Dictation apple sign number lattice. Dictation of text on iPhone and iPad. How dictation works

On iPad or iPhone, there are two ways to translate speech to text. The first is to call Siri and ask voice assistant Apple is the right question. If you need to “speak” a large amount of text, use the Dictation button on the iOS virtual keyboard. Dictation of text, iOS, iPad, iPhone

This function does exactly what you think you are - you speak, and the tablet uses the built-in software to “listen” and convert speech to text. Russian language recognition works well. But when using the Dictation itself, sometimes difficulties arise, so before dictating your first text, read some useful tips.

How to enable Dictation on iPhone and iPad

1. Open Settings.
2. Select General.

3. Tap on the Keyboard caption.
4. Slide the switch "Enable Dictation" to the "On" position (it will turn green).

5. Exit Settings to your home screen and open any application where you can enter text, such as Notes.
6. Create a new note, call the keyboard by clicking on the yellow "sheet" of the note, select the Russian keyboard and touch the microphone icon (located to the left of the Space key).

7. Apple will ask you again if you are ready to enable Dictation. This is done so that you understand - with your consent, you send information about yourself to Apple (name, nickname, contacts, information about HomeKit devices in the house, and if Geolocation Services are enabled, then location information). If you do not suffer from excessive suspicion, feel free to select the Enable dictation item.

How to dictate text on iPhone and iPad

To activate Dictation, connect to the Internet and tap the microphone icon. Dictate the text. When you're done, tap on the Done button at the bottom of the screen.

To insert another thought into the already dictated text, hover the cursor over the desired place and dictate. To cut the text and paste another one instead, also select the desired fragment manually, click the Dictation button and speak the required text.

Punctuation marks

It is very simple - just say its name ("point", "comma", "question mark", exclamation mark, etc.), and the system will recognize it, and then put the corresponding symbol in the text. Spaces are added automatically. To move to a new line, just say - "new line". Other commands can be taken from the Apple website (instructions are given for Mac, but most commands work on iOS).

Work on bugs

If Dictation “did not understand” you, correct the error manually.

With good diction (and it is not difficult to learn to speak the text clearly if desired) and knowledge of all the intricacies of the work, Dictation can become an indispensable assistant for those who often communicate or types a lot of text from the keyboard.

Not everyone knows what the dictation function is capable of in OS X and iOS. It's time to take a close look at what this feature is capable of and how it might be useful to users.

To enable dictation in OS X, you need to go to the "Dictation and Speech" settings section, enable the dictation function and check the box next to "Use improved dictation". After that, the files for improved dictation will need to be downloaded, so you will have to wait.

Another important component is located in the "Accessibility" section, where the main commands for dictation are located in a special subsection. Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the commands, or better, print them on paper.

Immediately, we note that the number of teams in Russian is much less than in English. In all honesty, speech in English is recognized much better, which is not surprising.

To get started, simply press the Fn button on the keyboard twice: a microphone appears on the screen, indicating that the system is listening to your speech. We arm ourselves with a list of commands - and begin to dictate.

Interestingly, in iOS, dictation works a little differently: some commands that do not work in the desktop version work here, and vice versa.

To see in more detail how this function works and how useful it can be for you, we suggest watching the video we have prepared.

Until recently, one could only read about voice typing in science fiction novels. But technology does not stand still. This area of \u200b\u200btechnology is developing rapidly in last years, and fortunately has sunk to ordinary people. True, with a caveat, in the box, this technology is implemented so far only in the OS X operating system.

It works quite simply, you just dictate the text, and the computer types it for you, all that remains is to correct the errors of the incorrectly recognized words and the text is ready. Mac computers have this already implemented with OS X Mountain Lion. I have been using this technology for a long time, and I really like it.

In the latest versions of the operating system OS X Mavericks and OS X Yosemite, "Improved Dictation" has appeared, it allows you to dictate on the fly, that is, without pauses. "Enhanced Dictation" works offline without transferring text for recognition to Apple servers. You can speak text at the same speed as you would normally communicate. The main thing is to try to speak articulately, but you quickly get used to it, and you stop swallowing syllables and endings.

Everything about this technology is good, except for limitation in noisy places or in the office. When there is noisy around the computer takes the surrounding noise or speech for words and dilutes your text with inappropriate typing. The second problem of the application lies in the people around them, who may not correctly perceive a colleague mumbling nearby.

You have to adapt, or retype texts on the keyboard, or cleverly disguise yourself. The headset from the iPhone helps me with this, which works great with Mac, and allows me to recognize text with a minimum of errors. Plus, those around me do not react so strongly to a colleague who mumbles next to them, believing that he is communicating on Skype.

In order for this feature to start working on your Mac, you must enable it. This can be done in the computer settings, go to the computer settings and look for the "Dictation and speech" tab. We select the checkbox "Enable" and voila.

For convenience, you can set hotkeys to start dictation. For myself, I chose the option of pressing the "Fn" key twice, which I don't use anywhere else.

Dictation works in any program, including browsers. You just place the cursor where you enter text, press the hotkey, and start dictating. It has never been easier to type texts, of any size and complexity. If you type a lot and often, and even on a Mac computer, this is good news for you.

One of the most convenient and at the same time underestimated iPhone functions is dictation. With its help, users can type text messages by voice, thereby facilitating the process of sending messages at times when they cannot use the keyboard. In this quick tutorial, we've covered how to use dictation on iPhone.

The first step is to activate the dictation function on your iPhone. For this:

Step 1. Go to the " Settings» → « The main».

Step 2. Select the section " Keyboard».

Step 3. At the very bottom of the page, activate the switch “ Dictation».

After turning on dictation, the button that is responsible for activating the function appears on the standard iOS keyboard.

To type a text message by voice, you need to click on the dictation button and speak the text. Dictation on iPhone recognizes punctuation marks, so users have the ability to type literate sentences with their voice without having to edit them later.

On iPad or iPhone, there are two ways to translate voice (speech) to text. The first is to call and ask the Apple Voice Assistant the right question. If you need to "say" a large amount of text, use the button Dictation on the iOS virtual keyboard.

In contact with

This function does exactly what you think you are - you speak, and the tablet uses the built-in software to “listen” and convert speech to text. Russian language recognition works well. But when using the most Dictation sometimes it gets tricky, so before dictating your first text, read some helpful tips.

Video review

1 ... Open the iPhone or iPad app Settings and follow the path The mainKeyboard;

2 ... Slide the switch " Dictation"To position" On”(It will turn green).

3 ... Get out of Settings on the home screen, open any application in which you can enter text, for example, Notes.

4 ... Create a new note, call the keyboard by clicking on the yellow "sheet" of the note, select the Russian keyboard and tap the microphone icon.

How to dictate text with your voice on iPhone and iPad

To activate Dictation connect to the internet and tap the microphone icon. Dictate the text. When you're done press the key Done.

To insert another thought into the already dictated text, hover the cursor over the desired place and dictate. To cut the text and paste another instead of it, also select the desired fragment manually, click on the button Dictation and say the text you want.

How to type punctuation marks with Dictation on iPhone or iPad

It is very simple - just say its name ("point", "comma", "question mark", exclamation mark, etc.), and the system will recognize it, and then put the corresponding symbol in the text. Spaces are added automatically. To move to a new line, just say - "new line".

Speak the following words to enter punctuation marks or other symbols. They can vary for different languages \u200b\u200bor dialects.

  • apostrophe ‘
  • colon:
  • comma,
  • dash -
  • ellipsis ...
  • exclamation mark!
  • hyphen -
  • dot.
  • question mark?
  • equal sign \u003d
  • greater than sign\u003e
  • less than sign<
  • minus sign" -
  • multiplication sign x
  • plus sign +
  • opening quotes "
  • closing quotes "
  • opening single quotes'
  • closing single quotes'
  • semicolon;
  • ampersand &
  • asterisk *
  • dog sign @
  • backslash \\
  • slash /
  • degree sign °
  • hash sign #
  • percent sign%
  • underscore _
  • vertical bar |
  • smiley :-)
  • wink smiley ;-)
  • open parenthesis (
  • closing parenthesis)
  • open curly brace (
  • closing curly brace)
  • open angle bracket<
  • closing angle bracket\u003e

To change the formatting of the text, say the following commands:

  • enable all caps (continue entering in CAPITAL LETTERS)
  • turn off all caps (return to default case)
  • new line (adding a line break)
  • number (formatting the next phrase as a number)
  • new paragraph (adding a new paragraph)