Whether an additive for state employees. Raising salaries for state employees. What categories of state employees will receive a salary increase? May decrees were not implemented

We have already talked about the fact that for 2019 it is planned (and has already been approved in the federal budget) indexation of wages for all employees of the public sector. The increase will be given to teachers and doctors, military personnel and other security officials, workers of culture and other budgetary organizations, as well as state and municipal employees. True, it will be different for everyone, and the time for increasing earnings will also differ.

We have prepared a small memo with a schedule for increasing the salaries of all state employees so that no one is disappointed, expecting a salary increase earlier than the Government of the Russian Federation had planned.

What is the reason for the increase

Every year inflation depreciates the existing exchange rate of the national currency by several percent. According to official data, in 2017 inflation was about 2.8%, in 2018 - 3.1%, but in reality, Russians' expenses have grown much more. If we take into account the increased VAT and other burden on small businesses, which will affect the rise in prices, the purchasing power of citizens in 2019 will decrease by at least 5-7%.

Private organizations have their own systems for calculating salaries and raising them, which are not regulated from the outside. But the size of the patch in institutions financed from the state treasury is controlled by law. According to Art. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages should increase in accordance with the rise in prices for goods and services.

In addition to the instructions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the government of the Russian Federation seeks to fulfill the May instructions of the President, which dictated an increase in payments to certain categories. Moreover, the President indicated not the minimum wage as a benchmark for the size of the allowance, but the average level of patches in the region.

Salaries of state employees in 2019 - how much will they increase

The indexation of public sector salaries is part of Vladimir Putin's 2012 election program. The main document is Presidential Decree No. 597, sometimes called "Presidential Order 597: Roadmap 01.01.2018".

Then, in May, immediately after taking office, the head of state issued 11 decrees that dealt with raising the salaries of civil servants and other state employees.

Then the President promised to increase salaries by 2018, primarily for teachers and doctors. Increase salaries primarily for those public sector employees who are subject to the Presidential Decrees:

  • dated 07.05.2012 No. 597;
  • dated 01.06.2012 No. 761;
  • dated 28.12.2012 No. 1688.

The salary increases are phased. Finally:

  • for university teachers and doctors (medical workers with higher education), the salary level must be at least 200% of the average salary in the region;
  • for middle and junior medical personnel and social workers, the salary level should not be lower than the average salary in the region.

Unfortunately, not all categories of state employees fell under the "May decrees". Obviously, there are a lot of those who have not received a salary increase. Therefore, officials promised not to bypass them and also to index their salaries.

So, in accordance with the draft law "On the federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021," it is planned to increase the salaries of state employees (see the table below for indexation rates).

Categories of state employees whose salaries are indexed in accordance with the "May decrees" Categories of employees who did not fall under the "May decrees"
Kindergarten and general education teachers Additional education teachers Teachers and masters of secondary and primary vocational education University teachers Doctors

Nursing and nursing staff Social workers

Cultural workers

Scientific staff

Teachers of educational, medical organizations and organizations providing social services to orphans and children left without parental care

Human Resources Specialists Comprehensive Rehabilitation Specialists Engineering and support workers serving buildings and equipment: technicians, electricians, locksmiths, plumbers, office cleaners Social psychologists

Accountants and economists





Judges, prosecutors

Military personnel and those equated to them

Increase in salaries from September 1, 2019 - by 6.0%, in 2020 - by 5.4%,

in 2021 - by 6.6%

Increase in salaries from October 1, 2019 to the forecasted inflation rate of 4.3%, October 1, 2020 - by 3.8%,

What caused the increase in wages to public sector employees

Every year inflation depreciates the existing exchange rate of the national currency by several percent. According to official data, in 2017 inflation was about 2.8%, in 2018 - 3.1%, but in reality, Russians' expenses have grown much more.

If we take into account the increased VAT and other burden on small businesses, which will affect the rise in prices, the purchasing power of citizens in 2019 will decrease by at least 5-7%. Private organizations have their own systems for calculating salaries and raising them, which are not regulated from the outside.

But the size of the patch in institutions financed from the state treasury is controlled by law. According to Art. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages should increase in accordance with the rise in prices for goods and services.

In addition to the instructions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the government of the Russian Federation seeks to fulfill the May instructions of the President, which dictated an increase in payments to certain categories. Moreover, the President indicated not the minimum wage as a benchmark for the size of the allowance, but the average level of patches in the region. Draft budget.

Salaries of state employees in 2019 - the percentage of indexation, who will be raised, news

The government submitted to the State Duma the draft federal budget for 2019-2021. The document also refers to the planned increase in the salaries of public sector employees. Moreover, the salaries of state employees, noted in the May 2012 presidential decrees, and those to whom they do not apply, will be indexed in different ways.

The first category includes doctors and health workers, teachers and university professors, researchers and cultural workers. From September 1, 2019, their salaries will be increased by 6%, in 2020 - by 5.4%, in 2021 - by 6.6%. The indexation of the salaries of these employees will be based on the forecasted growth rate of the nominal salary in the country.

The salaries of state employees who are not subject to the May decrees, as well as federal civil servants, members of parliament, judges, prosecutors and employees of the Investigative Committee will be increased by the projected inflation rate.

In 2019 - by 4.3%, in 2020 - by 3.8%, in 2021 - by 4%. The indexation of the salaries of these workers will be carried out annually from October 1. The salaries of servicemen will increase in a similar way.

Increase in salaries of state employees from 01.01.2019

It should be noted that some state employees will have to increase their salaries regardless of indexation. Indeed, from January 1, it is planned to increase the minimum wage (increase in the minimum wage), which will affect the salaries of junior and middle personnel with secondary education.

From 01.01.2019, the minimum wage is 11,280 rubles. This salary increase will affect approximately 1.6 million people in the public sector.

Regional decisions on increasing public sector salaries

The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2012 No. 2599-r obliges the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to adopt orders on their regional "road maps", in which to prescribe specific numbers for each year to increase salaries.

Thus, the roadmap of the Sverdlovsk Oblast to raise wages in 2018 stated that the average salary of social workers should be at least 100 percent of the average monthly salary in the Sverdlovsk Oblast.

And to increase the salaries of public sector employees in 2018 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Government allocated an additional 2.9 billion rubles from the federal treasury, so that regional allowances and the northern coefficient can be taken into account. At the end of the year, regional authorities traditionally prepare appropriate decisions on increasing salaries for the next year.

For example, in the Lipetsk region, deputies decided to increase salaries in 2019 for state employees who do not fall under the May decrees by 10%.

Law enforcement agencies - salary increase

Salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Army, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSSP and the Federal Penitentiary Service will increase by 4.3% according to the draft federal budget. The increase will take place in October 2019 and will become a necessary measure - over the past few years, payments to security officials have not been indexed, with the exception of 2018. Against the backdrop of inflation, their salaries have depreciated by 30-40% over the past 5 years.

The May decree of the President also touched upon the remuneration of employees of law enforcement agencies. So, by 2024, police officers should receive a salary of at least 150% of the average income in the region. However, such an increase will occur in stages. The servants of the law themselves are wary of innovations. After the salary increase in 2012, when their income increased by one and a half to two times, there was a wave of reforms related to the merger of branches, staff cuts and various re-certification. The police fear that the upcoming increase in salaries will lead to further reductions and an increase in the burden on ordinary employees.

According to representatives of the government of the Russian Federation, salaries of state employees will be increased from January 1, 2019. The purpose of the innovations is to bring salaries in budgetary organizations closer to the average salaries in the country as much as possible. The main changes are outlined in the field of education and medicine.

Officials plan to increase the income of citizens working in budgetary organizations: their monthly salary should rise at least to the level of average wages in the Russian Federation. Some innovations were also stipulated in the law on increasing the wages of state employees.

One of the major changes is the reduction in work grades. Previously, there were 28 of them: 9 of them were labor-intensive professions, and the remaining 19 were assigned to highly qualified specialists. According to the new criteria, the number of categories will be reduced by 10 units, and in terms of composition they will be combined.

Additional payments that were charged from the centers will be canceled. However, on a local scale, leaders of organizations will receive more rights. Local management, according to the new rules, can independently determine the rates at which salaries will be calculated, the size of salaries will be determined, taking into account the severity of work, the qualifications of the employee, and so on. At the same time, tariffs should not be less than the new minimum wage.

The new law on increasing salaries for public sector employees also implies that the minimum wage of employees of budgetary organizations will be equal to the indicators of the subsistence level and cannot be lower. Taking into account the latest changes and the recalculation of the minimum wage in some regions of Russia, the heads of organizations need to monitor compliance with all regulations: employees have the right to go to court for underpayment, and the employer can be prosecuted.

Areas covered by the law on raising wages to public sector employees

The new bill on increasing the salaries of employees of budgetary organizations comes into force on January 1, 2019. Its action extends to various areas: education, medicine, various branches of science.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation sent a letter to the Ministry of Labor with a proposal to increase the salaries of the teaching staff of schools funded by the state, up to 150% of the average salary in the region. According to Rosstat, teachers are currently receiving salaries at the level corresponding to the government decree of May 2018.

The Ministry of Education believes that further measures should be taken to improve the social status of teachers. Several ways of solving the problem were proposed: every year to increase teachers' income by 10%, so that by 2025 it would reach 160% of the average salary in the region, or to immediately increase it by almost 60 thousand rubles. For this, the state will have to allocate over 260 billion rubles.

Medical unions in Russia have also advocated higher wages. Despite the fact that the government of the Russian Federation has already issued an order to increase the minimum wage in Moscow and the region, the wages of doctors are still either at the minimum level or beyond it.

The Ministry of Health believes that such "maneuvers" can lead to the fact that physicians will receive more only on paper, but in reality they will have to get a job at one and a half or two rates. The Moscow administration has promised health workers to take care of increasing their salaries to 100-120 thousand rubles on average. The ministry is also concerned about the lack of funds in the MHIF: if the state does not have funds to raise wages, they will only decline.

Most employees of budgetary institutions still receive salaries lower than the regional average. Although most of them go to the profession by vocation, they also count on decent wages for their work.

In 2019, an increase in wages is expected for both public sector employees and civil servants, as well as the military.

The minimum wage will grow, and state employees will earn more

The Russian government has proposed to increase the minimum wage from January 1, 2019. So, next year, the "minimum wage" will be 11,280 rubles, which is 100% of the subsistence allowance for the able-bodied category of the population at the end of the second quarter of 2018.

Alas, the increase in the minimum wage will be insignificant - only 117 rubles (+ 1.048%). But this is in the central and southern regions. For the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the increase will be 351 rubles. In order for the salaries of state employees to increase, it will be necessary to allocate at least 5 billion rubles from the budget.

As part of the meeting of the 3-sided commission, Tatyana Golikova noted: from the beginning of next year, unemployment benefits will amount to a maximum of 8,000 rubles, a minimum of 1,900 rubles. Now the unemployed receive assistance in the amount of at least 850 rubles or a maximum of 4,900 rubles.

The allocated 5 billion rubles will be divided:

  • 1.4 billion rubles are allocated to increase salaries for employees of federal government agencies;
  • 3.6 billion rubles is provided to increase the salaries of employees of state institutions of Russian regions and municipalities.

Latest news for October 14: the government introduced the draft budget for 2019 - 2021. So, next year the volume of income and expenses will amount to 19,969 trillion rubles and 18,037 trillion rubles, respectively. The surplus will be 1,932 trillion rubles (1.8% of GDP).

They plan to increase the salaries of state employees from the average regional labor income to:

  • 100% - school teachers, people who work in the field of culture, social workers, nurses;
  • 200% - doctors, researchers, teachers at universities.
  • 6% - next year;
  • 5.4% - in another year;
  • 6.6% - in 2021.

Who will be affected by the increase in salaries

Public sector workers socially poorly protected, because the level of their well-being is completely dependent on the state. Therefore, the issue of raising wages to public sector employees is quite relevant.

Regular increases in wages for various categories of workers are a guarantee that their incomes will grow following the rise in prices for basic goods. However, not always and not for all categories of public sector employees, wage increases are made in accordance with the inflation rate - deviations can be both in the direction of faster growth, and vice versa.

State employees include several separate categories of workers:

  • directly employees budgetary institutions- institutions of health care, education, culture, etc .;
  • representatives of the authorities- civil servants of the federal, regional and municipal levels;
  • military personnel and employees paramilitary and power structures(police officers, firefighters, national guards, etc.).

The level of remuneration for different categories of employees is established separately and is regulated by different regulatory legal acts. The level of wages itself differs from this:

As you can see, officials and security officials in Russia receive significantly more than employees directly budgetary institutions(many of whom receive salaries even lower than the national average). At the same time, a higher level of remuneration for scientific workers is associated with the small number of such workers (most scientists in Russia work in the field of education).

A salary increase in 2019 is expected from representatives all categories of state employees however, the magnitude of this increase will differ.

Raising salaries for employees of budgetary institutions

Among all categories of workers who receive salaries from the budget, it is the employees of budgetary institutions that are the least socially protected (as can be seen from the graph). At the same time, for different categories of public sector employees, wage levels also differ:

It is worth noting that the increase in salaries to employees of budgetary institutions is planned by the "May Decrees" of the President of the Russian Federation of 2012. According to them, social standards should be significantly improved for some categories of state employees. However, as of 2017, most of the indicators are not being met:

Year Who should be promoted Landmark for promotion Plan Fact (2017) Percentage of completion
2012 Teachers in schools Average salary by region 39167 34027 86,9
2013 Kindergarten teachers Average salary in general education 34027 29027 85,3
2018 Masters and teachers of vocational education; cultural workers Average salary by region 39167 32212-32466 82,2-82,9
2018 University teachers; researchers; doctors 200% of the average salary in the region 78334 56445-63831 72,1-81,5
2018 Social workers; junior and nursing staff Average salary by region 39167 21413-30246 54,7-77,2

As you can see, the level of remuneration for teachers of educational institutions is closest to the target indicators (but it should have been achieved back in 2012). It is important that these are data for Russia as a whole; in some regions, local authorities have achieved almost full compliance of the actual indicators with the target values.

It is also worth noting that often the execution "May decrees" is carried out by not actually raising wages, but by manipulating numbers:

  • reduction and transfer of nursing staff to other categories(for example, the transfer of nurses to the category of cleaners) - in this case, such workers are not subject to a wage increase. For 5 years, junior medical personnel decreased from 1.44 to 1.32 million people;
  • reduction of personnel in the field of education(over 5 years - from 2.32 to 2.17 million people). Reduce highly paid employees (with scientific degrees and titles), redistributing their salaries to other positions. At the same time, low-paid jobs are being cut;
  • reallocation of responsibilities due to staff cuts. For example, in health care, the responsibilities of downsized junior staff have been transferred to nursing staff. Some responsibilities are outsourced.

As a result, with a limited wage fund, budgetary institutions were able to fulfill “ May decrees »More than 80%.

A further increase in the salaries of state employees, who are affected by the May Decrees, will be higher than for the rest:

Thus, a serious increase in wages will affect only those categories of state employees, which are mentioned in the "May decrees" President of 2012. The rest will receive an increase in wages at the level of inflation.

Additionally, some public sector employees will face an increase in salaries and following an increase in the minimum wage... For some categories of junior and middle personnel with secondary education, the salary is set depending on the minimum wage. From January 1, its value increases from 11,163 to 11,280 rubles (which is only about 1.05%).

Consequently, an increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2019 is expected to be from 1.05 to 6%.

Raising the salaries of civil servants

Civil servants in most departments receive wages about average by region or higher. At the same time, in addition to the salary, such workers are entitled to additional incentive measures, material assistance, and they are additionally compensated for some expenses.

As of 2018, the average salary level for civil servants is as follows:

As you can see, there is a serious gap between the levels of remuneration in federal, regional and municipal authorities. It should be borne in mind that the federal authorities are located mainly in Moscow, where the cost of living and average wages are much higher than in the regions.

It should be borne in mind that from 2013 to 2018 the regime “ frosts»Salaries of civil servants. This was due to the economic crisis and the need to cut government spending.

In 2019, it is planned to index the wages of civil servants by the amount of planned inflation - by 4.3%. This indexation will be carried out from October 1, 2019. However, in the regions, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to raise the wages of civil servants of their level in excess of this figure, but only at the expense of the regional budget.

At the same time, this indexation refers directly to the remuneration of officials, but they are entitled to other incentive and compensatory payments, which are calculated according to other methods.

Thus, the federal budget for 2019 adopted by the State Duma includes relatively high expenditures directed on the material motivation of officials. This mainly concerns those civil servants who work in priority areas (within the framework of national and federal projects).

As Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov noted, in recent years, “ deplorable»The situation with the remuneration of civil servants, therefore, the budget for 2019-2021 proposes to increase the remuneration of civil servants.

According to the draft budget, it is planned to spend on the material motivation of civil servants:

  • v 2019 year - 138.6 billion rubles;
  • v 2020 year - 208.9 billion rubles;
  • v 2021 year - 284.4 billion rubles.

We also note that, despite the "frozen" salaries of officials, the amount of compensation (for example, for rent and transport) and material assistance grew every year. In the future, we should expect that they will also grow, along with inflation.

Thus, the increase in the wages of civil servants in 2019 will consist of several parts: indexation of salaries, increased material motivation, as well as the growth of other elements of the total remuneration of civil servants.

Increasing pay for military personnel and law enforcement officers

Together with " freezing»Salaries of civil servants, the military also for the last 5 years indexation of monetary allowance was not carried out... Taking into account that for 5 years, when the indexation was not carried out, the inflation rate was about 50%, the real level of social standards of servicemen decreased by half. As a result, by 2018, the income of military personnel with qualifications and length of service fell to the level of low-skilled workers.

Only from January 1 of this year monetary allowance was indexed by 4%... Also in 2019-2021, according to the draft federal budget, an annual indexation of allowances is expected.

WITH October 1, 2019 the indexation of the salaries of servicemen, as well as employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the FSB, the National Guard and other paramilitary organizations, is expected to be indexed by 4.3%. Military pensions will also increase by the same amount (since they are calculated from the amounts of monetary allowances).

The increase in salaries in 2019 will affect not only the military, but also the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the service of the National Guard troops, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the State Fire Service, the FSB and other paramilitary organizations.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the Armed Forces and other militarized structures, labor remuneration consists of several parts - salary for a rank, salary for a position, additional payments for length of service, for performing certain tasks, for results of service, etc. All these payments are planned to be increased from October 1, 2019 by 4.3%.

As a result, the income for different military positions after indexation will be:

  • shooter (private) - 24,400 rubles;
  • senior sapper (corporal) - 37,000 rubles;
  • squad leader (sergeant) - 53,300 rubles;
  • platoon commander (foreman) - 71,500 rubles;
  • company commander (captain) - 73,994 rubles;
  • battalion commander (lieutenant colonel) - 85,345 rubles.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the average salary after the increase will be approximately 39,000 rubles, growth is also expected in other structures.

In the future, the salaries of servicemen will also be indexed - in 2020 by 3.8%, in 2021 - by 4%... To increase the salaries of servicemen, the corresponding amounts were allocated to the federal budget: for 2019 - 22.6 billion rubles, for 2020 - 41.2 billion.

When and how much were the salaries of state employees increased in 2019?

Already on January 1, 2019, all changes were made in the salaries of state employees of the Russian Federation. Recall, according to the government, 5 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget for this good cause. In addition, the Russian authorities have allocated several million rubles to increase the minimum wage, which took place simultaneously with the increase in wages of state employees.

So, this year the "minimum wage" will be 11,280 rubles, which is 100% of the subsistence allowance for the able-bodied category of the population at the end of the second quarter of 2018. Also in 2019, unemployment benefits increased significantly, against the background of an increase in pensions for non-working pensioners. So, the maximum unemployment benefit at the moment is 8 thousand rubles, and the minimum is 1900 rubles. Last year the unemployment benefit was 4,900.

Note that the increase in the minimum wage in 2019 was quite small - only 117 rubles (+ 1.048%). However, this only applies to the central and southern regions. For the regions of Chukotka, the increase in the minimum wage was 351 rubles. Thus, in order to raise wages, at least 5 million rubles had to be allocated from the budget.

The allocated 5 million rubles were divided into two parts:

  • 1.4 billion rubles were allocated to increase the salaries of employees of federal state institutions;
  • 3.6 billion rubles was allocated to increase the salaries of employees of state institutions of Russian regions and municipalities.

Thus, in 2019, the "May" orders of the President of the Russian Federation began to be gradually implemented. Salary increases are expected to continue in the coming years. This mainly concerns the salaries of teachers and doctors, which will be increased for three years until they reach the amounts desired by the authorities.

List of the profession of state employees who received salary increases

Most of the salaries have been increased for teachers and doctors, as the most important staff members provided from the state budget. The authorities plan to fully comply with the "May" orders, which means significantly increase the salaries of both the first and the second. Naturally, it would be too costly for the state budget to do this with a single increase, so the authorities decided to carry out increases gradually, as is the case with raising the retirement age.

Thus, the salaries of workers in educational institutions and workers in cultural institutions will be increased by 100%. At the same time, salaries of doctors, scientists and teachers at universities will have to grow by 200%. That is, the authorities plan to bring the salaries of state employees to the average salaries in the region.

The salaries of doctors and teachers will increase by:

  • 6% in 2019;
  • 5.4% - in 2020;
  • 6.6% - in 2021.

It is worth remembering that the salaries of state employees will primarily depend on the average salaries in their region. That is, residents of the central regions of the Russian Federation will receive much more than residents of remote regions. However, if you live in the same Chukotka, which has a fairly high cost of living and wages, thanks to oil production, then your salary may be even higher than in the central regions of Russia.

It is best to contact your local government directly to learn more about wage increases in your county. Also, you must be notified of the increase in wages at the workplace. Detailed information can be found on the official websites of the Russian government.

Food prices rise regularly. Therefore, any increase from the state for employees of the public sector, which makes up approximately 30% of the working population of the Russian Federation, is of significant importance. The draft federal budget, in accordance with the "eleven presidential decrees" signed by Putin back in 2012 and the Government's decision adopted on January 18, 2018, provides for indexation for state employees and civil servants. Who is eligible for the program, and how much will salaries rise in 2018?

For 4 years now, there has been a restriction on the salaries of public sector employees. Such government measures are justified by the economic crisis and a significant reduction in the "inflows of oil" money into the state treasury.

The main thing that federal state employees can hope for is that in accordance with decree No. 597 "On measures to implement state social policy" signed by the president on 05/07/12, their wages will increase in 2018 by 3.8%.

In monetary terms, taking into account the premium, the picture of wages looks like this:

But the state employee is different from the state employee! A vivid confirmation is the fact that this year not all are eligible for the program:

Categories of state employees whose salaries will be indexed Employees of budgetary areas who are not covered by the program
Teachers of general and additional education, including preschool institutionsEngineering and technical workers involved in the maintenance of buildings: locksmiths, electricians, technicians
Teachers of primary vocational education, universitiesHR specialists
Doctors, junior and nursing staffComprehensive rehabilitation specialists
Social workers and teachers of medical organizations for working with orphansEconomists and Accountants
Cultural workersProgrammers
Scientific staffEngineers

The number of categories of professions not covered by the program is quite large. But officials of the supreme executive body are encouraging: despite the difficulties of the economic situation, salaries will soon be raised in other categories, and salaries will continue to rise gradually, to about 16% per year.

Difference in gain

Since the average salary by region is very different, then the monetary equivalent of a four percent increase will have a significant difference. To visually assess how much and to whom the salary will increase in 2018, it is worth resorting to statistics.

Privileged civil servants

The highest rates are among the employees of the Presidential Administration, deputies of the State Duma. Their salary reaches 216 thousand rubles. Officials of the Ministry for North Caucasus Affairs have the lowest salary - 38 thousand rubles. In 2018, 5.3 billion rubles were allocated for increments to the salaries of deputies and their assistants.

Privileged civil servants of the migration services, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosreestr, as well as customs officers, border guards and tax officers receive a salary of about 100 thousand rubles.

Since 2014, their salaries have been subject to a promotion moratorium. But in the current and next year, salaries of public sector employees within the framework of compensation for losses for the imposed moratorium can instantly skyrocket. According to some estimates, this mark can reach 38%. To increase salaries at the federal level, 47.5 billion rubles have already been allocated.

In parallel with this, adjustments will be made to the payment system, taking into account the compliance with the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of officials. Those who fail to “prove” their competence and usefulness will be deprived of incentive bonuses.

Intellectual workers

Today, the lowest salaries among teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions are observed in the western and central regions. In the northern regions, they are slightly higher.

According to the same "May decrees" they should have grown by 200% a few years ago. But because of the crisis that hit in 2014, this did not happen. The long-awaited increase did not come even after the stabilization of the economic situation. Indexation was made only at the beginning of 2018.

According to the program, teachers' salaries will increase by 4%. If we proceed from the fact that the average salary of teachers of preschool and secondary educational institutions in the Russian Federation is 20 thousand rubles, then the premium will be about 1200 rubles. But according to experts, this increase does not correspond to the regular increase in the price level, and therefore will not particularly affect the improvement of the quality of life of intellectual workers.

Changes for healthcare professionals

According to the "May decrees", the salary of doctors with higher education should reach 200% of the figure relative to the average figures for the region. The salary for nurses will increase by 100% so that it is not lower than the average salary in a particular region. This will make it possible not only to raise the level of medical care, but also to create a worthy foothold for the life of medical workers.

In general, the government has reserved RUB 450 billion for payments for 2018.

For medical workers in the capital, there are separate programs with allowances. Thus, specialists who have passed qualification testing and received the status of "Moscow doctor" can have an increase of 15 thousand rubles for 5 years.

Government employees of unskilled professions

Unskilled labor was almost never properly paid. Take the same profession as a janitor, which is one of the most necessary to maintain the cleanliness of the local area. According to the statistics of wages in all regions of the country, wipers occupy the lowest positions. For comparison, in regional centers: kindergarten janitors receive 2-5 thousand rubles, at schools - 6-9 thousand rubles. In Moscow, the picture is a little better: the average rate of workers in this sector, taking into account allowances to salaries, is 25-30 thousand rubles.

The average salary of janitors and other unskilled workers in 2018 is unlikely to undergo significant upward changes. According to the government's planned increase in the minimum wage level, its average indicators for the cities of the Russian Federation, according to statistics, will be about 11.8 thousand rubles.

Changes for extrabudgetary workers

As for employees of other categories, no changes are expected for them in 2018. The salaries of extra-budgetary workers depend on the demand for the profession and the situation in the labor market as a whole. Fortunately, static research confirms that the situation on the labor market has overcome the stagnation stage provoked by the crisis and has begun to successfully “gain momentum”.

The main impetus for the launch was the anti-sanctions imposed by the Russian government, which responded to the actions of Western countries, as well as the implemented programs to support import substitution.

Public sector workers, civil servants are on the provision of the country. Salaries rise every year due to indexation, inflation and other processes, which can also lead to a decrease.

Therefore, many are interested in the latest news about whether there will be a salary increase for public sector employees in 2018 and what to expect. At the moment, the deputies and experts have put forward a couple of assumptions that can be implemented soon.

According to the latest data, experts suggested a number of changes based on the country's economic component, budget and future expenditures. Throughout the country, state employees will be raised wages by 3-6 percent from January 1. It all depends on the region in which you live and work. The maximum increase in wages will be noted among school teachers, medical workers, specialists working in remote regions and settlements.

The main expenditures of the Russian budget for 2018 are designed to support the social sphere, which is about 36 percent of the total. The funds have already been allocated, so no changes will be made.

If we compare with the dynamics of last year, the country's leadership has allocated much more funds for the social sphere, and this indicates an improvement in the well-being of the people.

Many users are interested in whether there will be a salary increase for state employees in 2018, what the latest news is relevant and what to expect from the new budget allocation. According to experts working in the Ministry of Economy, there will be an increase in salaries, but not for all categories of government workers.

Factors influencing the change in salaries

In addition to the fact that we are expecting an increase in wages for state employees, it remains unclear why all this is happening. What prevents the country's leadership from increasing payments to the maximum amount.

First of all, there are a number of factors:

  • limited budget;
  • change in the economic well-being of the state;
  • inflation;
  • additional budgetary costs;
  • the economic crisis that has recently made itself felt.

Each individual aspect is just a small change, but together they have an incredible impact on government revenues. Thus, by the end, when huge work is being done to calculate the main costs and the budget distribution is formed. After that, everyone will find out how much the wages of state employees will increase or decrease.

In 2018, you should expect an increase of up to 6 percent, it all depends on the area in which you work.

Of course, you need to follow the news, but we cannot influence anything. The distribution of the budget is formed only by specialists working in the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation. But every civil servant is looking forward to some new promotions.

The latest news about whether there will be a salary increase for state employees in 2018 can please many. Thanks to the improved economic situation and good statistics, the country's leadership is increasing spending on social security.

Additional Information

The increase in salaries for state employees will also be complemented by increased bonuses, which in 2018 will be much higher. The country's leadership is trying in every possible way to support social workers. Today, an incredibly large number of programs and events are being held that attract specialists. Salaries for state employees are the main incentive to work.

Despite the small salaries of teachers and doctors, professions of this profile are becoming in demand. Young people are happy to enroll in these specialties. And it is precisely the increase in wages that is the main reason for the growth of positive dynamics. Bonus awards in 2018 will also increase compared to last year.

The importance of raising public sector wages

The increase in state revenues today affects the development of the social sphere. Specialists working in schools, medical institutions, in state-owned companies receive rather small salaries. Therefore, the state faces the main task of bringing it to the maximum. Every year, inflation is monitored and payments are increased.

But not everyone can count on a promotion. There are categories of civil servants who receive salaries above the average. These include:

  • deputies;
  • employees are prosecutors;
  • high military ranks;
  • specialists working in management positions.

These categories of workers cannot expect to be promoted, since the money they receive is much higher than the average earnings. In fact, this is the right approach and most of the budget funds will go to provide teachers, medical workers, specialists working in remote regions. This approach is very important for the development of the welfare of the social sphere.