple, but magical. Wave to the right, wave to the left, turn around and say the magic words: "One, two, three - fly the snowflake."

Alenka: Thank you, Bunny! (Bunny runs away with the words: Good luck, Alyonushka)

Right, left, go round

One, two, three, snowflake, fly.

Grandma is a storyteller: The snowflake whirled, flew, and when it sat on the ground, the snow suddenly began to melt, streams began to run. Spring has blown around!

Grieg's "morning" is performed, snowflakes run away in a stream.

Grandma is a storyteller: Alyonushka is walking, admiring the spring forest. He is looking for a rosehip, but cannot find it.

Winter has passed

The snow still lies

But already home

The swallow is in a hurry.

Swallow: (sings, improvising a melody).

On my way

Mountains and forests

How i love you

Spring beauty.

Hello girl!

Alyonushka: Hello swallow. Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.

Swallow: Alyonushka, it's spring now, the rose hips are just getting green leaves. You have to wait until autumn. (Alyonushkacrying) Don't cry, Alyonushka, I'll help you. Here's my feather - throw it up and say the magic words "fly, feather, fly, brighter, sun, shine!"

Alyonushka: Thank you, Swallow!

Swallow(flies away): Good luck, Alyonushka!

Alyonushka throws up a feather and says magic words.

Grandma the storyteller: the feather flew away, and Alenka suddenly saw that the sun was smiling cheerfully, the birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming in the meadow.

More noticeable every day

The summer sun is warming.

In the field and in the woods

Flowers bloomed

White chamomile,

Pink porridge.

Buttercup is a yellow flower

Blue cornflower.

10 flowers run out and stand up for Chamomile and Cornflower

Dance "Flowers"

Grandma is a storyteller:

And here the bee flies

Yes itches, itches, itches.

Irreplaceable in the garden

Sings, dancing on the fly.

Bee: Zoo-zoo-zoo, zoo-zoo-zoo,

I fly through the woods

I collect nectar

To eat honey young and old

(sings, improvising a melody, stops and speaks).

Oh, my job is difficult!

After all, there are no counts of flowers in the garden.

Grandma is a storyteller: Alyonushka approaches the flowers and says ...

Alyonushka: Hello, meadow flowers and hello you bee. Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.

Chamomile: We are meadow flowers

Knapweed: Everyone knows us perfectly.

Chamomile: I am a white daisy

Smart and bold.

Knapweed: Well, I, cornflower,

The best flower.

Bee: I flew everywhere, and met a rosehip. But there are flowers on it, and I have not seen any fruit.

Knapweed:Don't you know Alyonushka that fruits ripen only in autumn?

(Alyonushka is crying again).

Chamomile: Don't cry, Alyonushka. Here's my little white petal, it's not simple - it's magic. Throw it and say: Take off the petal quickly and fulfill your desires!

(Alenka says magic words).

Grandma is a storyteller: (scattering autumn leaves all over the room)

So the leaves turned yellow

The breeze swirled them

We got up and flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Alyonushka sees the bear walking through the forest.

Bear:(sings, improvising melodies).

You hesitate to throw

Come to visit!

The path to me is not long

I'll treat you to raspberries!

Hello Alyonushka!

Alenka:Hello Mishenka! Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.

Bear: And here he is, the rose hip!

(Alenka runs up to the bush and tries to pick the fruits)

Alenka: Oh-oh-oh, I injected! How can I pick its berries?

Bear: Guess my riddle and get the berries. "There is a thorn like a spit

Whoever comes up will prick

And whoever gets sick will be able to cure him "


Bear: Well done! And here's the rose hips.

(Hands over a basket with rose hips)

Alenka: Thank you, Mishenka!

Grandma is a storyteller: Only Alenka thanked the bear when she found herself at the grandmother's house. The granddaughter made her grandmother tea from rose hips, gave her tea, and the grandmother recovered.

Alyonushka told her about her journey. They called everyone who helped Alyonushka to visit them.

Grandmother:Come in, dear guests, I will treat you to tea!

(Guests come out to a song about friendship, sing along and bow).

Questions for the musical and didactic game "Think and Guess"

1. Flies in the meadow, collects nectar. Who is it?

(That's right, bee! The role of the bee was played by Sabina Fedoroshina - Sabina comes forward and bows)

2. Which of the heroes of the tale appeared to this melody? (bunny melody sounds)

3. The snow is still lying, but she is already in a hurry home. Who are we talking about?

4. Who appeared on stage to this melody? (the backing track of the song "Freckles" is played, to which the flowers were dancing)

5. If suddenly a temperature, if suddenly an ailment,

He rushes to help people

As the most best friend... (doctor)

6. Who came to the aid of Alenka to this melody? (bear music sounds)

7. Mittens knits, prepares pies,

He will tell a fairy tale, calm down with a song. Who is it?

8 Name, what time of year comes in a fairy tale to this wonderful melody? ("Morning" by Grieg sounds. Spring is coming)

9. He embroiders handkerchiefs, sings songs,

She walks alone through the forest with a basket. Who are we talking about?

10. Listen and name for whom this melody sounded? ("Waltz of the Snowflakes" sounds)

11. What is this song about? (the "Hymn to Friendship" sounds)

Well done boys! I hope that you, too, will be friendly children and will always be ready to help each other.

Scenario of a theatrical performance based on Russian folk tales "Magic Rosehip" for the middle group
Subject (focus): staging
Age of children: middle group - children 4-5 years old
Venue: music hall.
Methodical tasks:
Raise interest in theatrical and song-creative activities. To develop in children the emotional perception of musical theatrical play.
Develop communication skills, the desire to take part in the dramatization of a fairy tale, to overcome the fear of going on stage.
To activate creative imagination in the process of perceiving music and the plot of a fairy tale. Lead children to understand that fairy tales sound more interesting and emotionally richer with music.
Teach children to come up with melodies in a given key for words that characterize the character of a fairy tale.
Learn to find expressive means in facial expressions, gestures, intonations and movements.
Build and enrich children's vocabulary and musical experiences.
To form in children an understanding of friendship and an understanding that in trouble a friend comes to help a friend.
Preliminary work:
To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the origin of Russian folk tales, to acquaint them with the work "Magic Rosehip" by the way of "entering a fairy tale";
Tell the beginning of a fairy tale, invite children to come up with its continuation;
Conduct a conversation about the character of each hero of the fairy tale, ask which heroes can be added to this work, who can be replaced with other heroes;
Conduct a competition for the best song for each character in the fairy tale;
To acquaint children with theatrical professions.
Invite children to choose actors and stunt doubles for the fairy tale;
Prepare appropriate costumes and decorations with the children.
Grandma storyteller - educator
A dancing group
Children enter the hall to the music "Hymn of Friendship".
Educator: Do you guys like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know, name some of them?
Today I invite you to play a theater, show our guests the fairy tale "The Magic Rosehip". Who will our guests be? (spectators) And we will be ... (artists). And who else were we with you when we were preparing to show the fairy tale? (we painted decorations and were decorators)
Our artists are ready, the audience in the hall is also ready, and I will be a grandmother - a storyteller. (Puts a scarf and shawl on her shoulders) Actors, go backstage (children leave), the audience will support the artists with applause, otherwise they are very worried. I'll probably start ...
“Hello, good people! Allow me to rest on your way. (children offer a chair). I was not far and not close, I saw not much and not a little, I heard fairy tales both old and new ... Listen to one of them ...
“Over the mountains, behind the forests, in one village, in a small hut, lived a grandmother and her granddaughter Alyonushka. Winter came, my grandmother cooked delicious pies, knitted warm mittens, and the granddaughter was embroidering ... "
Alyonushka (sings, improvising a melody) .I'm a girl Alenka,
I sing songs loudly.
I sing songs loudly.
I embroider flowers
I look at the sun.
For the beloved grandmother
I'll sew a handkerchief.
Grandma is a storyteller:
“They lived, they didn’t grieve, but only my grandmother fell ill. Alyonushka was scared. I feel sorry for my grandmother, she loved her very much. Alyonushka called the doctor,
Doctor: Your grandmother is very sick.
Bed rest
Let her observe.
Here's a simple recipe for you
It will only be cured
Infusion of fruits
Magic rose hips!
Grandmother-storyteller: So, it means that in order to cure grandmother you need an infusion of rose hips.
And Alyonushka was a little girl, she did not know that rose hips are harvested in autumn. Alyonushka got dressed warmer, and went in search of a rose hip in the forest. She walks through the winter forest, but she cannot find a dog rose anywhere. Alyonushka walked for a long time through the forest, got tired, sat down on a tree stump to rest. And the forest is quiet, only snowflakes whirl in the air merrily.
Dance of snowflakes, at the end of the snowflakes sit around Alyonushka.
Alyonushka was sitting, admiring the wonderful dance of snowflakes, but then she remembered that a sick grandmother was waiting for her at home, and began to cry. Bunny ran past.
Bunny: (Sings) I'm a little Bunny
I jump, I jump, I jump
I'm white and that means
I can't be seen in the snow
La, la, la, I sing songs -2
Bunny: Oh, girl! (hides behind a tree) She's crying, hasn't the wolf hurt her? Hello girl! What are you crying so bitterly about?
Alenka: I'm looking for a dog rose to cure my grandmother!
Bunny: Poor little girl! Don't you know that rose hips can only be picked in autumn?
Alyonushka (crying): What should I do? How to cure grandma?
Bunny: Don't cry, Alyonushka, I'll help you. Take this wonderful snowflake. It is not simple, but magical. Wave to the right, wave to the left, turn around and say the magic words: "One, two, three - fly the snowflake"
Alenka: Thank you, Bunny! (Bunny runs away with the words: Good luck to you, Alyonushka) To the right, to the left, I’ll circle
One, two, three, snowflake, fly.
Grandmother is a storyteller: A snowflake whirled, flew, and when it sat on the ground, the snow suddenly began to melt, streams ran. Spring has blown around!
Grieg's "morning" is performed, snowflakes run away in a stream.
Grandmother - a storyteller: Alyonushka is walking, admiring the spring forest. He is looking for a rosehip, but cannot find it.
Winter has passed
The snow still lies
But already home
The swallow is in a hurry.
Swallow: (sings, improvising a melody) On my way
Mountains and forests
How i love you
Spring beauty.
Hello girl!
Alyonushka: Hello, swallow. Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.
Swallow: Alyonushka, it's spring now, the rose hips are just getting green leaves. You have to wait until autumn. (Alyonushka is crying) Don't cry, Alyonushka, I'll help you. Here's my feather - throw it up and say the magic words “fly, feather, fly, brighter, sun, shine! "
Alyonushka: Thank you, Swallow!
Swallow (flies away): Good luck, Alyonushka!
Alyonushka throws up a feather and says magic words.
Grandmother-storyteller: the feather flew away, and Alyonka suddenly saw that the sun was smiling cheerfully, the birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming in the meadow.
... More noticeable every day
The summer sun is warming.
In the field and in the woods
Flowers bloomed
White chamomile,
Pink porridge.
Buttercup is a yellow flower
Blue cornflower.
10 flowers run out and stand up for Chamomile and Cornflower
Dance "Flowers"
Grandma is a storyteller:
And here the bee flies
Yes itches, itches, itches.
Irreplaceable in the garden
Sings, dancing on the fly.
Bee: Zoo-zoo-zoo, zoo-zoo-zoo,
I fly through the forest
I collect nectar
To eat honey young and old
(sings, improvising a melody, stops and speaks) Oh, my job is difficult!
After all, there are no counts of flowers in the garden.
Grandma is a storyteller: Alyonushka comes up to the flowers and says ...
Alyonushka: Hello, meadow flowers and hello you bee. Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.
Chamomile: We are meadow flowers
Vasilek: Everyone knows us very well.
Chamomile: I am white chamomile,
Smart and bold.
Cornflower: Well, I, cornflower,
The best flower.
Bee: I flew everywhere, and met a dog rose. But there are flowers on it, and I have not seen any fruit.
Vasilek: Don't you know Alyonushka that fruits ripen only in autumn?
(Alyonushka is crying again) Camomile: Don't cry, Alyonushka. Here's my little white petal, it's not simple - it's magic. Throw it and say: Take off the petal and fulfill your desires!
(Alenka says magic words) Grandma is a storyteller: (scattering autumn leaves throughout the hall)
So the leaves turned yellow
The breeze swirled them
We got up and flew
And they sat down quietly on the ground.
Alyonushka sees the bear walking through the forest.
Bear: (sings, improvising melodies) You hesitate to throw
Come to visit!
The path to me is not long
I'll treat you to raspberries!
Hello Alyonushka!
Alenka: Hello, Mishenka! Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.
Bear: And here it is, the dog rose!
(Alenka runs up to the bush and tries to pick the fruits)
Alenka: Oh-oh-oh, I injected myself! How can I pick its berries?
Bear: Guess my riddle and get the berries. "There is a thorn, like a scoundrel.
And whoever gets sick will be able to cure him "
Alenka: Rosehip!
Bear: Well done! And here's the rose hips.
(Hands over a basket with rose hips)
Alenka: Thank you, Mishenka!
Grandma is a storyteller: Only Alenka thanked the bear when she found herself at the grandmother's house. The granddaughter made her grandmother tea from rose hips, gave her tea, and the grandmother recovered.
Alyonushka told her about her journey. They called everyone who helped Alyonushka to visit them.
Grandma: Come in, dear guests, I'll treat you to tea!
(Guests come out to a song about friendship, sing along and bow). Further, the musical and didactic game "Think and guess" is held. The teacher asks the audience questions about the fairy tale, the audience answers the questions, and thus the artists are presented.
Questions for the musical and didactic game "Think and Guess"
1. Flies in the meadow, collects nectar. Who is it?
(That's right, bee! The role of the bee was played by Sabina Fedoroshina - Sabina comes forward and bows)
2. Which of the heroes of the tale appeared to this melody? (bunny melody sounds)
3. The snow is still lying, but she is already in a hurry home. Who are we talking about?
4. Who appeared on stage to this melody? (the backing track of the song "Freckles" is played, to which the flowers were dancing)
5. If suddenly a temperature, if suddenly an ailment,
He rushes to help people
Like the best friend. (doctor)
6. Who came to the aid of Alenka to this melody? (bear music sounds)
7. Mittens knits, prepares pies,
He will tell a fairy tale, calm down with a song. Who is it?
8 Name, what time of year comes in a fairy tale to this wonderful melody? ("Morning" by Grieg sounds. Spring is coming) 9. He embroiders handkerchiefs, sings songs,
She walks alone through the forest with a basket. Who are we talking about?
10. Listen and name for whom this melody sounded? ("Waltz of the Snowflakes" sounds)
11. What is this song about? (the "Hymn to Friendship" sounds)
- Well done boys! I hope that you, too, will be friendly children and will always be ready to help each other.

Bykova O.Yu., teacher of MBDOU No. 4 "Rosinka"

Theatrical performance in the middle group "Magic Rosehip"


Formation of moral relations through musical and theatrical activities.

Methodical tasks:

  • Raise interest in theatrical and song-creative activities. To develop in children the emotional perception of musical theatrical play.

  • Develop communication skills, the desire to take part in the dramatization of a fairy tale, to overcome the fear of going on stage.

  • To activate creative imagination in the process of perceiving music and the plot of a fairy tale. Lead children to understand that fairy tales sound more interesting and emotionally richer with music.

  • Teach children to come up with melodies in a given key for words that characterize the character of a fairy tale.

  • Learn to find expressive means in facial expressions, gestures, intonations and movements.

  • Build and enrich children's vocabulary and musical experiences.

  • To form in children an understanding of friendship and an understanding that in trouble a friend comes to help a friend.

Preliminary work:

  • To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the origin of Russian folk tales, to acquaint them with the work "Magic Rosehip" by the way of "entering a fairy tale";

  • Tell the beginning of a fairy tale, invite children to come up with its continuation;

  • Conduct a conversation about the character of each hero of the fairy tale, ask what characters can be added to this work, who can be replaced with other characters;

  • Conduct a competition for the best song for each character in the fairy tale;

  • To acquaint children with theatrical professions.

  • Invite children to choose actors and stunt doubles for the fairy tale;

  • Prepare appropriate costumes and decorations with the children.

Characters and performers:

  • Grandmother - storyteller - educator Bykova Olga Yurievna

  • Grandmother - Yana Yurkiv

  • Alenka: Anastasia Tyutyunkova

  • Doctor - Alena Metelkina

  • Bunny - Anna Kotova

  • Swallow: Maryana Imamieva

  • Chamomile: Katerina Polonnikova

  • Vasilek: Artem Poletaev

  • Bee - Sabina Fedoryshina

  • The Bear: Danila Malakhov

  • Dance group - Mishchenko Eva and Tsimbal Vika

Kovaleva Polina and Rosenthal Vika,

Mezhakova Nastya and Potapova Natasha,

Abdrashitov Danil and Saveliev Alexey

^ Children enter the hall to the music "Anthem of Friendship".

Host: Do you guys like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know, name some of them?

Today I invite you to play a theater, show our guests the fairy tale "The Magic Rosehip". Who will our guests be? (spectators) And we will be ... (artists). And who else were we with you when we were preparing to show the fairy tale? (we painted the scenery and were decorators)

Our artists are ready, the audience in the hall is also ready, and I will be a grandmother - a storyteller. ( puts a scarf and a shawl on his shoulders) Artists, go backstage ( children leave), the audience will support the artists with applause, otherwise they are very worried. I'll probably start ...

“Hello, good people! I was close and not close, I saw not much and not a little, I heard fairy tales both old and new ... Listen to one of them ...

“Over the mountains, behind the forests, in one village, in a small hut, lived a grandmother and her granddaughter Alyonushka. Grandmother cooked delicious pies, knitted warm mittens, and granddaughter embroidered ... "

Alyonushka ( sings, improvising a melody).

I'm a girl Alenka,

I sing songs loudly.


I sing songs loudly.

I embroider flowers

I look at the sun.

For the beloved grandmother

I'll sew handkerchiefs.

Grandma is a storyteller:

“They lived, did not grieve, but only once, in a frosty winter, my grandmother fell ill. Alyonushka was scared. I feel sorry for my grandmother, she loved her very much. Alyonushka called the doctor, the doctor came, examined the grandmother and said:

Doctor: Your grandmother is very sick.

Bed rest

Let her observe.

Here's a simple recipe for you


It will only be cured

Infusion of fruits

Magic rose hips!

Grandmother-storyteller: So, it means that to cure grandmother you need an infusion of rose hips.

And Alyonushka was a little girl, she did not know that rose hips are harvested in autumn. Alyonushka got dressed warmer, and went in search of a rose hip in the forest. She walks through the winter forest, but she cannot find a dog rose anywhere. Alyonushka walked for a long time through the forest, got tired, sat down on a tree stump to rest. And the forest is quiet, only snowflakes whirl in the air merrily.

^ Dance of snowflakes, at the end of the snowflakes sit around Alyonushka.

Alyonushka was sitting, admiring the wonderful dance of snowflakes, but then she remembered that a sick grandmother was waiting for her at home and began to cry. Bunny ran past.

Bunny: (Sings).

I am a little Bunny

I jump, I jump, I jump

I'm white and that means

I can't be seen in the snow

La, la, la, I sing songs -2

Bunny: Oh, girl! ( hiding behind a tree) She is crying, did the wolf hurt her? Hello girl! What are you crying so bitterly about?

Alenka: I'm looking for a dog rose to cure my grandmother!

Bunny: Poor little girl! Don't you know that rose hips can only be picked in autumn?

Alyonushka (crying): What should I do? How to cure grandma?

Bunny: Don't cry, Alyonushka, I'll help you. Take this wonderful snowflake. It is not simple, but magical. Wave to the right, wave to the left, turn around and say the magic words: "One, two, three - fly the snowflake."

Alenka: Thank you, Bunny! ( ^ The bunny runs away with the words: Good luck, Alyonushka!)

Right, left, go round

One, two, three, snowflake, fly.

Grandmother is a storyteller: A snowflake whirled, flew, and when it sat on the ground, the snow suddenly began to melt, streams ran. Spring has blown around!

^ Grieg's "morning" is performed, snowflakes run away in a stream.

Grandmother - a storyteller: Alyonushka is walking, admiring the spring forest. He is looking for a rosehip, but cannot find it.

Winter has passed

The snow still lies

But already home

The swallow is in a hurry.

Swallow: (sings, improvising a melody).

On my way

Mountains and forests

How i love you

Spring beauty.

Hello girl!

Alyonushka: Hello, swallow. Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.

Swallow: Alyonushka, it's spring now, the rose hips are just getting green leaves. You have to wait until autumn ... (Alyonushka is crying)Don't cry, Alyonushka, I'll help you. Here's my feather - throw it up and say the magic words "fly, feather, fly, brighter, sun, shine!"

Alyonushka: Thank you, Swallow!

Swallow (flies away): Good luck, Alyonushka!

Alyonushka throws up a feather and says magic words.

Grandmother-storyteller: the feather flew away, and Alyonka suddenly saw that the sun was smiling cheerfully, the birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming in the meadow.

More noticeable every day

The summer sun is warming.

In the field and in the woods

Flowers bloomed

White chamomile,

Pink porridge.

Buttercup is a yellow flower

Blue cornflower.

^ 8 flowers run out, the Dance of Flowers is performed.

Grandma is a storyteller:

And here the bee flies

Yes itches, itches, itches.

Irreplaceable in the garden

Sings dancing on the fly.

Bee: Zoo-zoo-zoo, zoo-zoo-zoo,

I fly through the woods

I collect nectar

To eat honey young and old

(sings, improvising a melody, stops and speaks).

Oh, my job is difficult!

After all, there are no counts of flowers in the garden.

Grandma is a storyteller: Alyonushka comes up to the flowers and says ...

Alyonushka: Hello, meadow flowers and hello you bee. Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.

Chamomile: We are meadow flowers

Vasilek: Everyone knows us very well.

Chamomile: I am white chamomile,

Smart and bold.

Cornflower: Well, I, cornflower,

The best flower.

Bee: I flew everywhere, and met a dog rose. But there are flowers on it, and I have not seen any fruit.

Vasilek: Don't you know Alyonushka that fruits ripen only in autumn?

(Alyonushka is crying again).

Chamomile: Don't cry, Alyonushka. Here's a wreath, it's not simple - it's magical. You put on a wreath and make a wish!

(Alenka puts on a wreath and says: I want to find a rose hip to cure my grandmother).

Grandma is a storyteller: (scattering autumn leaves all over the room)

So the leaves turned yellow

The breeze swirled them

We got up and flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Alyonushka sees the bear walking through the forest.

Bear: (sings, improvising melodies).

You hesitate to throw

Come to visit!

The path to me is not long

I'll treat you to raspberries!

Hello Alyonushka!

Alenka: Hello, Mishenka! Please help me find the rose hips to cure my grandmother.

Bear: And here it is, the dog rose!

(Alenka runs up to the bush and tries to pick the fruits)

Alenka: Oh-oh-oh, I injected myself! How can I pick its berries?

Bear: Guess my riddle and get the berries. "There is a thorn like a spit

Whoever comes up will prick

And whoever gets sick will be able to cure him "

Alenka: Rosehip.

Bear: Well done! And here's the rose hips.

(^ Handing over a basket with rose hips)

Alenka: Thank you, Mishenka!

Grandma is a storyteller: Only Alenka thanked the bear when she found herself at the grandmother's house. The granddaughter made her grandmother tea from rose hips, gave her tea, and the grandmother recovered.

Alyonushka told her about her journey. They called everyone who helped Alyonushka to visit them.

Grandma: Come in, dear guests, I'll treat you to tea!

(^ The heroes of the fairy tale come out to a song about friendship, sing along and bow ).

Educator: Well, now I am Olga Yuryevna again, and you are the guys in my group. Please tell me guys, did you enjoy being artists? You were applauded like real artists. Which artist did you like the most?

Questions for the musical and didactic game "Think and Guess"

1. Flies in the meadow, collects nectar. Who is it?

2. Which of the heroes of the tale appeared to this melody? (bunny melody sounds)

3. The snow is still lying, but she is already in a hurry home. Who are we talking about?

4. Who appeared on stage to this melody? (the backing track of the song "Freckles" is played, to which the flowers were dancing)

5. If suddenly a temperature, if suddenly an ailment,

He rushes to help people

Like the best friend. (doctor)

6. Who came to the aid of Alenka to this melody? (bear music sounds)

7. Mittens knits, prepares pies,

He will tell a fairy tale, calm down with a song. Who is it?

8 Name, what time of year comes in a fairy tale to this wonderful melody? ("Morning" by Grieg sounds. Spring is coming)

9. He embroiders handkerchiefs, sings songs,

She walks alone through the forest with a basket. Who are we talking about?

10. Listen and name for whom this melody sounded? ("Waltz of the Snowflakes" sounds)

11. What is this song about? (the "Hymn to Friendship" sounds)

Well done boys! I hope that you, too, will be friendly children and will always be ready to help each other.